Unit 1 DICTATION 1. A White Lie: Listen Again and Fill in The Gaps. Write No More Than THREE Words For Each Gap

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DICTATION 1. A white lie

Listen again and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

Have you ever noticed (1) _____________ which say “Learn a foreign language in (2)
_____________, or we pay your money back”? From the first day your pronunciation will be
excellent. Just send...” and so on? Of course, it never happens like that. The only language that is
easy to learn is the (3) ____________________. And think how much practice that gets. Before the
Second World War, people usually learn a foreign language in order to read the (4) ______________
of the country. Now speaking the foreign language is what most people want.

Every year (5) _____________ of people start learning one. How do they do it?

Some people try (6) ___________, with books and (7) _______________; others go to (8)
__________________. If they use the language only two or three times a week, learning it will take
(9) ____________________, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language
(10) _________ by studying for six or more (11) _________ a day. It is clearly (12) __________ to
learn the language in the country where it is (13) ____________. However, most people (14)
__________________ this, and for many it is 15) ____________. They need the language in order
to do their work better, for example, (16) ____________ and doctors chiefly need to be able to read
books and reports in the (17) ____________ language. Whether the language is learnt quickly or
slowly, it is (18) ______________. Machines and good books are (19) __________, but they cannot
do the (20) ________________ for them.

DICTATION 2 – Learning English

Second listening: Listen again and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words
for each gap.

As we all know, English is the (1) _________________ language in the world. It’s important for us
to study English well. But how?

I like English as well as (2) ____________ and (3) _____________. At the beginning of my English
study, I spent a lot of time in memorizing the (4) _____________________ of English. I wasn’t
interested in listening or speaking. Many times the (5) ____________ I got in English tests were not
as good as those in my (6) ___________ tests, so I decided to (7) _________ my way of study.

From then on, I have begun to (8) ________________ listening. In my spare time, I often listen to
English tapes and watch some English programmes on TV, I try my best to (9)

Reading is an important step in learning English well. I read (10) _____________, and other reading
materials. When I am (11) __________, I often read English magazines and (12)
______________________. Although there are lots of new words, I often (13) ____________ what
I read (14) __________ paying much attention to the new words or difficult (15) ______________.
In this way, I’ve (16) ____________ my reading comprehension. How (17) _______ I am! The more
I read, the more I understand; the more I understand, the more I read.

Recently, I have also been trying to (18) _________. Though I often (19) ________________, I am
not discouraged. I’m (20) ______________ to study English well. I’m sure I will know it well in
the future.

DICTATION 1. Vitamins

Listen again and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow (1) __________________. Low levels of vitamin D can
(2) ____________ problems such as rickets, a deformity mainly found in children. Osteoporosis,
the thinning of (3) __________, is a common problem as people, especially women, get (4)

But more and more research is suggesting that vitamin D might also help prevent many (5)

The easiest way to get vitamin D is from (6) ___________. The sun's ultraviolet rays react with skin
cells to produce vitamin D. But many people worry about getting skin cancer and (7)
_____________ from the sun. As a result, they cover their skin or wear sun block or (8)
_______________ the sun.

Also, darker skinned people produce less vitamin D than (9) __________ skinned people.
Production also decreases in older people and those living in (10) ___________ areas that get less

Not many foods naturally contain vitamin D. Foods high in this vitamin include (11)
_____________ such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, and fish liver oils.

Boston University researchers reported last year that farmed salmon had only about (12)
__________ as much vitamin D as (13) ________ salmon.

Small amounts of D are found in beef liver, cheese and egg (14) _________. And some people take
dietary supplements containing the vitamin. But most of the vitamin D in the American (15)
________ comes from foods with D added, like milk.

In 1997, the United States Institute of Medicine (16) ______________ levels for how much vitamin
D healthy people need. It set the daily amount at two hundred international units (I.U.s) from (17)
___________ through age 50. It set the level at 400 I.U.s through age 70, and 600 for age 71 and
older. But some groups say these amounts are not high enough. They are hoping that the new
research findings will lead to new recommendations.

Research in the last several years has shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of
heart attacks in men and (18) ____________ from some cancers. Other studies have shown that
people with rheumatic diseases often have low levels of vitamin D.

More doctors are now having their (19) ____________ tested for their vitamin D levels. But as
research continues, some experts worry that if people take too much vitamin D, it might act as a (20)
_____________. Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk
of skin cancer.


Listen again and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

As is known to all, vitamins are (1) ____________ to our health. Listed in the table are three kinds
of vitamins. They are Vitamins A, B and C.

Vitamin A comes mainly from milk, butter, cheese, (2) _______ and _____________. It is very
important for healthy (3) ________________ as well as for (4) _________________ of the human
body. Lack of it may (5) ___________ skin troubles and bad (6) _____________. And our resistance
to disease may be (7) ______________ accordingly.

Vitamin B is chiefly contained in bread, meat, milk, (8) ________ and _________. It can play the
role of a catalyst in (9) ______________ of food. If we are (10) ______________ it, we will
probably lose our (11) _____________ and our growth will be slowed.

Vitamin C generally exists in (12) __________, potatoes and green vegetables. It is necessary for
the formation of teeth, (13) __________ and (14) ________________. Without enough of it, our
growth will also be (15) ____________.

The amount of different kinds of vitamins needed daily by humans (16) ___________ considerably.
We need about (17) _______ of Vitamin C and (18) ________ of Vitamin B for the (19)
_____________ period of time.

It is true that we do not need too much vitamins, but it is also true that we cannot live (20)
______________ without them.

DICTATION 1 – Staying in the nest

Listen again and fill in the gaps with correct words or numbers. Write no more
than THREE words for each gap.

The caps and gowns have been used and returned, yet many Baby Boomers are finding that the
commencement to their (1) ________________ kids’ life away from home has been put off

In a development that would have repulsed many boomers in the generation gap days of their own
(2) __________, returning to the nest – or (3) ________________________ it – is becoming
increasingly commonplace. A (4) _____________ economy and shrinking job market appear to have
(5) _____________ the trend and produced more of what American Demographics magazine calls

This year, about 670,000 or 56 % of university graduates (6) ________ to live with their parents for
some period of time. (7) ________________ and other observers say that besides the financial
reasons, boomers themselves – those turning 37 to 55 this year – are encouraging the trend.

“The (8) ______________ thing about moving home has really been reversed,” says author Faith
Popcorn. “A lot of parents have a (9) ______________________ with their kids. I think baby
boomer parents really have gotten the idea that home is fun and (10) __________, and they never
wanted their kids to leave in their first place.

Financial security of the most (11) ______________ generation ever and their bigger houses have
made this once-unthinkable living arrangement much more appealing to (12) ______________.
Ward Simpson and his wife have two (13) ___________ and a daughter who keep going away and
coming back, going away and moving back. “Most parents (14) _____________ that their children
never visit them but (15) __________ never leave – and I have no problem with that.”

The moving back trend first emerged in the 1980s before flattening out in the 1990s. Now it is (16)
________________ again following the dot-com crash and with the first (17) ___________ of Baby
Boomers’ 71 million children reaching adulthood.
The trend may (18) ________ when boom times return, but it looks unlikely to go away. The U.S.
Census shows (19) _________________ Americans ages 18 to 34 live with their parents – a group
now drawing attention from marketers because it has lots of disposable income and is growing (20)


Listen and fill in the gaps with correct words or numbers. Write no more than
THREE words for each gap.

In Japan, most people still (1) ___________ that a woman’s place is in the home; and most women
willingly accept their traditional (2) ___________ as wives, (3) _____________ the business of
making a living to their husbands. For those who do want a (4) ____________ of their own,
opportunities are limited and working women usually have to settle for (5) ________________,
fewer promotions, and less responsible positions.

In America, on the other hand, most women, including wives and mothers, work most of their (6)
___________. But until recently, few have had (7) _________ careers. As in Japan most (8)
____________ are dominated by men and opportunities for women have been (9) _____________,
salaries low, (10) ____________ for advancement rare. American women work mainly because they
have to; in these days of inflation and (11) ______________ living, only one income per family is
simply not enough to (12) ___________. So American women actually have two jobs: one (13)
_______________ position outside the home, and the other (14) ______________ in-the-home job
such as wife, (15) ______________, cook and nurse.

One of the main goals of the modern women’s (16) _____________ movement, which started in the
early 1960s, was to eliminate (17) ______________________ in the work force, and to (18)
_______________ opportunities for women that were previously (19) _____________ for men. And
though there is still a long way to go, a lot of (20) _____________ has been made.

DICTATION 1 - Life of children in developed nations

Listen and fill in the gaps with correct words or numbers. Write no more than THREE words
for each gap.

(1) ________________ Tracy has a stereo, TV, and VCR in her room. Her (2) _________ buy her
the latest CDs, and they give her a (3) ___________________ of $10.

“If I want something, or I need something, I just say 'Can you take me (4) _____________?'” says
the South Boston eight-grader. “If I go to the mall with my friends, my parents give me money.
They don't tell me (5) _______, really."

Tracy, however, says she's not (6) ___________. She does not have a cell phone, (7)
________________, unlike many of her friends.

She is the new (8) ___________ of American teen spending, a member of a generation that has (10)
_____________ during an era of almost uninterrupted (9) ________________. Nearly (10)
_________ of American (11) ______________ carry cell phones. They eat out with (12)
______________ at least once a week.

The average American teen spent more than (13) ______________ a week in 2001, according to the
marketing research firm Teenage Research Unlimited - up from $78 just four years earlier. About
(14) ____________ of that is money they can spend however they wish; the rest is for specific items
such as (15) _____________.

That makes teenagers a marketer's dream. But (16) ____________ say their spending (17)
____________ developed during the late '90s (18) ___________ boom - will probably make them
lifetime spendthrifts. Some worry that the intense adolescent focus on consuming will (19)
________________ a future in which an even greater number of Americans are living beyond their
(20) ____________.

DICTATION 2 – Life of children in the Third World

Listen and fill in the gaps with correct words or numbers. Write no more than THREE words
for each gap.
In contrast, there are many children in the world who are (1) ________________ in extreme and
hazardous (2) _______ of work, and who are being (3) _______ of their fundamental right to a

It is (4) ____________ that about 120 million children between the (5) __________ of 5 and 14
work at least full-time. If children for whom work is a (6) _______________ activity are included,
the figure (7) ____________ 250 million. Sixty-one percent of these were in (8) __________, 32%
in Africa, and 7% in Latin America. Most working children in (9) ________________ were found
in agriculture; urban children worked in trade and (10) _____________, with fewer in
manufacturing, construction, and domestic service.

(11) _______________ of child labor range from that of four-year-olds tied to rug looms to keep
them from running away, to seventeen-year-olds helping out on the family farm. In some (12)
__________, a child's work can be (13) ____________ to him or her and to the family; working and
earning can be a (14) _____________ experience in a child's growing up. This (15)
________________ largely on the age of the child, the conditions in which the child (16)
__________, and whether work (17) __________ the child from going to school. In addition, more
than (18) _____________ children, some as young as 10, are child (19) _____________ and are
waging war in 40 different (20) _____________ around the world.

DICTATION 1 – Couch Potato

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

Now, the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories.

Some (1) ____________ words describe how a person spends his or her time. For example, someone
who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or (2) ________________ while watching television is
sometimes (3) _________ a couch potato. A couch is a (4) ___________________ that people sit
on while watching television.

Robert Armstrong, an artist from California, (5) ___________ the term couch potato in 1976.
Several years later, he (6) __________ the term as a trademark with the United States government.
Mister Armstrong also (7) __________ write a funny book about life as a full-time television
watcher. It is called the "(8) ___________ Couch Potato Handbook."

Couch potatoes enjoy watching television just as (9) _______________ enjoy working on
computers. A computer mouse is the (10) __________ that moves the pointer, or cursor, on a
computer screen. The (11) ______________ of mouse potato became popular in nineteen-ninety-
three. American writer Alice Kahn is said to have (12) __________ the term to describe young
people who spend a lot of time using computers.

Too much time inside the house using a computer or watching television can (13) ________
someone to get cabin fever. A cabin is a simple house usually built (14) _______________ from the
city. People go to a cabin to relax and enjoy (15) ___________ time.

Cabin fever is not really a (16) ____________________. However, people can experience (17)
____________ and restlessness if they spend too much time inside their homes. This is especially
true during the winter when it is too (18) _________________ to do things outside. Often children
get cabin fever if they cannot go outside to play. So do their parents. This happens when there is so
much snow that schools and even (19) ___________ and stores are (20) ___________.

DICTATION 2 – The education of TV children

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

Many children (1) __________ in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they cannot

go to a (2) ____________ school. How do they get an education?

In Hollywood, where many TV shows are made, about (3) _________ teachers give lessons for the

children in the shows. They teach (4) ______________ their pupils are working.

The teacher’s job is very important. She is (5) ____________ for making sure that the child works
only the (6) ___________ hours each week; she is responsible for making sure that the child learns
the (7) _________________. She makes sure, too, that the child gets enough (8)
_________________, along with his education.

Child actors are (9) ___________ to attend classes (10) _______________ each week. California
law says that they must be taught from (11) __________ to the middle of (12) ___________. If they
do not get (13) ______________ in school they are not permitted to (14) ___________ working in
TV shows.

TV children are usually (15) __________________, and most of their teachers like this special kind
of work. Their (16) _______________ are held in many interesting (17) ___________. Sometimes
the classroom is the Mississippi River (18) ___________. Sometimes it is the inside of a (19)
___________. Often the pupils become famous (20) ___________.

DICTATION 1 – Where is Happiness from?

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

The way people hold to the belief that a (1) ______________, pain-free life equals happiness
actually reduces their (2) ___________ of ever attaining real happiness. If (3) _________________
are equal to happiness, then pain must be equal to (4) ______________. But, in fact, the opposite is
true: more often than not, things that lead to happiness (5) _____________ some pain.

As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the (6) ___________ of true happiness.
They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as (7) ____________, raising children,
professional achievement, religious commitment, (8) ___________________.

Ask a bachelor why he (9) ____________ marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less
satisfying. If he is (10) _____________ he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.
For commitment is in fact quite (11) ____________. The single life is filled with fun, (12)
________________, and excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most (13)
_____________ features.

Couples with (14) ____________ children are lucky to get a (15) _______________ sleep or a three-
day vacation. I don’t know any parents who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.
But couples who decide not to have children never know the (16) __________ of watching a child
grow up or of playing with a (17) ______________.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has (18) ________________ with fun is one of the
most (19) _____________ realizations. It liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those
who are always having so much fun (20) _______________ may not be happy at all.

DICTATION 2 – Dreams

Listen again and fill in the gaps with correct words or numbers. Write no more than THREE
words for each gap.

A dream is made up of a series of (1) ______________ that form during sleep. The people and
actions in these pictures seem (2) ____________ to the person who is dreaming.
When a person is (3) __________, he has little or no control over his mind. Then ideas and feelings
(4) ____________ to form the mind picture known as dreams.

Dream may be (5) _______________ by different things that are (6) _____________ during sleep.
If a person is cold, he may dream that he is out in a (7) ______________. Worries or (8)
___________ may also influence the (9) ___________ of a dream.

Some people think that they (10) ____________ dream, and other people are (11) _____________
that they do not dream at all. (12) __________ of human sleep have shown, (13) _____________,
that everyone dreams every night. If a person thinks he does not dream, it is because he does not
remember dreaming when he (14) ______________. Usually, a person may dream three to seven

times for a total of one to two (15) ________ of dreaming every night.

Not only (16) ________ everyone dreams, but it seems that we all need to dream. One (17)
____________ is that dreaming gives us a chance to escape from (18) ______________ of our real
world. In dreams we can see our (19) __________ come true. We can be rich, (20)

DICTATION 1 – Are you superstitious?

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

A superstition is an illogical belief that some action will (1) __________ something else that is (2)
______________ to the action. Many people believe, for example, that breaking a mirror will (3)
_____________ seven years of bad luck. When one speaks of good fortune, (4) ________________
is said to ensure its continuation. (5) ___________________, rabbits’ feet, and other amulets provide
(6) ____________ to keep the possessor safe.

Many superstitions began in (7) ___________ belief. The cat has been worshipped by several
cultures, including the (8) ____________ Egyptian. The fear that a black cat crossing (9)
_____________ will bring misfortune may come from the old (10) ____________ in its power.

Many athletes have (11) ____________ superstitious rituals. They often make a connection between
a victory and some (12) ___________________ or jewelry. When questioned about this, most will
reply that they don’t want to (13) _______________.

Belief in certain superstitions tends to (14) _____________ families. Most people who throw spilled
(15) ___________ over their shoulders saw their parents doing the same thing when they were
young. They may, or may not, know that the (16) ______________ reason was to keep the devil
from getting (17) __________________.

One danger of superstition is that it (18) ______________ people to believe that their future is (19)
_____________________. However, most of us who knock on wood, carry a lucky charm when we
fly, and never walk (20) ____________________ say that our behavior is due to habit or sentiment.

DICTATION 2 – Chinese calendar

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than FOUR words for each gap.

A calendar is a (1) ______________ that is used to (2) _________________ days, months, and
years. The ancient calendars of China were sometimes (3) _______________ 12-year cycles. Each
year in the 12-year-cycle had the name of an animal.
There were (4) _____________ that were used to name the 12 years of the cycle. These animals are
the (5) ___________________ rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar.
Following that order, you can (6) ______________ the animal for any year.

(7) ____________________ these animals had some significance or meaning for people. There were
(8) _______________ of using the Chinese calendar.

One area of its use was in selecting a (9) _______________. For example, a woman who was born
in the year of the rooster was perfectly (10) _______________ a man who was born in the year of
the (11) ___________, but would not be suitable for a man who was born in the year of the monkey.
People often (12) _____________ the charts before selecting a marriage partner.

Another (13) _______________ for the calendar was in selecting (14) ______________. For
example, a person born in the year of the (15) ____________ might be good for the (16)
____________ profession, but not for the (17) ________ profession. A person born in (18)
_________________ the rooster might be suitable for a profession as a cook, but not for a profession
as a (19) __________.

According to some accounts, people often consulted the calendar when making (20) ___________
like these.

DICTATION 1 – Forest Service

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than FOUR words for each gap.

The Forest Service is responsible for the forests on (1) ________________ in the United States. It
supervises almost 78 million hectares of forests, grasslands, rivers and lakes. It is an (2)
___________ of the Department of Agriculture. Forest Service (4) ______________ say there are
four major threats to forests and wild lands in America.

The first is the threat of (4) _______________. This year, forest fires have burned more than three
million hectares of land. That is almost two times as much as the ten-year average. Fires are a natural
part of (5) _____________, but they can also threaten lives and property. Fuel is (6) _________
plant material and small plants that grow under tall trees. As much as 49 metric tons of fuel can
build up on every hectare of forest (7) __________. The Forest Service estimates that up to (8)
__________ of the forests it supervises have dangerous level of fuel. Sometimes foresters set (9)
_______________ to remove the fuel. Other times the fuel must be (10) ___________ by hand.

Another threat to forests is from (11) ______________. These are non-native plants and animals
that push out native kinds. They can cause a lot of (12) _______________. Some invaders are insects
like the Asian longhorn beetle. Some are (13) __________ like white pine blister rust. Others are
plants like the fast- growing kudzu vine. The Forest Service has hundreds of experts who try to
develop ways to deal with invasive species.

The agency says another threat to the health of wild lands is the (14) __________________. It says
over one hectare of forest or grassland is lost to development every minute. Development also leads
to the division of large (15) _______________ into smaller ones. Many animals need wide open
spaces. Also, building near wild lands increases the (16) _______ to homes from forest fires.

The fourth threat to public lands is what the Forest Service calls (17) _______________. People can
hunt, fish and camp in many national forests. But careless use of (18) _____________ and other
actions can be destructive. On (19) _____________, the Forest Service released a new rule on the
use of motor vehicles on public lands. The rule requires each national forest to identify roads and
paths that are open to motor vehicles. Vehicles will be (20) ____________ from other areas. The
ban, however, will not affect snowmobiles.
DICTATION 2 – Noise pollution

Listen and fill in the gaps with correct words or numbers. Write no more than THREE words
for each gap.

In the past, noise was (1) ___________ associated with pollution, but recently it is found that many
(2) ___________________ are closely related to noise. (3) ____________, it is also labeled as a
kind of pollution nowadays.

That there is too much noise afflicting our daily life is a manifest. (4) _____________ in big cities
it is almost a (5) __________ to enjoy a short period of (6) _____________, tranquil leisure time
except (7) _____________ or in the (8) ___________ of night. Whistling (9) _____________,
bustling crowds of people, (10) __________ loud speakers of various stores and lots of others (11)
______________ nerve-racking noise. Noise diverts our attention, (12) __________ our sleep and
destroys our ears. (13) _____________, we are becoming more and more fidgety and (14)
__________ because of the noise pollution.

It is high time that (15) ___________________ was given to noise pollution. Moreover, measures
should be taken to protect people against noise and (16) _____________ us a quiet environment. It
is an arduous task, (17) ________ it can be (18) _______________ if only we try not to be (19)
_______________ and think twice before any hasty and irrational (20) ______________ are made.

DICTATION 1 – Online education

Online education/ Online learning

- classes taken by computer (1) ____________ - also known as (2)
- online classes started in (3) _______________
- about (4) _____________ students involved from the US and (5)

NYU model - Bacherlor (BA) degree programs in three areas:

+ (6) ___________ and management

+ (7) ________________ management + (8) ________________________

- highly (9) ____________________
- students (10) ____________ at the same time to attend (11) ___________

NYU online classes

- students can ask questions and do projects in a (12) _______
- classes are delivered by specialized (13) ___________ in online teaching
two (14) __________ SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
tests TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language)
- up to (15) ________________ per year
NYU course fee - foreign students receive no (16) __________________ - visit (17)
_______________ for more details.
- be careful of programs offering a degree in return for (18)
Special notes
- also known as diploma mills which are (19) _____________ in the US
- make sure the program you enter is (20) ______________ in your country.

DICTATION 2 – Technology influencing the world

An organization called the World Future Society publishes a (1) _________________ about
how technology, the economy and society are (2) ___________ the world. Tim Mack heads
the World Future Society. He says (3) ___________ is one area of growth.

TIM MACK: “I was surprised by the enormous growth in medical technology.”

Mr. Mack says the fields of nanotechnology, (4) _________________ and information
technology are working together to create new ways to help (5) __________. These include
better ways to provide medicine and identify disease without (6) __________________.

Mr. Mack also says developments in artificial (7) __________ could lead to a future where
(8) _____________ patients could be cared for by a voice-activated robot.

The World Future Society also publishes The Futurist magazine. Every year it (9)
______________ developments in technology and other areas to predict the future. The
magazine released the top ten predictions from the Outlook 2011 report.

Several of the predictions (10) ______________ technology. The report said Internet (11)
_________________ will soon include both text and spoken results. It said television
broadcasts and other recordings could be (12) _______________ using programs developed
by the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis.

Outlook 2011 also examined (13) ________________. It said industrial nations will send
much more waste to developing countries. This will cause (14) _____________ in those
countries. In about fifteen years, developing countries will (15) __________ accepting
foreign waste. This will force industrial nations to develop better (16) _______________
programs and recycling technologies.

The report also had a prediction about education. It said young people use technologies for
(17) _____________ as well as working and learning. So they solve problems more as teams
instead of (18) _____________. In this way, social networking is supporting different kinds
of learning outside the classroom.

The World Future Society also predicts that robots will be able to carry out (19)
_____________ commands from human beings. Scientists have shown that individuals can
type by using their brains without (20) _________________ computer keyboards. In the near
future, experts say brain e-mailing and “tweeting” will become more common.

And that’s the VOA Special English Technology Report. You can find scripts and audio of
our programs at voaspecialenglish.com. We are also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube at
VOA learning English. I’m Steve Ember

DICTATION 1 – Using social media to search for a job

This is the VOA Special English (1) _____________ Report.

The job market is more (2) _______________ than ever for millions of workers around the world.
In America, one reason right now is the slow recovery in job growth after the (3) ______________.
But other reasons involve (4) __________ in the needs of the American and global economies. In
big developing economies like India and China, high (5) ___________________ mean workers
often move from job to job.
These days, many (6) _______________ go online to connect with employers. Job candidates want
to show they have a lot to offer. But in many cases they simply apply for a job title and list their

experience. Instead, they should

describe the (7) _____________________ they could bring to an organization.
That is the advice of Steve Langerud, (8) ___________ of professional opportunities at DePauw
University in Indiana. He advises students on (9) ____________________ and often talks about
workplace (10) __________ in the media.

He says social media sites are valuable when they show the abilities of job candidates and not just
their (11) ______________ and experience.
STEVE LANGERUD: "This really is a talent economy, and we're stuck with most job seekers
presenting themselves in a job title mode. And I don't think it matches very well."

Steve Langerud says employers, too, should change their search methods. They should think harder
about the skills they really need to help their organization (12) _________________.
STEVE LANGERUD: "Because at the end of the day, it's still about getting the right people in the
right (13) _________ at the right time and then keeping them."
Ben Kirshner is the founder and (14) __________________ of a media marketing company based
in New York called Elite SEM. SEM is (15) ________________ marketing. His company's job is
to help businesses improve their websites and search engine results.
Ben Kirshner says when his company is searching for candidates for new positions, it first looks
(16) ______________. It considers existing employees. After that, he says, (17) ______________
can be valuable for finding new people.

BEN KIRSHNER: "Twenty-five percent of our new hires come from social media. Seventy five
percent typically come from (18) _________________."
In other words, three out of four people are found based on recommendations from others.
Elite SEM uses sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to learn about job candidates. LinkedIn is
a networking site for (19) ________________, so users might be more careful about what they say.

Mr. Kirshner says a site like Facebook can also provide a lot of information -- good or bad -- about
a person. So pay attention to what you put on the Internet and what others (20) _____________
about you.

DICTATION 2 – Interview

Listen and fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE words for each gap.

Interview has become one of the (1) __________ means in hiring new workers. For instance, it is
(2) ____________________ for a large company to have interviewed an (3) ______________
before deciding whether to accept him or not. This is also true of many factories and (4)
__________________. Through interviews, those (5) ____________ have selected the (6)
________________ among the numerous applicants.

Interview, as a (7) _________ of selecting candidates, has a number of (8) ____________ over any
other means. For one thing, through (9) ________________ with the candidates, the employer may
find out whether he is (10) _______________________________. Besides, the interviewer may
further discover what (11) _____________ the young man has so that he may be given a position
that (12) ___________ him well.

How to pass an interview successfully is certainly a (13) ____________ for every young man who
is looking for a good job. First, he should (14) ________________ and present an (15)
________________. Besides, in the course of the interview, he must show (16) _______________.
Finally, he must (17) _____________ to the interviewer’s questions quickly and give (18)
_____________ answers to show that he is (19) _____________ for the job. By following these
steps, that applicant will stand a good (20) __________________.

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