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HELMUT MONKEMEYER HANDLEITUNG FUR DAS SPIEL | DER | ALT-BLOCKFLOTE TRIL 1 t ~ HOHE SCHULE q # ADVANCED SCHOOL x OF RECORDER PLAYING VART DE LA FLUTE DOUCE MOECK Nr. 2001 Helmut Ménkemeyer Handleitung ftir das Spiel der Alt-Blockfdte Teil II Hohe Schule des Blockfldtenspiels Neue erweiterte Ausgabe ADVANCED SCHOOL OF RECORDER PLAYING - L’ART DE LA FLUTE DOUCE. Edition Moeck Ne. 2001 MOECK VERLAG . CELLE Der voregnde see Te dr Handeung far Sp Ur Alois ene eee tree Nevnng wet Haken See Sa ‘odes Ditch Ubge 12 Kapil dot der Beer ope Uetchaee vote, ie Voregabegea trade dc Boils an Ongena Se Atala come Usbercige es ben diet Ware von Buc oie eae “oenans el Sarr vere Sd ‘aden enn id) Hinweise anda lserament, tine Behandlung, ‘Simmong und Notieuag sind im ecren Teil der Handletong 20 finden (Edition Moeck Ns. 2033), Helmoe Ménkemeyee ° Blodkornsudien. ine Srimlang on oiler Blokdieamusic wut aer Zai Hessnggeen nde oder von Wicesld.(asretog Hon Skori, Humbur This, the second pare of my Handleiuog fir dhs Spiel dee Abblockdore (Maal on the [Ac of Playing the Treble Recordet), sa revised and ealaged version of ey Hohe Schole des Blocidtenpels (Advanced Schoo! of Recordet haying), Techical exercises i the 12 chapeers Inve been caken fom the previous edition ‘The suds have been ropplemented by examples fom osginal works for the weble secorder, Excerpts fom the workt of Bach and from ‘Telemsna’s cantatas bave aot been incloded, however, because slutbe collections of studies ‘rom them are aleady aslale [Ao account ofthe instrament, it cat, exning, 0d notation will be found in Put 1 of the ‘Manual (Bation Moeck No. 2053). HM octet, x cllecon of onal recorder susie by old maser ected by Linde Hes von ‘Winerld (Monk Han Siok, Hambusg) © 1967 by Moede Veg, Cll Alle Recs vorbehalten Printed in Germany» Imps eo Allemagne ‘Teseaowoe: Loren: Hamburg Corre seconde pari des dicectves pour le jeu de tes alos bec est uoe nouvelle version ample de ma grande école du jou de Bites 1 be. Les exesicestechigues dee 12 chapitees ont étreprise its de éstion pare jusquicis les exercices dexéeuion ont Ee emplctsp des exemples extrits der ceavis originales poor fides altos a bec, Ila pas te tenn compte des oxaver de Bach ni der cantres de Telemann, ai ont dj fue Vobjet detudes ets svéeesiaies*) Des indications sue Finstemeet, on manic: ‘ment, accord et a notation Sgarentenpemidre Parte des instuctions (Edition Mosck No, 2033). aM, 1) Bade sr le Beer 1 bee Recoil de esi iin acta purer 4 bee Eder pt Lid Hotes von Wiotelé. Eiiions ear Hace ‘Son, Hambourp). ERSTES KAPITEL Geliufigkeitstibungen - Exercises for velocity - Exeries de vloité = 1 ‘Arikulationen2u (bung 1") -Tongaegs or Eg 1 Ariaon de Yves 3g 2 daar otras 7 bette sf re Crete w& oe | 16 SS ith und uemeclch gute warn i ery ley and ier. peepee pay aa wasted oc bon ‘ita des mots ses ne sn pas ben emi Tatas lpiement Johann Chistoph Papas 1667-1752 act ns "ave Sone IF Ale Tee wr bc (Mews 1033) mela omg igs #20 ‘has Sata VIF A Bloat und Mind 1) g_ Alexia Se SS es 38 ‘hv Sonat Girl Allegra eag agptie Lot, 1680-1730 Lat et ee poten a 1 pp Se Ere hee ere "Aus Sonos Feber fr Al Ble und be (Mos 1629) Allegro Joop et feterterte oo sfi te ‘ibis, hoe md b.c (Monde) Johann Chitin Sousa, um 16801762 seettterss ts dececepeieteterst 2 2 Bor Soa V Far i Ale Bloke nd be Seat 489) Allegro Bagge Mieco, 16861799 25 ie 19 ra ‘Aas Sone dl flr AlBlote ud (irene Herts ms. 250 Allegro, Seti tae see ‘Aus Sonate dell Ti Alt loeb. (Sou 5357) - {core Pipe Telemann 2 £ £ = “Aas Sonat Dar Far Al Bloke wb «(Bence Hose 6) 7 Geordie Handel 16581759 Allegro “Bar Sonis Far fr Abode und be (Mow 2012) xn Polen, 1950 2 “hes Soa Ff Al ii od lair Ose 1507) 8 ZWEITES KAPITEL Eniedrigte Tone Fst kes Bésnols 24 55min yn *2\ 5 ‘As Sons 2 Jr Ale lot, Velie wnt be Moe 101) ie cag Tipp Telemann “Aus Sone Mal ir Alla ew «(Buena Horie m6) Allegre (0 2 Aaf. 7 Andante! a bebe’ “As Fe Sin Fr Alt-Blostie und Raver alee Crmbul (Mon 1203) Woltegn ect 2956 322 5% Wale fot op. 342 Bled und Kavi (Stork 328, Abdrak it Gnehigung des Mantvsges Hane Skt, Hanbun, SHH eo gat! Hirtenweise - Andantino smamateaneld Leta nd Ki beste ‘Au Sef Bloke wd Kivi (veneer 286). Abr mat Genehigeg der Bett Velge Kasil nd Bae ae inde Stage, 051 a Marsch 7 35 32 ‘Av Son fi Ale lie und Kleine (UE 13608) Abc it Genehmigng le Ue Elon AG, Wen ear Aes aah oe Rai in Duce Ni 282 AB en i TH Abt wit See Seeing Bi Mane 34 by Allegro giocoso heel ‘Aor Tonrtde Tic rei Blokes Shot 5528). Abud mit Genemigang de Vera 8 St She, Mane 2 DRITTES KAPITEL Erhdhte Tone - Sharp keys - Ditzes 35. -Atlaatone «Ne 2-12 (eit 3) 2B Gos hep elem, 16811767 Adecio 5 22teX a ee ‘Aut Const a4 fr AB, Ob, Visine wad (Wok 106) ‘Aus Cones wWall ir AtSlodBie, Gabe, Soeidar and (ork 1060) “ Ouverture ‘Geng Fp Telemann, 68767 204 Les Plats Air ar eatien Largo a 15 gt BEE cate Pott 2 Be ?. aes Menuet 2 15 Johann Chistin Sib, wn 801762 Allemanda + Allegro 39 Gavotte “hoe Soa, hall tr A-Blokfote mdb. (St 4073) oy end Wi "Auer Healer Dut Bud fr Aloft, Het Monk 2072) 6 VIERTES KAPITEL Tonleitern «Scales - Gammes 4 Artiaitnen Ne 2.22 Sie 3) aan Cag Rep 3673782 cectete eesseetee eset esereteee * 22 bese = ‘he Sot ir Al-Boe und be (Mees 102) Vivace, Grane ist Boron 4702707 4B ~ a oy ste, £F ¢ “her Dierinets da cents fs A Bode wd be (Mod 108) Allegro. iy Antoni Val 2075761 7s fae "Ae per ae Sonata fr Bite ea bc (Bis Hts mr 138) ee cress FE pasor tao Sora Vf Bloke db (BART Fars 185) Allegro ma non presto, shea Repeat Marea, 16561798 Allegro ‘Au Smt al fr AV Bloated be (Seen Hvis 248) Menuete (Var.4) x Fang Baan un 190- nud 1350 ‘Ass Soa C-Dur fir Alt Blot der Que und be Ee, Horas mu. 13) fea Bape Lae, 2686-179 eps Bop Laeilt Jean Bote Loe, 1680-1799 tea, ‘he Sot C-Dar fi dot wb (Moc 10) Jean Bop Lot “Aus Sonal C-Dar fr Alle and be (Mod 1050) Allegro, ‘Aus Comers C-Der fr Al Bl, Seer nl bc (Mon 106) Ouverre (eats Ppp Tema, 2681-3767 ttre Botteo, « pftees » ‘Aut Owe el fr AI Bodte,Sidhachner und bee Daal) Menuet IL tettee te eo py Tan 55 tte. £ ‘Ave Orcerire all fr Al Blade Breer und. (Me, Dare Andan 23 tes et 342 56 ‘Allegro assat 40 Vir ide, 57 Oe re = ef Alt lode vd Klavier (SieET 6). Abdruck mit Gethmigung des Musbverage Han Sion Hanburg ‘ised Hopped 20 ba et ieee Allegro ga caceia (Vivace) fhe "Ao Sonate Dr fr Fe (Bie) nd Klavier hog 52), Ab mat Grhinigns des Wrage Boop & Hara Wrnbden eae ne Posen Zn ial ‘Aus Side Bgselln fr Fat de ud Pano (Cenbal) Mond 1509) FONFTES KAPITEL Akkkorde + Arpegsos - Arpiges 59 Artikulationen zu Ubung 59 - Tonguings for Exercise 59 Articulation de Vexercice 5 _Ze Ge ope 62 fet ohare 60 64 ‘Avs Sonate Nol fir AlBlaBite ond (on 537) 5 ‘As Sons a3 d-Wal ic Alt lok Bite, Vane wd «(Mowe 107) Ouverture ‘Gragg Pip Tlgzane 66 en Allegro) “ira £ Sees, Peep rope ites saponteettie ft Réjoulssance (Viste ‘hes Omer ll fr AB, Seater and b «(Darmstadt Allegretto ng Philipp Temann, 681-1767 “> it £ 55, See ee SEP here ‘Avs Cons C-Dur fr Aldi, Seidercester tod bc (ows 165) Corrente (Allegro) 69 ” = 0 Soar Ale lst dc. Lew) eeseasse Sere 70 Sistas ety 7 Hest Giga (Allegro) 72 Corrente Allegro) ‘Distinct da cera fr Als Slate urd bc. (Mow 2009) shaon Chea Sd om 26601762 Shor tvar Par A acer nd be bo 193) Tohann Chistian Shard pat ‘Ave Sova I Alek db Sh 072) 2 ehuon Chita Shir 26801762 Allegro ‘Aus Sonata V1 G-Der fir Al Boctir on bc. Shot 4098) Preludio Tohang Chistian Shad 74 —eteste (Allegro) gate Giga Allegro) —— SS Johann Devi Hehe, 16681729 Allegro Allegro assal £ Z z ‘Aes Concer # fc ver Al-Blckten, Steer und bc (Meck 1069) ‘ol Succerdeser Mio ID) Tohssn Adsl Shee, 706-176 * ‘Aut Concer 4 fr Als loft, 2 Vision und (Mord 3081) 1s pa reat es tee tenss aie ies see ee afi itteset te fete ‘Av SnateB-Dar Fr Foe (Ale loo) and Kavi (Beihop 6282. Abu mit Geregeng des Verages Breton Hil Wisden SECHSTES KAPITEL a CChromatik - The Chromatic Scale -Chromtisme ‘Aes Ti te Nb aie Oe nd 67 ae “or lien Tlenaan tsicer # Settee Dur fi Ale lesb, Srecorhster end (Mork 1065) ptt tt posto “hos Sons Fil Fr Alaa nd b Francesc Basa un 1690-nad 1750, see pote ‘hes Sonia Nol Rr AbBiadtote wad be (Sao & Co Led, Land) Allegro spnitoss —T Eg NS ‘he Sonne Gf Als se ord lve (Sear 270, Ak it enehigng es Baan Vener Kav ud atl 84 L Hane Ui Stes 1050 Lebhate 5 Sehr sdhnell (Giga) SER. ‘As Sonat fr Als lode ord Kv (UE 1260), Abed mit Genehnigung der Univeral Elon AG Wet Bicioium 6 (hme Stenbase by EF phe 6 fpr sttt BE SHE epee tte ele ee tne Hepinle 2 Tape tia, oe figs tte thee be pie tie oe aioe Naas pee cot ARS Pa Orly Acc am Goeearwa de a hows sake Maar meee, os : Allegro vivage e remico ‘Aes Fnflovestine ir At-ladktewKnsier (60 1506) a SIEBENTES KAPITEL Spriinge - intervals -Intervalles 88 a Johann Chgtoph Pepuedy 1687-782 £ 89 = pa Ooi es anteater bet Ven ere Allemanda (Allegro) ‘As Senta f Al Bled Seen (eo Vivace en apie ite 9 s_* Tor Sas F Dur fr Ai Biot ord be (More 1029) 3 Tohann Cth Penne 1603782 * 89 An 5 Thi Ale te nd b= (Mowde 1022) Robert Vang 1689 um 2720 Allemanda (Allegro) 90 ‘As Senta! fi AllodResA. (en) Vivace Fea Bptte Lae 1880-170 ae 0 6 “hes Sonate Dar fr Al Blot nd be ors 1039) Giga Jean Bate Lol, 60-1720 92 ‘Aus Sone Der fr Al Bloke nd Be Mork 109) Allegro Francesco Barton 1690-nah 750 boat “Aus Sonate Dar fir Ale Bodie oer Qgerite nd be (Bert, Horus mas 28) ” Allegro Menuett (Var.9) - £2 has Some FONTS fir Al Blade und be thE Ce LiLo ‘cavalo Corl 16531713 Allemanda (Allegro) ae. hav foata Fr} Aires Bien ond B © (ond 138) ‘Gert Flipp Tenn, 281-1767 Xantippe (Presto) + “hor Tassale Car Fr Alen sdb (arnt, Ho 10) 28 Allegro cers Flop Tala, 161-767 2.3 Mel fir Ale Bloc, line nb (Mond 2067) ‘Gece Philip Telemann ee Ze: ‘Aus Sot C-Dar fie Al Shoe anderen Horst mu.) Tempo di Minuet Georg Philipp Tel = 99 ag ee fF ppeeestessteetit top tette tie ch settee rein ‘Aas Comers C-Der fr Alb Blo, Sree ard be (on 1065) Gees Philipp Tele, 161-3767 Ar Falien (Allegro) pee Polonaise se ‘hus Oscerrea-Wall fr Al Bodie, Stdarererund be (Me Dear) £ Solus Gate Gens, aroges.a774 2 101 , es Conte Car fi MDa, Visine un Scenes (Mo 1068) Allegro, sine i 102% aie Vai far Ai Blois nde (Mow ToT Allegro con spirit an Pow, 52 ‘Aus Se Bgl rR Bc nd Klavier (Comb) (Mou 1508) ACHTES KAPITEL Triller « shakes . Tes D0 pw SS SS NEUNTES KAPITEL Tiller «shakes Tiles ZEHNTES KAPITEL Tiller» Shakes. Teles ELFTES KAPITEL Mordent und Pralltriller Mode anger Mordent*) “The Mordeat ad verted: Mordent pei oe Movant orden revert a SSS = sete Asfrans2) ace Anfang = Ear i = == 107& SS 7) Te i inerrant ancien ty The ened Mondnt Monat lang, 2 The modern nerpeaion of the verted Morden - Morden env, tye made ZWOLETES KAPITEL Weitere Verzierungen Steen se: SPSS pas tape teat op. ‘As Sonat C-Dar fr Ala feta. (ows 2013) o “hos Conero C-Dur fir Ale okie, Steere nd bc (Monk 1065) “ eng Philipp Tena, 16843767 ctace Il "Aus Sot C-Dar fr ABest ae Sot 590) Aton Vie 675761 85 ¢e tr oe 12 ‘Bat Ti fir Allodite, Obe nd bc (oes 108) Skeid Bart ont “As i Heer Du fr Aloe, ie (Wook 07) come SE 14 : ‘Aus Veo Site fe Ale Bh ie ola (Shot 34). Abeck mit Genego des VeagsB. Sats Sth, Maine

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