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CW 101

1. Will COVID-19 kill Globalization?

 The COVID-19 Pandemic spread like wildfire around the globe that started in Wuhan,
China. A disease that was thought to be only affecting the Chinese residents there but
was now around the world. Every country closed the borders, trade arrangements, and
any contact from foreign countries that halted the continuous flourishing globalization.
It affected millions of people with the dramatic loss of human life worldwide. For the
first few months of the pandemic, most establishments were closed and not operating
but soon after the economy gradually recovered, and globalization was once again

COVID-19 may only halt the growing globalization since time immemorial, but it did
not necessarily kill it. Global activities such as travelling, exporting, and other physical
communication with other countries may have been temporarily banned during the
outbreak, but now it continued again as treatments like vaccines have now been
developed. However, globalization does not only talk about these physical interactions
but also virtually, monetary, ideologies, etc. It may only slow the ongoing cycle of
globalization but nothing more than that.

The first outbreak of the COVID-19 may have come to be a shock to everyone, but
slowly we were recovering and being as resilient as ever. Experts have been doing
their best to find a solution in treating patients afflicted with the said disease and how
to retrieve the world we once had. Although, it would prove to be difficult, but I still
believe that with all these technologies and innovations we have it may just be as
possible to be back to the old days, slowly but surely.

Furthermore, travels may just have been permitted in some parts of the globe
recently. Soon enough, it would be possible for travels to be permitted around the
globe and once again globalization would boom and be as what it once was.
Globalization will never end as how people keep on being interconnected around the
globe even with the COVID-19 as a global challenge for progressing countries.

2. Reflection: How do you cope with the new normal of Filipino living caused by Covid-

 Coping up during the quarantine was hard. A lot happened. Although, I must say I was
quite privileged in life so I thought I would not quite face any financial problems
somehow but still challenges and trials come to anyone, and it is inevitable. Fortunate
to have such privileges in life, I got to cope up smoothly for the first few months of the

Although it was quite smooth sailing for me for the first few months of the quarantine,
later it was not anymore. As I said challenges and trials coming into our lives is
inevitable. It was when the real deal started, when classes resumed online, and
everyone was struggling with this new mode of learning. Adding to that some personal
problems that come all the way through and just gives you anxiety, stress, and
depression. It was so hard to deal with everything, and in the blink of an eye, I lost
interest in everything, I even lost interest with my life. I was just there thinking of
nothing and not wanting to move. I even skipped classes, I messed everything up and
it was very disappointing. I was disappointed with myself. However, thankfully, there
is my mom who would always guide me and comfort me that I was able to go on,
aside from God/Allah who was always guiding me since day one. I came to my senses
and started seeking His Almighty’s love and making my faith in Him stronger that I
was able to continue in life, contented and loved.

From there on, I told myself that whatever life throws at you, never ever falter, and
just ask the one from above for guidance, strength, and patience. Having faith in Him
makes you even stronger even in times of calamities, and most especially during this
time of the pandemic. He will never abandon you if you would only ask him for help.
Now, that I felt like I have renewed my faith and made it even stronger, I am happy,
and I feel very secured in life

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