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CANDIDATE NO: — oat CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ACADEMIC UNION (CASAU) 2019 PRE-NATIONAL FORM IY EXAMINATION PHYSICS 1 (Por School Candidates Only) Time: 3Hours Friday, 06! September, 2019 a.m. peers Instructions ‘This paper consists of sections A, B and C ‘Answer all questions in sections A and B and TWO (2) questions from section C Programmable Calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s) Where necessary the following constants may be used i) Acceleration due gravity g =10m/s* ii) Velocity of light =3x10'm/s iii) Specific heat capacity of water (Cw ) = 4200J/kg°C iv) Specific latent heat of fusion of ice (Lx) = 334,000/kg ¥) Specific heat capacity of copper’ = 400)/kg°C i) Melting point of copper 1083°C vii) The refractive index of glycerine =1.47 Volume expansivity of the liquid = 4.7 x 104°C. Linear expansivity of glass = 9 x 106 10f6 CASAU-F.4 Pre-National, 2019 CANDIDATE NO: SECTION A (15 Marks) Answer all questions in this section. 1. For each of the items (i) ~ (x), choose the most correct answer among of the given alternatives and write its Jetter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided (i) The resistance of the conductor can be increased by ‘A. Folding the conductor a B. Decreasing the length of the conductor oA C. Increasing the cross-sectional area of the conductor D. Using the conductor of low conductivity E, Using the conductor of low resistivity (ii) If 1/16 of the sample of radioactive clement remain un-decayed in 8.0 hours. The half-life of the sample is A. 2.0 minutes B, 120.0 minutes C. 200.0 minutes D, 2000.0 minutes e 20.0 hours © Gii)Which statement does not explain on friction, ‘A. Without friction people could keep sliding __B. Friction aids in breaking system C, Frictional force is due to picks and valleys D. Frictional force increases with increase in roughness of the surfaces IE. Frictional force depends on speed of the two bodies in contact (iv)In a three- pin plug, the cable contains three wires, brown, blue and yellow. The three wires according to international code system are respectively representing? ‘A. Live, earth and neutral wires B. Earth, Live and neutral wires C, Neutral, Live and earth wires D. Barth, neutral and Live wires E, Live, neutral and earth wires Mie size of induced current in a solenoid can be increased by increasing the following factors XCEPT? “A. Using hard iron core 1B. Increasing umber of turns C. Using strong magnet 1D. Using coils of large cross section area E, Increasing relative motion of conductor and magnet, 20f6 i CASAU-F.4 Pre-National, 2019, CANDIDATE NO: (vi) The P-type semiconductor differs from N-type because; A. Majority carriers in P-type are holes while in N-type are free electrons B. Majority carriers in P-type are free electrons while in N-type are holes C. Patype is obtained by doping with pentavalent elements while N-type with trivalent element D. Minority carriers in P-type are holes while in N-type are free electrons E. P-type semiconductor conducts more than N-type (vii) According to Archimedes? principle for a body totally or partially immersed in fluids ‘A. The apparent weight is high when a body is totally immersed in fluids than when partially immersed in it __B. The up- thrust decreases as the body becomes partially submerged in fluids C. The body weight increases as a body becomes totally immersed in fluids D. The weight of fluid displaced decreases as a body becomes totally immersed E. The apparent weight of the body becomes zero (viii) The depth of coin placed at the bottom of beaker of glycerine of depth 8.82cm is seen as ‘A. 0.006m B. 0.06m Cc. 0.6m D. 6.0m E. 60.0m (ix)Which of the following describes particles in a solid at room temperature? ‘A. Close together and vibrating B. Close together and moving around randomly C. Close together and stationary D. Far apart and stationary E, Far apart and moving randomly (x) One difference between a planet and a star is A. A star isa heavenly body while planet is a luminous heavenly body B. A planet is a heavenly body while a star is a luminous heavenly body C. A planet has mass lower than that of a star D. A star has mass lower than that of a planet E, A star has large density while planet has lower density |. Match the items of List A with the corresponding response from List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. List A List B Works as pupil ofthe human eye | A mac Corresponds to retina of human eye B, Concave lens Works in the same way as the photographer moves the lens |C. Suspensory ligaments ‘of camera forwards and backwards * D. Conyex lens iv, Works as the black surface of the lens camera E, Shutter y. Works as the crystalline lens of human eye, F. Choroid layer A G. photographie plate 2 H,_ Vitreous humour 3 0f6 CASAU-F-4 Pre-Nationa, 2019 CANDIDATE NO: SECTION B (60Marks) ‘Answer all questions in this section. 3. (a) Define hydraulic press as used in pressure transmission (b) With aid of labeled diagram, briefly explain on working of hydraulic press ralculate the volume of brass of density 8.5g/cm? that must be attached to a piece of wood of mass 100g and density 0,2g/cm? so that two together will just submerge beneath water. 4. (a) The Linear expansivity of glass is 9x10/C. What does it mean? (b) Give the reason on each of the following observations: (i)A black cloth dries faster than white cloth of the same materials when exposed in air (ii) Iee heated from the upper part of a beaker containing water will not melt if it does not touch the wall of the beaker. (©) A glass vessel marked 1000cm? is completely filled with a liquid at a temperature of 15°C. If the vessel is heated to 90°C, find the volume of the liquid which will be expelled out of the vessel. 5. (a) Giving one example in cach ease differentiate primary ce]! fom secondary ce n electric bulb has a rating of 240V, 60W. What does it mean?“ ) What is the cost of running simultaneously five electric bulbs in a day that have ratings as that of 5(b) above if'the cost for each unit is 5.0Tsh (ii) Briefly explain to why the distribution of electrical energy in all parts of Tanzania by TANESCO js in a.c form and at high voltage? dot 6. (a) Differentiate progressive wave from stationary wave wnat is resonance? (c) The frequency obtained from a string is 800Hz when the tension is 4N. Calculate jive any three effects of resonance in everyday life (i) The frequency when the tension is incteased by12N (ji) The tension needed to produce a note of 1200Hz. What assumption have you made to reach the conclusion. 7. (a) Define Radioactivity and state on how it depends on binding energy (b) A Geiger Muller tube records some counts even if there is no radioactive source in the tube. State any three causes of these counts in the tube (©) A Radon nucleus(Rn) atomic number (86) and mass number (226) emits an alpha particle followed by two beta particles two form two nuclei X and Y respectively. (i) Write the two nuclear reactions to represent the emissions (ii) What is the atomic number and mass number of element Y formed after the two emission? 4of6 (CASAU-F. Pre-National, 2019 a CANDIDATE No; _ 8. (@) Define the following terms: (i) Global warming ii) Epicenter - ait dy va (b) State the Newton's law of gravitation and use it to explain to how the mass of the body affects the gravitational pull on the body Starter thane, Onion plor (©)\() Mention four greeahouse gases C00, Oz, MM (ii) Give any four hazards associated with earthquakes, SECTION C (25 Marks) ‘Answer TWO (2) questions from this section 9. (a) (i) What is a solenoid? ii) State any four ways on how you can increase the strength of the induced current in the Solenoid. ‘ (b) Briefly explain why; (i) heating of the magnet weakens or destroys the magnetism of the magnet? (i) the strength of the magnet cannot be increased beyond a certain limit? (©) A transformer is used in the 240V a.c supply to deliver 8A at 90V to a heating coil Calculate; ger (i) The energy delivered in primary coils in 10seconds (ii) The energy reached the secondary coils in 10second’,, “ifstSefTicieney is 80% (iii) The loss in energy between, Primary and sear fl (@) State any four sources of energy lo Wigcinase transformer. How can the power loss be mit sd in each case? ah pi ae a y A DHtay Detinercet fiestitn anc explain anfhow ican be achieved using one diode AS (b) Briefly explain to why silicon diodes are more preferred than Germanium diodes? (©) Draw a sketch graph for forward biasing ofa silicon PN-junction diode showing its axes and the barrier potential gestive: i - fe) (Detiiemtenathetentt vive nwo examples on‘, At po E Using the block diagram briefly explain on how npn transistor works 2 In common emitter mode the base current is 0.05mA and the collector current is 4.49mA, Calculate the emitter current and the current gain. 11, (a) Define impulsive force and state the SI unit of impulse of the force (b) State the principle of conservation of linear momentum (©) A body of mass 2kg moving with a velocity of 20m/s collides with another body of mass 0.2kg moving with the velocity of 40mls in the same direction. If after collision both moved 5of6 CASAU-F.4 Pre-National, 2019 CANDIDATE Ni together, calculate the common velocity after impact. State the assumption you have made during calculations (4) (i) State three differences between hard X-rays and soft X-rays | Gil) How radiographers can increase the intensity of X-ray in the X-ray tube? (iii) Which three colours of light are emitted by a phosphor dots in a colour TV set? (iv) State the function of electron gun and deflecting system in CRT 60f6 CASAU-F4 Pre-Nationsl, 2019

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