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Westfield Washington Public Library

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Westfield Library Foundation

Launches 1902 Society

104 West Main Street

In 1856, Westfield received a Your gift will be used to promote

grant from the William McClure new projects, grow collections,
family to start a library. To quali- advance technology as well as
fy for the grant, a community had literacy initiatives that will bene-
to have at least 100 books, a fit all who live in our community.
reading room, and a lecture
room. The library failed to thrive In recognition of your generosity,
during the Civil War, but re- 1902 Society members enjoy the
sumed operations in 1883. following benefits:

 Advance purchase of tickets for

In 1901, the library moved to a
special events
small storeroom, but in April LIBRARY HOURS
1902, the Westfield Washington  Advance invitations to private
Public Library was officially es- Monday-Wednesday
author receptions and books sign-
tablished. The library has contin- ings 10:00 AM—8:00 PM
ued to grow and serve the citi-
zens of Westfield and Washing-  Donor recognition on the West-
ton Township for nearly 120 Thursday-Friday
field Library Foundation’s Donor
years. Wall, website, social media and an- 10:00 AM—6:00 PM
nual newsletter
Even with its doors closed during Saturday
a pandemic, the WWPL managed  Volunteer opportunities
to pivot and provide robust virtu- throughout the year 10:00 AM—5:00 PM
al and curbside pickup services
for its patrons. To learn more about the 1902 Sunday
Society and how you can join and 1:00 PM—5:00 PM
In honor of the enriching work contribute to the library's mis-
this institution provides, the sion visit
Westfield Library Foundation has www.westfieldlibraryfoundation.
established the 1902 Society. The com/1902Society LIBRARY CLOSINGS
Society seeks members, both cor-
porate and individuals in the Labor Day Holiday
community, who are interested in September 5—6
sustaining the mission of the
Westfield Washington Public Li- Thanksgiving Holiday
brary. November 24—Close at 5:00 PM
November 25

Members of the Foundation’s

1902 Society are forward-
thinking partners who are en- OUR MISSION
gaged with the Foundation in Fostering exploration,
planning for the future of the
Westfield Washington Public Li- discovery, and growth
Fall Story Times
You may also view select Story
Please register for all library programs on our Events Calendar:
Time videos on our YouTube Tween Book Club Registration required at Watch and Wonder (school age)
Channel at or contact the Children’s De- Watch and Wonder is a fun and educational after-school
WWPL46074/ partment at 317-896-9391. video program for elementary-aged children, focusing on a
variety of topics from the history of holidays to how things
(For grades 5—8)
are made.

Please register on our September 2 at 4:30 PM:

Sept. 8 or 9 at 4:00 PM: Bones & Muscles
Events Calendar: A historical fiction novel of your choosing. See our Events Calendar for ideas!
Sept. 22 or 23 at 4:00 PM: Animal Families
Oct. 13 or 14 at 4:00 PM: Blood & Guts
Baby Love Story Time October 7 at 4:30 PM:
Oct. 27 or 28 at 4:00 PM: Bats & Spiders
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Thursdays @ 10:30 AM
Nov. 10 or 11 at 4:00 PM: Native American Heritage
Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November 4 at 4:30 PM:
Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 Check our Events Calendar for updates. Friday Funday (Preschoolers)
Nov. 4, 11, 18 club-fall-2021-1 10:30 AM—3:30 PM for drop-ins
Registration required at
The Tween Book Club will meet on the first Thursday of
Story Times: each month at 4:30 PM in the Story Castle. Register online
September 10: Nursery Rhymes
Mondays @ 10:30 AM and stop by the children's desk if you would like a physical
October 8: On the Farm
copy of the book! Links to electronic versions are available,
November 12: D is for Dinosaur
Sept. 13, 20, *27 if you would prefer. Books for the following month will be
distributed at each meeting.
Oct. 4, 11, 18, *25 Themed story suggestions, activities, crafts and more for
preschoolers and their caregivers to enjoy together. You
Nov. 1, 8, 15, *22, 29 may CHOOSE whether to drop in to the Children's Depart-
Preschool Music & Movement ment between 10:30 and 3:30 to enjoy Friday Funday ac-
*Guest Storyteller Registration required at
tivities at the Library, OR request a kit to pick up any time
Miss Beckie will join us Sept. 1, 15 Oct. 6, 20 Nov. 3, 17
Friday through Sunday and enjoy at home.
at 10:30 AM
Please indicate in your registration notes if you’ll be attend-
Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM
ing in person or picking up a kit at the Circulation Desk.
Library staff will lead children in a wide range of activities
Sept. 7, 14, 21, *28 Visit our Events Calendar:, or
supporting early literacy, including chanting, singing,
call the Children’s Department at 317-896-9391 to reserve.
Oct. 5, 12, 19, *26 dancing, action songs and stories, rhythm practice, creative
Kits must be picked up by 5:00 PM on the Sunday follow-
movement and role playing. The programs will incorporate
ing the dates listed.
Nov. 2, 9, 16, *23, 30 music from other cultures and classical music, as well as
spatial concepts such as big/small, and over/under, and
*WWPL Puppet Theatre Please call 317-896-9391 when you're on your way
musical concepts such as fast/slow, high/low, and soft/
Performances: loud. Each session will be different. (for curbside pick-up) or pick up your reserved kit
Sept. 28: Th e 3 Little Pigs at the circulation desk.

Oct. 26: The 3 Little Kittens

Family BINGO Night (all ages)
Nov. 23: Th e Gingerbread MakerSpace 123 -and- MakerSpace 456 NEW NIGHT! Now on Mondays
Man Registration required at Registration required at
Sept. 22 at 5:00 PM (123) and 6:00 PM (456)
Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM Visit our Events Calendar for more details on the theme for Sept. 20 Oct. 18 Nov. 15
(First Wednesday of the month) September’s Makerspace programs. at 6:00 PM
Sept. 1 Kids, bring your parents or grandparents
Our 2 separate MakerSpace programs provide an introduc- for an inter-generational fun night with
Oct. 6 tion to STEM concepts through crafts, games and other classic BINGO games!
activities. MakerSpace 123 (for grades 1-3) meets on the
Nov. 3
4th Wednesday at 5 PM, and MakerSpace 456 (for grades 4
-6) meets on the 4thWednesday at 6:00 PM.
Trailside Tales Story Walk at MacGregor
Story Walks: Park (21105 MacGregor Park Rd., Westfield)
October 20 at 6:00 PM
Wed. Oct. 20 @ 6:00 PM Costume Party (all ages) Join us at the park for a Story Walk on the trail!
TRAILSIDE TALES STORY October 27 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Bring your flashlights!
WALK AT MACGREGOR Join us in the Children’s Department for spooky games,
PARK . Bring flashlights! activities, and candy! Dress up in your favorite costume!

Chess Tournament (grades K—8)

FOR INFORMATION ABOUT HOME- September 25 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM
SCHOOL CLASSES, HOMESCHOOL Registration required. Visit our Events Calendar to regis-
CLUBS OR CHILDREN'S EVENTS ter and for more details and price information.
DEPT. AT 317-896-9391 tournament-0
Please register for all library programs that require it on our Events Calendar:

September 11, 2001: The Day that Changed the World

September 11 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the Story Castle (Registration not required)
This all ages event includes a poster exhibition, a webinar, and access to online resources for further learning.
Poster Exhibition
In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, this educational exhibition recounts the
events of September 11, 2001, through the personal stories of those who witnessed and survived the attacks.
Told across 14 posters, this exhibition includes archival photographs and images of artifacts from the Mu-
seum’s permanent collection.
The exhibition explores the consequences of terrorism on individual lives and communities at the local, na-
tional, and international level, and encourages critical thinking about the legacy of 9/11.
Sushi Bar
View a 30-minute webinar featuring these speakers: RFID Tag

Carlton Shelley II, a W est Point gr aduate w h o w as a student in the elem entar y sch ool w h er e
President George W. Bush was told about the 9/11 attacks
Bill Spade, a retir ed FDNY fir efighter w h o r esponded to the W or ld Trade Center on 9/11,
and his son, John Spade, a graduate of the 9/11 Museum Ambassador program and Museum volunteer
Will Jimeno, a r etir ed Por t Auth or ity police officer w h o w as rescued fr om th e debris pile
hours after surviving the collapse of the Twin Towers
Brielle Saracini and Cait Leavey, w h o both lost their father s on 9/11 and becam e lifelong
friends while volunteering with an organization dedicated to supporting those who lost loved ones on Sep-
tember 11
Viewing Schedule in the Story Castle: 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, or
4:00 PM.
Online Resources
The 9/11 Primer provides educators and online learners with foundational information about the World
Trade Center and the Twin Towers, the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath, and the rebuilding of the World
Trade Center Site. Visit our website’s Events Calendar for more information and internet links.

Contact our
Department for
about our
ADULT EVENTS Programs with an asterisk (*) require registration. Please
RECURRING EVENTS register on our website’s Events Calendar unless specified
FOR ADULTS otherwise:
Programs with an asterisk (*) require regis-
tration. Register on our Events Calendar:
Craft Corner* Tabletop Games*
(Teens & Adults) September 22 October 27
Holidays may affect dates.
Sept. 15 at 5:00 PM: DIY Fall Jars 5:00 PM—7:00 PM
Oct. 20 at 5:00 PM: Dip Dye Candles Teens and Adults are welcome!
Nov. 17 at 5:00 PM: DIY Painted Bangle
Tabletop Games* Join us for tabletop game fun at the library,
(This may at times be a virtual program) featuring games such as Antiquity Chest,
(Teens & Adults) Lost Cities and Latice Hawai’i. Programs
Registration required. This is a free pro-
4th Wed. @ 5:00 PM may meet virtually at times.
gram. Each month we will feature a differ-
ent craft project for teens & adults.
Library Board Meeting
2nd Wed. @ 7:00 PM Mixed Media Art Class*
September 9
BINGO Brunch at the WWPL* 10:00 AM
Craft Corner*
First Thursday of the Month Mixed Media Art is here! No drawing re-
(Register and join us in-person )
(Teens & Adults)
September 2 October 7 November 4 quired. Really!
COVID-19 concerns may affect scheduling.
3rd Wed. @ 5:00 PM.
Please check our Events Calendar for updates. Come join mixed media artist, MaryKaye
(Details available at the Adult
11:00 AM—1:00 PM Wells for Mixed Media fun with this
Information Desk)
Join us for a delicious catered brunch and month's project:
themed BINGO and a chance to win prizes!
Writers Group Heart Connections
Cost to participate is $10. Registration clos-
4th Thurs. @ 1:00 PM es on the Monday prior to the event date. Is your heart connected to people? Causes?
This event is geared toward ages 50+ but all Books? Animals? Activities that bring you
adults are welcome to attend! life? Music? Beauty? Whatever it is, cele-
American Mahjong
brate it. Inspired by Tamara LaPorte of Wil-
Tuesdays @ 4:30 PM
*You must pre-register to participate. Regis- lowing.
Wednesdays @ 1:00 PM
ter through our website’s Events Calendar
Sundays @ 1:00 PM (New Time!) Come celebrate your heart connections in or by calling the
this mixed media class. Bring on the fun!
WWPL @ 317-896-9391. BINGO Brunch is
Imperfect people creating unique and im-
Euchre sponsored by the Friends of the Westfield
perfect art and enjoying the process.
1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 1:30 PM Library & Copper Trace.
Reserve your place, as space is limited.
Cost: $30
Needles & Thread Group
(Formerly called Quilting Group. All types
of needle crafters welcome!) Yoga at the Park*
2nd and 4th Thursdays in Sept. & Oct.
1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 10:30 AM
at Asa Bales Park (205 W. Hoover St. Westfield)
Sept. 9, 23 Oct. 14, 28

11:00 AM—11:30 AM
Mystery Book Group Join us at Asa Bales Park! Please bring your
Meets @ 1:00 PM on the 1st Wed. of the own yoga mat or beach towel.
month (except holidays). All ages are welcome, bu t childr en
Copies available at the Information Desk must be accompanied by an adult.
or via curbside pick-up.
Sept. 1 I’ll Be Gone in the Dark In the event of rain, Yoga at the Park will
Oct. 6 The Outsider be canceled.
Nov. 3 The Other Americans

WWPL Book Group September 11, 2001: The Day that

Meets @ 1:00 PM on the 3rd Wed. of the Changed the World
month (except holidays). (for All Ages More Mixed Media Art Classes*:
Copies available at the Information Desk Sept.11 from 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM October 14 at 10:00 AM
or via curbside pick-up. This all ages event includes a poster exhibi- November 11 at 10:00 AM
Sept. 15 A Gentleman in Moscow tion, a webinar, and access to online re- Visit our Events Calendar for details
Oct. 20 Little Mercies sources for further learning. or to register:
Nov. 17 The Nightingale
Teen Events: Drop-in Crafts for Teens
Programs with an asterisk (*) require registration.
Weekly after school activities will meet during the
Drop in after school and make a craft!
school year, except in the case of library or school We will offer a different craft each month.

Anime Manga Club Wed. Sept. 8

Meets most Mondays during the school year from 4:00 PM — 6:00 PM
@ 4:00 PM Emoji Jars

Wed. Oct. 13
from 4:00 PM — 6:00 PM
Sugar Skull Rocks

Gaming Corner
Meets most Wednesdays during the school year
@ 4:00 PM Wed. Nov. 10
from 4:00 PM — 6:00 PM
DIY Pumpkin Spice
Cinnamon Sugar Body Scrub

Coming in October:

Friday Flick
Meets most Fridays during the school year
@ 4:00 PM

Snakehead Ed Amazon John



Visit our ongoing books sale at the WWPL! Kroger Plus card: Register your Kroger Plus card online
at, then select the
Please make plans to stop by and shop our book sale. All
Friends of the Westfield Library as your charity of
proceeds benefit the library. Check the library's website
choice. Afterward, each time you use your Kroger Plus
and social media for updates.
card, Kroger will donate funds to the library--at no cost
to you!
Looking for other easy ways to support the library?
Listed below are some great options!
Network for Good: If you are interested in donating to
the library out-of-pocket, visit the WWPL website at, click on the Donations link, and fill
AmazonSmile: Go to and select the
out the NFG form that will appear. Your donations to
Friends of the Westfield Library as your charity of
the library are tax-deductible, and NFG will send you
choice. Bookmark this site and use it (instead of ama-
the necessary documentation. whenever ordering items from Amazon. Your
Amazon account will not change (you'll still have your
shopping cart, lists, etc.), but after registering to sup-
All funds donated to the library go toward library ser-
port us, Amazon will donate funds to the library with
vices that benefit our patrons
every eligible purchase you make from AmazonSmile--
and our community. Thank you
at no cost to you!


Sara Perry President Jeanette Wachtel Treasurer Marie Albertson Secretary

Westfield Washington Public Library

Postage paid by:
333 W. Hoover Street Friends of the Westfield Library
Westfield, IN 46074 PLACE
Phone: 317-896-9391 HERE
Fax: 317-896-3702

Director: Sheryl Sollars

Assistant Director: Kerry Green
PR Manager: Allison Knuttel

Find us online:

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