Information Technology Support Service: Learning Guide #9

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Chercher Polytechnic College

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Chercher Polytechnic College

Level I

Learning Guide #9
Unit of Competence: Record Client Request Requirements
Module Title: Recording Client Request
LG Code: ICT ITS1 M03 LO2-09
TTLM Code: ICT ITS1 TTLM3 1012

LO2: Prioritized support requests with appropriate personnel

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 1 of 7

Author: Department ICT
Chercher Polytechnic College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
LO2- Prioritized support request with
appropriate personnel

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics –

 Prioritizing support request with appropriate personnel

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 Identify relevant guidelines for prioritizing or rating client requests.

 Prioritize client request based on its criticality or impact on the business.
 Refer the request to an appropriate person or department for assistance.
 Communicate to appropriate persons involved with client support

Learning Activities

1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.

2. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 1”.
3. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page 7.
4. Submit your accomplished Self-check 1. This will form part of your training portfolio.
5. Read and perform the “Operation Sheet” in page 8.
6. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”.
6. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page 16.
7. Submit your accomplished Self-check 2. This will form part of your training portfolio
8. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to LAP Test.
However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions.
9. Do the “LAP test” in page 17 (if you are ready) and show your output to your teacher.

*Your teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If

unsatisfactory, your teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory
you can proceed to the next topic.

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 2 of 7

Author: Department ICT
Chercher Polytechnic College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Information Sheet – 1 Prioritizing support request with appropriate personnel

Identifying relevant guidelines for prioritizing or rating client requests

There should be some mechanism used to prioritize service request that come from clients. In many
organizations there are rules and policies that govern prioritization issues. The most important factor
taken into consideration is:-

 Business Critical System – the interruption of such system directly affects the production, profit
of the organization or the business. It results in bankruptcy, frustration, disappointment etc
 Urgency of the service requested

Organizational Guidelines

Organizational guidelines are the policies or procedures that are used to correctly perform a
specific activity or operation within an organization. Here, we will see the organizational guidelines
used to prioritize client support requirements.

Prioritize client requests based on criticality or impact on the business

Some client support requests will be allocated a high priority, as they involve critical IT functions
which cannot be carried out until the problem is resolved. Extra resources may have to be allocated
to high priority support needs, and the progress of these support needs to be closely monitored.

The most common ways of prioritization mechanisms are using the following general guidelines but
its best to respond to all requests as quickly as possible.

1. High Priority: - high priority is given where the business critical system has got a problem.

- A significant number of people are affected by an issue, a customer’s computer

crashed, the network server is down, a virus attack, or there is a security

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 3 of 7

Author: Department ICT
Chercher Polytechnic College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development


The user is unable to login; the computer crashed; a customer’s account is locked or the password
needs to be reset; a computer has been infected by a virus; an entire student lab is down; if the
network is inaccessible.

2. Medium Priority: A single customer is affected by a problem but is still able to work, or there are
problems with a service but it is still functional.


A customer is experiencing intermittent computer problems; is unable to open or work within a

software program; is having printer problems; has lost access to a file share; or requires data

3. Low Priority: Routine or maintenance tasks.


A customer asks “how to” questions or requests new software installations or computer set up. The
department requests account creations or updates, directory changes, or new file shares.

Referring requests to appropriate person or department for assistance

This stage is the step at which we refer client support requirements to respected technician or
department to give the support needed by the client.

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 4 of 7

Author: Department ICT
Chercher Polytechnic College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Self Check 1 Written Test

Name:____________________ Date:_________________

Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to
ask your teacher.

1. What are the criterions used to prioritize client support requirements?


2. Assume you are an IT help desk professional in ABC Company and you recorded the following
problems to be solved reported by your clients. Your task is to prioritize each of the problems.
Provide a reason for your answer.

 Request of network server failure

 Request of upgrading of software
 Request of consultation on the upgrading of RAM
 Request of training on newly purchased IT equipments

3. Software which assist IT support service by allowing the recording and tracking of client calls is
referred to as:

a. Accounting software
b. Help desk software
c. Window XP
d. Spreadsheet software

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 5 of 7

Author: Department ICT
Chercher Polytechnic College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

4. What can happen if IT problems are not fixed promptly in an organisation?

5. List three reasons why you should check to see if a similar problem has occurred previously
when dealing with a client problem in IT.

 ____________________________________________
 ___________________________________________
 ____________________________________________

6. Why is it important to document the results of your investigation into a client’s IT problem?


7. What are effects of failure of business critical systems on an organization?

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 6 of 7

Author: Department ICT
Chercher Polytechnic College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Lap Test Practical Demonstration

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ________________

Instructions: You are required to perform the following individually with the presence of your

Activity 1:

Identify the mission/business critical system mentioned LAP activity in LO1.

Activity 2:

Identify the organizational guideline to prioritize client support requests

Activity 3:
Prioritize or rate the client support requests.

Activity 4:
Give feedback for each client requesting support or escalate to the appropriate person or department.

 Your teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If

unsatisfactory, your teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory, you can
proceed to the next topic.

TTLM Development Manual Date: 10-2012 Page 7 of 7

Author: Department ICT

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