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Concept of Industrial Engineering (IE)

Concept of Industrial Engineering (IE)

Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, Improvement, and installation of
integrated system of men, material, and machines for the benefit of mankind .It draws upon
specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical and physical sciences together with the
principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the
results to be obtained from such systems.

Industrial Engineering (IE) =production↑ cost↓ proper use of all elements↑

Efficiency↑ Profit↑

Industrial Engineering

Work study Method Study Motion Study Time Study

Work measurement Min.Work place Motion economy

Capacity Study Max.Work place Body movement

GSD loss time

Analytical Eng.

Historical data

SMV Cycle Time Rating Takt Time Basic Time Observe Time Efficiency%

Techniques of Industrial Engineering

The main aim of tools and techniques of industrial engineering is to improve the productivity
of the organization by optimum utilization of organizations resources: men, materials, and
machines. The major tools and techniques used in industrial engineering are:
1) Production planning and control.
2) Inventory control.
3) Job evaluation.
4) Facilitates planning and material handling.
5) System analysis.
6) Linear programming.
7) Simulation.
8) Network analysis.
9) Assignment.
10) Sequencing and transportation models.
11) Statistical techniques.
12) Quality control.
13) Decision making theory.
14) Replacement models.
15) Assembly line balancing.
16) ISO-TQM.etc.

Responsibilities of an Industrial Engineer:

 Operation breakdown & Machine Layout.

 Buyer & Style wise operation breakdown & Layout.
 Prepare Man machine report.
 Buyer & style wise capacity study & line balancing.
 Train up production staff on efficiency.
 Production Monitoring&Achieve the line Target.
 Daily line wise Target setup.
 Wastage control at the production floor.
 To prepare daily, weekly, monthly production plan (Cutting, Printing, and Sewing)
 Arrange trims & accessories just in time.
 Prepared daily Crisis report& SMV calculation.
 Follow up daily output per production line & achieve the line.
 Method study & Motion Study.
 Data collect & efficiency report
 Prepare skill inventory & grading of the operator
 Nonproductive time (Lost Time) record.
 Ensure optimum use of machine.
 Machine servicing report follow-up.
 Monitoring and optimize rented machine.
 Daily production, efficiency and manpower report.
 Daily quality statistical report presentation.
 Monthly production and shipment closing report.
 Production planning
 Department and factory inventory
 Research to improve all department of factory

Definition of time study

A work measurement technique for recording the times and rates of working for the elements
within specific conditions, and for analyzing the data so as to determine the time necessary
for carrying out a job at a defined level of performance (Glock and Kunz, 2009).
Time study equipments
Basic time study equipments consist of
1. Stop watch
2. Study board
3. Time study forms


Ergonomics is the study of the relationship

between a person and their work environment. The
objective is to adapt the workplace for the worker
in order to decrease the risk of injury and improve
the link between the worker and their environment.
Ergonomics involves the following:

Using special design and evaluation techniques to
make tasks, objects, and environments more
compatible with human abilities and limitations.

Seeking to improve productivity and quality
by reducing workplace stressors, reducing the
risk of injuries and illnesses, and increasing

Factors Associated With Physical Stress

Sitting versus standing: Generally speaking, sitting
is less stressful than standing.

Large versus small demand for strength/power:
Jobs that demand large amounts of strength/power
are generally more stressful than those that require

Non repetitive versus repetitive motion: Repetition
can lead to monotony and boredom.When this
happens the potential for physical stress

Line balancing

Line balancing

A line is defined as a group of operators under the control of one production supervisor.
Balancing is the technique of maintaining the same level of inventory at each and every
operation at any point of time to meet the production target and to produce garments of
acceptable quality. It is a function of the work study office to provide management with
information to help the efficient and productive running of the factory, and part of this
information is the process known as line balancing. Line balancing is a vital key in the
efficient running of a line. The objective of the process is to ‘balance the workload’ of each
operation to make sure that the flow of work is smooth, that no bottlenecks are created, and
that the operators are able to work at peak performance throughout the day. This process is
intended to reduce waiting time to a minimum, or in fact with the use of some work in
progress to eliminate waiting time completely (Seminar SCT, 2010).
In operation breakdown we try to equalize the standard time.

But still there will be the difference in the standard time which leads to work in progress.

So, we try to set the flow through each operation to be similar as possible.

Checking from time to time to see how things are going and then making adjustments to even
out the flow again.
This process is called balancing.

Why Line balancing is necessary?

 Good line balancing is systematic work procedure for smooth production.
 It produce perfect layout plan of machineries for sewing section.
 It determines labor requirements.
 Good line balancing can determine the exact line number of machine, machine types
for style
 It also easier to distribute particular job for each operator and helper.
 It reduces production time.
 It reduces production cost.
 It optimize production that is increase rate of production.
 It gives knowledge about newer machines about newer styles.
 It reduces faults in the finished products.
 It ensure the profit of a factory.
 Wastage of material become less.
 Operator become expert and can do their job more efficiently with making a little

That is why line balancing is the key element of efficient production management. In a word,
it ensure smooth running of production to fulfill target production in time.

Factors on which line balancing depends:

 Work content in a particular garments.

 Standard time for an operation.
 Availability of special machinery.
 Availability of special operation.
 Working environment etc.

Points to be noted when making balancing

1. Meet production target by usage of operator

2. Work flow should be constant throughout all operations
3. Avoid over time
4. Determine human resource
5. Daily absence check
6. Assign operators based on need
7. Update daily production every two hours

Steps to balance the line

The method of line balancing can vary from factory to factory and depends on the garments
manufactured; but at any instance, line balancing concerns itself with two distinct
applications: “Opening the line” and “Operating the line”.
Calculation of labor requirement

Before a new style comes onto a line, it is necessary to establish the operation sequence, the
time, the type of equipment and the attachments required to manufacture the order.
Management must have this information before the commencement of the order, so that the
line can be balanced and laid out in such a way as to maximize productivity.
There are two methods which can be used to set up a line:
Method 1
Calculate how many operators will be necessary to achieve a given production rate per hour.
Method 2
Calculate how many garments can be produced by a given number of operators.
One should know the total: work content of garment, standard time, estimated production per
day, efficiency of operator, pieces per machine = 480 min/SAM.
Labor required = Estimated production per day / pieces per machine
PT=SMV/Work Station=8.9/37=0.24

I 100% efficiency, Target/Houre = 60/BPT=60/.24=250

Labour Productivity= output/labour input=1200/37=32

Machine productivity= output/machine input=1200/21=55

Line efficiency=produced minute/available minute=SMV*output/600*operator


Input*efficiency = output target

Meaning level= particular component time/BPT

Balancing= minimum output/target output(100%)

Time required=60*217/261=50

A bottleneck in a process occurs when input comes in faster than the next step can use it to
create output. We have identified some variations in process capacity from the bench mark
target and the lower capacity from the bench mark target is the bottleneck process as
production flow would stuck on the bottleneck point. Comparing total capacity of each
process to the 80% bench mark target, we have identified the bottleneck processes named
make and join care label, back neck elastic tape joint, match sleeve pair and sleeve and body,
sleeve hem, hem raw edge cut, security tack and thread cut body turn in Annexure 3: marked
with light brown color. Total production has been blocked in these seven work stations and
large work in process (WIP) has been stuck in these bottleneck processes.

Bottleneck in Production:
Bottleneck before input in line:
1) If issue is not supplied in time from other section and sub store.

2) If issue comes delay.

3) Issues serial number mistake.

4) Bundling mistake.

5) Wrong issue supply.

Bottleneck in line:

1) Worker selection wrong.

2) Wrong works flow / sequence of works.

3) Non-balance allocation of elements.

4) Works negligence by workers.

5) Workers absenteeism.

6) Machine disturbances / out of order.

7) Lack of supply

Way of reducing bottle neck:

• To arrange pre-production meeting in time.

• To prepare layout sheet before input in the line.
• To check fabrics and accessories before issuing in the line.
• To submit the layout sheet to maintenance section minimum 2-3 days before for
Better preparation.
• To check pattern before supply in the line.
• To reduce excess works from workers.
• To select right workers for right works.
• To keep supply available in time.
• To maintain serial number.
• Reject garments should not forward.
• Supply should be forwarded after checking.
• To alert when bundling (maintain serial number)
• By improving method.
• By improving workers performance.
Machine Layout for POLO shirt

No. Of
Seq. No. Operations M/c Type Machines
1N Lock
1 Placket Rolling Stitch 1
1N Lock
2 Placket Join Stitch 1
1N Lock
3 Nose Tuck Stitch 1
4 Shoulder Join Over lock 1
1N Lock
5 Collar Join Stitch 2
6 Collar Piping Over lock 1
Upper Placket 1N Lock
7 Top Stitch 1
Lower Placket 1N Lock
8 Top Stitch 1
1N Lock
9 Back Neck Top Stitch 2
1N Lock
10 Placket top Stitch 1
1N Lock
11 Placket Box Stitch 2
14 Sleeve Cuff Join Over lock 1
15 Cuff Top Stitch Flat lock 1
16 Sleeve Join Over lock 1.5
17 Arm Hole Top Flat lock 1
18 Side Seam Over lock 1.5
19 Body Hem Flat lock 1
1N Lock
20 Sleeve tuck Stitch 1
21 Button Hole Button Holer 1
22 Button Stitch Stitcher 1
Total 24
Machine Layout of a Basic Jeans Pant

Sl. Operations M/C Type SMV

1 pocket hemming APH 0.07

2 pocket o/l 3T O/L 0.3

3 pocket creasing ADPC 0.4

4 pocket attaching APS 0.74

5 second stitch @ back pocket SNLS 0.65

6 back yoke attach FOA 0.41

7 back rise join FOA 0.24

8 size label attach SNLS 0.2

Front Section

9 coin pocket hemming APH 0.015

10 coin pocket attach @ jet piece (right) SNLS 0.2

11 pocket bag attach with jet piece 5T F/L 0.42

12 o/l @ pocket bag 3T O/L 0.68

13 top stitch @ pocket bag SNLS 0.4

14 o/l @ zipper fly 4T O/L 0.3

15 o/l front panels @ crotch 3T O/L 0.26

16 zipper attach @ left fly DNLS 0.32

17 left fly attach @ front panel (inseam & SNLS 0.34

top stitch)
18 J-stitch @ left fly APJ 0.58

19 front pocket mouth hemming DNFPH 0.3

20 pocket bag stitch to front panel @side SNLS 0.46

& top (wt w/c label@lt.)

21 right fly attach with zipper & crotch join SNLS 0.25

22 loop preparation 3T F/L 0.15

23 main label attach @ waist band, & w/b SNLS 0.3

joining in chain
24 top stitch @ inseam FOA 0.55

25 side seam join (attach front & back 5T O/L 0.65

26 top stitch @ side seam SNLS 0.38

27 waist band stitch WBAM 0.38

28 waist band corners finish SNLS 0.72

29 loop attach ABLA 0.65

30 bottom hemming BHM 0.33


SAM or Standard Allowed Minute is used to measure task or work content of a garment. This
term is widely used by industrial engineers and production people in the garment
manufacturing industry. For the estimation of cost of making a garment SAM value plays a
very important role. In past scientists and apparel technicians did research on how much time
to be allowed to do a job when one follows standard method during doing the job. According
to the research study minute value has been defined for each movement needed to accomplish
a job. Synthetic data is available for each movement.

CAPACalculation of SAM through Time Study

Step 1: Select one operation for which you want to calculate SAM.

Step 2: Take one stop watch. Stand by side of the operator. Capture cycle time for that
operation. (cycle time – total time taken to do all works needed to complete one operation,
i.e. time from pick up part of first piece to next pick up of the next piece). Do time
study for consecutive five cycles. Discard if found abnormal time in any cycle. Calculate
average of the 5 cycles. Time you got from time study is called cycle time. To convert this
cycle time into basic time you have to multiply cycle time with operator performance rating.
[Basic Time = Cycle Time X performance Rating]

Step 3: Performance rating. Now you have to rate the operator at what performance level he
was doing the job seeing his movement and work speed. Suppose that operator performance
rating is 80%. Suppose cycle time is 0.60 minutes. Basic time = (0.60 X 80%) = 0.48 minutes

Step 4: Standard allowed minutes (SAM) = (Basic minute + Bundle allowances + machine
and personal allowances). Add bundle allowances (10%) and machine and personal
allowances (20%) to basic time. Now you got Standard Minute value (SMV) or SAM. SAM=
(0.48+0.048+0.096) = 0.624 minutes.

The formula used for calculating available capacity of the sewing line has been given below.
The available capacity of a line is presented in minutes or hours.

Sewing room Capacity per Day= {(No. of machine x daily work hours x 60) – absenteeism
%} x Efficiency % (unit in minutes)
Monthly Capacity = Daily Capacity X No. of working days in a month
For example: A factory floor has 5 lines. Factory works for 8 hours day. No of total
operators, line efficiency and absenteeism percentage are as given in the following table.

Line No. of Minutes/Day Line Absenteeism Capacity

No. Operator (Daily working Efficiency % available
Hrs. X 60)
Line 1 30 480 40% 10% 5184.0
Line 2 28 480 50% 10% 6048.0
Line 3 32 480 55% 10% 7603.2
Line 4 32 480 45% 10% 6220.8
Line 5 25 480 39% 10% 4212.0
Total Sewing floor capacity per day (in minutes) 29268.0

Available capacity of the line will vary on the factors such as

 i) no. of operators working in the line,
 ii) Line’s existing efficiency and
 iii) operator absenteeism percentage.

Capacity can be also represented in pieces. To get it divide total capacity (in minutes) by
SAM of the garment to be made in the floor. Suppose a factory produces basic full sleeve
shirt of SAM 20. Shirt production capacity of the floor will be 1463 pieces per day
Like individual operator efficiency, efficiency of a production line or batch or section is
important for a factory. Daily line efficiency shows the line performance. To calculate
efficiency of a line for a day, you will need following data (information) from the line
supervisor or line recorder.

1. Number of operators – how many operators worked in the line in a day

2. Working hours (Regular and overtime hours) – how many hours each of the operators
worked or how many hours the line run in a day
3. Production in pieces – How many pieces are produced or total line output at the end of
the day
4. Garment SAM – What is exact standard minute of the style (garment)

Once you have above data you have to calculate following using above information -
 a. Total minutes produced by the line: To get total produced minutes multiply production
pieces by SAM
 b. Total minutes attended by the all operators in the line: Multiply number of operators
by daily working hours and convert total hours into total minutes (multiplying by 60).

Now,calculate line efficiency using following formula:

Line efficiency (in percentage) = Total minutes produced by the line *100 /total minutes
attended by all operators.

For example, refer following table. Data calculation formula has been given on the header
row of the table.

Total Line
No. of Working line output Garment minutes Total Minute Efficiency
Operator hours (production) SAM attended  produced (%)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E=A*B*60) (F=C*D) (F/E*100)
48 8 160 44.25 23040 7080 30.73
48 11 240 44.25 31680 10620 33.52
34 8 300 25 16320 7500 45.96
35 11 400 25 23100 10000 43.29
35 11 329 25 23100 8225 35.61
34 8 230 25 16320 5750 35.23
34 8 200 35 16320 7000 42.89
35 11 311 35 23100 10885 47.12
34 11 340 35 22440 11900 53.03

Most simply, productivity is the ratio between output and inputs. 

Within a factory, industrial engineers or factory managers and line supervisors measure the number of
garments produced by a line of sewing machine operators in a specific time frame. Generally factory
works 10 to 12 hours a day. Total production (output pieces) of a line and total labor involved in
producing those   pieces is required to calculate labor productivity. See following example, 

Assume that 
   Total production in day =1200 pieces
   Total labor (operator +helpers) = 37
   Working time = 600 minutes (10 hours)

So, Labor productivity per 10 hours is =Total pieces produced/ total labor input = (1200/37) Pieces
=32.4 pieces.

Another productivity measure is labor efficiency, which is a comparison of the time spent working
productively to the total time spent at work. These metrics are appropriate for analyzing and
comparing the productivity of a particular production line or factory that turns out specific apparel
products. However, comparing productivity levels across products or operating lines can be difficult
because the benchmarks
differ from one garment to another. Calculation of labor efficiency is shown below. Consider above

    SAM (Standard allowed minutes) of the garment = 8.9

   Minutes produced by each labor =(32.4 pieces X 8.9) = 288 minutes
   Available minutes was 600 
  So, Labor efficiency = (Produced minutes/available minutes) = (288/600*100)% = 48%

SMV means standard Minute Value.SMV is defined as the time which is

allowed to perform a job satisfactorily. Normally it is expressed in minute
value.SMV term is broadly used in the garments manufacturing industry. SMV
is also known as Standard Allocated Minute (SAM). For smooth and timely
shipment an export order a merchandiser need to proper SMV set up in
garments production floor.

Now we will discuss how can we calculate SMV of a garment with example are
given below:

In garments industry, SMV calculation differ accounting to the number of

operations, seams length, types of fabric, number of workers, machine efficacy

General formula of SMV is given below-

SMV= Basic time + Allowance


Basic time= Observed time X Rating/ 100

Allowance= Relaxation allowance + Contingency allowance + Machine Delay
Rating= the pace or speed of operation at which the operator is performing
the job.
Observed time can be found by the time necessary to complete an operation.
This observed time calculated by stop watch. Ratting is an evaluation of
efficiency. This ratting is done by the operator who is performing the job. It can
be measured by an observer who experienced in specific job which is
being observed.

Example: Let’s say you are making a blouse. You observed an operation and
record its cycle time. Following the above steps let’s derive SMV of an

 Observe Time = 2 Minutes

 Rating of the operator = 90%
 Basic Time = (2 Minutes x 90%) = 1.8 Minutes
 Machine allowance =10%
 Other Allowance = 10%
 Total allowance to add = 10% + 10% = 20%
 Allowance in minutes = 1.8 x 20% = 0.36 Minutes
Calculated SMV = (1.8 Minutes + 0.36 Minutes) = 2.16 minutes.

Work study

Work study

Work study is the study through which

minimum utilization of man, machine,

materials is possible.
Importance/purpose of work study

 To reduce unnecessary work or excessive work or the

 non-productive time.

 Systematic study where no factors of production is

 overlooked.

 Lower cost.

 Minimum use of resources.

 Increase profitability.

 Increase productivity.

 Reduce time.

 To find out the best method.

 Make work easier. To reduce unnecessary work or excessive work or the

 non-productive time.

 Systematic study where no factors of production is

 overlooked.

 Lower cost.

 Minimum use of resources.

 Increase profitability.

 Increase productivity.

 Reduce time.

 To find out the best method.

 Make work easier. To reduce unnecessary work or excessive work or the

 non-productive time.
 Systematic study where no factors of production is
 overlooked.

 Lower cost.

 Minimum use of resources.

 Increase profitability.

 Increase productivity.

 Reduce time.

 To find out the best method.

 Make work easier.

Workplace engineering


GSD: general sewing data is a technique for

method analysis & setting of time standards
for sweing products of industry.

Motion study

Motion study is a technique of analyzing the

body motions employed in doing a task in
order to eliminate or reduce ineffective
movements and facilitates effective
movements. By using motion study and the
principles of motion economy the task is
redesigned to be more effective and less time

Goals of motion study


Planning / Scheduling (Cost)

Classification of body movement

Operators use their body for different operations,

and spend their maximum time. The motion time is
long but sewing time is short. So, body movement is
classified by 5 divisions. They are as below

Knuckle: only finger is used for this movement

Wrist: using hand and finger

Elbow: For arms, hand and finger.

Shoulder: Upper arm, forearm hand and finger.

Trunk: For so upper arm, for arm hand and finger

Work measurement

Work measurement is the application of

techniques to establish the time for qualified
worker to carry out a specified work at a
defined level of performance.


Ratting is also known as performance ratting is

a technique used to assess the speed and
effectiveness of an operator performing an
activity or group of activities.

Details of British Standard Rating


0=No activity

1-50=Very slow,clumy, poerator appears to be

half asleep, fumbling movement, weak aned no
interest in the job.

51-75=Trying to get output but for their handling

problem, less attentiveness they cannot make
sure the quality and output also

76-100=very faster than other operators. the are

working with their 100%concentration and make
the garment with satisfactory quality and quantity

Normal & basic time

Performance rating


Observed time


Basic time










Performance Rating=Basic time * 100%/ observed time

Performance rating graph(Cont..)

From the above chart:

A is standard worker, B is a fast
worker and C is a faster worker


Standard minute value is the standard time, to

complete any given task by using best possible
methods at standard level of performance. To
estimate SMV we have to analyze the garment
carefully and check different factors that affect
the SMV. SMV of a product varies according to the
work content or simply according to number of
operations, length of seams, fabric types, stitching
accuracy needed, sewing technology to be used

SMV for different styles

SL no



SMV Range




Polo Shirt



Formal Full Sleeve



Formal Trouser



Sweat Shirt



Jacket (suit)



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