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3, AUGUST 2008 1401

Reconfiguration of MV Distribution Networks

With Multicost and Multipoint Alternative Supply,
Part II: Reconfiguration Plan
Omar F. Fajardo and Alberto Vargas, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This is the second part of a two-paper set that eral purchase nodes having a single uniform price. The growing
presents a methodology to determine an optimal radial reconfig- distributed generation phenomenon is shifting the traditional
uration plan for a medium voltage (MV) distribution network. model of energy management towards competitive ones. In this
It is applicable to primary distribution systems with multicost
and multipoint alternative supply for short and medium terms. new scenario, the utility, the retailers, or the final clients can al-
The optimization criterion is based on minimizing the operation ternatively buy the energy in the wholesale market and/or from
costs, including the purchased energy cost and switching cost. In generating utilities connected directly to the distribution net-
addition to the proposed methodology, a main contribution of the work at least in two nodes showing significantly different prices.
work is to evaluate the impact of the energy price on the operative In this paper, systems that fall within this model description are
topology working within a competitive market structure, where
the demand is supplied from several purchase nodes featuring called “distribution systems with multicost and multipoint alter-
significantly different energy prices. The methodology is based native supply nodes.”
on dynamic programming, heuristics, and a method to calculate For a scenario featuring a free offer of energy prices, the op-
the economic dispatch (ED) through radialization specifically erative configuration of the network, considered as the optimal
designed for multicost and multipoint alternative supply, as is the one according to any of the traditional reconfiguration criteria
case of distribution networks. The capacity of the network com-
ponents, the service quality, and the dynamics of the demand are (loss power minimization [4], [5], loss energy minimization [6],
considered. Finally, the advantages of applying the methodology [7], load balancing [8], [9] or operation cost minimization [10]),
to a realistic distribution network are discussed. will not necessarily be the economically advisable one as well.
Index Terms—Ac power flow, economic dispatch, energy price, This paper is focused on analyzing the impact of energy price
loss, minimization costs, network reconfiguration, radialization. on the reconfiguration strategy of MV distribution networks of
multicost and multipoint alternative supply. The work objective
is to establish the plan for an optimal topological reconfigura-
I. INTRODUCTION tion for the short and medium terms.
The problem is solved by searching for the optimal sequence

I N some European electrical markets the traditional role of

the utilities is evolving from the concept of a distributor of
electricity to one of a competition facilitator in generation and
of radial operative topologies from among a small set of topolo-
gies, using forward dynamic programming. This set is com-
posed mainly by the configurations of minimum energy cost as-
trading [1]. In this context, there is wide range of possibilities sociated to each demand scenario for the period. Each configu-
for the development of the connection of power generation to ration is determined independently with an economic dispatch
the distribution network, as is the case of distributed generation. (ED) through radialization method dedicated to multicost and
This development has been promoted in main electrical mar- multipoint alternative supply distribution networks [11]. The ap-
kets of the world by special circumstances, such as high energy proach takes into account the capacity limits of the network el-
prices due to high power transmission costs [2]; improvements ements, the service quality with regard to voltage levels, the op-
on the efficiency of generating units, along with a decrease in in- erative cost of switching devices and the changing behavior of
vestment and operative costs; newer official environmental poli- the demand.
cies that promote the substitution of fossil fuel generation for Tests were performed on a real 290-node MV distribution
green generation [3]; new operative philosophies for MV distri- network for a scenario of different energy prices.
bution networks that aim at taking advantage of the distributed
generation to improve service quality, and the like. II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL
In traditional models, the wholesale electrical market sup-
The optimal reconfiguration plan aims at determining a se-
plied the entire distribution system demand through one or sev-
quence of radial operative topologies for the MV network that
decreases the total operative costs for a time window of short or
Manuscript received December 14, 2006; revised December 24, 2007. Paper
medium terms. The operation costs allow assessing the energy
no. TPWRS-00882-2006. costs associated to both the demand and the loss. Therefore,
O. F. Fajardo is with ICSA, M5507ADA, Mendoza, Argentina (e-mail: omar. it allows considering alternative prices for the energy, so that the purchase nodes showing smaller prices are given a high-pri-
A. Vargas is with Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional de San
Juan, J5400ARL San Juan, Argentina (e-mail: ority at the time of selecting the supply sources for the demand
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2008.926702 and loss. The method includes the total switching costs, which
0885-8950/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

are very small when compared with the benefits from reducing voltage of node in the demand scenario ;
the purchase costs. They represent, however, a significant eco-
nomic signal that arises to penalize excessive maneuvering of ; upper and lower limit of the nodal voltage.
SDs. This last point is currently changing [12], [13] and it is
now advisable to take it into account for reliability reasons. Constraints (2)–(7) are applied to the entire period. The injec-
The problem can be stated in a general way as tion power of the purchased nodes depends on the operative state
of the SD, which is a set of decision variables (integer-binary).
From the mathematical viewpoint, the optimal reconfigura-
Minimize tion plan is an integer-binary problem characterized by its large
dimension, its nonlinearity caused by loss, and its non-differen-
tiable and highly combinatorial features. Therefore, it is almost
impossible to solve the problem in acceptable computing times
(1) using a closed optimization method.
In order to solve the optimization problem, it is necessary to
subject to Connectivity of all the demand (2) split it into sub-problems that, when taken altogether, meet the
Radial operative topology (3) target of decreasing the total operative cost. These subproblems
Complex power balance 1) The ED of demand and loss is required for each interval
(4) of period . The ED finds the percentage of demand
and loss that must be supplied from each supply node so
that the purchased energy cost is minimized. The ED is
Network capacity limit found by making the MV network radial. This subproblem
is called “ED through Radialization” and it is treated in
Maximum purchase node active power 2) The second subproblem is the search for the optimal re-
(6) configuration plan. This is solved like a case of ED with
Voltage limit (7) changing optimality conditions to balance the energy costs
and the switching costs, to follow the load in time.
OC operation cost in period ; III. SOLUTION METHODOLOGY
number of demand scenarios for period ;
A three-stage methodology was chosen, which first sets the
number of purchase nodes of the MV network; search-space bounds for the solution. Second, it verifies the con-
energy price at the purchase node for scenario ; straints for electrical operation and, third, it applies optimization
techniques to define the optimal reconfiguration plan.
active injection power of the purchase node for the Because of the large number of possible radial operative
topology of scenario ; topologies the network may adopt, it is convenient to reduce it
operative radial topology for scenario ; to a selected subset considered as the best reference. In order
to determine the subset without missing the best solution, two
duration (time length) of scenario ;
criteria are used, namely, the present configuration and the
switching transition cost to change the topology in independent minimum energy cost configuration for each load
scenario to the topology in scenario ; period [11]. Bearing in mind that the optimal reconfiguration
plan is integrated by the above-mentioned independent solutions
; voltages node and node ;
for each load period when the switching cost is disregarded,
then, no additional optimization is necessary afterwards. This
admittance between nodes and ; reconfiguration plan is the most beneficial one regard purchase
costs and the target to attain, from the viewpoint of the main
apparent power injected into node ; objective of the reconfiguration plan. The second objective
conjugate of admittance between nodes and ; is to avoid the excessive number of configuration changes
when the purchase cost difference is small, by considering low
nod set of nodes of the distribution network; switching costs. In this sense, the optimization process discards
some configuration changes in some periods. This means that,
set of nodes directly connected to node ;
if the small switching costs associated to reconfiguration are
thermal limit of current of line section ; larger than the reduction of purchase costs, both independent
configurations are similar one another and, therefore, it is not
nls set of line sections of the MV network;
necessary to change the configuration for cost reasons, when
maximum active power of the HV/MV transformer considering the premise of reducing the number of switching
associated to purchase node ; operations.

On the other hand, the present configuration keeps being op- investment cost of the SD ;
timal when all independent minimum energy cost configura-
tions lie closely among themselves, and the benefits from re- number of SD operations without need for
configuration are not significant when compared to the small
switching costs. Equation (9) only considers remotely operated SDs (null labor
The selection of optimal independent configurations taken as cost).
reference guarantees that an optimal reconfiguration plan will be
reached, that corresponds to a global optimum solution or one C. Stage 3
lying very near to it, with a small number of switching opera- Selection of the optimal reconfiguration plan. With the al-
tions and small computation time, without discarding the best ready constructed search space, an optimization algorithm is
solution that comes very close to the best possible configura- then applied; it allows selecting an optimal sequence of radial
tions. It can be concluded that in spite of being very small com- operative topologies which considers the total operative costs as
pared to the total costs, the switching costs imply a high sensi- the sum of purchased energy costs plus the switching costs. The
tivity to the number of switching operations. reconfiguration plan search is done with forward dynamic pro-
Taking into account the above considerations, the following gramming, because the Bellman optimization principle is met.
stages in the methodology will be described according to the In the reconfiguration plan problem, the period time intervals
order in which they are solved. and the operative topologies are equivalent, to the stages and
stage states that form the structure of problems solved with dy-
A. Stage 1 namic programming, respectively. The benefits from using the
Identification of the minimum energy cost configurations. above approach are a greater robustness to deal with highly com-
This stage consists on computing these configurations for each binatorial problems, a lower computational effort and faster cal-
demand scenario using the ED through radialization algorithm culation times. It also guarantees arriving at the optimal global
proposed in [11]. solution (or a closely lying one) from the considered search
B. Stage 2 The process to find the optimal reconfiguration plan has three
Verification of the electrical operative conditions and energy steps:
cost computation for each possible scenario. For each demand
D. Step 1
scenario and using an ac power flow algorithm [11], both the
electrical operative conditions and the line capacity limits for Calculation of the recursive relation for time interval
the subset of topologies are verified. For a given scenario, any starting from the operative configuration up to ,
operative topology that violates any voltage or current limit is where is the number of feasible configurations for interval .
eliminated from the subset of topologies of such scenario. The recursive relation is expressed as follows:
The results from the ac power flow are also used to calculate
the energy costs for each configuration computed in stage 1 and (10)
demand scenario according to the following equation: where

(8) cumulative operation cost to go from the

present operative topology in the initial
interval to topology in time interval ;
where is the cost of purchased energy of the operative
topology in the demand scenario . This stage also con- switching cost to change from topology
siders the switching cost of all possible topological transitions to ;
that may occur from among the subset of topologies energy cost of topology in time interval ;
value of recursive relation for operative
(9) topology in interval .

where E. Step 2
Repetition of step 1 for the time intervals from to
switching cost to change the radial operative
, where is the number of period intervals.
topology network from to configuration;
NSD number of switching devices; F. Step 3
binary variable; it represent changes in the The value of the recursive relation for a specific configuration
state of SD when passing from topology to of the last stage represents the minimum operation cost of a re-
topology . It is “1” if the SD is actuated upon, configuration program to go from the initial stage configuration
and “0” if not; to the final stage configuration. Therefore, the global optimal re-
configuration plan, or ED of the MV network, will correspond
maneuvering cost of the SD ; to that one associated to the configuration of the last interval

Fig. 2. Initial configuration of the 290-node test network.

Fig. 1. Computing algorithm for the optimal reconfiguration plan.


( ) with the smallest value of recursive relation, as stated

by the following:
Optimal Reconfiguration Plan (11)
Fig. 1 summarizes the steps involved in the global solving


The solution algorithm was implemented on computing soft-
ware based on Fortran 90. Tests were performed for a MV distri-
bution network of Mendoza, Argentina. Fig. 2 shows the single- TABLE II
wire diagram of the simplified network, but it includes only the MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF PURCHASE NODES
reconfigurable branches.
The purchase nodes and their coverage areas for the initial
radial topology are graphically highlighted. Table I summarizes
the basic characteristics. The initial operative topology was de-
termined on the basis of a practical criterion used in other pre-
vious network reconfiguration approaches [9]. It allocates the
demand proportionally to the nominal power of the HV/MV
transformer of each purchase node, while considering the max-
imum demand scenario. Table II shows, for each purchase node,
the rated values of the HV/MV transformers, the active power
dispatch for peak demand, and the names/codes of feeders.
The characterizing parameter for the energy price scenario
is the relative difference of energy price (RDEP), which repre-
sents the maximum percentage difference of prices with respect
to the smallest one. The chosen relative differences of energy
price were 20, 10, 15, 5 and 1%. Considering the price schemes
used in Latin America, the price values are differentiated Table III. The consumed-energy price units are monetary units
according to time bands in hours. The highest prices are linked per megawatts-hour [MU/MWh].
to the maximum demand hour-band; conversely, the lowest The testing period was four weeks. The daily demand is mod-
prices correspond to the hour-band of minimum demand. Under eled in three steps, corresponding to the hour-based bands of
these premises, the price scenario was designed as shown in Table III. Then, the demand curve was modeled through 84



This means a significant reduction in global operative costs

for the instances showing a significant price difference. With a
5% relative difference in energy price, it is possible to achieve
reductions greater than 1% of the total operative costs. Other
reconfiguration plans (not shown here) were found to attain
greater decreases with fewer device maneuvers. However, these
were discarded because voltage violations and/or capacity
limits occurred for about 40% of the demand scenarios. In this
sense the methodology for the optimal reconfiguration plan
is oriented to find a trade-off solution between operative cost
reductions, number of switching, and operative limits of the
Table V shows the energy rating allocation among supply
nodes for the optimal solution, and the total energy supplied for
the testing period, for different price scenarios.
It can be noted how, as the difference in energy prices grows,
the node having the highest price (PN04) gradually loses its de-
mand. Node PN06 takes most of the demand lost by PN04 be-
cause it has a lower price, greater reserve power at the injection
node and several network bonds with the feeders associated to
PN04. On the other hand, Node PN12, in spite of featuring an
equal price to that of PN06, takes very little proportion from
the demand being lost by PN04. This is explained by the lim-
ited capacity of the injection node and that it does not have any
network bond with PN04. As it was expected, the nodes with
smaller price and greater capacity for load-taking are favored in
the reallocation of demand.
In order to evaluate the effect of switching costs on the op-
steps. The demand was estimated with recorded data measured timal reconfiguration plan, Tables VI and VII show the test re-
at the head section of feeders. The demand was allocated to each sults for two conditions, i.e., null and non null switching costs,
MV/LV transformer in proportion to its rated power. Therefore, respectively. For the first case, switching maneuver costs of
84 demand values are estimated for all 187 load nodes of the 1.33 MU/maneuver for circuit breakers and reclosers and 0.53
network. MU/maneuver for the sectionalizers were considered. Only re-
The results obtained with the proposed methodology were motely-operated SDs were considered (labor cost zero).
compared with a reference configuration plan which entails From the tables it can be seen that, although the switching cost
keeping the configuration topology of Fig. 2 unaltered for the represents less than 0.2% of the total operative cost for all cases,
entire testing period. its inclusion reduces the number of SD maneuvers about 92%,
The main results shown in Table IV are the total operation without substantially affecting the net reduction of the operative
costs for both the reference plan and the minimum operation cost. Besides, from the operative security viewpoint, it is crucial
cost plan; the relative decrease in costs; and the number of to implement operative strategies that attain the pursued cost
topology changes as referred to the optimal reconfiguration reductions with the fewest maneuvers possible. In this sense,
plan. the switching cost is an effective economic signal that penalizes
For the largest relative difference of energy price (20%), the those solutions presenting little contribution to the reduction of
net cost reduction obtained with the proposed methodology was operative costs and that tend to overload the number of SDs
larger than 6% of the total operative cost of the reference plan. maneuvers.




Fig. 3. Flow diagram of algorithms and CPU times.

the proposed criteria. The loss minimization reconfiguration cri-

teria consist in adopting, for each demand scenario, the config-
uration of minimum loss in such a way that the topology is able
Finally, with the aim of observing the sensitivity onto the to change frequently.
number of SDs maneuvers and operative costs when there is an Fig. 3 shows the flow diagram of the algorithms, communica-
increase of maneuver cost, the optimal reconfiguration plan was tion and CPU times used in the three stages. As it can be seen,
calculated with 50% and 100% increases in maneuver costs. Re- the power flow computation (6553 times) takes nearly the entire
sults are shown in Table VIII. This table shows that the operative 4.6 s of CPU time.
costs are little affected by an increase in SDs maneuver costs. For a 1000-node, 50-loop network it was deemed necessary to
The reason is that the total switching costs keep being a negli- perform approximately 27 000 power flow computations, which
gible value with respect to the total operative costs, even for a takes 3–4 h. If all available capability and possibilities on com-
100% increase in SDs maneuver costs. This, in turn, stems from puter time reduction as presented in [11], the CPU time could
the fact that only teleoperated switching equipment was consid- be reduced nearly three times, that means about one hour.
ered, as is the current trend for all power distribution systems. In addition, it should be noted that the original network can
However, this is not so for the number of SDs maneuvers. This be compressed many times, as regard the number of nodes and
parameter was decreased 22% and 46% compared to an increase branches [13], an instance not considered in this paper. This
in the cost of maneuvers of 50% and 100%, respectively. It is network compression is possible to achieve by deleting the ra-
therefore reasonable to expect that the number of SDs maneu- dial nodes-branches presenting no supply option. The load of
vers will be smaller for higher maneuver costs. deleted node-branches is reallocated to upstream nodes that re-
In order to compare the effect of applying the traditional loss main unaffected (non-reduced) in the equivalent-reduced net-
minimization reconfiguration criteria versus the minimum op- work. Then, the reduced 1000-node example is equivalent to
eration cost reconfiguration criteria on net operation cost reduc- solving the complete network with 3000 or 4000 nodes of the
tion for the studied network, Table IX shows the advantages of original complete network.

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A salient aspect of switching costs is that, although they are
almost negligible when compared to purchase energy costs, they Omar F. Fajardo received the Electrical Engineer degree in 1996 from Univer-
sidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
are an effective economic signal that penalizes the solution cases trical engineering in 2006 from Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan,
that tend to overload the SDs maneuvers. The importance of Argentina.
considering the switching costs into the objective function of Currently, he is working as a protection systems engineer at a special-
ized company, supplying SCADA, excitation, and protection systems for
the optimization problem heavily relies on this fact. hydropower stations, lines, and substations and other electric power devel-
The proposed methodology prioritizes the supply of the de- opments. He is interested in system automation and operation issues for
distribution networks and generation.
mand from the purchase nodes with the lowest price and with
greater capacity to take in new load. From the economic view-
point, the proposed optimal reconfiguration strategies reward
the more competitive generating agents at the expense of less-ef- Alberto Vargas (M’97–SM’02) received the Electromechanical Engineer de-
gree in 1975 from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, and the
ficient ones. In this way, the efficiency in the use of resources is Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2001 from Universidad Nacional de
stimulated, the energy prices for end-users are lowered, and the San Juan, San Juan, Argentina.
At present, he is a Professor of Postgraduate Programs at Instituto de Energía
operative costs of utilities are reduced, while keeping at all times Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (IEE-UNSJ). Since 1985, he has
the capacity constraints and quality standards for the service. been a Chief Researcher of the Electrical Competitive Markets at IEE-UNSJ.
Finally, the performance about precision and CPU time ren- He is a Consulting Program Manager of ASINELSA S.A, a specialized software
company for electric distribution development dealing with Electrical AM/\FM
ders the methodology useful to real and modern distribution GIS and DMS applications.
systems. Dr. Vargas is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.

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