Kerinduan Segala Zaman Jilid 1 Pasal 4 - 6 by Ellen G. Whitewritings

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Prepared for


God is king. However, because He only meant that he did not want humans to
want worldly desires, He hubled himself to become a human. The condition of the
environment on earth is really bad. And He wants people to recive Him on the
testimony of the word.
The angels are looking forward to how God’s people will welcome His son. But
other nations are worshiping idols. And to Zakharia priest, near the arrival of
Christ has been notified. But Jerusalem was not willing to welcome the savior.
The messenger of the Semawi envoy saw the stupid attitude of the nation that
Godhad called to convey the holy truth to the world.
And in the Jews, the victims of the morning and evening daily pointed at the Lamb
of God; But there was no preparation to welcomeHim.
The Angels accompany Yusuf and Maria on their way from Nazareth to city of
David. As in the ancient times, Kores was crowned the king of the world’s
kingdom so that he could discharge God, likewise, the emperor August was used
as a tool for until carrying out God’s intent in bringing the mother of Jesus back to
Betlehem, David’s descent must be born in the city of David.
From the Betlehem said prophet Mikha “will rise to me, will rule Israel, which is
the first time since at ancient times. Yusuf and Maria are unknow and respected
in their city of the descendants of the king. They walked along the narrow city
road from the end to tip there was no place for them. In a rickety building where
animals are placed in that’s where they get a place for world savior born.
The shepherds that was guarding the night talk about the savior. Suddenly the
angel of God near them then said ‘ don’t be afraid because I notified the
greatness because today has been born to you savior in the city of David.
And this is the sign for you “you will find a baby wrapped in a lapin and lying
inside the manger”, Then the angel disappeared and the night shadows covered
betlehem hill. The shepherds call each other see what happened in betlehem

We feel amazed at the sacrifice of the Savior in managing the Throne of Heaven
with manger.

Article 5 : SUBMISSION
In accordance with Jewish law, Joseph and Maria bring Him to Jerusalem to be
offered to God. The law of the Torah requested a lamb that was a year old for
burnt and dove or a dove or tech for victims because of sin.
All offerings given to God must not be naked, from here it is clear that Jesus
himself is free of defects. The sub mission of the eldest child came from acient
times. He must be exiled for priesthood, as Deputy Christ among humans.
Thus the law of offering the eldest child is made in special meaning. Even though
it is a warning of how God has released the children of Israel by the single child of
God. Likewise, the blood of Christ is in power to save the world.
These humble worship people have studied prophecy not in vain. But the people
who ranked as the probe and priies in Israel, they did not walk on the way of God.
People acknowledge Christ in history, they turn away leaving Christ who lives
sacrificing himself and not only as a liberator of Israel but also the Savior of the
world. But it took years for mother Jesus herself to understand His duties.
By Simeon has been stated that the Messiah will not take a path that is free from
this world’s obstacles. On Golgota cross, love and sef-conclaming updates. This is
the truth. Christ has lived to entertain and bless. By the life and death of Christ,
the human mind is seen.
Each question about truth and mistakes in a long time distupe will be clear.

Articles 6 : WE SEE THE STARS

Magi who comes from the East is a large and influential group, which includes
nobles and has a lot property and knowledge of their nation. While the Magi
learned space, and tried to suspect it was trashed by their glory of Khalik. In a
effort to find brighter knowledge, they turn to the Hebrew Bible.
The Magi saw a magical light in the sky on the night when God's glory covered the
hills of Bethlehem. That light was an army of angels shining far in the sky, but
about this the Magi did not know anything. They went out to question priests and
philosophers and searched the ancient scrolls of records.
As by faith the children of Israel followed the pillar of cloud into the promised
land, so these unbelievers set out to seek the promised Savior. In lands to the
east, it was customary there to offer gifts in honor of kings. The most expensive
gift that the land could give was brought to Him as an offering to Him by which all
the families of the earth would be happy.
They had arrived in the land of Israel, and were descending the Mount of Olives,
and Jerusalem was visible,. With hopeful steps they moved forward, hoping with
confidence that the birth of the Messiah would be the fruit of the mouth of a man
full of joy.
To their amazement, they found no one who seemed to know about the newborn
king. Their questions did not evoke signs of joy, on the contrary, they were signs
of wonder and fear, nor were they without humiliation. the priests exalted their
own religion and worship, while they denounced the Greeks and Romans as
infidels and sinners above other people.
Herod suspects that the priests conspired with the strangers to harass the crowd
and remove him from the throne. But he hid the suspicions of his heart, and
summoned the chief priests and scribes, he questioned them about the teachings
of their holy books regarding the place of the birth of the Messiah.
This calamity the Jews had brought upon themselves. This act of atrocity was one
of the last atrocities, which tainted Herod's reign. Such was the reception of the
Savior when He came to this world.
God could not entrust his beloved Son to men, even when he was carrying out
his work for their salvation.

The purpose of this book is to tells of the Savior of the world who was
born in a bad environment and was rejected by the people He saved

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