Research Methology 1

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Tabla de contenido
Reflection upon the context.....................................................................................................3
Relationship between research subproject and research intention...........................................3
Identification of needs emerging from the context...................................................................4
Research Question..................................................................................................................4
Description: Context characteristics, participants’ needs and contributions to the research
project of the LLEI and to my professional future...................................................................4
Annotated bibliography...........................................................................................................5
Theoretical support.................................................................................................................8
Reflection upon the context

My research proposal will be based on how to improve the integrated skills needed to the

comprehension in the English language to tenth-grade students who are between the ages of 15

and 16. I decided to choose this project since in the school where I work I want to prepare the

students for the ICFES test but also to make them able to present the TOEFL test and achieve a

higher score, which is why I need to increase an integrated skills level of the students. One of the

great difficulties that students have is to recognize the vocabularies written that have previously

been seen in elementary courses and what a moment ago they are absent at the time of

developing readings in English and writings that allow the logical understanding of these. To

have a starting point for this project, during February a simulation different types of tests have

been carried out demonstrating an approximate level graph that the students possess so far; there

have also been short readings (comprehension and read-out-loud) that allow us to see their

understanding based on questions of analysis of the texts.

Relationship between research subproject and research intention

Needs presented by tenth-grade students on different test that allow to recognize their speaking,

reading, talking, writing, that allow the recognition of both vocabulary and grammar concepts

that are obtained. Therefore, the project marked me would be the number 1 because the teacher's

practices for teaching and learning a new language are based, based on the innovation of

activities and proposals that allow tenth-grade students to advance in your four-skills and

therefore in your vocabulary.

As a project, I decided to choose the number 2 which allows me to keep the technology as a tool
for learning the second language in the classroom allowing a new pedagogical didactics at the

time of having a reading, a conversation, avoiding simple, insipid and boring learning contexts.

Identification of needs emerging from the context

The identification of needs that arise within the social context mainly affects reading in general

because in the families of tenth-grade students there has been no emphasis on the importance of

reading and the analysis and understanding given to students. different literature texts which

represent a certain disgust in students When presenting ideas or proposals about a reading or

even when analyzing a reading even in their language, which makes reading and comprehension

in a foreign language even more difficult. It seeks new pedagogical didactics that allow the

student to feel pleasure and importance in reading both the Spanish language (his native

language) and the English language.

Research Question

How the implementation of the activities, which allow having an evaluation criterion through the

integrated skills approach, promote and increase the results of the different classes of language

tests in the group of tenth-grade students?

Description: Context characteristics, participants’ needs and contributions to the research project

of the LLEI and to my professional future

To carry out this research project, it is necessary to analyze the context in which tenth-grade

students live, taking into account what are inhabitants of the city of Soacha and that their
families have not had an appropriate approach to the English language but what do they

recognize current need for the English language; It is also necessary to pay special attention to

the needs that tenth-grade students demonstrate when making a graphic comparison of the results

of the simulacrum TOELF that they presented during the month of February in the same way to

highlight the necessary and critical points obtained from the Proposed activities of the readings

brought by the teacher.

The contribution that was sought as a future professional teacher in English is that it allows me

to easily analyze the needs that students have in order to directly attack the need and allow the

student to flow in their foreign language learning not by necessity but by an appreciation that is

obtained When demonstrating to students how English facilitates most of the fields of work and

allows a much wider experience worldwide

Research design
In this research process, the procedures that only have to be taken into account as a design to
be able to effectively execute the approaches of this research is to carry out action-action
research, as this project seeks to transform the learning process according to the needs of
undergraduate students. 10th to guarantee an effective and capable learning process, for which
measures will be taken in order to do what is necessary to allow students to create their own
environment within the classroom that allows the development of integrated English language
skills together with the help of the teacher since this allows the pedagogical and
methodological processes to be according to the needs of the students.

As this research is carried out, what is proposed with this project is to be able to work with
students continuously, making critical reflections according to the evaluation results presented
at the time of conducting drills that allow us to see the advancement of skills. integrated of the
Data collection will also be taken into account for this research project, which guarantees
effective and continuous research; This data collection which will be seen through the different
investigations that will be presented throughout this project, also the process that will be
carried out during this investigation, to finally report results and also have a critical reflection
on the effectiveness of this research and processes used, rating their effectiveness or re-
evaluating the need for changes during this process.
Annotated bibliography

Michael Vetrie. (2004). Using Film to Increase Literacy Skills. The English

Journal, 93(3), 39-45. doi:10.2307/4128807

According to this article, the author seeks to implement more innovative teaching that is

effective, which is why he begins with cinema. Cinema is our most popular "popular" culture.

That is, he is so admired that we have characters from other media that quote him. Criticism of

popular Greek and Elizabethan academics dismissed the popular scenario for downplaying the

level of the masses. Critics, both left and right, find common ground in attacking the use of any

popular culture in the classroom.

These are fair and very important questions because schools have been mandated to improve

literacy skills through more innovative tools. According to the article, movies can be used to

increase literacy skills if taught as a literary tool. We should use film as another way to teach

literature: as a basis for anchoring most writing and critical thinking activities. The author uses

the feature film in the classroom not only as a new and contemporary literacy or a fifth language.

The author has found that using movies for at-risk students far outweighs literature as facilitation

to increase my students' literacy and critical thinking skills and that surprisingly increases their

reading and writing skills. The main goal of teaching film is literature is to give students a


Northrop, L., & Killeen, E. (2013). A FRAMEWORK FOR USING iPADS

TO BUILD EARLY LITERACY SKILLS. The Reading Teacher, 66(7),

531-537. Retrieved March 30, 2020, from

This final article tells us about the rapid adoption of iPads and other tablet devices by schools,

creating a new opportunity to use technology to develop early literacy skills. Increasingly,

students also have access to tablets and smartphones at home, providing educators with an

excellent opportunity to use these technologies to connect school and home learning activities.

The author suggests that to ensure that students work at their instructional or independent level,

and access and work with the desired literacy content, the Graduation of Liability instruction

framework can be modified and applied to the use of tablets. Following this instructional

framework, a teacher first explains and models the activity, followed by guided and independent

practice by the student. There are a variety of apps out there dedicated to practicing early literacy

skills. Although the author expresses his enthusiasm for the use of iPads in the classroom, like

motivational and instructional tools, he strongly recommends that the use of technology be

combined with effective instruction to ensure that students are learning, not just by pressing

buttons and following movements in the classroom.

Hutchison, A., Nadolny, L., & Estapa, A. (2016). USING CODING APPS


LITERACY. The Reading Teacher, 69(5), 493-503. Retrieved April 2,

2020, from

In this article, it is evident that during the last decade, literacy academics have made more and

more efforts to study the new skills, strategies, dispositions, interests and social practices

associated with digital technologies as one of the pioneers in bringing computing to youth.
Seymour Papert envisioned the logo as a way to engage children in the creative process and the

problem-solving process. Coding has gone beyond a skill for employment in high-demand fields

and includes elements of expression, collaboration, and creativity. Proponents of this movement

believe that developing coding literacy is a core competency for many types of 21st-century

workers and that all students should have the opportunity to develop this type of literacy with the

use of digital technology to develop language. specialized and disciplinary skills

Beyond the need to prepare students for the barely imaginable future, the author believes that

there are many tangible benefits of bringing coding applications to the classroom that support the

development of literacy practices as they currently exist. Furthermore, the development of

coding literacy has even more immediate, and perhaps tangible, connections to traditional

literacy. Coding is a new type of literacy, just as writing helps you organize your thinking and

express your ideas, the same is true for coding.

The author affirms within the article that it is necessary to think creatively, reason systematically

and work collaboratively to program interactive stories, games, and animations. Because coding

literacy is a relatively new concept for many educators, it can be difficult to understand its

relationship to literacy and classroom settings

With the previous articles, I think that it is necessary to be able to research and have integrated

skills as the main concept through task-based language teaching; which allows me to have a

pedagogical focus and have a pedagogical orientation that allows me to integrate skills to help

students improve, practice and acquire an understanding of English learning. To support this
main concept, it is necessary to be able to pass the tests and different types of devaluations that

allow us to review the linguistic skills that students have; so I see it necessary, as the research

progresses, to define the type of assessment and the types of exams, language tests within the



CLASSROOM. ESL Magazine. 4.

An extreme example is the translation grammar method, “which teaches students to analyze

grammar and translate (usually in writing) from one language to another.” (Oxford, 2001, p. 7),

the car allows us to analyze that carrying out this exercise is an atrocious action for the students

since it does not allow the full development of the integrated skills that are had at the time to

exercise the EFL. However, he also tells us that there are different strategies that can be used to

integrated language skills in a way that allows students to improve their learning strategies

regardless of the area that needs to be reinforced, as these strategies seek to improve performance

in all language skills.

A critical point that the author gives us is that master of being creative in order to create classes

that allow multiple skills to be involved and also integrated skills without need is presenting each

one separately. The academic cognitive approach to language learning shows how language

learning strategies can be integrated into learning simultaneously with language content;

although the teacher needs to be quite careful with the subjects to select, because the subject
must be attractive and interesting for the students in order to allow a wide practice in the existing

varieties of language skills.

Córdoba Zúñiga, E. (2016). Implementing task-based language

teaching to integrate language skills in an EFL program at a
Colombian university. PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional
Development, 18(2), 13-27.

This methodology teaches us that the TBLT (task-based language teaching) allows it to be used

as a method facilitating the practice of language skills in an everyday environment which allows

students to explore different opportunities within communication skills either within or outside

of it, benefiting the practical language through the tasks within the classroom that are closely

related to daily life, this allows the linguistic tasks to become something more real and can get to

satisfy the linguistic needs. The author of this article carried out exercises based on reading

practices that had oral messages and that allowed students to communicate their ideas freely, as

Nunan considers "an activity or action that is carried out as a result of a process to understand a

language, for example drawing a map, executing a command, buying tickets, paying bills, and

driving a car in a city ”(Nunan, 2004, p. 7)

It is also pointed out that the tasks allow them to be activated and that they promote the learning

of an L2 through discussions and cooperations; that allow an analysis to be carried out in order to

adjust according to the needs of the students.

 In this article, a study was carried out where students who were already familiar with

development focused on integrated skills, found it easier to solve the activities proposed by the

teacher, finding as a result that students are more likely to hit when the activities they are based

on the real world, through the focus of meaningful practice, either from debate or analysis of
articles and written reports. The author was able to make a comparison with the students who

had carried out their contextualized exercises presenting greater affinity with the creative tasks in

order to exercise the integrated linguistic skills since they expressed that it is easier to solve them

when they have active personal implications.

In the conclusion of this article, the results suggest that TBLT is a significant approach to be able

to integrate the language skills that an EFL requires.

Theoretical support

Since the concept of implementing new technologies is included in my research proposal in order

to increase the integrated skills proposed in a foreign language, it is necessary to clarify that the

main point is based on student learning either in at home or in the institution outside it in any

other contour. By reading these 3 articles, we seek to implement new strategies that complement

the learning of 10th-grade students in order for them to handle the 4 different components that

are part of the integrated skill that they need to have in a foreign language more fluently.

In this research, with these different articles, I have found different proposals on how to

implement language learning in its 4 components as an integrated skills, without the need of

having to undergo boring and monotonous activities, but it allows me to find new tools to

implement didactic learning according to the needs that they require and also learning that comes

from the experience of each student. Michael Vetrie (2004) He tells us here it is necessary as

teachers to be immersed within the culture that our students handle so that they can understand

what we seek in the learning that each one of them, explained it well in the following way:
"Popular culture is about more than just the current time and place"

Michael Vetrie (p. 39)

So, I have come to a theory where teachers must get into new technologies and new eras that

present this time to implement effective learning and teaching to each of the students.

In the first article, we talk about the application of videos and even movies that are not used for

the sole purpose of entertainment but are used as a means of literacy and critical discussion

among the students themselves, since according to Michael Vetrie (2004) “ Students do not seek

to learn lines from classic books such as Shakespeare among others ”(p. 40), therefore, it invites

new teachers to use more jovial terms and use visual tools that are a reference to the tastes of

students or reference to the situations that they are currently experiencing Well according to

Michael Vetrie (2004) “Films can be used to increase literacy skills if it is taught as literature”

(p.41). The next invitation from the author is that we obviously choose our visual aids so that we

can create an environment where they can think and want to communicate among themselves

using the foreign language since the author sees this option as the “fifth language art ”(Teasley

and Wilder 117). The author has also concluded that listening to students can discuss and think

more effectively, which helps them also to advance their reading effectively, leading to effective


“Schools creates a new opportunity to use the technology in early literacy

skill development” Laura Northrop and Erin Killeen (p. 531)

In my 2nd research I found that implementing new technologies for students is a way to motivate

and compromise student studies and learning because according to Laura Northrop and Erin

Killeen, children's understanding has been examined when reading books. electronic and

analyzed which has been the most effective way by making a comparison of electronic books

and physical books. That is why the authors also assure that it is important to use the technology

and applications that they may have to implement a learning process and to be able to generate

goals where students acquire greater listening comprehension and others since they assure that

the applications are designed to teach reading. , to listen to the sound of letters, to recognize

simple and compound words, to recognize vowels and consonants and to be able to generate a

sequence of letters; All this thanks to the fact that the use of the applications provided by the

technologies (cellular computers and others) creates more practice time with respect to the

concepts and does not limit the teacher to repeating concepts in the classroom but rather allows

the students to review the choosing or reviewing the terms in their homes; however Laura

Northrop and Erin Killeen ask the teachers of the new generations to be very aware in the use of

new technologies as it also emphasizes the fear of having a purely technological education where

the teacher is discarded as the authors assure us that the explanation and the dance guide of the

teacher is necessary prior to the use of these new technologies, Laura Northrop and Erin Killeen

(2013) express that the “apps provide plenty of time for practicing literacy concepts, but should

not be substituted for directly teaching concepts ”(p. 533)

“Educators strive to ensure students are prepared for the 21st-century”

Amy Hutchison, Larysa Nadolny and Anne Estapa (p. 493)

In this third article, I found the importance of the educator not only getting into the new

technologies in order to find new literature for the students, but it is also necessary for the

teacher to immerse himself in this world in order to ensure that students are prepared to face this

new century, that's why Amy Hutchison, Larysa Nadolny, and Anne Estapa refer to the fact that

it is very important to become part of the literature but also to examine the different applications

that exist within cell phones and others to Being able to connect literature to coding because

coding here ensures brings with it learning of logic that allows students to think, solve problems,

solve sequences, plan, and can code a computer program; Well, all this leads to improving the

learning of literature and therefore reinforces the 4 necessary fields within a foreign language.

Amy Hutchison, Larysa Nadolny and Anne Estapa (2016) “argue that coding literacy is an

important type of digital and disciplinary literacy that is relevant to classroom instruction”. This

makes it necessary for the teacher to implement the use of new technologies in order to develop

the different kinds of literature that exist (both digital and classical). Of course, here before using

technologies to our advantage as teachers, it is necessary to develop literary practices that

already exist so that students can immerse themselves in a literary project and also be able to

execute it in a digital age; therefore Amy Hutchison, Larysa Nadolny and Anne Estapa (2016)

“… proposing that students can code to learn” From here, through experiences that they already

recognize, it is easier to immerse themselves in learning, for which the author considers in this

article that coding Hello computer programming is a type of literature such as writing. Amy

Hutchison, Larysa Nadolny, and Anne Estapa Develop fundamental ways to ensure a

developmental sequence and a sequence of skills that can be implemented and be successful in

the academic area.

As a proposal for these project I have search different investigation that supports my research

statement, in these following 5 articles, they have allowed me to develop a deeper investigation

on the needs that must be considered in this current era to guarantee effective learning of the

English language as a foreign language, recognizing that there are integrated skills that must be

developed that allow me to develop not just a classic way of reading, writing, and dictation, but

you can also use different current tools to improve the literature of tenth grade English learners

in English, preparing them for a TOELF exam guaranteeing a developed English in the skills

integrated (listen, write, read, speak). With the help of these articles that support the idea of my

research, I can concentrate on being able to analyze and understand the phenomenon that is

implemented within the classroom due to the experiences that each student must have and be

able to extract it, through a series of exercises. that allows me to evaluate the development of

knowledge and the learning process of the students, in order to readjust the activities proposed in

the classroom, in order to guarantee effective, didactic and dynamic learning, so that the students

can exercise an EFL, and also focus on this study of the students' own experiences to ensure the

implementation of integrated skills

 Michael Vetrie. (2004). Using Film to Increase Literacy Skills. The English

Journal, 93(3), 39-45. doi:10.2307/4128807

 Northrop, L., & Killeen, E. (2013). A FRAMEWORK FOR USING iPADS TO BUILD

EARLY LITERACY SKILLS. The Reading Teacher, 66(7), 531-537. Retrieved March

30, 2020, from

 Hutchison, A., Nadolny, L., & Estapa, A. (2016). USING CODING APPS TO


Reading Teacher, 69(5), 493-503. Retrieved April 2, 2020, from

 Oxford, Rebecca. (2001). INTEGRATED SKILLS IN THE ESL/EFL

CLASSROOM. ESL Magazine. 4.

 Córdoba Zúñiga, E. (2016). Implementing task-based language

teaching to integrate language skills in an EFL program at a
Colombian university. PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional
Development, 18(2), 13-27.





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