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Why did we write this guide?

Building an SDK stack for your mobile app can be a long, difficult process. It can also be easy, and it
doesn’t necessarily need to be time-consuming. One problem separates the former experience from
the latter: there are too many choices. Mobile app professionals have so many SDKs to choose from,
it can be quite overwhelming to select the ones that will best suit their app and their company's
needs. Just the process of researching, comparing, and deciding on an SDK for each separate need
and purpose takes up the one resource mobile app creators don't have: time.

We decided to create this guide to help anyone working on a mobile app find the best SDKs to add
to their stack. In writing this guide, we've already done all the hard work for you: researched a long
list of SDK categories, found the absolute best SDKs in each category, and composed a highly visual
list for you to find the best tools at a glance.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is for all mobile app professionals, including but not limited to developers, product
managers, UX/UI designers, and marketers. It includes something for everyone: SDKs that help
create an awesome user experience, crush bugs, optimize in-app ads, increase downloads, LTV, and
retention rates, and much more.

How to use this guide:

This guide is broken down into fourteen categories of SDKs. In each one, you'll see a quick
explanation of the category, and which members of the mobile team typically use it. Then you’ll find
a listing of the top SDKs in the category. For each category we have chosen a Market Leader based
on how many apps use their SDK, and we included a short description of each market leader plus
one or two runners ups. Following those descriptions are several more top choices. This way, you
can see which are the most-used SDKs on the market, but still have a wealth of top-notch SDKs to
choose from if the top 3 don't suit your needs.

Who is this for? Developer UI/UX Product Manager Marketer CEO

A few words about quantitative analytics SDKs:

Quantitative analytics is a comprehensive, overall analysis of your mobile app, based on
numerical data. Quantitative analytics SDKs show you data on standard metrics such as MAU/
DAU, session length, churn, conversion rates, and other numerical data. With quantitative
tools, you’ll get in-depth reports on usability metrics, navigation metrics, and conversion
funnels. You’ll be able to see how many users have dropped off in each stage of a conversion
funnel, increases and decreases in user retention, how much time users spend on each
screen, and more.

Firebase (market leader)

Firebase is a comprehensive suite of tools for app developers, and includes platforms for
development, testing, growth, and more. Firebase includes a powerful mobile analytics
platform that can analyze data from any of the other Firebase tools, as well as automatic and

 custom events. Firebase includes analytics on crashes, retention, engagement, acquisition, and
conversion. It’s built on Google infrastructure so it can easily sync with other tools by Google.
Key features:

`` Unlimited Event Reporting

`` User Behavior Analytics

`` Audience Segmentation


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Flurry’s analytics platform is one of the most popular free tools in the industry. With Flurry, you
can create your own custom dashboards to monitor specific events and user actions. Flurry
Explorer allows you to analyze cohorts, user paths, and conversion funnels. You can even use
Flurry to get ML-created predictions of audience metrics.
Key features:

`` Audience Segmentation

`` Custom Dashboards

`` Machine Learning


Mixpanel is a powerful tool for understanding user behavior and user journeys, and it has one
unique feature: once you install the SDK, it doesn’t require any coding to track metrics. Mixpanel
provides you with automatic insights on your user engagement, retention, and conversion funnels,
and can even make predictions on future user behavior. Mixpanel also enables you to trigger
messages and run A/B tests from within the platform.
Key features:

`` Automatic Insights

`` Anomaly Detection

`` User Behavior Prediction

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Developer UI/UX Product Manager Marketer CEO

A few words about qualitative analytics SDKs:

Qualitative app analytics tools go beyond the numbers to give you deep, actionable insights
about users' behavior. These tools include: user recordings, which show you video recordings
of real user sessions, and touch heatmaps, which display an aggregate of user gestures
on each screen. With these tools, you’ll be able to answer a lot of “why” questions without
guesswork, by watching specific user sessions and heatmaps: Why are users abandoning my
app? Why are users dropping out of the funnel? Why is my app crashing?

Appsee (market leader)

Appsee’s qualitative app analytics platform not only includes session recordings and touch
heatmaps, but also integrates them right into other built-in analytics tools: conversion funnels,
action cohorts, navigation analytics, and even crash video recordings that enable dev teams to

 replay sequences that led to a crash. Appsee also includes third-party integrations to prominent
platforms such as AppsFlyer, Crashlytics, Optimizely, Salesforce, Slack, and more. The Appsee
SDK has a very low footprint and only takes one line of code to integrate.
Key features:

`` Session recordings and touch heatmaps

`` Conversion funnels

`` User flows and navigation paths

`` Crash analytics


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Clicktale provides qualitative tools such as session recordings and heatmaps, for both web and
mobile. The platform includes an Experience Center, a workspace that crunches Clicktale’s
behavioral data into highly visual dashboards, enabling each stakeholder to make data-driven
decisions. Clicktale also includes a crash trends report, that can be used to find sources of user
Key features:

`` Session recordings and touch heatmaps

`` Path analytics

`` Experience Center

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Marketer

A few words about attribution analytics SDKs:

Attribution SDKs help you assess your marketing efforts by showing you how users came to
your app and what led them to make an in-app purchase. This analysis helps you optimize your
ad spend, improve your ROI from marketing campaigns, and increase your users' LTV (lifetime

AppsFlyer (market leader)

AppsFlyer enables mobile marketers to grow their app by measuring and analyzing attribution
from any source - from social ads to TV. Its NativeTrack™ attribution tool uses Machine Learning
to provide the data in real-time. AppsFlyer's OneLink™ Universal Deep Linking can personalize
each new user's experience when they go to the App Store to download the app.
Key features:

 `` Marketing Analytics

`` Deep Linking

`` Fraud protection


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Adjust's analytics platforms includes tools for measuring user acquisition, user lifetime cohorts,
marketing ROI, retargeting, and more. With Adjust you can track cost, spend, and retention, learn
who your best users are, and get the most out of your marketing spend. Adjust integrates with
over 2,000 ad networks, so you can get insights from web, mobile, and TV campaigns. It even
includes user behavior analytics so that you can truly understand the user journey.
Key features:

`` Channel Attribution

`` ROI Tracking

`` Fraud Prevention


Kochava helps mobile marketers through every step of their work, from research and targeting to
analytics and campaign optimization. With the Kochava Unified Audience Platform, you can track
every single one of your campaigns, including TV and even owned media, in real time. Kochava
also allows you to integrate your data with a wide selection of third-party tools.
You can also personalize links and direct users to any mobile URL.
Key features:

`` Configurable and holistic attribution

`` Media cost and ROI

`` LTV analysis

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Developer Product Manager

A few words about crash reporting/bug reporting SDKs:

Crash reporting tools monitor your app for crashes and bugs in real time, and send you timely
alerts that help keep damage to a minimum. They help you quickly zoom in on what's causing
the performance issue in the first place. When choosing your crash analytics tool, it’s a nice
advantage if it provides alerts via email, Slack, or product management tools.

Crashlytics (market leader)

Crashlytics is now part of Google Firebase, but it is still and has been for a while one of the
strongest crash reporting tools. Crashlytics provides real-time reports, and performs deep
analysis of your code to highlight the most relevant lines and make reading easier and faster. It
includes other performance information about your users’ various devices, and can tell whether
your app crashes in specific hardware or system conditions, such as screen orientation and

battery status.
Key features:

`` Real-time processing and alerts

`` Big Data Intelligence

`` Enterprise Security

Crash reporting/
bug reporting

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HockeyApp’s platform includes a wealth of different tools for user testing, in-app feedback,
and more. However, its crash analytics tool is considered one of the most precise. It requires no
coding, and automatically collects and symbolicates crash reports, giving you stack traces and
grouping together similar crashes to show you which issues affect your app the most. You can also
use the built-in search tool to find specific causes for bugs, such as device or OS.
Key features:

`` Superb precision

`` Smooth symbolication

`` Powerful search engine


Another SDK with a multitude of features, Instabug includes a bug reporting tool for your users
to send to you, and a crash reporting tool that sends you the stack trace information you need,
without even the need for breadcrumbs. You can also see how a current version is performing
compared to the previous ones, and watch screen recordings to what your users are experiencing.
Instabug can integrate with your workflow and send alerts to your whole team via Slack and JIRA.
Key features:

`` Screen recordings for bug reports

`` User feedback

`` Insights and patterns

Additional Recommended SDKs

Crash reporting/
bug reporting

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Who is this for? UI/UX Product Manager Marketer

A few words about A/B testing SDKs:

A/B testing SDKs are an optimization tool that can be used to improve many different aspects
of your app - from microcopy and interface design to in-app ads and pop-up messaging. Also
called split testing, standard A/B testing tools let you compare two versions of a screen or
feature, and deploy them to select users or testers. They then provide you with performance
and usage data on each version. This enables you to make an informed decision about your
app’s user experience.

Optimizely (market leader)

Optimizely’s experimentation platform offers solutions for web, mobile web, and mobile apps.
The mobile tool allows you to smoothly experiment in real time with any part of your app. Fast
iteration is the name of the game: you don’t need to wait for App Store review to update your
app. Optimizely also enables you to create personalized experiences with advanced targeting.

 Key features:

`` Instant rollout and phased rollouts

`` Visual editor

`` Advanced targeting

A/B testing

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Apptimize comes with a WYSIWYG Visual Editor that enables anyone - not just developers - to
run experiments with copy, images, navigation elements, and more. With Apptimize, you can
launch A/B tests instantly, without releasing another version of your app. You can also use Feature
Flags to roll out specific features, minimizing risk and increasing confidence when you launch.
Key features:

`` Instant rollout and phased rollouts

`` Visual editor

`` Feature Flags

AB Tasty

AB Tasty is a comprehensive suite of testing tools, including A/B/n testing, split testing, and
multivariate testing. You can deploy updates instantly without resubmitting them to the App Store,
and get results in real time.
AB Tasty also enables you to personalize your app for different segments

Key features:

`` Instant rollout

`` Real-time monitoring

`` Visual editor

Additional Recommended SDKs

A/B testing

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Who is this for? Marketer

A few words about marketing and push notifications SDKs:

By analyzing billions of collected data points on user characteristics and demographics,
marketing SDKs help you personalize and optimize your marketing efforts. These tools know
how to reach your users at the right time and at the right place, with push notifications, in-app
messaging, and more.

Leanplum (market leader)

Leanplum is a powerful engagement platform that includes tools for marketing automation and
mobile growth, among many other features. Leanplum can automate highly personalized multi-
touch campaigns with emails, push notifications, in-app messages, and more. With Leanplum
you’ll be able to reach out to users following certain user behaviors, creating a strong relationship
with users.

Key features:

`` Multi-touch campaigns

`` Personalization

`` Alerts

Marketing and
push notifications

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Urban Airship

Urban Airship includes engagement tools such as push notifications, in-app messaging, SMS and
email marketing, and even includes mobile wallet marketing that creates coupons and loyalty
cards for Apple Wallet and Google Pay. A key feature of Urban Airship is its artificial intelligence
powered orchestration engine that helps you find the best time and place to reach your audience,
and is able to predict churn rates.
Key features:

`` AI-powered Marketing Orchestration

`` Mobile Wallet Marketing

`` Predictive Churn


In addition to in-app analysis, Localytics puts a focus on mobile marketing analytics and
optimization. The platform uses over 3 billion data points to provide you with valuable information
about your users and potential users. It then enables you to launch marketing campaigns from
the platform itself, including: targeting, remarketing, push notifications, in-app messaging,
geofencing, and more. Then, with the True Impact™ tool, it enables you to analyze what worked in
your campaigns and optimize them fully, with A/B testing, funnels, and even uninstall tracking.

Key features:

`` Marketing Optimization

`` ROI Tracking

`` Push Notifications and Engagement

`` Uninstall Tracking

Additional Recommended SDKs

Marketing and
push notifications

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Who is this for? UI/UX Product Manager

A few words about beta testing/user testing SDKs:

In your app's lifecycle, you'll test it many times. To avoid falling into the common testing trap
of wasted time and resources, consider equipping yourself with one of these top testing SDKs.
These SDKs will help you make sure that your testing process is designed and deployed
perfectly, giving you only the best quality data.

UserTesting (market leader)

UserTesting’s on-demand platform includes a panel of over a million testers that can give you
insights in just a few hours. The panel can be refined according to your target demographics. You
can also use the platform to conduct live interviews in one day. UserTesting’s tool includes video
formats, which bring clarity and accuracy to the feedback. It even automatically transcribes
users’ verbal comments and makes them searchable to help you review the feedback faster.

Key features:

`` Fast insights

`` User interviews

`` Video formats and automatic transcribing

Beta testing/
user testing

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Applause’s crowd-sourced panel of testers from all around the globe ensures that you’ll find the
demographic you need. You can even test payment transactions in your app with testers around
the world.
Applause also includes automated testing solutions provided by a team of automation engineers.
Key features:

`` Crowdtesting

`` Automated Testing

`` Payment Testing

TestFlight (Apple)

TestFlight is Apple’s beta testing platform, and as such supports only iOS apps. Nevertheless,
it is one of the most popular testing SDKs on the market. Developers can use the platform to
distribute their app to either internal or external beta testers, who send feedback and crash
reports back. This can be done via the TestFlight app, which testers can download from the App
Key features:

`` Mobile app

`` Internal and external testers

`` iOS apps only

Additional Recommended SDKs

Beta testing/
user testing

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Who is this for? Customer Success UI/UX Product Manager Product Support

A few words about voice of customer SDKs:

In pre-launch, you heard from testers and volunteers. In post-launch, with the help of these
SDKs, you’ll be able to hear from your actual users and learn how your app can be improved
on. You’ll also be able to communicate directly with your users, and easily provide them with
round-the-clock support. These SDKs facilitate your communication channels with your users,
and also provide analytics tools for the data you collect.

SurveyMonkey (market leader)

SurveyMonkey is a leading online survey platform, and includes a mobile SDK for collecting in-
app feedback. By simplifying the experience for the user, SurveyMonkey increases the chances
of you getting feedback from as many users as possible, and when their experience of the app
is fresh in their minds. By getting real-time data, you can quickly see opportunities to make
improvements to your app. You can even set the surveys to pop up after certain user actions,

 and give users rewards for providing feedback.

Key features:

`` Quick setup and deployment

`` Customization

`` User rewards

Voice of

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Pollfish is a hybrid-service survey platform that deploys surveys on mobile apps with a lightweight
SDK. You can use Pollfish to customize your survey so that you reach the segments you want.
Pollfish also provides you with survey personas based on advanced data science to help you
narrow down your target audience.
Key features:

`` User personas

`` Target Audience Builder

`` Real time results with filtering options


ForeSee offers a suite of tools that includes a self-service user feedback tool. With ForeSee
Feedback, you can encourage users to fill out simple surveys and let them report issues to you
before they snowball. You can deploy surveys easily and without requiring technical support.
ForeSee also enables session replay to provide a holistic view of your app’s user experience.
Key features:

`` Easy, self-service deployment

`` Session Replay

`` Analytics

Additional Recommended SDKs

Voice of

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Who is this for? Marketer

A few words about monetization/advertising SDKs:

In order to profit from your app, you'll need to have an excellent monetization strategy. These
SDKs can make that easier, by automating some of the work for you in the form of in-app ads
and purchases. You'll want to choose an high-quality SDK that has both a large traffic demand
and also ad mediation tools.

Google AdMob (market leader)

Another Google tool, AdMob offers an in-app advertising platform that includes ads from a
large community of Google advertisers. You can use use AdMob Mediation to earn from over
40 ad networks. AdMob gives you a great deal of control over the ads that show up in your app:
you can filter out certain categories and review each ad before it is displayed. Because of its
sheer size, Google AdMob’s advertisers pay higher CPMs. AdMob syncs with Google Firebase to
provide app analytics.

 Key features:

`` Mediation from AdMob and 40+ ad networks

`` Video ads

`` Flexible ad controls


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Chartboost’s lightweight SDK enables you to display high-quality video and interactive ads to
increase revenue, and gives you a lot of dynamic ad templates. Chartboost also gives you a lot of
control over your ads and targeting - you can decide which audiences see which ads and when,
block ads from certain companies, and filter audience by country, device, genre, and more.
Key features:

`` Dynamic video and interactive ads

`` Flexible ad controls

`` Transparent reporting


AdColony prides itself on its technology, and offers high quality user-initiated video ads and
innovative, eye-catching ad formats. To maximize monetization, it includes a built-in rewards
program called Videos-For-Virtual-Currency™ (aka V4VC™) that provides users with in-app
Key features:

`` Aurora™ HD Video

`` Videos-For-Virtual-Currency™

`` Flexible ad controls

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Marketer

A few words about acquisition/re-targeting SDKs:

Acquisition and retargeting SDKs help you re-engage with your users and keep them coming
back to your app. These SDKs include tools for launching referral and loyalty programs, in-app
ads, deep linking, and audience segmentation.

AppLift (market leader)

AppLift offers app publishers a platform for setting up preferred deals on major ad exchanges.
It also includes an automated tool for maximizing revenues with programmatic. One of AppLift’s
key features an Offer Recommendation algorithm which enables you to discover and run
customized campaigns.
Key features:

`` Offer Recommendation algorithm

 `` Manual and automated integrations

`` Programmatic integration


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Liftoff is an acquisition platform that enables you to scale growth with programmatic app install
campaigns. One of Liftoff’s important features is its payout model where you only pay if a user
takes a first action, not just per install. Liftoff enables you to acquire the users that are most
likely to convert in your app with “lookalike targeting”. It has a Machine Learning-enabled re-
engagement tool.
Key features:

`` Machine Learning

`` Lookalike targeting

`` Fraud prevention


AppVirality is a referral marketing platform that creates automated referral programs for mobile
apps. You can use AppVirality to create a customized design with a WYSIWYG dashboard. The
platform also comes with a detailed analytics dashboard that helps you make informed decisions
and optimize your campaigns.
Key features:

`` Personalization and optimization

`` WYSIWYG dashboard

`` Analytics

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Product Manager Marketer

A few words about payments SDKs:

Payment SDKs make it possible and easy to transfer money all over the world, at the tap of
a button. The best payment SDKs come with fraud protection, currency exchange, and a
seamless UX.

PayPal (market leader)

PayPal is still the most commonly used payment platform. It has a lightweight integration on
the client side and provides a user experience that’s optimized for the speed users have come
to expect from mobile apps. The payment SDK keeps the user within your mobile app, without
having to open another app or mobile web page.
Key features:

`` Lightweight SDK

 `` Hosted checkout

`` Client-side integration


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With just a few lines of code, Stripe enables you to receive credit card info safely, without
collecting PCI data and using a Machine Learning based fraud prevention solution. Stripe lets
you give your users a customized experience with pre-built and time-tested UI components on
mobile apps and mobile web.
Key features:

`` Embeddable checkout

`` Custom UI toolkit

`` Machine-learning based fraud prevention

An open source project, is one of the most often used payment SDKS. lets users
scan their credit card and pay within your mobile app. You can get a sneak peek at by
downloading the SDK and launching a sample app.
Key features:

`` Credit card scanning

`` Open source

`` Sample app

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Developer UI/UX Product Manager Marketer

A few words about geolocation SDKs:

Geolocation SDKs can be used to help developers and software engineers build useful in-app
features: calling a cab, mapping a running route, or finding nearby restaurants. Marketers use
geolocation to detect user location and use the data to optimize push notifications, targeting,
monetization, and more. Product managers and designers can use the data collected by
geolocation SDKs to provide a personalized experience and to better understand user

Mapbox (market leader)

Mapbox is a live location platform that lets developers build using location data. It helps create
location-based apps in several categories including transportation, travel, navigation, and
even AR. Developers can add pre-designed maps or customize their own. The platform uses a
network of over 400 million users.

 Key features:

`` Map design customization

`` Turn-by-turn routing

`` Offline maps


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Radar is a location tool that uses unlimited geofences, place detection, and more to give you
valuable insight about your users. It uses radar geofencing instead of native iOS or Android
geofencing, and can tell you when a user visits a certain place or category without the need to
set up geofences for that place. Radar is used by entire app teams to improve app growth, create
personalized user experiences, build location-based features, and analyze user behavior.
Key features:

`` Radar geofencing

`` Place detection

`` User insights


CARTO is an offline and online mapping tool that adds location context to your data. CARTO’s
Location Intelligence helps you make the right decisions to grow your business with user behavior
analytics and improving geomarketing targeted campaigns.
Key features:

`` Pre-packaged solutions

`` Location Intelligence

`` Ready to use analytical models

Additional Recommended SDKs


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Who is this for? Product Manager Marketer CEO

A few words about business intelligence/App Store intelligence SDKs:

To have your app rise in the ranks of the app stores, you'll need to be well-prepared. App
Store Intelligence and Business Intelligence tools will give you all the knowledge you'll need
to successfully step into the mobile app ecosystem and understand your competitors. These
tools include up-to-date analysis of apps and app publishers, revenue estimates, and even
your competitors’ ad strategy.

App Annie (market leader)

App Annie is a leading app marketplace intelligence tool. It provides you with a through
competitive analysis and market insights such as app downloads, revenue, usage, and
advertising metrics. You can use App Annie to reveal new growth opportunities, identify potential
partners and competitors, learn how top apps monetize, create a keyword strategy to increase

growth, and more.
Key features:

`` Market insights and competitor benchmarking

`` Email, app, and Slack alerts

`` Cross-team collaboration

Business intelligence/
App Store intelligence

Page 28 Page 32
Sensor Tower

Sensor Tower is an extensive intelligence platform for app store optimization and growth. It
provides intelligence on apps in the app stores, and lets you see your own app’s review history
to analyze the success of each new release. You can see how your app is performing daily and
compare data easily. You can also track category and keyword rankings and identify keyword
Key features:

`` Competitive analysis and market intelligence

`` App store optimization

`` Visibility Score metric


AppTweak is an app store optimization tool that provides you with keyword data, market
intelligence, and insights into your competitors’ Search Ads strategy. AppTweak’s Search Ads
intelligence tool helps you outbid your competitors on the right keywords to get featured in the
App Store search banner.
Key features:

`` ASO intelligence

`` Market intelligence

`` Search Ads intelligence

Additional Recommended SDKs

Business intelligence/
App Store intelligence

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Who is this for? Product Manager CEO

A few words about data management SDKs:

With Data Management tools, you'll be able to store your data in a secure location, and still
have fast access to it from any device. You'll route the data from there to your CRM, analytics
platform, and more. This way, you can upload your data only once and then seamlessly
reroute it to any other third-party tool or SDK, without slowing down the app or the data
collection. These tools will include different extra features, such as.

Chartio (market leader)

Chartio allows you to explore your data in an interactive, drag-and-drop dashboard in addition
to a powerful SQL editor. With its proprietary Data Pipeline, you can see query results, create
custom calculations and forecasts, and manage your queries. Chartio also enables you to create
visualizations for your data and quickly identify trends and opportunities.

Key features:

`` Interactive Mode dashboard

`` Data Pipeline

`` Cross-team collaboration


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Segment provides data infrastructure for user data. Its Customer Data Infrastructure includes
three parts: Personas for audience management, Protocols for data government, and Connections
for data integration. With Personas, you can turn raw user data into traits and predictions for users.
With Protocols, you protect your data integrity with reports and alerts for data quality issues. With
Connections, you can quickly implement your marketing stack with a single API, saving coding
Key features:

`` Audience management

`` Data governance

`` Data integration


mParticle is a user data platform that allows you to transform, unify, and visualize your user
data. You can segment your userbase to run tests, share data with teammates and partners, and
coordinate marketing and CS campaigns. One of mParticle’s newest features is the User Activity
View, which enables you to understand user journeys in real time, as well as a timeline of their
past activity across channels.

Key features:

`` User Activity View

`` Predictive Modeling

`` Cross-team collaboration

Additional Recommended SDKs


Page 31 Page 32
Making the most of your stack in 2019

With so many mobile app tools on the market, it's important to keep a few things in mind
when shopping for SDKs.

First, there is such a thing as too many tools. It's true that many SDKs are built to be super
lightweight and not slow down your app, but that doesn't mean you should add every tool
you see to your stack. Choose wisely, and favor quality over quantity.

Second, the tools you choose are supposed to work for you, not make you work for them.
You'll want to use tools that give you fast, reliable insights at a glance, and help you make
data-driven decisions. In this guide, you’ve seen qualitative tools used for several purposes,
such as app analytics and user feedback. Make sure to include qualitative as well as
quantitative tools to create a truly powerful stack. Also, be on the lookout for tools that offer
a free trial so that you can experience the platform before you decide.

Third, these tools are meant to save you time, leaving you free to do what SDKs can't do:
brainstorm, create, solve problems, and think up your next great idea. While every SDK
needs to be set up at least with a line of code, some are more high-maintenance at the start

than others. If you're impatient and want to get your tools up and running quickly, choose
ones with easy integration and useful out-of-the-box features.

We hope this guide helps you choose the tools that best serve your needs. Good luck!

To try out Appsee, the market leader in qualitative analytics, click here:


To read more about Appsee’s capabilities and how they can benefit your users, scroll to the next page.

Page 32
Appsee’s qualitative app analytics helps you
focus on what’s important- your users. Our
clear-cut data provides you with powerful
insights on user behavior and performance,
allowing you to make the most effective
changes to your app.


Retention Analytics Users Flow

METRICS ARE JUST THE Usage reports Custom Events Reports

TIP OF THE ICEBERG Basic Metrics User Cohorts

Funnel completion rates? DAU? Crash rates? We Conversion Funnels

Crash Analytics
provide you with all those key metrics- and then
some. The reality is that there’s a lot of important
data behind those numbers, that traditional analytics
solutions don’t even address.

At Appsee, we go the extra step of tracking your

app’s user experience (that “untracked” element), by
allowing you to see how your users behave. Here data User Recordings
is your friend, even your best friend, providing you
with the insights you actually need to deliver the best
mobile product for your users.
Single Session data
Here are the tools that will help you get there:
Touch Heatmaps


User Recordings provide one of the best ways to get inside
the minds of your users and assess the experience and
usability of your app. Appsee’s User Recordings analyze
users on the single-user level and record all taps, swipes,
actions, and habits. By watching user recordings of real-
time user sessions, you’ll have a clear, visual representation
of what is “working” for your mobile app and what isn’t. The
insights are so crystal clear, it’s practically as if you were
sitting right next to your user.


• Why are users not completing registration?
• Why does your app crash?
• Where are users getting frustrated and not returning?

Appsee automatically tracks all touch gestures (taps,
swipes, pinches etc.) and aggregates them into a slick
touch heatmap for each screen in your app. These
touch heatmaps allow you to assess the effectiveness
of your app’s UI and see where your users are
focusing their attention. They can also help you detect
unresponsive gestures on each screen, which if gone
unnoticed, can greatly damage your user experience.


• Why are certain screens more popular than others?
• Why are particular features not being used?
• Why do some screens have a higher quit-rate than


On top of our unparalleled visual tools, we also provide


In order to ensure the relevancy All it takes is five minutes and one line of Watch recordings of crashed
and accuracy of our insights, all code to integrate with Appsee. Set-up is sessions to see the exact sequence
of Appsee’s data is tracked and also seamless thanks to our auto tagging of user actions that led to your
updated in real-time. capabilities. There is no need to pre- app crashing. This powerful, visual
define any events. Appsee does the work context will allow you to reproduce a
for you by automatically detecting every crash in less than 5 minutes.
screen, button, event, and action.


Appsee’s SDK is extremely Configure conversion funnels for Monitor every metric change in your
lightweight & works in the important processes, monitor conversion mobile app with alerts via email,
background without impacting your rates, and understand where users are Slack, or SMS. Keep track of your
app’s performance. dropping off within certain stages. Watch KPIs no matter where you are.
specific session recordings of users who
did not complete your funnels.

Appsee does not record any Customer Data is stored and
personal user information. secured according to the
strictest security standards.


“ We use Appsee to expertly assess

and optimize Tripsta’s UI, from our
“ Appsee saved us over 20% additional
dev hours thanks to its crash videos
search capabilities to our bookings that show exactly why crashes occurred
log. Appsee helps us guarantee the within our app. Appsee completely
utmost positive UX for our users- and
our users couldn’t be happier!
“ eliminated the need for lengthy
guesswork and also helped us optimize
our customer support following a crash.

Pantos Papazoglou App Development Team Lead

Mobile Product Manager






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