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Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo

Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Spread footing verification

Input data
Task : Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Description : Verificación de capacidad portante y asentamientos
Author : Alejandro Marín Tamayo
Date : 23/06/2016
(input for current task)
Materials and standards
Concrete structures : ACI 318-11
Analysis method : Analysis using compression index
Restriction of influence zone : by percentage of Sigma,Or
Coeff. of restriction of influence zone : 10.0 [%]
Spread Footing
Analysis for drained conditions : NCMA
Analysis of uplift : Standard
Allowable eccentricity : 0.333
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor for vertical bearing capacity : SFv = 3.00 [–]
Safety factor for sliding resistance : SFh = 1.60 [–]
Basic soil parameters
ef cef  su 
No. Name Pattern
[°] [kPa] [kN/m3] [kN/m3] [°]
Arcilla limo-arenosa amarilla de baja
1 21.40 24.00 17.60 8.00

2 Arena limo-arcillosa amarilla 20.70 10.00 18.00 9.00

3 Limo arenoso habano 24.60 17.30 18.50 9.00

4 Mejoramiento 35.00 5.00 2.00 10.00

All soils are considered as cohesionless for at rest pressure analysis.

Soil parameters
Arcilla limo-arenosa amarilla de baja plasticidad
Unit weight :  = 17.60 kN/m 3
Angle of internal friction : ef = 21.40 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 24.00 kPa
Compression index : Cc = 0.190
Initial void ratio : e0 = 0.49
Deformation modulus : Edef = 80.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : sat = 18.00 kN/m 3

Arena limo-arcillosa amarilla

Unit weight :  = 18.00 kN/m 3

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Angle of internal friction : ef = 20.70 °

Cohesion of soil : cef = 10.00 kPa
Compression index : Cc = 0.160
Initial void ratio : e0 = 0.50
Deformation modulus : Edef = 80.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : sat = 19.00 kN/m 3

Limo arenoso habano

Unit weight :  = 18.50 kN/m 3
Angle of internal friction : ef = 24.60 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 17.30 kPa
Compression index : Cc = 0.160
Initial void ratio : e0 = 0.44
Deformation modulus : Edef = 80.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : sat = 19.00 kN/m 3

Unit weight :  = 2.00 kN/m 3
Angle of internal friction : ef = 35.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 5.00 kPa
Compression index : Cc = 0.100
Initial void ratio : e0 = 0.15
Deformation modulus : Edef = 100.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : sat = 20.00 kN/m 3

Foundation type: strip footing
Depth from original ground surface hz = 3.50 m
Depth of footing bottom d = 3.50 m
Foundation thickness t = 0.40 m
Incl. of finished grade s1 = 0.00 °
Incl. of footing bottom s2 = 0.00 °
Unit weight of soil above foundation = 18.00 kN/m 3

Geometry of structure
Foundation type: strip footing
Overall strip footing length = 2.13 m
Strip footing width (x) = 2.70 m
Column width in the direction of x = 0.30 m
Volume of strip footing = 1.08 m3/m
Inserted loading is considered per unit length of continuous footing span.

Sand-gravel bed
Soil used for the SG pad - Mejoramiento

SG pad overhangs foundation dsp = 0.50 m

Sand-gravel pad depth hsp = 1.50 m
Material of structure
Unit weight  = 23.56 kN/m 3
Analysis of concrete structures carried out according to the standard ACI 318-11.

Concrete : Concrete ACI

Compressive strength fc' = 20.68 MPa

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Tensile-bending strength fr = 2.83 MPa

Elasticity modulus Ecm = 21525.56 MPa
Longitudinal steel : A615/40
Tensile strength fy = 275.79 MPa
Transverse steel: A615/40
Tensile strength fy = 275.79 MPa
Geological profile and assigned soils
No. Assigned soil Pattern

1 1.90 Arcilla limo-arenosa amarilla de baja plasticidad

2 2.30 Arena limo-arcillosa amarilla

3 3.15 Limo arenoso habano

4 - Limo arenoso habano

Load N My Hx
No. Name Type
new change [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
1 YES Peso total Design 1600.00 0.00 0.00
2 YES Peso total Service 1600.00 0.00 0.00
Global settings
Type of analysis : analysis for drained conditions

Settings of the stage of construction

Design situation : permanent

Verification No. 1
Load case verification
ex ey  Rd Utilization
Name Is satisfied
[m] [m] [kPa] [kPa] [%]
Peso total 0.00 0.00 478.50 1450.97 98.93 Yes
Analysis carried out with automatic selection of the most unfavourable load cases.

Computed self weight of strip foundation G = 36.55 kN/m

Computed weight of overburden Z = 133.92 kN/m
Computation of bearing capacity performed below the sand-gravel bed.

Vertical bearing capacity check

Shape of contact stress : rectangle
Most severe load case No. 1. (Peso total)

Parameters of slip surface below foundation:

Depth of slip surface zsp = 2.83 m
Length of slip surface lsp = 7.87 m

Design bearing capacity of found.soil Rd = 1450.97 kPa

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Extreme contact stress  = 478.50 kPa

Factor of safety = 3.03 > 3.00

Bearing capacity in the vertical direction is SATISFACTORY

Verification of load eccentricity

Max. excentricity in direction of base length ex = 0.000<0.333
Max. eccentricity in direction of base width ey = 0.000<0.333
Max. overall eccentricity et = 0.000<0.333
Eccentricity of load is SATISFACTORY

Horizontal bearing capacity check

Most severe load case No. 1. (Peso total)

Earth resistance: at rest
Design magnitude of earth resistance Spd = 40.13 kN
Horizontal bearing capacity Rdh = 914.73 kN
Extreme horizontal force H = 0.00 kN

Factor of safety = 1000.00 > 1.60

Bearing capacity in the horizontal direction is SATISFACTORY

Bearing capacity of foundation is SATISFACTORY

Verification No. 1
Settlement and rotation of foundation - input data
Analysis carried out with automatic selection of the most unfavourable load cases.
Analysis carried out with accounting for coefficient 1 (influence of foundation depth).
Stress at the footing bottom considered from the finished grade.

Computed self weight of strip foundation G = 25.45 kN/m

Computed weight of overburden Z = 133.92 kN/m
Settlement of mid point of longitudinal edge = 165.8 mm
Settlement of mid point of transverse edge 1 = 159.1 mm
Settlement of mid point of transverse edge 2 = 159.1 mm
(1-max.compressed edge; 2-min.compressed edge)

Settlement and rotation of foundation - results

Foundation stiffness:
Computed weighted average modulus of deformation Edef = 20.00 MPa
Foundation in the longitudinal direction is rigid (k=3.50)
Foundation in the direction of width is rigid (k=68.88)

Verification of load eccentricity

Max. excentricity in direction of base length ex = 0.000<0.333
Max. eccentricity in direction of base width ey = 0.000<0.333
Max. overall eccentricity et = 0.000<0.333
Eccentricity of load is SATISFACTORY

Overall settlement and rotation of foundation:

Foundation settlement = 167.5 mm
Depth of influence zone = 6.93 m

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Rotation in direction of width = 0.000 (tan*1000); (0.0E+00 °)

Dimensioning No. 1
Analysis carried out with automatic selection of the most unfavourable load cases.

Verification of longitudinal reinforcement of foundation in the direction of x

Bar number = 3
Number of bars = 4
Reinforcement cover = 40.0 mm
Cross-section width = 1.00 m
Cross-section depth = 0.40 m
Reinforcement ratio  = 0.08 % < 0.20 % = min
Cross-section is NOT SATISFACTORY; increase reinforcement ratio.

Spread footing for punching shear failure check

Verification for punching shear has not been performed due to shape of the critical section.

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Name : Stage : 1


3.50 3.50




Arcilla limo-arenosa amarilla de baja plasticidad Arena limo-arcillosa amarilla

Limo arenoso habano Mejoramiento

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Name : Stage : 1



1.200 0.30 1.200


[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Chequeo cimentación Grupo C - Tanque El Vínculo
Alejandro Marín Tamayo

Name : Stage - analysis : 1 - 1


3.50 3.50




Settlement and rotation of foundation - results

Foundation stiffness:
Average modulus of deformation Edef = 20.00 MPa
Foundation in the longitudinal direction is rigid (k=3.50)
Foundation in the direction of width is rigid (k=68.88)

Verification of load eccentricity

Max. excentricity in direction of base length ex = 0.000<0.333
Max. eccentricity in direction of base width ey = 0.000<0.333
Max. overall eccentricity et = 0.000<0.333
Eccentricity of load is SATISFACTORY

Overall settlement and rotation of foundation:

Foundation settlement = 167.5 mm
Depth of influence zone = 6.93 m
Rot. in direction of width = 0.000 (tan*1000); (0.0E+00 °)

[GeoStructural Analysis - Spread Footing | version | Copyright © 2014 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]

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