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Loss of the cultural identity of the place

and community

Loss of cultural identity is one of the negative effects of tourism. Photo by Andre Benz
Very often local people start copying the lifestyles of tourists. They dress up as
tourists, they talk and behave like them, which may result in the loss of native
customs and traditions.

To satisfy the needs of the tourists often the locals need to change their traditional
style of life. Shops are supplied with products for tourists, hotels are designed and
built in a “western” style, small family restaurants become pubs because of the
demand.  Slowly a small sleepy town becomes a party place that never sleeps. And
local people have no choice but to adapt.

Nowadays, anywhere you go you can always find McDonald’s, KFC and other
famous food chains.  Often this is the first choice for a tourist, as he/she doesn’t know
any other places, or is simply afraid to try local food. Slowly, the local restaurants
start catering more to foreign tourists, cooking the “western” meals instead of local
cuisine. And the food is such an important part of any culture.

Another extremely negative effect of tourism is the growth of prostitution…

Unfortunately, many tourists during their vacation want to have “fun”. Let’s keep in
mind, that in many places around the world, women and girls don’t do this job

All these things make a once charming unique town become just another tourist hub,
which all look exactly the same.


Destruction of historical monuments and

natural landmarks
To protect the Stonehedge it’s been closed for visitors. Photo by Brooke Bell

Sometimes tourists damage historical monument or natural landmarks. Some of them

do it by accident. But there’s also quite a big percentage of people who do such acts of
vandalism on purpose.

Leaving a signature “M+A=Love” on a stone or a statue is vandalism, as well as

making a graffiti in a national park. Sticking a chewing gum to the Stonehenge stones
or climbing a statue to take a selfie can create irreparable damage. Unfortunately,
a large number of landmarks has been already destroyed by negligent tourists.

Excerpt 1:

Threats from Tourism to Cultural Heritage

The threats from tourism to natural and cultural heritage of a particular place or community can
be many and diverse. They include:

 Visitors who show little respect for the sanctity of spiritual places, practices and
traditions by conducting themselves in an irresponsible manner can have an adverse
impact on those places and the communities that regard them as important parts of their
cultural identity.

 Tourism promotion programmes that create unrealistic expectations and do not

responsibly inform potential visitors of the specific heritage characteristics of a place or
host community can encourage them to behave inappropriately.

 Promotion and management of heritage places or collections that do not minimise

fluctuations in arrivals and avoid excessive numbers of visitors at any one time can
adversely impact both the significance of the place and the visitor experience.

Excerpt 1:

4.2 Economic Impacts

One of the biggest impacts of tourism is the impact on the economy of the region or even of a country.
Tourism is an important industry all over the world and some countries are reliant on tourism such as the
Maldives, British Virgin Islands, Aruba, and Macau, among others.

Worldwide, in 10 countries the direct contribution to GDP was more than 15%, and in 12 countries the
total contribution was more than 40%, in 2019. In the same year, more than 10% of the jobs were
generated directly by the T&T 292 F. A. Ferreira et al. industry in 20 countries, and in 46 countries the
total contribution of the sector for employment surpassed 15%, according to data from WTTC.

Tourism has an impact on foreign exchange improving, income, employment, distribution of benefits,
prices, ownership and control, the development of the region, and government revenues, and these
positive effects are widely recognized in the literature

Tourism also attracts foreign investment, improves infrastructures, and leads to economies of scale and
thus reduces production costs [23–26]. At the level of the local economy, the following positive impacts
of tourism can be highlighted: attracting investment, additional regional income, employment growth and
the multiplier effect on tourism in job creation; improving the standard of living of residents; aid for
agricultural development; increasing services and facilities for the local community; increasing demand
for local products; increasing household income; improving the economic structure of destinations,
encouraging entrepreneurship, and improving infrastructure.

Excerpt 1:

The Maldives is made up of 1,192 coral islands, joined together in a chain of 26 atolls, and has a
population of fewer than 400,000 people. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the direct
contribution of tourism to the Maldives economy was a staggering 41.5% of total GDP in 2014. If you
include tourism’s indirect contribution, the proportion of GDP jumps to 78.1%. This ranked the Maldives
as second in the world in 2014 when it comes to travel and tourism’s direct importance to the economy.

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