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Middle East Technical University

METU VTOL Aircraft Competition

VTOL - Ebabil

AE4800 Conceptual Design Report


Group Members:
Oğulcan Demirhan – 1942887
Ali Avanlier – 1942804
Mevlüt Can Özdeş – 2181014
Samet Kocaman – 2037018
Gökhan Genç – 1942952
Erhan Ege Kayran – 2304962
Ahmed Sabri Yağmur – 2133437
Ibrahim Mert Yaşar – 1943299
Sadık Ata Yalçınkaya – 2043628
Tahir Yanık - 2100360

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
SCENARIO ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
REQUIREMENTS AND FLIGHT MISSIONS ....................................................................................................................... 5
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Competitor Study ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Airfoil And Wing Planform Selection ............................................................................................................. 7
Aspect Ratio ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Airfoil Selection ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Wing Sweep ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Taper Ratio .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Twist Angle............................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Power to Weight Ratio .................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Geometry Sizing And Configurations ........................................................................................................... 9
Length of Fuselage and Overall Length ............................................................................................................ 9
Wing Sizing And Planform ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Tail Sizing And Planform ......................................................................................................................................10
Horizontal Tail ........................................................................................................................................................10
Vertical Tail ............................................................................................................................................................11
3-D Layout of Ebabil ............................................................................................................................................12
5. Material Selection..........................................................................................................................................14
Foam ......................................................................................................................................................................14
Carbonfiber ..........................................................................................................................................................15
6. Manufacturing Tools......................................................................................................................................16
Foam Cutting Tool ...............................................................................................................................................16
7. Electrical Engine, Battery, Propeller And Esc ............................................................................................17
8. Aerodynamic of VTOL-Ebabil ......................................................................................................................18
9. Controller and Commander........................................................................................................................19
THE CONSTRUCTİON PHASE OF VTOL-EBABIL ..........................................................................................................20
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................................................................24
All Material Used in VTOL-Ebabil ...........................................................................................................................24
Figures ........................................................................................................................................................................25
Pictures ......................................................................................................................................................................25


In this project, the aim is to design and manufacture a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing)
aircraft by using the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during the engineering
education. For a VTOL, it can be understood from its name, it must have the ability to take of
vertically, which means the aircraft should be able to take off without having need of a runway.
Similarly, it should be capable of landing vertically. Thus, for a VTOL, there should be a
mechanism which pushes the aircraft upwards without having any velocity in the body x
direction. A type of aircraft which can do all those maneuvers is helicopter, and they perform
vertical landing and taking off thanks to their rotors. Hence, after being inspired from the
helicopters, it is decided that there should be rotors on the aircraft designed by our team.
Overall, the aircraft looks like a conventional fixed wing aircraft except its rotors. The
procedures and milestones of the project are discussed in the following parts.

At the beginning of the project, there was an important question about the design. That was
how many propellers should be used to power the aircraft. It was obvious that one propeller is
enough to go forward, however real problem is about going upwards. Therefore, in the first
meeting, some examples of VTOL are discussed, and some flight videos of them are watched.
After a long discussion about the issue, it is decided that there should be four propellers for
taking off and landing, whereas it is enough to have one and big propeller to go forward. Later,
since group members are not trained about manufacturing well, it was important that how it is
going to be produced and which materials should be used while constructing the aircraft. Due
to lack of knowledge, the material was unknown for us. In addition to that, the battery and
electrical motors were also not known. Therefore, the project group was divided into subgroups
and every group was responsible to make a search about the problems mentioned above. At
the end of the first meeting, a regular meeting time is decided, and everyone is given a study
about a VTOL.

In following meetings, undecided parameters like material, type of electrical motors etc. are
decided after a detailed search of small groups after having a group discussion about them.
During that period, people who are responsible for the choice of material and production
method have visited some factories to discuss and take advice about the manufacturing of an
VTOL and reported the outcomes of their research. Similarly, other members of the group have
reported their findings about their own responsibility regularly. During that critical period which
final configuration is decided, meetings are held more than once a week, or some individual
members meet with the members in their subgroup.

After having decided the material and configuration, group members decide that the studies
done in AE451, Aeronautical Engineering Design Course can be applied to this project. It is
discovered that some studies are not necessary for this aircraft. Those studies are divided
among the members. In this point, it is important and vital to introduce the group members and
their responsibilities in detail. As a result, VTOL-Ebabil has ten members and each of them is
introduced below;

Ali Avanlıer – 4th year aerospace engineering student – Flight Performance

Gökhan Genç - 4th year aerospace engineering student – Material and Structural Analysis

Erhan Ege Keyvan – 1st year electric and electronics engineering student – Control,
electronics of the aircraft

Samet Kocaman - 4th year aerospace engineering student – Software, Flight Control,

İbrahim Mert Yaşar – 4th year aerospace engineering student – Design, and manufacturing

Sadık Ata Yalçınkaya – 4th year aerospace engineering student – Production and choice of

Oğulcan Demirhan – 4th year aerospace engineering student – Aerodynamic design

Mevlüt Can Özdeş – 4th year aerospace engineering student – Flight performance

Ahmed Sabri Yağmur – 3rd year aerospace engineering student – Aerodynamic parameters
of wing

Tahir Yanık – 3rd year aerospace engineering student – Aerodynamic parameters of wing

Figure 1: Banner of the METU VTOL Competition


A student was lost while hiking in the METU forest. Since he/she used the phone for accessing
social media too much, the battery of his/her mobile phone was completely depleted. However,
he/she managed to send a distress message to a friend on campus, before the mobile phone
was dead. Your mission is to locate the student, and deliver some water, a couple of packs of
dry food, a power bank for the mobile and a first aid kit. You must also report the coordinates
of the student to the ground station so that the student can be rescued by the rescue team.

To imitate these supplies, the VTOL aircraft should carry at least a bottle of water (0.2 kg) to
the student. Dropping a heavier water bottle to imitate the supplies listed above will also be


1. Propulsion system of the aircraft must be through electric motors and batteries.
2. The flight altitude, at any time, must not exceed 50 m above ground level.
3. The takeoff weight of the vehicle (including the payload) must be less than 4 kg.
4. Each team’s flight order will be determined from their report score, highest report score
goes first during the competition.
5. Each team may fly up to 3 times. If more than one flight is conducted, the one with highest
score will be considered.
6. Before the flight, safety pilot will conduct the emergency scenario in the Flight Test Area.
7. Competitors must take-off from the designated location and drop their payload at the
designated location.
8. The aircraft must takeoff within 15 minutes after the start is given by the referee.
9. The pilot cannot leave the takeoff station during the flight.
10. During the flight, aircraft must stay in the safety zone. Otherwise, the flight will be declared
as invalid, and the team will loose on flight opportunity.
11. The endurance of the aircraft will be measured by counting number of laps carried out by
the aircraft. Note that only those laps performed with payload onboard will be counted.
12. Payload to be carried during the flight mission should be at least 0.2 [kg]. Higher payloads
will be awarded higher points.
13. Each lap will be counted if flag is raised by the referee. Returns before the designated turn
around point will not be counted.

14. Lap counts will be represented with integers. Thus, half laps will not be counted.
15. After laps are completed, payload will be dropped to the target area and the aircraft must
return to the takeoff station to land.
16. In determination of dropping sensitivity factor (K), the first contact point of the payload with
the target will be considered.
17. The aircraft may be damaged during a flight. If the aircraft is declared "repairable", then the
next flight may be conducted by the team. “Repairable" aircraft are those which can be
repaired and operated within 5 minutes. The repair will take place in the designated repair
18. After the flight, each team must submit their flight logs to the referee at the technical
inspection and preparation area.
19. Each team’s flight order will be determined from their report score, highest report score
goes first during the competition.
20. Each team may fly up to 3 times. If more than one flight is conducted, the one with highest
score will be considered.
21. Before the flight, safety pilot will conduct the emergency scenario in the Flight Test Area.
22. Competitors must take-off from the designated location and drop their payload at the
designated location.
23. The aircraft must takeoff within 15 minutes after the start is given by the referee.
24. The pilot cannot leave the takeoff station during the flight.
25. During the flight, aircraft must stay in the safety zone. Otherwise, the flight will be declared
as invalid, and the team will loose on flight opportunity.
26. The endurance of the aircraft will be measured by counting number of laps carried out by
the aircraft. Note that only those laps performed with payload onboard will be counted.
27. Payload to be carried during the flight mission should be at least 0.2 [kg]. Higher payloads
will be awarded higher points.
28. Each lap will be counted if flag is raised by the referee. Returns before the designated turn
around point will not be counted.
29. Lap counts will be represented with integers. Thus, half laps will not be counted.
30. After laps are completed, payload will be dropped to the target area and the aircraft must
return to the takeoff station to land.
31. In determination of dropping sensitivity factor (K), the first contact point of the payload with
the target will be considered.
32. The aircraft may be damaged during a flight. If the aircraft is declared "repairable", then the
next flight may be conducted by the team. “Repairable" aircraft are those which can be
repaired and operated within 5 minutes. The repair will take place in the designated repair
33. After the flight, each team must submit their flight logs to the referee at the technical
inspection and preparation area.

1. Competitor Study

Competitors are specified as shown below:

Requirements/Competitors Skyeye FPV ALTI Standard

a/c H-Tail Transition VTOL Fixed

Wing Span 2930 mm 2760 mm 2800 mm

Wing Area 0.9 m^2 0.99 m^2 0.93 m^2
Length 1.9 m 2.3 m 2.1 m
MTOW 15 kg 12 kg 15 kg
Endurance 1-2 hours 6 hours 2 hours
Payload 2-5 kg 1 kg 4 kg
Aspect Ratio 9.53 7.69 8.43

2. Airfoil And Wing Planform Selection

Aspect Ratio

From average of competitors,

AR = ∗ (9.53 + 7.69 + 8.43) = 8.55
Looking average of competitors and considering MTOW of the VTOL which we design
equals 4 kg, AR of the VTOL-Ebabil is specified as 8.31.

AR = 8.31

Take-off Wing Loading Calculation:

From average of competitors;
Wto 1 15 12 15 kg kg
= ∗( + + ) 2 = 14.97 2
S 3 0.9 0.99 0.93 m m

However, considering VTOL competition objectives, it is determined that VTOL-Ebabil can

have higher wing loading than average of competitors to provide that smaller wing. Smaller
wing is desired because VTOL-Ebabil should not exceed MTOW = 4 kg. Thus, wing loading
is determined as:
= 21.2 kg/m2

Since S
= 21.2 kg/m2 and maximum take-off weight equals 4 kg, wing area of VTOL-Ebabil
4 kg
S= = 0.188 m2
21.2 kg/m2

It is known that AR = where b: Wing span , S: Wing area , AR: Aspect ratio

Then b = (8.31 ∗ 0.188)1/2 = 1.25 m

Furthermore, for a rectangular wing, it can be defined aspect ratio as:

AR = where c: Chord length

1.25 m
Thus, c= 8.31
= 0.150 m

Airfoil Selection
Looking Standard VTOL Fixed Wing UAV, NACA 4415 is selected as airfoil of VTOL-Ebabil.

Wing Sweep
Λ LE = 0o because a swept wing is optimized for high speed flight and it is not desired high
speed for VTOL-Ebabil.

Taper Ratio
Tip Chord 0.12
λ= = = 0.667
Root Chord 0.18

Twist Angle
We choose a twist angle of 0o for the time being.

3. Power to Weight Ratio

Decide an Vmax according to competitor data. Normally it should be %20 %25 more than
cruise speed. Thus, Vmax is chosen as:
Delta quad-operation: 28 m/s ≅ 100 km/h
P c
= aVmax
From Raymer Table 5.4: a = 0.004 c = 0.57 for homebuilt a/c
Substitute a and c in p/w equation
= 0.0232 Watt/g

4. Geometry Sizing And Configurations

Length of Fuselage and Overall Length

From average of competitors,

loverall = 2.06 m for b(wing span) = 2.8 m approximately

Since wingspan of VTOL-Ebabil equals 1.25m;

loverall = 1 m

And looking Standard VTOL Fixed Wing UAV, length of fuselage specified as:
lf = 0.5 m

Wing Sizing And Planform

Wing area, taper ratio, wing span have already found as:

S = 0.188 m2 , λ = 0.667, b = 1.25 m

Thus, root chord and tip chord are:
2∗S 2 ∗ (0.188)
cr = = = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟒
b ∗ (1 + λ) 1.25 ∗ 1.667

ct = λcr = 0.667 ∗ 0.1804 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟑

b 1 + 2λ
y (location of mean chord from centerline) = ∗
6 1+λ
⇒ substituting numerical values ⇒ 𝐲 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟗𝟏𝟔 𝐦

Tail Sizing And Planform

It is chosen conventional configuration for VTOL-Ebabil. Also, it is chosen 12% thick airfoil
both for horizontal and vertical tail (i.e. NACA 0012).

Note that tail is not required to

provide lift. It needs to provide
balancing moment. Thus, usually a
symmetrical airfoil is chosen.

Horizontal Tail

For horizontal tail, aspect ratio must be less than wing aspect ratio.
Thus, it is chosen aspect ratio of horizontal tail of VTOL-Ebabil is 4.1
AR HT = 4.1

From average of competitors,

SHT = 0.15 m2 for S = 0.934 m2

Since wing area of VTOL-Ebabil equals 0.188 m2 ;

SHT = 0.030 m2

b2 b2
AR HT = = = 4.1 ⇒ 𝐛𝐇𝐓 = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟓 𝐦
SHT 0.030

And it is chosen λHT = 0.667 same as main wing.

Then root chord, tip chord and mean chord of horizontal tail are determined as:

2 ∗ SHT 2 ∗ 0.03
crHT = = = 0.102 m
bHT ∗ (1 + λHT ) 0.35 ∗ 1.667

ctHT = λcrHT = 0.667 ∗ 0.102 = 0.0685 m

2 1 + λHT + λHT 2
cHT (mean chord of horizontal tail) = ∗ crHT ∗
3 1 + λHT
⇒ substituting numerical values ⇒ cHT = 0.086 m

bHT 1 + 2λHT
yHT (location of mean chord of horizontal tail from centerline) = ∗
6 1 + λHT
⇒ substituting numerical values ⇒ yHT = 0.081m

And λLE HT = 6o

Vertical Tail

Looking Standard VTOL Fixed Wing UAV, aspect ratio of vertical tail chosen as:
AR VT = 2.44

From average of competitors,

SVT = 0.079 m2 for S = 0.934 m2

Since wing area of VTOL-Ebabil equals 0.188 m2 ;

SVT = 0.016 m2

b2 b2
AR VT = = = 2.44 ⇒ 𝐛𝐕𝐓 = 𝟎. 𝟐 𝐦
SVT 0.016

And it is chosen λVT = 0.667 same as main wing.

Then root chord, tip chord and mean chord of vertical tail are determined as:

2 ∗ SVT 2 ∗ 0.03
crVT = = ≅ 0.10 m
bVT ∗ (1 + λVT ) 0.35 ∗ 1.667

ctVT = λcrVT = 0.667 ∗ 0.10 = 0.067 m

2 1 + λVT + λVT 2
cVT (mean chord of vertical tail) = ∗ crVT ∗
3 1 + λVT
⇒ substituting numerical values ⇒ cVT = 0.08182 m

bVT 1 + 2λVT
yVT (location of mean chord of vertical tail from centerline) = ∗
6 1 + λVT
⇒ substituting numerical values ⇒ yVT = 0.047 m

λLE VT = 36o since vertical tail sweep should be between 35o − 45o according to literature.

3-D Layout of Ebabil

Figure 2:Top view of Ebabil

Figure 3: Isometric view of Ebabil

Figure 4:Left view of Ebabil

Figure 5:Front view of Ebabil

5. Material Selection

The main materials which are used on the frame:

1- Depron Foam
2- CarbonFiber


Material: Extruded Polystren ( Generic name: Depron )

Density: 35-40kg/m^3
Can easily be machined by a hot wire cutter.
The wing and the fuselage will be made up of foam.
The main advantage is the low density with a reasonable strenght.


Density: 2 g/cc

Figure 6: Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre

The carbon fiber composite will be used for spars and booms.The foam may not resist to
bending and torsion due to aerodynamic forces. Thus the spars will maket he structure more
The spars are in the form of hollow tubes.

Figure 7: Carbon Fibre Profiles

6. Manufacturing Tools
Foam Cutting Tool

To manufacture frame of the VTOL-Ebabil, we improve a foam cutting tool as shown below:

Figure 8: Foam Cutting Tool

The principal of foam cutting tool is based on:

İt is basically a hot wire cutter. We used a steel wire to cut the foam. The main structure of the
cutter is made up of wood. The wire has a tension by the help of the rubber at the back end of
the machine. The heat needed is supplied by the direct current passing through the wire.
The current is supplied form a power source of 12 volts and a car battery of 12 volts, in series.

The wire expands as its temperature rises. The tension on the wire is kept constant by the help
of a spring-bar combination.
The springs apply an axial force on the wire simultaneously.

Figure 9: Used pieces to start the foam cutting tool

Figure 10: The wire used in foam cutter

7. Electrical Engine, Battery, Propeller And Esc

Maximum lifting coefficient value is estimated as 1.470. It was an important parameter while
determining the motors to power the aircraft. Therefore, thanks to previous studies, detailed
study about the motor and the battery was made.
The limit for the weight of the VTOL is 3.5 kg, and all of our preferences were made
accordingly. Therefore, we decided that it was enough to use four T-Motor F40 PRO II
engines to produce the required lift. Finally, we needed to choose the required batteries for
this aircraft. Obviously one of the requirements from the batteries was to drive the propellers
to produce the required lift, and the other requirement was for the VTOL to fly for at least ten
minutes. Therefore, we chose the three cell, TATTU 1550 mAh 11.1 V 45C battery. Propeller
and Esc came with T-Motor F40 PRO II engines as a set.

8. Aerodynamic of VTOL-Ebabil

Figure 11: Cl vs alpha graph

Figure 12: Cd vs alpha graph

For the wing, vertical and horizontal tails, the airfoil profile used was NACA-4415. Using Xfoil
we were able to obtain a text file containing the cl and cd values for the mentioned airfoil and
then we used MATLAB to plot the graphs above.

9. Controller and Commander

Controller we are using is Pixhawk Autopilot 2.4.8 and our commander is WFT07. We chose
Pixhawk hardware for several reasons. Main reason is it can run the necessary software for
the VTOL while Ardupilot hardware cannot. Another reason is its speed. It has 32-bit ARM
processor which can receive and execute commands or collect sensor data tens of times faster
than many common flight controllers. Pixhawk hardware also includes a variety of important
sensors and electronic infrastructure which allowed us to prototype quickly without developing
and manufacturing our own electronic circuits and devices. Pixhawk also supports a software
stack called MAVROS which is an extension to widely used ROS ecosystem. ROS has an
enormously large ecosystem for intelligent control software and tools. With Pixhawk, we will
be able to leverage this ecosystem easily and integrate it with our mission planner. This will
provide us an easy way to autotomize our VTOL to complete the tasks given.
Our commander has a large LCD display with backlight which allows the operator to use the
commander on low light environments. It supports seven channels which can support our
frame with all auxiliary parts. 2.4 GHz technology and its MCU driven processing abilities
greatly increases its speed and sensitivity. We chose this commander because at that price
range, this commander has one of the best price/performance ratio.

Figure 13: Pixhawk (Controller)

Figure 14: The Commander

The construction process of VTOL-Ebabil is explained using pictures as followings:

Picture 1: The wings

Picture 2: The components being compiled together

Picture 3: One of the engines used

Picture 4: The assembled VTOL

Picture 5: The final manufactured product (with engines unmounted)


As discussed the design of the VTOL in detail, we started by determining the approximate
shape and dimensions. We carried out studies to; determine which type of material to use, the
exact dimensions of the airplane and its exact shape, the motors and the battery to be used,
and the controller and control system to be used. Once all of these were done the VTOL was
drawn using OpenVSP and Solidworks, the 3-D model was obtained. Thus, as can be inferred,
we finished our basic conceptual design procedures and we completed all production stages
of the project by using the data we have obtained so far. Foam frame was be produced by
foam cutting machine which we have manufactured. Additionally, Motor Drivers (ESC), GPS
Module, Battery and also Flight controller were determined. Rubbering foam, assembling the
parts were deployed after frame and parts were obtained.

In this conceptual design report, solutions and methods to achieved all design requirements
were mentioned basically. Software that we have developed and the outcomes of our studies
were presented step by step. Furthermore, we established out team organization and work
routines for obtaining the best VTOL vehicle.

Overall, it was a chance to use theoretical knowledge for practice since we got the opportunity
to build our aircraft. Members are highly focused and dedicated for success. Throughout the
design process, all team members take responsibilities and respect to each other.


All Material Used in VTOL-Ebabil

Picture 6: All material used in VTOL-Ebabil with costs

Figure 1: Banner of the METU VTOL Competition ________________________________________ 4
Figure 2:Top view of Ebabil _________________________________________________________ 12
Figure 3: Isometric view of Ebabil ____________________________________________________ 13
Figure 4:Left view of Ebabil _________________________________________________________ 13
Figure 5:Front view of Ebabil ________________________________________________________ 14
Figure 6: Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre ________________________________________ 15
Figure 7: Carbon Fibre Profiles ______________________________________________________ 15
Figure 8: Foam Cutting Tool ________________________________________________________ 16
Figure 9: Used pieces to start the foam cutting tool ______________________________________ 17
Figure 10: The wire used in foam cutter _______________________________________________ 17
Figure 11: Cl vs alpha graph ________________________________________________________ 18
Figure 12: Cd vs alpha graph _______________________________________________________ 18
Figure 13: Pixhawk (Controller) ______________________________________________________ 19
Figure 14: The Commander ________________________________________________________ 19

Picture 1: The wings ______________________________________________________________ 20
Picture 2: The components being compiled together _____________________________________ 20
Picture 3: One of the engines used ___________________________________________________ 21
Picture 4: The assembled VTOL _____________________________________________________ 22
Picture 5: The final manufactured product (with engines unmounted) ________________________ 22
Picture 6: All material used in VTOL-Ebabil with costs ____________________________________ 24


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