GDAMS Press Communique

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March 30, 2011
Press Communique

Global Day of Action on Military Spending, April 12

On Tuesday, April 12, 2011, people in more than 35 countries will participate in the first-ever Global Day of
Action on Military Spending. Actions will include a protest in front of the White House, actions at the United
Nations in New York and Geneva, a march in Kampala, a demonstration in Dhaka, a forum in Seoul, and much

The Global Day is co-organized by the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC and the International Peace
Bureau in Geneva, Switzerland. It has been endorsed by more than 100 organizations, including Religions for
Peace, Scientists for Global Responsibility, the American Friends Service Committee, and Fellowship of

This global action coincides with the annual release of the figures for global military expenditures by the
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

In 2009, the world spent more than $1.5 trillion on the military. Even in the middle of a global economic crisis,
military spending has increased, with the United States responsible for nearly half of all expenditures. At the
same time, other crises have put a great strain on the world's resources: climate change, earthquakes, global
poverty, nuclear proliferation, and the threat of health pandemics. Ever greater funds are necessary to repair the
societies that have been damaged by war and conflict, including the latest war in Libya.

With five years to go, the international community will not be able to meet the deadline for the Millennium
Development Goals without a substantial reordering of economic priorities.

On April 12, people around the world will demand that their governments reduce military spending and devote
those precious resources to pressing human needs. They will send a message that $1.5 trillion is too much.

Please visit our website for more information about the Global Day, the endorsing
organizations, and the specific actions.

The!International!Peace Bureau!(IPB)!is dedicated to the!vision of a World!Without War. We are a!Nobel Peace Laureate
(1910).!Our 320 member organizations in!70 countries, together with!individual members from a global!network, bring
together expertise!and campaigning experience in a common cause.!Our current main!programme centres on Sustainable
Disarmament for Sustainable!Development.

The!Institute for Policy!Studies !(IPS) is a!community of public scholars and!organizers linking!peace, justice, and the
environment in the United States and!globally.!We work with social movements!to promote true democracy and!challenge
concentrated wealth,!corporate influence, and military!power. As Washington’s first!progressive multi-issue think tank,!the
IPS has served as a policy and!research resource for visionary!social justice movements for over!four decades.

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