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Self- Learning Module Lab 01:Resistor

Electronic 1
AVT 1211



Prepared by:

Rachelle R. Nocete

Title Time

4 60 mins
Resistor fundamentals

Standard Resistor Symbols

7 60 mins

Resistor Colour Code

8 120 mins
Preferred values
or E-series 14 60 mins

How to read a resistor? 15 60 mins

Series and parallel combinations of resistors 17 110.4

Laboratory Observatory Activity 3: Resistors 20 60

in Series and Parallel

Reference 21

470.4 min

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Module Learning Outcomes (MLO)

Topic Learning Outcomes

CLO 1. Define
fundamental electrical
principles and solve
related mathematical
CLO 3. Discuss, explain TLO1. Discuss the
and interpret electronic MLO1.Analyze the fundamental of resistor
parts, specifications, application of resistor TLO2. Evalaute the
circuits, functions and MLO 2.Distinguish color code/band in a
applications resistor color code and its resistor, its meaning
CLO 4. Describe circuits , components and purpose
components and flow of MLO 3. Experiment and
voltage, current, TLO 3. Solve problems
Observe the movements
resistance and other and current in series and related to resistance,
components parallel resistor tolerance and current
CLO 5. Observe, TLO 4 Examine the
Examine and evaluate
series and parallel
passive components of
circuits of resistor


Resistor fundamentals

Resistor is a passive two-terminal element to resist electric current in electric

The resistor is a passive electrical component to create resistance in the flow of

electric current. In almost all electrical networks and electronic circuits they
can be found. The resistance is measured in ohms. An ohm is the resistance
that occurs when a current of one ampere passes through a resistor with a one
volt drop across its terminals. The current is proportional to the voltage across
the terminal ends. This ratio is represented by Ohm’s law:

formula with ohm's law: R=V/I

Resistors are used for many purposes. A few examples include delimit electric
current, voltage division, heat generation, matching and loading circuits,
control gain, and fix time constants. They are commercially available with
resistance values over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. They
can be used to as electric brakes to dissipate kinetic energy from trains, or be
smaller than a square millimeter for electronics.

Conventional forms of resistor obey a

straight line law when voltage is plotted
against current (see Fig. 2.1) and this allows
us to use resistors as a means of converting
current into a corresponding voltage drop,
and vice versa (note that doubling the
applied current will produce double the
voltage drop, and so on).


A resistor has a marked value of 220 Ω. Determine the tolerance of the resistor
if it has a measured value of 207 Ω.


The difference between the marked and measured values of resistance (the
error) is (220 Ω − 207 Ω) = 13 Ω. The tolerance is given by:

Tolerance= x 100 %
marked value

The tolerance is thus (13 / 220) × 100 = 5.9%.

1-You can do it,Try is yourself!

A 9 V power supply is to be tested with a 39 Ω load resistor. If the resistor has
a tolerance of 10% find:

(a) the nominalcurrent (I) taken from the supply;

(Nominal=  far below the real value/very small)

(b) the maximum and minimum values of supply current at either end of the
tolerance range for the resistor.



Final answer:

Watch this ideo and
answer the following question:

1. What is the symbol of resistor?

2. What is the resistance in simple sircuit when you have a votage source of 2
V and a current of 4A?

3. What will happen to the LID if we directly connect it to a 9V battery ?

4. What should you do to prevent (no.3 ) from occuring? Show solution.

5. What are the types of resistor?

6. What is the meaning of this color band found in this resistor?

Standard Resistor Symbols

The symbol commonly used in schematic and electrical drawings for a
Resistor can either be a “zig-zag” type line or a rectangular box.All modern
fixed value resistors can be classified into four broad groups:

Carbon Composition Resistor – Made of carbon dust or graphite paste,

low wattage values

Film or Cermet Resistor – Made from conductive metal oxide paste,

very low wattage values

Wire-wound Resistor – Metallic bodies for heatsink mounting, very

high wattage ratings

Semiconductor Resistor – High frequency/precision surface mount thin

film technology

There are a large variety of fixed and variable resistor types with different
construction styles available for each group, with each one having its own
particular characteristics, advantages and disadvantages compared to the
others. To include all types would make this section very large so I shall limit
it to the most commonly used, and readily available general purpose types of

Resistor Colour Code
Resistor Colour Coding uses coloured bands to easily identify a resistors
resistive value and its percentage tolerance

Resistors are manufactured in what are called “preferred values” with their
resistance value printed onto their body in coloured ink.

The resistance value, tolerance, and wattage rating are generally printed onto
the body of the resistor as numbers or letters when the resistors body is big
enough to read the print, such as large power resistors.

Small resistors use coloured painted bands to indicate both their resistive
value and their tolerance with the physical size of the resistor indicating its
wattage rating. These coloured painted bands produce a system of
identification generally known as a Resistors Colour Code.

The resistor colour code markings are always read one band at a time starting
from the left to the right, with the larger width tolerance band oriented to the
right side indicating its tolerance. By matching the colour of the first band
with its associated number in the digit column of the colour chart below the
first digit is identified and this represents the first digit of the resistance value.

How do you identify a resistor?

By matching the colour of the second band with its associated number
in the digit column of the colour chart we get the second digit of the resistance
value and so on. Then the resistor colour code is read from left to right as
illustrated below:

4 Band Resistor Colour Codes

Commonly used on Carbon Film Resistor

4 band resistor colour codes. The figure on the left

shows a four colour banded resistor, together with a
conversion chart to enable you to calculate the value
of any of this type. All of the colours must be
converted to their assigned values in order to
calculate the resistance, and the result is always
produced in Ohms.

Invalid Colors:

Notice how certain colours have been omitted from

the first and third columns. This is because column
one will never contain black, and column three will
never have a colour with an assigned value above 6,
since basic resistor values range from 1 Ohm -
brown, black, gold, to 10 Megohms - brown, black, blue. Using our 27K
example, the resistance is calculated as follows;


The first two colours represent two numeric values known as the significant
figures, which are simply written down as they appear, ie; a "2" and a "7".
Next, the multiplier band indicates how many zero's to write down after the
first two digits, and here we need three of them - "000". That's it! You now
have the resistance value, in Ohms, of that resistor - 27,000 Ohms. Since every
1,000 Ohms represents a Kilohm or "1K", the value in the example works out
to be 27K.


Irrespective of the value, these resistors MUST have

four colour bands. However, only values from 10
Ohms upwards can be represented with the "usual"
colour range from black to white, since the minimum
valid colour sequence is Brown, Black, Black - 10

Ohms. The figure on the right shows how values below 10 Ohms are
represented. Here, gold or silver are used for the multiplier band, only now
this means the calculated resistance value must be DIVIDED by 10 or 100
respectively. In our example a 5.6 Ohm resistor is shown, but the same applies
to all values below 10 Ohms. If the multiplier band was silver, this value
would be 0.56 Ohms. However, it is very unlikely nowadays that you will
find these types of resistors with a silver multiplier band.


Getting back to our 27K example, the fourth band indicates the tolerance of
that resistance as a percentage. If the tolerance band is gold, the resistance will
be within 5% above or below 27K, which evaluates a tolerance of 1,350 Ohms
(5% of 27,000 = 1,350). This means the actual resistance could be as low as
25,650 Ohms, or as high as 28,350 Ohms. A gold tolerance band is possibly the
most common you will find on standard carbon film resistors. If the tolerance
band is red the resistance will be within 2% of 27K, or within 1% if brown is
used. Unless you manage to get hold of some very old resistors, silver, which
represents 10% tolerance, will rarely (if ever) be seen as the tolerance band.
But it is still part of the colour code standard, so it has been included with the
rest of them.



5 band resistor colour codesThe figure on the left shows a

five colour banded resistor, together with a colour
conversion chart to enable you to calculate the value of
any of this type. As with the 4 band types, all of the
colours must be converted to their assigned values to
calculate the resistance, and again the result is always
produced in Ohms.


Like the 4 band chart above, this one too has certain
colours missing from various columns, again where they
are unlikely to be found. Column one will never contain black, and column
four will never have a colour with an assigned value above 4 - yellow. Metal

film resistor values range from 10 Ohms - brown, black, black, gold, to 1
Megohm - brown, black, black, yellow. Calculating the value is very similar to
the method explained for the 4 band types. Using our 15K example on the left
this is achieved as follows;


The first three colours represent three numeric values known as the
significant figures, which are simply written down as they appear, ie; a "1", a
"5" and a "0". Next, the multiplier band indicates how many zero's to write
down after the first three digits, and here we need two of them - "00". That's it!
You now have the resistance value, in Ohms, of that resistor - 15,000 Ohms,
and since every 1,000 Ohms represents a Kilohm or "1K", the value in the
example works out to be 15K.


The values of these resistors MUST be

represented by five colour bands. However,
only values from 100 Ohms upwards can be
represented with the "usual" colour range from
black to white, since the minimum valid colour
sequence is Brown, Black, Black, Black - 100
Ohms. The figure on the right shows how
values below 100 Ohms are represented. By
using gold for the multiplier band, the
calculated resistance must be DIVIDED by 10.
In the example a 47 Ohm resistor is shown. If
the multiplier band was silver, the value would
become 4.7 Ohms, but this is only a hypothesis, since these types of resistors
don't usually have values below 10 Ohms, so it is very unlikely that you will
ever find one with a silver multiplier band.

( Note: Ohm=R)


Getting back to our 15K example, the fifth band indicates the tolerance of that
resistance as a percentage. If the tolerance band is red, the resistance will be

within 2% above or below 15K, which evaluates a tolerance of 300 Ohms (2%
of 15,000 = 300). This means the actual resistance could be as low as 14,700
Ohms, or as high as 15,300 Ohms. If the tolerance band is brown the resistance
will be within 1%. Gold or Silver tolerance bands will hardly ever be seen on
these resistors. But, they are still part of the colour code standard, so have
been included with the rest of them.



6 band resistor colour codesThe figure on the

left shows a six colour banded resistor - 620K in
our example. Before you query the resistance,
yes, this is a standard value available in this
range of resistors. These are calculated in
exactly the same way as the five banded types
above. The only difference is the addition of a
sixth band indicating the temperature
coefficient of the resistor, which is quoted in
terms of parts per million per degrees
Centigrade - PPM/�.

In the majority of cases, you will encounter these with a brown sixth band,
since this is the most common version manufactured, due to the fact it makes
a reasonable stable resistor under wide operating conditions. However, it is
possible to obtain "specials" with closer temperature coefficients than
100ppm/�C, These are used in more precise or more temperature critical
applications, so don't be surprised if you come across them now and again.

Then we can summerise the different weighted positions of each coloured

band which makes up the resistors colour code above in the following table:

Preferred values or E-series

Introduction Activity: wacth this video to help you in tuned with the context

The value marked on the body of a resistor is not its exact resistance. Some
minor variation in resistance value is inevitable due to production tolerance.
For example, a resistor marked 100 Ωand produced within a tolerance of
±10% will have a value which falls within the range 90 Ωto 110 Ω.

Resistors are available in several series of fixed decade values, the number
of values provided with each series being governed by the tolerance involved.
In order to cover the full range of resistance values using resistors having a
±20% tolerance it will be necessary to provide six basic values (known as the
E6 series).

Laboratory Observatory Activity 2: How to read a


Watch this ideo

and answer the following question:

1. What are the values of the following resistor and their tolerants?

(Copy and answer)

a. b.

2. Determine what would be the band(color)

for a 15K R resistor?


A resistor is marked with the following coloured stripes: brown, black, red,
silver. What is its value and tolerance?


2-You can do it,Try is yourself!
1. A resistor is marked with the following coloured stripes: red, violet, orange,
gold. What is its value and tolerance?

2. A resistor is marked with the following coloured stripes: green, blue, black,
gold. What is its value and tolerance?

3. A resistor is marked with the following coloured stripes: red, green, black,
black, brown. What is its value and tolerance?

4. A 2.2 kΩ of ±2% tolerance is required. What fourband colour code does this
correspond to?

BS 1852 coding

Some types of resistor have

markings based on a system of
coding defined in BS 1852.
This system involves marking
the position of the decimal
point with a letter to indicate
the multiplier concerned, as
shown in Table 2.2. A further
letter is then appended to
indicate the tolerance, as
shown in Table 2.3.


1. A resistor is marked coded with the legend 4R7K. What is its value and


4.7 Ω ± 10%

3-You can do it,Try is yourself!

1. A resistor is marked coded with the legend 330RG. What is its value and

2. A resistor is marked coded with the legend R22M. What is its value and

Series and parallel combinations of resistors

Resistors in Series

In order to obtain a particular value of resistance, fixed resistors may be

arranged in either series or parallel as shown in Figs 2.10 and 2.11.The
effective resistance of each of the series circuits shown in Fig. 2.10 is simply
equal to the sum of the individual resistances. So, for the circuit shown in Fig.

Turning to the parallel resistors shown in Fig. 2.11, the reciprocal of the
effective resistance of each circuit is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the
individual resistances. Hence, for Fig. 2.11(a):

In the former case, the formula can be more conveniently re-arranged as

You can remember this as the product of the two

resistance values divided by the sum of the two resistance values.


Resistors of 22 Ω, 47 Ω and 33 Ω are connected (a) in series and (b) in parallel.

Determine the effective resistance in each case.


(a) In the series circuit R = R1 + R2 + R3

, thus

R = 22 Ω + 47 Ω + 33 Ω = 102 Ω

(b) In the parallel circuit:

Laboratory Observatory Activity 3: Resistors in Series and Parallel
Watch this video and answer the following question

True or False. Write True if the statement is true and if false, underline the
words that makes it false and write the correct answer

1. The total resistanance of a series resistor is equal to the difference of the

individual resistance.

2. Series resistor reduce the current

3. The resistor limit the proton flow through a circuit.

4. Using parallel resistor, we can increase the resistance.

5. In a parallel resistor circuit, the inverse of the total current flow is equal to
the sum of the inverse of each indidual resistance.


Signature over printed name

(Don’t need to write this in your notebook. Your signature over your printed name will suffice )

Course, Year and Section:

“As members of Academic Community, students are expected to

recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity.
Philippine State College of Aeronautics assumes, as a basic and
minimum standard of conduct in academic matters, that
students should be honest and that they submit for credit only
the products of their own efforts.




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