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Form No:


Application Form fo r Admission in MS Degree Programme
Size l.SXl.5"

Please read the instructions given at the e,nd of this form carefully before filling the Applic;ition Form. Avoid re-writing, erasing
and cutting etc. Please fill in capital letters.
Faculty of Security Studies (FSSI (only for Atmed Fo•ns~lng Personal.. lid< one only)

MS in National Security Management & War Studies National Security & War Course (NSWC), Islamabad D
MS in Defence and Security Management Command & Staff College (C&SC), Quett.a O
MS in Defence Studies (Marit ime) Pakistan Navy War College (PNWC), Lahore D
MS in National Security and Strategic Studies Air War College (AWC), Karachi O
MS in Air Power Studies Air War College (AWC), Karachi 0
(fldl" !:ht ~t . .,
Applicant Type: Pak Army Participant OPak Navy Participant O Pak Air Force Participant 0
Officer from Friendly Countries (OFCs) 0

l. l~==~SSC) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
2. Rank I Position I PA No.
Appointment ( if applicable)

3. I Father's
(as ee<SSCI 1111111111111 111 Fl I
4. [ Father's Profession

s. ~rSSCI
ofBirt.h J Day

--, 6. I CNICNo. I· I I· I
7. IProvince of Domicile I
8. Foreign Students Only:
a. Country of origin_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

b. Passport No.-- -- - -- - -- - -- -- -
c. Type / No_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Valid until: _ _ _ __ __ _

9. Current Address:

Mobile No.(Personal) - -- - -- -- - - - - 'Phone {with code)

10. Permanent Address;


Mobile 1110.(Parent/Guardian) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone (with code)

11. Other Contacts: E·Mail (Personal):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E·Mail (Parent/Guardian):------------

Fax No: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12. Last attended Institution:

a. Institution Name_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

b. Addres• - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c. Registration no.-- -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -
13. Additional Information (Please enter any additional information about yourself or your requirements)

14. GAT (General/Subject) /GRE Score----- Held on dated:--- - - - (for MS applicants)


Degree I Passing Board/ Roll Marks Division/ Major subjects of

Diploma / Year University 1110 Grade/ study
Certificate Obtained Total % CGPA / distinctions if
age any
SSC or
equl11alent (14 Y)
BA{H)/BSc (H) or
equivalent (15 Y)
MA/MSc or
equivalent (16 Y)
Any other


Languares Written Spoken

Proficiency Excellent Good Fair Excellent Good Fair

Approcant's Sign.ature: - - - - - - - -

i. Any incorrect statement made in this form may lead to cancellation of admission at any time.
ii. Thr~ panPQl1 size photographs duly attested(One to be fixed on ap111itation form and two to be enclosed)
iii. Only original and complete applicat ion lorms will be accepted.
iv. Attested copies of Degrees/ Certificat6 (SSC. HSSC Graduation, Post Graduation and or CNIC must be
v. The university does not provide traveling expense, daily all owance~ to any of the applicant for interview or
to join/leave the universit}'.
vi. Overseas candidates must submit NOC from Minist ry of Education/Defence/ Embassies before joining.

E. DOCUMENT CHECKLIST (Attested photocopies to be attached)

S# Particulars MS Qty
i NOU Admission Form (in original) 1
ii Recent Photographs .,"" 4(pp)+2(l"xl")
iii CNIC I Passport (in case of foreigner) 2
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) (Marks Sheet & Certificate) or equivalent/ ""
l llCC equival ence for O' levels/ foreign qualificat ion "" 2

- v

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) (Marks Sheet & Certificate) or
equivalent/ IBCC equivalence for A' Levels I foreign qualification
Bachelor Degree & Transcript or equivalent {14 years qualifications)
"" 2

vii Bachelor (Honours) or equival ent ~ee & Transcript (15 years qualifications)
BS (4 Years) I Master's Degree & Transcript or equivalent {15 Year qualification) -"""" 2

duly attest ed from High er Education Commission (HEC). HEC equivalence of 16

viii 2
years education in case of foreign degree.·web/auth/ loain.Jsf
Copy o f valid GAT(G) result with Min 50 marks. OR GRE result with following
S_¢etton ~
ix Quantitative 130/170
.,, 2

Verbal 140/170

Analytical Writing 3.0/5.0

Migration Certjficate from previous University iii case other than NOU Degree
x l
(in original) (Only for l ocal officers) ""
Equivalence l etter from concerned Embassy as per specimen at Annex A (Only
xi 1
for Officers from Friendly Countries) ""
Note: Admission/ Registration is subject to completion & submission of requisite documents to Registrar Office,
NDU, Islamabad through respective College by January.

Applicant's Signature: - - -- - - - -
i. I certify that a ll the answers I have given above a re complete a nd accurat e to the best of my knowledge a nd
belief. No column has bee n left blank. If admitted, I agree to observe all the rules and regulations of t he
National Defence University {NDU). Failure to comply may result in my expulsion.
ii. I undertake to pay university dues within the given dat es regularly. I will have no objection if I am not
allowed to sit in the class/exam due to my default in the payment of dues.
iii. I further undertake that I shall not claim hostel a ccommodation / scholarship / financial assistance as a
matter of right, if a dmitted in the university.
iv. I accept t hat th e university has the right to t ake any step(s) necessary to protect its interests a nd
e nvironment, a nd that violation of these may lead to my expulsion from the university at any time.

Applicant's Name_ _ _ __ _ __ __ Parent Name _ __ __ _ _ __ __

Signature: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Signatu re:_ _ __ __ __ __ _ _

CNIC: _ _ _ __ __ CNIC: _ __ _ _ __

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Dat e: - - -- - - - -

(For Official u se only)

Dat e of Submission of Application:._ _ _ _ _ __ No. of Copies of Documents attached: _ __ _ _

NDU Serial No:._ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ Discipline :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

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