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Hematology -decrease thrombocytes result to bleeding

Blood forming tissues-solid form -involved in hemostasis (response of platelet to

bleeding) auto coagulation when bleeding
Spleen-waste of the blood
happens (coagulation factor)
Plasma-fluid form
Hemostasis goal: minimize blood loss when
 ERYTHROCYTES/RBC bleeding / injured

RBC-composed of millions of hemoglobin Anti-platelet medication- used to treat increase

coagulation factor inside the body
Erythropoiesis -Rbc production
-used to fight platelet aggravate, it prevent the
Erythropoietin-hormones produce by the occurrence of CVA or cerebrovascular accident
kidney, it controls the RBC and myocardial infarction, thrombus formation
Hemolysis-counterpart of erythropoietin, it is that causes emboli
the destruction of RBCs Plasma clotting factors-1 to 8
120-rbc normal life span Total clotting factors-

Clotting factor VI-absent

 LEUKOCYTES/WBC Structure of the hematologic system:
Granulocytes-has granule component inside Bone marrow-the one that produce
Agranulocyte- don’t have granules component Liver- the one that cleanse
on the inside
Lymph system-the one defense our body
Hematopoiesis- blood cell production
-Neutrophil -early inflammation
Liver- easiest to injured during blunt trauma
Eosinophil- parasitic infection
Liver-also produce clotting factor and albumin
Basophil- allergic reaction/inflammatory
response -clear dead rbc

Agranulocytes: Spleen- produce RBC only in fetal life, filter and

reuse certain cells
Lymphocyte- cellular, humoral immune
response, T-cells and B-cells -30% platelets stored in spleen

-for viral infections -immune function of lymphocytes and

Monocytes- phagocytosis, cellular immune

 THROMBOCYTES/PLATELETS Pluripotential Stem cell- the stem cell of all

stem cells
-function to stop bleeding
-divide into myeloid and lymphoid stem cells
-responsible for blood clotting
Macrophages- policeman of the body, compose Myoma and lesions- can cause bleeding
of WBCs
Serum ferritin- component of iron that we
Myeloid stem cells: need to check if there’s iron deficiency anemia

-granulocyte:macrophages stem cells, Thalassemia -genetic, both parents have this

megakaryocytic stem cells>megacaryocytes & disorder. -inadequate normal hemoglobin
platelets, erythropoletic stem cells > production and beta chain is affected
Fetal hemoglobin -alpha chain and x chain
Lymphoid stem cells: lymphocytes ( T cells, B doesn’t carry b chain
cells and plasma cells-carries most immune
Adult hemoglobin- 2 alpha and 2 beta chain
system components)
Adult hemoglobin 2- alpha and delta chain
-produce memory cells that protects us from
future infections Splenomegaly- spleen enlargement
Chemotaxis -migration of WBCs Hepatomegaly- liver enlargement
Leukopenia- decrease wbc 2 types of thalassemia
Neutropenia -decrease neutrophil count Thalassemia minor- 1 component only Is
acquired from the parent
Hematocrit- number of red blood cells and the
size of red blood cells Thalassemia Major- if both not yet produced
beta chain
Pancytopenia- decrease platelet, rbc and wbc
Deferoxamine- use to remove excess iron from
Thrombocytopenia- decreased platelet count
the body
Megaloblastic anemia- cobalamin and folic
Anemia – decreased production of erythrocyte acid deficiency -large rbc and fragile
due to kidney problems
Cobalamin deficiency- also known as pernicious
paresthesia-refers to a burning or prickling anemia, cause by malabsorption of cobalamin
sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, due to absence of intrinsic factor caused by
legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of ulcer or surgery
the body. The sensation, which happens
Folic acid deficiency - result to abnormal
without warning, is usually painless and
formation of RBcs
described as tingling or numbness, skin
crawling, or itching. Large Purine intake -increase uric acid that
result to gouty arthritis. Leafy green vegetables,
Acute blood loss- hemorrhage
liver, mushroom, oatmeal, peanut butter, and
Chronic blood loss- gastritis, ulcer, helminths red beans. (Colchicin for uric acid)

Chelitis- mouth sores, is a medical condition Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly happens

characterized by inflammation of the lips. when there’s too much dead rbc accumulated
in the liver or the spleen
Glossitis is a problem in which the tongue is
swollen and inflamed
Impaired renal function, CKD, chronic renal Infectious mononucleosis lymphopoliveferative
failure can cause Anemia
-there’s lymphadenopathy (inflammation of the
Lack of Erythropoietin cause kidney problems lymph nodes)cervical, occipital and sublingual.

Aplastic Anemia- characterized by

pancytopenia, all blood types decrease. Can be
Leukemias-immature & unregulated. Cause
congenital and acquired.
unknown or exposure to radiation.
-Pluripotential stem cells is affected
4 forms of leukemia
-hypo cellular bone marrow
ALL-Acute lymphocytic leukemia (most
Acquired aplastic anemia- through common in children)
chemotherapy in cancer patient, the radiation
AML-Acute myelocytic leukemia (chiefly and
in chemotherapy kills the cells that produced by
adult disease
the bone marrow. Critical with hemorrhage and
sepsis. CLL-Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (most
common in older adults) mas grabe
Hemolytic anemia -caused by increased
erythrocyte destruction CML-Chronic myelocytic anemia (adults and
G6pd- contraindicated in eating soy sauce and
peanut. It can cause hemolysis. Inherited LYMPHOID DISEASES:
condition. when the body doesn't have enough
of an enzyme called G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate Hodgkin's disease: cancer of neoplasm
dehydrogenase). This enzyme helps red blood lymphoid tissue. Usually in neck area.
cells work correctly. A lack of this enzyme can Non-hodgkin's disease: spread early in other
cause hemolytic anemia. organs. Poor prognosis. Spleen, liver, & bone
Hemochromatosis-Iron overload disease, over marrow.
absorption and storage of iron. DISORDERS OF PLATELETS
Polycythemia-net increase in the total number Thrombocytopenia- decreased platelet. Risk
of RBC. Over production of red blood cells. for bleeding. Dengue fever. Platelet count
Treated thru phlebotomy or draining of the below 150,00.
blood and myelosupressive agent.

Immune thrombocytopenia purpura

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Neutropenia-neutrophil count of less than 1500
cells. Can be acquired or congenital. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia – the
heparin has paradoxical effect causes
Kostman's syndrome-cause sever neutropenia. thrombosis.
agranulocytosis means no production of Prothrombin time (PT)
neutrophils. Sever neutropenia with neutrophil
count of less than 200 cells plasmaphoresis- wash out the blood, it is being

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