SL Syllabus NE-KAT-21

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Servant Leadership Course Syllabus www.daintl.


Development Associates International

Servant Leadership: being the leader God wants you to be

Cohort: NE-KAT-21
Facilitator: Mrs Roz Brain & Dr Cindy Perry Email:
Term/Semester:21 Mar 2021 to 25 September 2021
Partner University Name: Nepal Ebenezer Bible College
Program Coordinator/Country Director: Mr Nabin Aryal DAI Ministry Centre Kathmandu
Coordinator Email:
Phone Number: +977-9849403398 (WhatsApp)

Required Reading:
Course Work Book: Servant Leadership : being the leader God wants you to be Ver 2.1
Text: Unleader: the Surprising Qualities of a Valuable Leader

Course Description:
The church and its agencies worldwide are facing growing challenges to an effective ministry
in a rapidly-changing world. When asked what the root causes are, the most often given
answer focuses on ineffective leadership.

The world is hungry for humble, godly servant leaders who grasp why God has given them
position and power. Leadership too often degenerates into being about us, our reputations
and our agendas, but there is nothing further from the heart and mind of God than these
selfish strivings.

Leadership is never about us. Instead, these roles of leadership are given to us in order for
us to enable and strengthen local expressions of the body of Christ and then see that body
reach out and bring the healing power of the gospel into the broken world around us. That is
God’s intention and it is what the world so desperately needs.

The felt need for change in this crucial area of effective leadership is widespread, especially
among younger, emerging leaders. For this kind of change to happen, however, existing
theological premises, cultural attitudes and leadership practices must be examined through
the lessons learned from the broader world of management and the behavioural sciences,
and radically challenged from a scriptural perspective. This course addresses that need, with
the servant leadership exemplified by the Lord Jesus Christ as the central organizing

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Differentiate between cultural norms of leadership and a Biblical approach to servant leadership
• Describe your current style of leadership and how, if necessary, you might adopt a more Christ-
like style of leadership
• Analyse your own personal style of working with others and identify areas where you need to
modify your leadership style in order to enable and empower others
• Describe the major areas of leadership responsibility and how a servant leadership approach
functions within each area and enhances the value of each one
• Explain the value of empowering your team to enhance the impact of your leadership • Apply the
principles and values of servant leadership to your current or proposed work or ministry

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Servant Leadership Course Syllabus

Course Expectations:
This is a master’s level course and requires commitment, discipline, and effort.
• It is essential that wise and godly leaders keep their commitments in a way that honors God and
other people. This may require prioritizing schedules and saying "no" to some very good
opportunities that stand in the way of a disciplined life and work. Thus, all assignments are to be
submitted on or before their due dates, without exceptions. Extensions will be granted only in
emergencies. Assignment requirements are explained in the appropriate unit, and due dates,
other assessments and guidelines for extensions are listed below.
• You will submit/upload your assignments on moodle and It will generally be responded to within
two weeks. You are welcome to send a message or email if you are concerned.

Pre-Residency Expectations:
The week before the beginning of the course, you will receive an email with log-on instructions to the
DAI MAOL Moodle platform to access the Student Moodle Orientation for NE-KAT-21.
Complete the Student Moodle Orientation then Read Me First file and take the Read Me First Quiz as
well as complete the Moodle Overview and take the Moodle Overview Quiz.

Online Residency Expectations:

Orientation Day - 21st March 2021
The Servant Leadership Online classes are on 22nd – 25th March 2021. It is compulsory that you
attend all of these classes online classes between 7am – 9.15am on these days, and that you
reserve 1 ½ hours after each class to complete the preparation reading for the next day.

Residency week activities:

• On Moodle Introduce yourself to the facilitator via the Introduce Yourself forum activity
• View the Course Introduction Video interview with Jane Overstreet and complete the Forum
Discussion 1.
• Read the Course Description, Learning Outcomes, and the Course Syllabus.
• Participate in Zoom meetings with the Facilitator. The facilitator will work with the Cohort
Coordinator to work on the logistics for this meeting.

During the Residency you will learn:

An overview of the complete course and how to successfully complete the course during the
coming semester, using Moodle.
To understand your own personal style of working with others and identify areas where you
need to modify your leadership style in order to enable and empower others
The assignments that are to be submitted, how to submit them and the due date for each

After-Residency Expectations:
• Complete the readings according to the schedule below.
Except for Unit 1, each Unit of two weeks guides you to read (1) the Unit and respond to all the
Answer Boxes as you read, and (2) directs you to read 1 chapter of Unleader.
• Assignments and due dates are listed on Moodle – if you face an emergency you may
request an extension, if you ask before the due date.
• Moodle Forum Discussions - you can open and respond to these while you are studying each
unit – the final due date is noted below.
• Attend Students & Facilitators Meetings on the Course, Moodle, and Assignments
(1 hr for each facilitator/course) April 11, Sunday, May 9, Sunday, June 6, Sunday, July 4,
Sunday, August 8, Sunday - You will be notified of the times for these.

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Course/Study Schedule and Assignment and Activity due dates:


Residency 21-25 March Forum Discussion 1 due during Residency.
Complete Residency Evaluation on Moodle
1 28 March – 3 April Read & respond to all Answer boxes in Unit 1
2 4 - 17 April Read & respond to Unit 2 and read Unleader Chapter 1
and respond to Questions for Reflection.
11 April Student & Facilitator Online Meeting 1
3 18 April – 1 May Read Coursebook Unit 3 and Unleader Chapter 2
1 May 2021 Last day to submit Assignment 1
1 May Moodle Forum Discussion : Power Corrupts
4 2 - 15 May Coursebook Unit 4 and Unleader Chapter 3
9 May Student & Facilitator Online Meeting 2
5 16 - 29 May Coursebook Unit 5 and Unleader Chapter 4
29 May Last day to submit Assignment 2
29 May Moodle Forum Discussion: Proverbs
6 30 May- 12 June Coursebook Unit 6 and Unleader Chapter 5
6 June Student & Facilitator Online Meeting 3
7 13 - 26 June Coursebook Unit 7 and Unleader Chapter 6
26 June Last day to submit Assignment 3
26 June Moodle Forum Discussion : Motivation
8 27 June - 10 July Coursebook Unit 8 and Unleader Chapter 7
4 July Student & Facilitator Online Meeting 4
9 11 - 24 July Coursebook Unit 9 and Unleader Chapter 8
24 July Last day to submit Assignment 4
10 25 July - 7 August Coursebook Unit 10
8 August Student & Facilitator Online Meeting 5
11 8 – 21 August Coursebook Unit 11
Complete the Course Evaluation on Moodle
22 August – 4 4 September 2021 Last day to submit your

Your semester grade will be calculated based on the following:

Online Student Orientation (2%)

Quiz, Residency Participation, and Student & Facilitator Online Meeting Attendance (5%)
Unit Assignments (38%)
Forum Discussions (15%)
Final Project (40%)

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Assignment Writing Guidelines

P Please follow moodle instructions for downloading the assignment page and upload your
assignment in a Word document using font style Arial or similar, use size 12 font.
P If you are unsure how to answer any part of an assignment question, please message or email
Roz immediately and ask for help.
P Each assignment is to be completed and uploaded at least by the due date given in the
P Assignments and Forum Discussion responses are due by midnight on Saturdays in Nepal.
P You may send assignments earlier than the due date, but late assignments will attract
deduction of marks – see “Late Assignments” on next page.
P I commit to grade your assignment with comments within 2 weeks of submission.
P I will guard your written assignments as confidential.
P It is important in your first week to note the due dates for your assignments in your
working diary, and at least one week before each assignment is due, write “start working
on A#1”, so the due date doesn’t surprise you! In this way you can be managing your
study and assignment writing times – it is very difficult to “catch up”!
P Look at the Assignment requirement at least a week before the due date so you can ask
questions and be working on the assignment. It’s not wise to wait until the due date!!
P Answer all parts of each question in each assignment, to fully demonstrate that you are
understanding this course. Use your personal/real life examples to demonstrate. Don’t write
what the work book says (I already know that), but write what you understand about what you
read, and how it applies in your life/ministry/work.
P Grammar or spelling - Because you write in English as your second language, your grade will
not be reduced for errors in English Grammar or spelling. I am most concerned to see that you
are reading and understanding the workbook and text, and interacting with each unit. However,
in an MA course you should be learning to use “Spell and Grammar check” in your Word
documents, because it is important that you develop your writing ability to be able to
communicate to a wider audience in future.
P COMMUNICATE!! Due to this being a “distance learning” and “self-guided” MA it is very
important that you communicate with your faculty promptly if you have any questions, or need
help, or just want to share a prayer request.
respond to your questions, so please DO NOT ignore your concern, it will not go away. Seek
help by asking a friend, sending me an email, or sms to Mr Nabin Aryal, quickly.

NEBC Grading Scales:

Grades Score Points Remark criteria
A+ 100 - 90 4.3 Excellent Work of excellent quality
A 89 – 85 4.0 Excellent Demonstrates full grasp of course content
A- 84 - 80 3.7 Excellent Originally/innovative expression and analytical skills
B+ 79 - 75 3.3 Good Mastery of the course content
B 74 - 70 3.0 Good Clear communication skills
B- 69 - 65 2.7 Good Presentations are of good quality with minor flaws.
C+ 64 – 60 2.3 Satisfactory Has adequate knowledge of the course
C 59 – 55 2.0 Satisfactory Ability to reflect from experience on the course concepts
C- 54 - 50 1.7 Satisfactory Has basic analytical skills
F 49 - 0 none failure Work is not up to expectations.

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DAI Guidelines for Late Assignments

It is essential that wise and godly leaders keep their commitments in a way that honors God
and other people. This requires prioritizing schedules and saying “no” to requests, including
tempting “opportunities” that stand in the way of a disciplined life and work. Thus, all
assignments are to be submitted on or before their due dates. Extensions will be granted only
at the discretion of the facilitator, following these guidelines:

1. Clearly explain your situation to request an exception before the deadline in an email to
the facilitator and copied to the coordinator. If you are unable to make the request, you
may contact the Cohort Coordinator or delegate someone else to email the facilitator and
coordinator with the explanation. The request must clearly state the reason for the delay
and the date by which the assignment will be sent.
2. The facilitator must return an email with their response to the explanation and granting or
refusing the extension.
3. Examples of excusable delays: Severe emergency illness; death in the immediate family;
unexpected, emergency work that suddenly removes the student from home.
4. Examples of unacceptable delays: “I need more time”; “I have been under some
pressure”; “I am traveling with my family”; I was asked to fill the pulpit for a brother at the
last minute, so I was not able to begin my assignment, which was due the next day.”
5. Reduction of grades:
a. Providing you notify me on moodle or by email on or before the due date for any
assignment, a grace period of 2 days will be given, and no reduction will occur
apart from the quality of the work itself.
b. After this grace period, grade reductions will occur.
c. All assignments must be submitted in order to complete the course.

Academic Policies:
If any student wishes to withdraw from the module, notice should be given to the Facilitator
and to the DAI Cohort Coordinator Mr Nabin Aryal, as soon as the student is clear about
his/her decision. Please talk to either your Facilitator or the DAI Cohort Coordinator before
making such a decision as DAI wants to help you finish the course. Any grade appeal will
first be made to your Professor, and if this is not satisfactory, to the DAI office.

All students are expected to have studied all the materials for this course, participated in all the
wikis and forums, completed and submitted all the unit assignments and written the final exam
before receiving a grade for the course.

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Integrity is not only a core value of Development Associates International, but also is
expected and demanded of all godly leaders. Descriptions of integrity include honesty,
truthfulness, and reliability, as well as uprightness of heart.

Plagiarism is an extremely serious issue, striking at the very heart of integrity. Simply
stated, plagiarism is copying content that has been created by another person and using
it without giving clear credit to the rightful owner of the material. Plagiarism is an offense
that is taken very seriously by DAI and its partnering institutions. Thus it carries a
potentially severe penalty of a heavy deduction in the grade or even disqualification
from the course and, in extreme instances, from the Master’s program itself.

Never attempt to create a false impression in the facilitator’s mind by making up some
of your research “data,” stretching the truth when you ask for an assignment extension,
or quoting someone else’s words in a document as if they were your own. These are
not small things. They are deliberate signs of a lack of integrity. Do not excuse them in
yourself, and help others to resist them.

Plagiarism can be a very complex issue because as good students, researchers and
leaders, we all need to be informed by other people’s thinking. None of us lives and
works in isolation from the good thoughts and research of others, and our writing
reflect the fact that we are working on the foundation of other people’s work. That
us good scholars, and it also helps people to respect our work more highly. However,
we also must give credit to the people who have helped us.

So, here is a good principle to keep in mind when you are quoting or learning from the
writing of others as you develop your assignments: When in doubt, give written credit!
List the author, date, title of article and journal (or book, etc.), and relevant page
numbers. When quoting from an article on a website, be sure also to state the date that
you accessed the article, since web-based article links can change frequently. If you
are unsure about how to properly cite others in your work, do not hesitate to ask your

If you are suspected of having plagiarized, your facilitator is obligated to alert the
coordinator and the DAI Administrative Director of the Master’s program. After very
serious discussion with you, possible consequences may include being required to
rewrite an assignment, receiving a failing assignment grade, being required to retake
the entire course, or in extreme cases, being expelled from the program.

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