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Responsibilities of youth:

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah replied to the address of students of Dar-ul-Ulum on 12th
April, 1948. In his address, he appreciated the efforts of students in the freedom movement of
Pakistan and especially the people of NWFP presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to join Pakistan
which was made possible only by the hard work of youth.
He advised the nation to make this country one of the greatest states in the world by learning the
difference between the problems before and after independence and finding out the solution to
the problems by burning midnight oil. The responsibilities of youth either socially, politically or
economically should also change as we have a country of our own in which we can live freely.
The youth must also develop a strong academic background and should devote themselves whole
heartedly to studies and if you want your government to progress rapidly its totally dependent
upon you so, you must always keep on improving yourself.
You must develop habits of leadership in you and try to lead and understand the things that are
best by yourself and learn by the experiences of your forefathers otherwise, you will receive
disgrace and humiliation all around the world. Your love for state and province must not
intermingle as state must be your first priority. There must be patriotism which can’t be hindered
by racialism or limited nationalism. We all must remain united and always prove to be a strong
nation. Always be loyal to your country and never ever bow your heads against the enemy as
dignity of nation always comes first. Always be patient and if you want your government to be
successful you should have unity, discipline and faith in God.
Your goal must not to become government servants only but also to find opportunities in the
field of science, technology, industry and technical education etc. You must keep yourself aware
of the daily situation of your country and those who are responsible for the education of young
students, they must direct full energies for their education. Always work for your promotion and
try to improve your qualification and job time to time. The people of this country can do
whatever they want to do. You are an independent nation. You can do whatever you want to do
with discipline, unity and faith.
As a result, I hope that everyone, especially my youthful friends, would encourage people to
queue up if they want to see me. You are welcome to come and visit me at any time, but please
line up correctly, preserve order, and maintain discipline so that I may pass easily, since the goal
is for me to see you and for you to see me.

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