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Assignment On

How can we calculate SMV of a garment

Course Code: TE-331

Course Tittle: Apparel manufacturing II

Submitted To
Mohammad Abdul Baset
Asst. Professor
Department of Textile Engineering

Daffodil International university

Submitted By
Md. Subbir-ul-Alam

ID: 182-23-5418

Textile Engineering

Section: A

Date of Submission: 09-04-2021

What is SMV ?
SMV is considering as the standard time required for making each garment, factory plans
manpower and machine requirement for the garment order.

The daily production target of a line is calculated from the SMV.

 SMV is used for determining Efficiency of Production Line.
 SMV is used to for determining what should be the Production Target for the specific
operation & for the production line of a specific style. 
 SMV is used for determining Loss of Time during production and Loss of

Calculation of SMV in garments :

SMV = (Basic Time + Allocated Allowance)

 Basic Time
Basic time is the most likely time required to make garments considering observe time and
applicable rating factors.
Basic Time = Observe Time x Rating Factor

 Observe Time
Time is taken to do work when an observer is observing closely and record the worker’s work
Observe Time = Total Cycle Time is divided by Number of Cycle
Cycle Time
Cycle Time is the time between starting a garment manufacturing and finishing of those

 Rating Factor
The rating factor is assigned based on an evaluation of worker performance which is
conducted through eye judgment. A worker can be fast, slow and rating is on a scale of 100%
to lower.


Assume that

 Observe Time = 40 Minutes

 Rating of Operator = 70%
 Considering Allowance = 15%

We know,

SMV = basic time + allowance


Basic Time = observed time x rating factor

= 40minutes x 70% = 28 minutes

Allowance = 28 x 15% = 4.2 Minute

So, SMV = 28 minutes + 4.2 minutes = 32.2 minutes for making a particular garments

Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that
they fit the people who use them.

To achieve best practice design, Ergonomists use the data and techniques of several

 Anthropometry: body sizes, shapes; populations and variations

 Biomechanics: muscles, levers, forces, strength
 Environmental physics: noise, light, heat, cold, radiation, vibration body systems:
hearing, vision, sensations
 Applied psychology: skill, learning, errors, differences
 Social psychology: groups, communication, learning, behaviors.

Ergonomics aims at preventing injuries by controlling the risk factors such as force,
repetition, posture and vibration that can cause injuries to develop. Some fundamental
ergonomic principals that should be followed in our workplaces are:
a) Use proper tools
b) Keep repetitive motions to a minimum
c) Avoid awkward postures
d) Use safe lifting procedures
e) Get proper rest
Application of ergonomics in garments industry:

In garments industry ergonomics is very important because we have to shipped our product in
time. If our worker injured, we can’t shipped our product in time and also our productivity is

Here Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between a person and their environment.
The objective is to adapt the workplace for the worker in order to decrease the risk of injury
and improve the link between the worker and their environment.

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