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e20 FORM TP 2019018 6 test cope 01234010 JANUARY 2019 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION MATHEMATICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency J hour 30 minutes 04 SANUARY 2019 (pam, READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them, m addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer shost, A list of formulae is provided on page 2 ofthis booklet. Esch item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer, and decide which choice is best. ‘On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample flow batons Sample tem 2a + 62 = Sample Answer @ & ®000 © 24 ©) 12d ‘The best answer to this item is “8a”, so (A) has been shaded. if you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice, When you are told to begin, tur the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. if Yeu cannot answer an item, go on to the next one, You may return to that items loco ‘You may do any rough work imthis booklet, Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale, Caleulators and mathematical tables are NOT allowed for this paper. 6 DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU i 620 A908 [ ‘2 if The first three common multiples of 3, 4 3 is equa and 6 are a A) 1,2 a =e @) 34,6 i © 6,812 @ + ©) 12,24, 36 2 oO > 7. o + The number 3.14063 written correct to 3 foie decimal places is A 2B ® (23) @ us a ee © 2 ©) 2,3,4,5,6,7) @) 3.150 In standard notation, 208.06 is written as af ————7 ij po eit (A) 2.0806 « 10° | (B) 20.806 « 10! y «) 0806 x 107 ; | f | 1 (D) 0.20806 x 10° If $560 is shared in the ratio 2:3:9, the difference between the largest and the i srnatleersharee ly In the Venn diagram, «(P} ~ 5.740) = and n(P UQ) = 16. fA) $ 80 (B) $240 : 8 Whatis Qn Py? (> $280 - (2) 3360 Ail ® 4 © 5 60% of a number is 90, what is of the oO) number? 34 ‘ ® 2 © 120 @) 150 GO ON TO THE NYT pane 20 A008 10. n. Which of the following sets is equivatent to the set {p, g, 3}? {4 @) Bart © {abead ©) {1,2,3,4,5} Alll students in.a class play Scrabble or ‘Checkers or both. 1f 36% of the students play Scrabble only and 48% of the students play Checkers only, what percentage of students play BOTH games? 12 ® 16 ©) & (DB) 88 Lem_Ii, refers to the following Vena diagram. I Sie inthe Venn diagram, Xrepresonisthe setof factors of 12. Y represents the set of factors of 9. The shaded region represents the set of all factors of “a 3 1B) 6 © 21 {D) 108 12. 13. 14. Hem_12 refers to the following Venn diagram. In the Venn diagram, the shaded area represents i “A PF ®) Pug © guP ©) oenr Astore offersa discount of 15% on the tral billto customers svio spend more than $20. Ifa customer's total bill is $80, how much must she pay? ($60 B) $65 ©) 968 @) git Ata store, sales tax is charged at a rex 2% on the cost price of an item The tax on @ dss which costs 8180 is A$ 3.60 ®) 3 10.80 (©) = -$17640 ©) $183.66 15. 46. v7. 18, Aplot of land is valued at $18 000. Land tax of $126 is charged annually. At what rate per anmum is the land tax charged? A) 0.07% @®) 0.7% © ™ @) 70% ‘The exchange rate for one United States dollar (USS! .00) istwo dollarsand seventy cents in Bastemn Caribbean currency (EC$2.70). What is the value of US$4.50 in EC currency? A) $1.67 () $6.00 © $720 @) $12.15 Arman’s annual salary is $45 000. His tax free allowances total $13 000. He has to pay a tax of 20% on his taxable income. ‘Tho tax payable is @ $2600 ®B) $6400 © $9000 () $11 600 A television set costs $350 cash. When bought on hire purchase, a deposit of $35 is required, followed by 12 monthly payments of $30. How much is saved by paying cash? a sto (B) $25 © $40 ) $45 = 28. 24. ‘A man pays 60 cents for every 200 m? of gas used, plus a fixed charge of $13.75. How much does he pay when he uses 55.000 m? ofigas?.-.:. (A) $178.75 ®) $175.25 ©) — $165.00 @) $151.25 Liem. 20 refers to the following table which shows the rates charged by an insurance company, House Insurance 256 per $100 Contents Insurance 50¢ per $100 | How much will a person pay for insurance, if his house is valued at $50 000, and the contents at $10 000°? (A) $175 ®) $225 © $450 {(D) $500 ‘The product of (~ 2a) and (3a) is (A) = 6a (B) -Sa © sat @) 6a -6- 22. When 6 is added to a number andthe sum, 25, isdividedby3,theresultie4, Thisstatement written using mathematical symbols ts Ww Sase4 Gtx @ S84 + @ S24 x (D) 6+ 3 4 g 2 Althea normally saves Sx each month; but 96, 8 in Sune sho saved $4 more than twice her sual amount. In june she saved A $4 @ $ & © Sard) (D) $(@x+4) 2, iz . mM. 3+ po 1, the value of x is (A) -1 w +t 1 © + g 2 = @O 3 28. Afx=4 and y= 2, whats the value of x+3y5 y @ 1 @) 2 © 24 @) 33 ‘The expression ~2(x ~ 4) is the same as “w B) © @) IFlAj= “A @) © ©) What is the osder of the an (A) B) © @) ~2n-8 dr+8 2x4 wdxe4 0, then 4 is an inverse matric a singular matri an identity matrix 2 pon-singuler matrix, 2x2 2x3 3x2 3x3 FA Meier Tue cairn ak 20 If the vectors p and q are G } and C4) respectively, then —p —2q is » [3 ® © fil © fi) tem 30 refers to the following paralicto- gram, IFXYZ. In the parallelogram, B is the midpoint of XY, x, ¥ w ‘Z Based on the information above, ZR = ws .is A) WX + ZWZ — ioe (B) == yw : © +m lo oe (2) QRH + WZ If it took a speedboat 9 hours to travet 9 distance of 1 080 km, what was its average speed, in kmh? a“ 12 ®) 102 «) 120 @) 1200. - ve dem 32 refers to the following diagram of a trapezium. 1 3em J <3 em. <—sen— ‘The area of the trapezium is (A) 24eme ®) 2% om ©) 300m @) 36enP 33. 908 ‘lem 33 refers to the following circle, with, centre O. B fe If the circumference of the circle is 15 om, then the length of the minor aro. AB, inom, is “w 3B x 15 @) B x15 © (By ‘The lengths of the sides of a triangle are x, 2 and 2x centimetres. If the perimeter is 20 centimetres, what is the value of x? A (8) © @y 1 Seas -8- 38. 36. 37. A rectangular gerden plot, 15 m long and 12 mi wide, is used té plant frnits and vegetables, 1f 80 m’ of the plot is used to plant vegetables, what area of the plot is planted with fruits? ) 26m @) 100m ©), 134m" D) 260nr The distance around a ake is 8 km. On a map, this distance around the Take is represented by a length of 2 cm. The scate ‘on the map is (a) 140 @B) © ®) 400000 shows 2 cylinder of Bom, The volume of the ey (Ay ® © @Q) Ween 620 207 Hem 38 refersto the following diagram, not drawn to seale, which shows a cuboid. el v ‘The volumeofthe cuboidis320 cm’ andthe height is 5 em. If the cuboid has a square base, what is the length of one side of the base? 40, @) sem @) 16cm © em ©) 64em tem_39 refers to the following scores which were obtained by 11 students in a competition. 5, 3, 6, 8 7% 8, 3, U1, 6, 3,3 ‘The modai score is * @) 3 @) 6 © 8 On ‘Hiem_40 refers to the following pie chart which shows the popular games played by 720 students. How many students play cricket? @ 35 ®) 120 © 252 @) 300 41. a. -10- ems 41-42 refer to the following chart which shows the number of books 58 students bought at a sale. et eb t qe gz &- 3S 6. £444 Ly. | : oi s.45 pes How many students boughtexaetly 4 books? A 8 @ 9 © 0 @) 4 The median number of books bought by the students is wp S$ SB 6 © 2 @) 30 ‘Cumulative frequency 43. 44, Htems43..44 referto the following diagram, which shows the cumulative frequency polygon of the lengths, in metres, of 20 fish that were caught by two fishermen. i ae ee ‘Length (2) ‘The semi-interquartite range of the onaihs of the fish is 120m @® 125m © 25m @) 37m A fish is solecee probability that { st random. Wie: is a atL BAST {Bm to OF 3 ® = © % 1 ©) 45. 41. le item 4S refers to the following arrow 46. Which of the following line graphs diagram. represents { x+y © A ‘The arrow diagram above describes the relation @) (A) __yisless thanx (B) visa factor of x {C) ‘xisa factor ofy {D) x isa muttiple ofy Speen 321012345 r2 ety

x? + 3 3 _ & © {05 1,2, 337 @ — @,3) ®) €2-1) A) {©,3.0,4,@.7, 3, 129} © 1) @) @3) ®) — {@,3),(1,5), 20,3. 97 ©. ©.0.9,25.0,63 If fix) = 2s? 1, then &-3) = OO 4, GB. @ 32 @ ~9 © 17 ‘tem 53 refers to the following diagr (0) 35 ? ems $9-S} refer to the following graph. ‘ vw | 4 | The maximum point ofy = 4x—x7 is 53. clockwise about Othroug A) @,09 what is its imu (By (0,4) © @4) “& (D) 4,2) e) © (B) The values of x at the points where Y= 4x~2" intersects y= 0 are 88, 4132 Moms §4-S5 referto the following diagram - $6. — ineachorihe following diagrams,.4"is of pair of intersecting lines, image of A. Which of the diagrams she a reflection in the x-axis? AC and DE are straight lines intersecting at +B. Angle DRA = 58°, a | -£ ‘The measure of angle ABE is ® (A) 58° B). 12. (©) 142° ®) 302° Which of the following angles are equal? (A) ZDBC and zcBE ®) £CBE and LABE (OQ) ZABDend ZCBD © (BD) Z4BDend ZCBE * ©) -14- 87. in triangle ABC, angle 4 = x° and angle, 59. B= 2x°. What is the size of angle C? (A) (80-3) By) 60° © @®) Lom 58 refers to the following pair of similar triangles. a at “| A wae 4 Sem M Son N $8. ‘The length of MO, in centimetres, is A 3.0 Gy 35 Cc) 60 (BD) 105 A ship sailed 8 km due east from 4 to B. It then sailed 6 km due north to C. Which ofthe following diagrams BEST represents the path of the ship? @ : N 8 ie ‘ i i ieeeeeee A im | x ® x 1 be 6 al to a sia & © © i t 1 \ | | 2 z sis 2 i. a Under the translation (3) the image of (3,5) 18 @) @-3) ®) (1-2) ©) G.-8) @) 15) END OF TEST if YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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