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Unit 10 Animals: ten fantastic facts

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Ten fantastie fact
Bats always turn left when they fly out of their home
at night. Nobody knows why.
2 When your left eye moves, your right eye moves with it.
But chameleons can move one eye up and the other
eye down, or one eye left and the other eye right.
3 An archerfish uses its mouth like a water gun. It shoots
water at an insect. The insect falls, and the fish eats it.
4 Albatrosses can sleep and fly at the same time. This is
useful because they sometimes fly for many days over water.
5 A hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.
6 Mosquitoes are dangerous insects because they bite us.
But did you know that only the females bite?
7 Some chimpanzees can learn to understand 3,000 words.
8 Sand tiger sharks never have more than two baby
sharks at one time. Why? Because the two strongest
baby sharks eat their brothers and sisters inside their
mother before they are born.
9 Bees have a language. It is not a language of words
but a language of dances. When a bee finds food, it flies
back to the other bees and does a dance. The dance
makes a shape like an '8'. The size and direction of the
'8' shows the distance and direction of the food.
10 A cockroach can live for a week without a head.

Unit 10 Animals: ten fantasti c facts

C Choose a, b or c.
1 Bats never turn right ........... .
a) at night b) when they leave their home c) when they fly
2 Chameleons ........... in two different directions at the same time.
a) always move b) can look c) can go
3 The insect falls when ........... .
a) the water hits it b) the fish bites it c) it sees the fish
4 An albatross ........... stop flying when it sleeps.
a) can't b) does not always c) has to
5 ........... bird can fly backwards.
a) No b) Only one c) Every
6 Male mosquitoes ........... .
a) do not bite us b) are dangerous c) bite only females
7 Some chimpanzees ........... .
a) can speak English b) can read stories c) can learn words
8 Sand tiger sharks ........... before they come into the world.
a) all die b) can kill c) can't eat
9 A dance like a small '8' means the food is ........... .
a) near b) in the east c) very small
10 A cockroach without a head dies after ........... .
a) a few seconds b) a few minutes c) a few days

D How many fantastic facts can you remember?

Close your book and tell your neighbour.

E Make sentences with like and the words in the box.

birds a water gun an '8' other birds people

1 The archerfish's mouth is .1ik.~..9..W9.t~r..gWfl.-...................... :................ ....................... .

2 The bees' dance .is ...................... .......................................................................................... .
3 Bats are ................................................................ , but they are really mammals.
4 Chimpanzees are almost ........................... ..... .................. .... ........................................... .
5 Hummingbirds are not .................. ................................................................................... .

Unit 11 Computers a t home

1 2~--------------------
Computers are bad for your health.
Computer games are great!
In the past, children ran around and
They're better than TV. On TV
played sports. Now they just sit at home.
you can watch a space ship,
but in a computer game you
can fly a space ship! 4
When children play with
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ computers, they learn to
understand them.
A lot of children spend too much time Computers are going to
with computers. They start playing and be very important in the
then they can't stop. They don't talk to future. So children
anyone, they just sit and look at the should play with them
computer for hours and hours. and learn about them.

,.,----------------- 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______
The Internet is very
A lot of computer games are very
useful. There is more
bad. There is a lot of shooting and
information on the
killing. These games are worse than
Internet than in the
TV. You see bad things on TV, but in
world's biggest library.
computer games you do bad things.
It can't be good for you.

7 ~ - - -- - - - - -- - - - ~
I don't think children learn much from
computers. They can't learn about life
from a computer. And they can't do
their homework if they play computer
games all the time.

s _______________
I've got friends all over the world.
I've never seen any of them, but I
know them all well because we
send e-mail to each other. My
computer is the door to the world!
Unit 11 Computers at home

C Choose a, b or c to match the opinions.

1 In a computer game, you ........... exciting things.
a) just watch b) do c) read
2 Children ........... before computers.
a) were less healthy b) did more sport c) sat at home
3 Some children play with computers ........... .
a) too little b) and talk too much c) nearly all the time
4 Children ........... important things when they play with computers.
a) should do b) learn c) do
5 You can find ........... information on the Internet than in a library.
a) better b) more c) more useful
6 Some games are very bad because you ........... bad things.
a) only see b) have to do c) hear
7 Children do not ........... if they use computers a lot.
a) learn anything b) do homework c) play games
8 You can use a computer to ........... .
a) open doors b) visit other countries c) make new friends

D Choose three sentences that you agree with.

Write them here.
1 ·····················································"·•·····································--· ·························"·•······················ """·

2 ............................................................................ .............................................................................. .

3 ................. ......................................................................................................................................... .

E Complete the words with these letters.

au OU 00 ea ee ie
1 g r ........... t 4 s h ··········· l d 7 s . . .. . ... . . . n
2 h ........... l t h 5 l ........... rn 8 d .......... r '

3 h ........... r s 6 fr ........... n d s 9 b e C . . .. . . . ... . s e


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