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206/1 206.1 No. RW/NH-34041/62/89-DO IL Dated the 12th January, 1990. To All CEs. PWD of all States/UTs dealing with National Highways and other roads; Director General (Works), CPWD; Director General Border Roads; and National Highway Authority. Subjects Interim Guidelines for Selection of Consultants for Highway/Brige Projects on National Highways, Use of consultants is becoming increasingly necessary for highway/bridge projects on National Highways. his is especially so in the case of bigger projects financed by international lending agencies like the World Bank and ADB. Apart from project preparation, consulting services may also be needed for specialised works such as research studies, traffic planning, bridge rehabilitation, construction supervision, ete. 2. The process of engaging the consultants involves @ number of steps like Prequalification, Preparation of ‘Terms of Reference, Invitation of Consultancy Proposals, Selection of the most suitable Consultant, Negotiations and finally award of the work. The entize exercise calls for a defined selection procedure to be followed. 3, With the above objectives in view, this Ministry has formulated “Interim Guidelines for Selection of Consultants” which are enclosed, These are focussed specifically on feasibility studies and project preparation, but are also applicable equally to other specialised jobs with necessary adaptation. 4, Itis requested that the Interim Guidelines may be adopted with immediate effect in respect of consultancy services required for N.H. projects. Following points may please be kept in viow in this regar ()Ministy's prior consent should be obtained when the need for any consulting services is envisaged; (ii) Prequalification and selection of consultants wil have 19 be done sormally through an Evaluation Commitee set-up by the “Ministry unless the Stae PHD is eo authorised (sce paras 5.6.1 and 11.1 ofthe Guidelines), (Gi) Under emergent situations, the presualfcation step could be omitted and proposals invited from select list of consultants in ‘consolation withthe Ministry. However, this will be done only exceptionally; and (iv) tmdve course, the Ministy intends to make a pant of consultants for differen ypes of assignments so tht the selection process is expedited 5S. Considering that a number of steps are involved in selection of a consultant (sce para 4 of the Guidelines), the whole process needs to be carried out expeditiously. An indication of the total time period that might be taken and how this could be compressed, is given in para 14 of the Guidelines. 6. The Guidel refine them further. 's are interim at this stage and the Ministry will appreciate any suggestions to improve and Annexure to Circular No. RWINH-34041/62/89-DOU dated 12.1.90 INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR ENGAGING CONSULTANTS FOR PREPARATION OF HIGHWAY PROJECTS (CONCERNING ROADS, BRIDGES, TRAFFIC PLANNING, OTHER SPECIAL STUDIES ETC.) 1. INTRODUCTION 1... in development of the highway system, a varity of projects would need to be conceived, evaluated, prepared and implemented “The projects may differ in seope but in each case, project conception, evaluation and preparation asa group of activities is as important a the en implementation itself, Reason is that a intial stage when technical feasibility and economic viability of the projects are established, ‘Giniled Held investigations are done, designs ate developed, and cost estimates and implementation schedules are sted, these have a strong bearing on the quality and timely implementation of the project. 1.2 Accuracy and comprchensiveness of the sureys and investigations mit particular emphasis in project preparation. Objective presentation ofthe various project deals ina systematic manner i equally important since the project document fom the very bass for {echnical administrative end financial sanction of the work besides being vital for smooth implementation on the ground. 1.3. Towards achioving the objective of well conceived projects for incorporating innovative technology, and completing the work “within the stipulated time, engegement of consultants possessing requisite expertise, knowhow, manpower and infasructurl suppor assume reat relevance, Expenditure on such consltancy services is generally marginal compared tothe total cost and will well pay for itself in several igs suchas formulation of technically sound and economically viable projects, ealistic’ost estimation, ianovative and cost effective designs, possibiliy of implementation without time/eost over-ans, ete. 14. The process of engaging a consultant involves @ cumber of steps like prequlifiction, preparaon of Terms of Reference (TOR), invitation of consultancy proposals, selection of dhe most suitable consbltant negotiations and fal award ofthe work. The sequence (Noted is alven in para. 41. The entee exercise will be considerably Taciltated if appropriate selection procedures ate followed. These uldliges have been prepazed with his in view and contin recommendations about the metiod of selection of consultants for preparation of Iniscellancous highway projet (eonceming Roads, Bridges, Trafic Planning, Special Stuéies, et.) 206/2 2. TYPE OF CONSULTANCY aSstGNMENTS 21 General nici lo eel 8 ce: One cago is commision of new roads. Second is inprovenet of esting routs involving widening andor strengthening, geametne improvements, y teh of deed age emeoted itesetonsincaing inechanges, ale sey wes highebaakenee Keg a bridges, disso a eased as, rei] measures fo alld embankment slopes, tc. Unde the foots nan a ea special ‘ates soh a itcemd wanspoaton pling fran ates, managenent of pavenet systems detention of pee cogs ee 2.2 Preinvestment or Feasibility Studies sesh af ue tk seb above, the Gat wep would bet eis these, json, tein east and preaestnent or cnn Sees Oe 0 fate mine dion to yo ahead wih the same’ THs fc tealy Soe Suds could be dpened won aac et ee fore pojetis obvious and sion fas sendy becn ken ogo she, arenes frudis could be dlipensed with and action taken saightway for projet prepation, i. jie ate of fasily say sw exanine pose aermatves trough preiniary engieeig sue and etch ths wl bese seem tly of he elected option. For example in iget of improvement eos ak ea ee foie hc aan overng OD surveys a byepts loans, pcton, invention of ite ase el £2 Mentiving iherot detcenis, preliminary surveys fr improvements of geometaes eiecten ot ea alignments for bypasses, preliminary OF te constant Ts oa aegis wii tolerance of 2208, conic evalaion fhe improve! popes ieee my, shad aa jl” HOT Fm ofthe say are comprtensiveeaoeh fore oes ee aoe ea ee eng 20 ahesd withthe project. 23 Project Preparation rina cond Stes of operation which comes into pay afer he easy of ting wp he project as been elise end imate gene has akon the dein onthe basis of prenvesnon ses Wide pad oe ee implementation. The Tentng dere ny gc feted coining relic cont esimaton and ser connec acs tease semen required Cipla ay 22d dawns for splmennon. Besides oter tsk. tis wl ivlwe dead segs od rere se0-technica, nd ender cocuama nr surveys, ae tudes, preparation of ead designs and drawings comps eee ee ee specifications depron ea amas fe nveon of ids for contincton work. Tis pas of werk tc polee raga ‘echnical spproval and financial suction ofthe projec, 3. TYPES OF CONSULTING FIRMS se or coyeunaes of thee guidelines, consulting fms ica, inter ai, consuling ptershipe, pate lnied companies, public SSotnion of coeuog ieee men atid Tims, goverment comporions, publ sear eneanbonsretien we ‘Br0ups of ‘ssociations of consulting firms, universes, and associations of pracdeing rotexic ai - x pron Sone ite fms te a par of or are closely ffilid wih other concems eg. constuction finns or manufacturers of ‘ene pea ms will bs acepabl ith qulifeatons snd experts a clare teh wae of thei selection, for tems Sod al ales, thy must undertake restr hei rol tothe coming secon a implying an automatic disqualification ‘rhe and their asoites from priiptng in ht jb in aay oer capsiy toe eeoneins 28 The shore condiions apply also to “eginerng fis" which undenake turkey contact, 4: PROCEDURE FOR ENGAGING CONSULTANTS FOR FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND PROJECT PREPARATION 441 The suena steps involved inthe selection process for consultancy serves ae at under (Prequalification: (©) Prepating the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignments (©) Mating» boa eimes of Constan's apt in tom of ine and the ey peronel required on the basis of TOR: (4) Laying down the selection procedure; (©) suing Iter of invitation (LON) to shorttsted Conslian's submit proposals (Selection ofthe most suitable Consultant, and (2) Fndising contact negotiations with the selected fe, 42 Unless otberwise stated, TOR end LOI shou Hd beet vet om he Myo Suc Tengo Roads Wingtote |e sent to the shortlisted consultants, " “ ° 206/3, “43. The vaious components of seleston process are discussed futher on i det 5, PREQUALIFICATION oi Selec of Consulting firm for «paieuar project begins with reparation of “Short” of pores firms unugh he Process of pecuieanen Aucnavely, ia pequifed panel of conslans is avalble, We sme could be wed and preqaifenion execee Aispensed with 2, tna of emergent wos, he preyealicton proces could be omit wih approval of he Mins fn tw oven anor Fo oat ea oe msigment ter consideration can be dram in eoaslaton withthe Ministry of Surface Traspor (Ronis Wing) and detailed proposals for feasibility studiesprojet preparation invited fom them. 53. Basic objectives of prequaification a: ( confine invitation of envltancy services fom fms possessing proven capability inthe eleva Held of wos: Gi) facilitate compotion between wellqualifed fms leading to seetion ofthe one mot suitable among Hem yt engage firms t0 come up with now fnew ideas In their proposal; (@) _weestic the submission and evaluation of constancy propos 4 manageable number ant (0) tw enable a seaningfulcompasion and evaluation ofthe vious proposlsrceved S_ For pequliftion exer, “ewer of ire” could be sought rough pos advertisment orb WANE SOY oS known to have the necessary Toor bath The advertisement (peal example or road upgradation projec is given in Annexure F which could be st Tne Jo) should sive only bref outline of the proposed assignment, and in Amerie eau eked ff abit samt of eae and expres of Hy Pomona’ FES sox fo proposer se, Fs oad ie suv an vestigation egelpment revou egeence om iia ls, ak Of a ate From he dts of puicaon of avert the losing dt a et 39 day howd Ne silowed for replies rs pepaineaton dverizcmen shoud be ple in teat ft Nalonl papers besides Indian Trade Jour snd om See! pope iced secre Morove ssl be og oun ie maine "den Highways" pbshed by We Inn Roads Congress 5.6 Evaluston of Pre-qualifcation Offers a. Fos evaheing the pre-uaifcation offers io ave at a short of Consultants fr the project under consideration, i apg coe a ee ee Sinimy. Alernavly, ste Mins ube, he above Commies could be 0 by TS Com one Suce PWD Raton Highva Autoiy/CPWDIDGBRosl tye) Annee compaiion ich Commitee is piven below (Chief Engineer (Roads) in the Roads Wing Member (6) Chiet Engineer (Bridges) inthe Roads Wing Member (ii) Chie Eaginer ofthe Project Implementing Agency dealing with he project under consideration Member owe: ‘The sove eompsion could be siubly reid, a deamed eppora by he Minisy, depending wen Oe PS Te a care” portance and oe lad abs. Fr exe reer of speciale tie. of ae oe ete Evauaion Commitee may include Missy's ADGCRYADGG) ina of We TS ESBOe ‘The Se a aanesie Tamper) may seit for (above fr tie and wansporaion pee 45:62 ‘The following marking system for shorting ofthe Consultant is suggested for normal ren of projets: Details of Component Marks @). Structare and orgarsation ofthe firm sos (i) Financial Status s (ity Qualifications and experience of ey personnel 35 (iv) Previous experense in similar assignments 25 (9) Availabilty of in-house computer and back-up services 5 Cu) Any adn ols, 2. postson of moder and more acer augment anova desig PAKS 9 5 “te above weighages cul, however, be siably modified commensure wi he pot character, TRE. EM the oxer a ae cay te Evanson Commit a avance bee Atal erp of of fom he ay Guidelines anon coe evaluation of pegfenon fess respect of pi hghay improvement ks: a BSA in Annexure IT fo Sse yf guidance ofthe Comite and ae otto be dsosd 1 the Costin), Fe wit entuning se penonal higher weghage fore inoue exper tan tne oor hs SS from outside npn sho be assigned nan if ome expr) sare shown oe pono! He by Or firms, soc firms Wil be lable Oran ttn, This could be eter in the frm of negative making o eetion of at ofc, Pee details in regard te sable aon at pe appropriately decid bythe Commitee before etal recep of Conlin ffs: sree roca vated proces, ueary parca icing vous componsnts ofthe masking sen shal Be prepared on suitable Format by the Project Implementing Agency forthe offers received vey nas hist Engineer of the Project Implimestng Agency who has eld forte pregaiften oes shold fumish the following documents to the Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing): (Ove copy each of the proguaificaion offers; sod Gi) _Thiee copies of summary pariculars ofthe Conslans (a per pas 5.60 a6 ‘he fuaatfon Commies soo vate th ofr on the basi of mating satin refered ein pan 6S and finalise eS eee ned sible for inviting aed propos fom tem, Wile fnsing he sor consideration sboold 206/4 tlio be given to the magnitude of consultancy works already in hand with the prospective Consultants visswis their capacity to handle ‘ational work commensurate with their infrastructural resources, 5.6.7. The ‘shoris”shovld be limited normally to a maximum of six fim, while it will be desirable to have atleast thee. tn case the shortist comes to less than three, the ine limi for submission of prequalicaion offers could be extended or alternatively proposals invited sesh, 6 6.1 TOR enunciate the clients requirement a wells modalities ofthe assignment which the Consultant would be expected to carry out, These are prepared initially for isue to shortlisted consultants, for them to submit their proposals covering the methodelogy of werk, ‘schedule of stvites, reporting and manpower deployment, etc, After selection of the Conia, the TOR as issued hy the Project Inplementing ‘Agency inthe frst instance should be reviewed and moditied based on the Consultants’ comments duting the contact negations, ‘The TOR fn the final form as modified should form an integral part of the contract which governs the work to be performed by te Consultant Thess should heefore, be as clear, presse and comprehensive asthe type of assignment demands. Being crucial to success ofthe assignment, TOR Should be reviewed and finalised with utmost care 50 that nothing important and relevant is left out The Consultant's proposal which does tot form part ofthe contract isnot legal document, and should be dlacaded afer the approprise elements ofthe propoal have tees Incorporated ino the contact, 6.2 TOR serve the following thier purposes © 1 inform the prospective Consultants of the objecives and intended soope of the work: (i) to define the spread of Consultants services for purposes of contract 1 be negotiated withthe selected finn; and Gi) to confirm agreement between the cient and the Fim on the objectives and scope ofthe proposed assignment. 63 Normally, the TOR should contain the folowing background of the assignment: Gi) & precise statement of the objectives of the assignment (li) the seope, coverage and timing of the required services; Gv) the inputs (in tems of data, Local services, support and faites) tobe provided by the client (©) particulars of output required ofthe consulting firm (ie. reports, inception epor, fina project sepor,ildlgeotechnical aca, forecasts, design, drawings, specifications, tender documens et); and (oi) reporting and ime schedule, ee, 6. TOR should explsin the scope and form of she assignment with all the elanty possible to obviate diferent interpretations. For Preparsion services including detailed engineering, the definition and coverage ofthe Consultants" asks te largely gictsed by the cooplenng of the project. I preinvestment study has been conducted prior to detailed engineering design standards and other eneria would norally ‘ave been settled. If such a study has not been underaken, comprehensive coverage ofthe design parameter fo be adopted wil have to fore, st ofthe TOR, Further, use of any specific equipment, service or facility, if considered necessary must be clcaly brought out im the TOR 5.5 "A Consulting frm appointed fo any study shall be wholly responsible for the accuracy ofthe data end reliability of the output. In case any discrepancies are noticed during or subsequent to completion af the Consultney assigament, including those observed dutng staking ou, necessity modifcationsreconciliatons will have tobe dane by the Consultant without claming suy entra payment on this accoune CConsutens’ responsibilities in this regard are clearly brought out in para 7 of the sample TOR (Annenare HLA). 5.6 While the client should supervise, review and approve the Consultnt’s work, modifications, if necessary, in the final documents Prepared by the Consultant may be made only after due consultation with the frm. 7. BROAD ESTIMATE OF CONSULTANTS" INPUTS 7.1 A broad estimate of Consulans’ ius in terms df time involvement of the Key Technical Persoasel shold be made by the Project Implementing Agency in respect of proposed consulting assignment. This could be based om the perelved requirements of ssigrenen: ‘in tenms of level and type of personel, and time rquired to be devoted inthe field and office. 7.2 Since bid price forthe assignment is also tobe taken into account inthe selection of consultants, the Letter of Invitation should sormally include approximate man-months of Key Personnel (comprising tem leader and experts inchaige of individal sub-dicipines) ‘expected to be requted for the asignment. Providing man-ments information is considered sufiint for the ims to get a good iden of te cavisaged scope of work, . (73 | qThe rough cost estimate forthe overall consultancy services should include cost of ime inputs of key and other personnel, ‘xpenditur on travel and per dem, usage office and engnecrng equipment, Held investigation and testing printing tionary, venicles ood computer usage, overheads, contingencies snd other physical inputs required forthe services. The framing of these deals wil however be lett {0 the Consultants, and would be reflected in ther bid price Le. nancial propossl, The reasonableness of these detals will have to be ‘ppropriately asessed in the course of contrat negotiations, 8. SELECTION PROCEDURE 8.1 Two types of selection procedures are availble: © based wholly onthe tchnial propos, by calling the fr ranked frst or negoition as regards the fes tobe pid and @ involving a combination of both technical and financial propos. 8.2 The televant details of the selection procedure tobe adopted forthe project under consideration shouldbe clearly mentioned fn the Lener of Invitation. 53. pF te normal ron of highway projets under consideration, it is preferable to follow the evaluation procedue (i) as indicated 4m part €.1 above so that technically competent proposal which is also reasonably competiive from fiaanil angle fall chown, The Dette procedure to be adopted willbe decided by the Minisuy of Surace Transport (Rosds Wing) in advance and incorported sa the Lee of laviation, 206/5 4 Proposals must be evaluated on tna! pounds wheter or nt price Is 0 be a erteron fr selection. §5 Where te selection procedure involves an evaluation ofboth technical and anil proposals (i) of par 1], 4 wo-sabe roceane, wih cbc evaluation beng completed port openiog any franca proposals stall be flowed Se. _Teehical propos wil be essed using te flowing Five principal eres, wih respective numerical rang sven as « guide ‘Macks (i) Firm's experince ia the field of assignments 15 (i) Adequacy of the proposed work plan 28 (ii) Qualcations, competence and expertise of key personel proposed to be employed onthe pee, 50 Gv) Availability of equipmentsfinstumens; and (9) Computer faites (hardware and software) 5 Total tue sve weights ae suggested in respect of Conulncy Series for normal highway improvement projects, However, te flasve inponance ef the above categories wil vary withthe typeof assignment wr) Inte seleton procedure ted_on evaluation of both technical and financial propos, sor of 60 mak or mre forthe techaical score wil be deemed as satisfactory andthe financial bids will be opened only for such proposals 88 Overall Rating 4141 ‘The veal ring of Consol proposals wil be deseinedon the ass ofa weightage syst, with weignags fo eehnic nt a ee ed evento potipal curacy of te series requ he case of somal rm of Eros rm rng phos, coon ef he rods erconaucon of convention] bigs, esha see shal We given 8 veugh of 7 per cent with financial propose es 30 per 20 2 For special studeproees, which involve complex and highly ctnia pares ke long span bids, rides Shae race igh Cobebmentesench she a higher weight fre teil cope ranging betwen 9 0 sa signed oes, gh embed desided in elion 1 he compony ofthe eandae project in conaaon with he Mis of Sorface Transport (Roads Wing), ‘29, tn eat she evaluation presto () as defied in para 8.1 above, ased wholly onthe echnical propotl is agp, only mani rope te conta cst som he shit ange sould be opened and examined fx oss P98 AEG oe ‘aly Seance rnc of he et het ake fala is decile reject propo the nancial Wd of he on ees oot afer nea MeN Samered an x0 Ul sucess cont nego, Afr he segoiaions wih i eo shoul be pened a nf ayoemant rt he n-ne ts of the reminng sores rs should be retried by he Prost Implementing Agency. 9, LETTER OF INVITATION (LOD 5 1 ae tener of invitason is package of infomation set othe sorted Conan iving them fo ssbmit responsi propose The lever should provide al te felevant formation aval, and peerally cover the ftlewing G) A bret deeription ofthe assignment and is objectives: i) A copy of the Terms of Reference (TORI (in _Acopy ofthe sopplenesary infomation 10 he Constants contig isracton show he nfoomaon we Preset are ese Tetoing ample format for anning sede act schedule and cucu was of Const Key personne) proposed for employment on the jobs Gv) Vist egiements w thesis’ fie and to he ste (at Const’ own cost and non seimbusbe (a) Agency personnel whom the consultant should meets (oy ells of selection prendre - mead and criteria of selection, weighting ase fr techies ent pie sere: (oii) Level of effort - te estimated number of man-months of Key personne: {oi Time allowed for proposal submission «a minimum of abou 45 days 1 be stipulates (ix) Relationship with manufacturers or conraciors; (0) Proposal submission - when, where and how the propossl should be submited: (xi) Names and addreses of the other invite fms (ey A saement tothe fet that (0) fms do not have all he necesay vos experi, they shoal eke ls ae iy ome (fom up a complet eam: an) frm’ ame may oly spear nee G8 fRemnay wor be a joint vente parner in more than one consortium); (ei) Vat period oF e propose oarnalyspuated a 90 days reckoned fon he ast of bison of pose Sg Yeti pera roe ould malin, without change, he peronnel proposed forthe asignment and wei quoted ries (iv) Likely dates of negoition and commencement of the assignment (Go) Classteaon that te cos: of faming he pops sit sits and negorsions fr he cons i ot eburii 8 Siret cost of the assignment ‘iy Consens tax sats and tx ailty in pect of the emneraion ofthe consuling ses (ei) Proposal wo be submied in fve copies (one original an four copes) 206/6 9.2 A sample leter of invitation fr atypical highway improvement projet is at Annesure Ii. This is indiatve only and should be suiably modified as per needs of the specific project. The eter draws reference tothe T.O.R. andthe Supplementary Information for Constants which are to be atached to it, Samples of these two arachmemtsaze given in Annerure ILA and II-B respectively, Suggested format of curculum vitae for key members of Consultant's iam is at Ansexure JHC, manning schedule at Annee IHD, and for seit schedule at Anterure HIME. 10, SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS BY CONSULTANTS 10.1 The shortlisted Constants must submitter technical and financial proposals, complete in all espects by the du date, daly ‘aking into account the provisions of the TOR, supplementary information for consttans and other details indiated ta the LOL 10.2 The technical proposal and the financial bid shouldbe submited in double cover with the technical proposal andthe pice bid sealed in septate envelopes, to be clearly marked “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Bid for proper idenifeation. In accordance withthe Presered two-stage procedure for proposal evaluation, the tchrical evaluation willbe completed porto any nancial proposals being opened and compared 10.3 The financial proposals submited should provide a desiled price breakup taking lato account the various budge tems related tothe stay. The cos should cover ll foreign and local costs ofthe consultancy services including those related to the personnel, field surveys and data collection, testing, travel per diem, equipment, detsiled engineering designs and drawings, projectreport, effce supplies, atendiog ‘estings end related expenses, vehicle and computer usage, printing, stationery, overheads, candagenecs exe 10.4 The period of validity of the proposals should be 90 day from the stipulated last date for receipt of the proposals, during which ‘he consultant will maintain without change, the personne proposed for the assignment and thsi quoted pice 11, SELECTION PRocEss 1 | For evaluting the technical and nancial proposals and recommending the most stable propos for consideration by the Proeet Implementing Agency, a Proposal Evaluation Commisee shall be constitued by the Ministry. Aleratvly, ifthe Ministry sv aoduonsce he ‘shove Commitee could be setup by the State PWD. Is composition should be on the sane Hines as suggested forthe evaluation of proqeaificaon fers (se para 5.6.1), 1.2 Teehnieal Evaluation 11.2.1 A consensus approach by the Commitee for allocating marks and ariving at resus in techies! evaluation of the propose is recommended. 11.22 Detaled break-up of the weightages for evaluating technical proposals is suggested in AnnecureIV for the gidance of the Evaluation Commitee (not tobe disclosed tothe Consultants). The same could be appropriately moded bythe Poposal Evalaston Commntten, as per project needs. However, all the scoring criteria must be decided by the Evaluation Commites andthe ame forwarded to the MOST (Roads Wing) prior to receiving the Consultants" proposals, 11.2.3 While evaluating the personnel, higher weightage for the in-house expers than those proposed to be inducted from eulside ‘reanisations should be assigned, In addition, if same expert(s) is/are shown inthe personel list by two or more fis, such ft wl be lebic {2 stle action aginst them, This could be either inthe frm of negative making or rection of heir offer, The pene decison In reard the above two points will be appropriately taken by the Committee befoe actual receipt of Consultants ofers 11.24 Persone! evalution sheet be aed for rating of technical personne together with istrative computational methodology and suggested rating scale are shown in Anmenure = V 11.25 Experience: The exprisce of he frm is normaly given less weight than for personnel because the requalificstion procedure 1 already been gone though, Inthe evaluation, the firm's experience i usually considered in relation to specie apes ofthe projet having bearing on the technical proposal, eg. bridge design, pavement evaluation, geotechnical investigations oe {1.2.6 Work plan and methodology: Work Plan i also given relatively less weight than the personnel becaste the TOR already spell Gut i detail the scope, coverage and methodology of the work. The firm's work plan shouldbe examined for their understanding te nese of assignment for innovative ides, and whether the approach proposed is a professional one covering all the tacks menoned ine TOR 11.2.7 Persomnet © Sines the sucoces of an assignment largely depends on the capability, expertise and experience ofthe technical personel, Scratny of their euiculam vitae needs special attention. Among the personel the Team Leader plays a major pata sutton ‘completion of the work and his suitability should, therefore, be given # cca! look (®) —Toassess te qualifications and xperience of proposed personel he curiculum vita of key member in each discipline should be included with the proposal in the format given in Annexure JIC, These should be reviewed and the individual ried ith respect to the following two criteria: (©) General qualifications - This inctudes eduction and taining, membership of professional organisations and profesional ‘stalament, length of experience, type and level of position held, tine withthe firm eter soa © Adequacy forthe project suitability to perfor the dates forthe partculr assignment considering appropriate capabilites, Sill and experience is recommended that a weight of 30% be assigned to (a) above while 70% could be given to (0. sash cateories shld be masked ona sale of 10 and then mulpid by thir weighs. A passing grade of 60 should generally sre THs ERG cteEDy. so that aceepable marks wil range between 60 and 100. Consistency in applying the meshing stem shoud ha we ar cvatacn Psi sionifcane since price is a seleeson factor and absolute marks no enkng, ae taken ina accoens in he second ne of evaluation 2g minimum level of acceptability should normally beset at 60 per cent. Final scores should be computed on the basis of in areegenetted scores of each evaluation category, ic. firm's general experiance, work pit, personal and equipemadcompate fsinen Foridng satenicn btakcpof macs indcid inthe foregoing pass. Any proposal wth echnical coef ls than 60 ssid be pete, pepe Elution process, epproprie persooel evaluation sees and rommary evan sheets bred onic noo weighuce nage Prepared by the Project Implementation Agency. 20677 11.210 The fem with the over! highest weighted score, based on combined rating of technical proposal and financial bid, poate belted ad alle for eon negotiasons fn cate moe than one fi haste idenscl maximam score, the one with the highest technical score should be selected for svar ofthe assignment and invited for negoviations TL211 A bjietrepor on the eviuation process and results thereof shall be prepared by the Evaluation Commitee with respect tothe aly tleted tion te invited for negotiting the contact The Report should indicate the salen points be discussed with se firma during negotiations. 12, CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 12:1 Following decision sbowt te wioning propose, he elected fir is invited for contact segoitions. Te invitation in this regard sould rohion to) sdatanal information the fra 1 quite to bring for negotiation as well as any major reservations dhe client has weet Ie Cant plan saan. eter ina, ta he Conse could reconsider posible adataons fhe aft omc was ms Feawarded tthe fim with the Letter of levitation, it should be sent to them at sis time, 12.2 The objective of negotiations isto ave ata mutually advantageous and cheat defined relationship conducive to smoot, proper and timely contacto the wor The sant ems w be discussed daring negations ate menoned below, Amongst these tbe work Pan, trap len’ inpus et, shold be taken up fst before going ito financial ngoiatons, as indicated below Work Plan ‘Any suggestion made bythe Consultan o prove he TOR sould be discussed, The Cnsultan’s propos! wil nt fom Pat Paar ne ing aelabe suggestion st be suitably incorporated i tbe TOR. After the negotiations the Consultant's seer mae no planus, Any ify wih te Work Pah and mebodelogy popoied bythe Conant should be rer reaicing the TOR. Any arbiguitics i the codal provisions and engineering practices ee. shoud also be seted rn re pcre should be an agreed text oF objectives and scope of work inthe final TOR (sce paras 2 and 3 respectively ia Annexure HEA). 3) Stamog Repurding stating, claieatons should bs obsined fom te Constant aboat ihe ole of ech bey mente of tam, Sul aera ar ipandenabe at any pon of Sime and parvcalarly betwecn ecipt of the proposal an commencement subsituion by th Fam pe popoved val has land tf sbsiton may be diacused during negotiations and agreed aa edie auaifcaons of substi candice are found sible for he assignment. Conran’ bar char om city aaaereieald Se reviewed and agro upon. Once the const as ben signe, the aslned staff may sat be replaced exe see g aera (ee sekoess). During the asignnent if sabsitaton becomes inevible becase of -Aeath 0 fone en a ee tbe umutabe forte jb, De tn shoud wihaw him (him) and subauts by ober sible a earn Bechet Te compeence of appropri replace staff would ned io be exablsed and he changs soul have the client's approval Gi) CHemt’s Inputs “The data inputs tobe normaly suplied bythe clint would complse fie census data, ond inventony daa, fundaon/oet aa sa bdges quay chars, Curent segue of rts ee, The other apts coud be counterpart professional af een a naar sperising and coordinating the Cons’ workin accordance with he contact, ll hee at see eETiteamelp tobe provided so the Conslant by the tient sould be finalised during negotiation, Gu) Price Bid (a) Neqotatons on price ae customary whee she selection ofthe Consultant hasbeen made wholly onthe bai of Ms sera ul: Whee, however, pice hes ben a fair in selection (efor twostage procedure based op comport sca repeal propos eed nancial bid), there shoul samally be Title scope fo pies reduction for ebvons ‘ating tees any megotiation downvards is Ikely 10 beat te expense of quality. Such a practice should sea Te vcided snd at bes the pice brealcdown and eter back-up details furished by the consultant may be sored tut for any inconssteneles/dstoions. (0) tn respect of fnancalegoviations for te propst selected on te basis of technica sing lone, the Conant sould te are Coges supporting back-up details based upon which the cost of different compoenss of the consulancy ae eet apulued in para ofthe supe LOD have ben atved at These would help evaluating the resonates roel (supp pce bid, and in negotiating afar cost for Se consultancy services. While assessing the price, due o acraton for overheads, contingencies and price escalation shoul also be accorded. © ‘The payment sehedte linked wih the physica! progress of the work should also Be finalised during negations, 123 Succesflconvact notations shold end with he joint concurence between the Project Implementing Agency andthe selected ‘Consultant so a draft contact agreement. 13. Soon ater the sccestsl completion of negotiations with she selected fie and drawal of «contact agrecment wit hem, the project raplesentng Agency should no oer sors firms that they were unosessfal forthe conslaney servers. 14, TIME FRAME FOR ENGAGING CONSULTANTS 141 Considering hata number of ses in engaging conslan ae involved, the ene exerci should be completed exesinousy- From this angle, the following Hime schedule should he adhered to ‘Steps involved ‘Cumulative Time from start {@) Invitation of loners of interest for prequalifiction (hough press of otberise) ‘4 month (i) Rectipt of offers for prequalifietion 1% mom ‘Gi) Evaluation of offers and finalisation of shortlist 2 months (iv) Finaisaion of TOR and issue of Lesters of Invitation t9 shorted Consults for : submission of detailed proposals 25 montis (©) Reesipt of proposals 4 months 206/8 (v2) vatunion of proposals and selection of Consultant 4% sons (i) Contract negotiations and sanction of consultancy estimate 5H months (ily Award of Work 6 month Note: 1. The above sme schedule is indicative only and is easily subject to reduction commensurate wih the needsfririy ofthe specific study 2, In case of emergent works, steps (i) to ii) above ean he omited. The selec ist of consultants can be drawn in consultation with the Minis of Surface Transport (Roads Wing) and step (i) iiited straightaway. In addition, time period for receipt of proposals (step (v)) and subsequent activites could be appropriately shorened so thatthe ene selection process is completed ‘within three months Annexure T Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants sample Advertisement For Letters of Interest For Prequalification Of Consultants Government of on rads 1. Lets of interest are invited from qualified and experienced consltng firms who wish tobe considered for pregualifiction to undertake survey, investigation and project preparetion for upgradation of Sarvey, Investigation and Project Preparation for Section (kam — to —) of NAL, Now Section (km. — t —) of Ni. No. 2. The seope of the proposed Consultancy Serv will comprise (®) _detemination of the techne-economie feasibly and economic viability of fouc-laning or ay ether sulabe atemative for the study section to cater fo raffic needs forthe design period and evalve the most eosteffective solution (pre-investment study) (G)__project preparation for he selected altemative, including field surveys sad investigation, geo-echnieal exploration a bridge and ‘igh embankment sites, soil and material surveys and evaluation, dalled engineering desigas, drawings end cost estimates for the proposed improvement works in accordance with standard codes, specifications and Sound enginceing practices im vogue in Indie: (63) preparaion of work and performance specifications snd tender documents for invitation of bids for construction work; and (o) to raw programme for implementation of project on the ground. 3. The consultancy work should be completed within twelve month (or specify peviod as desired) of the award of wor 4 pc_antultants, who ar interested in being considered forthe assignment should eubmit information in support of their capability and experience appropiate tothe envisaged project ie, structure of the fem, ancl status, qualifications end experiance of kay personel, tls of Previous experience on similar consultancy works, availabilty and detis of inhouse computer and backeup services like serey and Investigation equipment and instrumentation, and foreign expers/associates assistance, 5 cece of interest accompanied by supporting duals should be submitted to the Chef Engineer, National Highways .. PWD, . (give adress here) by (give date here, 6. tiiy be noted that this noice is not «request fr submission of project proposals, Based on a review ofthe Lees of laterest, short list of Consults considered suitable for the assignment will be prepaed. The Consultants thus prequalified wil then be invitee ts saben euiled propéials for the work. Annexure IL Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants Guidetines for assigning marks for Evaluation of Prequalification offers for a typical highway improvement project 1, Structure and Organisation of the firm (5) ‘Tis could be categorised as very good, good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory based oi information supplied by the Consultants and 5, 4,3 and I marks atsgned respectively, 2. Financial Status (5) Same a6 1 above (Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel ($8) The expertise of personnel could be subdivided into following components and matks assigned out of those shown aginst each, ‘commensurate with the level of competenceexperence inthe field of ssignment. Marks (Survey and investigations 0 (ii) Laborsiory testing and ge0-technical studies 5 (ii) Thali engineering and transport econornics 10 Gv) Pavement and geomeuie design 2 (9) Bridge design 10 (i) Estimating, specifications and bidding documents 1 oral 5 2206/9 4, Previous Experience of Fiem in Similar Assignments (25) Maks could be subsdvided int: Marks () Feasbitty stuies 4 Gi) Survey, inventignions and geotechnical stdies 5 (ji) - Trafic studies and tanspor: economics 4 (iv) Project preparation for roads including specifications & bidding documents) 7 (©) Project preparation for bridges Gncluding specications and bidding doesments) 5 Toul “3 5. Availability of in-house Computer and Back-up Services (5) Marks (@—_Avtilaily of iachoose computer 2 Gi) Back-up services (survey & investigation equipment and related instrumentation) 3 Tota 5 Assign 2 nat ems having in-oat ait and 1 ak hse wihou, or backup seve, sign macs dependent wpm veh of adequacy. 6. Any Additional Points (5) Mans could be awarded in cse of ey sesaltioalavibus ofthe frm a ested by then. These could be poet of Te scar oa a ah Dior, pevemet evaluation equipment ike FWD, Deflcogap, avait of compas fasies for fut plotting, of special innovative desis, Notes) The bcak-up of masks given above i suggestive only and could be uiably madi by the Evauaon Commis (9 ench aa enn ores End requirments before the Consaliantffer ac receted. Fo pein the marking se sae vary depnang on te pe of assignment, Fr cxal, or a tanporaion uly, expec on rsPors Faas 3 won 0 nin and te wvaiy of te oecded compte packages would need more weightage and rome of Os a ey cst mold notte splicale The sme would aply 19 any speci asgnment for bridge devin, oF So iaintenace management iy The above pidelins ae mea or gidnc ofthe Prot implementing Agensy and are gto be dslsed we Conse 6s) Subpropings for evaluation of key pense an fms expesienes (and 6) may be appropsnely rduecfpine BY Se Sear ree Tomenserate with project aributes and necds, before the offers are received Annexure UT Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consulsants Sample Letter of Invitation to Prequalified Consultants No. To Subject: Consultancy Services for Feasibility stay and project prepartin for improvement 1 1esennnmnnne $20 OF NBD scr BY Ba Sir Lam dveced to infor that you bve been shonisted on the basis of dels fishes by you in respons our aversoment NINE fers for shortlistng jn connection with the above work. a dose hy nied oe chic! an nancial propos in separate sealed eneopes fre aove work for evaluation, end 2 sect, for negations nhich might utately lead toa coniract berween your frm and this Deparment thea ebjeetve of the proposed constancy serves isthe preprtion ofa deed prj wih he edo fr vg ——— 1 nn Section of Naionl Highway NO som inthe Stat of. “Eggs ou pple wopoule which are technically feasible and economically viable, eer ai, hs wil include: conn est sues foe determining the optimal improve measures or extring 1 wi expe over «esi Gevod of 15 yeas andro emablsh the economic viability of su proposals: i) preprog a poet ofthe needed improvement works afr eed Sel surveys, vestigation, ccs snd Cu) preparation of work specications and bid osurent for tendering a also document for pegaienon of comnts “To enabie you to submit «proposal, enclosed plese find () Terms of Reference, (TOR), vide Annenute I-A. {G)_ Supplementary information for Costs (Annexure II-D)feusing suggested forms fr cus we of ky personnel Crone IEC), manning schedule (Annexure II-D), aod scivity schedle (Annexare TI-E) 4. onde to obain fs and infomation about the assignment andthe local condition, itis considered desirable Oat & SS STS 2 your finn visite the ste. For this purpose, this Deparment has organised a ste visit on or taking par in this, your Seer tte ah exh the offs of he Executive Engines nse DSM, oy ny 1329.00 hes on Spreseni® ou may also get any further information fom SRE rem i Pw, Fe renee: Be 206110 © cogh tt tecical and financial proposals should day tke into account the provisions of the T:O.R. and the supplementary information for consltns. The proposal sal be submited in double cover withthe echnical proposal and financial proposal scaled in sparse enters hich are elealy marked “Technical Proposal’ snd ‘Financial Proposal’ for proper identification, Tr opost tation ofthe proposals will be based on a two-stage procedure with technica evaluation being completed fit prior to ay fnancat Proposals being opened. Teetnical proposal will be evaluated using the following srtera Marks (Fins experience aout the typeof assignment 1s Gi) Wosk pian 2s li) Quatieations and related experience af key personne asignad to the project 50 0”) Bquipmensiastruments proposed for use s (Computer faites s Total 100 "wis upto the Evaluation Comminee to suitably sub-divide the masks forthe above items for individual striboces A score of 60 marks or more for the technical proposal will be deemed as satisfactory andthe financial bids wi {such proposals, The overall cating will be determined onthe basis of a weightage system, 30 percent for the financial proposal cant nets Proposal, to be submited ina separate scaled envelope, should provide a detailed pice breakdown which should take into ‘ccount the various budge items rolated to the work for example be opened ony for in the ratio of 70 per cet for technical seve and © Key personnel san mons Rs Gi) Other personnel rman months Rs Gil) Teavetper diem Rs (iv) BquipmenuTesting charges Rs, () Postage, stationery, and other consumebles Rs (1) Computer time charges : We, (1D) Read Office expenses Re (tlt) Overheads Rs, soe peat nal seid that about ann a months of Key techies personnel would be requited for succesful completion of Myhroposed consultancy assignment. However, you should feel free to submit your financial proposal onthe basis of mas mown ead hon budget items which you consider more appropriate for successful completion of the assignment preparation a ease not thatthe Department may decide to sop te work upto the feabilky stage and not t proceed with project Tr ies ay eye meeting such situations you may plate quote in your fnancil bid a separate pce for completing he fest once ‘snd give an undertaking that you wil be prepared to take up this work item alone as decided by the Deyarinnt ducing ere tid of validity of your propos wll be reckoned a5 90 days from the sipulted las date foe ein of proposals hai {Gang Rich You will maintain witout chang he personne proposed fo: the assignment and your quued price. Ph Pllc Werke Depart (State) sossnsnane will make its Best efforts to select a consulting fit within this period, 12, Pease note that the co 04 preparing the proposal and of negotisting the Conratinluding field Visits et. fs aot reimburibie a adzeet. cost ofthe asignment, 13. Assuming thatthe Contact can be sitistactorilyconclided by ++ YOU willbe expected to commence the assignment by (date), 14 You may please note that invitation to submit proposals has also been set to five othr fins. These fins including yous are: © ~ 2) 7 (pe ® ctv ae ens fe cole (ginal and fur cop) shoud be delivered t Sh. she aes. or fre. at), Propose ‘etvered after that date will not be considered 17. Please note thatthe remuneration you will receive fom this contract wil be subj 18, Please also note that PWD, 1s, eet to the normal tx Hbility in Indo, is not touad to select any ofthe firms submiting propos ‘We would appreciate you informing us by teletelegram in regard to the following: (©) Your receipt ofthis leuar of invitation 206/11 (©) whether or not you wil be submiting proposal: and (when suming the propos the date and mode of delivery ofthe propos 120, Te telegrapic address of this office and the telex momber is ‘Yours faithfully ANNEXURE I-A INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR ENGAGING CONSULTANTS ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE PROPOSED CONSULTANCY SERVICES*** FOR IMPROVING ~ sons TO SECTION OF Nall, NO. ~~ IN THE STATE OF 1. Introduction 11 Tue Projet Road under consideration fo improvement it an important section of NH. etch (hn) 804 (eh Din the State of The ond having 1 lengi of km. eaverses rich agnicultral ad mines BeuHay Mca having high porn! for agrcalural and industrial development tab ate the main eitiestonns Falling slong the road es gnc tond present tar tc-an carageny. Seven dy cous for oetons lenge on Ss mont of 98 1 sed tate prevent average dally tafe on te road vais etwas sven an indicating the need for widening aoe a rea The numer of commercial vehicles plying on te ond ofthe odes of per day, and thee are indications the ro the asks ae teal overioned. The road pavement fn» poor condon. and Weng pothole repats et Sed torough fequent patching 1.3. ‘The road is highly congested in reaches passing thovgh the towne ve a ‘At ench location, the average ao eeae ie order of 20 minus. Fue, he roa roves double ack ray Tie = Mn voce hugh Hevel frosting which also eéds upto the delay very pneu ting an porn ink in he unk road system conse drinbie a 6 widened to 4lanes along 4 Die Ft nt tiling oypascallay overiees where acest for cen 0 he ssi of trafic fora design period of 15 yeas ‘i 2 Objectives 2.1 The main objectives of the consltaney services are Cw ext feat sls fr determining the opi impovement menses ares © HALAS expected over design sear ars yeas and enalish he ecovoate vn of such propos asi sb) (4 prepuing 4 projec of te needed improvement works fer tlle eld sey fvenigatons, 5: and Ciiy preparation of work specifisaton and bid document fit for tendering a alo same fr pre qualification of contractors 3. Scope of Consultancy Services ith scpe ofthe onsancy services ca be divided i he sages name esi ss, PE SSS and ender Th Sap of gets is own beces tl se of te ais of one may ovecap he ORS TE ties Sof oony the consultant under each sage are brought out hereunder 32 Feasibility Study “The actives wo be pefomed by the Consultant wil face, but may nt be rested oe folowing Review ol vale eporfiafrmation aout the Project ron and he projet nln ea an ai se impact, on demand Tor uanapon, of the developmen: plans in the influence 22. i) anayse te rac eens data cole bythe Deparment or he pas Soe ew 9S SL slong the project rad Anata te ac nt railing the pater of commodiy movement ong te rou ae 4 2) establishing Conduct OD Sees (ri ioa day afi cous a eation consid meesny forging 2 cOmPE BESS of trafic Hows, iy Subdvidethe project sox nt an gpopite amber of Fomogsneus scons aesordenes IN uniform tafe volume, Ge) Comte adonce suey at suinbe lon onthe pot ed fo one dy 0 SP: STI of ante loads of trucks co ane ps voice damage factor (VDF). For bse, the VDF maybe ken a8 08 0) assess he ponies of rae divesing fom other modes an ter oad rots WN io an transport costs, seasons! accessibility et Goi) Projet rae expects onthe rout, son by section. in tages of $ ea ing A factors such as past tends grow Preeti ees Spleon sad income growth ites, asi of anspor demand io on 6 one $f Guy Const iver fhe od and oe struc. alate he poset conden of POSE by visual rating and roughness Candee inven of Sqn, Evloate he seegiening needs of fe exfing pavement By condueng AYER deflection sues. Gin. tvenat al he existing ridges an exver on he poe at eine conan ASLACY of waterway openings, Teresi and finally the nead or otherwise of ther widening or recostucon Nouri; This asample TOR fora projet of lanng NH Seton, For actual eses, ei wih 5 ‘zpending on individu situation TES TOR would need to be appropriately modified as per project needs a aE TOR TeTOR inns werk cn both feasibly study and project reparatn. cae he eguemnens Js only for one ofthese items, the contents should be modified accordingly. 206/12 (x) Based on the results ofthe O-D surveys the condition of the existing road link and other related factors, establish the need or otherwise for byepass at. and ©) Exablis and recommend appropriate design standards forse proposed improvements and prepare typical drawings suchas those {or plea cross-sections, curve improvements, intersections et. Alo prepare preliminary alignment dravings fr ie seomtacene bypass locations. (Prepare rough cor estimate within a tolerance af + 20% for the proposed improvement works, (2) Conduct econamie evaluation of the proposed improvement wotks on the lnss recommended in IRC:SP:30, and calculate EIRR {Gre arious sections and for the project road asa whole, The constuction peod may be taken a8 yeas bepnene oe the evaluation shouldbe for & horizon petied of 15 years (Git) Conduct sensitivity analyses forthe cases: () Cost increase by 15% ©) Benetits decreased by 15% (A combination of a) and (6) (50) On completion ofthe Feasibility study, prepare daft feasibility report in thee voles having following broad coverage: (@) Main Report covering the study methodology, trafic studies, cost estimates, economic analysis, conclusions and recommendations (©) Design Repor-Covering road inventory, survey and inves rcliminary designs covering pavement, culvens, bridges ete, ion das, proposed design standards and specifications, (© Drawing containing location inp, Pial cross-section, typical drawings for bridges, culvert, junctions et, 33 Project Preparation ‘The activites to be performed by the consultant wil incr lia, cover the following © Camtact an accurate insruent survey ofthe area for collecting al information for designing all improvement work, and contained in IRCSP8, : (> Stay the drainage, both surface and sub-surface, ofthe rea and make recommendations about improving the tame CO Soest deed sis and materials survey for purposes of pavement desig and fo ascertaining the location, avaiebity and sultability of road construction materials (Conduct ge0-technical investigations at locations where bridgeshigh embankments are proposed (0) Based on the deal surveys and investigations, prepare dette working drawings on the pattern recommended by the relevant Standards of IRC including those for road intersections, wai guidng/contol devices, wayside amenils plowatng hen a Ciba Blof Quanses forthe proposed improvement works and detailed cost estimates. The res should be based on the “Soren schedule of rats, and for ems not covered by the shade the same shoud be ascembpanied ty nae ans (ai) Prepare an assessment of the impact af the proposed works on the envionment (7D Senki: in the prepara of tand acquisition plans by supplying information abst the poston ofthe final cen line of the rod as soon as thie ie finalised. (©) "Involvement ring cxeetion fo eorecton oilfcton of desgn/trawings if so equi ret ofeny deviation at se ©) Formulate repair plan and camry out rating in respect of existing bridge structures (5) Prepare draft report on project preparation in four volumes as fllows (in Repor covering the methadology, dell of al he ld surveys ad inventions, details of proposed improvement, ‘environmental impact assessment ete © Rares Report covering design of pavement, bridges, coven, roudintrtectos, taining walls, rc pudance seas, ‘roadside epportenances ete. as also details ofthe material surveys conduct by the Coneaican © Bills f Quantities and detailed cost estimates. © Raawines Foldercontining working drawings forall the proposed improvement woeks onthe lines and 1 the ses ‘recommended by the relevant IRC Standard 3.4 Specifications and Bid Documents . cn) Eonar the vations ems of works shoul be as per the Minin’ Speciflnos for Road and Bridge Works (aes Gana shld soccer in he above book, te consul shotl propre the anpopi spt oes Ce es Fapnasy auld sh be on the ies of te model document prepared bythe Minney of Seine Sena pplication tall Nationa cee ay Works: These should alo incde gums planning, shedlng of various contest cette a See lan (manual) 4. Reports and Documents He Count tll abit oe let he folowing repos and documes he ine and inthe numberof coe indented sesinst, 206/13 Pres spot in sequal ndicting the yea ropes ofthe vans tems of wa, for eck moro be smi atest by the 10h ofthe following month in five copes i) Draft Feasibil pons in ine Volumes athe en of te months frm sar of work, Tis shoul e submited in Eve copes Gi) Fina Feastiiy Repo, in de Volumes an in 10 copies, 10 be stb win one metho he ees of Comme St aan a aera Tis al corporate ll eins deemed relevant following resp of the comments and ay futher Siseussions wih the cient, Go) Draft Reprs om projet preprain, i four volumes tobe submited win 9 mons of wa of wok: THs shale be submited in five sts 0) Final Repos on project pepin, 0 fur volumes an in 25 eos, tbe sbi win on month of he esis of he comments of the client on the draft repors Guy Specifiasons nd tid documents, in 25st 1 be supplied the elient wiin 15 dys of submission of Fak ar on Piet preparation, 5, Time Schedule “oe wort nal specs ie esiy say, poet peparton and Wd document sal be competed within 2 ood tN fo eee pbetuen the lc ad he Consa.Scheling of he work within his eid einen low wh should be adhered to: Activity ‘wef date of agreement (Mobilisation 1 month i) Submission of daft feasibiiny Report (5 copies) 3 months (4) Approval f Feasibiiy Report by client 3% moms (Gv) Submission of Final Fesibibiy Report (10 copes) 4 mons (0) Sebiasion of daft etal projec epot covering project preparation (Scope) 9% months (vi) Approval of detailed projectreport by the etient 10% months (ui) Sabmission of Final detaied project repo (25 conies) 114 months (iy Submission of fir copies of specifications and bid documents, (25 ses) 12 months 6. Payment Sched ‘Payment schedule for performing the work shal bea follows Within one month of signing the agreement between the clint andthe Constant 15% (Gi) On receipt of draft feasibility report 138 (i) On receipt of intern reper on tle enginssing on completion of fel surveys and vesigaons {6 months afer signing of agreement) 23% ix) On recip dat proeet report (projet preparation) 25% (0) On receipt of approved bidding documents 20% 1. Responsibility for Accuracy of Project Proposals “To conte sal be esponsiblfor acu ofthe data caleted andthe eins, dayings a esis reper SY 1 FS oe tame cleat agit ny ncurses in the rk hich mah surface ont te ne round implementation fhe Pn Ainge and fortis purpose. sal fash bak gran or an amest0 Os 5 20% of the total a ee ee tcceved by hi, In soc ease, te cosllant wl be espoonile wo comet et a resurveys) mse Song camecng he you te) sree The bak gare umised sal bs a) 8 PS ‘of to years fom the invention osliing oe Se roe Sport. Th fal inant of 20% of th fee ee para) shal Be eles ly on SS ofthis bank guarantee. 8. Facilities and Data to be provided by the Client “Te client would make available, o spesife request, te following datainfomaton fe of cost The lem, Nowe responsible ea a rf dt supple, andi Tor he consent 1 wey sme thoagh Hs wm dea clesion PSS (0) Thlfc conus data forth past Sve Yea a eto, vt, wwe KM wes A and ken (2) ventory dts of the road collected during the year @) Foundation and other dels of bridges at kim [Fe essen KAY ey A KE Foundation a oy cx Cops ofthese cao be apple, but he sume ce ispced in te fs of Eeeine Engineer, -» Division ‘on prior isimation, (2) Quarry chart showing the location of quas/rave sures along the road (8) Acopy of he cateatschedate of 265 (YF eens) oF the PR. Cie mmo fn which the project road falls 206/14 ANNEXURE 1B Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR CONSULTANTS Proposals 1+ Fropsas wil be evaluated according to rteria given in the Leer of Invitation and shoud include the following infomation (9) A brief description ofthe firm and an outline of recent experience (inthe last 5 years) on projets of similar nature ©) Any comments oF suggestions of the consultants on the Temms of Reference, and a description of the manner in which the consultants would plan to execute the work. (©) The composition of the team of key personel which the consultants would propose to provide in Consultancy services and the "sks which would be assigned so each tam member. (© Guniculm wie ofthe individual staf members tobe assigned to the work and ofthe Team Leader who would be responsible for supervision of the tam The cuiula vitae should follow te formet given in Anaetare LG (©) Falimats ofthe ttl ime-ffor tat could be provided forthe serves supported by bar-shat diagrams showing the man months foreach exper. sample ofa suitable bar chai given in Annenue HD. Smile ine drain envntged foros ler serv should be enclosed. A sample chart for a highway improvement projec is given in Annexure ILE for golden, Five copes ofthe proposels should be submited tothe Chief Engineer, Natonsl HighwWayiwou. P-W.D. 'e preparing the proposal the consultants should give particular attention tothe followings: ©) Members ofthe tam shuld have de requis experience under condos silo those prevaling in Inds. A good working nowiedge of English i essa! for personnel working on this assignment. Repo shal be in Eeclch (©) The key personnel comprising the consul Contract Negotiations 's eam must be drawn fom the permanent staff ofthe fir. sceauar followin information is given 10 asuait the consulanis with the manner in which the PMD. segotnes a cont with ove ae mh eeiatons normally commence ona Monday, and depending on thease and size of he auiganent ray ts oe ae egotaaege, TP Al 6 0 each agreement on al points, with the eonsltans and the AWD. naling a daft contncr by the ace n ‘negotiations. - fave mat mas Cmmence with dicsson ofthe conslas propo, the propos werk pln, sain and any suggestions they may shee Ose eee rms of ference te work programme aig pate! and mating xh te sci tahoe ed ony ‘sehedule, Once these matters have been agreed, financial negotiaons wil ake place, regu mt fem ply on he busi of an evasion of kay pesoael pected inthe f's propo the cet execs Ceper cans ee is bass ofthe experts named inthe proposal and, prior to contact negotiations, wil gue seewnees Woe we Sabet eet made avaiable. Aste expected date of mobilization i given inthe ltr inviting proposals te chee ail nov aa, sane nans te once negtaons except in css of unexpected delays in eating date or napa of rete ee ee consultant, The desire ofa firm to use an expert on anther project will not be asepted for robetnetng oe 7. Tie constants should note thatthe cient for this study will be the un P.W.D,, Government of soon Payment to {he consultants willbe made in accordance with an agreed schedule, ANNEXURE Uc Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants SUGGESTED FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE FOR MEMBERS OF CONSULTANT'S TEAM Name —— Profession ——~. ‘Years with Fim Proposed Position on Team —- Key Quelifications: Sears opti, te cutie of staff member's expeeace and unng mos pein 0 aign work on proposed ea. Desc ese of ron held by staff menber on evn previous asignmen and give dt an acaton Oe half a page). Eset gs tie, sae colette nd oes ected mec ing ome of cy ee ‘attended and degree obtained. Use upto a quarter page). an Experience Record: fests Sanaa tal posons hel by stat member sine gradation, giving aes, anes of employing organo, side of here appr, nah of asignmens, Fer experience i lst ten year, alo give pes of artes eed eo ehee en ‘where appropriate. Use upto three quares of a page), 206/15 Languages: (ndicate proficiency in speaking, reading and writing ofeach language by "excellent", “good”, “fat, ot “poor. Signature of Staff Member ANNEXURE III-D Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR MANNING SCHEDULE OF KEY PERSONNEL FOR A HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT si [Name of Expert Position in Team Duration-Momhs Man - Months Total ‘Notes: 1, Show only for key personel 2) Show duration By soli line for continuous inputs and by broken line for staggered inputs ANNEXURE IIT Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR A HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SL Astviyy Duration (montis) Tou No, —— — duration 10 11 12 (ments) 1.0 Feasibility Study 1 RoadiBridge Iaventory 12 Traffic Studies L3 Pavement Evaluation 14 Preliminary Design 13 Rough Cost Estimate 1.6 Feonomie Evaluation = 17 Draft Feasibility Repor LB Final Feasibility Report 2.0 Project Preparation 2.1 Ground Surveys and Investigation 2.2 Materials Survey & Pavement Design 23. Geo-tech, Investigation for Bridges and High Embankmens 2.4 Environmental Impact Assessment 25 Draft Project Report & Draft Drawings 2.6 Final Project Report & Final Dravings 2.7 Tender Documents Note: The activity items are suggestive ony, and wil vary depending on scope of the project. ANNEXURE IV Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants GUIDELINES FOR ASSIGNING MARKS IN THE EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR A TYPICAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1, Firm's Experience (15) to be subdivided into: Marks @)—Feasiitigy studies fn he seated field 2 Gi) Field surveys, ivestigetion and geotechnical studies 2 (ii) Traffic engineering & wansport economics 2 Ge) Highwayipavement design & detailing 4 206/16 (9) Bridge design & aetiing (Wi) Estimating, Specifications & Tender Documents 2, Work Plan (25) to be sub-divided (Understanding ofthe study requierents and the services to be offered, and coverage of scope af work listed in TOR 5 Gi) Quality of approach and methodology proposed, including clay, soundness and practicability of methods 7 (ii) tnnovativeness snd originality 3 Gv) Suitability and practicability of work programme s (Manning and activity scheduling 3 (7) Presentation of proposal 2 3. Personnel ($0) to be sub-divided into: © Team leader 2 i) Field Survey/gcotchnical exper (ii) Trafic Engineer Ge) Transport Economist 5 (©) Hlghiay Engineer n (i) Bridge Engineer ° 50 Equipment Instruments (5) 5. Computer Factities (5) Marks may be assigned depending on availabilty of computer facilities for thie assignment. Higher weightage tobe given for in-house availability of computer-aided and drafting flies, ‘Notes: (f) The break-up of marks given in 1 to 3 above is suggestive only i meant for guidance ofthe Proposed Evaluation Commitee, andi no io be dsciosed tthe Consultants, These could, however, be appropriately modified a pet project attibuies and nena before the Consultan proporls ate received (0 Sabaroupings for evaluation of fms experience, workplan and personel (1 to 3) may be suitbly reducedfruned by the (Committee as per project characteristics and needs. before receiving the propels, "Note: In assigning marks to the individual expen, 30% weight be given to general qualifications and 708 for adequacy of the individual for {he tasks assigned in the project (Typical cxample of perronnel evaluation fs at Annexure V) ANNEXURE V Interim Guidelines for Engaging Consultants Project: Feas ty Study and Project Preparation for ImprovementUpgradation Cuttack - Bhubaneswar Section of NHS in Orissa CONSULTANTS PROPOSAL - PERSONNEL EVALUATION SHEET Position or Expertise Max, Name Age General Qualifiesion Experience Related vera Weight _af30% to Project af 70% Rating Perestage Rating ‘Pevcenage Applied (1) Applied @) (Team leader 2 E OG 36 @) Field Survey/Geotechnical = a mM OA a Expert @) Traffic Engineer 5 6 i 5680400 Transport Beanomist 5 A wo 5618 (370 (5) Highway Engineer 1 6 mu 6 56 80 ato (©) Bridge Engineer ° A Bo 2 6 5.40 ‘Total 30 (2) Percentage and criteria tobe discussed and agreed upon Rating: Excellent = 100, by the Evaluation Committee Good = 80 ©) Weighted overall rating results to be transfered to ‘Adequate = 60 Summary Sheet ~ Marginal “= 0 206/17 206.2 301.9 1210.4 No. RW/NH-33054/35/89-DO IT Dated the Sth June, 1990. To, Chief Engineers of State/UT, PWDs (dealing with NHs and other Centrally Financed Schemes), Director General (Works), CPWD, Director General, Border Roads, Chairman, National Highway Authority. Subjects Soilub-surface investigations for road and bridge works on National Highways and under other Centrally sponsored schemes ~"Enrusing to prequalified geo-echnical consultants, Tchas been seen that a large number of highway projects are being adversely affected due to improper soil investigations resulting in unreliable and inaccurate soil data. In order to ensure that the geo-technical data Collected at the time of investigations for road and bridge projects are representative and reliable, the Ministry felt it necessary to prepare a Panel of Prequalified Gco-technical Consultants. Keeping this in view, the Ministry invited applications from experienced geo-technical consultants through a questionnaire issued to firms known for their capability and expertise, and also through an open advertisement in the leading newspapers. The Ministry appointed a Screening Committee to look into the applications received, who have recommended pre~ qualification of the following firms under euch of the categories mentioned below: Categories (a) and (b) For road projects, high embankment design, soft ground treatment and minor bridges (@)—ENGICON India Pvt, Lid, Catena (i) RITES, New Delhi. . (ii) HAQ Conseltants, Jip. (Gv) National Soil Testing and Research Laboratories, Chandigart (0) BS, Engineers (P) Lid, Madras (vi) AFCONS, Bombay. (vii) Soil Rock & Foundations Engineering, New Delhi (ii). Continental Consultants, Calouts (Gx) Consulting Engineering Serviees (India) Pv. Lid, New Dei (4%) Geo-technical Consuans Pvt, Lid. New Deli (4d) Toer Continental Consultants and Technocrats Prt. Lid. New Delhi Category (c) For major bridges (RITES, New Det. (i) FS, Boginces () Lid. Madras (ii) AFCONS, Bombay, Gv) Consulting Engineering Services (India) Pvt, L18. New Deli 2. A supplementary list of Government Institutions capable of handling geo-technical investigations for the highway sector is also given at Appendix I. The State/U-T. PWDs could consider entrusting the geo-technical investigation work to one of these institutions in their respective regions subject to the provisio that adequate infrastructure to carry out the investigations mecting the requirements of the specific work is available with them and they are in a position to take up such works satisfying the prescribed targets for completion. 3, The present prequalification of the above mentioned geo-technical consultants for different categories of work will be in force upto March 1992. 44, ‘The quotations for future geo-technical investigation work for road and bridge works on National Highways ‘and under other centrally sponsored schemes may be taken only from the geo-technical consultants prequalified jn para 1 above. However, such works could also be entrusted to Government institutions listed in Appendix I, subject to the proviso mentioned in para 2 above. 5. Before calling for quotetions for any geo-technical investigation work, the terms of reference detailing the Scope of work, the preferred method of testing, sampling procedure, type and rtamber of samples to be taken, engineering parameters required for design and construction, the target for completion and essential equipment both field and laboratory required to be deployed on -he work must be clearly specified, The State/U-T. PWDs should also supervise the method and the quality of investigation work through experienced Departmental 206/18 Officers (with the help of check list as given at Appendix 2 which is not job specific but suggestive only) or by engaging experienced supervision consultants. The check list can be modified as required depending upon the nature of investigations. This will also depend on the TOR for the investigations. A list of suggested essential laboratory and field equipment which the consultants should possess is given at Appendix 3 and should be insisted upon by including the same in the tender documents. 6. A record about the performance of the geo-technical consultants covering aspects like adequacy of laboratory and field equipment deployed, expertise of personnel, quality of investigations, reliability of data collected, completion time, etc. should be maintained and this Ministry kept periodically informed particularly with regard to any unsatisfactory performance. 7. | The contents of this letter may please be brought to the notice of all officers in your Department dealing with Works on National Highways and under other Centrally Sponsored Schemes, Appendix I t0 Ministry's Circular No. RWINH - 33054135189 - DO If Dated 5-6-90 LIST OF GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS CAPABLE OF HANDLING GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE HIGHWAY SECTOR 1. Central Soil & Materials Research Station Olof Palme Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016. 2 Central Water & Power Research Station Pune ~ 411024, Maharashtra 3. Ceniat Road Research Insite, ‘Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110020, 4. Maharashira Engineering Research fnstate Dindori Marg, Nasik - 400004, Maharashi 5. Gujarat Engineering Research Institute, . Rave Course, Vadodara - 390007, Gujeret 6. Highway Research Station, Guindy, Madeas - 600025 7. Andhra Pradesh Engineering Research Laboratories, Himeyetsagar, Hyderabad - 300030, 8. Kamataka Engincerng Resetrch Station, ‘Krishnarajsagar, Kamataka = 571607 9. Soll Mechanics & Research Division, ‘Chepauk, Madras ~ 600005. 10. UP. Irigation Research Insite, Roorkee = 247667 (UP) 11, Cental Building Research Institut, Roorkee. UL, 12, River Research insite, ‘West Bengal, 2nd Floor, 11-A, Minja Ghalib Street, CCaleutta- 760087 (W, Bengal) 13, Inigation Research Narmade Bhavan, Tulsi Nagar Qtr. 1250, Bhopal = 462005 (MP.) 14, Kerala Engineering Research Institue, Peechi - 680653 (Kerala) 15, Irigain & Power Resear ‘Amritsar-143001 (Panjeb) 16. Department of Civil Engineering Indian Tosttate of Science, Bangalore - 560012, 17. Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Insite of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016, 18, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian tastate of Technology, Powai, Bombay - 400078, 19. LBS. Cente for Science & Technology Enura Police Rosd, Nandavanan, ‘Trivandrum - 695033, 20. Departnent of Civil Engineering, “Motiat Nehru Regional Engineering College, Allahabad - 211006 ri

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