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A Lure: When someone comes to you for protection they gain a token.

he ChaRiot you kn ow these spells :
You are fire. You are strength. Ward, Vertigo, Punch, Surge, Taunt
You fight for what you believe in and brace against injustice.
You are fierce defender ofthose you love. Strong moves (spend a token):
Your magic comes from your will and your desire to protect others. - Cast a spell with passionate accuracy
- Defend someone
- Shut down an aggressor
- Express what is important to you
- Ask, “what here is vulnerable?”
Neutral moves :
- Take action, leaving yourself at risk
- Channel magic with unexpected side effects
- Call out injustice publicly
- Encounter someone in trouble
- Smooch someone
vulnerable moves (gain a token):
Nam e : _______________________________________________________
Rose, Orion, Zelda, Maud, Leo, a fierce name, a nickname
- Run away from something that frightens you
- Escalate a situation
- Pick an unnecessary fight
Pron oun s: _________________________________________________ - Cause pain to another in your group
Look : ________________________________________________________
- dangerous eyes, burning eyes, hidden eyes, passionate eyes
- guarded clothing, spiked clothing, torn clothing, homemade clothing
n Ot es:________________________________________________________
what do you fig ht for? (choose 1):
- music, The Mirror of the Fallen, justice, myself _______________________________________________________________
you have (choose 1): _______________________________________________________________
- an instrument that tells the truth, a mount, a book of secrets, a mace
with true aim _______________________________________________________________
Bon ds (ask 1 left): _______________________________________________________________
- I hurt you in the past. Have you forgiven me?
- Would you like to be my smooch buddy? _______________________________________________________________
A Lure: When
he Queen of wAn ds someone invites you into the spotlight to perform or
lead they gain a token.
You have been tested through fire and come out ofit sure ofwho you are you kn ow these spells :
Tempest, Alarm, Creature-Speech, Dance, Mimic
and what you need. You value expression ofself, independence,
determination, and courage above all else.
Your magic comes from your assurance in who you are. Strong moves (spend a token):
- Cast a spell with confidant proficiency
- Blaze a path forward
- Encourage another to express themselves
- Command the attention of everyone present
- Ask, “How can I impress you?”
Neutral moves :
- Take action, leaving yourself at risk
- Lead the group down an uncertain or perilous path
- Channel magic with unexpected side effects
- Dance
- Ask, “Will you dance with me?”
Nam e : _______________________________________________________
Lilith, Alysaha, Ace, Marcela, Ignacio, a stage name, a beautiful name vulnerable moves (gain a token):
- Keep your thoughts and ideas to yourself
Pron oun s: _________________________________________________ - Hide/ camouflage
- Act in a way that is contrary to your beliefs
Look : ________________________________________________________ - Put your wellbeing above the groups
- winged (insect, dragon, avian), vibrant feathers, adorned with gemstones, - Draw unwanted attention
- flamboyant clothing, intricate clothing, high femme clothing, sensual
clothing n Ot es:________________________________________________________

who i s counti ng on you? (choose 1): _______________________________________________________________

- my child, the people of Shattered Island, the Fae of the reef, myself
you have (choose 1):
- an enchanted mirror, a staff, a familiar, an amulet from your community _______________________________________________________________
Bon ds (ask 1 left): _______________________________________________________________
- When did you first notice me?
- Why do you find me beautiful? _______________________________________________________________
A Lure: Wdoubt
he Sun hen someone puts their happiness in your hands, or shares a
about the journey with you they gain a token.
Like the sun slipping out after a storm your sincerity brings comfort and you kn ow these spells:
joy to everyone. You are bright and you use that brightness to illuminate Absorb, Burn, Flare, Illuminate, Rise
those around you.
Your power comes from lifting others up. Strong moves (spend a token):
- Cast a spell with joyful precision
- Share a memory to lift someone up
- Blend seamlessly with the etiquette and customs of a new community
- Make someone blush
- Sway the tenor of a crowd in a positive way
- Ask, “How can I give you hope?”
Neutral moves :
- Take action, leaving yourself at risk
- Channel magic with unexpected side effects
Nam e :
Amaya, Alina, Nova, Oran, Bo, a bright name, a joyous name
- Sincerely compliment someone
- Laugh
Pron oun s : _________________________________________________ vulnerable moves (gain a token):
- Give up
L :
ook ________________________________________________________
- sparkling smile, generous smile, toothy smile, quiet smile
- Lose track of someone important
- Put someone down in attempt to lift someone else up
- barefoot, comfortable shoes, worn shoes, flashy shoes, boots - Cry
- Minimize someone’s pain in favor of harmony
you r joy com es f rom (choose 1):
- your inner light, a happy childhood, your home community, necessity
what g ives you hope? (choose 1):
- the place of the clouds, the Joyous Piper, faith, the keeper of the fawns n Ot es:________________________________________________________

you have (choose 1): _______________________________________________________________

- a crown of light, a cape woven by your mentor, oil collected in the light
of the sapphire moon, a special rock _______________________________________________________________
Bon ds (ask 1 left): _______________________________________________________________
- How is my presence calming to you?
- Why do you believe I am sincere? _______________________________________________________________
A Lure: When someone acts on your advice they gain a token.
he L
oveRs you kn ow these spells :
On your own you were strong, you were happy, you were loved. But you Find, Summon, Fuse, Commune, Mind-Speak
knew together you could create things that weren't possible alone. So you
fused. You melted into one another to create a different kind ofpower. Strong moves (spend a token):
Your magic comes from that bond. Ifyour bond is broken your magic will - Cast a spell with harmonious precision
begin to fade. You value relationships, community, harmony and the - De-escalate a situation with compassionate action
power ofchoice above all else. - Call in a favor from a community leader
- Let a lost soul know they are loved
- Help a community rebuild
Neutral moves :
- Take action, leaving yourself at risk
- Channel magic with unexpected side effects
- Negotiate a compromise
- Fall in love with someone new
Nam e :
Lavey, Melody and Harmony, Mina and Nessa and Rowan, a singular
- Express your feelings without regard to consequence
- Ask “How can we help?”
name, matching names
Pron oun s : _________________________________________________ vulnerable moves (gain a token):
- Act selfishly
L :
ook ________________________________________________________
- harmonious bodies, opposing bodies, symbiotic bodies, a singular body
- Bring unwanted attention to the group
- Temporarily sever your bond
- calming gaze, unsettling gaze, knowing gaze, unfocused gaze - Damage a bond within your group
- Ask for help from an ex
you are : partners, friends, lovers, family
who will welcom e you when you retu rn? (choose 1):
- The Rocks of Glassvale, the Wish-Weaver, your families, no one n Ot es:________________________________________________________

you have (choose 1): _______________________________________________________________

- a token of your bond, something you created together, a traveling
candle, your favorite book _______________________________________________________________
Bon ds (ask 1 left): _______________________________________________________________
- We helped your community through a difficult time; what was it?
- Our magic has an unusual affect on you; what is it? _______________________________________________________________
A Lure: When
he StAR someone comes to you for help or healing they get
a token.
Even on a night when no torches are lit you breathe light and hope. You you kn ow these spells :
Mend, Shine, Darkness, Flood, Soothe
bring solace and healing to those around you.
You value healing, hope, and renewal above all else.
Your magic comes from your desire to heal the world. Strong moves (spend a token):
- Cast a spell with a graceful touch
- Ease someone’s pain
- Give someone rest
- Find rest in the home of an old friend
- Ask, “How can I heal you?”
Neutral moves :
- Take action, leaving yourself at risk
- Channel magic with unexpected side effects
- Heal someone at a cost to yourself
- Consult your knowledge about plants and beasts
Nam e :
Cosmos, Ingrid, Bea, Minori, Estrella, a celestial name, a gentle name
- Ask, “Who here is hurting?”
vulnerable moves (gain a token):
Pron oun s : _________________________________________________ - Leave someone to bleed
- Wallow in despair
L :
ook ________________________________________________________
- glittering hair, lazy hair, intricate hair, soft hair, no hair
- Lash out in pain or fear
- Promise something you can't give
- shining hands, weathered hands, incorporeal hands, sharp hands - Withdraw
who sent you on thi s jou rney? (choose 1):
- The Whisper Moon, Vian the Kind, the Pool of Tears, a dream
you have (choose 1): n Ot es:________________________________________________________
- a bottle of starlight, a copy of “ Travelers’ Healing: A Quick Guide to
Common On-the-Road Ailments," a toy you have carried with you since _______________________________________________________________
childhood, a vial of poison
Bon ds (ask 1 left):
- I failed to heal you once before; what happened? Have you forgiven me? _______________________________________________________________
- I’m not sure you should have been chosen for this quest; do you feel the
same about me? _______________________________________________________________
h A Lure: When someone comes to you with a secret they gain a token.
Transitions are not always easy, but they are often necessary.
you kn ow these spells :
Shift, Thorns, Regenerate, Cloak, Frost
Your magic comes from regeneration. Old and new coming together to
create what you need. Strong moves (spend a token):
You found yourselfthis way— through a change that lead you to who you - Cast a potent spell
are. - Change your environment
- Help make a decision by offering insight
- Pass unnoticed
- Share a vulnerability to let someone know they aren't alone
Neutral moves :
- Take action, leaving yourself at risk
- Channel magic with unexpected side effects
- Tell someone about your transformation
- Cause a chill to run down someone’s spine
Nam e :_______________________________________________________
Juniper, Ash, Willow, Kei, Ilana, a hopeful name, a single initial
vulnerable moves (gain a token):
- Destroy something important
- Ignore advice from your friends
Pron oun s : _________________________________________________ - Cross paths with someone who knew you before your transformation
- Protect your secrets at the cost of someone else
L :
ook ________________________________________________________
- serpentine, gnarled, floral, concealed, ordinary
- Ask, “How do I scare you?”
- shorn hair, changing hair, colorful hair, perfect hair, unsatisfying hair
what did you leave be hi n d for thi s jou rney? (1):
- The Bee Tamer, my friends, comfort, Elspeth Nymph of the Stoney n Ot es:________________________________________________________
you have (choose 1):
- a worn spellbook, a loyal mount, secrets of the Lost, a packet of seeds _______________________________________________________________
from home
Bon ds (ask 1 left):
- What have I taught you? _______________________________________________________________
- I’m in love with you; do you reciprocate?
Setting Element: Setting Element:

he Nothi ng T
he Path Ahead
Not long ago a sickness started to spread into our world. It was slow, at The world we live in is wonderful and strange.
first. There were whispers oftrouble in the outer regions ofa callous There are untold wonders to explore and unforeseen dangers to cross.
force devouring the world. And somewhere there is a remedy. A way to stop the Nothing.
As It crept slowly toward the Prismic Spire the force became known not The path toward that remedy will not be kind but it will certainly be
for the fear it caused upon its arrival but by the Nothing it left in its beautiful.
When it reaches the Spire it will be too late.
There will be Nothing left to save. A Iofnvoke when the group moves forward, or they are unsure
where to go next.
A Iyou
nvoke when someone confronts The Nothing directly, or
want to create a sense of urgency. moves:
- Show signs of approaching danger
- Abruptly change the environment
what it deVou rs (choose one): - Obstruct their way forward
- bodies, nature, bonds, life, dreams, hope, color, everything - Separate or wound them
Its man ifestation (choose one):
- storm clouds, a gray mist, blinding light, invasive mold, crystalline
- Consume something, in whole or in part
- Spread panic through a community
- Send a minion to delay or undermine the group
- Separate or wound them
- Whisper to the mind of a witch
Setting Element: Setting Element:

Mag ic T
he People
It ties the earth to the sky. It brings new blooms and lays old leave to A world is more than mountains and valleys. A world is built by its
rest. It brings harmony to everything. people. The people ofthis world are kind and unique. They create
It is also chaotic with a terrible sense ofhumor. Even very young communities to fit their needs and help those around them.
witches are warned to be cautious: Magic is not easily coaxed into Some people are cautious and build grand fortresses; some seek
cooperation. adventure and travel through the world. Some rely on others to thrive
and some seclude themselves.
However, all ofthe people ofthis world are connected by magic and all
A Igroup
nvoke when someone uses unrestrained magic, when the
enters a magical place, or when they encounter a
have felt the loss that the Nothing has brought.
magical being.
A Inew
nvoke when the group encounters other people or enters a
- Backfire on the caster
- Change the physical world in unexpected ways moves:
- Do what the caster has asked- for a price. - Ask for help
- Create chaos - Offer something a witch wants, at a cost
- Cause harm to the caster or those around them - Offer brief respite
- Open the Magical realm for better or worse - Draw the witches into a community conflict
Barren L
an ds You begin your journey at the Prismic Spire. Draw it on the map.
salt flats
a dune sea A Add locations to the map as you encounter them in play.
painted mesas Pull ideas from the lists here, or come up with your own.
frigid tundra
a fog of spoores
windswept rocks
where wat er Rests
a shallow sea
a coral reef
endless sandbars
shattered islands
pristine lakes
the Depths of the E
a crevasse
echoing darkness
mushroom forests
narrow tunnels
sunken canals
Places of Growth
jungle canopy
gnarled swamp
fluttering fields
endless pines
an ancient forest
Gatheri ng s of People
a mobile city
a hanging city
a hive
tunnel homes
a caravan T
he maP

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