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Connect with tech-savvy and specific audience outreach.


Cadbury wanted to reach out and connect directly with their

tech-savvy and younger group of fans (18-25 years old). In
order to reach out to the targeted audience, Cadbury turned
to Google Plus to extend to them.

Learn Social Media with


• Cadbury built a platform on G+ based on three most

discussed keywords at that time which are, Cadbury, chocolate
and Olympics.

• Cadbury gave their followers a reason to come to their

Google+ page by sharing exclusive content they can't find
anywhere else.

• The Cadbury team used Hangouts to set up conversation

that connect Cadbury fans to famous personalities. By suing
the high-quality, one-click function on G+, Cadbury enabled
their fans to interact in real time with Olympic athletes and
chocolate experts.

• Circles help filter and tailor content that is suitable to

people’s interest. For instance, the Cadbury Crème Egg circle
are for those who don’t want to miss out on recipes and hacks
using this product or the Cadbury London 2012 circle is to
keep up with news around the Olympics.

• The brand also used Google+ to unveil a brand-new product

launch, the Dairy Milk Bubbly bar.


• By promoting their hangouts, Cadbury grew their Google+

follower base by 150,000 people.

• Cadbury has over 1,000,000 people on their platform and

really high levels of engagement.

• 17% uplift in click-through rate (CTR) across all their AdWords


Learn Social Media with

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