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I. Listen and circle the words you hear. Tracks 5, 6, 7 and 8 (10pts)

1 Kevin's cousin / uncle had vanished years ago.

2 Darleen arrived at the cinema at five past / to six.
3 The man's wife phoned him from home / the office.
4 The woman was working / reading in the garden.
5 The woman heard a cat / dog.

II. Listen and circle the words you hear. Tracks 5, 6, 7 and (10pts)

Kevin was working at the office when someone (1) called / visited him and asked him to look
out of the window. He saw an object which was (2) falling / flying very fast.
Darleen and her friend were going to the (3) theatre / cinema. They were both at the main
entrance / hall but they couldn’t see each other.
The man was going to (4) fly / drive on a business trip.
The woman could (5) hear / see a cat.


I. Read the text and write the headings in the correct spaces. (10pts)

Lost! Someone is here! Where's the path?

What a wonderful forest! The way back home

1 ____________________
When Cathleen woke up in the middle of the night, at first she didn’t know where she was. It
took her a moment to remember that the night before her boyfriend Roger and she had got
lost on the way back home after visiting some friends. On the way back, Roger suggested

taking a short cut through a forest. He said it was a beautiful route and they would get home
much faster that way, so she had agreed.

2 ____________________
It was indeed a beautiful route. The forest was very peaceful and green with enormous,
ancient trees and wonderful flowers. They felt very happy and decided to get out of the car
and explore it a bit. They followed a path for some time and got to a small river with crystal
clear water. They were sitting on the river bank when they heard the sound of distant
thunder, so they thought it was time to go back to their car.

3 ____________________
That's when they realised they were in big trouble! The way back to the path was gone! They
couldn’t find it any more! Roger thought that they should go to the left, but Cathleen thought
they should go right. The noise from the storm was coming closer and closer and it was
getting darker, too. They decided to follow Roger's idea and headed left into the forest.

4 ____________________
Cathleen was getting scared, their mobile phones didn’t work, the temperature was dropping
and it was getting quite cold in the dark forest. Soon, they couldn’t see well enough to walk
and the rain started coming down, too! It was then that Roger noticed a small cave between
two trees. 'Let's get in there to wait for the rain to pass,' he said. And that's what they did.
They waited and waited but it kept raining hard. Eventually Cathleen fell asleep and a little
later Roger did, too.

5 ____________________
So now Cathleen was wide awake in the cold, dark cave, trying to hear and see what had
woken her up. Roger was lying next to her fast asleep. She was really scared and didn’t
know what to do. 'Wake up!' she whispered to Roger, 'I think someone is in the cave with us!'
As if in slow motion, she saw something move at the back of the cave. Was it a bear?

II. Match the phrases with the paragraphs. (10pts)

A let's sit down _____

B going back home _____
C left or right? _____
D it's cold _____
E I can see something _____


I. Match the beginning of sentences 1–8 with their correct endings a–h. (4pts)

a. time. We have one hour before the

1. Please take your _ _ _ _ _ train leaves, so there’s no need to

b. time chatting to my friends online

2. I spend a lot of_ _ _ _ _
every evening.

3. Laura works part-time at our local c. your graduation ceremony. Let’s

café so she doesn’t earn_ _ _ _ _ go out and celebrate now!

4. I’m so sorry I missed_ _ _ _ _ d. his exam this time.

I. Write the verbs in the correct past simple or past continuous form. (4pts)
1 While I __________ (cook) the dinner, I __________ (drop) a glass on the floor.
2 The sun __________ (shine) when I __________ (wake) up this morning.
3 ‘__________ (the boy/walk) into a tree?’ ‘Yes, he did.’
4 The driver __________ (drive) too fast when the accident __________ (happen).

III Complete the sentences using a preposition. (2pts)

1. It was my birthday ________________ Saturday.

2. Our summer holiday starts ________________ July.

3. I put your phone ________________ the table.

4. I’ll wait for you ________________ the bus stop so don’t be late!

IV. Complete the story with these verbs. Make any necessary changes. (10pts)

play | read | (not) used to | go | sit | used to | come | forget | bleed | leave

When I was at preschool, I (1) _____________________________ cry a lot whenever my

mum (2) _____________________________ me and (3)
_____________________________ to work. But after a while, I (4)
_____________________________ everything – my mum, dad and favourite toys – and I (5)
_____________________________ happily with the other children. I remember one day, as I
(6) _____________________________ in one corner eating a banana, a little boy (7)
_____________________________ over and hit me in the face! My teacher (8)
_____________________________ a story while my nose (9)
_____________________________, so I had to start crying really loud for her to notice me
and take care of my nose. Luckily, I only remember it because events like this (10)
_____________________________ happen very often at all.

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