Metzger Lawsuit

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f{IetzgerTakesFight For Job,

DamagesTo Pike CountyCourt
By Chris Jones has a master's degree in public ad-
MILFORD - Dawn Metzger, ministration. She had been the CYS
the former Pike Children & Youth director from August 2006 until Feb-
Services (CYS) director who lost ruary 2009.
her job after a dispute with former In January 2009, Meager autho-
Commissioner Harry Forbes over rized that a seven-year-oldchild who
a juvenile placement,has vowed to had struck a teacher and otherwise
fight on, this time in the Pike County disrupted classesbe sent to a psychi-
Court of Common Pleas. atric center for evaluation.
On March 16,Metzger's attorney, According to the suit, while the
Sidney L. Gold of Philadelphia,filed child was en route to the institution,
a civil action in Milford seeking a Forbes contacted Metzger and di-
jury trial, saying Metzger had been rected her "without legal authority"
harmedby the "re- to return the child
taliatory employ- Judge JamesM. Mun- to his foster parents
ment practices" ley of the U.S. District and cancel the eval-
of the defendant, Courtfor the Middle Dis- uation. According
Pike County.
On Feb. 28,
trict of Pennsylvania said to the civil action,
Metzger registered
a f e d e r a l j u d g e on Feb.28 that Metzger's her opposition to
had granted Pike claims under the Pa. F o r b e s . b u t c o m -
C o u n t y ' s m o - Constitution and the Pa. plied.
tion for summary Metzger com-
judgment against Whistleblower
Law were
plained about
Metzger's claim di smissed " w ithoutprej u- F o r b e s ' a c t i o n st o
t h a t h e r F i r s t dice to bringing such officials at the state
Amendmentrights claims t0 state court." Dept of Public Wel-
under the U.S. fare (DPW), and she
Constitution had been violated. claims that in retribution for that she
But Judge JamesM. Munley of was suspendedas director of CYS
the U.S. District Court for the Middle on Jan. 15.
District of Pennsylvaniasaid at that In the federal case, the county
time that Metzger's claims under the said Forbes never knew Metzger
Pa.Constitution and the Pa.Whistle- complained to anyone at DPW and
blowerLaw were dismissed"without that Metzger's move lacked approval
prejudice to bringing such claims to by the county court and the child's
statecourt." foster parents.
The whistleblower case now Metzger's action in Pike County
moves to Milford, with Metzger, a Court says the county attempted to
Milford resident and native of Pike transferher to the Pike County Jail as
County,seekingto get herjob back a ffeatment counselor and ultimately
at Children & Youth Services,along terminatedher from CYS.
with lost pay and compensatory She alleges the county's actions
damages, violated her rights to freedom of
According to the court filing, speech under the Pa. Constitution,
Metzger, 37, was a Pa.-licensed Article 1, Section7.
social worker with the county and (Continued on page 3)
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