MCP261 IE Lab I Ex 7

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MCP 261 IE Lab 1

Exercise 7: Linear Programming

Due date: 11:59 PM April 4, 2021
Please submit your files in a single zipped file. The zipped file should be named as follows:
" Entry#_Ex7_".
Please follow the additional guidelines below.
1. Submit only in .zip files. For example .rar files are not allowed.
2. For question 1, upload the Excel file with the Solver solution.
3. For question 2, prepare another Excel file with the Solver solution.
4. Each file in the folder should be named in the following format:
Note that submissions that do not adhere to the above guidelines will not be graded.
All submissions will be checked for evidence of plagiarism. Students whose submissions are
found to have evidence of plagiarism will be subject to, at minimum, losing all marks for
the exercise.
1. (5 marks) Consider the aggregate planning formulation including overtime. Assume that
it is a 7-month problem with a single product, and the product is produced on 4
workstations. The following data is provided for the problem:
lt (lower bound
on demand)
10, 20, 5, 0, 5,
10, 15
ut (upper bound
on demand)
280, 200, 180,
160, 225, 135,
c1t c2t c3t c4t
120, 120, 85, 150, 180, 75, 100, 70, 120, 80, 70, 140,
120, 80, 60, 120, 130, 100, 80, 65, 50, 90 120, 100, 85,
150 85 70
a1 a2 a3 a4
3 4 2 3
b = 0.5
h = 0.25
O1 = 3.1 O2 = 2.4 O3 = 3.5 O4 = 2.2
The symbols have their usual meaning as indicated in the textbook, with the Oj referring to the unit cost
of overtime on workstation j. Formulate and solve the above linear programming problem using Excel’s
Solver add-in. The objective function, constraints and optimal solution must be clearly indicated in the
Excel file.

2. (5 marks) Use Excel solver to formulate the following problem as a linear programming problem
such that the total cost of assigning jobs to machines is minimized. The costs are given in the
table for a pair of job and machine. Also, only one job can be assigned to one machine and vice-
M/C 1 M/C 2 M/C 3 M/C 4 M/C 5 M/C 6 M/C 7

4 3 7 10 8 2 1
6 4 2 7 9 3 3
Job 2
4 5 7 9 2 3 5
Job 3
5 6 2 4 1 10 8
Job 4
8 6 5 1 3 9 6
Job 5
6 4 8 2 7 2 9
Job 6
2 4 7 3 8 9 3
Job 7

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