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Unit 14 Favourite cat and mouse

Favourite cat and mouse

Many cartoon characters are popular all over the world. But not many hove been
popular for as long as Tom and Jerry. People, young and old, hove laughed at
Tom, the angry cot, and Jerry, the clever mouse, for more than sixty years.


@ 140 Tom and Jerry films were mode between 1940 and 1977.
@ We often see Mammy-Two-Shoes' feet, but we never see her head .
~ Most cartoon animals speak, but Tom and Jerry speak in only one film .


Unit 14 Favourite cat and mouse

C Choose a, b or c.
1 Tom and Jerry have been ........... than most cartoon characters.
a) more popular b) popular for longer c) to more countries
2 Jerry runs into the wall because he ........... .
a) thinks there is a hole in the wall b) can't see c) falls
3 Tom breaks a plate when he ........... Jerry.
a) runs after b) catches c) crashes into
4 The woman says Tom will have to go out if he ........... .
a) runs around b) breaks one more thing c) makes a noise
5 Jerry throws things because he wants ........... out.
a) to go b) Tom to run c) the woman to put Tom
6 Tom catches everything but then he ........... .
a) catches Jerry b) drops everything c) hears a noise
7 Nobody has ever seen the woman's ........... .
a) shoes b) hands c) face
8 Tom and Jerry ........... .
a) use a few words b) are like most characters c) almost never speak

D What do these words refer to?

1 it (line 2) refers to 9.P!S?.t.c:t~..9.f.9..Cl:.9.<:-!?~.h9.!~: ................................................... :..... ..
2 it (line 4) refers to ................................................................................................................ .
3 he (line 6) refers to ............................................................................................................. ..
4 it (line 8) refers to ................................................................................................................ .
5 them (line 9) refers to ............................. ............................................................................ .

E Make words from these letters.

1 lopupra ........................................ 5 cebaues ............................................. .
2 g h 1 a u e d ......................................... 6 s s e g 1 a s ............................................... .
3 meous ................................................ 7 snoie ...................................................... .
4 ipectur ............................................ 8 amnilas ........................................... ..

Unit 15 Fair play

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Bobsledding is a fast and exciting winter sport. A bobsled has 1

a two-person team or a four-person team and it goes at about
100 kilometres per hour. When a bobsled team goes down the
course, the other teams wait and watch. Then each team tries
to go down faster than the others. Each team can try three s
times. In the end, the fastest team wins the prize.
This is a true story about a bobsledder, Eugenio Monti from
Italy. The year was 1964. The place was the bobsled course at
the Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Austria. The two best teams
were Eugenio Monti's Italian team and Tony Nash's British team. 10

After their first two runs, these two teams were equal. Then the
Italians made their third run, and it was the fastest of all. The
British team got ready for their third run, but suddenly a bolt*
on their bobsled broke. The British bobsled could not go down.
When Monti heard this, he took a bolt from his bobsled and 15
sent it to the British team. The British team put the bolt on their
bobsled. They went down very fast and they won.
The British got the gold medal, but everyone wanted to talk
about Monti. They called him a great sportsman. He also
received a special prize, the 1964 International Fair Play Trophy. 20
Many people think this trophy is a greater prize than a gold
medal. It was new then, but now it is given every year to a
great sportsman or sportswoman.

* a bolt
Unit 15 Fair play

C Choose a, b or c.
1 Each team goes ........... three times.
a) down the course b) faster than the others c) more than
2 This story is about ........... at the Olympic Games in 1964.
a) an Italian sportsman b) the bobsled course c) the teams
3 The British were ........... the Italians in the first two runs.
a) faster than b) as fast as c) not as fast as
4 When the bolt broke on the British bobsled, the Italians ........... .
a) were in first place b) went down again c) did not know
5 Monti gave his bolt to the British because he did not want ........... .
a) to win b) to keep it c) to win unfairly
6 Monti was very ........... because of his fair play.
a) rich b) popular c) sad
7 The British team ........... .
a) did not use the bolt b) could not go c) were the fastest
8 ........... won the trophy since 1964.
a) Only Monti has b) Many people have c) Only men have

D Answer the questions. Give your opinion.

1 What is your opinion of Eugenio Monti? Why?

2 Which would you prefer: a gold medal or the Fair Play Trophy?

E Discuss: Here are five good titles instead of Fair play.

Which title do you like best? Why?
1 The man who lost and won
2 A great sportsman
3 The broken bolt
4 The first International Fair Play Trophy
5 Better than gold?


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