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APRIL 10 – WEBINAR to his judgment, the parties have

clearly presented their arguments

ABADIA (00:00-13:00) in the documents and papers that
they submitted.
PROCEDURE (important points in the SC’s video) 5. Trial
- If there is no settlement in the Court-
· Approved by the Court en banc on: October Annexed Mediation, trial will ensue and
8 & 15, 2019 evidence will be presented before the
· Took effect on: May 1, 2020 judge.
- This shall commence 30 days after Pre-
Procedure: trial.
1. Complaint is filed - Once trial begins, both parties are given
- Evidence such as judicial affidavit and 30 days to present their evidence.
other supporting documents should
already be attached in the Complaint 6. Decision
(previously, these are released only - After 90 days, the judge shall render his
during trial). decision (should be strictly followed
under the new rules)
2. Court releases Summons 5 days after filing
of Complaint Other Amendments:
- This directs the defendant to answer the · Filing of motions by the parties that are
Complaint within 30 days by filing an clearly intended to delay the process is
Answer. prohibited.
· Hearings are lessened since the motions
3. Answer is filed will be immediately decided upon by the
- Evidence such as judicial affidavit and judge based on the arguments presented
other supporting documents should in the documents.
already be attached (Previously, these · Presumptive service of pleadings and other
are released only during trial). papers, substituted service of Summons,
- Attaching evidence in the Complaint and and service and filing may now be done
Answer aids the courts in determining through accredited couriers, e-mail, and
early on whether or not there is basis in other electronic means (This results to
filing a case. efficiency in sending notices to the
parties regarding the processes,
4. Pre-trial directives, or the documents they
- In the old rules, there is Preliminary submitted)
Conference before the branch Clerk of
Court. This step is now omitted in the ALEGRE (13:01-27:00)
new rules
- Amendments in the new rules under Pre- HIGHLIGHTS TO THE AMENDMENTS TO THE
trial: RULES ON CIVIL PROCEDURE (Effective May 1,
o To limit and name the witnesses, 2020 - Admin No. )
including the dates when they will
be presented in court. 9 MAJOR AMENDMENTS (From Rule 6 to 35)
o To set date of Court-Annexed
Mediation and Judicial Dispute 1. Pleadings (Rule 6,7,8,10,11 & 13)
Resolution which shall take place 2. Amendments
after Pre-trial and prior to Trial. 3. Summons (Rule 14)
This is to give the parties 4. Motions
opportunity to amicably settle the 5. Pre-Trial (Rule 18)
case. 6. Trial (Rule 30)
o Even at the Pre-trial phase, the 7. Demurrer to Evidence (Rule 33)
judge may already decide on the 8. Judgment on Pleadings (Rule 34)
case without hearing if according 9. Summary Judgments (Rule 35)

Provisions on Rule 16 of the old rule (Motion to
In Rule 17, Section 3, there are four grounds for
Dismiss) was transposed in another rule.
dismissal due to the fault of the plaintiff:
TN: Rule 144 was likewise amended to clarify the a. Failure to prosecute for an unreasonable
effectivity of the ROC and where to apply the new length of time;
rules. b. Failure to appear on the date of
presentation of evidence in chief;
What is the basis of the SC on amending the c. Failure to comply with ROC;
provisions of ROC? d. Failure to comply with the order of the court
Article 8, Section 5(5): Rule- making power or the Here, the petition for partition was dismissed
power to promulgate rules. because of failure to prosecute for an
unreasonable length of time. And if the court
Under the Constitution, the SC has the power to dismisses the case because of this ground, the
promulgate rules concerning the protection and nature of dismissal is one WITH PREJUDICE.
enforcement of constitutional rights, pleadings, Therefore, Res Judicata had already set in. In fact,
practice and procedure on all courts, the admission the Court can motu proprio dismiss the case.
to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and legal
assistance to the underprivileged. Thereafter, Clara (respondent) filed a petition for
quieting of title. And so the respondent on the
The bottom-line is, Article 8 Sec 5(5), precisely is the petition for partition is now the petitioner in the
basis of the SC in promulgating the provisions on the quieting of title case involving the same property.
ROC. The rules were reversed.
But of course, the Rule-making power has Mara filed an answer using the partition as a
limitations. counterclaim.
LIMITATIONS ON THE RULE-MAKING POWER Can a partition be used as a counterclaim?
Yes. In a long list of cases, the SC said partition
1. Must provide a simplified and inexpensive can be used as a counterclaim.
procedure for the speedy disposition of
cases; It is clear that partition can be used as a
2. Must be uniform for all courts of the same counterclaim. However, the petition for partition
grade; here was dismissed initially WITH PREJUDICE.
3. Must not diminish, increase, or modify
substantive rights. Now, there is a conflict between Rule 17 Section 3
and the right of Mara, as co-owner, to ask for
The 3rd limitation tells us that if there’s conflict
partition anytime under Article 494 of the NCC.
between Remedial Law and Substantive Law, the
latter must prevail. Why?
Can partition be used as a counterclaim under the
circumstances, even though it was dismissed
Precisely because the ROC must not diminish,
already with prejudice?
increase or modify substantive rights.
Vilma-Quintos v. Piladia-Nicolas
*Atty used Mara & Clara*
ALONZO (27:01-40:00)
Mara filed a petition for partition under Rule 69
Can partition be used as a counterclaim even
against Clara, her sister/co-owner. Unfortunately,
though it was dismissed already with prejudice?
the petition for partition was dismissed by the
Court based on Rule 17, Section 3 - Dismissal Due
to the Fault of the Plaintiff. Quintos v. Nicolas (G.R. 210252, June 16,
There is a conflict between Art. 494 of the New
Civil Code and the right of the co-owner to ask for Genuino v. De Lima (G.R. 197930, April 17,
partition anytime. Which must prevail? 2018)
Ruling: Partition can still be used as a In 2011, former president GMA was about to leave
counterclaim even though it was dismissed with the country, at the airport, then DOJ Sec. De Lima
prejudice initially because between Rule 17 Sec. 3 issued a Hold Departure Order (HDO). The basis
Dismissal due to the fault of the plaintiff with was Department Order 41 of the DOJ giving the
prejudice, failure to _______ for an unreasonable Sec. of Justice the power and authority to issue an
length of time and the right of a co-owner to ask HDO.
for partition anytime. The right of a co-owner GMA’s camp questioned the propriety of the HDO
under Art. 494 of the NCC must prevail because and argued that DOJ DO 41 is unconstitutional
if there is a conflict between substantive law and because it encroaches on the rule-making power
remedial law, substantive law prevails. This is of the Supreme Court.
because the rule-making power of the Supreme
Court must diminish, increase, or modify Ruling: Under Circular 39-97-SC, only the RTC in
substantive rights. a pending criminal case can issue an HDO.
Expn: Special proceedings involving custody of a
minor child.
Regarding law-making cases, I always discuss 3
Sandiganbayan based on its internal rules.
cases. (may be asked in the midterms)
DO 41 of the DOJ is unconstitutional because
it encroaches on the rule-making power of the
3. Baguio MArket Vendors Cooperative
Supreme Court.
Based on jurisprudence:
The right to travel may only be restricted under the
constitution by reasons of national security, public
The rule-making power is now exclusive to the
safety, public health, in accordance with law. DO
Supreme Court.
41 of the DOJ is not a law. It is only a circular.
● Under the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions, the
Therefore, it cannot restrict the travel of GMA.
power to promulgate rules was a shared
power between the Congress and the
Supreme Court. In a nutshell: The rule-making power is the basis
● However, the 1987 Constitution is silent. of the Supreme Court in promulgating the Rules
● The power to promulgate rules is now of Court.
exclusive to the Supreme Court. It is not
shared with neither the Congress nor the Why did the Supreme Court amend the Rules of
Executive Branch of the government Civil Procedure?
anymore. - In the amendments, the Supreme Court
already incorporated technological
Under the substantive law (NAPOCOR Law, GSIS advances.(Filing, and service of pleadings
Law, Cooperatives Law), NAPOCOR, GSIS, and through electronic means)
Cooperatives are exempted from payment of docket - It also includes decongesting the court
fees, legal fees. However, before the Supreme dockets
Court,they filed a petition claiming exemption from - Includes developments in law and
payment of docket fees because of the provisions of jurisprudence and even international
substantive law. Apparently, the lower court ruled conventions such as the Hague Convention
against their favor. Hence the petition to the SC. Where do we apply the New Rules of Civil
Argument: Under substantive law, NAPOCOR, Procedure?
GSIS and Cooperatives are exempt from paying - Apply to all cases filed after May 1, 2020
docket fees.
SC: You cannot claim exemptions simply Berdon - 40:01 - 53:00
because of the provisions of substantive law Very tedious to apply complaints now in the new
because the rule-making power is now exclusive rules.
to the Supreme Court. You can only be exempted
from payment of docket fees when the SC says so. The New Civil Procedure applies to all cases filed
AFTER the effectivity of May 1, 2020.

The cases that are pending, do we apply the new required to allege the evidence, not required to
Rules? attach the evidence.
YES. Under Rule 144 of the Rules of Civil Why? You wait for the trial at the very least wait for
Procedure shall apply to all cases after May 1, the pre-marking of the evidence and that’s the time
2020 and all the cases that are pending. you will know the evidence of the opposing party. But
this procedure causes delay in the disposition of the
But there are exemptions: case.
If in the POV of the court, the application of the rules
would not be feasible or would work injustice in (Some litigants took the advantage of this by filing
which case the procedure by which the cases are baseless and unfounded suits. Np evidence- bahala
filed shall govern. na basta makafile ng complaint. Some litigants
abuse this by simply filing a complaint and use to file
What do you mean by this? complaints as leverage to secure a compromise
For example, you have filed a motion to dismiss, it is agreement with the defendant.)
pending and in the interim, the new rules took effect
on May 1, 2020. In the old rules, use the different modes of discovery,
file a complaint then the different modes of discovery
Will the court dismiss the case because of the to know what the other party has in terms of
effectivity of the new rules? evidence. Written interrogatories, depositions,
productions of documents and things, physical
NO. It might work injustice in the part of the litigant. examinations and request of admissions. BUT
Or for example, (pending) Appeal is shortened or NOW, amended already and required the litigants to
‘pinahaba’. So after the effectivity will the court deny ATTACH IN THE COMPLAINT in their initiatory
the appeal precisely because it is already beyond pleadings, complaint or answer, not only the ultimate
the period, like 15 days nagging 5 days nalang. NO facts but even EVIDENTIARY MATTERS.
THAT WILL WORK INJUSTICE in the part of the
litigant. That will not be FEASIBLE.
THE RULE is that: The procedure under which this
case is filed shall govern. Take note that the court A pleading shall contain in a methodical and
shall exercise discretion here. To the extent that in logical form, a plain, concise and direct statement
the opinion of the court, the application will not be of the ultimate facts INCLUDING THE EVIDENCE
feasible or work injustice. on which the party pleadings relies for his or her
claim or defense, as the case may be.
RULE 6-35 If you talk about pleadings now, you need to
attach the evidence. Rule 8, Section 1 is
2 BASIC POPULAR CHANGES: reinforced/correlated in Rule 7, Section 6 (a new
1) Gender exclusivity -which means (under rule, not in the old rule) which is the CONTENTS of
the old rules only the word his/he, no mention of pleadings.
her/she) gender sensitive, the rules now refer to both
he/she. Old title of Rule 7 – Parts of the Pleadings
2) Calendar days- it is uniform now under the
rules – ex. 30 calendar days (not working days) New Title: PARTS AND CONTENTS OF THE
Except you apply Rule 22 for interruptions ( if there PLEADINGS
is Holiday for instance, the following day)
If you file a pleading, the pleading must state
MAJOR AMENDMENTS their intended TESTIMONIES (of the witnesses) and
Major changes:
1.) Evidence- to include already the evidence In Rule 7, Section 6. You need to attach the
when you file a complaint. Under the old rules. You JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT to the complaint and the
need to state therein the ultimate facts you are not answer, which shall form an integral part of the
complaint or your answer.
Names of witnesses, summary of their ● However, this may fall under non-compliance
intended testimonies, attached judicial affidavits. of the Rules of Court where Rule 17, Sec. 3
will now be applicable and where the
RULE: Only witnesses whose judicial dismissal is with prejudice.
affidavits attached to the pleading shall be presented
to the parties during the trial. CGVillasis: The judge can take refuge in or can use
Rule 17, Sec. 3 and therefore, dismiss the case with
NO Judicial Affidavit (JA)- cannot testify in prejudice.
court of law anymore
3rd major amendment: Signature of a counsel in
Castilla 53:01-1:06:00 a pleading (Rule 7, Sec. 3)

If no judicial affidavit, you cannot testify in open The amendments expanded the coverage of the
court anymore because under the new rules only certification on the signature of the counsel in a
witnesses whose judicial affidavits are attached to pleading.
the pleading shall be presented by the parties during
the trial. Note: This topic had already been asked in the 2007
and 2013 Bar.
General rule:
Only witnesses whose judicial affidavits are attached Bar Q: What is the significance of a signature of a
to the pleading shall be presented by the parties counsel in a pleading?
during trial. No other witnesses or affidavit shall be
heard or admitted by the court. Under the old rules, if a counsel signs a pleading, it
is a certification that he has read the pleading. That
Exception: to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief,
If a party presents meritorious reasons as basis for there is a good ground to support it, and it is not
the admission of additional witnesses. interposed for delay.

Meritorious reasons - no definition here but the Court Under the new rules, it is dangerous now because if
will exercise prudence and sound judicial judgment. counsel signs a pleading and violates the
Example, COVID 19 was considered a meritorious attestations, there are procedural consequences
reason which can be a basis for admission for where counsel can be held liable.
additional witnesses. But, do not abuse this.
Take note that:
To recap, we prepare the complaint which must ● there are monetary and non-monetary
include: (Rule 7, Sec. 6) sanctions.
● the names of the witnesses ● the law firm can be held solidarily liable with
● the summary of the intended testimonies of the counsel.
the witnesses ● the counsel cannot pass on to the client the
● the judicial affidavit monetary penalty.
● documentary and object evidence
Rule 7, Section 3. Signature and address. (a)
Documentary and object evidence Every pleading [and other written submissions to
This should now be attached to the complaint as a the court] must be signed by the party or counsel
requirement under Rule 8, Sec. 1 in relation to Rule representing him or her.
7, Sec. 6. Take note that all must be attached
whether documentary or object evidence. For (b) The signature of counsel constitutes a
cellphone as evidence, you can attach the picture of certificate by him or her that he or she has read
it, allege, and say that it will be presented during the the pleading and document; that to the best of his
trial. or her knowledge, information, and belief formed
after an inquiry reasonable under the
Consequence of non-compliance of the circumstances:
requirement of attachment of documentary and
object evidence: CGV: here, when the counsel signs the pleading, the
● no procedural sanction because the Rules rule presumes that counsel conducted an inquiry
are silent reasonable under the circumstances
Consequence of violation of the attestations
(1) It is not being presented for any improper under Rule 7, Sec. 3
purpose, such as to harass, cause unnecessary If the court determines, on motion or motu proprio
delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation; and after notice and hearing, that this rule has been
violated, it may impose an appropriate sanction or
CGV: With this rule, the frivolous filing of complaints is refer such violation to the proper office for
no longer allowed like when complaints are filed as a disciplinary action (such as the IBP), on any
leverage only to secure a compromise from the attorney, law firm, or party that violated the rule, or
opposing party or as a strategy of a lawyer. is responsible for the violation.
(2) The claims, defenses, and other legal The law firm is jointly and severally liable for a
contentions are warranted by existing law or violation committed by its partner, associate, or
jurisprudence, or by a non-frivolous argument for employee.
extending, modifying, or reversing existing
jurisprudence; So even if the practice of one lawyer in the law firm
is only data privacy or intellectual property only and
CGV: Where law and jurisprudence are clear but he/she does not handle court cases, still he/she is
counsel still files a complaint for the purpose of making
jointly and severally liable because he/she is a
the Supreme Court promulgate a new ruling, or
enriching jurisprudence, this is not allowed. partner of the law firm.

(3) The factual contentions have evidentiary What are the sanctions?
support or, if specifically so identified, will likely The sanction may include, but shall not be limited to:
have evidentiary support after availment of the 1. non-monetary directive or sanction;
modes of discovery under these [R]ules; and 2. an order to pay a penalty in court; or
3. if imposed on motion and warranted for
CGV: After filing of the complaint and upon trial, effective deterrence, an order directing
counsel has to bear in mind how to prove each payment to the movant of part or all of the
allegation in the complaint. Remember that under Rule reasonable attorney's fees and other
128, Sec. 1, evidence is the means, sanctioned by expenses directly resulting from the violation,
these rules, of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the including attorney's fees for the filing of the
truth respecting a matter of fact. Thus, one allegation = motion for sanction.
one evidence = proof. Therefore, an allegation without
evidence is not proved. Similarly, that which is not
Note even the motion to file motion for sanction
alleged cannot be proved a.k.a. “Non allegata non
probata.” because attorney violated the law, the opposing
party will have to pay for this. These are the
Under these new rules, upon filing of the complaint, sanctions, monetary and non-monetary.
evidence should already be attached. Thus, the Consequently, the lawyer or law firm cannot pass on
counsel signing a pleading is in effect telling the court the monetary penalty to the client. Hence, this is very
that the factual contentions of the complaint have dangerous.
evidentiary support or if there are none yet, they can be
proven after availing of the various modes of discovery Again the lawyer or law firm cannot pass on the
under Rules 23-29 of the Rules on Civil Procedure. monetary penalty to the client, therefore, the lawyer
should be careful and not to simply sign a pleading
(4) The denials of factual contentions are unlike before because now the lawyer might be held
warranted on the evidence or, if specifically so
liable. (Atty. Villasis advised that if you are not sure
identified, are reasonably based on belief or a lack
have the client sign the pleading, in practice but not
of information. good for educational purposes.)

Rule 7 Section 4. Verification (Please put a check

CGV: These 4 circumstances above, I am very sure, and 5 stars to this rule)
will be asked in the bar within the three-year period. Before, a verification is merely a formal requirement
So, memorize them. and merely affects the form of the pleading. Before,

Data - 1:06:01 - 1:20:00 GR: Verification is that not all pleadings are required
to be verified.

XPN: Verification is required there is a law or rule the complaint, the other party might file a
which requires pleadings to be verified. case against you for perjury because the
complaint is under oath. Because again, you
Now, there are three changes in verification and certified the truthfulness of the allegations
these are the following: contained in the pleading.
1. Authorization to be attached. The new rule
requires us to attach the Special Power of Rule 7 Section 5. Certification against forum
Attorney (SPA) or Board Resolution in the Shopping
pleading as verification. Please take note this Remember the certification against forum shopping
rule applies only if the affiant or signatory is is a requirement of an initiatory pleading.
not the party because if the one who signs
the pleading is not the plaintiff, another Does a complaint require certification against
person signs it for and in his behalf, there forum shopping?
should be authorization and this Yes, there is a need for certification against forum
authorization should now be attached to the shopping for a complaint because this is an initiatory
complaint. Example, if it is a complaint, there pleading.
should be an SPA or secretary certificate
attached to the verification showing the How about Answer?
authority of the signatory. GR: No, because this is not an initiatory pleading.
XPN: if with permissive counterclaim, it now requires
2. Expanded attestation. Before the a certification against forum shopping.
attestation in the verification only states “the
allegations in the pleading are true and There are no major changes in this section, just take
correct based on his or her personal note of the one amendment here which refers to the
knowledge, or based on authentic authorization. Again, if the one who signs the
documents” now there is letter b which states certification against forum shopping is not the party
that “the pleading is not filed to harass, cause himself/herself, the authority of the affiant or
unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase signatory should be attached to the pleading. This
the cost of litigation”. Letter b was copied applies again if the one who signs the certificate
from Section 3(b)(1) Rule 7. Consequently, if against forum shopping is not the party himself, in
the verification in the complaint only states which case the authority of the signatory should be
one attestation or is still based on the old rule attached to the pleading or to the certification against
then it is a defective verification. forum shopping. This may be in the form of a
secretary's certificate or a special power of attorney.
Similarly Section 3(b)(3) Rule 7 was also This is the only amendment in this section.
copied in the letter c attestation of the
verification which states that “the factual Thus, the concept is the same. If you say forum
allegations therein have evidentiary support shopping as an act is different from certification of
or, if specifically so identified, will likewise forum shopping. Forum shopping as an act as in
have evidentiary support after a reasonable legal ethics or that in remedial law as discussed in
opportunity for discovery”.Please remember Chua v. Metrobank case. This case illustrates the
this expanded attestation in the expanded concept of forum shopping. (As referred
verification as this will come out in the only by Atty. Kit)
midterms exam!

3. The signature of the affiant in the

verification. The last amendment in this
section provides that “the signature of the
affiant shall further serve as a certification of
the truthfulness of the allegations in the Chua v. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. G.R.
pleading”. Please remember that if you sign No. 182311
a verification, you may be held liable for
perjury because you are certifying the Petitioner initially filed a case before the f RTC-
truthfulness of the allegations contained in Branch 258 for the nullification of the feigned
the pleading. So if the opposing party lied in auction sale of his foreclosed property. Petitioner

Question: can you file for a motion to extend time to
then filed another complaint with RTC-Branch 195
file an answer? YES! 30 days. Under sec 11 rule 11,
for damages suffered due to the feigned auction.
a motion for extension of time now, is solely allowed
Hence, this was dismissed for forum shopping by
if we talk about filing an answer. Wala nang ibang
the RTC and CA.
pleading ang pwede i extend ang filing. Ang motion
SC held that petitioner committed forum shopping for extension of time to file a pleading is solely
allowed if you talk about an answer and that is now
because he filed multiple cases based on the
same cause of action (splitting of causes of the rule. The filing of any other pleading cannot be
extended anymore.
action). premised on the same action. It further
discussed that forum shopping can be committed
in three ways: 1. Where there is litis pendentia; 2. TN: the defendant is allowed motion for extension to
file an answer is only ONCE. So ang maximum
Res judicata; and 3. splitting of causes of action.
ngayon, 60 days lang. No further extensions shall be
allowed. Noon, file lang nang file hanggat
papayagan ng judge. Yung 30 days, dapat may
Descallar - 1:20:01 - 1:34:00 meritorious reason.

Number 2 pag may res judicata may forum Motion for extension any other pleading (other than
shopping, number 3, splitting of a cause of action sa answer) is considered a mere scrap of paper, no
Rule 2 Section 4, there is also forum shopping. Hindi force and effect. In civil procedure, this is called a
lang limited sa filing several cases simultaneously. pro-forma motion. A pro-forma motion is one that
violates the rules, that does not satisfy the
Having said that, certification for forum shopping, requirements of the rules, therefore a mere scrap of
authorization to file should be attached in the paper, no force and effect, thereby not resulting in
pleading. an extension to file an answer. Pro forma din ang
2nd motion to extend, di na pwede.
Now as answer, maraming changes. Let me
categorize it into 4 Kapag wala paring answer within 30 days, the
1. Revised evidence to be attached in the defendant(?? Defendant iya giingon complainant
answer guro iya pasabot??) can already file a motion to
Discussion: now when you file a complaint or an declare the defendant in default.
answer, you must attach your evidence.
4. Affirmative Defenses
Include names of the witnesses and the defendant, (rule 6 sec 5b in relation to rule 8 sec 12b; rule 15
the summary of the intended testimonies of the sec 12; rule 9 sec 1)
witnesses, including judicial affidavit. Pag walang
JA, you cannot testify except for meritorious What is the period to file an answer if a complaint is
reasons. amended? Is this a matter of right or discretion?

Attach documentary and object evidence when you Pag wala kang answer, ang effect, issues are not yet
talk about an answer joined. Ibig sabihin non, no answer, no specific
denial. If you deny (rule 8 sec 10) it must be
2. Revised periods to file an answer under specifically. If there is specific denial, the result is,
rule 11 may issue. Kapag general denial lang,o kaya
Discussion: if you talk about revised periods, before negative pregnant, it tantamounts to an admission.
kasi, the period to file answer is 15 days. Now, the In this case, walang issue. So kapag mag aanswer
period to file the answer is 30 days na. CALENDAR ka, may specific denial dapat. Pag meron specific
DAYS, hindi working days. denial, may issue na.

We have an expanded period to file an answer. Under rule 34, if the answer to the defendant, fails to
tender an issue or otherwise admits the material
3. Rule 8 section 1 in relation to rule 7 sec 6, allegations contained in the complaint, the remedy is
rule 11 period to file answer -pati na rin motion for judgement in the pleadings.
rule 11 sec 11 motion for extension of
time to file an answer

Pag matter of right yung amendment, ibig sabihin d. old rule 16 (already removed by the SC)
nun wala pang answer. Xxinaudiblexx to file the
answer, wala pang answer eh, pag inammend nya To expedite the proceedings in civil cases, motion to
matter of right, 30 days ka parin to file an answer to dismiss is now prohibited.
the amended complaint.
Grounds on motion to dismiss based on old Rule
Pag hindi matter of right, ibig sabihin may answer 16, sec. 1:
na, nakasagot na yung defendant eh, amended na 1. lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter
yung complaint as allowed by the court. What will 2. lack of jurisdiction over the person of the
happen? Of course, you can file an answer to the defending party
amended complaint for 15 days nalang. Bakit? 3. Improper venue
Inaral mo na yang kaso na yan eh, amendment 4. Failure to state the cause of action
nalang yan eh. Usually formal amendment lang. 5. Lack of legal capacity to sue
6. Lis pendencia
Therefore, pag discretionary, may answer na, 15 7. Res judicata
lang. And this rule applies equally to an answer to 8. Prescription
the amended counterclaim. Kasi, a counterclaim is a 9. That the claim has been paid, waived,
claim by the defendant against the plaintiff, so 15 abandoned or extinguished
days, 30 days. This applies equally to a cross claim, 10. The claim on which the action has been
a claim by one defendant against a co defendant. 30 founded is unenforceable under the statute
days and 15 days to file an answer. This applies of frauds
when we talk about 3rd party complaint, etc 11. That the condition precedent of the action
complaint. The purpose of which, you want to bring has not been complied with.
in someone who is not yet inside. For the purpose
of contribution, indemnity, subrogation or any other Before, you can automatically file a motion to
relief with leave of court. dismiss based on the aforementioned 11 grounds.
SC now removed the motion to dismiss based on
Pag 3rd party complaint, the same 15 days 30 days. rule 16, sec. 1, however, you have to take a look at
Complaint intervention, this time you want to join the Rule 15, sec 12:
complaint, hindi ka naman isinama, gusto mong
pumasok, intervenor ka, hindi ka kasama. Bakit? 1. Motion to dismiss is prohibited except on four
Kasi you have an interest against the plaintiff or grounds:
defendant or both. Or you are so situated that you a. lack of jurisdiction over the subject
may be adversely affected by the disposition of the matter
properties subject of the action. Ang tawag dun, b. Lis pendencia
intervention. The same rule parin, as a matter of c. Res judicata
right, or discretion, 15 days 30 days respectively. d. Prescription

Counterclaim, 20 days na yan. The rest puro 20 Note: All the 11 grounds based on old rule 16 are
days na yan. Answer to the counterclaim/cross now considered as affirmative defenses.
claim, 20 days. Answer to the third party complaint,
30 days. Before, just like in omnibus motion rule, when you
file a motion to dismiss, all grounds available should
De Los Reyes - 1:34:01 - 1:47:00 be included, otherwise it is deemed waived except
on the four grounds.
a. If there’s already an answer - 20 days. Now, in omnibus waiver rule (Villasis wordings), it’s
b. If there’s no answer yet - 30 days. the same, when you file an answer, all grounds
c. Reply - 15 days. available or all affirmative defenses should be raised
in your answer at earliest possible opportunity,
Affirmative Defenses will be discussed based on otherwise, these affirmative defenses shall be
Rule 6 sec. 5b in relation to: considered waived. Now, you cannot anymore file a
a. rule 8, sec. 12b motion to dismiss only except on four grounds
b. rule 15, sec. 12 provided in Rule 15, sec. 12.
c. rule 9, sec. 1

All grounds for dismissal in old rule 16, sec. 1 are Yung ginawa ng SC sa first rule which I call 15-30
now considered as affirmative defenses (affirmative rule (affirmative defenses), lahat ng affirmative
defense simply means, there’s a hypothetical defenses (old provisions), no problem. Pero ang
admission of allegation. Invoking these affirmative ginawa ng committee, yung 4 na grounds sa
defenses is for one to avoid escape from liability. e.g. dismissal: lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter,
one loaned from the other, payment of such is an lis pendentia, res judicata and prescription—all of
affirmative defense or an admission that the other these are now considered affirmative defenses dun
loaned money but one already waived the obligation, sa first rule.
thus obligation has been extinguished, still an
affirmative defense). So it’s that simple, dinagdag nya. Other affirmative
defenses may also include: lack of jurisdiction over
However, in lack of jurisdiction and improper venue, the subject matter, lis pendentia, res judicata and
there’s no hypothetical admission of the allegation prescription.
here. But these are now considered as affirmative
defenses because of the goal of the committee Therefore, if those 4 are present, there are 2
which is to expedite the disposition of cases. remedies:
1. File a motion to dismiss
Evangelista - 1:47:01 - 2:00:00 2. File an answer and use these ground as
affirmative defenses
Ang tawag natin 15-30 rule. There are 5 categories
of affirmative defenses found in Rule 6 Sec 5-B, Ngayon, what is the rule on the 15-30 rule? All
that’s what we call the 15-30 rule. affirmative defenses are required to be present;
otherwise, deemed waived.
Second category of affirmative defenses is found in
Rule 8, Section 12(B). These are called the motu So the 15-30 rule means that pag lahat ng ito,
proprio rule. ginamit mu sa answer mo, automatic the court has
15 days to conduct a summary hearing. And 30 days
TN: 15-39, motu proprio rules are merely codes for to resolve the affirmative defenses.
easy recall. Do not use these in the exam or during
the bar. Under Rule 6 Sec 5, the court may conduct a
summary hearing within 15 days from the filing of an
What is an affirmative defense? Pag nag file ka ng answer.
answer, sa answer mo meron kang defenses.
Hearing may be required although summary. And
There are 2 types of defenses: these affirmative defenses shall be resolved by the
1) affirmative defenses and court within 30 calendar days from termination of the
2) negative defenses. summary hearing.

Which one is more controversial? Affirmative #4 is very important. When there is an answer and
defenses. Because in negative defenses, madali meron affirmative defense, the court has 2 options:
lang yan, specific denial—that is what is needed in 1. Grant the affirmative defenses
civil procedure. You have to deny specifically each 2. Deny the defenses
and every matter contained in the complaint;
otherwise, deemed admitted. If the court grants the affirmative defenses, it means
the case is dismissed based on affirmative
Pero if we talk about affirmative defenses, you defenses. If the case is dismissed, the plaintiff will
hypothetically admitted the allegation but you now file and MR and appeal.
nonetheless invoked these affirmative defenses for
you to avoid civil liability. That’s affirmative If the court denies the affirmative defenses, to
defenses. expedite the case, defendant cannot file a MR. The
defendant can file a petition for certiorari, prohibition
Having said that, dito sa answer mo para magkaroon or mandamus but the defendant shall participate in
ng defenses, negative defense: specific denial; the trial. File a pre-trial brief. Ofc, thereafter proceed
otherwise, tantamount to an admission. to pre-trial to trial. Pag may judgment of the merits
na, you file an appeal and you raise the denial of the

affirmative defenses as one of the grounds in filing dismissed because of non-compliance with the
an appeal. Rules of Court.

The second category is what we refer to as motu REPLY

proprio rule. What is this? Here, this is what you do:
memorize the affirmative defenses in Rule 8, In the amendments, reply is not allowed. Under the
Section 12(B). Memorize the second category so old rules, reply is generally optional.
that whatever is not in the list is under the first
category (for easy recall). General rule: Reply is not allowed.
Exception: Only if the answer of the defendant
The defenses under the motu proprio rule are the ff: pleads an actionable document.
1. Lack of jurisdiction over the person of the If an actionable document is attached to a reply, a
defending party rejoinder is also allowed.
2. Failure to state cause of action
3. Lack of legal capacity to sue Actionable document – a document that is the
4. Improper venue basis of the defense of the plaintiff or the defendant
5. Condition precedent for the filing of an action or the basis of the claim of the plaintiff.
has not been complied with (very important)
For instance: If there is an actionable document
If these grounds are present, the effect is wala ng attached and a receipt showing payment in a
summary hearing. The court is given a period of 30 collection of sum of money case, plaintiff is allowed
calendar days to resolve the affirmative defenses to file a reply. But if there is no actionable document
motu proprio from the filing of the answer. Walang in the answer of the defendant but you want to refute
pwedeng summary hearing na magyayari if under the matters raised in the answer, and you are the
the second category. plaintiff, can you file a reply? No. Rather, you file an
amended/supplemental pleading.
Now, the next area you have to remember is this: the
same rule basta affirmative defenses, whether on TN: If a reply is allowed because precisely there is
the first or second category… an actionable document in the answer, the opposing
party will also be allowed to file a rejoinder.
Jacobo (2:0:01 – 2:14:00) Rule 6, Section 10
If the plaintiff wishes to oppose any claim arising out
The denial of the affirmative defenses cannot be a of new matter to allege such claim shall be set forth
subject of a motion for reconsideration, petition for in an amended or supplemental complaint.
certiorari, prohibition or mandamus. But can only be
raised as errors on appeal. After judgement on the REJOINDER
Under the new rules, rejoinder is now allowed.
--- break --- However, it is only allowed if a reply attaches an
actionable document.
Failure to comply with the order of the court results
in the dismissal of the case under Rule 17, Section Reply and rejoinder should be verified as based
3. under Rule 2, Section 8 and Rule 8, Section 7.

Even when this is a new provision, as mentioned, If a party pleads an actionable document. The duty
there is no procedural consequence pero kung of the opposing party can:
magaling yung judge, Rule 17, Section 3 will apply 1. There should be a specific denial;
which means dismissal due to the fault of the 2. The specific denial must be under oath.
Failure of which is deemed to have admitted the
Without a judicial affidavit, you can present the genuineness and execution of the actionable
witnesses during the trial except for meritorious document. Therefore, reply and rejoinder should be
reasons. Ultimately, you can have the case verified or under oath. (Rule 2, Section 8 and Rule
8, Section 7)

when the multiple claims involve the same factual
and legal issues; or when the claims are offshoots
Compulsory Counterclaim not raised in the same
of the same basic controversy between the
action is fined unless otherwise allowed by the
parties. If these tests result in affirmative answers,
the counterclaim is compulsory.
Garcia - 2:13:01 - 2:26:00
TN: compulsory counterclaim it arises out or it is
A compulsory counterclaim not raised in the necessarily connected with transaction and
same action is barred, unless otherwise allowed occurrence with the subject matter of the complaint.
by the Rules.
In other words, it is an off-shoot of the complaint.
If you talk about a counterclaim, basically it is a claim You apply the compelling test of compulsoriness.
on the defendant against the plaintiff. There are 2
kinds: Q: What does this mean? Is there a logical
connection with the counterclaim and the subject
1. Permissive Counterclaim matter of the complaint?
2. Compulsory Counterclaim
If the answer is YES, it is compulsory.
If you say compulsory counterclaim, upon the ruling
laid down in the case of Spouses Mendiola v. CA, Q: What is the effect if the counterclaim is
remember the four tests. compulsory?

You have to set up the compulsory counterclaim in

the same action, otherwise it is barred already.
Spouses Mendiola v. CA, G.R. No. 159746, July
18, 2012
Atty: Yan ang turo sa atin palagi. If you will check
the amendments in the Rules of Civil Procedure,
The four tests to determine whether a
counterclaim is compulsory or not are the there is only one provision that was amended here.
Sa compulsory counterclaim, it merely included the
following, to wit:
(a) Are the issues of fact or law raised by last sentence – compulsory counterclaim not raised
the claim and the counterclaim largely in the same action is barred.
the same?
But these are established by jurisprudence is
(b) Would res judicata bar a subsequent
already established by some provision of the Rules
suit on defendant’s claims, absent the
of Court: Rule 9, 11.
compulsory counterclaim rule?
(c) Will substantially the same evidence
General Rule: Rule 9, Sec. 2
support or refute plaintiff’s claim as
well as the defendant’s counterclaim?
(d) Is there any logical relation between Section 2. Compulsory counterclaim, or cross-
the claim and the counterclaim, such claim, not set up barred. – A compulsory
that the conduct of separate trials of counterclaim, or a cross-claim, not set up shall
the respective claims of the parties be barred. (2)
would entail a substantial duplication
of effort and time by the parties and the
XPN: Rule 11, Sec. 10 and 9

Of the four, the one compelling test of

compulsoriness is the logical relation between
the claim alleged in the complaint and that in
the counterclaim. Such relationship exists when
conducting separate trials of the respective claims
of the parties would entail substantial duplication
of time and effort by the parties and the court;

Remember: dati walang limit. In other words, the
courts were vested with jurisdiction or authority and
Section 9. Counterclaim or cross-claim arising
after answer. – A counterclaim or a cross-claim discretion to rule on a motion for leave to file a third
party complaint. There was no rule before that the
which either matured or was acquired by a
party after serving his or her pleading may, third party complaint must be related to the
with the permission of the court, be presented complaint of the main action. So even if different
matter, as long as it is for contribution, indemnity,
as a counterclaim or a cross-claim by
supplemental pleading before judgment. (9a) subrogation of any other relief.

Under the current rules now, it is mandatory that

Section 10. Omitted counterclaim or
crossclaim. – When a pleader fails to set up a the third (fourth, etc) party complaint must be
counterclaim or a cross-claim through related to the main action, otherwise, it will be
oversight, inadvertence, or excusable neglect, denied admission.
or when justice requires, he or she may, by
When you file a third-party complaint, there should
leave of court, set up the counterclaim or
be a motion for leave of court pursuant to Sec. 11 of
crossclaim by amendment before judgment.
Rule 6.

Sec. 10 refers to an omitted counterclaim or Section 11. Third, (fourth, etc.)-party

crossclaim. complaint. – A third (fourth, etc.)-party
complaint is a claim that a defending party
Q: Kapag na omit or hindi naisama sa answer, can may, with leave of court, file against a person
you still set up an omitted counterclaim or cross- not a party to the action, called the third
claim even after the answer? (fourth, etc.)-party defendant for contribution,
indemnity, subrogation or any other relief, in
Yes, if it is a case of an oversight, inadvertence, or respect of his or her opponent’s claim.
excusable neglect, or when justice requires. You are
allowed to set up your counterclaim or crossclaim by The third (fourth, etc.)-party complaint shall be
amendment before judgment. denied admission, and the court shall require
the defendant to institute a separate action,
Sa Sec. 9 of Rule 11, refers to an after-accrued where: (a) the third (fourth, etc.)-party
counterclaim or crossclaim which either matured or defendant cannot be located within thirty (30)
was acquired by a party after serving his pleading calendar days from the grant of such leave; (b)
can still be set up even after filing of the answer. matters extraneous to the issue in the principal
case are raised; or (c) the effect would be to
Summary: 2 exceptions introduce a new and separate controversy into
the action. (11a)
1. Omitted counterclaim
Purpose: contribution, indemnity, subrogation or
Papayagan pa rin after the answer based on the
any other relief with leave of court. So file a motion
grounds of oversight, inadvertence, or excusable
with leave of court.
neglect, or when justice requires. You can set up the
counterclaim by amendment before judgment.
TN: the second paragraph is a new rule which
means that even though you file a motion with leave
2. After-accrued counterclaim
of court to file your third party complaint, the court
Na file na answer, then ni accrue ang answer. You may nonetheless deny admission of the third party
set up your counterclaim or crossclaim by complaint in any of the following situations, maski na
supplemental pleading before judgment because grant pa yung motion for leave to file a third party
you talk about facts, transactions, or occurrences complaint, the court will later on deny admission. If
that transpired after the filing of the pleading. the court denies admission, the court shall require
the defendant to institute a separate action.
Q: What are these situations?
10th amendment under the rules of pleadings.
1. Defendant cannot be located within thirty Having said that, ang authenticated copy of the
(30) calendar days from the grant of such judgment of decision shall be attached to the
leave pleading. What does this mean? Depende kung
yung foreign judgment, yung country na yon is a
What will happen? Gi grant yung motion for leave to member of the Hague Convention. If member (dati
file a third party complaint, but the court will deny kasi you go to the embassy, pa red ribbon) meron na
admission of the third party complaint. tayong tinatawag na “Apostile”.

2. There are matters extraneous to the issue Apostile is a french word meaning certification.
in the principal case are raised It is simply the name of the specialized certificate
issued by the Secretary of State. The apostile has
The third party complaint must be related to the to pass through a regional document to verify that
same action because if the matter raised is it is legitimate and authentic for it to be accepted
extraneous to the issue in the principal case, the in one or the other countries who are members of
court shall deny admission to the third party the Hague Apostile Convention. Apostilised lng sha.
To make it simple, Apostile is a certificate.
3. The effect would be to introduce a new
and separate controversy into the action. ------------- GREGORIO 2:26:01 – 2:40:00-------------

(Memorize this kai this is a critical area in civil

procedure) Is a certificate stating therein that the document or
judgment attached thereto is legitimate or authentic.
If the effect in granting or admitting the third party That is how you authenticate it if the country of origin
complaint would be to introduce a new and separate is a member of the Hague Convention. Otherwise,
controversy into the action, what happens is it will you apply the provisions of Rule 132 of the Rules of
delay the disposition of the case. Evidence Section 19 (Public Documents) Section 24
(Proof of Foreign Judgments)
Section 19. Classes of Documents. — For the
The court has already issued an Admin Order 251- purpose of their presentation evidence,
2020, which became effective on October 2020, documents are either public or private.
refer to the Guidelines on the Implementation in
the Philippines of the Hague Service Convention Public documents are:
on the Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in
(a) The written official acts, or records of
Civil and Commercial Matters. (please check)
the official acts of the sovereign authority,
Atty: Kunyari, I am going to file a petition for official bodies and tribunals, and public
recognition of a foreign judgment divorce decree. Of officers, whether of the Philippines, or of a
course, applying the provisions of the Rules on foreign country;
Evidence under Section 24, under Section 19 of
(b) Documents acknowledge before a
Rule 132, ang authenticated copy of the judgment of
decision shall be attached to the pleading because notary public except last wills and
remember, Philippine courts cannot take judicial testaments; and
notice of decisions of foreign courts or tribunals.
(c) Public records, kept in the Philippines,
Philippine courts who take judicial notice of Foreign
of private documents required by law to the
laws, they required to be alleged, required to be
entered therein.
proven; kaya nga sa evidence, if you failed to allege
foreign laws, or you allege foreign laws but failed to
All other writings are private. (20a)
prove the same, you have to apply the Doctrine of
Presumed Identity Approach or otherwise known as
the Doctrine of Processual Presumption, that the
Philippine laws are presumed to be the same with
foreign laws and vice-versa.
Exception: If it pertains to unliquidated damages.
Section 24. Proof of official record. — The record
Unliquidated damages - damages that are not
of public documents referred to in paragraph (a) of
agreed upon (as opposed to liquidated damages
Section 19, when admissible for any purpose, may
which are damages that are agreed upon in the
be evidenced by an official publication thereof or
by a copy attested by the officer having the legal
custody of the record, or by his deputy, and
If unliquidated damages are not specifically denied,
accompanied, if the record is not kept in the
it is not considered admitted because unliquidated
Philippines, with a certificate that such officer has
damages are required to be proven.
the custody. If the office in which the record is kept
is in foreign country, the certificate may be made Hence, even if there is no specific denial herein, you
by a secretary of the embassy or legation, consul are not deemed to have admitted the amount of
general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent or unliquidated damages.
by any officer in the foreign service of the
Philippines stationed in the foreign country in DEFAULT
which the record is kept, and authenticated by the
seal of his office. (25a)
Section 3. Default; [d]eclaration of. – If the
Decisions should be attached to a pleading. There is defending party fails to answer within the time
no mention of any particular consequence but allowed therefor, the court shall, upon motion of
AGAIN, the catch-all provision of Rule 17, Section 3 the claiming party with notice to the defending
will apply (Non-compliance of the order). party, and proof of such failure, declare the
defending party in default. Thereupon, the court
shall proceed to render judgment granting the
RULE 17 RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE claimant such relief as his or her pleading may
Section 3. Dismissal due to fault of plaintiff. — If, warrant, unless the court in its discretion requires
for no justifiable cause, the plaintiff fails to appear the claimant to submit evidence. Such reception of
on the date of the presentation of his evidence in evidence may be delegated to the clerk of court.
chief on the complaint, or to prosecute his action
for an unreasonable length of time, or to comply
with these Rules or any order of the court, the Default - Occurs when an answer is not filed or the
complaint may be dismissed upon motion of the defendant fails to file an answer. However, there are
defendant or upon the court's own motion, without situations wherein default is not allowed.
prejudice to the right of the defendant to prosecute
his counterclaim in the same or in a separate Instances wherein default is not allowed:
action. This dismissal shall have the effect of an
adjudication upon the merits, unless otherwise - Annulment of marriage
declared by the court. (3a)
- Declaration of nullity of marriage

MATERIAL AVERMENTS - Legal separation

The amendment is just a matter of wordings (before,

RULE 8, ROCP they used “prosecuting attorney”).
Section 11. Allegations not specifically denied
deemed admitted. – Material averments in a In the above-mentioned instances, even if you do not
pleading asserting a claim or claims, other than file an answer to an annulment of marriage, the
those as to the amount of unliquidated damages, defendant cannot be declared in default.
shall be deemed admitted when not specifically
denied. (11a) In cases where no defaults are allowed, the court
shall order the Solicitor General or his or her
deputized public prosecutor to investigate whether
General Rule: You have to deny each and every or not collusion between the parties exist.
material allegation contained in the pleading.
Otherwise, these allegations are deemed admitted.
The words or phrase “prosecuting attorney” was Substantial amendments should be made upon
changed to “Solicitor General or his or her deputized leave of court. However, leave of court shall be
public prosecutor”. That’s already clear, the trial refused if:
prosecutors are deputized already via Solicitor
General. 1. Motion was made with intent to delay

AMENDMENTS 2. The purpose of the amendment is to

confer jurisdiction to the court
RULE 10, ROCP 3. The pleading stated no cause of action
Section 2. Amendments as a matter of right. – A from the beginning which could be
party may amend his [or her] pleading once as a amended.
matter of right at any time before a responsive
pleading is served or, in the case of a reply, at any Section 3 in reconciliation with jurisprudence
time within ten (10) calendar days after it is served.
(2a) Discussion on the phrase: “If there is an amendment
but the purpose is to confer jurisdiction to the court”
Section 3. Amendments by leave of court. –
Except as provided in the next preceding If there is already an answer, there shall be a motion
[S]ection, substantial amendments may be made for leave of court. If there is an amendment but the
only upon leave of court. But such leave shall be purpose is to confer jurisdiction to the court,
refused if it appears to the court that the motion Supreme Court ruled in Gumabay v. Baralin:
was made with intent to delay [or] confer
jurisdiction on the court, or the pleading stated no
cause of action from the beginning which could be GUMABAY V. BARALIN
amended. Orders of the court upon the matters
provided in this [S]ection shall be made upon Facts: Celestina Gumabay sued defendants to
motion filed in court, and after notice to the recover possession of a 17,000 sqm cornland
adverse party, and an opportunity to be heard. assessed in the name of Celestina Gumabay. She
(3a) alleged that the defendants forcibly entered the
land on August 5, 1959.

The defendants moved to dismiss the complaint

Substantial amendments – amendments that on the ground that inasmuch as it alleged a cause
would affect the substantial rights of the opposing of action for forcible entry, which occurred within 1
party. In which case, there should be a motion for year before the complaint was filed, the CFI had
leave of court. no jurisdiction over the case. It should be filed in
the proper inferior court.
General Rule:
Without awaiting the resolution of that motion,
Substantial amendments can only be made upon Gumabay filed an amended complaint wherein
leave of court. she alleged that the defendants claimed to be the
owners of the land. She transformed her forcible
Exception: entry action into an action to quiet title.
In Section 2, if there is no answer to a pleading
Ruling: Amendment to confer jurisdiction to the
served to the plaintiff and filed to the court by the
court is only allowed if amendment is still a matter
defendant, if there is still no responsive pleading,
of right. Amendment is no longer a matter of right
amendment is still a matter of right.
if defendant has already filed his answer.
If there is no answer yet, amendments, whether
formal or substantial, are allowed. As long as there Therefore, leave of court shall be refused if
is no answer, amendment is still a matter of right. defendant has already filed his answer.

Exception to the exception: Illustration: Complaint filed in RTC of QC (400k

above to confer jurisdiction RTC of QC) but the claim
is only P350,000. Thus, RTC QC has no jurisdiction.
As a plaintiff, you file a motion for leave of court to In the interim, eventually, naabutan ng December 1,
amend the complaint and increase the claim from 2020, the date when the claim would already be due
P350,000 – P1M to confer jurisdiction to the RTC of and demandable.
Q. If such is the case, can you file a motion for
Q. Is this allowed? leave of court to be allowed to amend your
complaint and state therein that after the
- It depends if the defendant has already complaint is filed, the obligation became due and
filed an answer. demandable?

Discussion on the phrase: “The pleading stated no - No.

cause of action from the beginning which could be
amended” This jurisprudential pronouncement of the SC in
Swagman was incorporated in the provisions of
This is exactly what happened in the case of Section 3, Rule 10 of the ROC. Therefore, if there is
Swagman Hotel and Travels Incorporated: a motion for leave of court to amend the complaint,
it should not be allowed by the court. It should be
refused, denied precisely because at the outset,
there is no cause of action to speak of.The
Swagman Doctrine is now part of the ROCP.
Facts: Swagman Hotel, Inc. obtained from Neal a
Moving forward, IMPORTANT AMENDMENT in
loan which is payable after 3 years and with
interest per annum payable every 3 months.
Barely 2 years after however, Neal sent a letter
Before, you can amend the complaint to conform to
informing the corporation that he is terminating the
the evidence presented. If there is an evidence
loans and demanding that the total amount of the
presented on a matter that is not an issue on the
loan and unpaid interests be paid. Subsequently,
case, for example:
Neal filed a complaint for sum of money and
damages. Swagman answered that the complaint Filed a complaint for sum of money. There was a
is dismissible for lack of cause of action since the
demand letter but it was not alleged in the complaint.
loan is not yet due and demandable and that there (Recall: What is not alleged cannot be a subject of
was novation in the contract. proof).
Ruling: If there is no cause of action at the
You want to present the demand letter because of
commencement of the suit, it will not be cured by the Civil Code provision (1169) which provides: “no
the accrual of the cause of action subsequent
demand, no delay.”
because there is no cause of action to speak of in
the first place. The after-accrued cause of action Q. If the demand letter was presented during trial
can only be, as a matter of remedy, a subject of a with the express or the implied consent of the
separate suit, but it cannot be pleaded to the opposing party, what is the remedy?
complaint if there is no cause of action that exists
in the first place. Under the old rules, you file a motion for leave to
amend the complaint to conform to or authorize the
evidence presented.
Illustration: Filed a complaint on June 1, 2020 for
sum of money (P1M) in the RTC but the obligation is - However, the rule now is: there is no
due and demandable on December 1, 2020. The need to file a motion for leave to amend
obligation was not yet due and demandable at the the complaint to conform to the evidence
time of the filing of the complaint. At the time of the presented because under the new rules,
filing of the complaint (June 1, 2020), there was no no amendment of such pleading deemed
cause of action because cause of action will only amended is necessary to conform to the
arise after December 1, 2020. evidence presented.

To simplify it, we apply the doctrine of implied

amendment if there is no amendment of the
complaint and there was presentation of the demand Just remember: (kase ganito yan eh) all the
letter which was supposedly not alleged in the allegations contained in the pleadings are
complaint. considered judicial admissions.

If the demand letter was not alleged in the complaint Check rule 129, sec. 4 under rules of evidence.
and the complaint was not amended but still the
demand letter was presented on trial without the
objection of the opposing party (or with express or
implied consent of the opposing party), apply the
Section 4. Judicial admissions. — An admission,
doctrine of implied amendment or doctrine of
verbal or written, made by the party in the course
amendment by implication.
of the proceedings in the same case, does not
require proof. The admission may be contradicted
Now, the SC has incorporated this in the provisions
only by showing that it was made through
of Section 5 of Rule 10:
palpable mistake or that no such admission was
made. (2a)


Section 5. No amendment [necessary] to conform If you talk about “admissions whether verbal or
to or authorize presentation of evidence. – When written, made by the party in the course of the
issues not raised by the pleadings are tried with proceedings and in the same case are considered
the express or implied consent of the parties, they judicial admissions”.
shall be treated in all respects as if they had been
raised in the pleadings. No amendment of such If you see these admission under rule 129 sec. 4, it
pleadings deemed amended is necessary to is considered to be conclusive, it cannot be
cause them to conform to the evidence. (5a) contradicted EXCEPT if there is palpable mistake
or there is no such admission made. (that’s the

-------------NACUA 2:40:01-2:53:00----------- Illustration

Now, if you file your complaint therefore, (na file na
Which means that even though there is no sa korte), lahat ng allegations doon are considered
amendment to conform to the evidence judicial admissions.
presented, nonetheless, the court can consider that
demand letter (in our problem), precisely because Therefore, it cannot be contradicted EXCEPT if
no amendment is necessary to conform to or to there is palpable mistake or there is no such
authorize evidence presented. admission made.
AMENDED PLEADINGS (last amendment or Anong epekto kapag inamendahan ang pleading?
change introduced to the rules of amendments)
What is the effect of amended pleadings? Let’s say there are originally 40 allegations in the
pleadings/complaint but later on it was amended, 20
allegations ang naiwan.
So, what will happen to the 20 allegations that were
Section 8. Effect of amended pleadings. – An removed to the original complaint / or which are now
amended pleading supersedes the pleading that it removed to the amended complaint? What will
amends. However, admissions in superseded happen? Are they still considered judicial
pleadings may be offered in evidence against the admissions?
pleader, and claims or defenses alleged therein
not incorporated in the amended pleading shall be REMEMBER
deemed waived. What is the rule?

NEW RULES: admissions in the superseded
pleadings may be offered in evidence against the
Ruling in Swagman Doctrine: even though
amendment is a matter of right before the service
to the responsive pleading filed by the defendant /
In short, pag judicial admission yan need not be
plaintiff, if there is no cause of action at the
offered. (diba rule 129, what need not be offered if
commencement of the suit, it cannot be cured by
we talk about judicial admission – need not be
the accrual of the cause of action subsequent
offered, judicial notice – need not be offered/proved)
Here, pag tinanggal na sya sa original pleading, in
And the after accrued cause of action can only be
order for it to be considered as evidence by the
a subject of a separate suit, it cannot be pleaded
court, it should be offered in evidence.
in the complaint if there is no cause of action in the
case in the first place.
In other words, these are not considered judicial
admissions anymore, but these can be
considered extrajudicial admissions, therefore,
these are now required to be offered.
Facts: Swagman Hotel, Inc. obtained from Neal a
TAKE NOTE of the amendments introduced to the loan which is payable after 3 years and with
rules of amendments regarding leave of court in the interest per annum payable every 3 months. After
case of swagman doctrine (supra) and gumabay a year, Swagman suffered business reverses
vs baralin (sinabi ko kanina regarding refusal of prompting it to renegotiate the terms of the loan
leave of court if the purpose of the amendment is to with Neal. It was agreed that Neal waives the
confer jurisdiction to the court and finally, if at the payment of interests and that the principal loan
time of filing the complaint there is no cause of shall be paid every month instead of quarterly.
action.) After the renegotiation, the cash vouchers or
receipts acknowledged by the parties state that
the payments therein represent “Capital
Investment” and “Capital Repayment”.
Barely 2 years after however, Neal sent a letter
Facts: Celestina Gumabay sued defendants to
informing the corporation that he is terminating the
recover possession of a 17,000 sqm cornland
assessed in the name of Celestina Gumabay. She loans and demanding that the total amount of the
loan and unpaid interests be paid. Subsequently,
alleged that the defendants forcibly entered the
Neal filed a complaint for sum of money and
land on August 5, 1959.
damages. Swagman answered that the complaint
The defendants moved to dismiss the complaint is dismissible for lack of cause of action since the
on the ground that inasmuch as it alleged a cause loan is not yet due and demandable and that there
of action for forcible entry, which occurred within 1 was novation in the contract. But the RTC held in
year before the complaint was filed, the CFI had favor of Neal, rationating that although there was
no jurisdiction over the case. It should be filed in no cause of action at the filing of the complaint, the
the proper inferior court. debt has already matured during the days the
hearings were held, thus making it due as of date.
Without awaiting the resolution of that motion,
Gumabay filed an amended complaint wherein Ruling: If there is no cause of action at the
she alleged that the defendants claimed to be the commencement of the suit, it will not be cured by
owners of the land. She transformed her forcible the accrual of the cause of action subsequent
entry action into an action to quiet title. because there is no cause of action to speak of in
the first place. The after-accrued cause of action
can only be, as a matter of remedy, a subject of a
Ruling: Amendment to confer jurisdiction to the
separate suit, but it cannot be pleaded to the
court is only allowed if amendment is still a matter
complaint if there is no cause of action that exists
of right. Amendment is no longer a matter of right
in the first place.
if defendant has already filed his answer.

Therefore, leave of court shall be refused if So, hindi na pupwedeng amging subject ng
defendant has already filed his answer. amendment yan.

Anong remedy mo? Did the RTC acquire jurisdiction over the case? and
Did the RTC commit grave abuse of discretion in
REMEDY: the after accrued cause of action can allowing the amendment of the complaint?
only be a subject of a separate suit.
And of course, if the purpose is to confer jurisdiction We deny the petition, which although denominated as
(but atty interpreted it and explained itong section 5 a petition for certiorari, we treat as a petition for review
by discussion likewise the case by Gumabay vs on certiorari under Rule 45 in view of the issues raised.
Based on the foregoing, there is no question that at the
Baralin, Sante vs Claravall, Feb 22 2010.
time of the filing of the complaint on April 5, 2004, the
MTCC's jurisdictional amount has been adjusted to
(ATTY) SC: amendment to confer jurisdiction to But where damages is the main cause of action, should
the court may be allowed if amendment is a matter the amount of moral damages prayed for in the
complaint be the sole basis for determining which court
of right.
has jurisdiction or should the total amount of all the
damages claimed regardless of kind and nature, such
Facts: as exemplary... damages, nominal damages, and
Petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules attorney's fees, etc., be used?
of Civil Procedure. The assailed decision affirmed the
orders of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Baguio City, However, in cases where the claim for damages is the
Branch 60, denying their motion to... dismiss the main cause of action, or one of the causes of action,
complaint for damages filed by respondent Vita the amount of such claim shall be considered in
Kalashian against them. Respondent filed before the determining the jurisdiction of the court.
RTC of Baguio City a complaint for damages against
petitioners. In the instant case, the complaint filed in Civil Case No.
5794-R is for the recovery of damages for the alleged
Petitioners filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground that malicious acts of petitioners.
it was the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC) and
not the RTC of Baguio, that had jurisdiction over the It is clear, based on the allegations of the complaint,
case. They argued that the amount of the claim for that respondent's main action is for damages. Hence,
moral damages was not more than the jurisdictional the other forms of damages being claimed by
amount of P300,000.00, because the claim for respondent, e.g. exemplary damages, attorney's fees
exemplary damages should be excluded in computing and litigation expenses, are not merely incidental to or
the total claim. consequences of the main action but constitute the
primary relief prayed for in the complaint.
Petitioners filed on August 2, 2004, a Petition for
Certiorari and Prohibition. Court of Appeals held that Considering that the total amount of damages claimed
the case clearly falls under the jurisdiction of the MTCC was P420,000.00, the Court of Appeals was correct in
as the allegations show that plaintiff was seeking to ruling that the RTC had jurisdiction over the case.
recover moral damages in the amount of P300,000.00, Lastly, we find no error, much less grave abuse of
which amount was well within the jurisdictional amount discretion, on the part of the Court of Appeals in
of the MTCC. affirming the RTC's order allowing the amendment of
the original complaint from P300,000.00 to
The Court of Appeals added that the totality of claim P1,000,000.00 despite the pendency of a petition for
rule used for determining which court had jurisdiction certiorari filed before the Court of Appeals.
could not be applied to the instant case because
plaintiff's claim for exemplary damages was not a
separate and distinct cause of action from her claim of If the purpose is to amend the complaint, to increase
moral damages, but merely incidental to it. the claim from 350k to 1M, to confer jurisdiction to
Respondent averred that the nature of her complaint is the RTC, the court CAN GRANT it IF there is no
for recovery of damages. As such, the totality of the answer filed by the defendant.
claim for damages, including the exemplary damages
as well as the other damages alleged and prayed in the
complaint, such as... attorney's fees and litigation Because if an answer has already been filed by the
expenses, should be included in determining defendant, absolutely, amendment to confer
jurisdiction. The total claim being P420,000.00, the jurisdiction to the court is NOT ALLOWED.
RTC has jurisdiction over the complaint.

We apply the landmark case, Campos Rueda (?)
counsel if one is designated, or upon any one of
ruling (1955) – amendment to confer jurisdiction
them if there is no designation of a lead counsel.
to the court is not allowed.
(sorry. wala ko ka include sa rueda case kay idk TAX related
ang mugawas)
Pag sinabing filing and service are not the same, if
Finally, sa amendment, it is clear that there is no you say filing…
need to amend the complaint to conform to the
evidence presented because we now apply the FILING – where do you file your pleadings and other
doctrine of implied amendment / amendment by court submissions? Sa korte.
SERVICE – “kanino?” Opposing party.
Finally, if there is a supersedent / amended
pleading, the allegations that are not part But in fact, even the clerk of court / even the judge
anymore of the amended pleading are required pag may judgment na sya? Ipa file nya rin sa clerk
to be offered in order for the court to consider it of court after the rendition of the judgment.
as evidence.
But having said that, we file the pleading to the court,
RULE 13, ROCP we serve the pleading and other papers to the
Important: filing and service. PLEADINGS – it covers all other court submissions.
Atty: primarily, well ganito kasi yan, dati kase if you What is clear to us is, we file our pleadings to the
say filing and service of pleadings, motions, notices, court, we serve it to the opposing party.
may enumeration pa, but what if it is a
manifestation? Let’s talk about FILING.

NGAYON (now) sa amendments, it includes any BEFORE (old rules): there are 2 manners of filing:
other court submissions. 1. Personal filing;
2. Registered mail
TN: amendment and service are NOT THE SAME.
TN: ordinary mail is not allowed if you talk about
Ordinary mail is only allowed if you talk about
Section 2. Filing and service, defined. – Filing service.
is the act of submitting the pleading or other paper
to the court. Atty: walang ordinary mailing ng pleading sa korte,
bakit? Ang ordinary mailing is only allowed if you talk
Service is the act of providing a party with a copy about service to the opposing party.
of the pleading or any other court submission. If a
party has appeared by counsel, service upon such Therefore, under the old rules, dalawa lang ang
party shall be made upon his or her counsel, recognized under rule 13: (1) personal filing; and (2)
unless service upon the party and the party’s registered mail.
counsel is ordered by the court. Where one
counsel appears for several parties, such counsel While rule 13 merely tells us / provides 2 manners of
shall only be entitled to one copy of any paper filing, however, atty sought refuge before to
served upon him by the opposite side. jurisprudence, in the case of planters development
bank vs jose Panlilio, heirs of miriano miranda
Where several counsels appear for one party, vs pablo miranda.
such party shall be entitled to only one copy of any (sorry, lahi ang mugawas sa planters nga case kay
pleading or paper to be served upon the lead lahi usahay ang defendant, dili tugma)

HEIRS OF MIRANDA VS PABLO MIRANDA July 13, 2006, the day petitioners’ Notice of Appeal was
(TN: murag di nani siya relevant, but ako lang e apil hehe) mailed via LBC. And even if we, in the interest of justice,
FACTS: give due course to the appeal despite its late filing, the result
Petitioners’ Complaint for Annulment of Titles and Specific would still be the same. The appeal would still be denied for
Performance was decided by the RTC against their favor on lack of merit. The Decision dated August 30, 1999 is already
August 30, 1999. Without any appeal, the Decision became final and executory.
final and executory. On December 11, 2001, the RTC issued
a Writ of Execution but was not implemented. On July 8, 2005,
respondent filed an Ex-parte Motion praying that the RTC Atty: itong mga cases ang ginagamit ko noon to tell
issue a “Break-Open and Demolition Order” in order to
compel the petitioners to vacate his property. But since more
the students) that filing to a private courier
than five years have elapsed from the time the Writ of service, such as, LBC, AIR 21, UPS express etc.,
Execution should have been enforced, the RTC denied the is NOT ALLOWED.
Motion in its Order dated August 16, 2005. This prompted
respondent to file with the RTC a Petition for Revival of Pero wala yung categorical *inaudible*, although if
Judgment, which was granted.
you read Judicial Affidavit Rule (JAR), pinapayagan
On July 13, 2006, petitioners filed a Notice of Appeal via LBC, ang private accredited courier service.
which was opposed by respondent on the ground that the
Decision dated August 30, 1999 has long become final and If you check the website of the SC (for the
executory. Petitioners, in turn, moved for the transmittal of the
original records of the case to the CA, insisting that
practitioners here) if *inaudible* let us say private
respondent’s opposition is without merit. Finding the appeal courier service provides private courier service,
barred by prescription, the RTC denied the Notice of Appeal meron inissue ang SC guidelines about how to be
in its Order dated October 10, 2006. Feeling aggrieved, accredited as a courier service for the purpose of
petitioners filed a Petition for Mandamus with the CA praying complying the requirements of rule 13, rocp. (idk if
that their Notice of Appeal be given due course, but was
denied on June 14, 2007 for being filed out of time. Petitioners related pani haha)
assert that an action to revive judgment is appealable, and
that their appeal was perfected on time. They insist that the BOTTOMLINE: before jurisprudence lang. BUT
Notice of Appeal, which they filed on the 15th day via LBC, NOW, check SECTION 3 OF RULE 13.
was seasonably filed since the law does not require a specific
mode of service for filing a notice of appeal. Besides, even if
their appeal was belatedly filed, it should still be given due RULE 13, Section 3. Manner of filing. – The
course in the interest of justice, considering that their counsel filing of pleadings and other court submissions
had to brave the storm and the floods caused by typhoon shall be made by:
“Florita” just to file their Notice of Appeal on time.

(a) Submitting personally the original
Was the Notice of Appeal filed on the 15th day via private thereof, plainly indicated as such, to the
courier like LBC considered to be belatedly filed? court;
HELD: YES. (b) Sending them by registered mail;
It is basic and elementary that a Notice of Appeal should be
filed “within fifteen (15) days from notice of the judgment or
final order appealed from.Under Section 3, Rule 13 of the (c) Sending them by accredited courier; or
Rules of Court, pleadings may be filed in court either
personally or by registered mail. In the first case, the date of (d) Transmitting them by electronic mail or
filing is the date of receipt. In the second case, the date of other electronic means as may be
mailing is the date of receipt. In this case, however, the
counsel for petitioners filed the Notice of Appeal via a private authorized by the court in places where the
courier, a mode of filing not provided in the Rules. Though not court is electronically equipped.
prohibited by the Rules, we cannot consider the filing of
petitioners’ Notice of Appeal via LBC timely filed. It is In the first case, the clerk of court shall endorse on
established jurisprudence that “the date of delivery of the pleading the date and hour of filing. In the
pleadings to a private letter-forwarding agency is not to be
considered as the date of filing thereof in court;” instead, “the second and third cases, the date of the mailing of
date of actual receipt by the court x x x is deemed the date of motions, pleadings, [and other court submissions,
filing of that pleading.” Records show that the Notice of and] payments or deposits, as shown by the post
Appeal was mailed on the 15th day and was received by the office stamp on the envelope or the registry
court on the 16th day or one day beyond the reglementary
period. Thus, the CA correctly ruled that the Notice of Appeal
receipt, shall be considered as the date of their
was filed out of time. filing, payment, or deposit in court. The envelope
shall be attached to the record of the case. In the
Neither can petitioners use typhoon “Florita” as an excuse fourth case, the date of electronic transmission
for the belated filing of the Notice of Appeal because work in shall be considered as the date of filing
government offices in Metro Manila was not suspended on

Based on jurisprudence, it was already incorporated amenable through electronic scanning conventional
under Section 3, Rule 13. filing parin ang tawag doon.

Therefore, if you say manner of filing, how do you file Mamaya kapag ka mga ma:
your pleadings and other court submissions?
A. Personal; · writ of attachment,
B. Registered mail;
C. Accredited courier service; · writ of injunction,
D. Electronic mail (e-mail), or other
electronic means as may be authorized · protective orders, yung mga writs na yan,
by the court in places where the court is
electronically equipped. · subpoena

There’s a hierarchy in the modes of filing. all of these are required to be served conventional
service. Ibig sabihin ng conventional, personal lang,
Now, papayagan lang ang electronic mail or o registered so para clear na po kaagad may
electronic means e.g. viber, if it is authorized by exceptions na po tayu. It is authority pleading or
the court. pag pinayagan ng korte in places where responsive pleading it should be conventional
the court is electronically equipped. filing or service. Tandaan niyo yan.

So dalawang requirements yan para magkaroon ng Having said that if you talk about filing as mention.
filing by way of e-mail or electronic means:
1. Authorized by the court; Q. Kapag personal filing, when is filing deemed
2. In places where the court is complete?
electronically equipped.
Ito pangalawang part, take note of this it is very
important amendment because friends remember,
Admittedly, not all parts in the country are
now, under the current rules my friends, noong araw
electronically equipped because of unstable internet
po kasi ganito yan e, ako practitioner din po ako, let
us say today is the last day of filing the answer. What
will I do? Naku matatapos na hindi aabot sa court.
Having said that, clear sa atin na papayagan...
Q.So what should I do?
------STARTS AT 2:53:01 ENDS 3:06:00----
Ang practice po natin magpafile tayu ng registered
mail ng answer pero mag avail tayun ng LBC, Air 21
Express para makarating agad sa korte kasi thinking
Pero makinig po kayu maam/ sir. Mamaya don sa that if it is filed through registered mail, the date of
dulo ng provision pero sabihin ko na in advance mailing is the date of filing. Ganon po yun e. Ngayon
pinapayagan na po yung courier, electronic mail kung accredited service naman para lang
or other electronic means, mamaya may makarating sa korte maski dumating kinbukasan yan
kasi ang reckoning point natin is the date of mailing
tinatawag tayung conventional filing ang service.
of registered mail that used to be the strategy of
Q. Ano po itong conventional filing and service? lawyers. But now po, because of the amendments of
the new rules of civil procedure, let me highlight now,
Ito po ang mga pleadings na required to be filed let me highlight my friends that whether it is through
personally or registered mail. registered mail or accredited courier service, the
date of mailing now is considered as the date of
Kunyari complaint and answer. A complaint it is file filing.
through pleading and an answer can only be filed via
conventional service which means personal lang You know, I always discussed case of:
yan at registered. Electronic mail papayagan lang
kung papayag ang korte. Heirs of Numeriano Miranda Sr v. Pablo
If you talk about sealed and conventional documents Facts:
In this case, heirs of Numeriano Miranda filed a
yun po conventional filing yun. If you talk about
complaint for annulment of titles and specific
appendices, annexes sa motion that are not
performance before RTC. Petitioners did not file and as the date of filing. Instead, the date of the actual
appeal hence the decision became final and executory. receipt by the court is deemed as the date of
RTC grant the petition for revival of judgment. filing. Ngayon yan po ang sinasabi natin lagi, and I
Petitioners filed a notice of appeal via LBC which was want you to remember this my friends, allowed yung
opposed by respondent on the ground that the decision forwarding agency or courier service that is the LBC.
dated o August 1999 has long become final and
executory. RTC denied the notice of appeal. CA Denied
However, the date of mailing is not the date of filing
the notice of appeal on the ground that it was filed out but rather the date of actual receipt. However, in
of time. effect because of the amendments to

ISSUE: the new rules, the rules of civil procedure, the new
WON THE APPEAL WAS PERFECTED ON TIME. rules now, let say abandons or modify this ruling.

No. The notice of appeal was belatedly filed.
It is basic and elementary that a notice of appeal should Because the rule now is this, whether it is by
be filed within fifteen (15) days from notice of the registered mail or an accredited courier service or
judgment or final order appealed from.
private letter forwarding agency the date of mailing
In this case however the counsel for petitioners filed the
notice of appeal via a private courier, a mode of filing is now considered is the date of filing. Isa pa, the
not provided in the Rules. Though not prohibited by the date of mailing is now considered as the date of
Rules, we cannot consider the filing of petitioners filing.
Notice of Appeal via LBC timely filed. It is established
jurisprudence that “the date of delivery of pleadings to The fourth manner or mode my friends is electronic
a private letter forwarding agency is not to be mail and I already told you my friends the date of
considered as the date of filing in court instead date of electronic transmission if allowed by the court
actual receipt by the court is deemed the date of filing whether through electronic mail or electronic means
the pleading. shall be considered as the date of filing.
The case of Heirs of Pandillo yung a Jose Pandillo What do you mean?
development, in this case supreme court said
sample, in the case of heirs of mariano miranda, But this applies only in two situations:
may judgment against him. He has 15 days to file an
appeal, all aware that in the mean time you can file 1. If the court authorizes it
a motion for reconsideration. He filed his motion for
reconsideration in the 15 th day, however he filed his 2. If the court or places again is electronically
motion for reconsideration through LBC or Air 21 or equipped.
private courier service so admittedly it was filed on
15th day and the court received the MR on the PROOF OF FILING
following day 16th day.
Let me talk about the proof of filing,
1Q. In this case of Heirs of Mariano Miranda, can
you file your MR through private courier or Q. What are the proofs of filing?
Pag personal filing yan=>exixtence of the record
Well, in that case, SC said while not expressly okay na.
mention in the rules however it is not prohibited that
is why allowed siya in effect. Q. Pero pag registered mail, ano proof mo na na
file mona yung pleading?
2Q. Did he timely file the Motion for
Reconsideration? E syempre yung registered receipt at affidavit of
person of service or affidavit of the person who
Dun siya bumagsak because while the MR was mailed it. Diba? So yun yung kanyang proof,
delivered to the LBC on the 15 th day in the case of registered receipt bakit yung lang kasi wala pa yung
Mariano Miranda and Pabliano Miranda SC said my return card proof na file muna sa korte. Diba? Proof
friends if it is filed through a private forwarding of filing, registry receipt at tsaka affidavit of the
agency or a private courier service, the date of the person who mailed it. Babalik sayu yung return card
delivery of the pleading to the LBC is not considered kapag ni received ng korte.
Q. Private courier service, what are your proofs? of the counsel is service to all five client. We
do that in practice, after all.
You filed a pleading, and other court submissions,
affidavit of the person who mailed the same. Yun 3. Ito ay importante, explain ito kailangan. Q.
mga practitioners po dito yung may official receipt. Papaano kung there are several counsels
Yung LBC may official receipt naman yun. Pangatlo appear for one party. Example po isang senador,
yun pong may tracking number, yung reference e siyay maraming pondo, limang law firms nag
number. Yun lang po. This are now proof of filing the appear sa isang business man. So limang law
pleading now, firms or limang abogado, what is the rule sa
number of copies? Remember, the rule is that
Q. if it is done through the filing of electronic such party, limang law firms diba? That party is
means what is the proof? entitle only to one copy. Sampung abogado,
hindi na kailangan lahat, one pleading only, one
Affidavit din, and accompanied by the paper copy in copy.
the pleading e print muna natin. Print out mga
kaibigan of the electronic mail. Alright. To whom should it be filed? To whom should it
be served by the opposing party by the lead
Q. Are electronic means, similarly affidavit of counsel kung meron pong designated na lead
electronic filing and of course accompanied by a counsel. But what if there is no designated lead
copy of electronic acknowledgment. May mga counsel?
emails po na may mga return receipt notifications.
Tsaka delivery receipt. Diba may ganon. Pwede yun, Bahala kana, kung saan mo eserve. Defendant
electronic acknowledgment of the filing. Pagka kunyari yan. Limang law firms, limang abogado it is
tungkol sa court clear naman yun pag ni receive ng just that one lawyer there. Okay na. And service to
court. one counsel to all the counsel is already considered
a valid service to the defendant.
Now, sa modes of service mga kaibigan, ito yung
service of the opposing party. And I told you already Ngayon makinig po kayu ha, ang amendment po
if you talk about about service which serve a about service lang. Extend ko yung discussions sa
pleading in other court submissions though judgment kasi I saw one case
opposing party or service to the opposing party.

And before we talk about modes of service there are Philippine Asset Growth Two, Inc. v. Fastech
three rules to remember: (based on the new rules, Synergy Philippines, Inc
amendment po lahat ito)
1. If the party has appeared by counsel, service
upon such party should be made upon his April 2011 respondents filed a verified joint petition
counsel. Ibig sabihin po, kung meron ng counsel for corporate rehabilitation before RTC. RTC
of record ng appearance. Service of defendants issued commencement order with stay order and
counsel or service of the opponents counsel and appointed Atty Rosario Bernaldo as rehabilitation
service of the opposing counsel is now receiver. RTC dismissed the rehabilitation petition
considered as service to the client. That is the despite favorable recommendation of its
rule kaibigan. So it should be made upon the appointed receiver. CA reinstated the
counsel of record unless service upon the party’s rehabilitation petition.
counsel order by the court. Okay.
April 2013 Divina Law on behalf of Philippine
2. Where one counsel appears for several Asset Growth Two, Inc filed a motion for
parties, ito po importante, dito po applying substitution of parties averring that PAGTI had
efficient use of paper rule. Diba one copies acquired claims and interest in the instant case.
naman for where one counsel appears for
several parties multiple defendants isang PAGTI and PDB filed the instant petition claiming
abogado lang. What is the rule? Such Counsel that PDB received a copy of the Mar 2013
shall be entitled to one copy of any papers or resolution on Apr 13, 2013.
pleadings deserve to the opposing side, maski
limang defendants yan isang abogado. Service
July 2013, respondents filed their urgent motion to The fifth lawyer, received it on March 5, and
dismiss petition on certiorari for being filed out of therefore he filed the MR on March 20. And the court
time positing that contrary to petitioners claim that accept.
PDB received notice of March 5, 2013 resolution
on Apr 2013, its counsel, Janda Asia & Q. Should the court take cognizance over the
Associates, already received a copy of the said motion for reconsideration? What is the rule my
resolution in March 12, 2013. Thus, petitioners friends?
had only March 27, 2013 to file petition for review
on certiorari before the court, and the petition filed -------------STARTS AT 3:06:01---------------
on April 18, 2013 was filed out of time.
ATTY: What is the rule?
CERTIORARI WAS TIMELY FILED. What is the reckoning point?

RULING: Is it the receipt of the first lawyer which is

March 1? Kasi kung march 1 yan, tapos na yung 15
No. It is a long-standing doctrine where a party is days by March 20.
represented by several counsels, notice to one is
sufficient, and binds the said party. Notice to any Or tama ba na yung march 5 na receive kasi
one of the several counsels on record is before sa march 15 yan pasaok pa rin sa 15 days
equivalent to notice to all, and such notice starts yan kasi exclude the first day, the day of the
the running of the period to appeal happening of the event under Rule 22.
notwithstanding that other counsel on record has
not received a copy of the decision or resolution. So what does it mean? Can we still file the
In the present case, PDB was represented by both
Janda Asia & Associates and Divina Law. It was Let’s say March 1 na receive nung una
not disputed that Janda Asia & Associates, which abogada pero last lawyer receive it march 5.
remained a counsel of record, albeit, as Pagdating sa March 15 or March 18 or let us say sa
collaborating counsel, received notice of CA’s March 1 kasi within 15 days lang he filed an MR,
March 5, 2013 resolution on March 12, 2013. As can the court still take cognizance of the MR? Is it
such, it is from this date, and not from Divina Law within the reglementary period?
receipt of the notice of said resolution on April 3,
2013 that the fifteen (15)-day period to file the ATTY: The answer is not anymore because in
petition for review on certiorari before the Court relation to this, when you talk about judgments
started to run. already and there are several counsels
appearing for one party, notice or service receipt
Hence, petitioners only had until March 27, 2013 of any of the counsel is already considered the
to file a petition for review on certiorari before the receipt of the client.
court, and the petition filed on April 18, 2013 was
filed out of time. So the reckoning point is the receipt of the
first lawyer. Kahit may lead counsel or wala, it is still
the receipt of the first lawyer because in the case
Kasi ito common concern kunyari limang abogado, of Philippine Asset Growth 2 Inc. vs. Static
e natalo itong defendant, he loss the case then there Synergy Philippines, the SC said where a party
are five counsels of record. Right? Now the first is presented by several counsel, notice to one is
counsel, let us say, limang abogado na received efficient and binds the said party.
yung judgment March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Of course, as a
matter of course, you have to file a motion for So therefore a notice to anyone of several
reconsideration. counsel on record is equivalent to notice to all
and such notice now starts already the running
Q. What is the reckoning point of the filing of of period to appeal notwithstanding that the
motion to reconsideration? other counsel on record has not receive a copy
of the decision or the resolution.
express permission or upon express permission of
the court saka lang papayagan ang electronic filing
ATTY: I will talk about modes of service. service.

Before what are the modes of service? ATTY: We are talking about conventional service of
filing of orders, pleadings and other documents
Personal, service opposing party, registered which means therefore at the risk of the issues.
ordinary mail and substituted service.
If it is a initiatory pleading and initiatory
Substituted service, if there is a proof of failure to responsive pleading hindi po pwede yan, hindi po
serve the pleading personally or register mail or pwede accredited courier service kasi sa
ordinary mail so substituted service ka of the conventional filing sa Section 14, you only talk about
pleading to opposing party but you filed it to the clerk personal or registered mail.
of court.
Subpoena, protection orders and writs as
But of course, registered ordinary mail is allowed if mentioned are require to be serve by the court to the
the locality there is no available registry service parties through personal or registered mail only.
whether the locality of the sender or the addressee.
Same is true also if talk about exhibits,
ATTY: Now, what is the amendment? appendices, promotion or other documents that are
not readily amenable for electronic scanning in
Under Section 5 of Rule 13, what are the which case at the option of the party it can be file and
modes of service? serve to the opposing party conventional through
personally or registered mail.
1. Personal Service;
Finally, sealed and confidential records, it
2. registered mail, cannot be served and file electronically there should
be personal and registered mail.
3. ordinary mail (not mention but different
rule mentioned check parin); Electronic is only allowed only if the court
expressly gives its permission or If not allowed then
4. accredited courier is new rule (e.g. LBC, conventional filing through personal or registered
Air21) to the opposing party; mail or else it is invalid.
5. electronic mail to the opposing party; ATTY: Now, how is service opposing party made?
6. fax mail transmission to the opposing Mayroon na pong amendment. If it is
party (not mentioned by court but pwede personal filing then serve to the party or counsel but
consider as other electronic means); there is already an authorized representative. In fact
you named it in your complaint.
7. Fax Transmission or other electronic
means as authorized by court or provided by the Service of the authorized representative of
international convention. the plaintiff/defendant is a valid service to the
opposing party. But again if there counsel on record
ATTY: Now I will explain it. Yung service po it must be to the counsel on record.
papayagan lang if the party consents to that.
Next if it is not possible to serve it personally
General rule filing a service pwede na po ang to the party, you can go now to the office of the party
electronic mail, electronic transmission, facsimile and you serve it to its clerk or person having charge
transmission and other international conventions at of the office.
pati nga conventional filing which means there are
pleadings and documents that are required to be So again (1) served to party or counsel or
serve and file personally or through registered mail. authorized representative; (2) serve it to the office of
the party to its clerk or person in charge of the office;
Exceptional situation lang ang electronic (3) if not known office or no office, then at 8:00am-
filing of service and it is allowed If the court gives its

6:00pm serve it to the residence of the party or valid service of the pleading and any point of
counsel. submission on part if opposing party.

Now, to whom serve in the residence? Now how it is made?

Ans: To a person of suitable age discretion Sending an email to parties or counsel’s

and residing therein. electronic mail address or electronic means or
transmission as the parties may agree on or upon
ATTY: What about registered mail? Deposit mo sa direction of the court.
post office once receive may return card then that’s
how you serve it. Facsimile Transmission shall be made by
sending a facsimile copy to the party.
ATTY: Now, ordinary mail is only available in locality
when there no available registry service whether the Kapag ang service is with opposing party
locality of the sender or the addressee. with consent through electronic mail or facsimile
transmission may presumption po ang batas na
ATTY: Of course substituted service, seldom lang validly na receive yan sa opposing party and the only
gamitin. exception is when the opposing party notified the
court of change of email address within 5 calendar
Kunwari nag file ako ng complain but days from such change and there must be notice
defendant failed to file its answer. What should I do otherwise if there is no notice of the email address
now? or facsimile transmission then service shall be
presumed valid. Again unless such party notifies the
I want to declare the defendant is in default. court of any change.
I will file now motion to declare defendant default.
----------------ENDS AT 3:19:00-----------------
If di mahanap ang defendant, we can avail
substituted service with the proof of the failure to Santiago (3:19:01-3:32:00)
serve the pleading through personal, registered mail
or other modes of service. B. Completeness


If you say substituted service don’t be Sec 15, Rule 13- Completeness of service –
surprise you can serve the pleading to the clerk of
court if di parin Makita then last resort substituted · Personal service is complete upon actual
service na tayo sa clerk of court with a proof of failure delivery.
of personal service and other modes of service. And
if there is service to the clerk of court, upon the · Service by ordinary mail is complete upon
receipt of clerk of court, substituted service to the expiration of ten (10) calendar days after
defendant through the clerk of court is now mailing, unless the court otherwise provides.
considered complete at the time of the delivery and
can now declare the defendant in default. - There is a presumption here that after 10
days, it is already received by ordinary mail.
ATTY: Moving forward, if it is by way of electronic
means and facsimile transmission, it is very · Service by registered mail is complete upon
important to note if you want to serve your pleading actual receipt by the addressee, or after five (5)
to opposing party by electronic means and facsimile calendar days from the date he or she received
transmission there is one requirement you have to the first notice of the postmaster, whichever date
remember and its such party concern SHALL is earlier.
give its consent thereto.

Consent is mandatory if the mode of service

is electronic means and facsimile transmission and
if there is no consent of the party then there is no

New: orders or resolutions against him or her shall be
served upon him or her also by means of
a) Service by accredited courier is complete publication at the expense of the prevailing
-upon actual receipt by the addressee, or after at
least two (2) attempts to deliver by the courier - Before, only through personal service or
service, or upon the expiration of five (5) calendar otherwise registered mail. That’s it.
days after the first attempt to deliver, whichever
is earlier. - Under the old rules, if a party is served with
summons thru publication, judgments can
What if there is no actual receipt? The law has a likewise be served to him by publication, but at
presumption that the service is complete after two the expense of the prevailing party. This one is
attempts to deliver by the courier service or after 5 carried over to the new rules.
calendar days after the first attempt to deliver,
whichever is earlier. - But interestingly, in the amendments, it is
acceptable to be delivered thru accredited
b) Electronic service is complete courier.

-at the time of the electronic transmission of the - You wanted to execute the judgment, but the
document, or when available, at the time that the opposing party has yet to receive the judgment.
electronic notification of service of the You can use LBC, the new rules will allow it,
document is sent. upon an ex parte motion of a party, at the
expense of such party.
Note: electronic service is not effective or
complete if the party serving the document learns - If a party is summoned thru publication but
that it did not reach the addressee or person to be failed to appear, the judgment can likewise be
served. served to him thru publication.

If you already have a proof of your electronic New provision

transmission, i.e., if you have already sent it and
saved in your sent box, the service is complete thru Sec 18, Rule 13. Court-issued orders and other
electronic means. The same thing with service by document.—
facsimile transmission, as indicated in the printout.
The court may electronically serve orders
c) Service by facsimile transmission is and other documents to all the parties in the
complete case which shall have the same effect and
validity as provided herein.
-upon receipt by the other party, as indicated in the
facsimile transmission printout. A paper copy of the order or other
document electronically served shall be retained
SERVICE OF JUDGMENTS, FINAL ORDERS OR and attached to the record of the case.
However, if the court serves this, the document
Section 13, Rule 13- Service of Judgments, final electronically served shall be retained and attached
orders or resolutions – to the record of the case.

Judgments, final orders, or resolutions shall New:

be served either personally or by registered mail.
Upon ex parte motion of any party in the
case, a copy of the judgment, final order, or Section 10, Rule 13. Presumptive service. — There
resolution may be delivered by accredited shall be presumptive notice to a party of a court
courier at the expense of such party. setting if such notice appears on the records to have
been mailed at least twenty (20) calendar days
When a party summoned by publication prior to the scheduled date of hearing and if the
has failed to appear in the action, judgments, final addressee is from within the same judicial region
of the court where the case is pending, or at least 1. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter
thirty (30) calendar days if the addressee is from
outside the judicial region. 2. Litis pendentia

- For example, Today is scheduled for Pre-trial 3. Res judicata

or trial, but what happened is there is not yet
proof of service. The court will reset. And it 4. Prescription
delays so much. But now the rules provide a
presumptive notice of a court setting. If these grounds are present, there is no need for a
motion, there is no need for the court, in fact, to issue
- It depends if the parties reside in the same summons. It is useless because the court can
judicial region or not. already dismiss the case.

- If the within the same judicial region, there is That’s it. If the complaint has been received and the
20 days. proof of payment of docket fees, the court can do
E.g. You have already mailed the order 20 days two things: Issue summons within 5 days, or
ago, there is already a presumptive notice of a otherwise dismiss the complaint outright. Because
court setting today if the party resides within the this is allowed under Rule 9, Sec 1. In civil
same judicial region. procedure, this is called the principle of residual
prerogative by Atty Kit.
- If it is outside the judicial region, 30 days.
E.g. if you have mailed 30 days ago, then today Who may serve summons?
the defendant did not appear in today’s trial, you
move to present evidence ex parte. If hearing Section 3, Rule 14. By whom served. —
today, the hearing will proceed.
1. The summons may be served by the sheriff,
- And this is WITH PREJUDICE under rule 18. his or her deputy, or other proper court officer,
and in case of failure of service of summons
RULE 14- SUMMONS by them, the court may authorize the plaintiff
- to serve the summons - together with the

Sec 1. Clerk to issue summons.— 2. In cases where summons is to be served

outside the judicial region of the court where the
Unless the complaint is on its face case is pending, the plaintiff shall be authorized
dismissible under Section 1, Rule 9, the court to cause the service of summons.
shall, within five (5) calendar days from receipt of
the initiatory pleading and proof of payment of In the new rules, the plaintiff now can serve
the requisite legal fees, direct the clerk of court to summons.
issue the corresponding summons to the
defendants. The plaintiff can now help the court and only allowed
under 3 situations: When?
Before, when does the clerk issue summons? In the
old rules, it is upon filing of the complaint and 1. When the sheriff or deputy or court officer
payment of docket fees. But there is no period. Now, fails to serve the summons to the defendant. The
it is automatic that within 5 days from receipt of the court may authorize the plaintiff - to serve the
initiatory pleading and proof of payment of the summons - together with the sheriff.
requisite legal fees, the clerk of court shall already
issue summons. If I am the plaintiff, I can serve the summons together
with the sheriff. If the plaintiff is a corporation, its
The section 1’s amendment is good. Here, it tells us designated officer can. The plaintiff can serve
that the court can motu proprio dismiss the case summons, you file ex parte motion to the court.
because there is no motion upon receipt of the
complaint. 2. If the defendant resides outside of the judicial
Under rule 9, sec1, there are 4 grounds:
If I filed a complaint in Quezon City, but the is unsuccessful. It is also sometimes called a pluries summons,
defendant is a resident of Cebu City, what will which more generally refers to an additional summons.]
happen? The plaintiff, alone (inaudible 3:31:38) with
the sheriff, will serve the summons to the defendant Current Rules:

3. There are multiple defendants… Summons shall remain valid and effective until and
unless it is recalled by the court.
Sarigumba - 3:32:01 - 3:45:00
So there is no need to file a motion for issuance of
Atty: Summons must be served, let’s say, 3 alias summons. There is a provision: In case of loss
defendants. The sheriff and other court officers are or destruction of summons, the court upon motion
having a hard time serving the summon to the two issue alias summons.
other defendants. The plaintiff can serve the
summons to the 2 other defendants. That is now the There is no need to issue alias summons unless
rule. there is loss or destruction.

In summary, there are 3 situations wherein the What if service of summons to defendant is
plaintiff can serve summons: defective?

1. If the sheriff, his deputy or any court officers failed Atty: Defective ang summon served to the
to serve the summons, the plaintiff can be authorized defendant. It was served to the residence of the
upon ex parte motion to serve the summon on behalf defendant, to the 14-year old daughter of the
of the sheriff. defendant. Kung defendant’s counsel ako, ang
strategy ko magfa-file ako ng motion sa korte –
2. If the defendant resides outside the judicial region, motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction
the plaintiff can serve summons. over the person of the defendant, noong araw.
Ngayon, I have read some books. Nakalagay, you
3. If there are multiple defendants, and some of the can file a motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of
defendants were not served with summons, plaintiff jurisdiction over the person of the defendant kasi nga
can serve summon to the defendant. naman sa Rule 15, Section 12, apat ang
pinapayagan. Yung prohibited motions. Yung motion
Atty: What if nagsinungaling si plaintiff, sabi “Your to dismiss except lack of jurisdiction over the subject
honor, I have already served the summon to the matter; litis pendentia, res judicata and prescription.
defendant.” But in truth and in fact, in reality, he was
not able to serve the summon to the defendant.
[Note: Rule 15, Section 12 of the 2019 Amendment to the
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
What will happen?
Motion to dismiss except on the following grounds:
There is a procedural consequence. If the plaintiff
misrepresents of the court, that the defendant was 1) That the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter
served with summons, and later on, was proved no of the claim
summon was served, CASE of PLAINTIFF would be
2) That there is another action pending between the same
DISMISSED with PREJUDICE. All the proceedings parties for the same cause, and
will be nullified. And the plaintiff will be meted with
appropriate sanctions. 3) That the cause of action is barred by a prior judgment or
by statute of limitations]
What is the validity of summons?
Atty: Ang view respectfully, instead of to file a
Atty: Dati kasi sa practice, nag issue ng summons, motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction
sinerve sa defendant; hindi na serve kay defendant, over the person of the defendant, gawin mo syang,
returned to sheriff, alias summon na naman, 2 nd alias AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE under Rule 8 Section
summon, 3rd alias summon, 4th alias summon, 5th 12(b).
alias summon. Ngayon, wala na po.

[Definition of alias summons- An alias summons is a second

summons served when the first attempt at serving a summons

However, if you read the second sentence, very
[Note: Rule 8, Section 12 – Affirmative defenses clearly, the inclusion in a motion to dismiss of other
grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction over the
(a) A defendant shall raise his or her affirmative defenses in
person of the defendant shall be deemed a voluntary
his or her answer, which shall be limited to the reasons set
forth under Section 5(b), Rule 6, and the following grounds: appearance.

1. That the court has no jurisdiction over the person of the Very clearly, we can file a motion to dismiss on the
defending party; ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant even though there is no mentioned rule.
2. That venue is improperly laid;
Clear naman sa sentence, other grounds aside from,
3. That the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue;
so pu-pwede therefore mag file a motion to dismiss.
4. That the pleading asserting the claim states no cause of
action; and (Going back to defective summons)

5. That a condition precedent for filing the claim has not been What if service of summons to defendant is
complied with. defective?
(b) Failure to raise the affirmative defenses at the earliest
opportunity shall constitute a waiver thereof.]
Atty: Kung defective service ang summons, what
will happen? Pag defective ang summons,
Atty: Ang view ni Atty Villasis if you check Section defendant’s counsel tayo, punta tayo sa korte, file a
23, Rule 14, clear naman sa codal, you can file a motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction
motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. And you will argue
over the person of the defendant. with the court, respectfully, “my way of conditional
and special appearance precisely to question only
[Note: Rule 14, Section 23 – Voluntary appearance the jurisdiction of the court over the person of the
defendant. It appears after the reading the sheriff’s
The defendant’s voluntary appearance in the action shall be ___ for instance, that the summons were served
equivalent to service of summons. The inclusion in a motion upon the 14-year old daughter of the defendant, so
to dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction over
the person of the defendant shall be deemed a voluntary
under Rule 14, there is defective service of
appearance. (20a)] summons precisely because …you should have
served it upon the person with suitable age of
discretion, at least 18 years, so yun ang argument
Atty: Etong Section 23, Rule 14, nakalagay dyan, mo dyan, and move that the court dismiss for lack of
inclusion in a motion to dismiss of other grounds jurisdiction on the person of the defendant.”
aside from lack of jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant shall be deemed a voluntary appearance. Atty: Is there voluntary appearance? None, because
Dati po itong Section 20 Rule 14 Voluntary precisely you filed a motion by way of conditional
Appearance. Dalawang amendments dyan. and special appearance only to question precisely
the jurisdiction of the court of the person of the
Una, noong araw, old rules, inclusion in a motion to defendant. Ngayon, may bagong provision na
dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of nakakatawa. Eto yung provision wherein the
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, noong defendant’s counsel can be deputized by the court
araw, old rules, shall NOT be deemed a voluntary to serve summons to his client, the defendant.
“Since you are the defendant’s counsel, alam mo
But now, if it would be other grounds, indeed kung san ang defendant”. In which case, the court
voluntary appearance. Nagdagdag ka ng improper now shall deputize the defendant’s counsel to serve
venue, failure of cause of action, sa apat na grounds the summons to his or her client, the defendant. This
lang na allowed in filing a motion to dismiss, is provided in Section 13, Rule 14.
voluntary appearance. That’s the first situation, old
rules, not voluntary appearance. Ot does not
constitute voluntary appearance. Under the new [Note: Rule 14, Section 13. Duty of counsel of record
rules, it is voluntary appearance. Second thing you Where the summons is improperly served and a lawyer
can infer from this provision. Sabi satin bawal mag makes a special appearance on behalf of the defendant to,
file ng motion to dismiss except on four grounds. among others, question the validity of service of summons,
the counsel shall be deputized by the court to serve summons Atty: Parang in flagrante delicto arrest, in the
on his or her client. (n)] presence and within the view of the arresting officer.
Dito naman, in the presence and within the view and
of the defendant, dun lang nagiging valid. Ilalagay
Atty: Dalawa lang yan, individual at corporation. Pag yan sa kanyang sheriff’s return.
corporation, domestic at foreign corporation. Pag ito
po ay individual defendant, how do we serve 2. SUBSTITUTED SERVICE
Atty: Yung substituted service is very important.
Pwede ba mag acquire ng jurisdiction over the Inspired, influenced by the ruling of the Supreme
person of the defendant even though there is no Court in the case of Manotoc vs. Court of Appeals,
service of summons? Yes, as mentioned, voluntary Constantino Pascual vs. CA, Isagani Francisco,
appearance. Pag nag file ka ng motion for extension andaming rulings.
of time to file answer, tapos defective and service of
summons, Allan Go vs. Cordero (Villarama) Ruling. MA. IMELDA M. MANOTOC vs. HONORABLE
Sabi doon, defective ang service of summons but COURT OF APPEALS
defendant filed a motion for extension of time to file [ GR No. 130974 August 16, 2006]
his answer, thereafter, nag file ng motion to dismiss
on the ground of defective service of summons. When can substituted service be resorted to by
the sheriff?
ALLAN C. GO v. MORTIMER F. CORDERO At least three attempts on at least two different
[ GR No. 164703, May 04, 2010] days
Supreme Court said “too late in the day” precisely Atty: Remember the at least three attempts on at
because when you filed your motion for extension least two different days. Saka pa lang mag
of time, you are deemed to have voluntarily substituted service. Ibig sabihin, three attempts on
submitted yourself for jurisdiction of the court. at least 2 different days ng PERSONAL, pero hindi
pa rin na serve kay defendant, sa bahay wala sya,
Atty: Kung walang voluntary appearance, there sa opisina wala sya, hindi sya makita. After 3
should be service of summons. And there is a attempts on 2 different days, the sheriff now will
hierarchy. There are modes in the service of return to the defendant’s residence and he can serve
summons. it to the person at least 18 years of age and of
sufficient discretion residing therein. Yung dating
SERVICE OF SUMMONS – INDIVIDUAL wordings, sufficient age. Ngayon sa new rules,
nilagay na at least 18 years of age and of sufficient
1. PERSONAL SERVICE discretion at the place or residence of the defendant.
Atty: May amendment dyan dun sa tendering. How
do you serve summons, sheriff through personal (TAUCAN) 3:45:01 - 3:58:00
service? You hand the summons personally,
papermahan mo yung receiving copy ng summons. ATTY: Nakalagay, “you can’t file a motion to dismiss
And if he refuses to receive the summons, you on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person
tender it to him. Yung ang dating rule. Sa
of the defendant.” Kasi nga naman, sa Rule 15, Sec.
amendment ngayon, inexplain na kung ano ang ibig 12 apat lang pinapayagan. Diba, yung prohibited
sabihin ng tendering. Ang ibig sabihin ng tendering
summons, dati iipit lang, hindi na pwede yun.
GR: Motion to dismiss
1. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter
Tendering of summons is done primarily if the
2. Litis pendencia
defendant refuses to receive and sign the receiving
3. Res judicata
copy and the sheriff shall leave the summons within
4. Prescription
the view and in the presence of the defendant.
So ang view respectfully is you can’t file a motion to
dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the

person of the defendant but gawin mo syang over your client because the summons was served
affirmative defense under Rule 8, Sec. 12 (a). to the 14 year old daughter of the defendant so
obviously there is defective service of summons
Ang view ni Atty. Villasis is if you check Se. 23 of under Rule 14.
Rule 14, clear namans a codal na you can file a
motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of ATTY: Is there voluntary appearance? NONE
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. because you filed the motion by way of
conditional and special appearance to question
Itong Sec. 23 of Rule 14, nakalagay dyan: only the jurisdiction of the court over the person
of the client/defendant.
Sec. 23, Rule 14:
Noong araw, baka e resolve pa ni judge yan pero
Voluntary appearance. — The defendant's ngayon, may bagong provision na nakakatawa.
voluntary appearance in the action shall be
equivalent to service of summons.The inclusion
in a motion to dismiss of other grounds aside Sec. 13, Rule 14 (new rule by Dua Lipa)
from lack of jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant shall be deemed a voluntary Duty of the counsel on record. — Where the
appearance. summons is improperly served and a lawyer
makes a special appearance on behalf of the
defendant to, among others, question the
validity of the service of summons, the
Dati po itong Sec. 20, Rule 14 ang voluntary counsel shall be deputized by the court to
appearance. Dalawang amendments dyan: serve summons on his or her client.
1. The inclusion in a motion to dismiss on other
grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction over
the person of the defendant shall NOT be ATTY: Ibig sabihin, since ikaw ang defendant’s
deemed voluntary appearance in the old counsel eh malamang alam mo where your
rules. But now, it is deemed as voluntary client/defendant is located. In this case, the court
appearance. (*inaudible*) now shall deputize the defendant’s counsel to serve
the summons to his or her client. Tama rin naman
eh, nagme-meeting sila at nag-uusap eh bakit pa
patatagalin? So wala tayong kawala dito pag nag file
2. Sabi sa atin bawal magfile ng motion to tayo ng motion, uutusan tayo ng korte to serve the
dismiss except on the 4 grounds. However, if summons instead to our client.
you read the second sentence, very
clearly,“inclusion in a motion to dismiss on MODES OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS
other grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction
over the person of the defendant shall be ATTY: Service, dalawa lang naman yan eh:
deemed a voluntary appearance.” So as you
1. Individual
can see very clearly, we can file amotion
2. Corporation
to dismiss on the ground of lack of
a. Domestic
jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant even though there is no b. Foreign
mention in the rule. Pag individual defendant, how do we serve
summons? Pwede ba mag acquire ng jurisdiction
Duty of the counsel on record
over the person of the defendant even though there
ATTY: OK, balik ako dun sa e-deputize yung is no service of summons? YES, as mentioned,
abogado. So may defective summons ang voluntary appearance.
client/defendant. Kung defective ang summons,
Q: Paano pag nag-file ka ng Motion for Extension of
what will happen? Pag defective ang summons,
defendant’s counsel tayo so punta tayo sa korte and Time to File An Answer, tapos defective ang service
of summons, thereafter, nag file ng Motion to
file a motion to dismiss on the ground on lack of
Dismiss on the ground of defective service of
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant;
precisely to question only the jurisdiction of the court summons?

Ans: The SC said, it’s too late in the day precisely tendering hindi lang ibig sabihin na bsta lang iipit ni
because the moment you filed the motion for sheriff yung summons, hindi na pupwede yun.
extension of time, you were deemed to have
voluntarily submitted yourself to the jurisdiction of Bakit?
the court.
NEW RULE: Tendering of summons is done
primarily, if the defendant refuses to receive and sign
the receiving copy and the sheriff should leave the
summons within the view and the presence of the
In this case, however, although the Motion to defendant.
Dismiss filed by Robinson specifically stated as
one (1) of the grounds the lack of "personal Sec. 5, Rule 14
jurisdiction," it must be noted that he had earlier
filed a Motion for Time to file an appropriate Service in person on defendant. — Whenever
responsive pleading even beyond the time practicable, the summons shall be served by
provided in the summons by publication. Such handling a copy thereof to the defendant in person
motion did not state that it was a conditional and informing the defendant that he or she is being
appearance entered to question the regularity served, or, if he or she refuses to receive and sign
of the service of summons, but an appearance for it, by leaving the summons within the view and
submitting to the jurisdiction of the court by in the presence of the defendant.
acknowledging the summons by publication
issued by the court and praying for additional
time to file a responsive pleading. Substituted Service
Consequently, Robinson having acknowledged
the summons by publication and also having ATTY: Yung Substituted Service is very important.
invoked the jurisdiction of the trial court to secure This is influenced by the SC’s decision in the case of
affirmative relief in his motion for additional time, Manotoc vs. CA (and many more rulings).
he effectively submitted voluntarily to the trial
court’s jurisdiction. He is now estopped from
asserting otherwise, even before this Court. MANOTOC VS. CA

ATTY: Now having said that, kung walang voluntary FACTS: The Summons and a copy of the
appearance there should be service of summons. Complaint were allegedly served upon (Mr.)
And there are modes of service for summons. Pag Macky de la Cruz, an alleged caretaker of
individual, una muna personal service but may petitioner at the condominium unit. When
amendment dyan dun sa tendering. petitioner failed to file her Answer, the trial court
declared her in default. Petitioner, by special
Q: How do you serve a service of summons thru appearance of counsel, filed a Motion to Dismiss
personal service? on the ground of lack of jurisdiction of the trial court
over her person due to an invalid substituted
service of summons. The grounds to support the
OLD RULE: You hand the service personally, motion among others was that the party (de la
papirmahan mo yung receiving copy ng summons Cruz), who was found in the unit, was neither a
and if he refuses to receive the summons, you representative, employee, nor a resident of the
tender it to him. place.

“Service in person on defendant. — Whenever HELD: Before resorting to substituted service,

practicable, the summons shall be served by a plaintiff must demonstrate an effort in good
handling a copy thereof to the defendant in faith to locate the defendant through more
person, or, if he refuses to receive and sign for direct means. More so, in the case in hand, when
it, by tendering it to him.” the alleged petitioner’s residence or house is
doubtful or has not been clearly ascertained, it
would have been better for personal service to
have been pursued persistently.
AMENDMENT: The meaning of “tendering” is
explained in the new rule. Ang meaning ng
Q: When can substituted service be resorted to by
Ans: Remember the “at least 3 attempts on 2
different dates” before you can do the
substituted service. FACTS: Ricardo Consulta alleged that he was not
properly served with summons because, although
his address stated in the complaint was his regular
place of business, Canave, who received the
1. DEFENDANT’S RESIDENCE summons, was not in charge of the matter.

Consulta invoked the Court's ruling in Keister v.

Judge Navarro, that "the rule (on substituted
OLD RULE: Substituted service. — (a) by leaving service) presupposes that such relation of
copies of the summons at the defendant's confidence exists between the person with whom
residence with some person of suitable age and the copy is left and the defendant and, therefore,
discretion then residing therein assumes that such person will deliver the process
to defendant or in some way give him notice
NEW RULE: Sec 6., Rule 14
thereof." Consulta claimed that Canave was only
Substituted service. — If, for justifiable causes, the Sarayba's secretary. Thus, neither the sheriff nor
defendant cannot be served personally after at the RTC had basis for assuming that Canave
least 3 attempts on 2 different dates, service may would find a way to let Consulta know of the
be effected: pending case against him. Consulta concluded
that the RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over his
a) By leaving copies of the summons at the person.
defendant’s residence to a person at
least 18 years of age and of sufficient HELD: The Court ruled that "it is not necessary
discretion residing therein; that the person in charge of the defendant's
regular place of business be specifically
authorized to receive the summons. It is
enough that he appears to be in charge." In this
case, Canave, a secretary whose job description
necessarily includes receiving documents and
other correspondence, would have the semblance
of authority to accept the court documents.
OLD RULE: or (b) by leaving the copies at
defendant's office or regular place of business with
some competent person in charge thereof. 3. DEFENDANT’S EXCLUSIVE CONDOMINIUM
ATTY: Ang problema is pag sa Security Guard
b) By leaving the copies of the summons at sinerve yung summons, what will happen? Pwede
the defendant’s office or regular place of pa ba yun? In the case of (did not hear the case title
business with some competent person in properly but something…) MAC Asia vs. Tiu (or
charge thereof. A competent person Chiu) ruling, the SC said it’s defective.
includes, but is not limited to, one who
customarily receives correspondence HOWEVER, under the NEW RULES, if the
for the defendant. defendant’s residing in a condominium or exclusive
subdivision, paano makaka-akyat or makapasok
ang sheriff dun if hindi pinaygan ng guard?
ATTY: This provision was influenced by the SC’s
ruling in Gentle Supreme PH vs. Ricardo Consulta. NEW RULE:

(c) By leaving copies of the summons, if refused

henry upon making his or her authority and

purpose known, with any of the officers of the
homeowner’s association or condominium RULE 14, SECTION 17
corporation or it’s chief security officer in
charge of the community or the building where the Section 17. Extraterritorial service. – When the
defendant may be found; defendant does not reside and is not found in the
Philippines, and the action affects the personal
status of the plaintiff or relates to, or the subject of
(VILLA) which is, property within the Philippines, in which
the defendant has or claims a lien or interest,
actual or contingent, or in which the relief
START 3:58:01 demanded consists, wholly or in part, in excluding
the defendant from any interest therein, or the
ATTY: The Chief Security Officer in charge of the property of the defendant has been attached
community or the building where the defendant will within the Philippines, service may, by leave of
be found may now receive summons through court, be effected out of the Philippines by
SUBSTITUTED SERVICE. personal service as under Section [5]; or as
provided for in international conventions to which
There is a valid substituted service where you just the Philippines is a party; or by publication in a
need to be indicated by the Sheriff. newspaper of general circulation in such places
and for such time as the court may order, in which
If the mail is rejected,summons may be mailed by case a copy of the summons and order of the court
way of an electronic mail. It is sent to the defendant’s shall be sent by registered mail to the last known
electronic mail address. If allowed by the Court, it will address of the defendant, or in any other manner
be allowed as substituted service. the court may deem sufficient. Any order granting
such leave shall specify a reasonable time, which
ATTY: As what I call as “9060 RULE”. How is shall not be less than sixty (60) calendar days
summons served through publication? after notice, within which the defendant must
answer. (15a)
In the old rules, pwede pag 1) Where the
whereabouts or identity of the defendant is unknown
and; 2) It cannot be ascertained despite diligent ATTY: Now, take note also, this only applies to
inquiry; 3) The resident defendant is temporarily Spouses, if spouses A and B Dela Cruz accrued,
outside the Philippines; 4) Extra-territorial service of under the new rules, summons are served to
summons (Secs. 14, 15, & 16) BOTH spouses, INDIVIDUALLY.
Pero may amendment, so kapag yung una pwede
yung publication “Where the whereabouts or identity Another thing to remember, JURIDICAL ENTITY
of the defendant is unknown and It cannot be and DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS. Question: Who
ascertained despite diligent inquiry. Pero ngayon, can serve summons for the Domestic Corporations?
yung despite “it cannot be ascertained despite
diligent inquiry” may period na yon which is ninety Answer: Service may be made on the president,
(90) days. managing partner, general manager, corporate
secretary, treasurer, or in-house counsel of the
ATTY: It is 90 days from the commencement of the corporation wherever they may be found, or in their
action and the whereabouts of the defendant is absence or unavailability, on their secretaries. (Sec.
unknown cannot be ascertained despite diligent 12, Rule 14)
inquiry, pwede na mag file ng motion for leave of
court to serve summons through publication to
the defendant.
The reason why I call it 9060 RULE because if the
summons are served through publication, there is
sixty (60) days where the defendant may file his

In cases where the secretaries are unavailable, it
BALTAZAR vs.THE HONORABLE COURT OF shall be made upon the person who customarily
APPEALS and GOOD EARTH ENTERPRISES, receives the correspondence for the defendant
INC., (G.R. No. 78728, December 8, 1988) at its principal office. (This provision is not
mentioned in the old rule)
FACTS: Good Earth Enterprises, a domestic
corporation was sued. Sheriff went to the address ATTY: In case the domestic juridical entity is under
of the corporation but the corporation was no receivership or liquidation, service of summons shall
longer there. It moved to another place. be made on the receiver or liquidator, they may also
Subsequently, the sheriff returned the summons to receive service of summons.
the court. Plaintiff Baltazar filed a motion for leave
to serve the summons and a copy of the complaint Example: In a Bank, the clients of the bank have
upon defendant Good Earth by publication board resolution and authority to receive summons
and proceed correspondence letters and so his
ISSUE: Can there be a proper service by work, he customarily receives the correspondence
publication in this case? for the defendant corporation sa principal’s office.
Pwede din siya mag receive ng summons ngayon.
RULING: NO. Service by Publication (Section
14) will not apply because there was no Question: Pwede ba yung Chronic Service of the
diligent inquiry made by the sheriff. Summons to Corporation?

“Under Section 14, therefore, petitioner must show Answer: Doon sa individual kanina it is allowed if
that the address of Good Earth was ‘unknown’ and allowed by the Court. Dito sa corporation, it is also
that such address could not be ascertained by allowed by the court and it is easier because these
diligent inquiry. More importantly, We do not corporations have websites where you can check
believe that the acts of the sheriff satisfied the the email addresses.
standard of ‘diligent inquiry’ established by Section
Kumbaga substituted service sa corporation if there
14 of Rule 14. The sheriff should have known what
is refusal on the part of the persons mentioned to
every law school student knows, that Good Earth
receive summons despite three (3) attempts on
being a domestic corporation must have been
two (2) separate dates, that is when you resort to
registered with the Securities and Exchange
service of summons through electronic means if
Commission and that the SEC records would,
allowed by the court.
therefore, reveal not just the correct address of the
corporate headquarters of Good Earth but also the
addresses of its directors and other officers.”
ATTY: The changes on rules on Motions, basically,
Atty.’s Question: Is it a requirement that the
there are two (2) kinds of motions now.
Sheriff shall serve the summons in the Principal
Place of Business or Officer of the Corporation? TWO KINDS OF MOTIONS:
Answer: The Supreme Court said NO. In the case
1. Litigious Motions
of Baltazar vs. CA, the Court held that as long as
2. Non-litigious Motions
any of the officers ( president, managing partner,
general manager, corporate secretary, treasurer,
Question: What is the difference between a
or in-house counsel of the corporation) received
Litigious Motion and a Non-litigious Motion?
the summons on behalf of the corporation, it is
a valid service of summons to the corporation Answer: Non -litigious motions are those which the
already. court may act upon without prejudicing the rights of
the adverse parties. The opposing party shall file his
or her opposition to a litigious motion within five
ATTY: In the absence or unavailability of those calendar days from receipt thereof. These motions
mentioned, the NEW RULES provide that the shall not be set for hearing and shall be resolved by
SECRETARIES of these Corporate Officers can the court within 5 calendar days from the receipt
now receive the summons for and in behalf of thereof. (Sec. 4, Rule 15) On the other hand, for
the corporation. litigious motions, the court may, in the exercise of its
discretion, and if deemed necessary for its the court has a period of fifteen (15) calendar
resolution, call a hearing on the motion. (Sec. 6, Rule days to resolve that litigious motion.
Question: What are the examples of Litigious
ATTY: Kapag non-litigious motions, hindi na Motions?
kailangan i-set for hearing because it will not
prejudice the rights of the adverse party. LITIGIOUS MOTIONS:

In which case, what will happen is, it will be 1) Motion for bill of particulars;
automatic and without any hearing.
2) Motion to dismiss;
3) Motion for new trial;
1) Motion for the issuance of an alias summons;
4) Motion for reconsideration;
2) Motion for extension to file answer;
5) Motion for execution pending appeal;
3) Motion for postponement; (3 grounds: force
majeure, acts of God, physical inability of the witness 6) Motion to amend after a responsive pleading has
to appear) been filed;

4) Motion for the issuance of a writ of execution; 7) Motion to cancel statutory lien;

5) Motion for the issuance of an alias writ of 8) Motion for an order to break in or for a writ of
execution; demolition;

6) Motion for the issuance of a writ of possession; 9) Motion for intervention;

7) Motion for the issuance of an order directing the 10) Motion for judgment on the pleadings;
sheriff to execute the final certificate of
11) Motion for summary judgment;
sale; and
12) Demurrer to evidence;
8) Other similar motions.
13) Motion to declare defendant in default; and
So, if those mentioned in the example are your
grounds, it is automatic and does not set any 14) Other similar motions.
hearing. The courts will try to resolve it within five (5)
calendar days. The opposing party shall file his or her opposition to
a litigious motion within five (5) calendar days from
ATTY: In Litigious Motion, this affect the rights of the receipt thereof. No other submissions shall be
adverse party. Question: Ano na ang gagawin? considered by the court in the resolution of
Answer: Remember, para bumilis ang caso sa
hukuman, under the NEW RULES, there is no need The motion shall be resolved by the court within
to set for a hearing and the setting of the hearing is fifteen (15) calendar days from its receipt of the
discretionary on the part of the Court. Parang opposition thereto, or upon expiration of the period
automatic na, parang guidelines ng continuous to file such opposition.
criminal cases. This means that pag nag file ng
litigious motions, automatic may five (5) calendar ATTY: Finally, we have the PROHIBITED
days from the receipt of the motion in which to file MOTIONS.
a comment or opposition of the opposing party.
The following motions shall not be allowed:
ATTY: With or without such opposition within five (5)
days, the motion will be submitted for resolution and (a) Motion to dismiss except on the following

1) That the court has no jurisdiction over the subject -Motion for postponement intended for delay, except
matter of the claim; if it is based on acts of God, force majeure or
physical inability of the witness to appear and testify.
2) That there is another action pending between the If the motion is granted based on such exceptions,
same parties for the same cause; and the moving party shall be warned that the
presentation of its evidence must still be terminated
3) That the cause of action is barred by a prior on the dates previously agreed upon.
judgment or by the statute of limitations;
ATTY: Kapag nagpa postpone, meron na sa trial 90
(b) Motion to hear affirmative defenses; days for the plaintiff and 90 days for the defendant
to present evidence. Pag nag motion for
(c) Motion for reconsideration of the court’s action on postponement, papagayan naman yon or ibabawas
the affirmative defenses; yon sa 90-day period mo. Dapat sa presentation of
evidence is within that 90-day period.
(d) Motion to suspend proceedings without a
temporary restraining order or injunction issued by a PRE-TRIAL
higher court;
ATTY: What are the changes?
(e) Motion for extension of time to file pleadings,
affidavits or any other papers, except a motion Answer:Yung new rules of pre-trial and modes of
discovery. Before you still need to file an ex parte
for extension to file an answer as provided by motion to set the case for pre-trial for the plaintiff
Section 11, Rule 11; and pursuant to the reply but today, no need. After the
last pleading is filed, pwedeng rejoinder, pwedeng
(f) Motion for postponement intended for delay, supplemental pleading or pwedeng hanggang
except if it is based on acts of God, force majeure or answer lang.
physical inability of the witness to appear and testify.
If the motion is granted based on such exceptions, After the last pleading is filed, the branch clerk of
the moving party shall be warned that the court shall issue, within five (5) calendar days from
presentation of its evidence must still be terminated filing, a notice of pre-trial which shall be set not later
on the dates previously agreed upon. than sixty (60) calendar days from the filing of the
last responsive pleading.
ATTY: You cannot file a Motion to Dismiss except
for four (4) grounds. 1) Lack of Jurisdiction over ATTY: Now, baliktad na ang rules. Pati sa pre-trial,
subject matter, 2) Litis pendentia, 3) Res judicata, ma uuna na muna yung preliminary conference of
and 4) Prescription. the clerk of court.

Of course you will file a Motion for Reconsideration Sa NEW RULES, 1) WALA NG PRELIMINARY
on the affirmative defenses. CONFERENCE OF CLERK OF COURT. Tinangal
Affirmative defenses, if denied, shall not be the Before, before you have a pre-trial proper mag
subject of a motion for reconsideration or petition for kakaroon muna ng mediation but NOW, MA UUNA
certiorari, prohibition or mandamus, but may be NA YUNG PRE-TRIAL.
among the matters to be raised on appeal after a
judgment on the merits. (sa appeal nalang siya) After the pre-trial, there is only 30 days non-
extendable period to conduct a court a mediation,
ATTY: You will file a Motion to suspend proceedings after that if there is a possibility that the case will be
without a temporary restraining order or injunction settled, pwede i-refer ang kaso sa JDR ( Judicial
issued by a higher court. (this is now the rule) Dispute Resolution) or to another branch, another
court, another judge, but only for a period of 15 days
These are all prohibited motions. and that 15-day period is non-extendable in
character for the JDR.
-Motion for extension of time except a motion for
extension to file an answer, is a prohibited motion. Remember that the 15-days will be carried over to
the 90 days of the plaintiff and 90 days of the

defendant. The 90 days will be subtracted due to the
JDR. ATTY; If the defendant and his counsel failed to
appear, the plaintiff will be given a period of ten (10)
PROCEDURE OF PRE-TRIAL in the New Rules: calendar days and failed to present evidence ex
1. Automatic Pre-trial parte. (under the old rules, this does not apply)
2. Pre-marking
(some missing; wala gi continue ni atty. Wa jud klaro The Most Important Witness Rule where the court
huhu) shall determine the most important witnesses and
3. Court Annexed Mediation limit the number of such witnesses and require the
4. JDR parties and/or counsels to submit to the branch of
clerk of court the names, addresses, and contact
ATTY: Baliktad na yung procedure. numbers of the witnesses to be summoned by
subpoena. (this was asked in the BAR before)
ATTY: In the judgment of pre-trial, this is a favorite
Question: Pwede ka bang mag reserve ng evidence in the BAR, in the new rules in the pre-trial, if there
after pre-trial? is a summary judgment hindi pwede mag render ng
summary judgment agad during the pre-trial, pero sa
Answer: Pwede po pero you must comply with this old rules sa 1964 pwede. Pero sa 1987 rules hindi
requirement: na pwede yon.
i. For testimonial evidence, by giving the name or
position and the nature of the Yung sa 1964 rules, pwede na si judge motu propio
testimony of the proposed witness; include the summary judgment during the pre-trial.
ii. For documentary evidence and other object The judge can state that this case can now have a
evidence, by giving a particular description summary judgment or judgment on the pleadings
of the evidence. without the need of any submissions of any position
papers or memoranda. You can expedite the
NOTE: No reservation shall be allowed if not made proceedings, you can cut it short.
in the manner described above.
ATTY: Kapag meron ng summary judgment or
ATTY: Eto ang importante, kapag sa pre-trial judgement on the pleadings hindi na pwede ang
ngayon hindi lang ang parties ang mag appear pati certiorari and mandamus. You can no longer file a
na ang counsel. petition for certiorari and mandamus.

If the party and counsel are absent without just Likewise sa trial, 90 days for plaintiff and 90 days for
cause, they are deemed to avoid the objection or the the defendant for the presentation of evidence. This
truthfulness, faithfulness and genuineness of the means it is six (6) months, 3 months each for both
reproduction and execution thereof, pag wala ka parties. Aabot lang po hanggang 10 months yan
doon you are deemed to have waived your objection kapag meron cross-claim, third-party claim, rebuttal,
. etc. aabutin soya ng maximum period of 10 months
for the conduct of trial. No more, no less.
Another thing, if you are not present during the pre-
trial, you failed to bring the required evidence and VILLA END 4: 18: 07
wala yung answer mo, sa pre-trial brief mo hindi mo
na dala, in these instances, you are deemed to have
waived the presentation of the said evidence.

Another thing to remember is you are not only

required to appear during the pre-trial but also during
the court annexed mediation and the JDR.
If the party failed to appear, if you are the plaintiff
and counsel without valid cause, the case will be
dismissed. That is the ground of dismissal of an
action pag di dumating sa pre-trial, mediation at
JDR. It will result to dismissal without prejudice,


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