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INR Crore FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20

Non-current assets
Property Plant And Equipment 3,655 4,495 4,771 4,793 5,786
Capital Work In Progress 325 387 239 385 205
Right Of Use Of Assets - 519
Other Intangible Assets 129 104 190 160 168
Intangible Assets Under Developments 328 194 116 188 187
Equity Accounted Investments In Associates 1,026 1,160 1,705 2,098
Financial Assets
Investments 1,030 497 918 1,234 1,551
Loans 27 48 46 60 68
Other Finacial Assets 23 - - 34 -
Deffered Tax Assets
Income Tax Assets(Net) 228 333 395 856 322
Other Non Current Assets 848 658 560 676 122
Total non current assets 6,592 7,742 8,395 10,090 11,025

Current Assets
Inventories 762 709 963 1,250 1,282
Financial Assets
Investments 3,472 4,544 5,591 3,174 4,709
Trade Receivables 1,282 1,552 1,427 2,745 1,512
Cash And Cash Equalents 75 74 131 208 305
Bank Balance Other Than Above 104 121 107 96 130
Loans 23 25 29 25 24
Other Financial Assets 23 145 543 654 364
Other Current Assets 562 401 212 262 323
Total Current Assets 6,303 7,571 9,002 8,413 8,649
Total assets 12,896 15,312 17,397 18,503 19,674


Equity Share Capital 40 40 40 40 40
Other Equity 8,794 10,276 11,932 13,080 14,366
Equity Attributed To The Owners Of The Company 8,834 10,316 11,971 13,120 14,406
Non Controlling Interests 55 67 93 116 141
Total equity 8,889 10,383 12,065 13,237 14,547
Non Current Liabilities
Finacial Liabilities
Borrowings 146 208 150 125 44
Lease Liabilities - 208
Provisions 68 76 119 121 124
Deffered Tax Liabilities (Net) 222 469 582 613 473
Total Non Current Liabilities 436 752 851 859 848

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 84 40 75 184 166
Lease Liabilities - 33
Trade Payables 2,675 3,266 3,375 3,438 3,128
Other Financial Liabilities 276 371 205 227 261
Other Current Liabilities 506 457 765 501 531
Provisions 30 43 60 60 160
Total Current Liabilities 3,572 4,177 4,481 4,409 4,279
Total Equity And Liabilites 12,896 15,312 17,397 18,504 19,674

Check - (0) (0) 1 0

FY 21
INR Crore FY 16 FY 17

Revenue from operations 30,715 30,984
Other income 413 522
Total Income 31,128 31,506

Cost of material consumed 19,358 19,019
Change in inventories of finished goods traded goods and workin progress (50) 97
Excise duty on sale of goods 2,258 2,373
Employee benefit expensess 1,339 1,432
Other expenses 3,412 3,486
Total Expenses 26,318 26,407
Earnings Before Interest Depreciation and Tax (EBITDA) 4,811 5,099
Finance Cost 15 27
Depreciation and amortisation expense 443 502
Earnings Before Associate's share of profit and Exceptional Items and Tax 4,353 4,569
Share of profit(loss) of associates 34 55
Gain in dilution of interest associate - 262
Exceptional Item
profit before tax 4,387 4,624
Tax expense
Current tax 961 1,082
Deffered tax 314 257
Total tax expensess 1,275 1,339

Profit for the year 3,112 3,285

FY 18 FY 19 FY 20

33,101 33,972 29,255

523 687 731
33,624 34,659 29,986

21,996 23,503 20,004

(110) (59) (173)
643 1 1
1,584 1,778 1,889
3,664 3,730 3,473
27,776 28,954 25,194
5,848 5,705 4,791
31 37 47
### 624 846
5,242 5,044 3,899
50 61 35
5,292 5,104 4,612

1,451 1,609 1,097

119 29 (145)
1,570 1,638 952

3,722 3,466 3,660

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