Bahasa Inggris Minat Fitriyani (12) XII MIPA 6

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Tugas Bahasa Inggris Minat

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Jalan dr.Wahidin Sudirohusodo 79 Cirebon

2020 / 2021
A. Complete the sentences with “although” or “in spite of”.

1. In spite of all my careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

2. Although I love music, I can’t play a musical instrument.
3. In spite of being very tired, we kept on walking.
4. Although the heat was turned all the way up, the house was still cold.
5. Keith decided to quit his job although I advised him not to do so.

B. Complete the sentences using ‘Although+sentence’

1. Although he worked overtime, he wasn’t particulary well paid.

2. Although wasn’t know him, I recognized him from a photograph.
3. I didn’t wear a raincoat although it was rain hard.
4. We’d better invite her to the party although she was hurt us
5. Although it was difficult to study , I managed to make myself understand.
6. He was late although he wake up early.

C. Rewrite the sentences using the conjunctions in brackets.

1. Although he’s got a French name, he is in fact an American. (despite).

Despite his French name, he is in fact an American.
2. In spite of her injured foot, she managed to walk home. (although)
She managed to walk home although her foot was injured.
3. I decided to accept the job although the salary was low. (in spite of)
In spite of the low salary, I decided to accept the job.
4. I’ll keep doing the work although it may cause me a lot of suffering. (despite)
I’ll keep despite doing the work it may cause me a lot of suffers.
5. In spite of being very busy, we never forget to pray everyday. (although)
we never forget to pray everyday although we are busy.
6. In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didn’t feel hungry. (even though)
I didn’t feel hungry even though I hadn’t eaten for 24 hours.
7. We lost the match although we were the better team. (despite)
We lost the match despite our better team.
8. It is impossible to finish the work. They still try hard to finish it. (although)
Impossible to finish the work, although they still hard to finish the work
9. He was trying to smile. He failed in the exams. (in spite of)
In spite of failing his exam,he was trying to smile.
10. Tono attended his friend’s party. Her mother was ill. (despite)
Despite her mother was ill, Tono attended his friend’s party.

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