Percubaan Bio 2016 (k1 - k2 - k3) PP

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1 B 11 B 21 C 31 D 41 A
2 B 12 B 22 D 32 B 42 D
3 C 13 C 23 D 33 A 43 A
4 B 14 D 24 B 34 C 44 B
5 D 15 D 25 A 35 C 45 C
6 D 16 B 26 C 36 D 46 A
7 B 17 D 27 C 37 B 47 C
8 C 18 C 28 D 38 B 48 D
9 A 19 A 29 B 39 D 49 C
10 D 20 A 30 A 40 C 50 A


No. Kriteria Markah Jumlah
Soalan Markah
1(a) L : Phospholipid bilayer 1
Dwilapisan fosfolipid
M : Pore protein 1
Protein liang
N : Carrier protein 1 3
Protein pembawa

(b)(i) -Water molecules is transported from the region of low solute 1

concentration to a region of high solute concentration.
Molekul air diangkut dari kawasan berkepekatan zat terlarut
rendah ke kawasan berkepekatan zat terlarut tinggi.

-Across a semi-permeable membrane through pore protein. 1 2

Merentasi membrane separa telap melalui liang protein

(b)(ii) Calcium ions is transported from the lower concentration region to the
higher concentration region through a carrier protein 2 2
Ion kalsium diangkut daripada kepekatan rendah ke kepekatan
tinggi melalui protein pembawa

(c ) - The osmosis process will move water into the fish and the marine 1
fish has no mechanism to get the extra water out.
Proses osmosis membenarkan air meresap masuk kedalam ikan l
laut dan ikan laut tidak mempunyai mekanisma yan mengeluarkan
air yang berlebihan.

-The marine fish cells would take in too much water and eventually 1
Air yang berlebihan di dalam badan ikan laut menyebabkan sel-sel
ikan pecah.

-The marine fish need salt water to live because their cells have 1 Any 2
adapted to high concentration of salts being around them.
Ikan laut memerlukan berkepekatan garam yang lebih kerana sel-sel
ikan perlu menyesuaikan diri dalam keadaan berkepekatan
garam yang tinggi.
(d) Diabetes mellitus decrease the amount of red blood cells life-span. 1
Kencing manis melitus mengurangkan jangka hayat bilangan sel
darah merah.

-It may change the plasma membrane by acting through its effect on 1
the aging process.
Ia boleh menukar bentuk membrane plasma apabila penuan. 3

-Cause anemia by decreasing in red blood cell production in the 1

Menyebabkan anemia disebabkan kekurangan sel darah merah di
sum- sum tulang.
2 (a) P: Intercostal muscle / Otot interkostal 1 2
Q: Diaphragm muscle / Otot diaphragm 1

2 (b) - A large surface area which have o lot of alveoli 1

Permukaan yang luas kerana mempunyai banyak alveoli
- The alveolar is one cell-thick which enable rapid diffusion of gases. 1
Alveolus setebal satu sel membolehkan penyerapan gas yang kerap
- A moist respiratory surface to allow gases to dissolve easily.
Permukaan yang lembap memudahkan gas melarut 4
- A rich supply of blood capillaries network that cover the alveolar 1
Kaya dengan jaringan kapilari darah yang meliputi dinding alveolus 1

2(c) -Carbon dioxide will dissolved in the blood plasma to become 1

carbonic acid (H2CO3)
Karbon dioksida akan larut dalam plasma darah menjadi asid
karbonik (H2CO3)
-Carbonic acid will convert into ion hydrogen(H+) and bicarbonate 1
Asid karbonik akan diubah kepada hidrogen ion (H+) dan ion
bikarbonat (HCO3-)
-Bicarbonate ions will then be transported to the lungs and eliminated 1 Max 3
as carbon dioxide
Ion bikarbonat kemudian akan dibawa ke paru-paru dan
dihapuskan sebagai karbon dioksida
 -Combines with amino groups of protein (haemoglobin) to form 1
Bergabungkan dengan kumpulan amino protein (hemoglobin) untuk
membentuk carbaminohemoglobin.

2 (d) -When partial pressure of carbon dioxide increase, the chemoreceptor 1

are stimulated and send more impulses to respiratory centre
Apabila tekanan separa karbon dioksida meningkat, kemoreseptor
dirangsang dan menghantar lebih banyak impuls ke pusat pernafasan
-High level of carbon dioxide will decrease pH in blood and brain 1
Aras karbon dioksida yang tinggi menurunkan pH dalam darah dan
bendalir otak
-The respiratory muscles will then be stimulated and the breathing rate 1
Otot-otot pernafasan akan dirangsang dan kadar pernafasan
meningkat Any 3
- Stretch receptors in the muscles and tendons send information to 1
respiratory centre
Reseptor regangan pada otot dan tendon menghantar maklumat ke
pusat pernafasan
3(a) X : granum 1
grana 2
Y : stroma 1
(a)(i) -chlorophyll trap/capture light energy 1
klorofil memerangkap tenaga cahaya
-split/break down water molecule // photolysis of water 1
-release oxygen and produce hydrogen atom Any 2
membebaskan oksigen dan menghasilkan atom hydrogen 1

(a)(ii) - carbon dioxide is reduced 1

penurunan karbon dioksida
- by hydrogen atom with the presence of enzyme 1 2
oleh atom hydrogen dengan kehadiran enzim
Light reaction Dark reaction
Tindak balas cahaya Tindak balas gelap
1. need light energy Do not need light energy
memerlukan tenaga Tidak memerlukan
cahaya cahaya 1
2. during day time During day and night time
only berlaku siang dan malam
berlaku di siang 1
hari sahaja
3. take place in Take place in stroma 4
granum di dalam stroma
di dalam grana 1
4. use water Release water
menggunakan air membebaskan air 1

3(d) -the higher the light intensity the higher the rate of photosynthesis 1
semakin tinggi keamatan cahaya semakin tinggi kadar fotosintesis
-until reach maximum 1 2
sehingga mencapai kadar maksimum
4(a)(i) Morula// Embryo 1 1
(ii) 30 hours after fertilization, zygote divide into 2 cell. 1
30 jam selepas persenyawaan, zigot membahagi kepada 2 sel
Next, zygote divide into 4 cells, 8 cells, 16 cells, 32 cells and final 1 2
group of cells called morula
Kemudian, zigot membahagi menjadi 4 sel, 8 sel, 16 sel, 32 sel dan
seterusnya menjadi satu kelompok sel yang dipanggil morula
(b) Implantation 1 1
(c ) E1 : When Q stop functioning, Q does not secrete progesterone 1
Apabila Q berhenti berfungsi, Q tidak dapat merembes progesteron
E2 : endometrium are no longer thicken// endometrium break down 1
Dinding endometrium / uterus tidak menebal // pecah
E3 : foetus is aborted 1
Fetus mengalami keguguran

(d)(i) Siamese twins 1 1

Kembar siam
(d)(ii) P1: zygote/embryo divide / separate not completely // the splitting of Any
the zygote/embryo halfway. 1 one
Zigot/embrio membahagi / terpisah tidak lengkap // pemisahan zigot /
embrio separuh jalan
P2 : 2 zygote/ embryo still attach at certain part of the body
2 zigot / embrio masih terlekat antara satu sama lain pada bahagian 1
tubuh tertentu
( e)(i) P1 : Twins R are similar in physical appearance but twins S are not Any
Kembar R sama dari segi fizikal manakala kembar S menpunyai rupa 1 two
yang tidak seiras/sama
P2 : Twins R are same gender// sex but twins S are same or different
genders // sexes 1
Kembar R adalah jantina manakala kembar S adalah sama atau
berbeza jantina
P3 : Twins R possess identical genetic constituents but twins S has
different genetic constituents 1
Kembar R mempunyai kandungan genetic yang sama manakala
Kembar S mempunyai kandungan genetic yang berbeza
( e)(ii) Any
F1 : influence of environmental factor 1 two
Dipengaruhi oleh faktor persekitaran
E2 : They have different eating habit 1
Mereka mempunyai tabiat makan yang berbeza
E3: They have different daily acitivites 1
Mereka menjalani aktiviti harian yang berbeza

5(a)(i) IAIB , IAIO, IBIO, IOIO 4√ -2 2

2-3 √ -
0-1 √ -
(a)(ii) Blood group AB : Blood group A: Blood group B: Blood group O
1:1:1:1 2 2
(b) Universal donor : offspring have blood group O 1
Penderma universal : anak dengan Kumpulan darah O
P1 : can donor their blood to all type of blood group // blood group 1
A, blood group B, blood group AB, blood group O
Boleh menderma kepada semua jenis kumpulan darah // kumpulan
darah A, B, AB dan O
Universal recipient : offspring have blood group AB 1
Penerima universal : Anak dengan kumpulan darah AB
P2: can accept blood from any type of blood group 1 4
Boleh menerima darah dari sebarang jenis kumpulan darah
(c )(i) P1:During late pregnancy/during birth first child, some of the foetal
blood cells may enter mother’s blood // baby’s blood mix with 1 Any
mother’s blood and two
Semasa peringkat akhir kehamilan/ semasa bersalin, sedikit sel darah
fetus memasuki darah ibu// darah bayi bercampur dengan darah ibu
dan 1
P2 : Triggers mother’s blood to produce anti-rhesus antibodies
Merangsang darah ibu untuk menghasilkan antibody anti-rhesus 1
P3 : In the successive pregnancy // secand pregnancy, the antibody
levels builds up in the maternal bloodstream
Dalam kehamilan berikutnya // kehamilan kedua, antibody anti- 1
rhesus meningkat dalam darah ibu
P4 : The anti-rhesus antibodies may cross the palcenta and 1
Antibodi anti-rhesus akan merentas plasenta dan
P5 : cause agglutination// haemolysis of second foetal red blood cells
Menyebabkan penggumpalan/hemolisis sel darah merah fetus kedua

(c )(ii) P1 : Give injection immunoglobulin to the wife before third pregnancy 1

Memberi suntikan immunoglobulin kepada isteri
P2 : To prevent the formation of antibodies after birth the second baby
Untuk mencegah pembentukan antibody selepas melahirkan bayi 1 2


No Kriteria Markah Jumlah

soalan Markah
6 (a) -During the day, light stimulates photosynthesis in the guard cells. 1 (6marks)
Pada waktu siang, cahaya merangsang fotosintesis dalam sel
- Glucose is produced and energy is generated for active transport. 1
Glukosa terhasil dan tenaga dijana untuk pengangkutan aktif.
-The guard cells accumulate potassium ions(k⁺) from adjacent cells
through active transport.
Sel pengawal mengumpul ion kalium (k⁺) dari sel epidermis yang 1
berdekatan secara pengangkutan aktif.

-The guard cells become hypertonic and water diffuses into the guard 1
cells by osmosis and the stoma opened.// The guard cells become
turgid and the stoma opened.
Sel pengawal menjadi hipertonik dan air meresap ke dalam sel
pengawal secara osmosis dan liang stoma terbuka.//Sel pengawal
menjadi segah dan liang stoma terbuka.

-During the night, photosynthesis stops . 1

Pada waktu malam, fotosintesis tidak berlaku

-Potassium ions (k⁺) exit the guard cells 1

Ion kalium (k⁺) bergerak keluar dari sel pengawal

-Water diffuses out from the guard cells by osmosis. 1

Air meresap keluar dari sel pengawal secara osmosis

-The guard cells become flaccid and the stoma closes.

Sel pengawal menjadi flasid dan liang stoma tertutup 1

Movement of water through soil to the roots. 1 (6marks)

(b) Pergerakan air melalui tanah ke akar

-The surrounding soil water is hypotonic to the cell sap of root hair 1
cells because it has a higher solute concentration.
Air dalam tanah adalah hipotonik kepada sap sel di dalam sel
rerambut akar kerana mempunyai kepekatan bahan larut yang lebih

-Water molecules diffuse into the root cells by osmosis 1

Molekul air meresap ke dalam sel akar secara osmosis.

-Water moves inwards from cell to cell in the cortex until it reaches 1
the endodermis. The endodermal cell has a Casparian strip which
blocks the water movement via the cell wall.
Air bergerak merentasi sel-sel korteks sehingga endodermis.Sel
endodermis mempunyai jalur Caspary yang menghalang pergerakan
air melalui dinding sel.

-Water moves from the cytoplasm and vacuole to the xylem vessels in 1
the roots
Air bergerak dari sitoplasma dan vakuol ke salur xylem di akar.

-The result of the cohesive (between water molecules) and adhesive 1

(between water molecules and the walls of xylem vessels) forces.
Disebabkan oleh daya lekitan(di antara molekul air) dan lekatan(di
antara molekul air dan dinding salur xilem).

-Xylem vessels (long, narrow and hollow tubes) form a continuous 1

column of water.
Salur xylem (tiub panjang, sempit dan berongga) memebentuk turus
air yang berterusan.
-Movement of water from the leaves to the environment through 1
transpirational pull.
Pergerakan air daripada daun ke persekitaran melalui tarikan

-The water vapour in air spaces diffuses out to the environment via the 1
stomata by transpiration.
Wap air di dalam ruang udara meresap ke persekitaran melalui liang
stoma di panggil transpirasi

-Water in the xylem is diffused into the mesophyll cells to replace the 1
water lost through transpiration.
Air di dalam xilem meresap ke dalam sel mesofil untuk menggantikan
air yang hilang melalui transpirasi

(c ) -Blood that enters the arterial end of a capillary is under high 1

hydrostatic pressure.
Darah yang mengalir masuk di hujung kapilari bersambungan
dengan arteriol mempunyai tekanan hidrostik yang tinggi.

-This pressure forces fluid from the blood plasma to diffuse into the 1
spaces between the cells.
Tekanan ini memaksa bendalir di dalam plasma darah meresap
keluar ke dalam ruang di antara sel.

-Forms Interstitial fluid or tissue fluid. 1

Membentuk bendalir interstis atau tissue fluid.
-The lymphatic vessels from the lower left side of the body flows into 1
the thoracic duct .
Salur limfa dari bahagian bawah kiri badan mengalir ke dalam
duktus toraks

-Which empties its contents into the left subclavian vein. 1

Yang mengosongkan kandungannya ke dalam vena subklavikel kiri.

-The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right side of the head 1
and chest into the right subclavian vein.
Duktus limfa kanan menyalirkan kanan limfa dari bahagian kanan
kepala dan dada ke dalam vena subklavikel.
-The thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct drain lymph back into the 1
blood circulatory system.
Ductus toraks dan duktus limfa kanan menyalirkan limfa kembali ke
dalam system peredaran darah.
-If the interstitial fluid fails to return to the circulatory system, the 1
excess fluid causes swelling in the tissue leading to the condition
known as oedema.
Sekiranya bendalir interstis gagal mengalir ke dalam sistem
peredaran, bendalir yang berlebihan menyebabkan tisu membengkak,
mengakibatkan keadaan yang dikenali sebagai edema

7(a)(i) –plant shoots shows positive phototropisme 1

pucuk tumbuhan itu menunjukkan fototropisme positif
- auxin is produced by the tip of shoot 1
Auksin dihasilkan oleh hujung pucuk
-cells on the shaded side of shoot have more auxin 1
Sel-sel di bahagian yang terlindung mempunyai lebih
-the shaded side will elongate more than the cells on the 1
side facing the light
bahagian yang terlindung akan lebih memanjang daripada
sel-sel pada bahagian yang terkena cahaya
-the uneven elongation of the cells on the two sided of the 1
stem causes it to bend towards light
pemanjangan yang tidak sekata pada sel-sel di dua
bahagian batang menyebabkan pokok itu membengkok
ke arah cahaya
(ii) -stimulate parthenocarpy 1
merangsang partenokarpi
- delay fruit ripening 1
melambatkan pemasakan buah
-prevent young developing fruits from falling off
Prematurely 1
-menghalang buah yang tidak masak gugur daripada
pokok muda
-ADH control the amount of water reabsorbed in kidneys tubules 1
ADH mengawal jumlah air diserap di dalam tubul ginjal
-less amount of ADH will cause the distal convoluted tubule and 1
collecting duct to be less permeable to water
kekurangan rembesan ADH menyebabkan tubul berlingkar distal
dan duktus pengumpul menjadi kurang telap kepada air
- less water will be reabsorbed producing large amount of diluted 1
kurang air diserap semula mengakibatkan jumlah air kencing yang
banyak dan cair dhasilkan
- the individu will suffer diabetes insipidus 1
Individu tersebut akan mendapat penyakit diabetes insipidus
- diabetes mellitus is where the blood glucose level is too high 1
Penyakit diabetes mellitus ialah bila aras glukosa dalam darah
terlalu tinggi
(ii) -pancreas do not secretes enough amount of insulin hormone 1
pankreas tidak merembes cukup hormone insulin
-excess glucose cannot be converted into glycogen 1
glukosa berlebihan tidak dapat ditukar kepada glikogen
(c )(i) 7.3(i) – human/ plant/ any animals without exoskeleton 1
manusia/ tumbuhan / mana-mana haiwan tanpa rangka luar
7.3(ii) – grasshopper /any animal with exoskeleton
belalang / mana-mana haiwan berangka luar 1

(c )(ii) Differences
7.3(i) 7.3(ii)
Sigmoid / S-shaped curve Stair-case curve/ series of steps 1
bentuk Sigmoid/bentuk S bentuk tangga
Growth is Growth is not gradual /not
gradual/uninterrupted continuous 1
pertumbuhan berterusan pertumbuhan adalah tidak
Continuous increase in Length increase only after each
length ecdysis/ shedding of its 1
pemanjangan badan yang badan memanjang selepas
berterusan setiap kali ekdisis
Ecdysis does not occur Ecdysis occur
Ekdisis tidak berlaku Ekdisis berlaku 1

-the growth curve is like a series of steps 1

lengkung pertumbuhan berbentuk tangga
-it has exoskeleton which is made up of chitin 1
mempunyai rangka luardiperbuat daripada kitin
-inhale a lot of air during ecdysis to expands its body 1
menyedut banyak udara untuk mengembangkan badannya
-old exoskeleton break and the insects comes out of it 1
rangka yang lama pecah dan serangga keluar dari rangka tersebut
(c )(iii)
-breathe in more air to increase the body length before new 1
skeleton hardened
menyedut lebih banyak udara untuk menambah panjang badan
sebelum rangka yang baru mengeras
-a few times of ecdysis before the insect reaches its 1
maximum length
ekdisis berulang beberapa kali sebelum serangga itu
mencapaipanjang yang maksimum
8 (a) -Enzymes are used in biological detergents because enzyme are
active at very low concentrations, 1
Enzim yang digunakan dalam serbuk pencuci biologi kerana enzim
aktif pada kepekatan yang sangat rendah
-Enzymes can remove stains at low temperatures, saving both energy 1
and chemicals.
Enzim boleh membuang kotoran pada suhu rendah, menjimatkan
tenaga dan bahan kimia.
-Enzymes are highly biodegradable. 1
Enzim adalah sangat biodegradasi
-Enzymes are extremely efficient, reducing both the duration of the 1
washing and water consumption.
Enzim adalah amat berkesan, mengurangkan tempoh
pembasuhan dan penggunaan air
-Biological detergents contain proteases, amylases and lipases. 1
Serbuk pencuci biologi mengandungi protease, amylases dan lipases
-Proteases act on stains containing proteins, such as blood and saliva. 1
Protease bertindak pada kotoran yang mengandungi protein, seperti
darah dan air liur
-Amylases remove stains containing starch, such as sauces, ice cream 1
and gravy.
Amylases membuang kotoran yang mengandungi kanji, seperti sos, 1
ais krim dan kuah
-Lipases are effective in removing oil and grease. 1
Lipase sangat berkesan dalam mengeluarkan minyak dan gris
-Cellulase has been added to brighten the colours and soften the 1
Selulase telah ditambah untuk mencerahkan warna dan
melembutkan fabrik.
8 (b) -Excess intake of lipid can cause health problem like obesity 1
-Lebihan pengambilan lipid boleh menyebabkan masalah kesihatan
seperti obesiti
-Excess lipid will convert into adipose tissues in the body 1
Lebihan lipid akan ditukarkan kepada tisu adipos di dalam badan
-Food rich with saturated fat will cause a high cholesterol level in the 1
blood vessel
Makanan yang kaya dengan lemak tepu menyebabkan aras
kolesterol tinggi di dalam saluran darah
-this will risk to has a cardiovascular disease 1
Ini meningkatkan risiko mengalami penyakit kardiovascular
-some of the cholesterol will deposite at walls of arteries 1
Sebahagian kolesterol akan terkumpul di saluran arteri
-causing them to harden (a condition called atherosclerosis) 1
Menyebabkan saluran tersebut mengeras (kondisi dikenali sebagai
-eventually leading to high blood pressure and heart disease 1
Akhirnya menyumbang kepada penyakit darah tinggi dan penyakit
-excess intake of sugar can cause diabetes mellituse 1
Lebihan pengambilan gula boleh menyebabkan diabetes mellitus
-excess sugar in the blood can raise the blood glucose level than 1
normal level
Lebihan gula dalam darah boleh meningkatkan aras gula dalam
darah melebihi aras normal
-this is because the body cannot produce enough insulin to convert the 1
glucose into glucogen
Ini kerana badan tidak berupaya menghasilkan hormon insulin yang
cukup untuk menukarkan glukosa kepada glikogen
9 (a) (i) Economy Any two
P1 : Impotance to support fisheries industry 1
Penting untuk menyokong industry perikanan
P2 : The mangroves tree can be used as fuels, building materials and 1
Pokok paya bakau boleh digunakan sebagai bahan api, bahan
bangunan dan bahan binaan
P3 : Mangroves plants are rich with medicinal properties 1
Paya bakau kaya dengan ciri perubatan
P4 : Species that live in this area such as Probocis monkey or fire flies 1
act as tourist attraction to generate income for tourism industry
Spesis yang tinggal di kawasan ini seperti monyet proboscis dan
kunang2/kelip2 bertindak sebagai tarikan kepada pelancong dan
menghasilkan pendapatan dalam industry pelancongan

E1 : Roots of mangrove plants act as filter to allow sediments to be 1
removed before entering the open sea
Akar pokok bakau bertindak sebagai penapis yang membenarkan Any two
sedimen ditapis daripada memasuki laut lepas
E2 : Protects from soil erosion 1
Melindungi dari hakisan tanah
E3 : Provide food, resting and nursery for fish, reptiles, amphipians, 1
mammals and birds.
Membekalkan makanan, sarang dan tempat tinggal bagi ikan,
reptilian, amfibia, mamalia dan burung
E4 : Protects coast line from wave breaks 1
Melindungi kawasan pantai daripada pecahan ombak
E5 : Dead leaves and twigs encourage growth of organisms that will 1
provide food for marine organisms
Daun dan ranting mati menggalakkan pertumbuhan organisma yang
akan menjadi sumber makanan organisma laut

Problem Adaptation Any
P1: Soft muddy A1 :Highly branched underground cable roots
soil support the plant in Zon 1 3
Tanah lumpur Akar bawah tanah yang bercabang support the proble
lembut plant di zon 1 m–3
A2 : Have prop roots/stilt roots that anchor the M
plant to the ground ( Zone 2 )
Mempunyai akar prop/akar jangkang yang 3
melekatkan pokok pada tanah(zon 2) adaptati
A3 : Have buttress root support the plant in Zone on – 3
3 M
Mempunyai akar banir untuk menyokong pokok
di zon 3

P2 : A4 : Have breathing roots called

Waterlogged pneumatophores to allow the exchange of gas
conditions and during low tides
lack of oxygen Mempunyai akar pernafasan yang dipanggil
Keadaan air pneumatofor untuk membenarkan pertukaran
yang sentiasa gas semasa air surut.
bertakung dan
kurang oksigen
P3 ; Exposed to A5 : Leaves covered with thick layer of cuticle //
direct sunlight thick and succulent leaves that contain water //
Terdedah sunken stomata to reduce the lose water through
kepada cahaya transpiration
matahari Daun diliputi dengan lapisan kutikel tebal //
secara daun tebal dan berisi air // stomata terbenam
langsung untuk mengurangkan kehilangan air melalui

P4 : High A6 : Cell sap of mangrove plant has higher

salinity of water osmotic pressure than the water surrounding
Air yang masin them
Sap sel pokok bakau mempunyai tekanan
osmosis tinggi berbanding air sekelilingnya
// A7 :Presence of hydathodes on the lower
surface of the leaves that can excrete crystalline
Kehadiran hidatod pada permukaan bawah
daun boleh menyingkirkan garam Kristal

P5 : A8 : viviparity seedlings that are able to

Germination of germinate while still attached to mother plant
seeds on Biji vivipara yang boleh bercambah dan melekat
waterlogged di atas pokok induk
biji benih
dalam tanah
mempunyai air
yang bertakung

9(b)(i) Good effect:

G1 : trap heat / provide temperature suitable to sustain life on earth
Memerangkap haba / menyediakan suhu yang sesuai untuk
mengekalkan kehidupan di bumi 1 good
effect +
Bad effect : 4 bad
B1 : Increase global temperature // greenhouse effect effect
Meningkat suhu global / bumi // kesan rumah hijau
B2 : Reduce agricultural productivity // rate of photosynthesis because
Mengurangkan produktiviti pertanian / kadar fotosintesis kerana
B3 : less sunlight absorbed by the plant
Kurang cahaya matahari diserap oleh tumbuhan
B4 : Change in global climate // drought
Perubahan cuaca bumi // kemarau
B5 : Melting of iceberg in the artic / poles
Pencairan ais di kutub
B6 : Rise in sea level // flood
Peningkatan aras air laut // banjir
9(b)(ii) P1 : Use energy from sources other than fossil fuels such as solar 1M Any 5
Gunakan tenaga selain daripada bahan api fosil seperti tenaga
P2 : Don’t do open burning 1M
jangan melakukan pembakaran terbuka
P3 : Limit deforestation 1M
Hadkan penebangan hutan
P4 : Replant plants after logging. 1M
Tanam semula pokok selepas pembalakan
P5 : Reduce mirrored buildings 1M
Kurangkan bangunan bercermin
P6 : Sharing vehicle / car pooling 1M
Berkongsi kereta/kenderaan
P7 : use public transport 1M
Guna pengangkutan awam
Peraturan Pemarkahan Biologi Kertas 3

Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Tahun 2016

Question Mark Scheme Marks

1 (a) Able to record all the four readings accurately.

Group of Volume of Volume of urine produced by

student water intake two different student of same 3
Kumpulan (ml) age (ml)
pelajar Isi padu air Isi padu air kencing yang
yang diambil dihasilkan oleh dua orang
(ml) pelajar yang berbeza yang
sama umur (ml)
First student Second
Pelajar student
pertama Pelajar kedua
A 500 ml 230 252
B 1000 ml 450 470

(b)(i) Able to state two different observations correctly according to the 3

criteria :

P1 : Manipulated variable – volume of water intake

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi – isi padu air yang diambil
P2 : Responding variable – Volume of urine produced
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas – isi padu air kencing yang

P3 : Reading / value with unit

Bacaan / nilai dengan unit

Sample answer

1. The volume of water intake is 500 ml, volume of urine

produced by the first student is 230 ml.

Isipadu air yang diambil 500 ml, isi padu air kencing
yang dihasilkan oleh pelajar pertama ialah 230 ml.

2. The volume of water intake is 1000 ml, volume of urine

produced by the first student is 450 ml.

Isi padu air yang diambil 1000 ml, isi padu air kencing
yang diambil oleh pelajar pertama ialah 450 ml.

(b)(ii) Able to make two inferences correctly based on the following

criteria :
P1 : Osmotic pressure / tekanan osmotik
P2 : Volume of water reabsorb / isi padu air yang diserap

Sample answer

a) The volume of urine collected is decrease because osmotic

pressure increase, therefore the permeability of kidney
tubule towards water / volume of water reabsorb increase.
Isi padu air kencing yang dikumpul menurun kerana
tekanan osmotik meningkat, ketelapan tubul ginjal
terhadap air / isi padu air yang diserap semula meningkat.

b) The volume of urine collected is increase because osmotic

pressure decrease, therefore the permeability of kidney
tubule towards water / volume of water reabsorb decrease.
Isi padu air kencing yang dikumpul meningkat kerana
tekanan osmotik menurun, ketelapan tubul ginjal terhadap
air / isi padu air yang diserap semula menurun.

(c) Able to state all three variables and the methods to handle the
variables correctly.

Variable Method to handle

Pemboleh ubah Cara mengendalikan pemboleh ubah

Volume of water Drink different volume of water, 500 ml

intake and 1000 ml
Isi padu air yang Minum air yang berlainan isi padu, 500
diambil ml dan 1000 ml.

Bergerak balas

Volume of urine Measure and record the volume of urine

produced produced by using a measuring cylinder.
Isi padu air Ukur dan rekod isi padu air kencing yang
kencing yang dihasilkan menggunakan silinder
dihasilkan penyukat.

Constant variable

Time duration for Fix the time duration at 30 minutes

the urine collected Tetapkan masa yang diambil pada 30
Masa yang diambil minit.
mengumpulkan air

Student Fix the student , same age

Pelajar Tetapkan pelajar, umur yang sama

(d) Able to make a hypothesis based on the following aspects : 3

P1 : Manipulated variable – volume of water intake

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi – isi padu air yang diambil

P2 : Responding variable – volume of urine produced

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas – isi padu air kencing yang

H : Relatinship between the variables

Hubungan antara pemboleh ubah

Sample answer

5. The higher the volume of water intake, the higher the

volume of urine produced.
Semakin tinggi isi padu air yang diambil, semakin tinggi
isi padu air kencing yang dihasilkan.

(e) Able to construct a table which contains the following aspects :

T : Titles with the correct units
Tajuk dengan unit yang betul

D : Record all the data correctly

Rekod semua data dengan betul

C : Calculate the average of urine produce correctly

Kira purata air kencing yang dihasilkan dengan betul

Sample answer

Student Volume of Volume of urine Average of

Pelajar water produced (ml) urine
intake (ml) Isi padu air kencing produced
Isi padu dihasilkan (ml) (ml)
air yang First Second Purata air
diambil student student kencing
(ml) Pelajar Pelajar dihasilkan
pertama kedua (ml)
A 500 230 252 241
B 1000 450 470 460

(f) Able to draw a bar chart to show the relationship between the
average of volume of urine produced against volume of water

P : Uniform scales for both axis

T : All point plotted correctly
B : Able to join all the point correctly

Isi padu air kencing dihasilkan (ml)

500 1000

Isi padu air diambil (ml)

(g) Able to explain the relationship between the volume of water 3

intake and the average of volume of urine produced.
P1 : state the relationship
nyatakan hubungan

P2 : osmotic pressure
tekanan osmotik

P3 : volume of water reabsorb

isi padu air yang diserap semula

Sample answer

1. The higher the volume of water intake, the higher the

volume of urine produced because the osmotic pressure is
lower. Volume of water reabsorb is lower.

Semakin tinggi isi padu air yang diambil, semakin tinggi

isi padu air kencing yang dihasilkan kerana tekanan
osmotik yang rendah. Isi padu air yang diserap semula
adalah rendah.

(h) Able to predict the outcome of the experiment correctly based on 3

the following criteria :

P1 : Correct prediction – more than 240 ml

P2 : Osmotic pressure is lower
P3 : Volume of water reabsorb is lower

Sample answer

Volume of the urine produced is increase because the osmotic

pressure is lower. Volume of water reabsorb is lower, so more
urine will produce.

Isi padu air kencing yang dihasilkan meningkat kerana tekanan

osmotik adalah rendah. Isi padu air yang diserap adalah rendah,
oleh itu lebih banyak air kencing dihasilkan.

(i) Able to define operationally osmoregulation based on the

following aspects :

P1 : maintaining osmotic pressure in blood

mengekalkan tekanan osmotik dalam darah

P2 : volume of urine produced

isi padu air kencing dihasilkan
P3 : affected by volume of water intake
dipengaruhi oleh isi padu air diambil

Sample answer

Osmoregulation is a process of maintaining osmotic pressure /

concentration of salt and water in blood which can be determined
by volume of urine produced that is affected by volume of water

Pengosmokawalaturan ialah proses mengawal atur tekanan

osmotik / kepekatan garam dan air dalam darah yang boleh
ditentukan oleh isi padu air kencing yang dihasilkan dipengaruhi
oleh isi padu air yang diambil.

(j) Able to classify the apparatus and materials correctly. 3

Variable Apparatus Materials

Pemboleh ubah Radas Bahan
Manipulated Mineral bottle Mineral water
Manipulasi Botol mineral Air mineral
Responding Measuring cylinder Urine
Bergerak balas Silinder penyukat Air kencing
Constant Stopwatch Student
Dimalarkan Jam randik Pelajar
Able to state a problem statement correctly based on the following
2 (i) aspects : 3

P1 : Manipulated variable – pH value

P2 : Responding variable – rate of enzyme reaction
H : Relationship between the variable in a question form

Sample answer
1. What is the effect of pH on the rate of enzyme reaction?
Apakah kesan pH ke atas kadar tindak balas enzim?

(ii) Able to state a hypothesis correctly based on the following


P1 : Manipulated variable – pH value

P2 : Responding variable – rate of enzyme reaction
H : Relationship between the variables

Sample answer

Pepsin work best in an acidic medium.

Pepsin bertindak paling berkesan dalam medium berasid.

(iii) Able to state all three variables correctly

Sample answer

Pemboleh ubah

1. Manipulated : pH of solution
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi : pH larutan

2. Responding : rate of enzyme reaction

Bergerak balas : kadar tindak balas enzim

3. Fixed : Temperature of solution , enzyme concentration,

Substrate concentration.
Dimalarkan : Suhu larutan, kepekatan enzim, kepekatan
(iv) Able to list all the important apparatus and material 3

Sample answer

Apparatus and materials :

Albumen suspension, 1% pepsin solution, 0.1M hydrochloric acid,

0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution, pH paper, distilled water,
test tubes, syringe, thermometer, stopwatch, beaker, Bunsen
burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, filter funnel

Ampaian albumen, larutan pepsin 1%, asid hidroklorik 0.1M,

larutan natrium hidroksida 0.1M, kertas pH, air suling,
Tabung uji, picagari, termometer, jam randik, bikar, penunu
Bunsen, tungku kaki tiga, kasa dawai, corong turas

( 6M + 9A)

2(v) Able to describe the steps of the experiment procedure or method 3

correctly based on the following aspects :

K1 : Preparation of materials and apparatus.

K2 : Operating the constant variable
K3 : Operating the responding variable
K4 : Operating the manipulated variable
K5 : Steps to increase reliability of results accurately /
Sample answer

1. Pour 5 ml of albumen suspension into each of the three test

tubes, labelled as P, Q and R. (k1, K2)
Masukkan 5 ml ampaian albumen ke dalam tiga tabung uji
masing-masing berlabel P, Q dan R.

2. Add the following solutions into each test tube according to the
table below.
Masukkan larutan ke dalam setiap tabung uji mengikut jadual di
bawah. (K1, K4)

Test tube Solution

Tabung uji Larutan

P 1 ml hydrochloric acid + 1 ml pepsin solution

1 ml asid hidroklorik + 1 ml larutan pepsin

Q 1 ml sodium hydroxide solution + 1 ml pepsin

1 ml larutan natrium hidroksida + 1 ml larutan
R 1 ml distilled water + 1 ml pepsin solution
1 ml air suling + 1 ml larutan pepsin

3. Dip a piece of pH paper into each test tube. Record the pH

value. (K1)
Celupkan sehelai kertas pH ke dalam setiap tabung uji.
Rekodkan nilai pH.

4. Place all test tubes into a beaker of water bath at 37°C. (K1, K2)
Masukkan semua tabung uji ke dalam kukus air bersuhu 37°C.

5. Determine the time taken to the content in each test tube to turn
clear using a stopwatch. Record all data. (K3)
Tentukan masa yang diambil bagi kandungan dalam setiap
tabung uji untuk menjadi jernih dengan menggunakan jam
randik. Rekodkan semua data.
6. Calculate the rate of reaction using the formula 1

Hitung kadar tindak balas dengan menggunakan formula 1


7. Repeat the experiment twice to get average (K5)

All the 5K
Any 3 - 4 K 2
Any 1 - 2 K 1

No response or incorrect response 0

2 (vi) Able to present all the data with units correctly :

Test tube pH Time taken for the content in Rate of 2

Tabung test tube to turn clear reaction
uji (minute) (minute -1)
Masa yang diambil untuk Kadar tindak
kandungan dalam tabung uji balas (minit -1)
menjadi jernih (minit)

P 3

Q 9

R 7


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