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A. Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of
the others
a. drama b. grammar c. damage d. mammal
/ˈdrɑː.mə/ /ˈɡræm.ɚ/ /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/ /ˈmæm.əl/
 drama  damage
+ a moment of drama + an action/ a claim for damages
+ be full of drama  mammal
 grammar + among mammal
+ the rules of grammar
a. drama b. plays c. lays d. says
/ˈdrɑː.mə/ /pleɪ/ /leɪ/ /seɪ/

a. furnishing b. preparation c. preposition d. prerequisite

/ˈfɜː.nɪʃ/ /ˌprep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ /ˌprep.əˈzɪʃ.ən/ /ˌpriːˈrek.wɪ.zɪt/
 furnish  prerequisite
+ furnish sb with sth + prerequisite for
 prepare + prerequisite to
+ prepare for something
+ time to prepare something
a. fear b. near c. pear d. rear
/fɪər/ /nɪər/ /peər/ /rɪər/
 fear  raer
+ fear and trepidation + bring up rear = were last in the
+ strike fear into (the heart of) sb parade
+ fear for / of + rear above/over sth/sb
a. myth b. with c. both d. tenth
/mɪθ/ /wɪð/ /boʊθ/ /tenθ/
 myth + myth about
+ contrary to popular myth + myth of
a. book b. put c. brook d. booth
/bʊk/ /pʊt/ /brʊk/ /buːð/
 book  put
+ be booked solid = be fully booked + to put it another way
 brook  booth
+ brook no sth/ not brook sth + booth in a/the
a. serve b. function c. sudden d. stomach
/sɜːv/ /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ /ˈsʌd.ən/ /ˈstʌm.ək/
 serve + function as sth/sb
+ serve sth chilled/cold/hot  stomach
 function + butterflies in one’s stomach
+ fully functioning + on one’s stomach
a. gen b. gaze c. gaudy d. gate
/dʒen/ /ɡeɪz/ /ˈɡɔː.di/ /ɡeɪt/
 gaze  gate
+ under one’s gaze + a set of gate
+ gaze at/in + gate through a/the
a. obtain b. obstacle c. obstinate d. obsolete
/əbˈteɪn/ /ˈɒb.stə.kəl/ /ˈɒb.stɪ.nət/ /ˌɒb.səlˈiːt/
 obtain + sth can/ may be obtained
+ obtain from  obstacle
+ be easily obtained + obstacle for
+ a means/method/way of obtaining + onstacle to
something + an obstacle in the path/way of sb
a. duty b. dual c. bugle d. duvet
/ˈduː.t̬ i/ /ˈduː.əl/ /ˈbjuː.ɡəl/ /ˈduː.veɪ/
 duty + a sense of duty
+ under the duty + feel it one’s duty to do something
+ in a breach of duty + the execution/performance of one’s
+ do one’s duty by somebody duties
+ be duty bound to do something  duvet
+(above and)beyond the call of duty + beneath/ under a/the duver

B. Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns.
1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable 4th syllable
Politics Pneumonia European
Diligently Expenditure Aborigine
Abnormal Archeological


A. Supply the correct form of the word in the parenthese
1. The D war zone was a famous military base during the two resistance wars
2. You should use it as a study room. It’s comparatively quiet (compare)
3. Various kinds of colorful flowers beautfy this garden. (beautiful)
4. A domineering friend is one who likes power (dominate)
5. Robin Hood is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, in
Nottingham. (legend)
6. Uncertainty about the company’s future meant that few people wanted to
invest money on it (certain)
7. The shop will change undamaged goods if a receipt is shown as proof of
purchase. (receive)
8. The cost of carriage must be paid by the buyer. (carry)
9. We had a marvelous holiday and our trip to Da Lat was unforgetable.
10. The crowd showed its disapproval by shouting insults at the players.

B. Choose the correct answer

1. His personal problems seem to have been _______ him from his work lately.
A. disrupting B. disturbing C. distracting D. dispersing
Đập gãy, phá vỡ Làm náo động Làm sao lãng Giải tán, phân tán
2. He was a very ______ man; one day he would be happy, the next miserable.
A. Uncontrollable không kiểm soát B. Uneven không bằng phẳng, gồ
được, không kiểm tra được. ghề, gập ghềnh, thất thường
C. Temperamental thất thường, D. Dispirited mất tinh thần, mất
không kiên định,không bình tĩnh. nhuệ khí, chán nản
3. This cloth ________________ very thin.
A. touches B. holds C. feels D. handles
Chạm, tiếp xúc, sờ Cầm, nắm, giữ Tạo cảm giác Đối đãi, sử dụng
4. After all this time, John should take the bull by the horns and ask Mary to
marry him.
A. continue B. be secretive C. buy a bull D. be determined
Tiếp tục, duy trì Hay giấu giếm Mua khống (ktế) Xác định, nhất quyết
5. I’ve had a ___________________ of misfortune
A. Success B. Continuation
C. Repetition D. Succession
6. The music aroused an _________________ feeling of homesickness in him
A. intense B. intentional C. intensive D. intended
Rấtlớn,khắcnghiệt Cố ý, có chủ đích Sâu sắc, cao độ Dự định mong đợi
7. What are the main ____________ of this illness
A. traces B. symptoms C. emblems D. tokens
Lầntheo,pháthiên Triệu chứng Tượng trưng Dấu hiện
8. After accident the injured cyclist was in great ___________________
A. agony B. pain C. suffering D,hurt
Đau đớn tột độ
9. Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground
A. Changed his decision B. Felt sorry for us
C. Refused to change his decision D. Wanted to continue
10. He said: “________________ while the iron is hot”
A. Strike B. Beat C. Hit D. Pound

A: Part Three
1. Should arrive
2. Will probably be eroded
3. Will have been
4. To have / built / to do
5. To be admitted
6. Hadn’t been
7. Being surprised
8. Had Thompson caught

B: 1. Live up to one’s expectation

2. Take sth for granted
3. Put out: dập tắt
4. Turn up
5. Occur to sb
6. Comply with: tuân theo
7. The meat is off
8. Look ahead: to think about what will happen in the future and plan for these
9. Be taken aback = be surprised

C: 1. Contrary to its harmless appearance, the dog was quite dangerous.

2. If it hadn’t been for your folly, you could have been a partner for the firm.
3. Had it not been for Laura’s support, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the
4. Hardly do people in Britain speak a single word of my language.
5. You can’t have locked the front door. Here’s the key.
6. As long as you keep calm, you will pass your driving test.
7. The fox tried in vain to reach the grapes. (in vain : vô ích)
8. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
9. I must congratulate you on your having drawn up some excellent plans.
(congratulate sb on doing sth)
10. Her performance made a strong impression on the critics.

D: 1. I’m afraid your problems are just the tip of the iceberg. (the tip of the iceberg:
chỉ mới là sự bắt đầu)
2. I don’t desire to see him tomorrow.
3. The expiry date of this license is on December 31st, 1998.
4. They had to take the vehicles to pieces to get them across the gorge. (take sth to
pieces = separate sth into parts)
5. I do wish you would stop biting your nails, Brian! It really gets on my nerves
(get on sb’s nerves = annoy sb)
6. Sarah wore dark glasses so as to avoid being recognized.
7. I came across it when I was looking through some old papers.
8. I think you should make allowances for other people’s weaknesses. (make
allowance for = thông cảm cho)
9. Stand up to him, or you’ll regret it!
10. He’s by no means stupid.

Part four: Reading Comprehension

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C

1. Means of communication: phương tiện giao tiếp
2. Pictures
3. Make a speech
4. Argue
5. On
6. Pictures
7. In addition to
8. Made
9. Entertaining
10. Events

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