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Alternative Player Feature Rules and List (20)

House Rule ​- Gain your first ability score improvement as normal and one feat from this list at player
character level 6. With subsequent ability score improvements you can choose instead to take a new feat
(no more than 2 total) or improve an existing feat. If you’re uncertain what the improvement would be, ask
the DM. Generally, the benefits double but some expand uniquely.

Level 6 Fighters [the only PHB class to improve stats at level 6] can take points OR a feat from this list.

This document was created and shared by Sam Ross (​​). If you have questions or
feedback, don’t hesitate to e-mail. This document and its contents are completely free for personal use.

Split Hairs
(Prerequisite Dex 13 or Int 13)
Before you roll when you have disadvantage on an attack, ability check or saving throw you can choose
to split hairs.
● Add the results of the two dice together, divide by two, round down and take that average result.
● If one of the results is a natural twenty and the average can be rounded - you can round up
● If the results on both dice are identical, reroll one of the dice. You take the original result OR the
average of the new roll and old roll rounded down - whichever is higher.
Once you utilize this feat you can’t use it again until the start of your next turn.

Duel Wielding Adept

(Prerequisite Dex 13 or Str 13)
You gain proficiency with off-handed strikes using light weapons.
● You can add the appropriate skill modifier and proficiency bonus to off-hand attack rolls.
● You can draw an addition weapon when you use your bonus action to off-hand attack.
If you have (or later take) the Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting one of your dual wielded weapons
(main or off-hand) can ignore the light property restriction.

Wreckless Charge
(Prerequisite Str 13)
When you take an action to dash, you can use a bonus action to attempt a charging melee weapon
attack. Roll an attack, if it hits the creature makes a STR saving throw or can be moved backward 5ft (DC:
8 + proficiency bonus + strength modifier).
● This attack is made with advantage.
● Using this feat confers advantage on attacks made against you until the start of your next turn.
● If you move at least 10ft in a straight line before attempting the bonus attack, you can add +6 to
the total damage OR +3 to the DC of the STR save imposed.
If a creature your size fails the saving throw by 10 or more, you knock it prone. If they are 1 size smaller
or more, they make the STR saving throw with disadvantage.

Arcane Reservoir
(Prerequisite Cha 13, ability to cast spells)
Your adventures have awakened a well of arcana within you that improves your innate spellcasting. You
gain 1 sorcerer point you can use when casting spells. Also, pick one of these meta magic options below:
❖ Distant Spell - you can spend 1 point to double the range on a spell or give a touch spell a range
of 30 ft
❖ Extended Spell - you can spend 1 point to double the length of a spell that has a duration of 1
minute or longer - up to a max duration of 24hrs
❖ Empowered Spell - you can spend 1 point to reroll a number of the damage dice equal to your
spellcasting ability modifier (max 5) and must take the new rolls.
❖ Subtle Spell - you can spend 1 point to cast any spell without its somatic or verbal components.
❖ Careful Spell - you can spend 1 point to protect up to your Spellcasting ability modifier (max 5)
creatures from your full force when you cast a spell. Those creatures automatically succeed their
saving throw versus the spell effect.
You can spend a bonus action to convert a 1st level spell slot or higher into 1 sorcerer point. This feat
allows a maximum of 1 sorcerer point, even if you convert a higher spell slot. You regain it on a long rest.

[If you are a Sorcerer, you gain 1 additional max sorcerer point and one additional meta magic option - all
other normal class rules apply.]

Alert Ally
(Prerequisite Dex 13 or Wis 13)
You have developed keen senses that allow you to always remain alert. You gain the following benefits:
● You add +3 to your initiative on top of your existing skill.
● You cannot be surprised while conscious.
● On your first turn (and if your iniative is 20 or over) you can expend a reaction to alert an ally
giving them +2 to their already rolled initiative.
This feat can’t be used to raise an allies iniative higher than 20.

Practical Athletics
(Prerequisite Str 13 or Con 13)
Your adventures and training regiment have given you the skills of an athlete.
● You gain Proficiency in the Athletics skill. Double that proficiency if you are already proficient. If
you have doubled proficiency, don't double it again.
● When you are prone, standing up costs 5ft.
● Your movement speed increases by 5ft and you add ~5ft both to your vertical and long jumps.

Armor Aficionado
You gain proficiency in one type of armor with the following limitations:
● If you are proficient in none, then you gain proficiency with light armor
● If you are proficient in light, then you gain proficiency in medium armor and shields
● If you are proficient in medium, then you gain proficiency in heavy armor
● If you are proficient in heavy, then your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
You also gain advantage on Intelligence skill checks to determine the origin or value of any armor you are
proficient with.

Weapon Aficionado
You select one of the following choices and gain proficiency in their use:
● Proficiency w/ Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar
● Proficiency w/ Warhammer, Battleaxe, Warpick
● Proficiency w/ Longbows, Shortbows, Sling
● Proficiency w/ all types of Crossbows
● Proficiency w/ Greataxe, Greatsword, Glaive
● Proficiency w/ Simple Weapons, Blowgun, Nets
You also gain advantage on Intelligence skill checks to determine the origin or value of any weapon you
are proficient with.

Shield Savant
(Prerequisite Str 13 or Cha 13)
Regardless of your armor proficiencies, you gain proficiency with shelds as well as the following benefits:
● If you are subjected to a spell or effect that forces you to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can
spend your reaction to interpose your shield between yourself and the source - adding your
shields AC bonus to your saving throw total.
● If someone within 5ft of you is attacked, you can expend your reaction to add your shields AC
bonus to your allies AC.
If you have or later take Fighting Style: Protection, when you expend your reaction you both add your
shields AC bonus to your allies AND the enemy makes the attack with disadvantage.

Rough and Tumble

(Prerequisite Con 13)
You are one tough summabit. Gain a one time bump to your total HP and one extra hit dice. Take the
average of your primary classes hit dice + 1 and add that total to your total HP.
● If your hit die is 1d6, take 4 + 1 = 5hp
● If your hit die is 1d8, take 5 + 1 = 6hp
● If your hit die is 1d10, take 6 + 1 = 7hp
● If your hit die is 1d12, take 7 + 1 = 8hp
When you fall, you can spend a hit die to gain resistance to the damage, unless your Check or Save to
avoid it was a critical failure (natural one).

Nimble Caster
(Prerequisite ability to cast spells)
You've learned to deftly and quickly manipulate the weave. You gain the following Benefits:
● You can cast the somatic components of a spell even if wielding weapons or a shield in both
● Whenever a creature provokes an opportunity attack, you can instead choose to cast a Cantrip or
Level 1 spell targeting that creature. You don't have disadvantage if that spell requires a ranged
spell attack.
Additionally, you can cast two spells in a single turn as long as one is no higher than Level 1. If you cast a
spell with a casting time of 1 action and then use a spell with a casting time of 1 bonus action - you
cannot cast a spell as an opportunity attack.

Reliable Skill
(Prerequisite Int 10 and Not a Rogue)
You have honed your proficiency with one particular skill to the point it is reliable:
● Choose one skill you're proficient in and double that proficiency (don't double if already doubled).
● Whenever you are subjected to a check that utilizes that skill, and you roll a seven or less on the
dice, you can treat the roll as an 8 instead. Then, add your skill modifier and take the result.

(Prerequisite Int 13 or Well-Traveled Human)
You have spent time learning and absorbing different languages.
● You learn 2 new language you can speak, understand, read and write.
● You learn to speak and understand new languages easily and quickly.
Ideally these should be languages you've come across in your travels, but not necessarily.

True Grit
(Prerequisite Cha 13, Be a Badass)
You have been through the grinder many times before - and come out stronger. You gain 1 grit point that
you can spend in the following ways:
● You can spend a point to gain advantage when making a weapon attack or saving throw.
● You can spend a point to ignore long or short distance disadvantage w/ a ranged attack
● You can spend a point as a bonus action to expend 1 of your hit dice to heal that amount + your
Constitution modifier.
You regain a grit point by rolling a natural 20 on a weapon attack against an enemy or after a long rest.

Bloodfury Strike
(Prerequisite Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue or Warlock)
You've grown accustomed to gore, drawing as much blood on the battlefield as you can - including your
own. After landing a melee weapon attack you can spend a hit dice to make it a Bloodfury Strike.
● Roll that hit dice twice.
● Add the higher number to the total damage.
● Subtract half the lower number, rounded down, from your current HP (min 1).
● If you roll the same number, that number is added to the total damage & you lose no HP.
Any creature that witnesses your Bloodfury Strike has disadvantage on saves to be frightened or
intimidated until the beginning of your next turn.

Bareknuckle Brawler
(Prerequisite Str 13)
You have gotten good with your hands and are great to have in a scrap. You gain the following effects:
● Your Unarmed Strikes become proficient Improvised Weapons
● Your unarmed attacks deal a full 1d4 + STR
● You gain resistance to physical damage from unarmed strikes.
This resistance is limited to non-magical bludgeoning from fists, headbutts, knees, kicks and bodyslams
from medium humanoids.

Martial Prowess
(Proficiency with at least 2 martial weapon)
You have gained martial prowess through combat. You now have one Superiority Dice (1d6) that you
regain on a short or long rest.
● You also learn one maneuver from the Fighters Battlemaster Archetype to use with this
superiority dice (PHB pg 74).
● If the target is required to make a save, the DC is 8 + proficiency + DEX or STR (your choice).
If you are a Battlemaster, you gain a normal (1d8) superiority dice and a new maneuver.

(Prerequisite Wis 13 or Int 13)
You have become an expert tracker of one type of creature or humanoid type.
● You have advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks to track these creatures and can recall info
about them.
● You learn their language, if they speak a language.
The creature or humanoid type should ideally be one you’ve encountered in your travels, but not

Limited Resistance
(Prerequisite Con 13)
You have steeled your will and gained experience with a type of magical damage. Choose one Type:
Lightning, Thunder, Force, Cold or Necrotic.
● You gain limited resistance and can spend a reaction to steel your resolve and halve damage of
your chosen type, if unrestrained.
● If you succeed on a saving throw to reduce damage of the chosen type you can expend your
reaction to take 1 damage instead.
The damage must be magical in nature. You can choose to expend the reaction after you roll the save.

Primordial Essence
(Prerequisite ability to cast spells)
A latent connection to the primordial weave has been stirred within you, granting you additional ability and
spell power.
● You learn one Sorcerer cantrip, but it must be from the transmutation school (Shape Water,
Control Flames, Mold Earth or Gust – see Xanthars Guide).
● You can regain spell slots at short rests by surrendering some of your life essence to the
Primordial plane which you are tied to (water, fire, earth, air respectively).
● You can expend 2 hit dice to regain 1 level of spells, up to your max available hit dice.
● You can regain spell slots no higher than 6th level this way.
For example, If a level 16 character with 16 hit dice used all of them this way, they could regain one 6th
level slot and two 1st level slots equaling 8 spell levels recharged. Or they could regain four 1st level slots
and two 2nd level slots. And so on. Not dissimilar to how the Wizards Arcane Recovery Feat works, but
fueled by life essence and your connection to that Primordial plane.

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