Elephant's Toothpaste : Presented To Mr. Jefferson R. Borillo Lpt. Physics Teacher/Adviser

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Elephant’s Toothpaste;

A Catalysed Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

An Experimental Paper Report

Presented to
Mr. Jefferson R. Borillo lpt.
Physics Teacher/Adviser

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject;
General Physics 1

Presented by:

Mr. Jomari E. Arista


Innovative and creative learning can be done through simple demonstrations to strengthen the
understanding of chemical concepts. One concept is the elephant’s toothpaste which can train
individuals in investigating and explaining the effect of the temperature.
Innovation in learning science concept is very vital to be applied specially in the learning of
chemistry so that the learning in every institution does not happen conventional. Science learning
should not always have student memorize theory, learning about law’s, or Familia rations about
famous scientist. It should teach us; in having real life experiment for us to understand more
about the concepts and be familiarize on how it done. With the help of performing experiments
like this, we can come up with an idea on how are we going to differentiate the effect of using
certain chemical on a certain experiment and it will give us further knowledge and information in
a particular study.
“everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done” (Heinlein B.) even this famous scientist
believe that we must conduct a certain hypotheses for us to come up with an information a
reliable one by using experiment or making it done so that we human being considered it as
theoretically possible.
This experiment aims helps the student to understand more about decomposition of chemical
products such as hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodine and how it reacts on a warm water as used
as catalyst and a dish soap and will generate a chemical reaction in the solution.
This experiment is also known as the “marshmallow experiment” possible because of its foamy
substance caused by a rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
The experimental measures are designed to strengthen the flexibility to measure, investigate, and
collaborate. Through elephant's toothpaste demonstration, students can find that the pH of the
solution affects the number of foam and therefore the high foam that exits. within the experiment
produced lots of foam that is composed of small bubbles of oxygen gas (not air). The resulting
foam shape is similar to toothpaste pressed out of a large tube; hence it's called elephant
toothpaste or better referred to as "elephant's toothpaste". The resulting foam feels look at the
touch due to the exothermic chemical action that generates heat.
The elephant's toothpaste experiment illustrates that there is a reaction between hydrogen
peroxide and potassium iodide which produces a chemical reaction and progresses very quickly.
Hydrogen peroxide and iodide are chemicals that are toxic and irritant to the skin. Peroxides also
are powerful oxidizers. Safety gloves and safe glassware are needed when using such chemicals.
Through experimental elephant's toothpaste, students can apply their knowledge in investigating
and explaining the effect of temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration
on the reaction rate of the enzyme catalyst. Students also learn to limit the physical environment
and also the risk of harm.

 This experiment demonstrates a type of chemical reaction called decomposition and
explore catalysts.
 The researcher observes as yeast, hydrogen peroxide and soap initiate an astonishing
chemical reaction.
 This experiment can be simplified to address physical and chemical changes.
 To be able to come up with a best result using different percentage of hydrogen peroxide.


 There is a significant change in the result of using different volume of hydrogen peroxide
as catalyst.
 There is no significant change in the result of using different volume of hydrogen
peroxide as catalyst.

Conceptual Framework

With the help of the variables of this experimental study, the researcher came up with the

following conceptual diagram:


a. Amount of foam
a. Hydrogen peroxide
that the solution
( 15ml,30ml,60ml,
will create.
b. Height of the
b. Yeast
foam coming from
c. Dish soap
the system.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows the independent variable and dependent
variable of the study. The independent variable was the Hydrogen peroxide in different amount,
the yeast as catalyst and the dish soap. while the dependent variable are the amount of Foam that
the solution will create and the height of the foam that will come out into the system.

Interpretation five-point scale

Scale Description
5 A lot
4 Many
3 Much
2 A little
1 A few

The norm of the interpretation will follow the following scale:

Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating
4.25 to 5 Very High(VH)
3.41 to 4.24 High(H)
2.61 to 3.40 Fair(F)
1.81 to 2.60 Low(L)
1.00 to 1.80 Very Low(VL)

What is Elephant’s Toothpaste?

According to Extreme Science theatre (2020) This large demonstration uses hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2), sodium iodide (NaI) and soap. They mix the ingredients needed for the experiment.

The hydrogen peroxide used in the demonstration is 30% hydrogen peroxide. This is 10 times
stronger than the hydrogen peroxide that you have in your medicine cabinet. That is usually 3%
hydrogen peroxide, and your local salon probably uses 6%. The 30% hydrogen peroxide is not
something you would put on a cut or scrape, but it works perfectly for this demonstration. The
sodium iodide reacts with the hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2) by removing an oxygen atom. This
essentially produces water and oxygen gas (H2O + O2). The oxygen gas produced gets trapped in
the soap which produces the big ball of foam. The reaction produces oxygen gas, water and
iodine. That is why the foam has a yellow color. If you were to touch this foam, your hand would
be stained yellow just as if you put iodine on your skin.

Chemistry classroom stated that “this experiment is sometimes called “Elephant’s Toothpaste”
because it looks like toothpaste coming out of a tube”

They added; The foam you made in this classic Elephant’s Toothpaste reaction is extra-special
because each tiny foam bubble is filled with oxygen. The yeast acted as a catalyst; a catalyst is
used to speed up a reaction. It quickly broke apart the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide.
Because it did this very fast, it created lots and lots of bubbles. Did you notice the bottle got
warm. Your experiment created a reaction called an Exothermic Reaction – that means it not
only created foam, it created heat! The foam produced is just water, soap, and oxygen so you can
clean it up with a sponge and pour any extra liquid left in the bottle down the drain

The Science:

According to the Science Labortory.com the yeast contains an enzyme called Catalase that
breaks down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen gas and water. The oxygen gas gets trapped
by the soap, and you get a large foamy solution that squirts out of the top of the bottle!

The cool thing about this activity is that the enzyme Catalase can also be found in potatoes, dogs
and even us! We have the same enzyme in our bodies. That is why you see the 3% hydrogen
peroxide bubble when you put it on a cut or scrape. The oxygen released is what kills the germs
in the cut. We have this enzyme because we naturally produce low amounts hydrogen peroxide
as a byproduct of oxidative metabolism (the way that a cell gains useful energy).

The tools used to experiment elephant's toothpaste are glass bottles, funnel, tablespoons, and
stirrers. The materials used are 15ml, 30ml, 60ml and 100ml hydrogen peroxide, detergent,
hot water, water, yeast, and food coloring. The work step of making elephant's toothpaste is
yeast is put in a bowl and added four tablespoons of hot water, stirring for 30 seconds.
hydrogen peroxide is inserted into glass bottles and placed on a tray. One tablespoon soluble
detergent is added to a bottle containing hydrogen peroxide. Food coloring is added to the
bottle and stirred until evenly distributed. Yeast that has been dissolved is put into a bottle
using a funnel. Then, observe the reaction. Variations of the catalyst can be carried out using
potassium iodide to replace the yeast.


 Empty 16-oz glass soda pop bottle

 Foil cake pan or container with 2-inch sides
 Hydrogen peroxide (15ml solution)
 Hydrogen peroxide (30ml solution)
 Hydrogen peroxide (60ml solution)
 Hydrogen peroxide (100ml solution)
 Liquid dish soap
 Active yeast
 Funnel
 Tablespoons
 Stirrers
 Warm and hot water
 Cup or bowl
 Food coloring

this part of the paper shows the conceptual model of the experiment and it also

shows the visual presentation on how the experiment will be done.

Dish Soap (JOY) Yeast or Iodine

Hydrogen Peroxide
(with food

This chapter contains the analysis and interpretation of the study, which

were drawn from the observation and data collection answered by the researcher.

Trial 1. there is a significant difference in the amount of the hydrogen

persoxide in the amount of foam produce in the solution.

Figure 2.

Trial #| Amount of Amount of Remarks

Bottle Hydrogen Foam
Peroxide in Produce

System A 15ml 1.92 Low(L)

System B 30ml 2.74 Fair(F)

System C 60ml 3.01 High(H)

System D 100ml 4.55 Very


Overall Total : 3.08 High(H)

On System A. The figure 2. shows that the total amount of foam that the
15ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=1.92) and the norm of
interpretation is Low(L).

On System B. The figure below shows that the total amount of foam
that the 30ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=2.74) and the norm of
interpretation is Fair(F).

On System C. The figure below shows that the total amount of foam
that the 60ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=3.01) and the norm of
interpretation is High(H).
On System D. The figure below shows that the total amount of foam
that the 100ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=4.55) and the norm of
interpretation is Very High (VH).

Trial 2. There is a significant difference in the amount of Hydrogen peroxide

on the height of the bubbles coming out form the system.

Figure 3.

Trial #| Amount of Height of Remarks

Bottle Hydrogen the foam
Peroxide in Produce

System A 15ml 0.9 inch Very


System B 30ml 1.21 inches Low(L)

System C 60ml 2.62 inches Fair (L)

System D 100ml 4.45 inches Very


Overall Total : 2.61 Fair(F)

On System A. The figure below shows that the height in inches that the
15ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=0.9 inch) and the norm of
interpretation is Very Low(VL).

On System B. The figure below shows that the height in inches that the
30ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=1.21 inches) and the norm of
interpretation is Low(L).

On System C. The figure below shows that the height in inches that the
60ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=2.62 inches) and the norm of
interpretation is Fair(F).

On System D. The figure below shows that the height in inches that the
100ml Hydrogen peroxide contain a total of (x=4.45 inches) and the norm of
interpretation is Very High(H).


This chapter presents the summary of the study, findings of the study, the
conclusions that have been drawn from the findings and the recommendation of
the researcher.


This experiment is all about the Elephant's Toothpaste it illustrates that

there is a reaction between hydrogen peroxide and yeast which produces a
chemical reaction and progresses very quickly.

This experiment aimed to find out if there is a significant difference on the

amount of the Hydrogen Peroxide in terms of height and amount of foam that has
produced in the solution,

The researcher that conducts the experiment used different amount of

hydrogen 15ml-100ml to perform and come up with an accurate finding on the

The result of the experiment in terms of inches and the amount of foam
that is visible throughout the experiment were analyzed by the conductor of the
researcher thoroughly.


After the analysis and interpretation of data, the study came up with the
following results:

Trial 1. there is a significant difference in the amount of the hydrogen

persoxide in the amount of foam produce in the solution. In terms of this
factor the overall result with the total of (x=3.8) and the norm of interpretation is

Trial 2. There is a significant difference in the amount of Hydrogen peroxide

on the height of the bubbles coming out form the system. in terms of this
factor the overall result with the total of (x=2.61) and the norm of interpretation is

Considering the findings of the study the researcher draw the conclusion
that there is a significant difference in the amount of the Hydrogen Peroxide in
the amount of foam that will produced on the solution since the norm of
interpretation High(H).

The researcher also conclude that there is a 50% chance that there is a
significant difference on the height of the foam coming out from the solution in
the amount of the Hydrogen peroxide present in the system. since the norm of
interpretation is Fair(F).


Upon analyzing the findings and the conclusion of the study, the researcher
come to draw the following recommendation:

1. Before performing the experiment make sure to wear a protective equipment

because the chemical that you will used may irritate your skin, so wear some
protective gloves and protective googles.
2. Make sure to use same size of system that you will used in performing the
experiment to see the visible difference of your goal in measuring the foam in
3. Researcher must have knowledge on using the chemical that you will used in
the experiment because this may cause risk to other people near you.
4. Use transparent system or the bottle that you will used on the experiment for
thus will give you a better look inside,
5. Used different color or the food coloring that you will used in the experiment
for the best differentiation on the activity.

Link for video


Scientific and Engineering Practices and Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts from “A Framework for K–
12 Science Education,”

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia Volume 3, 2018 | P-ISSN 2655-2361, E-ISSN 2655-3252


CEF’s Passport to Science Exploration: The Core of Chemistry.

CEF’s Passport to Science Exploration: Chemistry Connections.

Scientific Inquiry section pages 14 –16

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