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Table of Contents

No. Topic Page

1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 Objective of The Project 2
3.0 Scope of the Project 3
4.0 Literature review
4.1 Hotel’s Room Door Lock System 3
4.2 SmartTag 4
4.3 RFID on UTHM’s Convocation 4
5.0 Problem Statement 5
6.0 Methodology
6.1 The RFID Door Lock Operation 5
6.2 Programming Method (MPLAB)
6.3 PCB Design and Simulation Method ( Proteus)
6.4 Designing the prototype
7.0 Results 11
8.0 Discussions

9.0 Conclusion 12
10.0 Reference 12

1.0 Introduction
In this age of rapid technological advancement, wireless communication is emerging as one
of the more promising and useful forms of data transfer. It is getting more and more difficult to find
a person who has never talked on a cell phone, listened to the radio, or even logged onto wireless
internet. And one new technology that is on its way to becoming another common, everyday use of
RF communication is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). This is a new technology only about
ten years old, and it has drawn quite an interest to those who need anything from a quick inventory
count to instant price checks. Similar to bar codes, but much more powerful, RFID is a system of
storing information on a tag and having the ability to read it from distances of up to forty feet. This
year, we propose to develop our own RFID system. We are planning to build an RFID Door Lock
System. This project will use the ability of an RFID tag to signal a door to unlock. When one of
these tags gets close enough to communicate with the antenna, the reader will react and unlock the
door if the tag contains the correct information. This system will also have the ability to accept new
tags into the system, and remove them.

2.0 Objective of the Project

A door lock system was designed and developed with an objective to make a system that has
dual main functions compared to the other products in the current market which are, the system does
not only automatically open and close the door for the authorized user but it also can be like a
punch-card system where it has the capability to link the system to the database for a record. The
system consists of ‘passive reader’ and door lock controller. It is an easy system to be handled and
installed. So with this technology, the user does not need to touch the passive tag to the receiver or
reader for the authorization to check in.

3.0 Scope of the Project

The project is divided into few phases as follows:

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 Understanding the fundamentals of RFID system.
 Study and design the RFID door lock system DIY kit.
 Fabricate the PCB design.
 Troubleshoot and compare between the DIY kit and the design that have been fabricated.
 Program the PIC by using MPLAB.
 Study and build the Database connection.

4.0 Literature review

Our project is basically based from how people entering doors and gates with several ways.
On top of that, this project also based on security that is being used in many places. These are the
conditions that inspired us to make the RFID Door Lock System:

4.1 Hotel’s Room Door Lock System

Instead of using keys, hotel’s room use a card that called “swipe card” that need the
user to punch the card into the reader at the door, so the reader will need to recognize the
card weather the card is authorized or not. If it’s authorized, the door will automatically open.

Figure 4.1: Hotel room key card

4.2 SmartTag
Built on a non-stop Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) philosophy, SmartTAG
incorporated infra-red communication that communicated with infra-red transceivers
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mounted at the ceilings of toll plazas to allow vehicle drivers to drive through SmartTAG
dedicated lanes and pay toll without stopping. It is designed to process up to 1,200 vehicles
per hour.

Figure 4.2: Smart Tag toll

4.3 RFID on University Convocations

Nowadays, most of universities in Malaysia are using the RFID’s system for their
convocation ceremony. Every student in the convocation day was clipped by RFID card,
which contain with their ID’s. So when they passed the RFID reader on the stage, the server
will check the database to see if the user is identified. If so, the server will instruct the
microprocessor to display the user’s identification.

5.0 Problem Statement

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Before we decide to do this RFID Door Lock System project, we saw that most of our
important rooms in KKTM Beranang (theatrettes, lecturer room, office etc) have a loose security
system. For us, this area must be protectively secure from any possibilities of danger. So, in order to
overcome this matter, we have decided to build the RFID Door Lock System. In this project, we
should be able to solve lots of problem and some of the problems are:
i. Burglary in those important rooms.
ii. Carrying a bundle of keys.
iii. Wasting time by searching for the right door key.
iv. Search the last person enter the room.

6.0 Methodology

6.1 The RFID Door Lock Operation

The RFID Door Lock System will consist of passive RFID tags, an antenna, a
RFID reader module, a microcontroller, and an electronic door lock. The reader
module continuously scans for a tag. When a tag comes within reading distance of the
antenna, it detects an activation signal and wakes up. The information on the chip is
then transmitted through the antenna back to the reader module. The reader module
processes the information and then sends it to the microcontroller. Once the
microcontroller receives the data, it is compared to a list of valid Identification’s
(ID’s). If the ID is confirmed to be valid, the data associated with the ID is logged
into memory with the current timestamp, and the microcontroller sends a signal to
unlock the door. The system will also have a maintenance mode. In this mode, tag
IDs can be added or removed from the system and the activity log, containing IDs
and timestamps, can be transmitted to an external computer. During our laboratory
sessions, we had using several softwares that helps the successes of our project.
Those softwares that we are using are MicroC Pro, Proteus, Protel, Matlab, MPLAB,
and PICkit. This collaboration of softwares very helpful for our group to proceed our
procedure of project to the next level.

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Figure 6.1.1: The position of RFID Door Lock System.
Figure 6.1.1 shows the position of RFID Door Lock. This figure also shows how the
reader of the RFID can be activated.

Figure 6.1.2: Flow Chart on how RFID Door Lock System works.
Figure 6.1.2 shows the flow chart on how RFID Door Lock System works. It explains
step by step on how the RFID system works.

6.2 Programming Method (Software: MPLAB)

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The microcontroller PIC16F877A was programmed by using MPLAB
software. The program includes the code to make LCD display function, to function
the magnetic lock, and how to connect circuit to the RFID reader. We will use PICkit
software to load the program to the PIC.

Figure 6.2.1: MPLAB software

Figure 6.2.1 shows the program compiled using MPLAB software. The software is the same
as other programming software, it shows weather the program is correct or not and it also marks the
line with programming errors when compiling.

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Figure 6.2.2: PICkit software
Figure 6.2.2 shows the success of loading a program using PICkit software. We are using this
software because it is compatible with the IC that we are using, that is Microchip.

6.3 PCB Design and Simulation Method (Software: Proteus)

By using Proteus, we are able to draw our own schematic of the RFID Door
Lock circuit. After the schematic is complete we are able to simulate it to make sure
the circuit is function. From the simulation process, the result shows that the circuit
is function with the program.

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Figure 6.3.1: Schematic and Simulation diagram using Proteus
Figure 6.3.1 shows the simulation of the circuit is successful. In the schematic the RFID
reader is replaced with a switch because there is no RFID reader in Proteus. The LCD is showing the
result after the reader is being tagged with a card.

Figure 6.3.2: PCB design using Proteus

Figure 6.3.2 shows the PCB design of the Door Lock circuit using Proteus. The orange track
is marked as 5V, the red track is marked as GND and the blue track is the normal connection.

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6.4 Designing the Prototype
The PCB circuit and RFID reader will be planted on our handmade small
door. So the magnetic lock will be attached to the door and side wall. The PCB will
have its own casing to protect the electronic component from damage.

Figure 6.4.1: Front of handmade small door

Figure 6.4.1 shows the position of the RFID reader that has been attached at the front
of our handmade small door. On top of the reader, we had located the LED that will display
the user ID when the reader detects the RFID card.

Figure 6.4.2: Circuit without casing

Figure 6.4.1 shows the position of the RFID circuit at the back of our handmade small
door. But the circuit in the figure will have its own casing to protect the electronic
components from damaged.

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7.0 Results

Our RFID Door Lock System has already achieved the previous expected results, that it will
upgrade the security system like burglary prevention. The RFID system has completely functioned
as it is expected to be including the lock system and the LED that will display the ID user. These
results had been presented in front of our lecturers and the panels that we had presented during our
final presentation of FYP1.

8.0 Discussion

Refer to our project gant chart, we already start to discuss our project on the first week. We
had discussed some improvement to be made on our project. Start from week 2 until week 5, we did
software part. We use software such as MPLAB, microC PRO, and PICkit2 to program the PIC.
There are some improvements in program code. We program the PIC, so that the PIC can save 1 to
10 users or RFID card ID that can be read by the Wiegand Reader. During this time, we face some
difficulties to program using MPLAB software. So we meet our lecturer to help us to solve the
problem. After that, we start to focus on hardware part. We did new PCB by our own design. We
design by using PROTEUS software. After printed the design layout, we were hatching the PCB. We
face problem when we want to drill the PCB to make many small hole. The PCB was cracked
because we not drill the PCB by the proper way. So we build new PCB.

9.0 Conclusion

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RFID technology has many exciting uses in both home and office environments. Our
project’s goal is to create a secure solution that can be used to increase security and peace of
mind in both. We hope to use our abilities and understanding of the Data Transmission and other
engineering design concepts to make this project manifest. With this project, we have real world
problem that requires the understanding and integration of microcontrollers, web servers, RFIDs,
hardware, and serial communications. With both electrical and electronic engineering’s theory,
we feel as though this project is best suited to require the utilization of all group members’ skills
gained from the classroom, labs, and experience in industry. Our RFID Door Lock System had
already achieved its objectives that it has the capability to link the system to the database for a

10.0 References

4. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, Pearson Prentice Hall Publication,
International Edition, 7th Edition, 2004.
5. RFID – Wikipedia

11.0 Appendix

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Figure 11.1: PIC datasheet

Figure 11.2: PCB design using Protues

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Figure 11.3: Schematic diagram using push button switch to deactivate the lock system

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Figure 11.4: Schematic diagram

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