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Mythology & Folklore (Engl-206) Sir Jaime M.


Agbay, Noralyn G. II-ELLA 02.04.2017

Reader’s Response 4: Europa

A good fortune perhaps, but what if it is not? Trust heedfully, be not deceived facilely.

Great if it will cause honor, regrets if it is not. Often times we are careless, easily deceived by the

beauty of what we see. Easily carried away by our intuitions though at times it leads us to fortune

but not all times. I may say, what a fortunate being she was, compared to hideous journey of Io

before she finally reached a somehow beautiful end. Europa, daughter of King of Sidon, despite

being implicitly abducted it caused her great fortune. She was deceived by the beauty of a bull,

which she trusted facilely. Just like the many of us, easily deceived. Though it is not the same as

in the myth. In reality, we receive various offer from life. We at times take abrupt decisions

without hesitation. Being caught unconsciously because we are blinded by its looks physically or

because we only see what we wanted to see. It was just a bull. Howbeit, the unusual beauty of it;

the bright chestnut color; the silver circle on its brow and horns that was like crescent of the young

moon were something to be doubt with. Though she doubted it. It was too late. She was on it

being taken to Crete. And there Zeus made her the mother of Minos and Rhadamanthus who were

rewarded for their justice upon the earth by being made the judges of the dead. On the contrary,

we too will never know, unless we try. Mass of “what if’ will surely fill our heads. What will

happen if Europa did not ride on that bull? What if she just ignored it? Just like in real life, so

many questions and if we try then receive bad things out of it we tend to regret. Terrible regret for

sure, that we wanted to turn back time if we only could. But that is life. Learn from our mistakes.

From there we grow. We became wiser. Thus, Trust is not something we give and gain easily.

So, Trust heedfully, be not deceived facilely.

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