English Workshop Activity Number 2A Sena Cimm: Teacher: Claudia Silva Camacho Ficha: Name: Estiven Andres Quiroz Sánchez

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Teacher: Claudia Silva Camacho

Ficha: Name: Estiven Andres Quiroz Sánchez


Exercise 1.
Exercise 2.

1-G 2-E

3-B 4-C

5-A 6-D

7- J 8-F

9-H 10-I

Exercise 3


1, what is important to you when you buy a new computer?

That has good storage, good image, practical to carry and that is not very expensive
2. Do you have different passwords for different websites?
Yes, i have different passwords for different websites
3. What are you interested in when you surf the internet?
Know new things that help in my training as a person
4.Do you often upload photos to the internet?
No, I don’t often upload photos to the internet

IV. VOCABULARY – Learn this vocabulary.

1. Ordenador – COMPUTER 1. Wi-fi- WI-FI /wuai fai/
2. Ordenador de mesa- DESKTOP 2. Página web- WEBSITE /wueb sait/
3. Portátil- LAPTOP 3. Enlace- LINK
4. Disco duro- HARDISK 4. Nube- CLOUD COMPUTING /klaud
5. Impresora- PRINTER kompiuting/
6. Cable cargador- CHARGING CABLE 5. Arroba @- AT
/charching keibol/ 6. Archivo- FILE /fail/
7. Puerto USB- USB plug /iu es bi plag/ 7. Contraseña- PASSWORD /paswuord/
8. Pen drive VERBOS
9. Pantalla- SCREEN 1. Arrancar- BOOT /but/
10. Tecla- KEY /ki/ 2. Rearrancar-REBOOT /ribut/
11. Teclado – KEYBOARD /kibord/ 3. Instalar- INSTOL
12. Ratón – MOUSE /maus/ 4. Copiar- COPY /copi/
13. Toma de corriente- SOCKET 5. Pegar- PASTE /peist/
14. Enchufe- PLUG /plag/ 6. Guardar- SAVE /seiv/
15. Botón de arranque- POWER BUTTON 7. Guardar información- STORE INFORMATION
Nube- CLOD COMPUTING /stor informeishon/
8. Subir archivos – UPLOAD TO /aploud tu/
9. Bajar archivos – DOWNLOAD /daunloud/
10. Programar- TO CODE /coud/
11. Navegar- BROWSE /braus/ – Navegador –
BROWSER /brauser/
12. Piratear software- TO HACK (INTO)
Exercise 4
Exercise 5

there is

there are
there is

there are

there are

there is

there is

there are

Exercise 6. FILL IN WITH A / AN / SOME / ANY

Exercise 7

1-J An apple a day keeps the doctor away

2-F Bruce lives in the UK

3-L Stella lives in Canada

4-A Johnny Depp is actor

5-H I can´t play the piano

6-K She´s still looking for a job

7-B She´s ill, she´s in hospital

8-E I teach English, I’m an English teacher

9-G Cardiff is the capital of Wales

10-C What did you have for lunch?

11-I Portugal is a European country

12-D Joe is such a nice person

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