RW Rights

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Bob T.

Dumas SC11
A Fight For What Is Right
Human right, if you think about it, is a very simple concept which refers to the basic rights and
freedoms that belong to each and every person. To illustrate, human rights are the rights and freedom
based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence which works in order to
give the person what is due to them. Human right as defined by the law is always present no matter who
the person is, what he/she believes, where he/she is from but it can be restricted sometimes if ever a
person breaks the law, although it should never be taken away. Everyone is equally entitled to their own
human rights without discrimination and all of our rights are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
Although it is common for people to know about their basic rights, a lot of people are still not
properly educated in terms of their rights and a population of these people are the lumads. Lumads refer
to the largest indigenous group in the Philippines composed of 14 to17 million indigenous peoples

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belonging to 110 ethno-linguistic groups. A lot of ethnic groups are called “lumads” such as the Blaan,

Higaonon, Manobo, Subanon, Tboli, and a many more. They are defined as the un-Islamized and un-

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Chritianized people in the southern area of the Philippines.

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Lumads suffer from numerous human rights violations due to their lack of knowledge primarily
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because of their education. In that case, lumad schools should tackle the subject on human rights a lot
more heavier than it already is. After all, their rights are being violated since they cannot fight back or

should we say, they do not know when they should fight back due to the fact that they do not know their
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own rights. Learning about their rights would be one of the possible solutions to these violations that they
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are experiencing since through learning their rights they would be able to courageously fight for what
they deserve. If it doesn’t solve their problem, it would certainly make their situation a lot better than not
knowing their own rights. In essence, human right is a vital part of lumad education that should be
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heavily tackled in lumad school in order for lumads to experience less or no violations or their rights and
to be able to fight for their rights.
There are a lot of benefits for the lumads if they are aware of their own rights. Firstly, it would

help them in tackling the injustices that they are facing. Knowing what is due to them would help them in

fighting for it. In the same way, knowing their rights means knowing what you can do and what you
should not do which would keep them away from committing things that would give them trouble.
Moreover, it would also help them in developing more as a person by knowing what is due to yourself

and others and this would also help in improving their relationship with other groups of people. Learning
about human rights starts in their own schools so it is really a necessity for them to be educated about
their rights from when they are young so that they are able to grow as person with proper knowledge of
what they should be receiving and proper understanding on how these rights truly works.

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