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TAXATION 1 – MODULE 2 cedula.

Although technically, it’s now known as the

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION community tax, which does not have the same value or
HISTORY OF TAXATION effect of the cedula back then which is basically used as
2.1 basis of your allegiance to Spaniards or to the King of
(transcript based on video presentation) Spain. Now, it’s more on helping the LGU in the payment
Ancient Filipino started the practice of paying taxes. The of the so-called community tax when entering into
purpose of paying taxes was simple: it was for the transactions with the government. Anyhow, that’s your
protection they received from the Datu. The collected Tax taxation way back then.
was called buwis. Except from the Chieftain household,
everyone from the community was required to pay their Now, our tax laws are not anymore based on the tax laws
taxes. Non- payment of which was already punishable implemented/imposed by the Spaniards, Greeks, or kung
during this period. kinsa pana diha. But it’s heavily based on tax laws
implemented by the US when we were colonized also by
The arrival of the Spaniards ushered in modern concepts the US. But we did not follow the Spanish because usually
of taxation. The native Filipinos aged between 16 to 60 diba mga monarchy and there were too many grey areas
years old were compelled to pay tribute to the king of in that version.
Spain through the colonial government worth 8 reals or 1
peso per year. Other forms of payment came in gold, BASIC PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS OF TAXATION
chickens, textile, cotton, rice and forced labor or servicio Taxation is one of the inherent power of the States
y bolo. together with powers of eminent domain and police
power. When we talk about the power of taxation, this is
In 884, the tribute was abolished and was replaced by the defined roughly as:
Cedula, a certificate identifying the taxpayer.
The power by which a sovereign raises revenue to
Q. Why is tax especially critical for a nation? defray the necessary expenses of the government
from among those who in some measure are
Money provided by taxation has been used by States in privileged to enjoy its benefits and must bear its
their functional equivalents throughout history to carry burden
out many functions Some of this include, expenditures on
This alone tells us that these powers can only be exercised
war, the enforcement of law in public order, protection of
by a sovereign state.
property, economic infrastructure, public works, social
engineering, subsidies and operation of government itself.
Sovereign State – independent from external control. It
means that you have your own government which
Governments also use taxes to fund welfare and public
implements the project for the benefit general public or
services. These services can include education systems,
your constituents.
healthcare systems, pensions for the elderly,
unemployment benefits and public transportation.
The very first thing that you have to look at:
Energy, water and waste management systems are also
common public utilities. This is where your taxes go.
“Is this State sovereign for it to exercise power of
*end of video presentation*
Because after all, power of taxation is an inherent right of
If you look at that presentation, it basically encapsulated
a sovereign state.
how taxation started, specifically in the Philippines.
Taxation existed even prior to the formal imposition of
Q. When does a state exist?
national taxes. It’s just that, before when they pay the
buwis, it’s not being done on a national scale. Rather, it’s
You go back to the elements of a state. One of these
more on a territorial scale. Nevertheless, the purpose why
elements of state is sovereignty, other than
they pay the so-called buwis is the very same purpose or
government, territory, etc. It is the power by which a
still exists as of this day and that is to be given some
sovereign raises revenue.
protection and benefits by the State, with which
we pay tax.
The main objective in the exercise of taxation is revenue
Eventually, when the Spaniards came in it morphed into
generation. This is where the primary difference of other
a tribute and then the Polo y Servicio, which is why we
government power lies:
have the big churches now and the infrastructures during
For police power the primary purpose is for regulation.
the Spanish period. Then it became cedula, which to this
For eminent domain, it’s more on the acquisition of
day we still have that; to which our parents still call
property, but here, the main purpose is revenue-raising.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 1
Q. What is the purpose of raising revenue? If it is not illegal per se, it is just not healthy or necessary,
It is to defray the necessary expenses of the government. ex: smoking, cigarettes, luxurious articles, alcohol. That’s
where taxation comes in, not to make it illegal, but to
“NECESSARY EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT” discourage the public. The more taxes you impose on
The purpose of collecting the tax should be for public or that, the higher will be the purchase price. That’s where
governmental purpose. If you disburse public money to the sin taxes come in.
benefit a private entity, it can be a ground for you to file
a tax payer’s suit. The power of taxation must be exercised taking into
consideration its limitations. Although taxation is
From among those who in some measure are privileged unlimited, plenary, it does not mean that it does not have
to enjoy this benefit and must carry this burden. any limitation at all. Otherwise, if these limitations are not
in place then destruction happens even in those industries
THE OBJECT/SUBJECT OF THIS POWER MUST BE that are considered essential/legitimate.
Which is why it is very important to take into consideration TAXATION vs. TAX
the equity. As required in the constitution, that equity TAXATION TAX
must be observed, it must be equitable, and it must be Refers to the Refers to what is being
uniform in order to follow the common adage that “he who process/power to collect collected through the
has more must pay more” and “those who have less in life ‘tax.’ exercise of ‘taxation.’
must have more in law”.

Those who are more privileged in life, must bear the

burden; they will pay more. The purpose of which is to • Taxation – refers to the inherent power of the state,
basically benefit those who have less in life. the process of collecting tax.
• Tax – enforced proportional contribution
(pursuant to the burden characterization of taxation)
from properties and persons levied by the state by
Power by which the sovereign raises revenue to
virtue of its sovereignty for the support of government
defray the necessary expenses of the government from
and for public needs.
among those who in some measures are privileged to
enjoy its benefits and must bear its burden.
You cannot refuse to pay taxes for the purpose of
collecting tax is essentially for social justice which is not
Paseo Realty & DevCorp vs CA to directly benefit you but to be used for those lesser than
Taxation is a destructive power which interferes with you or those who are in need.
the personal and property rights of the people and
takes from them a portion of their property for the
support of the government. What is the prime distinction between taxation
and tax?
Paseo Realty Corporation (GR NO. 119286) Enforced proportional contribution – the taxpayer’s ability
Other than raising revenue, taxation is a
to pay must be taken into consideration. The more that
destructive power which could interfere with the
you have in life, the more you should be paying. The
personal and property rights of the people and
lesser that you have, the lesser you should be paying.
takes from them a portion of their property for the
support of the government.
The definition is more or less the same to the power of
taxation. The difference is the first phrase which is
THE POWER OF TAXATION HAS TWO FACES: “enforced proportional contribution”.
1. To Raise revenue
2. Used to destroy a particular industry, not necessarily “From properties and persons” – objects and subjects
raising revenue “Levied by the state” – inherent powers of the state
If that particular activity is not necessary, it’s more of “For the support of government and public needs”
luxury, or bad for the general public, bad for the health, – to raise revenue in order to meet the legitimate needs
taxation could come in to discourage that or purposes of the government.
industry, if not to destroy.
Take note: memorize the definition of the power to
If it is really prohibited/illegal to put up that business, taxation to answer objective questions.
then the primary power of the State to exercise against
that activity is the police power. To reiterate:

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 2
Taxation is the inherent power of the sovereign state. It they are not the sovereign; rather, they are mere
is the process of collecting, the basis why tax is collected. "territorial and political subdivisions of the Republic of the
Tax is an enforced proportional contribution. Philippines". (Pelizloy Realty Corporation v. Province of
Benguet, G.R. No. 183137, April 10, 2013.)
Q. How are we to distinguish it?
Pelizloy case involves an issue on collection of amusement
As much as possible, break down the definition of the tax by the province of Benguet. (Read this case
power of taxation and the definition of tax. assignment for oral recits)

They differ primarily on the first line. Taxation being the Pelizloy Realty Corporation vs Province of
“power” and “tax” as the enforced, proportional Benguet
contribution. The rest they are more or less related The power to tax "is an attribute of sovereignty,"
because there can be no tax if the power of taxation and as such, inheres in the State. Such, however, is not
cannot be exercised in the first place. true for provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays
Taxes: Enforced proportional contribution from as they are not the sovereign;8 rather, they are mere
properties and persons levied by the State by virtue of its "territorial and political subdivisions of the Republic of
sovereignty for the support of government and for public the Philippines".
May the legislative body enact laws to raise SOVEREIGN
revenue despite the absence of constitutional Inherent - so long as the sovereign state exists, the
provision? power of taxation will also exist, provided it has a
Yes, because it is an inherent power of the state, there’s population which becomes the subject of the power of
no need for permission to grant to raise revenue. taxation.

Even if there is no constitutional provision -- there is no As an inherent power of the sovereign, this power of
need to grant to the government or to the legislative body taxation need not be granted expressly via a
the right or authority to impose tax or to exercise the constitutional provision or a statutory provision. It’s
power of taxation. Basta ang tan-awon ni exist ba ang automatic or it’s already up to the sovereign state to make
state. Kung present ba ang elements sa state; that power formal and written or to impose it informally.
Government, Population, Territory and etc. If a state Especially in the Philippines, although it is inherent, the
exists even if there is no formal grant in a constitutional power of taxation is likewise specified in our constitution.
provision, then the legislative body may still enact laws to
It is legislative in nature. These first two, being an
May the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Cebu enact inherent power of the state and is exercised through the
law imposing a tax not provided under the local legislature or is a legislative power of the State.
government code or other laws?
A big fat no. we have to distinguish the legislative body These are what we call as the nature of taxation. The
v. the sangguniang panlalawigan. The legislative body nature or the main characteristic of the power of taxation.
refers to the Congress, House of reps of the national
government. Sangguniang Panlalawigan Cebu is just a It is the legislature who will think what type of tax will be
local government unit known as Municipal Corporation imposed, how much is the tax, who is covered for the
created pursuant to a constitutional provision and tax, when will it be paid, etc. The legislature is primarily
pursuant to law known as the Local Government Code. responsible when it comes to the levy or imposition of tax
The power to collect local tax is delegated only from the through the exercise of the power of taxation.
Legislative Body to Sangguniang Panlalawigan. Since it is
just delegated, they are at the mercy of the delegating In the implementation or administration aspect, that’s
authority. In short, kung unsa lang ang gihatag sa ilaha, when the Executive Department comes in -- the Office of
mao lang ang sad to ang pwede nila i-exercise. If that the President through the Department of Finance,
particular type of tax is not given or is not delegated to ultimately the Bureau of Internal Revenue or the Bureau
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan then the LGU or the SP of Customs.
cannot collect that type of tax. It is considered as void ab
initio. The imposition thereof is null and void. It is the legislature which will pass the law on taxation,
The power to tax "is an attribute of sovereignty," not the president nor the mayor, in so far as the
and as such, inheres in the State. Such, however, is not Philippines is concerned because as we all know we are a
true for provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays as Republican State. Being a Republican State, the power

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 3
resides in the people, so it is the people who will decide. activity/privilege. There are different tax types which
But we cannot decide individually with 105 million people, covers these non-personal objects of the power of
so we elected our representatives. Our members in the taxation.
House of Representatives will be the one to start the ball 1. INHERENT PREROGATIVE OF
rolling when it comes to the revenue raising function of SOVEREIGNTY
the government or the exercise of the power of taxation. BASIS: LIFEBLOOD THEORY (?)
And the HOR being the representative of the people.
When the power of taxation is exercised, it imposes a
burden because you have to pay, your property which is MANIFESTATION:
monetary in nature is taken away from you, which is why 1. Imposition even in the absence of constitutional
the power of taxation is also characterized as a grant;
destructive power. 2. State can select the object and subject of
Thus, taxation is subject to several limitations because if 3. No injunction in the collection of taxes asa
the collection and the imposition of the tax becomes general rule. Exc: CTA
arbitrary without taking into consideration the taxpayers 4. Could not be subject to set-off. Exc. To No. 4
capability to pay, without taking into consideration the when both claims are due and demandable and
due processes in place, that's when the taxpayer can ask fully liquidated (Domingo vs Garlitos)
for help from the court and question the legality thereof. 5. Taxation is an unlimited and plenary power

Q. Who is burdened in paying the tax? Concurring and Dissenting Opinion of Justice Leonen
in Manila Memorial Park Inc. et. al v. Secretary
It is the subjects and objects within the jurisdiction of the of DSWD and DOF, G.R. No. 175356, December
state. When we say jurisdiction of the state, it could either 3, 2013.
be: The power to tax is "a principal attribute of
1. Geographical jurisdiction sovereignty."
2. Nexus/jural jurisdiction.
Such inherent power of the State anchors on its "social
Geographical jurisdiction contract with its citizens [which] obliges it to promote
The usual territorial jurisdiction that you know, the land public interest and common good."
mass, the seas. So long as you’re located here you are
considered within the geographical jurisdiction of the
The scope of the legislative power to tax necessarily
state, geographically.
includes not only the power to determine the rate of
tax but the method of its collection as well. ***
Nexus or jural jurisdiction
Income taxation for income earned by resident citizens
and domestic corporation even if they are not In fact, the State has the power "to make reasonable
geographically here in the Philippines. In short, the bond and natural classifications for the purposes of taxation
between the taxing authority on the subject or the object *** whether it relates to the subject of taxation, the
of the power of taxation. It simply means that even if kind of property, the rates to be levied, or the amounts
you are not within the territorial jurisdiction of the to be raised, the methods of assessment, valuation and
Philippines, but as a resident citizen or domestic collection, the State’s power is entitled to presumption
corporation, even if you are abroad, you can still expect of validity ***."
the usual protection and service from the Philippine
government or from the State. Then, it follows that This means that the power to tax also allows Congress
whatever earnings you have abroad or outside the to determine matters as whether tax rates will be
physical or territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines, it can applied to gross income or net income and whether
be subjected to tax here in the Philippines not due to costs such as discounts may be allowed as a deduction
being within the geographical jurisdiction but because from gross income or a tax credit from net income after
of the nexus or the jural or the bond between the tax. While the power to tax has been considered the
imposing state, which is the Philippines, and the taxpayer. strongest of all of government’s powers with taxes as
the "lifeblood of the government," this power has its
Subjects and objects limits.
Subject – e.g taxpayers.

It is not necessary for it to be a person, whether natural

or juridical, to be subject to taxation. It could even be an

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 4
2. LEGISLATIVE IN CHARACTER Inc., we reserve that when we will be having our live
Basis: Taxes are a grant of the people who are taxed, and lecture synchronous discussion but for now please do
the grant must be made by the immediate representatives read that. That is an important case, ayaw lang sa
of the people. And where the people have laid the power, problemaha class ang what is Tax Deduction, what is Tax
there it must remain and be exercised. (Cooley) Credits. You can skip as of now the distinction between
the two, just focus lang usa on the how to the SC
EXCEPTION TO THE GENERAL RULE: discussed the Nature of Taxation on that particular case.
1. LGU under the LGC and constitution Leave it to me ang pag explain as to the difference of tax
2. As provided under the constitution – flexible tariff credits and tax deduction but you know try to
clause; UNDERSTAND unsa ang ISSUE and unsa ang
3. Administrative regulation i.e. assessment and RESOLUTION sa SC because that is is more of passing a
collection law and here is a type of tax payer who is not [subject to]
apprehensive in following that law and they are raising
(nibalik siyag discuss ani nga part about nature of several issues which the court is trying to justify without
taxation) necessarily questioning the wisdom of the legislature.
NATURE OF TAXATION Ayaw lang usa problemaha but make it a point where you
1. Inherent power of the sovereign understand whether nakadaog ba and petitioners or wala
2. Legislative in character or exercised through the and if nakadaog, unsa nga method ang na follow; credit,
legislature deduction, equitable withholding. Etc.

Basic concepts in a nutshell: 2.2 (ni start siya balik sa topic na nature of
It is the state that has the inherent power to levy. the taxation)
municipal corporation not being a state (but part of the JURISDICTION
government) does not have the inherent power to impose This is two (2) folds - so we are looking at either
tax. Limited lang ilang power to impose tax based on the geographical jurisdiction or the ural or nexus or the bond
provisions of the law. between taxing authority and the taxpayer.

Nature of Taxation Then we move on to distinguish the power of taxation

Two things you need to remember: versus tax. We said that, when it comes to taxation - it's
1. It is an inherent prerogative of sovereignty the power, it's the process of imposing the tax. The tax is
-It becomes inherent because our primary basis is the so the enforced proportional contribution, it is the burden
called “Life Blood Theory” wherein the state will not akin to taking of private properties.
necessarily be able to function without taxes/money.
We have distinguished also the taxing power of the State,
Atty: Tax is as if a “gasolina” to your vehicle. Tax as if it’s the Sovereign State which has the inherent power to tax
an ink to your printer. The apple to my pie, straw to my versus the taxing power of the so-called Local
berry. This tax the state or the government is deemed Government Units or the so called Municipal Corporations.
useless. Imagine it kung ang gobyerno is based lang on So, we said that these Municipal Corporations do not have
volunteers, naa ba kahay mu volunteer? Dapat naa tay the inherent power to tax so the tax they can only enforce
sweldo, dapat naa tay kwarta. are the taxes delegated to them under the Local
Government Code and under the Constitution.
2.It is legislative in character
When it comes to the levying or imposition or revenue
generation, it must start from the representatives of the
• Inherent power of the state.
people being a Republican state, that is the house of
• Legislative in Nature/Character
Inherent power of the state - it simply means to say
that, pursuant to the Lifeblood Doctrine, without Taxes
Atty: In relation to the Nature of Taxation, this Nature of
the State or the Government cannot perform its function
Taxation is discussed by the SC in the case of Chamber
of Real Estate and Builders Association Inc. vs
Secretary Romulo et. al. (2010 case but the discussion
there of what’s the Nature of the Power of Taxation in Legislative in Character - Simply means that the
support of the resolution of the SC is quite good and quite levying or imposition must be done by the representatives
comprehensive. of the people. Primarily because the Philippines is a
Republican State. Since we are a Republican State, then
We have to base some of our discussions on that the authority emanates from the people and this is
discussion there by the SC. As to what happened in the exercised by the representatives of the people.
case of Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Association

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 5
Under the direct constitutional limitations, when it comes
to revenue - bills, tariff bills - the proposal thereof, must What are the grounds for the CTA to issue the
begin with the House of Representative. injunction?
GR: 2 grounds:
Nature of Taxation as Inherent Power 1) If upon the evaluation of the CTA, there’s a
This is an attribute of sovereignty. finding that the collection of taxes is prejudicial to
"Does the taxing authority have sovereignty? Is it the taxpayer or to the government.
free from external control, therefore can impose EXAMPLE: if the collection tax results to bankruptcy of
and exercise the power of taxation?". that company, 5,000 people will lose their jobs. So that
will be taken into consideration.
Again, the basis of this is Lifeblood Doctrine. When we
talk about lifeblood doctrine, the taxes must be collected, 2) PROVIDED, the taxpayer is able to post a bond
and must be enforced proportionally without delay as which is equivalent to twice/double the basic
much as possible. Which is why when we talk about deficiency tax assessment.
Lifeblood Doctrine, there are manifestations to this. This You might ask, that doesn’t make sense dili gani
is manifested in several instances: makabayad maong magpa injunction and then require n
hinuon to post a bond? Well, it’s NOT NECESSARILY a
MANIFESTATIONS: (5) cash bond. Although of course you can post a cash bond
1. The imposition of taxes even in the absence there, but most of these taxpayers avail the services of a
of constitutional grant - essentially because it bonding company. Wherein they just pay a certain
is an inherent power of the sovereign. premium, mura ug bill ba, to that bonding company. The
purpose of the bond
2. The State can select the object and subject
of taxation - when it comes to the scope and 4. Tax could not be subject to set-off.
coverage of the power of taxation, it is In essence, when we talk of set-off or offset, utangan ka
comprehensive,unlimited, plenary and supreme. sa government or you have an unpaid tax and the
Anything and everything may be subject to tax by
government also has a liability to you and you will just
the State or by legislature, if it wants to.
It’s just that, insofar as our laws are concerned, the say “oh government I will not collect nalang my
limitations must be properly observed for it not to be receivable from you and offset sa tax ga payable nako sa
considered null and void. imo”. In short, quits nata.

3. Because of the “Lifeblood Doctrine” which As a rule, it cannot be done; the principle of offsetting is
is akin to non-delay in the collection and not applicable. Why? Because usually when we talk
imposition of these tax, as a rule it comes of the government owing something to the
to taxation, there can be NO INJUNCTION,
taxpayer, it’s not necessarily pursuant to the
power of taxation.
the collection of taxes.
TN: Imposition is different from collection. If you question
the legality of the law, you’re basically questioning the In one case, it’s pursuant to the power of Eminent
levying or the imposition aspect. But when we talk of Domain in the payment of just compensation but wala pa
collection, you are not questioning the legality. Rather, na bayaran so naay receivable and at the same time the
you’re questioning the assessment or the computation. taxpayer has a tax payable to the government.

RULE: what should not be delayed by an injunction or a

TRO is the collection of taxes. TN: however, in one exceptional case, and I say
exceptional case because this is quite an old case.
XPNS: the only body which can issue injunction which is
considered as an ancillary to the main petition or main Domingo v Garlitos (GR No. L-18849) Off-setting can be
appeal is the CTA - COURT OF TAX APPEALS, NOT the done under two conditions:
MTC, RTC, CA nor Sandiganbayan. 1) When both claims are due and demandable;
2) Both claims are fully liquidated.
Why? Because it’s a matter of collection. You’re
questioning the way the tax was computed. This is a bit
technical so it requires a specialized body which is within Fully liquidated
the jurisdiction of the CTA. - it means the amount is already set. No more
question as to the propriety of the assessment or

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 6
computation. It is final, due, demandable, and fund for their Build Build Build, that’s why they subjected
liquidated. it to tax. Vehicles and automobiles – they increased the
In practice, when it comes to off-setting, I have not seen tax. Cigarettes, they increased the tax. So these are some
the BIR applying this offsetting. Why? Because it’s very examples where dili taxable sa una but gi subject to tax
seldom that BIR mautangan nimo – if nautangan ka, it is or exempted sa tax sa una but gi remove ila exemption.
in the sense na nasobrahan ka ug bayad. And if sobra imo Usually daghan ni sa business taxes, mga negosyante ang
gibayad, then you can actually ask for a refund. gigukod.

There are specific conditions and qualifications If you’ve been hearing the news, Congress basically
when you can ask for refund. There are also instances passed the DETA Bill (Digital Economy Taxation Act of
when you can ask for tax credit. BIR can also issue for a 2020).
tax credit certificate, but BIR, under the recent
amendment on tax code, DOF to be specific, DOF does The digital economy obviously, the digital service
not look in much favour in the issuance of these tax credit providers, the online sellers through these online
certificates (TCT) because it is sometimes abused by tax platforms—the BIR is doing its best to tax these
payers as these are transferrable. transactions because currently it’s not yet being strictly
monitored by the DOF who thinks of ways to tax these
The other one is Carry over, but not all types of taxes businesses to raise the revenue of the government. The
can be carried over. Again, there are conditions there. It DOF, basically, works with the congressman to sponsor a
does not necessarily mean na masobrahan ang bayad bill and eventually a senator to sponsor a bill in the senate
then utangan ang government nimo. Because ultimately, and eventually pass it to tax laws. So, these are the
you will be asked to pay tax man in the future. So, you manifestation of the lifeblood doctrine, all for the purpose
can either carry over that claim for credit or claim for of raising revenues, imposing tax being the lifeblood of
refund. Depending on the situation, on what type of tax the state or the government.
and the documents presented to the government. So,
there are conditions. So, just to highlight, in the case of MANILA MEMORIAL
By the end of income taxation, you must understand page 4) , this is also a very good case so please read this
when it is proper to carry over, to claim it as credit, and case. The discussion is good especially on the part of
to claim for refund. social justice provision of the tax code, the issue basically
surrounds on the ground of the 20% discount under the
5. Taxation is an unlimited and plenary expanded Senior Citizens Act. The Cemetery companies
power. complained because before they are exempted but to
Then, manifestation of lifeblood doctrine. Meaning to say, raise the revenue, eventually the exemption was stricken
related to our previous discussion in number 2 of the out so they questioned. The SC’s concurring opinion of
manifestation that the state can select the object and Justice Leonen, thoroughly that the power of tax is a
subject of taxation. principal attribute of sovereignty. In short, it is an
inherent power of the state. It anchors with social
contract with its citizens to promote public interest and
Because you know, the primary purpose of taxation is
common good. According to Justice, the scope of the
revenue raising. Government has to think of ways how to
legislative power to tax necessarily includes not only the
raise revenue and one this way is to increase the rate,
power to determine the rate of the tax but the method of
but in some point of time, raising the rate is
its collection as well. So, if the legislatures will say that
counterproductive and mureklamo ang tax payers
this tax will be collected through tax credit or through
eventually. So, the best way is to look for some other
withholding or through deduction, its part of the authority
items that can be subjected to tax, look for some other
of the legislature.
privileges that may be subjected to tax.

He further said that the state has the power to make

Became more apparent when the TRAIN law was passed.
reasonable and natural classification for the purpose of
Unsa ang mga transaction or activity na dili taxable prior
taxation whether it relates to the subject of taxation, the
to TRAIN law. For example: cosmetic surgeries were not
kind of property, the rates to be levied, or the amounts
taxable before, but they have to think to raise revenue to

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 7
to be raised, the methods of assessment, valuation and 1991, it specified there what type of taxes a particular
collections, the State’s power is entitled to presumption LGU can collect -- if you are a province, or a city or
of validity. Meaning, the congress will be the one to municipality or a barangay plus whether you are located
decide what is subject to tax. If it’s gross income or if it’s in Metro Manila or not. So there are specific taxes. As a
net income. rule, the LGU can only collect these taxes. So it is really
the legislative who can exercise the power to tax, the
What is the difference between the gross income Sanggunian cannot levy or impose tax which is beyond
and net income? the law passed by the legislature. Moreover, the
Net Income Department of Finance (DOF) is really the agency which
from the word net, it’s a net of all expenses as well as pushes for amendments regarding the levy or imposition
costs, usually the indirect expenses. of tax because it is the one who knows the performance
Gross Income of its collecting agencies. It is also the DOF who reports
pertains to the cost, considers the discounts, and cost of it to the House, the President, etc. The DOF has a
sales of service. division which specializes on what legislative actions can
be done in order to improve the fiscal condition of the
READ THE CASE OF MANILA MEMORIAL AND country. Previously, that division was headed by
UNDERSTAND THE ISSUE. Undersecretary Carl Chua.

The second nature of taxation is that it is legislative in

There should be no improper delegation of power but
character. We discussed this already where the levy or
there is an exception. Meaning these are the instances
imposition of tax is exercised by the legislature. This is
where there is proper delegation and that is allowed
exercise of high prerogative of sovereignty. The basis is
under the law.
the promulgation of the rules by the legislature. Take
note, as a Republican State, the people laid down their
power to their representatives. So taxes are grant of the
people and the grant must be made by the immediate 1) LGU under the LGC and Constitution;
representatives of the people. When we talked of
immediate representatives we are referring specifically 2) As provided under the Constitution flexible
to the House of Representatives. And where the people tariff clause- where the president is given the power to
have laid the power, there it must remain and the adjust tariff rates. When we talk of tariff, a tariff is
exercise was still in relation to the requirement that these actually a species of tax. Tariff is basically collected by
revenue raising bills must start with the House of the bureau of customs pertaining to imports and exports
Representatives transactions unlike tax, it could pertain to anything and
everything that is taxable and and it is being collected by
WHAT IS THE MANIFESTATION THEN? the bureau of internal revenue but nevertheless, a
The manifestation of this nature or characteristic of the species of tax gihapon for revenue raising.
power of taxation is that there should be no improper
delegation of legislative power to tax as a rule. In short, 3) Administrative Regulation I.e. assessment and
it should be the legislature which must impose or collection - what is strictly required is that the
levy this tax, but that's a rule because there is an imposition or levying is legislative but the assessment
exception as provided no less than by a meaning to say the computation of the tax payable in the
constitutional provision which is the devolution of collection once the computation is being made it may be
powers to the local government unit. delegated to the administrative body and this is being
handled by the bureau of internal revenue.
GOVERNMENT UNITS In summary, when it comes to the nature of the power of
The Constitution requires that as much as possible, LGUs taxation, it’s an inherent power pursuant to the lifeblood
must be fiscally independent or at least, fiscally doctrine.
sustainable, independent from the national government.
This is why, pursuant to said provision on local
government units, the Local Government Code of 1991
was passed into law. In that Local Government Code of

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 8
MANIFESTATIONS OF THIS LIFEBLOOD General Rule: Authority of the legislature to determine
DOCTRINE: the object and the subject matter of Taxation CANNOT be
It can be imposed even in the absence of delegated.
constitutional grant;
The state can select the object and subject of Exceptional Cases: LGU, Flexible Tariff Clause,
taxation; Administrative Regulation
There can be no injunction in collection of taxes National Internal National Taxes
as a general rule except for CTA; Revenue Taxes
It could not be subject to set-off. Except when a) Income tax; National Revenue Taxes
both claims are due and demandable and fully b) Estate and donor’s + Customs Duties
liquidated; taxes;
c) Value-added tax;
Note: Doctrine of Equitable Recoupment - A claim for
d) Other percentage
refund barred by prescription may be allowed to offset
unsettled tax liabilities arising from the same transaction.
e) Excise taxes;
f) Documentary stamp
This doctrine is laid down in a US case. Why are we
taxes; and
referring to the US case? Primarily because our tax laws
g) Such other taxes as
are heavily based in US tax laws. The SC REJECTED this
are or hereafter may
doctrine in Collector v UST, since it may work to tempt
be imposed and
both parties to delay and neglect their respective
pursuits of legal action within the period set by law. collected by the
Bureau of Internal
Ang logic sa equitable recoupment is from the word Revenue
equitable, pursuant to equity. Kana bitawng, in refund
man gud there is a deadline for you to claim for refund. BAR Question 1980 and 1988
Generally, that’s two years. If you cannot claim the refund What are the characteristics of the taxation?
within that period, dili naka refundan. Because you are (Suggested answer/s)
Relate to Lifeblood Theory.
given the time but wala ka nag pakabana.
Attribute of sovereignty (inherent in nature) -
excludes the power to destroy
There were some before who relied on this doctrine of Legislative in nature
equitable recoupment out of equity because of the huge Imprescriptible
amount, instead of it being refunded because it’s already Applies prospectively
prescribed na, beyond na sa prescriptive period they’re Subservient to the non-impairment clause of
just asking it be offsetted against their existing tax liability. the Constitution
They’re arguing ngano walay mogawas nga kwarta sa May be exercised jointly with police power
government, and it’s equitable on our part for whatsoever
TAKE NOTE: Characteristics of Tax is different from
reason. The SC formally rejected that in that old case in
Characteristics of Taxation. When you are asked about
Collector v UST, and the explanation of the Supreme Court the Characteristics of Taxation, go back to the definition
is that it may work to tempt both parties to delay of taxation and eventually go back to the nature of the
and neglect their respective pursuits of legal action power of taxation - an inherent power of the sovereignty
within the period set by law. and it is legislative in nature. You do not say it is an
enforced and proportional contribution because when
The cases in “Tax 2 remedies” are consistent in its ruling you say “enforced and proportional contribution paid in
that if you file for refund or credit beyond the prescriptive money…etc.” you are talking about the Characteristics of
period or time limit that will be automatically denied by the
BIR and CTA.
MANDANAS v. OCHOA, G.R. Nos. 199802 &
208488, July 3, 2018
Taxation is legislative in character and the authority of the (LGUs JUST SHARE IN IRA IS NOT LIMITED TO NIRC
legislature to determine the object and the subject matter TAXES BUT MAY ALSO INCLUDE CUSTOMS DUTIES)
is comprehensive, unlimited, plenary, and supreme Where the Constitution provides that LGU shall have
(CUPS). just share in the “national taxes,” but LGC provides that
LGU shall have share in the “national internal revenue

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 9
taxes,” Congress has exceeded its constitutional BENEFITS RECEIVED THEORY / DOCTRINE OF
boundary by limiting to the latter the base from which SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP
to compute the just share of the LGUs. The phrase Without taxes, the government would be paralyzed for
“national internal revenue taxes” is undoubtedly more lack of the motive power to activate and operate it.
restrictive than the term national. Such departure is Hence, despite the natural reluctance to surrender part of
impermissible. Verba legis non est recedendum (from one's hard-earned income to the taxing authorities, every
the word of a statute that should be no departure). person who is able to must contribute his share in the
Equally impermissible is that Congress has also thereby running of the government. The government, for its
curtailed the guarantee of fiscal autonomy in favor of part, is expected to respond in the form of tangible
the LGUs under the 1987 Constitution. It is clear from and intangible benefits intended to improve the
the foregoing clarification that the exclusion of the lives of the people and enhance their moral and
other national taxes like customs duties from the base material values. This symbiotic relationship is the
for determining the just share of the LGUs contravened rationale of taxation and should dispel the erroneous
the express constitutional edict. notion that it is an arbitrary method of exaction by those
Congress cannot disobey the express mandate of in the seat of power.
Section 6, Article X of the 1987 Constitution for the just
share of the LGUs to be derived from the national LIFEBLOOD THEORY
taxes. The phrase as determined by law in Section 6 Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should
follows and qualifies the phrase just share, and cannot be collected without unnecessary hindrance.
be construed as qualifying the succeeding phrase in the
national taxes. The intent of the people in respect of It is said that taxes are what we pay for civilized society.
Section 6 is really that the base for reckoning the just Without taxes, the government would be paralyzed for
share of the LGUs should include all national taxes. To the lack of the motive power to activate and operate it.
read Section 6 differently as requiring that the just
share of LGUs in the national taxes shall be determined But even as we concede the inevitability and
by law is tantamount to the unauthorized revision of indispensability of taxation, it is requirement in all
the 1987 Constitution. democratic regimes that it be exercised reasonable and in
accordance with the prescribed procedure.
THEORIES OF TAXATION If it is not, then the taxpayer has a right to complain and
LIFEBLOOD THEORY the courts will then come to his succor. for all the
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should awesome power of the tax collector, he may still be
be collected without unnecessary hindrance. stopped in his tracks if the taxpayer can demonstrate . . .
that the law has not been observed. (CIR v. Metro Star
It is said that taxes are what we pay for civilized society. Superama Inc. GR. No. 185371 December 8, 2010 citing
Without taxes, the government would be paralyzed for CIR v. Algur GR. No. L-28896 February 17, 1988)
the lack of the motive power to activate and operate it.**
Note: Without due process and limitation it leads to
CIR vs Metro Star Suprema Inc. destruction and what is inherent power is not to destroy
But even as we concede the inevitability and the taxpayer but rather to raise revenue.
indispensability of taxation, it is a requirement in all
democratic regimes that it be exercised reasonably The technicality involved is quite different as compared to
and in accordance with the prescribed the usual civil or criminal technical procedures.
procedure. If it is not, then the taxpayer has a right
to complain and the courts will then come to his succor.
For all the awesome power of the tax collector, he may
still be stopped in his tracks if the taxpayer can
The existence of a government is a necessity, therefore
demonstrate *** that the law has not been observed
there is a need to levy and impose taxes for the
countenance of the state, to defray the expenses.
i. Necessity to serve the people
ii. Necessity to protect the people
There exist reciprocal duties of protection and support
There exists reciprocal duties of protection and support
between State and its inhabitants. Inhabitants pay taxes
between the State and its inhabitants. The State supports
and in return receive benefits and protection from the
the taxpayer and the government grants us protection
and benefit. This need not to be directly given to the
- Support by the taxpayer
taxpayer. Part of imposition of tax is social justice wherein
- Protection and benefits by the government
those who have less in life will be given more.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 10
Without taxes, the government would be paralyzed for 1. Fiscal adequacy – sufficient to meet
lack of the motive power to activate and operate it. governmental expenditures; revenues should be
Hence, despite the natural reluctance to surrender part of elastic or capable of expanding or contracting
one's hard-earned income to the taxing authorities, every annually in response to variations in public
person who is able to. must contribute his share in the expenditure. economic elasticity
running of the government. The government, for its part, 2. Theoretical justice or equity - (sec. 28 [1],
is expected to respond in the form of tangible and Art. VI) based on the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
intangible benefits intended to improve the lives of the 3. Administrative Feasibility – capable of being
people and enhance their moral and material values. This effectively enforced; Tax laws should close-up the
symbiotic relationship is the rationale of taxation and loopholes for tax evasion and deter unscrupulous
should dispel the erroneous notion that it is an arbitrary officials from committing fraud.
method of exaction by those in the seat of power. Basic Principles of a Sound Tax System
We have discussed so far the definition, the nature, the
In this time, the examiners were asked to characteristic in relation thereto and the underlying
theories to the power of taxation.
distinguish Lifeblood Doctrine, Necessity Theory,
and Benefits Received Principle. These are just So now, we go to the basic principles of a sound tax
suggested answers based on the SC on these cases. system. When we say, Principles - a guide to our
BAR Q 2016: government or to our legislators in coming up with Tax
Briefly explain the following doctrines: Lifeblood laws and the implementation or administration of these
Doctrine; Necessity theory; Benefits received principle; laws.
and Doctrine of symbiotic relationship.
3 Basic Principles of A Sound Tax System
LIFEBLOOD DOCTRINE - Without revenue raised You can say the mnemonic, FAT (para di malimtan
from taxation, the government will not survive, because this is the favorite item in the Bar):
resulting in detriment to society. Without taxes, the F - Fiscal Adequacy
government would be paralyzed for lack of motive A - Administrative Feasibility
power to activate and operate it. (CIR vs. Algue, Inc. T - Theoretical Justice or Equity
GR No. L-28896, Feb, 17, 1988, 158 SCRA 9)
Simply means that if a tax law is passed, it should be
NECESSITY THEORY – The exercise of the power to
sufficient to meet the financial needs of the government.
tax emanates from necessity , because without taxes,
It should be elastic or capable of expanding or contracting
government cannot fulfill its mandate of promoting the
in response to the variations in public expenditure.
general welfare and well-being of the people. ( CIR vs.
Bank of the Philippine Islands, GR no. 134062, April 12,
If you are familiar with the proceedings in Congress, the
2007, 521 SCRA 373)
usual issue really before the Congress, is the passage of
the budget of the government for the next fiscal year or
the following Congress.
receive benefits from taxes through the protection the
Why do they need to make this budget? Why do they need
State affords to them. For the protection they get arises
to make these appropriations as early as possible?
their obligation to support the government through the
payment of taxes. (CIR vs. Algue, Inc. GR No. L-28896,
It's because that will serve as the target of the
Feb, 17, 1988, 158 SCRA 9)
Department of Finance in generating its revenue. So, if
appropriation stands at trillions of pesos then it will be
Atty: So, this is where it is more or less the same with the divided among the revenue generating agencies of the
doctrine of symbiotic relationship. both the taxpayer and government, how much is budgeted? How much is the
the government benefit from each other. Of course, that target for the BIR? How much is the target for the BOC?
is as a rule because the power of taxation is still based a and from other government agencies? That sets the tone,
person’s ability ti pay man diba? So, di sad kinahanglan basically.
na tanan gyud taw na mu agi sa kalsada na mu gamit sa
public market dapat nag bayad ug tax because there are Now, if based on that appropriations, if based on that
many Filipinos who are not capable of paying taxes. That budget, the forecast on the other hand, of these revenues
should be taken in consideration. generating agency is dili enough ang magenerate nila,
then that's the time when the government need to look
at the other side and to think which of these taxes needs

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 11
to be increased or if new tax law needs to be increased consistently earned so much that you need to be strictly
etc. That's all part of the Fiscal Adequacy principle, in monitored by the BIR.
short, it's not a hard and short law that once you've
passed it, that's it, that's the end. Pursuant to this principle, the BIR cannot just monitor
each and every individual because there are some who
What are some illustrations of these provisions in don’t even earn income, niya gukodgukoron paka, that's
sharing Fiscal Adequacy? simply against the basic principle of Admin Feasibility.
Common illustration is when the tax law is amended
imposing the VAT. When the VAT was initially In short, BIR has no enough manpower and no enough
implemented, the rate was initially 10%, however, capacity to go against all the taxpayers. That’s why it has
pursuant to certain conditions that must be met, the to make a sound classification of taxpayers, esp as to who
President was empowered to increase the rate from 10% will be prioritized in the audit, assessment and monitoring.
to 12%. It was done in the time of President Gloria, during The rest are just sampling or if there's an anonymous
the time when these conditions were met. complaint raised to the BIR, usually that’s the case where
the BIR will go after you even if you say, gamay raman
That’s one way of ensuring Fiscal Adequacy. Wherein ko or wala man koy gi declare pursuant again to Admin
some point in time, you really need to adjust the tax rate; Feasibility.
you need to increase it. Not only to address the needs of
the government but also to address the inflation or Also, pursuant to this principle, the BIR is also empowered
valuation of money as time passes by. to issue revenue memorandum circulars and revenue
memorandum orders.
Recently, the government did not just increase some of
the tax rates. Rather, the government pursuant to the What’s the purpose? To clarify gray areas in the law
passage of the TRAIN Law, imposed new taxes, new tax and in the regulation, all for the purpose of making the
rates and that is expected to still happen once the CREATE implementation practical as much possible. Easy to
bill becomes a law. The government continues to amend comply on the part of the taxpayers and easy to monitor
the law by removing exempting provisions. for the BIR officials.

Before, all government agencies were exempted, THEORETICAL JUSTICE OR EQUITY

including GOCCs. Eventually when it was amended, An important principle that is expressly provided in the
GOCCs became taxable. Only very few remain to be Constitution, Sec. 28(1), Art. VI. where it requires that in
exempted. These are some ways in ensuring that the passing tax laws, legislators must take into consideration
revenues generated by the government is fiscally the taxpayer’s ability to pay, “equity”.
adequate for the appropriation of the budget of the
government. TN: Equity is different from equality.


Simply means that law (tax law) must be capable of being on FB)
effectively enforced; must close-up the loopholes for tax
evasion and deter unscrupulous officials from committing EQUALITY – three of them were given the same box of
fraud. the same height but not everyone can see.
Simply put: COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS. EQUALITY – we take into consideration their situation
and their height.
THE BENEFIT generated by the government SHOULD
ALWAYS BE HIGHER THAN THE COST of implementation For taxation, it simply means, we take into consideration
thereof. This is the very reason why the BIR has to classify the tax payer’s ability to pay. Meaning, the more
taxpayers into: Large or Non-large Taxpayers, Top privileged that you are or more income that you generate,
Withholding or Non Top Withholding agents. the more tax that you pay to the government.

Why classify and separate from the registration n the In connection with theoretical justice is the requirement
revenue office? Nganong pabalhinon kas Large in Tax. If you call the definition of Tax, it is the enforced
Taxpayer’s division? proportional, it is based on equity or taxpayer’s ability to
pay. Proportional and progressive.
Maybe because you‘ve been continuously paying high tax
rates/payments for the last few years or you’ve Of these three basic principles, in case this is
violated, which of these basic principles make the

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 12
tax law null and void? Which of these three can the government will issue a regulation but they cannot
nullify the tax law? implement it for the simple reason that it is costly to
implement. When we talk about cost, we are not talking
If it is violative of the basic principle of theoretical justice about the money that will be incurred by the BIR but we
or equity because this is what is expressly stated in the are talking about the man power—if the BIR has the
Constitution. So automatic, that law or regulation capacity or if the BIR has the power to implement the law
becomes unconstitutional, thus it follows that it becomes or the regulation, that should all be taken into
null and void. consideration pursuant to the principle of administrative
feasibility. The BIR, as much as possible, wants to tax all
the online transactions, etc. etc. But the question is, is it
If that law or regulation merely violated the principles of
administratively feasible, right? Naa ba silay technical
fiscal adequacy or administrative feasibility, then it does
expert, IT expert who can do IT audit, etc and some of
not necessarily make the law or regulation null and void,
the technical staff. All of these are taken into
rather, it merely makes the law or regulation defective
consideration such that if kailangan pa ta mag training or
and not unconstitutional. So, what can be done is to
we don’t have the manpower, shift gear ka, so diri ta sa
amend the law or regulation to make it fiscally adequate
kaya natu na dili na natu gukuron. So that’s all pursuant
or administratively feasible.
to the principle of Administrative Feasibility.
This is very common labi na ni administrative feasibility. NATURE OF TAXATION
Common ni sa mga circular nga gi-issue then gibawi nsad Scope: To determine—
ni BIR for the simple reason na di nya maimplemnt. Or for 1. Purpose(s)
the simple reason na walay expertise or walay manpower 2. Subjects and objects of taxation (within its
si BIR. jurisdiction)
3. Amount and rate of tax
Very basic example of admin feasibility is the 4. Kind of tax to be collected
implementation or regulation or the requirement of 5. Apportionment of the tax
transfer pricing documentation (technical term). 6. Manner and mode of enforcement and collection
7. Situs of taxation
When we say transfer pricing, this simply means to say 8. Grant tax exemption or condonation
that if two entities are related or two corporations, the 9. Provision of administrative and judicial remedies
other corporation is the parent of a subsidiary. Meaning that may be availed by the taxpayers and
to say that the other corporation owns the 99% of the government
other corporate entity and these related entities transact
with each other. The subsidiary purchases from the Again, just to emphasize, the power to tax is legislative in
parent, the subsidiary manufactures it, and then character and the legislature can determine essentially
eventually the subsidiary sales that product back to the the scope of the tax.
parent. Murag ragud nag managsoon. Huna-hunaa
managsoon mo, kung managsoon mo, sobra pa sa This scope of the power of taxation is related supposed
inamigo ang pricing, usahay libre, diba? For taxation to be to the nature of taxation that it is legislative in
purposes, for BIR purposes, that should not be the case, character. The power of taxation is legislative in character
even if you are a related entity, as much as possible, you and the legislature can essentially determine the scope of
should treat both parties or that transaction as if you are the tax.
purchasing from a third party. Why? Because if you don’t
treat it independently, you will have no profit to report to Scope of the tax:
the Bureau or to the government. In that sense, alkansi 1. Purpose(s)
ang government. So, there must be a reasonable profit. I 2. Subjects and objects of taxation (within its
say reasonable meaning it is acceptable in industry jurisdiction)
practice—that is the very concept of transfer pricing 3. Amount and rate of tax
documentation. 4. Kind of tax to be collected
5. Apportionment of the tax
So in short, way back 2013, it is required to document 6. Manner and mode of enforcement and collection
what is the reasonable price if this transaction is entered 7. Situs of taxation
into with your related party. But I tell you, it was only 8. Grant tax exemption or condonation
strictly implemented this year for the simple fact that the 9. Provision of administrative and judicial remedies
technical team who crafted the regulation for the transfer that may be availed by the taxpayers and
pricing documentation regulation all resigned when government
Henares went out of office. And that is called All of these things can be determined or specified by
administrative feasibility. Why? It is useless. Even though Congress. If you recall the concurring decision of Justice

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 13
Leonen in the case of Manila Memorial Park, it is
mentioned there the scope of the legislative power to tax; However, if that same question is asked in taxation
sila ang maka-determine onsa ang e-subject to tax, subject, particularly relation to the coverage, to the reach
whether it’s gross income or net income. That’s all within or the scope of the power, then in such case, the most
the power of the Legislature. powerful inherent power of the state is the power of
taxation because it could even go beyond the
(ang discussion dire sa “purpose” kay sa 2.1 ni nga part geographical borders or beyond the territorial borders of
nga discussion so overview ni siya and ang 2.3 nga part the Philippines.
is “purpose and objective of taxation”)
PURPOSE So long as you are a resident citizen or you are a
The purpose again is to raise revenue, so that should domestic corporation, if you earn that income abroad,
be the primary purpose for it to be called as the power that is already subject to tax. However, police power
of taxation. when it comes to scope and coverage it is limited. It will
only be exercised if you violated a particular law and it
NOTE: The purpose of raising revenue is only deemed can be exercised within the geographical or territorial
primary because in so far as the power of taxation, it also jurisdiction of the Philippines. Because if a resident citizen
has a secondary purpose. violates a law abroad, he is covered in the Criminal law or
Q. What is this secondary purpose to this to the police power of that state where she violated.
power of taxation?
But for Power of Taxation he can still be covered by the
It could either be regulatory or it could either be Power of Taxation even if he earned that income abroad.
So kung consti police power gyud ang most powerful pero
Q. Why do we need to know that raising revenue is kung tax, be careful because the examiner might be
the primary purpose? referring to scope.

Because there could be questions in the bar and in your • Most powerful inherent power of the State based on
examination which will ask you to determine whether this “limitations” - Police Power
is power of taxation or police power. Not much of an • Most powerful inherent power of the State based on
issue on power of eminent domain because eminent “scope” - Power of Taxation (for the Power of
domain is quite straightforward. There is taking of Taxation is comprehensive, unlimited, plenary,
private property, there is paying of just compensation, the and supreme (CUPS))
taking is for public purpose etc.
But the usual issue that could come in is: PURPOSE OF THE REVENUE
To meet the legitimate objectives of the Government. In
“is this taxation or is this police power?” short, the proceeds of the tax collected by the
government goes to the public fund and being a public
Q. Nganong magka intertwined man sometimes fund it is used for public purpose.
ang kaning duha ka power?
Because of the secondary purpose of taxation which is It is an inherent power of the sovereign exercised through
regulatory. Meaning to say, the power of taxation the legislature to impose burdens upon subjects and
somehow is used in aid of the police power of the state. objects within its jurisdiction to raise revenues, to meet
legitimate objects of the government.
Q. Why do we need to delineate if its power of
taxation or if its police power? PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF TAXATION
The 4 R’s of Taxation:
For the primary reason that the limitations applicable to 1. REVENUE
the power of taxation is different from the limitations 2. REDISTRIBUTION
applicable to the police power of the state. 3. RE-PRICING
Q. Which is the most powerful inherent power of
the state? Primary: revenue raising

The usual answer there is police power because it is Secondary: Non-revenue raising
subject to very few limitations unlike the power of 1. Regulation and the Sumptuary Purpose of
taxation where it is subject to several limitations- Taxation
Constitutional, statutory and even inherent limitations.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 14
Holmes Dictum (McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat, used justly and not treacherously. It does not conform
3164L ed. 579, 607) vis-à-vis Marshall Dictum with our sense of justice in the instant case for the
(Panhandle Oil C. v. Mississippi, 277 US 218). Government to persuade the taxpayer to lend it a helping
hand and later on to penalize him for duly answering the
Primary Purpose of taxation: Revenue Raising urgent call. In short, murag gi traydor ni government (this
(which is even detailed in the definition of the power of is also a bar question before)
taxation). But that is not the sole purpose.
In relation to the regulatory purpose of taxation, we also
Secondary Purpose of taxation: Non-revenue have the relevant case of PAL v EDU. In this case, this
Raising involves the collection of tax pursuant to regulation or for
Foremost of which is regulation or sumptuary purpose of regulation purposes. The Supreme Court said that it is
taxation. But in the process, still, taxes may be collected. possible for an exaction to be both a tax and regulation.
Together with the tax to be collected is the purpose to License fees and charges, looked to as a source of
regulate for the general welfare of the people. revenue as well as a means regulation. The fees may
properly be regarded as taxes even though they also
Example: Sin Taxes imposed on cigarettes or alcohol, for serve as an instrument of regulation.
the general welfare because these are seen as non-
essential commodities and even harmful if abused. So, What we can get from here although there is really a
pursuant to regulation, higher taxes may be collected for slight difference between licenses and the tax is that the
these types of products from its manufacturer and seller. SC said that in ascertaining whether it's an exercise of the
police power of the state or the power of taxation of the
Take into consideration Holmes Dictum and state what we need to look at is the purpose. If the
Marshall Dictum. purpose is primarily revenue, or if revenue is at
least one of the real and substantial purposes, then
Holmes and Marshall are associate justices of the the exaction is property called tax. And since the
supreme court of the United States. They are famous in exaction is property called a tax, it becomes an exercise
the Philippines because these talk about the power of of the power of taxation. Kay power of taxation man,
taxation as the power to destroy. subject na siya to the limitations to the power of taxation.
Ngano man? Because kani nga particular line in this
Marshall Dictum: discussion of the SC can be made to apply in the Manila
- power to tax is the power to destroy -usually used Memorial Case.
as basis of BIR, the taxing authority
In the Manila Memorial Case, the SC is forced to decide
Holmes Dictum: and to determine if kung unsa ang power nga gi exercise
- the power to tax is not necessarily the power to sa government. When it requires a 20% discount for
destroy while this court sits. purchases made by senior citizens and when the law
- usually used as basis of the taxpayers requires that the 20% discount can only be claimed by
the sellers’ tax deduction rather than tax credit. So the SC
Resolution of Marshall v. Holmes Dictum in that case has to distinguish power of taxation, police
(Roxas v. CTA, GR No. L 25043, April 26, 1968) power and the power of eminent domain and ultimately
The Supreme Court said that the power of taxation is decide “Oh kani nga power gi exercise is this power,
sometimes also called the power to destroy. Therefore, it therefore, dili subject ni siya to limitations applicable only
should be exercised with caution to minimize injury to the to this particular power of the state.”
proprietary rights of a taxpayer. It must be exercised
fairly, equally, and uniformly, lest the tax collector kill the Caltex v Coa, this was during the time of President Ramos,
“hen that lays the golden egg”. And, in order to maintain right after the presidency of President Aquino, so medi
the general public’s trust and confidence in the volatile ang price sa oil nganhi… So, the recent
Government, this power must be used justly and not requirement from the government established oil price
treacherously. It does not conform with Our sense of stabilization fund (OPSF).
justice in the instant case for the Government to persuade
the taxpayer to lend it a helping hand and later on to How to reconcile the Holmes and Marshall Dictum?
penalize him for duly answering the urgent call.
Caltex vs COA
So it must be exercised fairly, equally and uniformly lest We find no merit in petitioner’s contention that the
the tax collector which is now the commissioner kills the OPSF (oil price stabilization fund) contributions are not
hen that lays the golden egg. Further, the SC said in this for a public purpose because they go to a special fund
case that in order to maintain the general public’s trust of the government. Taxation is no longer envisioned as
and confidence in the Government, this power must be

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 15
a measure merely to raise revenue to support the NON-REVENUE RAISING or SECONDARY PURPOSE
existence of the government; taxes may be levied with 1. Redistribution of Wealth - the adoption of
a regulatory purpose to provide means for progressively higher tax rates to reduce
rehabilitation and stabilization of a threatened industry inequalities in wealth and income.
which is affected with public interest as to be within the So meaning today, kung gamay raka og income, gamay
police power of the state. There can be no doubt that ang tax rate. Kung milyon-milyon ang income nimo, dako
the oil industry is greatly imbued with public sad ang tax rate. This is perfectly illustrated in the
interest as it vitally affects the general welfare. scheduler rate of individual income earners. Kay si
Individual income earner, and scheduler rate niya kay
During the time of President Ramos, the price of oil was ranges from a minimum of 5% up to a maximum of 35%.
very volatile. So, to avoid stark increase in the oil prices, If you are already earning more than 8M, you will be taxed
the government established the oil price stabilization fund at a higher rate of 35% but if minimal lang, not even
(OPSF) wherein distributors and manufacturers of these exceeding 250K or nilapas lang ka gamay sa 250K, subject
oil and gasoline will contribute to such fund (more like a lang ka to 5%. So the more that you have, the more you
sinking fund) so that when prices of oil in other countries should give which will understandably benefit those who
increase, they don’t need to raise their prices in the have less in life.
Philippines because the difference in the increase of prices
will just be taken from the fund. This fund was questioned 2. Re-pricing - the increase or decrease of taxes to
by Caltex, one of the main players, by contending that prevent inflation or ward off depression. Promote
they won’t contribute for such fund is not for public economic progress and employment.
purpose and the beneficiaries are just the oil companies. (These two are for Compensatory Purposes)
Caltex further contended that the fund is not for public
purpose because it goes to a special fund of the In sum: Primary purpose of taxation is revenue raising.
government and not to the general fund. (Remember: Secondary purpose is non-revenue raising; it could be
When we say tax, it goes to the general fund of the regulatory or sumptuary purpose for the general welfare
government). of the people, or compensatory purposes essentially
for the redistribution of wealth or for repricing.
Remember: in this case, revenue is still generated.
However, other than the revenue that will be generated, The 4 R’s of taxation
it’s more on the regulation of the price. Distinguish this These are already discussed:
case from Manila Memorial Park Case. 1. Revenue
Power of Taxation Police Power 2. Redistribution
Generates Does not generate 3. Re-pricing
revenue. revenue. 4. Representation – is exercised by the
However, if it does representative of the people. (House of
generate revenue, it is Representatives)
only enough for the cost
of the service given by Bar Question
the government. It is only The Constitution provides – “The rule of taxation shall be
commensurate to the uniform and equitable. Congress shall evolve progressive
service given. system of taxation. ***” Art. VI, Sec. 28(I) discuss the
rationale for its inclusion in 1987
Example: Filing fees:
getting your PRC license, Suggested answers:
getting your LTO license, Implementation of the social justice provisions of the
registering with the SEC. constitution is the rationale for the inclusion of the
(Kung wala kay direct na progressive system of taxation in the 1987 Constitution.
makuha or direct benefit,
it could be a tax afterall)
Social justice is exemplified in the adage, he who has less
in life must have more in law. Under the progressive
Secondary: Non-Revenue Raising system of taxation, the higher the net income the higher
1 Redistribution of wealth – the adoption of is the tax to be paid.
progressively higher tax rates to reduce
inequalities in wealth and income.
However, irrespective of the amount of taxes paid, equal
2. Re-pricing – the increase or decrease of taxes access is to be had of the public services and
to prevent inflation or ward off depression.
infrastructure resulting from the expenditure of public

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 16
(Tip in answering bar essay questions: presentation is Pepsi Cola. This is more on business tax, this is a 1976
key. This particular answer is long but it is written in case pa class ha? Wala pa nganhi ang Local Government
separate paragraphs so dili tapolan si examiner mu check) Code, so Medco different ang scenario but the point is
that in this case, the SC said:
“Those who have less in life must have more in law” a
scene from Hidden Figures, 2016 (movie clip) This movie The plenary nature of the taxing power thus delegated,
will make you say “WOMEN!” contrary to plaintiff-appellant’s pretense, would not suffice
to invalidate the said law as confiscatory and oppressive.
In delegating the authority, the State is not limited to the
During the time of President Kennedy, this movie is a
exact measure of that which is exercised by itself. When it
glimpse on how black people were being discriminated
is said that the taking power may be delegated to
against by the white people. When it comes to taxation, I
municipalities and the like, it is meant that there may be
surmised there just paying the same amount of tax.
delegated measures of power to impose and collect taxes
as the legislature may deem expedient. Thus,
*movie clip plays* municipalities may be permitted to tax subjects which for
reasons of public policy the State has not deemed wise to
This is the reason why you can assert your right, that you tax for more general purposes. (Pepsi Cola Bottling
should be given the same treatment by the government. Philippines Company vs. Municipality of Tanauan et. al. GR
Siguro from private institutions, private individuals, that’s No. L-31156, Feb. 27, 1976
your viewpoint of the government nga di ba in the first
place, it should be the forerunner in treating them equally. Pepsi Cola Bottling Philippines Company vs
So if you have time, you try to watch that, that’s a good Mun. of Tanauan
movie although ma stress lang ka along the way because The plenary nature of the taxing power thus
there’s so many scenes na you can just imagine ba na kita delegated, contrary to plaintiff-appellant’s pretense,
mga bisaya usually we have biases against the tagalogs would not suffice to invalidate the said law as
but those are only personal biases, those are not really confiscatory and oppressive. In delegating the
manifested by the government, unlike during this period authority, the State is not limited to exact measure of
wherein everything by your mere color, you are being that which is exercised by itself. When it is said that the
discriminated and you are the same, you pay the same taxing power may be delegated to municipalities and
tax. Okay? That’s the whole point there. the like, it is meant that there may be delegated such
measure of power to impose and collect taxes as the
“Those who have less in life must have more in law.” What legislature may deem expedient. Thus, municipalities
happened in this movie is, White people think that they may be permitted to tax subjects which for
are the only ones paying the tax or they are paying higher reasons of public policy the State has not
taxes that they should only be the ones to benefit from deemed wise to tax for more general purpose.
the services of the government and that they have the
right to just give a little to these Black people. That’s one Although, applicable sa more on the local government
thing, the social justice involved in the imposition on the code naa man gud ta gi tawag class na Doctrine of
Power of Taxation. Preclusion insofar as these LGUs are concerned meaning
LGUs can only impose taxes that are not being imposed
SCOPE OF TAXATION by the national government, so long as it is delegated
1. Unlimited power. So, in this case apparently business tax is within
2. Comprehensive the plenary power, ang computation lang niya ang gi base
3. Plenary niya is sa bottle ha? If I am not mistaken. So the SC said
4. Supreme that, that’s okay, it’s within the delegated power . The
I repeatedly mentioned this already. You can use the LGU can basically think of ways on how to tax or how to
mnemonic CUPS. implement or impose the tax because the power of
taxation is plenary in nature.
These words are already understandable so I don’t have
to explain what they mean. What we will do is, we will
In this case of Tio vs. Videogram Regulatory Board, I will
just illustrate this in various Supreme Court decisions
not discuss what this case is all about but the SC said, it
where the SC upheld the exercise of the power of taxation
is beyond serious question that a tax does not cease to
for the simple reason, among others that the power of
be valid merely because it regulates, discourages, or even
taxation is CUPS.
definitely deters the activities taxed. The power to impose
taxes is one so unlimited in force and so searching in
Example is the case of Pepsi Cola Bottling Philippines
extent, that the courts scarcely venture to declare that it
Company vs. Municipality of Tanauan. So in this case, it
is subject to any restrictions whatever, except such as rest
involves the exaction of tax on bottles manufactured by
in the discretion of the authority which exercises it. In

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 17
imposing a tax, the legislature acts upon its constituents. 3. Provincial, City and Municipal Assessor and
(Tio vs. Videogram Regulatory Board,GR. No. 75697, June Treasurer - pertaining to local taxes.
19, 1987)
At this point, January and first quarter of the year, this is
Which is why the tax in this case is upheld or validated by usually a busy season for the assessor and treasurers for
the SC. Nga kay na kay first tike man nay mga VHS or the collection of local business taxes as well as real
VCD or DVDs during this time na gi subject siya into tax. property taxes.

Tio vs Videogram Regulatory Board In levy or imposition - that is strictly legislative,

“*** it is beyond serious question that a tax does not although the legislators may delegate it to the Local
cease to be valid merely because it regulates, Government Unit. We will learn later on in Tax 2, the
discourages, or even definitely deters the activites division in the LGU which still exercises the passage of
taxed. The power to impose taxes is one so these local taxes is also the legislative division which is
unlimited in force and so searching in extent, the Sanggunian Panlalawigan, Bayan, Panlungsod or the
that the courts scarcely venture to declare that it is Barangay Council.
subject to any restrictions whatever, except such as
rest in the discretion of the authority which exercises For the tax administration - usually this involves
it. In imposing a tax, the legislature acts upon its assessment or taxes. When we say assessment it means
constituents. to say that BIR or BOC will determine how much is the
correct tax liability based on the provisions of the law and
2.4 the regulation. Then, ultimately it involves collection, so
ASPECTS OF TAXATION after that assessment, collection happens.
1. LEVY OR IMPOSITION (Legislation)
2. ADMINISTRATION (Tax Administration) Now when it comes to assessment or computation of
taxes, remember at this point in the Philippines, the
Agencies involved: general rule we used the self-assessment. It is more like
- Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) of voluntary declaration and voluntary computation on the
- Bureau of Customs (BOC) part of the taxpayer. Again, following the principle of
- Provincial, City, and Municipal Assessor and administrative feasibility. Kay dili man pwede nga gamay
Treasurers na pangutana or ang computation buhaton sa of officers
sa BIR, that would be too burdensome on their part.
When we talk of aspects of taxation, we are basically Then, ni abot sa tumoy ang result negative. So we follow
referring to the sort of phases in the exercises of the the self-assessment.
Power of taxation.
So if you are a taxpayer, you assess how much you think
Take note: Although we said that the Power of Taxation is your tax payable. If you follow the legal way of
is legislative in character, when we talk about the aspects assessing it, then no problem. But if you purposely or
of taxation, that the power doesn't stop by the mere act inadvertedly or negligently computed your tax liability
of imposing, levying or passing a tax law, it goes beyond then that's when the penalty comes in, that's when
that. What is important is the implementation or the deficiency assessment will happen. This deficiency
administration thereof. Which is why, when we talk the assessment will be done by the Bureau or BOC, as the
aspects of taxation, we basically divide it into two (2) case may be.
major aspects:
1. Levy or imposition - being done by the legislative
The collection, ang kapares ni collection is the payment.
body of the state.
The one who does the payment through valid channels is
2. Administration or implementation aspect - which
the taxpayer.
is being undertaken by the executive agency. In
the Philippines, this is primarily under the
supervision of the Department of Finance and the COLLECTION OF NATIONAL TAXES
assessment and collection is primarily the Take note when it comes to collection and payment of
responsibility of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. National Taxes or taxes under NIRC. Remember the
Mandanas case, you have NIRC. So our focus is NIRC.
AGENCIES INVOLVED IN THE ADMINISTRATION Side note: Local tax, tariff and customs duties are special
1. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) - headed by the topics.
Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
2. Bureau of Customs (BOC) - headed by the When it comes to National Internal Revenue tax, the
Commissioner of Customs collection and the payment may be left to private persons
or private entities. Again, administrative feasibility

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 18
because if the BIR will be the only agency who will do the Police Power – the maintenance of a healthy economic
collection, they will have to hire so many cashiers. It will standard of society.
be open not only to corruption but also errors and
mistakes. • Taxation - taxes go to the general fund and this
fund is being used by the govermentt for the
When it comes to national revenue taxes, you may pay to protection and benefit to its constituents. It’s the
the banks. These are known as the authorized agent protection of benefits received from the
banks (AABs). You may pay them for a specific RDO. Dili government. It’s a functioning official.
tanan bangko pwede ka mubayad. They have to be duly
authorized by the BIR. So, mao na kung mangutana mo sa ako na do we really
have the right to criticise public official? Then, I say yes
Side note: We will have a discussion on this when we because we paid them to do their job. But anyhow, that’s
reach filing of payment. beside the point that is just my person opinion.

With the recent happenings, you can even pay online or Nevertheless, when it comes to taxation, do you really
using debit cards or thru gcash. If you are an EFPS need to feel directly the protection and benefit? Not
(Electronic Filing and Payment System) filer, it’s necessarily. Even if you only indirectly felt it, ang uban
automatic, payment is automatically done to the account man gud kay mudemand kay tax payer ko – dako kog
of the BIR. tax… abi abi hon ko. They expect to be given special
treatment. But can you really expect that? Not
necessarily. Because these benefits could come indirectly.
When it comes to these e-payments, this is beneficial Not necessarily direct.
especially on the part of the State because this avoids
under the table corruption. Why? Because the transfer is
• Eminent Domain – just compensation, to exceed
being done electronically or being done thru the bank,
the market value declared by the owner or
wherein they’re quite strict with their protocols with
administrator or anyone having legal interest in the
regards to these payments. The loopholes of opening the
property, or as determined by the assessor,
possibility of corruption is at least being minimized if not
whichever is lower.
• Police Power – the maintenance of a healthy
economic standard of society.
If we elaborate the aspects of taxation start with the levy,
it becomes a law implemented by the BIR As to persons affected.
assessment collection and payment. This is where the scope comes in; the unlimited scope
comes in.
Assessment and collection are under the sub major of Taxation and Police Power – operate upon a
administration which is being handled by these 3 community or a class of individuals
agencies: BIR, BOC, and Treasurers’ Office for local taxes. When it comes to scoping, police power is more
dependent on the geographical jurisdiction of the country,
TAXATION DISTINGUISHED FROM POLICE which is not the case for the exercise of the power of
As to purpose. Eminent Domain – operates on the individual
• Taxation - for the support of the government property owner
(where the gvt can raise revenue.)
• Eminent domain - to acquire private property for As to authority which exercises the power?
public use (where the gvt will have to spend) Taxation and Police Power – exercised only by the
• Police Power - to promote general welfare, public government or its political subdivisions.
health, public morals and public safety (where the
gvt can ‘bawi’ the cost of its service) ED – may be exercised by public services corporation or
public utilities if granted by law.
As to compensation?
Taxation – protection and benefits received from the • Taxation and Police Power – Exercised only by
government the government or its political subdivisions.

Eminent Domain – just compensation, not to exceed If you will be asked, what power is exercised police power
the market value declared by the owner or administrator or taxation? Check who is making the collection or
or anyone having legal interest in the property, or as imposition. If it is the government, then you can
determined by the assessor, whichever is lower. entertain the thought that it is either the taxation or
police power.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 19
But definitely, if ang nicollect sa collection or exaction is • Taxation – subject to certain constitutional
a private entity, then the power of taxation or police limitations, including the prohibition against
power is beside the point. Maybe, the basis of that power impairment of the obligation of contracts.
is through a contract or an agreement or through the
provisions of the law. This is even divided to direct and indirect constitutional
limitations. The indirect constitutional limitations, these
Usual case in point: service providers. Distributors, are the types of limitations which are not only applied to
electric distributors, water utilities, they ask for payment. the power of taxation but also applied to the police
Do we still need to argue if they are in exercise of the power, and at some extent the power of eminent domain.
power to taxation or police power? Definitely not.
Because these entities are essentially private entities and In this aspect, if we look at the relationship to the
you are paying for a direct service that you get from constitution, the power of taxation is weaker to the police
them. power, for the simple fact that the power to taxation is
subservient to the non-impairment of obligations and
• Eminent Domain – may be exercised by Public contracts clause.
Services Corporation or public utilities if granted by
law. Side note: Non-impairment of obligations – we will
have more discussions on this.
Especially those being granted franchises by the
legislature or legislative bodies. So, they can take or • Police Power – relatively free from constitutional
purchase private properties for the construction of limitations and superior to the non-impairment
roads, facilities or communication facilities, etc. as the provisions thereof.
case may be. Even airport. • Eminent Domain – may override the Constitutional
impairment provision because the Welfare of the
As to the amount of imposition. State is superior to any private contract. More or less
discussed in Consti 1.
• Taxation – generally no limit to the amount of
tax that may be imposed TAXES
• Police Power – limited to the cost of regulation We move on to taxes. More or less you already have an
• Eminent Domain – There is no imposition; idea what the power of taxation is all about. It’s important
rather, it is the owner of the property taken who to memorize its definition, the supporting theories of the
is just paid compensation. power of taxation, the nature of the power of taxation,
the basic principle of the tax system in exercising the
Kung kani na aspect ato tanawon, taxation is the most power of taxation, and of course the aspects of taxation.
powerful because police power is limited lang to the Let’s now move on to the end product, or the one that’s
cost of regulation and as to the eminent domain, as a collected—the taxes.
matter of fact, it is the government who pays property
owner a just compensation. As defined previously, taxes are enforced proportional
contributions from properties and persons levied by the
As to the relationship to the constitution? state by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the
Taxation – subject to certain constitutional limitations, government and for public needs. Primarily when we say
including the prohibition against impairment of the enforced, we relate this to the definition of the power of
obligations of contracts. taxation wherein the power of taxation involves
imposition of burden of objects or subjects matter
PP – relatively free from constitutional limitations and thereof. It’s a burden that’s why it’s enforced proportional
superior to the non-impairment provisions thereof. contribution.

ED – may override constitutional impairment provision Meaning to say, if you belong to the same class and if
because the welfare of the state is superior to any private you’re subject to that particular tax, then you have to pay.
contract. You cannot make the excuse that you will not pay tax
because the government officials are corrupt or you
TAXES: enforced proportional contributions from cannot make any excuses that you will not pay tax since
properties and person levied by the State by virtue its anyhow, I will not use government facilities because it is
sovereignty for the support of the government and for enforced—you have to pay because we don’t pay for the
public needs. direct benefit after all.
And then of course, proportional contribution, this is
related to taxes which has to be progressive.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 20
Is there a difference between progressive and ii. OPT - Other Percentage Tax
proportional? d. Excise taxes - specific to taxes on non-
Yes and we will discuss that later on. In essence, they essential commodities
are just the same because the underlying logic in e. Documentary stamp taxes - documents
proportional and progressive contribution is one’s ability
being executed in order to transfer rights,
to pay which ultimately leads to equity when it comes to
the exercise to the power of taxation. obligations, etc.
2. Local/municipal taxes - primary reference is the
CONTRIBUTION Local Government Code
When we talk about contributions, taxes have to be paid 3. Tariff and customs duties - under the Customs
in money—you cannot pay taxes in kind or in service—it Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA)Taxes and tax
has to be monetary. The concept of polo y servicio is not incentive under special laws.
practiced anymore which is used during the Spanish
Note: Income tax – Tax 1; Transfer taxes and others
regime. Taxes are now payable in money, from properties
and persons, these properties and persons are what you – Tax 2
call the object or subject matters by the state and that ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ATTRIBUTES
state must be sovereign. So, when it comes to the OF TAXES
sovereign state, primarily the levy or the imposition is 1. Enforced contribution
being exercised by its duly established legislature for the 2. Generally payable in money
support of the government and for public needs. 3. Proportionate in character
4. Levied on person, property or the exercise of a
right or privilege
The power exercised to collect the tax is called taxation.
5. Levied by the State which has jurisdiction over
The money collected is called taxes. If I will ask you to
the subject or object of taxation
distinguish, you have to define fully the power of taxation
6. Levied by the lawmaking body of the State
and distinguish that with taxes using the definition of
7. Levied for public purpose/s

KINDS OF TAXES Just a more specified definition so if you have

Internal revenue taxes memorized the definition, you can answer what are the
o Income taxes characteristics.
o Transfer taxes
o Percentage taxes 1. Enforced contribution
o Excise taxes
o Documentary stamp taxes 2. Generally payable in money - this is termed
Local/municipal taxes generally because there is exception: application of
Tariff and customs duties the tax credit certificate (TCC).
Taxes and tax incentives under special laws
However, based on current practice and based on
Kinds of Taxes BIR practices they are gearing away from this tax
1. Internal revenue taxes - primary reference is the
credit certificate discouraging the application of tax
credit certificate and per experience most of the
a. Income taxes - This is focused in Tax I for
application on TCC ma deny either due to lack of
the primary reason that this is a major
documentation or because nilapas naka sa
revenue-generating type of tax.
prescriptive period, and somehow si taxpayer kay
mahadlok mo apply for TCC kay based on BIR audit
The other taxes are also revenue-generating
programs, basta mo apply ka for that you’ll be subject
but not as large as income tax. Sa income
to tax verification or tax audit or examination. But
tax if sweldohan ka, automatic ang deduction
pwede ba na? Yes.
so walay evasion mahitabo. Unlike when you
have your own business, you can think of
3. It’s proportionate in character based on the
ways to minimize legally your tax liability.
taxpayers ability to pay
b. Transfer taxes
4. Levied on person, property or the exercise of
i. Donor’s tax
a privilege
ii. Estate tax
5. Levied by the State which has jurisdiction
c. Percentage taxes - known as business taxes
over the subject or object of taxation -
i. VAT - Value Added Tax

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 21
basically that’s subject or object and when we talk
of jurisdiction, it can either be geographical unsa ang diperensya sa duha (inherent and
jurisdiction or the ural, nexus or bond. constitutional)? When we talk of inherent these
6. Levied by the lawmaking body of the State - limitations are not necessary in the Constitution
which is the legislature but this attaches to the very power itself nga once
7. Levied for public purpose/s - which is for you exercise the power of taxation these
government needs limitations automatically exist. The Constitutional
Based on the characteristics of the definition of tax, what limitation these are the limitations expressly
then are the requisites of a Valid Tax? provided under our Constitution.

REQUISITES of a VALID TAX (PUJDL) Eventually in this study on general principle, we will
1. It should be for a Public purpose
learn what are the inherent limitations and the
2. The rule of taxation should be Uniform
3. That either the person or property taxed be within constitutional limitations. Why? Because if the tax
the Jurisdiction of the taxing authority imposed violates either the inherent or constitutional
4. That the assessment and collection be in limitations, then that is a ground to nullify the
consonance with the Due process clause imposition because it is a requisite for there to be a
5. The tax must not infringe on the inherent and valid tax.
constitutional Limitations of the power of Note: In our succeeding topics, magbalik2 sa requisites
taxation. of a valid tax, mag branches2 nana sila. (LOL)
Side note: You need to memorize in case you are
asked if taxable or not. These are the things you need Requisites:
to consider first to determine whether it is a valid tax. 1. Public purpose
1. It should be for a Public Purpose 2. Uniform
2. The rule of taxation should be Uniform - so long 3. Jurisdiction
4. Due Process clause – procedural and substantial
as you belong to the same class. People v Cayat
- remedies (Procedural Due Process failure to
where the SC discussed that there could be
follow the procedural rules may be a ground to
different classes based on substantial distinctions. nullify the assessment)
Basta ni belong mo sa same class then there - Substantial Due Process - legislature’s authority
should be uniform treatment, there should be to impose
uniform imposition of tax and that requirement is - Common question regarding violation of due
a Constitutional provision. You recall the process - violation on the direct constitutional
requirement of equity and uniformity, so kung dili limitations
5. Limitations
uniform ground na na to question the law and
request that it may be nullified. Common question: if violation of due process is a violation
of the direct constitutional limitations?
Example: Peza registered companies kung magpa
register ka subject ka to 5% tax lang. Then here If there is violation on inherent limitation, automatic
comes a law gi specify nga ABC should be that is being interpreted to be a violation of the due
subjected to this amount of tax higher than 5% process clause. BASIN MU INGUN KAG SIR WA KO
when in fact you are Peza registered, that alone KASABOT (HUHU srry atty) Kaning limitation, wala ni
makes you different from the rest or from the necessarily express provision sa constitution and law.
other Peza registered companies. So pwede na ba Example of inherent limitation: territorial jurisdiction
nimo iquestion nga that’s an invalid tax? Yes. and public purpose. There is no strict or express
prohibition in the Constitution about that.
3. The either the person or property taxed be within
the Jurisdiction of the taxing authority Now, kung mu question ka sa legality sa tax law sa
4. That the assessment and collection be in court, again, when we question the legality, we are not
consonance with the Due process clause - dire
questioning the manner of computing the tax law, you
mosulod ang procedural as well as substantial due go to regular courts ie. RTC kung constitutionality or
process. legality diba? Incapable of pecuniary estimation. But if
5. The tax must not infringe on the inherent and we talk about computation, specific provisions of the
constitutional Limitations of the power of taxation law, claims for refund CTA

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 22
In filing a judicial case, your claim must be based on a percentage tax, these are umbrella terms. Ang excise tax,
particular law or provision in the Constitution. However, na subdivide na siya into more specific taxes, such that
inherent limitations are not expressly provided for. So, if income tax is a specific tax time is characterized still as
there is a violation of inherent limitation, that is deemed being an excise tax. Ngano man? Bcs it is a tax imposed
as a violation of the due process clause. Specifically, if you enjoy an occupation or if you enjoy a privilege. But
substantive due process. Further, substantive due process if you look at the Tax Code there is a specific chapter for
tells us that the imposing authority must have the excise taxes, mahulog nalang na sila as other excise
authority to impose the tax or to pass the law. So it follows taxes. Pero ang uban types of tax income tax,
that if the authority imposed a tax on someone or documentary stamp tax these will be classified as excise
something outside of its jurisdiction, then that is a taxes in essence.
violation of inherent limitation which is automatically a
violation of due process clause. As to who bears the burden?
In short, Inherent Limitations and Due Process is Taxpayer is directly or primarily liable.
interrelated. If ni violate sa inherent limitation, automatic 2. INDIRECT TAX
ni violate sa due process. In short, the levying authority A tax which the taxpayer can shift to another.
which is the legislature went beyond its authority.
As to who bears the burden
CLASSIFICATION OF TAXES 1. Direct tax – taxpayer is directly or primarily liable
As to subject matter or object? Ex. Income tax - income earning should be the
1. Personal, poll or capitation tax one who bears the burden. Ang income niya
Tax of a fixed amount imposed on persons residing within makuhaan sa tax na ibayad to the govt.
a specified territory, whether citizens or not, without 2. Indirect tax – a tax which the taxpayer can shift to
regard to their property or the occupation or business in another
which they may be engaged, i.e. community tax.
Ex. Business tax – shifted to Value added tax.
2. Property tax
Tax imposed on property, real or personal, in E shift ang burden to the consumer
proportion to its value or in accordance with some other
reasonable method of apportionment. We have to understand nganong indirect or direct.
3. Excise tax For income tax, ofc this is a tax on your privilege to earn
A charge impose upon the performance of an act, the from your business or for your service or in your
enjoyment of privilege, or the engaging in an occupation. employment.
As to subject matter or object
1. Personal, poll or capitation tax - Tax of a fixed amount Q. Nganong ang employer mu remit sa tax?
imposed on persons residing within a specified territory, The issue here in classifying whether indirect or direct is
whether citizens or not, without regard to their property to look at who bears the burden. In short, kinsa ang
or the occupation or business in which they may be nakuhaan ug monetary property.
engaged, Ex. Community tax
In an ER-EE relationship, it is the ER who remits the tax
Pwede ba ka ma priso for non-payment of pol tax? to the BIR but the one who bears the burden there is still
Remember the constitutional limitation on that. Non- the EE bcs the tax there is deducted from the EE. Very
imprisonment for non payment of poll tax but ofc, pwede
seldom lang na ang Negosyo ang mu bear sa burden sa
ka ma priso for if g peke nimo imong certificate for
example. sweldo sa EEs. But there are some companies who
shoulder but di na siya maayo. If it is being shouldered
2. Property tax - Tax imposed on property, real or by the company, it is as if the tax being shouldered by
personal, in proportion to its value or in accordance with the company is as if it is also a compensation to the EE
some other reasonable method of apportionment. and that has several consequences… which ofc is
another set of discussion na
Example: Real property tax
Ang VAT, e separate jud na. Kinsa ang ni bayad? Ang
3. Excise tax - A charge imposed upon the performance consumer.
of an act, the enjoyment of privilege or the engaging in
an occupation

Ang gipasabot nato diri is the umbrella term. Same with

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 23
As to the determination of amount? As to Graduation Or Rate
1. SPECIFIC TAX 1. Proportional Tax - is based on a fixed percentage of
A specific tax is a tax of a fixed amount imposed by the the amount of the property, receipts, or other basis to
head or number or by some other standard of weight or be taxed. (Real Estate Tax, Compensatory Tax)
An ad valorem tax is a fixed proportion of the value of the 2. Progressive Tax- the tax rate of which increases as
property with respect to which the tax is assessed. the tax base or bracket increases.

As to the determination of amount Digressive Tax Rate — Started as progressive but

1. Specific Tax - a tax of a fixed amount imposed by eventually remains fixed or constant at a particular
the head or number or by some other standard of rate. (32% stagnant)
weight or measurement.
3. Regressive Tax - the tax rate of which decreases as
2. Ad Valorem Tax - a fixed proportion of the value of the tax base or bracket increases
the property with respect to which the tax is assessed
ex: real property tax, customs duties, tariffs – When we say proportional tax, your rate here is fixed pero
depending on what type of object is being imported or your tax payment will increase the more you have.
Ang progressive you look at the tax rate and the tax base.
As to purpose? If the tax rate increases, tax base will also increase. If ang
1. GENERAL, FISCAL OR REVENUE tax rate mu decrease, tax base will also decrease.
2. SPECIAL or REGULATORY – non-useful
occupation / activities / enterprises Regressive is different. If the tax rate will increase, the
tax base will decrease mu gamay nuon.
As to purpose
1. General, Fiscal or revenue If you look at proportional and progressive, they are the
2. Special or regulatory same. They are equitable because they are based on the
ability to pay. Ngano man? Although fixed ang percentage
If that is a legitimate business that has been subjected to sa tax nimo, it is based on the amount of your receipts
tax, not necessarily to discourage, the exercise thereof is etc, you saka sad ang payable nimo. Ofc, ang progressive,
revenue purpose. mu saka ang tax rate, mu saka sad ang tax payable
because the computation of your tax is essentially, you
If that activity is harmful but not illegal per se and g have the tax base could be the net income or gross
imposan lang ug mas dako na tax, purpose is more on income, depending on the type of tax x the tax rate = tax
regulatory. liability

As to scope or authority imposing the Tax? Base x tax = liability rate

1. NATIONAL TAX – recall Mandanas case where
SC distinguished National vs NIRC. What’s the difference between progressive, digressive
2. LOCAL or MUNICIPAL TAX and regressive?
Makita ninyo ang difference sa progressive and regressive
As to Graduation or Rate? noh?
Tax based on a fixed percentage of the amount of the Pero ang digressive class, it started off as progressive but
property receipts or other basis to be taxed. Example: real eventually it stopped at a fixed rate so in essence it
estate tax. becomes degressive.
Tax the rate of which increases as the tax base or bracket *Illustration*
increases. Ang Digressive ni start siya as Progressive but by
provision of the law, at a certain point in time, it becomes
Digressive tax rate ??? fixed, the rate. I’m talking about the rate which becomes
3. REGRESSIVETAX fixed but nevertheless if the tax base will increase the tax
Tax the rate of which decreases as the tax base or bracket liability would still increase. If you look at Progressive tax
increases. as well as Digressive tax in essence is proportional or
equitable but such is not the case for a Regressive tax kay
opposite ang mahitabo.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 24
Kung VAT ang hisgutan nato, if you only purchase a ₱100
The more that you have, the lesser you will pay sa worth x 12%, you will be paying ₱12 Tax Liability. But if
Digressive and the lesser that you have, the more that you purchase ₱1,000 x 12%, you will be paying ₱120. Kay
you will pay under Regressive which logically is unfair. nisaka man ang base nimo, nisaka sad ang liability nimo.
Equitable? Yes!
(di masabtan ang page 40-42)

2.5 Progressive Tax

RECAP: We have discussed the definition of tax, what As the Tax Base increases, the Tax Rate will also increase,
are the requisites for a valid tax, different types of taxes and naturally your Tax Liability will increase.
and we ended our discussion on distinctions between
progressive type of tax, proportional type of tax, TB ↑* TR ↑ = TL ↑
regressive and digressive type of tax.
Another scenario: TB ↓* TR ↓ = TL ↓
Quick illustration on the distinctions between
progressive type of tax, proportional type of tax, This is a perfect illustration of what an equitable tax is.
regressive and digressive type of tax: But, the complication in this type of tax is the
implementation aspect. Why? Lisud siya hinumdoman.
So long as the tax is characterized as progressive tax, Kailangan ka naay kodigs unless gi memorize nimo ang
proportional tax, and even digressive tax it is compliant tabular or schedule of tax rate. Whereas, if your rate is
with the requirement under the Constitution that it must fixed, all you have to do is know how much was purchased
be... (nag stop si Atty.) So long as that type of tax is times the fixed rate. But if it is schedular, tanawon pa
proportional, progressive and digressive is deemed nimo how much is the base, asa ang na range masulod,
equitable except if considered as a regressive type of tax. asa ang applicable TR. That alone takes too much time
and is not administratively feasible to some extent or
To properly illustrate the distinction, we go back to aspect. Especially if business. You purchase at a
simplified manner of computing your tax liability. supermarket and schedular rate ang business tax, pila
kaha ka ka oras maghulat ana? Unya discussan pa nimong
Tax Base [TB]*Tax Rate [TR] = Tax Liability [TL] cashier like ing-ani ha ug musud ani nga range nga tax
rate?!? Mag hire naka ug CPA nga cashier! That
• Tax base could either be: complicates everything.
o gross income
o net income Q: So naa gyud diay progressive?
• Tax rate could either be: A: Yes naa but dili kaayo daghan.
o fixed tax rate Q: What’s the most common?
o graduated tax rate - there is a range and A: Sweldo sa empleyado. Tax on compensation under
tax rate changes as you fall on a different employer employee relationship - zero ka kung not
range. That’s what we call as graduated exceeding 250. But once you exceed 250, the Tax Rate
or schedular rate. there could start at 5% and could go up ultimately to 35%
• Tax liability depende kung muabot ka sa 8M. Naay different range,
naa sd different rate, schedular. Meaning, when the Tax
Proportional Type of Tax Base increases up to 8M, the Tax Rate will also increase
Technically the tax liability there increases as the tax base up to a max rate of 35%.
increases even if the tax rate remains fixed or constant.
But if you look at that scenario on the tax on
Q: Is it equitable? compensation of employees, it’s only progressive up to
A: Yes. Because the more that you have, which is your this point: *nag ‘box’ si atty to emphasize*...Progressive
Base, the more income that you have, even if the rate so long as wala ka ni exceed sa 8M. Because the higher
[TR] remains to be fixed, your tax liability increases. The your income, magsaka ang rate up to 35%.
more that you have, the more that you will pay to the
government. But the moment you reach the maximum amount of
Q: What’s an example of tax rate nga fixed? taxable income nga subject to 35%, ultimately, the Tax
A: COMMON EXAMPLE is the 12% VAT. Dili na mo Rate is fixed at 35%. Meaning, if the compensation of
increase ang tax rate if dako ang amount sa gi purchase employer-employee or income nimo as individual or even
nimo. But, what is clear is, the more that you purchase, business income earners for individuals, you follow the
times 12%, your Tax Liability [TL] will also increase. schedular rate. So, meaning, if your income as an
individual is naa na sa P10M, then 35% na ang fixed.
Same kung 10 or 15 or 20. At that point, fixed na sa 35%.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 25
It is not anymore progressive. Kung tan-awon nimo, mura Proportional Progressive
na sya ug proportional. Pero di pud sya strictly the tax rate is fixed, As the tax base will increase,
proportional kay it started at progressive man, not fixed but as the tax base the tax rate will also increase,
rate. Mao na nga once it reaches this amount, and it goes increases, the tax so naturally, the tax liability will
on, musaka ang income and rate, mao na ang degressive. liability also also increase. Samot equitable.
increases. Equitable.
P8M ↑ - 35% ↑
Regressive Digressive
Digressive Tax As the tax base It started off as progressive but
Digressive tax is a tax which commenced or started off as increase, tax rate eventually it reached a
progressive but eventually reached a maximum threshold decrease, so the tax threshold whereas the tax base
where a fixed rate becomes applicable. liability decreases, increases, it’s being subjected
vice versa. to a fixed tax rate, which still
Example: income taxation on individual using the results to an increase in tax
schedular or graduated rate. liability, and vice versa. So, still,
To encourage or simplify voluntary payment, naa na ka
option under train law to be taxed at 8%, but there are DISTINCTION
conditions there when it will apply, so kani, sa graduated If you look at the definition of that imposition or exaction,
rate lang mu apply. the power exercised by the government on imposing or
collecting those impositions or exactions is not really a
So long as your tax is degressive, progressive, and power of taxation but more of police power.
proportional, wala kay problema, that is considered
equitable. The issue is if it is regressive. Special Assessment/Special Levy
This is levied on land based wholly on the benefit accruing
Regressive Tax thereon as a result of improvements of public works
If it is regressive, ang mahitabo is your tax base and tax undertaken by government within the vicinity.
rates will not go along together.
The government is the LGU because it is the LGU who can
So, if your tax base will increase, ang tax rate mu basically impose the so-called special levy or special
decrease, so kung mu decrease and tax rate nimo, then assessment.
of course mo decrease ang tax liability nimo.
Republic v. Bacolod, 17 SCRA 632
TB ↑* TR ↓ = TL ↓ In the case of Republic v Bacolod, the SC further
explained that a special assessment is a levy on property
Another situation, if the tax base decreases, and the tax which derives some special benefit from the
rate increases, ang tax liability nimo mu increase. improvement. Its purpose is to finance such
improvement. It is not a tax measure intended to
TB ↓* TR ↑ = TL ↑ raise revenues for the government. The proceeds
thereof may be devoted to the specific purpose for
Which is definitely not in accordance with our discussion which the assessment was authorized, thus accruing
na equity in taxation is required under the constitution, only to the owners thereof, who, after all, pay the
not to mention, it is a basic principle in taxation that there assessment.
should be theoretical justice.
Q: What is this specific purpose?
In this case, it’s not. It is regressive. Kai ang nahitabo, the A: The logical specific purpose is to recover the cost of
more you have in life, the lesser you will pay. And the the infrastructure.
lesser that you have in life, the more that you will pay.
This should not happen. Example: You have a piece of land. Lot A, adjoining is Lot
B, you have Lot C – in short there is no road. Now, the
The three (proportional, progressive digressive) okay. LGU, we are talking about the LGU because this is being
Digressive, technical ra na, tanawon nimo once ma fix as used and delegated to the local government unit.
if proportional siya, but since it started as progressive,
technically, we call it digressive. Q: When you own this piece of land, just to be clear, unsa
nga tax ang bayaran nmu on the lot or on the property?
Kung muingon na padistinguishon mo sa tulo: A: You will pay the real property tax just by the simple
progressive, regressive, and digressive, okay lang. If apil fact that you own that lot.
and proportional, then you go back to that.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 26
Now, for example the LGU eventually constructed a road, be the well-known people in the locality. If that is
the LGU will say “we will construct a road, eminent being imposed by the LGU, that could have a
domain, to benefit the public because there is no access negative impact on the political career of the
road which will traverse through Lot A, Lot B, and C.” So councilors and even the mayor.
gikuhaan ang portion sa yuta nmu, but the good thing is
when the road was built, there is already access to the It’s very seldom to impose a special levy or special
main road. Obviously, it will increase the value of your lot assessment to recover the cost of a financed
somehow because you can do business, you will also infrastructure or public work.
benefit from the infrastructure financed by the LGU.
Again, that’s a requirement before the LGU can collect the Kung dinagko na nga public work, like, kana kalsada, unya
so-called special levy or special assessment. It must be dili mka finance ang national kinahanglan si LGU and then
the LGU who constructed that work using its own fund or gnahan sila ma revcover ang cost, dinha usually mo sulod
using its own money. ang PPP or Private Public Partnership. It is the private
entity or corporation who will construct the road and to
So, the LGU will then say “naa naman tay road nganhi, recover the cost, such private entity will collect a toll. In
nisaka man ang value sa real property because as you this case, it is a toll not a special levy or special
know, it was classified before as purely agricultural and assessment. And after certain years, e turnover lng to the
now it became industrial because there factories that are LGU. Thus, the credit of constructing the road goes to the
being built, there’s already an access road. LGU but the collection, in the meantime, to recover the
cost, goes to the private corporation. So if there is a
Q: Pwede na ba maka collect ug special levy or special complaint as to why a toll is very expensive, LGU does not
assessment si LGU? get the blame, go to the private collecting corporation.
A: Yes, in order to recover the cost of the infrastructure.
Point: The special levy or special assessment, although,
Under the LGC, the maximum amount that the LGU can usually, built on top of a real property tax, IS NOT A TAX.
impose as a special levy or special assessment to the What is considered as tax is the RPT (real property tax)
owners benefited from the public work or infrastructure is on the lot owned by the owners thereof.
up to 60% of the cost.
Debt v Tax
If the cost of constructing the road is 1 million pesos. The DEBT TAX
LGU can recover 60% or 600k pesos, which will be Generally based on Based on laws
imposed as special levy or special assessment to the contract, express or
owners benefited (the owners of Lot A, Lot B and Lot C). implied.
The 600k will be prorated among them based on the area, Assignable Cannot generally be
and there has to have a public hearing to decide pila ka assigned (personal)
years na bayaran ni owners ni Lot A, B, C. This is what we May be paid in kind Generally paid in money
call a special levy or assessment. May be the subject of set Cannot be a subject of set
off or compensation off or compensation – do
Q: Is that different from the real property tax that the lot not even recognize the
owners are already paying? doctrine of equitable
A: Yes. Special levy or special assessment is usually recoupment
assessed on top of the basic real property tax. A person can be
Q: Is special levy or special assessment a tax? imprisoned for non-
A: No, because the usual logical purpose of a special levy payment of tax, except
or assessment is to recover a portion of the cost of the poll tax.
public work or the cost of the infrastructure. Considered as tax evasion
– criminal violation
TN: the road or the project must be financed by the Governed by ordinary Governed by special
LGU, not by the National Government prescriptive periods under
periods of prescription -
verbal or oral agreement the NIRC.
In reality, logic will tell us that it is not a good measure Presciptive periods:
on the part of the LGU because: 10 or 4 years *not sure si
Assessment - usually 2
1. Usually, road projects and other infrastructure atty*
years; Collection – usually
projects are in poblacion or in the barangay, 5 years under the NIRC.
where the mayor and other politicians are there But all these prescriptive
and they will not assess their own projects. periods can be extended
2. Special levy or special assessment means to 10 years if there is
additional payment to the lot owners who could evasion, non-filing, or

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 27
omission to file and pay A: Technically speaking, dili, although tariffs are
the tax; 10 years from the considered species of tax because it eventually becomes
date of the discovery. revenue to the government. Pero lahi ang imposing
Draws interest when it is Does not draw interest authority, object, subject matter, and lahi ang concept ni
so stipulated or where except only when tax vs. tariff.
there is default - creditor delinquent (deficiency
debtor relationship interest, as well as
custom duties, toll or tribute payable upon merchandise
delinquency interest) - to the government.
taxing authority-taxpayer
relationship Custom Duties
*If you fail to pay your tax Assessed at the prescribed tariff rates which are likely
despite valid demand and imposed for both revenue raising and for regulatory
assessment coming from purposes. It is the name given to taxes on the importation
the taxing authority, your and exportation of commodities, the tariff or tax assessed
relationship changes from upon merchandise imported from, or exported to, a
being taxing authority foreign country. (Gercia vs. Executive Sec., G.R. No.
taxpayer to that of debtor- 101273, July 3, 1992)
creditor relationship –
there is already interest License Fee
Regulatory imposition in the exercise of the police power
Atty: Pwede man duha ang nahitabo either wala lang of the State.
gyud ka ni bayad and gipaninglan ka sa government, wa
man ka ni bayad so delinquent ka, debtor-creditor lang Tax License Fee
ka, there is now delinquency interest (late payment) or Exercise of power of Exercise of police power
nibayad ka pero kulang unya gipaninglan ka sa taxation
government sa kuwang wa ka ni bayad, so there is what Purpose is revenue raising Regulatory imposition
we call deficiency interest (kulang ang gibayad) and then Tax is unlimited in Limited to the cost of the
kay wa ka ni bayad sa date nga pabayron unta ka, diha amount, as set validly by service
nasad mosulod ang gitawag nato nga delinquency interest the legislature
- late payment. So kung wa kay gibayad unya gipabayad
ka pero wala gihapon ka ni bayad - delinquency. Toll Fee
If e ask sa exam nga ipa distinguish, pwd daw e 1 Amount charged for the cost and maintenance of property
paragraph lng. Make sure lng imo distinction, you very used.
well presented, the kana?? Depende sd sa points, if only
3 points, then at least tulo ka distinction; 5 points, lima Not a tax, imposed or collected by private entities and that
ka distinction, if tanan 10 points, pakitang gilas na gyud in no way pertains to the exercise of the power of
ka. taxation.
A sum or money granted by the government or a public Compromise Penalty
body to assist an industry or business so that the price of Amount collected in lieu of criminal prosecution in cases
a commodity or service ramin low or competitive. of tax violations

Not a tax, rather it is an outflow insofar as the government Under the NIRC, if you violate one important provision
is concerned. requiring you to either file or to pay, automatically, there
is a corresponding criminal violation. Pwd ka e criminally
Revenue (Umbrella Term) prosecute ni BIR/DOJ, pero the mandate of the BIR is not
Inflow to the government. This could be internal revenue to file cases left and right but to raise revenue. If the
under the NIRC, tariff, customs duties, payments for taxpayer made a criminal violation and taxpayer does not
services of the government. want to be criminally prosecuted, in lieu thereof, the
taxpayer can pay compromise penalty voluntarily.
Internal Revenue Monetary, so in that sense mka raise ug revenue samot si
If we refer to the taxes collected under the NIRC, then BIR.
that is the internal revenue under the NIRC, walay labot
ang tariffs and customs duties, payments for service of Naka range depende kung unsa ang violation, usually
the government. based on graduated or schedular na amount, gross
receipts or sales ni taxpayer. More like a negotiation at
Q: Tariffs and customs duties, is it the same as taxes? the administrative level.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 28
Although private individuals are directly benefited, the tax
Bar question: Distinguish a tax from a tariif. In distinction, would still be valid, provided such benefit is only
its best if you consider these basic elements: concept, incidental.
imposing authority, subject matter, collecting authority.
TAX If what is incidental is the promotion of a private
concept - generic term inclufding various kinds of enfroced contributions for public purpose
NOTE: Preferred
imposing authority - inbutanswering
- legislature may be delegatedenumerate
to LGU the basis for enterprise, as long as there is a link to the public
collecting authority -in
subject matter - unlimited
asa rule from presentation (vertical) if welfare, the purpose is still public
TARIFF basis/element, answer in continuous paragraph
c - encompasses duties or tolls payable upon s merchandise to the government
format (horizontal)
IA- legislature only Example: nag kolekta ka ug nag impose ka, and then
SM - imported / exported merchandise only
CA - BOC mosulod na sa special fund in order to stabilize the price
INHERENT LIMITATIONS of the oil or to rehabilitate the sugar industry. SC said that
TN: When it comes to limitation it could be inherent or the oil industry, sugar industry, although private ventures
constitutional. ni… kai wala man definition if mo ingon ta public, it
doesn’t mean, you know 51%, dapat mo benefit, of the
For inherent limitation there is no express provision population of the Phil, unsaon mana nmu pag monitor nga
thereof in the constitution or under the law, but in the first place the benefit from these projects would
nevertheless, if na violate and inherent limitation, it either be tangible or intangible. We look at if naa bay
means that Congress does not have the authority to pass public interest there, if there is then automatically, that is
that particular tax law. So if there is a violation under imposed for the general welfare of the people.
inherent limitation, automatic there is also a violation of
the due process clause under the constitution. The test is not as to who receives the money, but
the character of the purpose for which it is
Inherent limitations: MEMORIZE - PINET expended
1. Public purpose
2. Non-delegation of the legislative power to tax Lahi nasd if ang purpose nmu is for the Christmas party
3. Exemption from taxation of government entities of the company. Lahi nga issue.
4. International comity
5. Territorial jurisdiction Because when it comes to the question of whether that
exaction or imposition is for public purpose it is Not the
Public purpose immediate result of the expenditure, but rather
Pursuant to the adage that, “Public money can only be the ultimate result.
spent for a public purpose.”
Exactions that goes first to a special fund:
In short, one of the scope in imposition of tax by the 1. Sugar Stabilization Fund
legislature aside from identifying type of tax, rate of tax, 2. Oil price Stabilization Fund
who is the subject or object, is the purpose thereof, if the 3. Tax for Special Purpose (Sec 29 (30), Art. 6)
purpose is revenue raising – goes to the general pan of
the government to defray the expenses. Reason: It is for a Special Purpose, but these are imbued
with Public Interest.
But usually ang mga cases, Pascual, etc., the imposition
or the levy was made and the proceeds thereof goes to a So, ni ingon si SC that, directly they benefited but that’s
particular special body, which is why it is being only incidental, basically that’s also for general welfare.
questioned. Sc said, as provided by the Constitution, although it is
treated as special fund and spent for that purpose only.
Tests of rightful taxation: Once the purpose is done, once it served its purpose it
Proceeds of tax must be used will eventually revert gihapon to the General Funds of the
• For the support of the government government.
• For any of the recognized objects of the
government – would change from time to time, CONCEPTS RELATIVE TO PUBLIC PURPOSE (naa sa
or from one administration to another. cases nga g assign)
• To promote the welfare of the community
• Inequalities resulting from the singling out
If check, there should be not much of a problem in of one particular class for taxation or
questioning whether the tax imposed is for public purpose exemption infringe no Constitutional
or not. limitation.

Important jurisprudential principles: When we talk about singling out of a particular class, diri
mu sulod ang concept of Substantial Distinction. So long

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 29
as there is a Substantial Distinction, then there should be
no issues so long as katong mga elements sa PP v. Cayat? TN: Taxpayer suit is improper if it pertains to donations
and contributions, questioning how it is being disbursed
Take note class, sa grant of exemption of taxation, ang because in the first place, maka buot baya si donor ug
maka grant is ang Levying or Imposing Authority. unsaon niya pagpa disburse ang money di ba? Maka
question ka but not in a Taxpayer’s suit because it does
If it is the legislature who has the power to impose or to not involve disbursement of public funds or collected
levy the tax, it follows that it is also the legislature who taxes.
has the power to grant the exemption thereto, no more
no less. Dili pwede si BIR ang mu grant sa exemption, si A taxpayer is not relieved from the obligation of
DOF or si Mr. President. paying a tax because of his belief that it is being
misappropriated by a certain official
• An individual taxpayer need not derive A taxpayer has no legal standing to question
direct benefits from the tax. executive acts that do not involve the use of public
• Public purpose is continually expanding. funds. (GONZALES Vs. MARCOS)
Areas formerly left to private initiative now Recent case, case ni Mayor Osmena vs. kani sa SRP
lose their boundaries and may be (consortium ni Ayala ba na?). He filed a taxpayer’s suit,
undertaken by the government, if it is to questioning the consortium and there were so many
meet the increasing social challenges of the reasons there but if you’ve read the recent news it was
times. denied by the court for the simple reason that a
• Public purpose is determined at the time of Taxpayer’s suit is not a valid action in such case because
enactment of the tax law and not at the it did not involve disbursement of public funds.
time of implementation.
Atty: to me that is appropriate. Ngano man? Kay wala
Enactment of the tax law, pareho karon di ba? Nag collect man public funds involve adto, it’s more of an agreement.
sila ug tax, unsa ang logic behind? If you look at the It could have been a different action other than a taxpayer
whereas clauses of the Bills, more or less they are always suit.
citing the Build, Build, Build Thrust or Program of the
government and there is nothing wrong with that because What is taxpayer’s suit?
this Build, Build, Build Thrust is for public purpose man. a case where the act complained of directly
Mao na kailangan sila mangolekta. Pero what if inig ka involves the illegal disbursement of public funds
wala ni President Duterte ma change ang Thrust sa derived from taxation; courts have the discretion
government? Imbis nga Build, Build, Build, ma Save, to allow taxpayers suit.
Save, Save na? Pero na pasa na ang tax law, collecting Taxpayers have sufficient interest of preventing
additional taxes, increasing the rates, etc. Pwede pa ba the illegal expenditures of money raised by
ka mu ingon na i-revert na sa previous or i-reduce ang tax taxation (NOT DONATIONS AND
because wala man lagi madayon ang Build, Build, Build CONTRIBUTIONS)
ninyo. Ni ingon mo nay Train gamiton na ninyo para mka A taxpayer is not relieved from the obligation of
himug train connecting Visayas and Mindanao unya wa paying a tax because of his belief that it is being
man lagi, e reduce. misappropriated by certain officials
Q: COULD THAT BE A VALID LEGAL GROUND? A taxpayer has no legal standing to question
A: That is a WEAK GROUND, what is important is public executive acts that do not involve the use of
purpose at the time of the enactment of the law and not public funds. (GONZALES vs. MARCOS)
at the time of the implementation of the law.
2.6 (continuation)
There is one case, eminent domain case, IT park sa INHERENT LIMITATIONS AND CONSTITUTIONAL
Lahug, when gipa hawa ang mga taw diha kay gipalit sa INHERENT LIMITATIONS
government for the plan to build the airport there but then These limitations are those provided in the fundamental
they realized that it’s the center of the city. So, they law or implied therefrom, while the rest spring from the
changed the plan, instead of Lahug, Lapu-Lapu. Naa man nature of the taxing power itself although they may or
to kaso na ni try ug bawi ang mga tagiya kay anyhow, may not be provided in the Constitution.
sauna pag ingon ninyo mag Airport pero wala di ay. So,
try to read that case also.
Inherent limitations
1. Public purpose
To question the disbursement of the tax coming from the 2. International comity
general fund, we have the taxpayer’s suit, involving a 3. Non-delegation of the legislative power to tax
complaint on the illegal disbursement of public funds 4. Exemption from taxation of government entities
derived from taxation. 5. Territorial jurisdiction

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 30
property but rather it’s a tax on your privilege to earn
This is the sixth video lecture based on the general income if the one that is earning the income is the person.
principles of taxation. In the last discussion that we had, If the one earning the income is the resident citizen or a
we discussed the inherent limitations to the power of domestic corporation, that’s when the power of taxation
taxation. For the inherent limitations to the power of may come in.
taxation, we’ve discussed already:
Recall 1. Sovereign equality of States
The definition of the power of taxation, the purpose is to 2. Usage among States
raise revenue in order to defray the necessary expenses 3. Immunity from suit of a State
of the government. It is pursuant to public purposes.
There is no specific definition as to what is public purpose. Q. What are the ground for tax exemption of
foreign government properties?
There is no quantification as to when it is considered a • Sovereign equality of the states
public purpose for taxation purposes. Even if it directly • Usage among the states (because if we have
affects a private entity or individual, so long as it is merely foreign properties abroad which is kaning mga
incidental, that entity is imbued in public interest. It is still consular offices nato, sa mga diplomatic
considered for public purpose exaction or imposition. representatives and we own properties there where
our diplomatic offices are located, likewise, usage
among states is dili man sad na i-subject into property
tax to the specific in that foreign country; Reciprocal
“The Philippines adopts the generally accepted principles
- if that foreign country owns a property here in the
of international law as part of the law of the land”
Phil especially for those diplomatic purposes, we also
exempt that from taxation).
If a tax law violates certain principles of international law,
• Immunity from suit of a state (why? that will be
then it is not only invalid but also unconstitutional.
useless even if for example US has it’s embassy here
it owns its building and the lot if you will subject that
Which tells us that in the exercise of the power of
for real property tax, the US will say “I won’t pay”.
taxation, we have to take into consideration that it is
The next recourse that the government will do is that
applicable only within the jurisdiction of the Philippines.
to file a tax evasion case which is a criminal case and
We do not subject to tax other independent states or
if it is a criminal case, ultimately other than payment
sovereignties. As provided expressly in our constitution,
of penalties and tax, it follows then imprisonment.
the Philippine adapts the generally accepted
Kinsa may i-imprison nimo in that case? Si Biden?
principles of international law as part of the law of the
That basically is impractical and administratively not
proper; which is why we exempt that from taxation to
make the Philippines friendly to the foreign nations
When it comes to sovereignty, we are independent from
and making it more practical. Because if we do that
other countries. The taxing power can only be exercised
to a foreign country, they will do that also to us.
within Philippine territory or within the reach of the
imposing authority. As provided also in a tax law that
violates certain principles of international law, it is not
Q. But nevertheless, pwede ba na buhaton sa
only invalid but also unconstitutional. This is also valid in Congress nato karon?
property taxation because when it comes to taxation, it
No, unless they amend the constitution because again,
could be person, property or activity.
there is this specific provision in our Constitution. so kung
buhaton na nila, then it becomes unconstitutional
• For a person - it can go beyond the jurisdiction
because there is what we call as bond/nexus/jural
between the imposing authority and that person.
“The power of taxation is peculiarly and exclusively
• For property - once that property is situated in
legislative, therefore, it may not be delegated.”
another country such as real property, situs of
taxation tells us that we take into consideration the
place where the property is located. If the property is
1) Delegation to the President
located abroad, that should be beyond the taxing
2) Delegation to local government units
jurisdiction of the Philippines. It is no longer subject
3) Delegation to administrative units
to Real Property taxation.
I think we’ve discussed this when we talked about the
nature of taxation and we said that it is legislative in
RPT is only one type of tax. Lahi ang income tax kay it is
character and we quoted the Cooley doctrine, I don't
characterized as an excise tax. It’s not a tax on the

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 31
know whether it is doctrine or principle or concept lang, ma approve, para dili mubalik sa Congress na mag
wherein as Republican state the power resides with the debate pa sila, mag hearing pa sila, mag reading pa
people. Therefore, sila and etc.
• Congress instructed that the President can
General Rule: The power of taxation is peculiarly and increase the VAT rate from 10% to 12% (kato
exclusively legislative, it may not be delegated. This kaso ni Gloria, in the amended NIRC)
makes it different from police power of the state and even
the power of eminent domain of the state. But despite But that’s the only instruction. Gi determine na daan ni
this general rule, there are exceptions where there could Congress pila ang rate. Wala niya gi leave how much is
be delegation of the power to tax. the rate to the President. The latter can just increase it
from 10-12%, not on any rate he likes because that’s
Exceptions basically unconstitutional; in effect it delegated the power
1. Delegation to the President to determine the rate of the tax.
2. Delegation to local government units
3. Delegation to administrative units Conditions were already set by the Congress. Nga dapat
ma meet ni nga conditions. I think there are 4 mga ratio2x
Take note naa pajud siyay in depth discussion ani sa ubos for the President to increase the rate. I think you've read
kaduha niya gidiscuss (see next page) that case. It just so happens that na meet to tanan na
conditions during the time of GMA, so she increased the
Q. What has been delegated here? VAT from 10-12%.
Delegation of President
It does not mean that it is the President who will In short, there is delegation there. But the 5 items that
determine the subject to be taxed, the purpose of the tax, cannot be delegated are all predetermined by the
the amount or rate of the tax, the manner or the means legislature. Nothing is left for the President to determine
of collection of tax and even the prescription of tax. on his own.
Because the above powers here cannot be delegated.
Meaning before the legislature delegates it to the 1) Determination of the subjects to be taxed
President or before the legislature delegates it to the local 2) Purpose of the tax
government unit, it must make specification kung kinsa’y 3) Amount or rate of the tax
subject to tax and etc. 4) Manner, means and agencies of collection
5) Prescription of the necessary rules with respect
What the President will do, is only to follow the instruction thereto
of the legislature. In short, kumpleto na daan ang
instruction ni legislature, naay na condition si Congress or Exception: Delegation to the President
si legislature gi-set for the President to ascertain in the FLEXIBLE TARIFF CLAUSE (SEC. 401 TCC)
interest of time. Because we very well know that, if it goes
back pa to Congress to determine when the rates, for In the interest of national economy, general welfare
example will be increased or when the tariff rates will be and/or national security, the President upon the
increased, in the interest of time kay naay pasulod na recommendation of NEDA is empowered:
cargos that could endanger our local industry, mag 1) To increase, reduce or remove existing protective
assemble pa pila ka Congressman, making it impractical. rates of import duty, provided that the increase
should not be higher than 100% ad valorem
Example: Flexible tariff laws 2) To establish import quota or to ban imports of
The president can increase the tariff rates not exceeding any commodity
100% but even if there was a delegation there, the 3) To impose additional duty on all imports not
President does not actually exercise the freedom to exceeding 10% ad valorem
determine unsa ang tariff rate or pila ang tariff, naa na
instruction. Exception: Delegation to Local Government Units
“Each local government unit has the power to create its
Specific Instructions: own revenue and to levy taxes, fees and charges subject
• If the situation calls for it then you increase it. to such guidelines and limitations as the Congress may
• Before the president can exercise that, there has to provide.”
be some sort of recommendation and there has to be (ART X, Sec 5)
analysis or hearing made by the tariff commission.
there is a commission and there is NEDA that makes
recommendations before the President increases the
tariff rates, as a way of approving it. Usa ka tawo ang

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 32
BASCO vs. PAGCOR (Consti Law Case) bahala determine. Be creative, think outside the box.” It’s
The power of local government units to impose not the case. The legislature, in essence, creates the box
taxes and fees is always subject to the first before you can think within the box and do within the
limitations which Congress may provide, the box.
former having no inherent power to tax.
Municipal corporations are mere creatures of So, if ever there are fall back provisions, as illustrated in
Congress which has the power to create and the case of Pelizloy v Province of Benguet in the
abolish municipal corporations. Congress imposition of amusement tax – because provinces can
therefore has the power to control over local also impose amusement tax, there is a fall back provision
government units. If Congress can grant to a in the enumeration of the LGC when it comes to the
municipal corporation the power to tax certain imposition of amusement tax.
matters, it can also provide for exemptions or
even take back the power. The SC said that you should follow the principle of
Q. How about the LGUs? ejusdem generis, wherein, even if there is a fall back
provision, the other tax provision there should more or
Delegation to Local Government Units less follow the previously enumerated item or the item

For the delegation to LGUs, we have the so-called “Local thereof should be of the same nature as the previously
Tax”. But as to the determination of the subject, the enumerated items. Di puydi na maghimo naka ug lain.
purpose, the amount/rate, the manner/means, the
prescription, LGUs DO NOT DETERMINE that. If previously enumerated item talks about theatre,
cinemas, which are subject to local amusement tax and
That’s why delegation to the LGUs was made pursuant to there is a fallback provision: and other similar business
the LGC. It’s very specific under the LGC what type of tax, etc. It does not mean that you can already subject to an
rate, the subject/object. All that the LGUs will do is to amusement tax a resort. Because a resort, in Pelizloy – to
enact a specific ordinance adopting that simplify and save time-, is of different nature as compared
to theatre or cinemas or place or concerts following
Delegation in the LGC: even the rate of the increase as to ejusdem generis (READ)
pila pwede ang increase ni LGU on a year to year basis is
already determined by Congress & indicated in the LGC. Delegation to Administrative Unit
What is delegated to administrative unit is merely the
If you look at the local tax, different ang maimpose ni implementation, the levying and imposition has already
province from the local tax na maimpose ni municipality. been made or done by the legislature.

Q. But when it comes to cities, they’re powerful. !!!MORE IN DEPTH DISCUSSION ON THE
Because? EXCEPTIONS!!!

The tax nga pwede icollect ni municipality, which is local So, focusing on some of these exceptions first is the
business tax, and the taxes na pwede icollect ni province, delegation to the President. In the Customs provisions,
which is real proerty tax among others, CAN BE we have the Flexible Tariff Clause. So, as provided:
COLLECTED BY THE CITY. Mao na mas datu gyud si city.
Mao ang uban mas ganahan ma mayor sa syudad kaysa Flexible Tariff Clause
sa ma-gobernor esp if gamay ra ang province. Sec. 401, TCC
In the interest of national economy, general welfare
We even have that, I think during the time of Tomas, the and/or national security, the President upon the
Cebu City govt was trying to pass an ordinance simplifying recommendation of NEDA is empowered:
the local business tax rate to 2%. The business groups,
not necessarily opposed, but remindws the Sanggunian Dili out of the blue, tripping-tripping lang ni President na
that there’s a provision in the LGC. When it comes to the i-increase and tariff. There should be a recommendation
rate, mao lang ni ang rate na pwede ninyo i-impose. coming from the NEDA and NEDA will only be able to
come up with these recommendation upon its
Anyhow, although Tax 2 na, di man gud flat rate na 2% coordination with the tariff commission. If the tariff
na. Ganahan sila na 2% - the intention is good, but commission determines that you know there is a potential
nevertheless, that would be useless if you don’t follow the shipment coming in and this could be harmful to the
very provision of the Local Government Code. industry so we have to you know, not necessarily prevent,
in short, it is not illegal per se because if it’s drugs, then
In sum: it is automatically banned. But if let’s say it’s second-hand
When we say delegation, it’s not the entire delegation items which of course are much cheaper compared to
gyud na manugo na, “oh kamo nay bahala dira. Kamo nay

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 33
locally produced, before it was about rice, the rice Delegation To Local Government Units.
tariffication law was passed. This delegation is pursuant to the evolution of powers to
the local government under our Constitution. Take note
Meaning, if there is an imported rice coming in to that lang of this supreme court pronouncement in the case of:
country going through legitimate channels, the tariff rate
is quite high to protect our local rice producers. But what Basco vs Pagcor
happened was, because of the high tariff rate, imported The power of local government units to impose
rice comes to the country still but through the backdoor. taxes and fees is always subject to the limitations
So, in short, the losses of the government doubled which Congress may provide, the former having no
because it passed through backdoor, it means that the inherent power to tax.
government is not able to collect tariff rates and the price
of that imported rice is quite high, plus the local supply is In short, when it comes to municipal corporations or local
having a shortage so the readily available rice at the government units, it has no inherent power because the
market is the imported rice that has a very high price and inherent power to tax applies only to a sovereign state
it contributed to high inflation rate because we are rice- and these LGUs are not sovereign states based of course
eaters. That is why other than prioritizing amendments to on our governmental structure.
tax laws, they also prioritized the passage of the rice
tariffication bill. Municipal corporations are mere creatures of
Congress. In short, it is the Congress who created
Now, another issue pops up because the burden is then them. Which has the power to create and abolish
passed to the local producers—the tariff rate decreased municipal corporations. Congress therefore has
so the price of these imported products also decreased. the power to control over local government units.
If Congress can grant to a municipal corporation
In short the power to tax certain matters, it can also
“Time is of the essence”. That is why this has to be provide for exemptions or even take back the
exercised only or approved only by one person which is power.
the president.
So meaning, kung mo ingon si Congress nga "O, kami
mag impose kani nga business tax." Aw, wala'y mabuhat
• To increase, reduce, or remove existing protective
si LGU. I-amend ni Congress kumbaga ang Local
rate of import duty, (protective tariff) provided that
Government Code, all that LGUs could do is to lobby
the increase should not be higher than 100% ad
against it.
Note: The limit is already set by congress.
Q. But as to whether if pwede ba gyud na buhaton
ni legislature.
• To establish import quota or to ban imports of any
Yes x2.
This import quota or banned imports are dinalian or
rushed. This is more of a retaliatory act. Let’s say for
The exemption applies only to governmental entities
example, China, our products are banned. So, the
through which the government immediately and directly
president can immediately retaliate by banning products
exercises its sovereign powers.
coming in from China. North Korea attacks another
NDA v. Cebu City
foreign country, condemned by the international
“The Republic, like any individual, may form a
community including members of the UN so UN says
corporation with personality and existence distinct from
impose import ban for products coming from North Korea.
its own. The separate personality allows a GOCC to
hold and possess properties in its own name and, thus,
So it has to be exercised medyo dinali-an. We have to
permit greater independence and flexibility in its
comply. So that will be done by the President. Of course
operations. It may, therefore, be stated that tax
NEDA is there to analyze the pros and the cons if we do
exemption of property owned by the Republic of the
Philippines "refers to properties owned by the
• To impose additional duty on all imports
Government and by its agencies which do not have
not exceeding 10% ad valorem.
separate and distinct personalities
Again limit has already been set by the legislature “not
(unincorporated entities).”
exceeding”. There is already a threshold such that if you
exceed that threshold, that is an issue on the legality of
Original Charter (unincorporated vs. Special Charter
that particular Executive Order issued by the President,
Incorporated) ???
for example.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 34
1) GSIS During the time of Marcos and thereafter, many of these
2) SSS GOCCs were not earning any profit because it was made
3) PHIC into cash cows by politicians, the presidents or directors
4) PCSO of said GOCCs, receiving huge sums of money without
5) PAGCOR even doing anything.
Later, during the time of Ramos, there were only a few
(usahon ra nako insert ang transcript discussion under GOCCs left because these were privatized by law. The
aning exemption from taxation of govt enetities) reason is that because GOCCs, although they operate as
Again, administrative feasibility, practicality, diba? It's if they are corporations, they should still be delivering
the government who collects the tax. If you subject the some sort of public service or public utility like
collecting authority to tax, as they describe, it's useless. transportation, water distribution.
It will just create confusion and it will just open
opportunities for corruption. But it came to a point where there were so many GOCCs
created which had nothing to do with public service.
Q. Why? Consequently, such public services were no longer
As described by one author, it’s just like transferring your accessible to the public because it was monopolized by
money from one pocket to another pocket. And the GOCCs -- private companies can no longer compete.
danger there is in the act of transfer, some of these
money could fall to the ground or mawala so makuhaan Therefore
na hinuon. GOCCs are no longer exempted from taxation because
when the NIRC was amended, the provision exempting
In short, GOCCs for the fact that they were owned by the
Exemption from Taxation of Government Entities government was repealed/removed.
If you belong to the government structure, you are
exempted. The exemption only applies to governmental Q. What happened then?
entities through which the government immediately and When the blanket exemption of GOCC, I say blanket
directly exercise its sovereign powers. because all you need to do is show that majority of your
shares is being owned by the government or it’s the
Q. What is government entity? government who basically owns the corporation and you
(three branches of the government) remit your profit to the national treasury kung naa kay
1. Judiciary profit because again, lost kanunay, di nalang ta
2. Legislature maghisgot nganong lost because lahi ang padagan during
3. Executive that time.

Thus, if your office belongs to any of the 3 branches, then When the blanket provision was removed under the NIRC,
you are part of the government and should NOT be that’s when we need to determine if the GOCC is
subjected to tax. incorporated or unincorporated.
• Unincorporated GOCC - it is considered attached to
The complications come in because we have the the government; it means it has its own specific
government-owned and -controlled corporations, which charter passed by no less than the legislature.
were very prevalent during the Marcos era. • Incorporated GOCC - it is registered as a corporate
entity under the security and exchange commission.
Government-owned and controlled corporations
(GOCC) NOTE: The manner of organizing the entity:
1. Through a special charter passed by Congress
2. Through our corporation code of the Philippines as if
Corporation v. Pure Government Entity
a private corporation issuing shares and majority of
Corporation Pure
these shares are owned by the government
But when the privatization law came in or was passed,
Purpose: Earn profit Service
most of these corporations registered with the SEC that
the majority of shares are owned by the government. Gi
Thus, GOCCs were created in order to:
privatize man, meaning gi baligya to private individuals.
1. Perform corporate functions
So what remains nalang are the corporations having their
2. Own corporate properties, and, in the process,
own charter passed by congress, kay it’s like a law man
3. Earn profit. This profit will be remitted to the
ang kani nga charter passed by Congress, dili mana nimo
national treasury of the government.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 35
ma change by the mere amendment of a blanket PHILIPPINE HEART CENTER, petitioner, v. THE
exemption under the NIRC unless gi specifically mention LOCAL GOVERNMENT OF QUEZON CITY, CITY
didto nga this repeals the charter of a corporation. MAYOR OF QUEZON CITY, CITY TREASURER OF
That’s when the issue comes in because no question on CITY, respondent. [G.R. No. 225409, March 11, 2020
the corporations privatized already, taxable na gyud sila. ]
Dire nag-away sa corporations having its own charter. FACTS: PHC has its own charter and is considered as an
attached agency to the national government but the local
Example government of Quezon City wants to collect taxes from
Issues came in involving PAGCOR, the National PHC.
Development Authority (NDA) issues also came in when
the NDA was being subjected to local tax by Cebu City. RULING: When local governments invoke the power to
Mactan International Airport Authority, Manila tax on national government instrumentalities, such power
International Airport Authority, the NAIA now, these are is construed strictly against local governments. The
entities having their own charters and in their charter, rule is that a tax is never presumed and there must be
there is a specific exemption from taxation. clear language in the law imposing the tax. Any doubt
whether a person, article or activity is taxable is resolved
So mao to nga of course kung ako si BIR or ako si local against taxation. This rule applies with greater force when
government unit, BIR okay naman na masabtan na na. local governments seek to tax national government
Ang gi apas man gud sa LGU is the tax on the properties instrumentalities.
owned by these Mactan Cebu International Airport, NAIA, Main issue:
pila gud na ka hectares of yuta, the building etc. So the Philippine Lung Center Case (lahi nis PH heart)
argument is gikuha man ang exemption ninyo from Point of QC in imposing the Real Property Tax against PHC
taxation, you can be subjected to tax but then these is: You are leasing/renting some of your space to private
corporate entities went back to their charters. entities. As held in PLC, it was clarified what was meant
by “actually, directly and exclusively” used.
The exemption applies only to governmental entities
through which the government immediately and directly SO YOU HAVE TO READ BOTH. PLC & PHC.
exercises its sovereign powers.
Phil. Heart Center (PHC) v. Quezon City, G.R. No.
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Plaintiff- 225409, March 20, 2020
Appellee, v. CEBU CITY and AUGUSTO PACIS, as Held – Quezon City could subject it to RP tax but it should
Treasurer of Cebu City, Defendants-Appellants. have gone after the private entities leasing/renting the
[G.R. No. 51593. November 5, 1992.] space for the collection of the property tax rather than the
instrumentality of the government. Because private
FACTS: What the LGU is after is the tax of the properties entities shoulder the burden and not the government
owned by Mactan-Cebu International Airport and Manila instrumentality. Dili iforeclose kay ma apektohan ang
International Airport. LGU’s argument is that since the tax instrumentality.
exemption of these airports have been revoked, they can Government Entities exempt from tax:
then be subjected to tax. But these corporate entities • GSIS
went back to their charters. (Atty. KMA: We will have a • SSS
discussion about these different kinds of entities soon.) • PHIC
• PCSO (exemption on the entity but not on the
RULING: The Republic, like any individual, may form a winnings)
corporation with personality and existence distinct from
its own. The separate personality allows a GOCC to hold Q. How about PAGCOR?
and possess properties in its own name and, thus, permit PAGCOR has its own charter also but there were so many
greater independence and flexibility in its operations (2 instances that it was subjected to tax.
ways: papasa ug charter sa Congress, register ug
corporate entity with SEC as a private entity). It may, Jurisprudence
therefore, be stated that tax exemption of "property (PAGCOR v. CIR, G.R. No. 210689 November 22,
owned by the Republic of the Philippines" refers to 2017)
properties owned by the Government and by its agencies In fine, we uphold our earlier ruling that Sec. 1 of R.A.
which do not have separate and distinct personalities No. 9337, amending Sec. 27 (c) or R.A. 8424 by excluding
(unincorporated entities). This refers to corporate entities [PAGCOR] from the enumeration of GOCCs exempted
having its own charter which are deemed from corporate income tax, is valid and constitutional. In
instrumentalities of the government. addition, we hold that:

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 36
1. [PAGCOR’s] tax privilege of paying five percent (5%) But the Supreme Court said that it pertains to income
franchise tax in lieu of all other taxes with respect to from gaming operations, and this is not repealed or
its income from gaming operations, pursuant to P.D. amended by Section 1(c) of RA No. 9337.
1869 as amended, is not repealed or amended by
Sec I(c) if R.A. 9337 It would have been different if it was removed in the
2. [PAGCOR’s] income from gaming operations is enumeration and then RA 9337 specifically said it was
subject to the five percent (5%) franchise tax only; removed or repealed this provision in PD 1869 which the
and legislature did. I mean ang kana nga style ba nga gi
3. [PAGCOR’s] income from other related services is specify nila nga kani mo amend or mo repeal, mao na ang
subject to corporate income tax only. ginabuhat nila in the draft create bill kay corporate income
taxation man ang gi amend. So naa silay portion in the
Court said “taxable ka” and then eventually ni appeal then draft of the bill nga specific special laws are being
niana napud si court “Ay dili diay ka taxable.” Ni appeal amended in the passage of the package two (?).
SC said exempted ka pero bayad ka 5% franchise tax in
And then in a separate case ni file nag pass nasad og I lieu of all other taxes pertaining to your gaming operation.
think RMC or RRC, etc na masubject to tax nasad si PAGACOR’s income from gaming operations therefore is
PAGCOR, ni appeal nasad until it reached this decision subject to 5% franchise tax but gaming operation only.
sometime in 2017, where the Supreme Court analyzed the
Presidential Decree or the law creating PAGCOR vs. the However, it has lots of other services (pareha anang
amendments in the NRIC. Because eventually PAGCOR pagkaon). Kaning mga incidental transactions, proceeds,
was removed man sad. In the previous tax code listed income from snacks, lease income kung nay mag standee
siya as an exempted entity, but it was amended on RA which has nothing to do with the gaming operation.
9337 where PAGCOR was removed from the list of exempt
entities. It has been clarified that PAGCOR’s income from other
related services is subject to corporate income tax which
Ultimately, in this 2017 Resolution gikapoyan na guro si is 30% as of the moment.
Supreme Court, so Supreme Court said they will analyze
it because before in previous cases mga specific Q. Is PAGCOR exempted from corporate income
provisions lang of the law ang gi analyze. taxation. Why?

Maybe it reached this to a third case, so the Supreme It is clear that it is exempted from 30% corporate income
Court said they will analyze everything. This was actually tax on its income from gaming operations. Pursuant to PD
clarified in the previous resolution nga gi adopt or gi- No. 1869, it is subject to 5% franchise tax in lieu of all
confirm nya in this 2017 case. So the Supreme Court said: taxes for its gaming operations.

In fine, we uphold our earlier ruling that Section 1 that RA However, income from other related services like from the
No. 9337 (passed sometime in 2007 or 2005 if I’m not canteen, standee sponsorship and any of its related
mistaken) amending Section 27(c) of RA No. 8424, by activities that is already subject to the regular corporate
excluding PAGCOR from the enumeration of GOCC’s income tax for the simple reason that this is excluded
exempted from the corporate income tax, is valid and from the expressed provision of PD No. 1869.
In Exemption from Taxation of Government Entities, the
If ako ang BIR malipay ko kay taxable. Pero the Supreme government must be exercising its governmental
Court said tan-awon sa nato ang law creating PAGCOR, functions, not proprietary. If proprietary, as implemented
kay wala man gi abolish ang law, gi remove lang sya from by BIR, it is taxable.
the list sa tax code.
This exemption applies only to governmental entities
It’s more like between the tax code and the special law through which the government immediately and directly
creating PAGCOR, we very well know which one is exercises its sovereign powers.
considered general, it’s the tax code. So the Supreme
Court said let’s look at PD 1869. • If the agency is performing governmental
function = EXEMPTED
Then the Supreme Court clarified that PAGCOR in that • If GOCC performs proprietary function = TAXABLE
Presidential Decree is subject to 5% franchise tax in lieu
of all other taxes. Exemption:
If the Charter of the said GOCC expressly exempts from
paying taxes.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 37
Wala may profit gihisgutan. Pero kung fees na for these
Q: Example of Proprietary function activities which is usually undertaken by private entities,
Mamaligya ug yuta ang LGU. Let’s look at Cebu City. Cebu that’s a different situation. That’s already proprietary.
City developed the SRP. Right? And then eventually that
South Road Properties, ginabaligya ni City of Cebu to uban LGUs dili sila ang muperform ana nga proprietary
private entities. Ayala Land etc etc. for a profit. function. They will either connect to a foundation who will
take charge of that, do the collection, disbursement and
Q: Is that governmental or is that proprietary? the liquidation. Para clean hands si LGU. Wala siya’y
Obviously, that’s proprietary. problema. Kung mudonate man gani siya, or mu
appropriate siya for a certain budget, it’s properly
It would have been a different situation kung niingon kog documented by the legislature with all the whereas
“Gipapuy-an na niya. Gihatag na niya to the Cebuano clauses there. Mao bitaw na nga naa ta Sinulog
people etc etc to live there etc.” Well puydi pa unta na Foundation who takes charge of the proprietary activities
mga social housing noh, mga socialized housing. But that for Sinulog. Again ha, it’s proprietary. It’s not
act alone, that’s proprietary. governmental.

Q: Kung ako si BIR pwede ba na nako isubject to There are so many sponsors kung wala lang nag Covid,
tax even if the one selling it is the City of Cebu? millions of pesos could be generated out of that activity
Which is you know obviously an LGU, a which its why it is not being done gyud by the city itself.
government entity. The city is there but it is the foundation which basically
Yes. Because that’s not pursuant anymore to its runs the entire activity or the entire exercise.
governmental function.
Most not very recent case, mga late 2019 Involves the Property outside ones jurisdiction does not receive any
Municipality of Oslob, whale watching. In the whale protection of the State.
watching activity, there is a fee collected by the
municipality and barangay. They basically share it. If a law is passed by Congress, Congress must always see
to it that the other object or subject of taxation is within
Here comes the BIR noh. the territorial jurisdiction of the taxing authority.

Q. Kadyot sa. Unsa man ni na activity? Illustration: cross-boarder doctrine in Vaue Added
Governmental or proprietary? Taxation.
Obviously, this has nothing to do with the mandated
functions of the government. You’re collecting fees so this
is proprietary. You should pay income tax. It’s not a
defense nga abi kay government ka, mamaligya lang ka
bisag unsa diha, exempted gihapon ka from taxation.
Otherwise it can be what? It can be abused by business
minded politicians.

Anyhow, I think it is still ongoing the assessment for that.

Last time I heard, nibalibad intawn si Oslob kay wala kuno
na sa budget nila. Ngano ibudget paman na nimo nga ang
imong income comes from the fees collected. Do you
When it comes to properties outside the jurisdiction which
Later on we will have a discussion on income taxation man does not receive any protection of the state, it should not
gud. You will learn there nga there is a provision that uhm be subjected to tax by Congress. Such that if a law is
you don’t look at the disbursement or the use of the passed by Congress, it must see to it that the object or
funds. So long as it comes from a proprietary activity, it subject of taxation is within the territorial jurisdiction.
can be subjected to income tax or income taxation. Do Again, we are talking here of property and when we talk
you follow? of jurisdiction here, we are referring more to the
territorial of geographical jurisdiction of the Philippines.
Q. Had it been fees lang for services rendered by
the LGU to the public, of course there’s no tax Unlike if person ang hisgotan because for person we don’t
there. Ngano man? just look at the geographical territory but we look at the
bond or the nexus also because Unlike if person ang
hisgotan because for person we don’t just look at the

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 38
geographical territory but we look at the bond or the
nexus also because kung personal, resident citizen ka Non-delegation of the legislative power to tax
class or domestic corporation, even if you are doing The levying aspect or the imposition aspect is being done
business abroad, you are still entitled to the protection of by the Legislature here and there are exceptions;
the Philippine government. So, it follows that whatever 1. Delegation of the President;
income you earn abroad, you are still required to pay tax 2. Delegation to the LGU;
in the Philippines but if it’s property, that’s not the case, 3. Delegation to Administrative bodies.
even if that property is owned by a Filipino citizen and
that property is located abroad, the one who needs to Exemption from taxation of government entities
primarily protect that property is the Foreign country Government entities could cover instrumentalities of the
where the property is located, so wala na tay habol government. Of course, agencies, bureaus and divisions
nganha. of the government.

If naa tay domestic helper didto sa kuan di ba? Mangunay But as a rule, they are only exempted so long as they are
gyud ang government nato ug adto if ever there are performing Governmental functions. If it’s already a
issues, it’s a typical example of protection, we have the Proprietary function, which is beyond its mandate, it’s
OWA. usual mandate to serve the public and the purpose of
doing so is to earn profit then taxation could come in.
Q: So, what’s the application of this inherent
limitation? International Comity
We have the Cross-boarder doctrine in Value Added The grounds for tax exemption of foreign government
Taxation. entity, just in case you will be asked.

You will learn in Value Added Taxation topic in Tax 2 that Q: What’s the reason of this Inherent Limitation?
if a particular property, good or item is exported outside
of the country, kung exported pasabot it is consumed The sovereign equality of States, the usage among
outside of the Philippines. So, we do not subject that VAT States and Immunity from suit of a State.
but if a particular item is imported, mu sulod sa
Philippines, understandably it will be consumed here in Territorial jurisdiction
the Philippines, therefore we subject that to VAT. This is When it comes to properties, we only look at the
pursuant to the Inherent Limitation on Territorial properties within the physical or geographical territory of
Jurisdiction. the Philippines. However, when it comes to persons, we
do not limit to physical territory but we also look at the
SUMMARY OF INHERENT LIMITATION: nexus, the jural, or the bond between the person and the
1. Public purpose Philippine Taxing Authority. Of course, the cross- border
2. Non-delegation of the legislative power to tax doctrine which is an example of applying this inherent
(Levy Exceptions) limitation.
3. Exemption from taxation of government
entities (Governmental vs. Proprietary Functions) So, on our next lecture video, we will be talking on the
4. International comity Constitutional Limitations to the power of taxation. You
5. Territorial jurisdiction will learn there that when it comes to Constitutional
Limitations, we divide it into two (2). The Direct
Public Purpose Constitutional Limitation and the Indirect Constitutional
1. An individual taxpayer need not derive direct Limitations.
benefits from the tax
2. Public purpose is determined at the time of We call it direct because it applies only to the power of
enactment of the tax law and not at the time of taxation and not the other 2 inherent powers of the
implementation. state. For now, I will end here.

Taxpayer’s suit. Again, this involves the illegal CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS

disbursement of public funds generated through taxation These are the limitations expressly provided under
where the proceeds went through our general funds. the Constitution
Where not the taxpayer’s suit in a sense that is not 1. Direct Constitutional Limitations
appropriate if there is no disbursement of tax money 2. Indirect Constitutional Limitations
involved and if the disbursement comes from the
donations or contributions from private entities because
that does not go through our general funds, it goes to
special funds.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 39
A. Revenue bill must originate exclusively in the A grant thereof, needs approval of the absolute
House but the Senate may propose with majority of the Congress
amendments – lawmaking process REMEMBER: kung kinsa ang authority nag impose or levy
B. Concurrence of a majority of ALL the members of sa tax, siya sad, as a rule, maka grant ug exception
Congress for the passage of a law granting tax If congress imposes a tax, it follows that it is only
exemption congress who may grant an exemption to that particular
C. Rule of uniformity and equity in taxation tax imposition. (NOT the BIR, DOF)
D. Progressive system of taxation
E. Exemption of religious, charitable and educational All the department of finance or BIR can do is
entities, non-profit cemeteries, and churches interpret the particular law that grants the
from property taxation exemption as passed by Congress.
F. Exemption of non-stock, non-profit educational
institutions from taxation Exemptions passed by Congress may either be
G. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of a poll tax generic or specific.
H. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the SC in
tax cases When it comes to tax code, it is GENERIC in
nature. No name will be specified in that particular
A. Revenue bill must originate exclusively in the House tax levy or imposition.
but the Senate may propose with amendments –
lawmaking process C. Rule of uniformity and equity in taxation
Tolentino vs Sec. of Finance Uniformity in Taxation - It requires the uniform
“To insist that a revenue statute and not only the bill application and operation, without discrimination, of the
which initiated the legislative process culminating in the tax in every place where the subject of the tax is found.
enactment of the law must substantially be the same It does not, however, require absolute identity or equality
as the House bill would be to deny the Senate’s power under all circumstances, but subject to reasonable
not only to “concur with amendments” but also to classification.
“propose amendments.” It would be to violate the co-
equality of legislative power of the two houses of
Congress and in fact make the House superior to the Equity in Taxation - The concept of equity in taxation
Senate.” requires that the apportionment of the tax burden be
more or less, just in the light of the taxpayer’s ability to
shoulder to tax burden and if warranted, on the basis of
The Constitution simply requires that there must be the benefits received from the government. Its
that initiative coming from the House of cornerstone is the taxpayers ability to pay.
Representatives relative to appropriation, revenue and
tariff bills.
D. Progressive system of taxation
Tolentino vs Sec. of Finance
The Constitution does not also prohibit the filing in the
RA 7716 (EVAT), does not violate the constitutional
Senate of a substitute bill in anticipation of its receipt
mandate that Congress shall “evolve a progressive
of the bill from the House, as long as action by the system of taxation”
Senate is withheld until receipt of said bill.
The Constitution does not really prohibit the imposition
This pertains to the impositions or the levying, as we’ve of indirect taxes, which like the VAT, are regressive.
said, being a Republican state, the power is with the The constitutional provision means simply that indirect
people. When it comes to the imposition of tax, the taxes shall be minimized.
initiation must come from the House of Representatives,
eventually the Senate will either adapt or pass its own The mandate to Congress is not to prescribe, but to
version pertaining to that revenue bill. evolve, a progressive system of taxation.

B. Concurrence of a majority of ALL the members of Resort to indirect taxes should be minimized but not to
Congress for the passage of a law granting tax be avoided entirely because it is difficult, if not
exemption impossible to avoid them by imposing such taxes
1) Law granting any tax exemption - Absolute majority according to the taxpayers ability to pay.
(Substantive due process) in essence, it is a proportional system or is proportionate
2) Law withdrawing any tax exemption- Relative to the taxpayers ability to pay.
NOTE: Tax exemption, amnesties, refunds are considered
in the nature of tax exemptions.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 40
E. Exemption of religious, charitable and educational Revenues consist of the amounts earned by
entities, non-profit cemeteries, and churches from a person or entity from the conduct of business
property taxation operations. It may refer to the sale of goods,
Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages or rendition of services, or the return of an
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit investment. Revenue is a component of the tax
cemeteries and all lands, buildings and improvements, base in income tax, VAT, and local business tax
actually directly and exclusively used for religious, (LBT).
charitable, or educational purposes shall be exempt from Assets, on the other hand, are the tangible and
taxation.” (Sec. 28 (3) ART VI) intangible properties owned by a person or
Application: entity. It may refer to real estate, cash deposit
in a bank, investment in the stocks of a
Test of applicability: corporation, inventory of goods, or any property
CASES: from which the person or entity may derive
1. Herrera vs. Quezon City Board of assessment income or use to generate the same. In Philippine
Appeals, G.R. No. No. L-15270, 3 SCRA 186 vs. taxation, the fair market value of real property is
Philippine Lung Center v. Quezon City, G.R. No. a component of the tax base in real property tax
144104, June 29, 2004. (RPT). Also, the landed cost of imported goods is
2. Abra Valley College Inc., v. Aquino, G.R. No. L- a component of the tax base in VAT on
39086 June 15, 1988 importation and tariff duties.
3. City Assessor of Cebu City v. Association of Thus, when a non-stock, non-profit educational
Benevola de Cebu Inc., G.R. No. 152904, June 8, institution proves that it uses its revenues
2007 actually, directly, and exclusively for educational
purposes, it shall be exempted from income tax,
F. Exemption of non-stock, non-profit educational VAT, and LBT. On the other hand, when it also
institutions from taxation shows that it uses its assets in the form of real
“All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit property for educational purposes, it shall be
educational institutions used actually, directly, and exempted from RPT. To be clear, proving the
exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt from actual use of the taxable item will result in an
taxes and duties.” (Sec. 4 (3) Art. XIV) exemption, but the specific tax from which the
entity shall be exempted from shall depend on
NOT APPLICABLE TO NON-STOCK, NON-PROFIT whether the item is an item of revenue or asset.
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The tax exemption granted by the
Constitution to non-stock, non-profit
Where the educational institution is private and non-profit educational institutions, unlike the
(but a stock corporation) it is subject to income tax but at exemption that may be availed of by
the preferential rate of 10%. proprietary educational institutions, is not
subject to limitations imposed by law.
CIR vs CA By the Tax Code's clear terms, a proprietary
Income derived by YMCA from leasing out a portion of educational institution is entitled only to the
its premises to small shop onwers, like restaurant and reduced rate of 10% corporate income tax. The
canteen operators, and from parking fees collected reduced rate is applicable only if: (1) the
from non-members are taxable income. proprietary educational institution is non-profit
YMCA is not an educational institution. and (2) its gross income from unrelated trade,
business or activity does not exceed 50% of its
Consistent with Article XIV, Section 4 (3) of the
CIR vs De La Salle University Constitution, these limitations do not apply to
The last paragraph of Sec. 30 of the Tax code is: (1) non- stock, non-profit educational institutions.
without force and effect with respect to nonstock, non-
profit educational institutions, provided, that the non- G. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of a poll tax
stock, non-profit educational institutions prove that this “No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-payment
assets and revenues are used actually, directly and of poll tax” (Sec. 20 Art III)
exclusively for educational purposes and (2) the tax- POLL TAX – tax of fixed amount imposed upon residents
exemption constitutionally-granted to non- within a specific territory regardless of citizenship,
stock, non-profit educational institutions, is not business or profession
subject to limitations imposed by law.
The non-imprisonment rule applies to non-payment of poll
tax which is punishable only by a surcharge, but not to

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 41
other violations like falsification of community tax Example: If we look at the passage of TRAIN 2, reality
certificate or non-payment of other taxes. wise, the suggestion to amend a particular provision or to
tax a new object or subject matter, usually comes from
H. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the SC in tax the executive to be specific from the Department of
cases Finance.
“The SC may review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on
appeal or certiorari as the law or the Rules of Court may It's the DoF who supervises the Implementing
provide all cases involving the legality of any tax, Bureaus (BIR and BoC). It’s the DoF who in essence
impost, assessment or toll, or any penalty imposed in knows how much is the current capacity based on the
relation thereto.” (Art. VIII, Sec. 5) current law ang ma generate nga money ni Government.
It’s the Dof also who thinks of ways in generating revenue
If you ask me, “Sir, of these constitutional limits, unsa ang or generating funds.
favorite when it comes the bar?”
Ans: The favorite is the exemption provision, specifically, The Secretary of finance, one of the Undersecretaries
“there must be a concurrence of a majority of ALL the
before under Sec. Domingez is now the NEDA secretary.
members of Congress for the passage of a law granting
He was in charge in looking for ways on how to rationalize
tax exemption”, “there is exemption of religious, taxes existing on the Government and on how to raise
charitable and educational entities, non-profit cemeteries more taxes.
and churches from property taxation”, and “exemption of
non-stock, non-profit educational institutions from
taxation.” Then the DoF will eventually tap a certain
Congressman who can sponsor what they are
There are several recent jurisprudence which deals with trying to propose.
these constitutional exemptions. I have to emphasize
constitutional exemptions from taxation. Why? Ofc class, it does not mean that the initiation can’t
Because there is what we call statutory exemptions. be done by the Congressman himself. It’s not a hard
and fast rule that it must come from the DoF. If the
Between a constitutional provision and a statutory Congressman is really into revenue raising for the
provision which should prevail in case both are in government, he can very well make the bill or make a
conflict? proposition.
The constitutional provision. And we will have a
discussion on that especially on issues interpreting tax What I am trying to say is the usual thing is it’s the DoF
exemption provision under the constitution vis-a vis the man gud who knows the current fiscal situation ba. So
provisions under the NIRC or the statute or the law itself. initiation usually comes and they look for a Congressman
who can sponsor the bill. Then eventually if it passes
(is now balik’2 nasad sha but sige nalang for the through the Committee on Ways and Means, then it goes
learnings; Tax guardian angels help us) through readings and per second third and eventually it is
approved and it goes to the Senate and the DoF again will
DIRECT CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS look for a Senator who will have to Sponsor a Bill. It’s not
A.) revenue bill must originate exclusively in the House an easy task because each of this Congressman and
but the Senate may propose with amendments lawmaking Senators are politicians and they are human being.
process They have their own interest. And this interest, it
does not necessarily follow that what DOF is proposing
Revenue Bill - this has something to do with the raising will eventually be the version that will be passed. After all,
of or it could be taxing a new activity or new object or a they also exercise their own judgment. So, what is
subject matter subjecting it to tax. And again if we talk required here is dapat magsugod sa House of
about tax here, this could cover the writ and duties. What Representative, it does not necessarily follow nga ang
must originate exclusively in the House of Representatives version sa House of Representative is the very same
is the Bill, the Initiatory Bill not the law. In the process of version that will be passed into law. After all, the version
what this so called “Revenue Bill” which either imposes a of the Senate could be a better version.
new tax, or increases an existing tax, or increases the
coverage of the tax, the usual process that you can recall You may ask, "Sir, ngano ma revise revise man na?"
is that it starts with the Committee on Ways and Means Answer:
before the House of Representative. 1. They have their own interest
2. These politicians have their consultants, they usually
That Committee on Ways and Means will either pass do roadshows. Taking it into consideration the sentiments
or deny a Bill which is being sponsored by a particular of affected stakeholders. They conduct hearings and they
Congressman. accept position papers. And based on these position

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 42
papers, hearings and roadshows, they take it into would be to violate the co equality of the legislative power
consideration the interest of all the stake stakeholders. of the 2 houses of Congress and in fact make the House
DOF, BIR or BOC, is just one of the stakeholders. Kung superior to the Senate. The Constitution simply requires
maminaw lang sila sa DOF or BIR or BOC, of course that there must be initiative coming from the HoR relative
everything will be raised, everything will be subjected to to Appropriation, Revenue and Tariff bills. The
tax because the mandate is to raise revenue but that Constitution does not prohibit the filing in the Senate of a
cannot be the case. Remember our discussions on substitute bill in anticipation of its receipt of the bill
inherent limitations and basic definition of taxation, it coming from the House; as long as the action by the
could potentially become a destructive power. So the Senate is withheld until receipt of the bill coming from the
legislator will take that into consideration, in short i- HoR.
mellow down ang mga provisions. If you notice, there is a main proponent in the HoR and
in the Senate who will sponsor (the bill). They can use
(chismis itey, pero murag important so ako lang gi keep) either version. If ever there are provisions inserted which
And I've seen that first hand because I've monitored that happened in the CREATE Bill that was passed in the
from TRAIN Law to CITIRA to CREATE. Kung kita lang mo Senate. Some congressmen were opposing some
sa first version sang CITIRA, we prepared several position insertions that's why it was not yet passed into law...still
papers on that. The provisions are really prejudicialto the in the BiCam level.
existing companies in PEZA. If you have heard the news,
many hearings nga nag clash gyud ang proponents of the B. CONCURRENCE OF A MAJORITY OF ALL THE
Eventually, because of these hearings, these position A LAW GRANTING TAX EXEMPTION
papers, show of support and show of disgust, the The imposing authority is also the authority to grant the
provisions eventually mellow down taking consideration tax exemption, as well as the authority na bawion ang
of the sides of the affected stakeholders. So now we have exemption.
the CREATE bill in the Senate.
GR: Law granting any tax exemption - what is required
Pwede ba ang version sa Senate masunod later is ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of all members of Congress.
on? YES. It could purely be the version of the Senate or
it could be a combination of both. We recall the
Why? When it comes to the power of taxation, taxation
bicameral committee, which is created in case the
is the rule because you have to raise revenue.
versions of the bill coming from the House is different
Exemption is the exception. In short, when there is a
from the Senate bill. So, they have to harmonize that
grant of exemption, it means revenue forgone on the part
before passing it to the President for signature, so it
of the State which is why it is looked at with disfavor. As
becomes a law. That's the use of it.
required in the Constitution, it has to be approved by the
majority of all members of Congress.
What is required under the Constitution is the bill
will just originate lang sa House not the law.That is
further explained in the case of Tolentino vs. Sec. of Majority of all members of Congress = ABSOLUTE
Finance. This involves questions pertaining to the VAT. MAJORITY, not just majority based on members present
Before, wala ang VAT, there is no such thing as Value constituting a quorum. Members present constituting
Added Tax. This was only imposed in the time of President a quorum = RELATIVE MAJORITY only, that is
Corazon Aquino. Before it was only the so-called Sales required if Tax Exemptions are withdrawn; making it
Tax. The petitioners in this case are questioning the final easier to withdraw rather than grant Tax exemptions.
version of the law imposing VAT because it was the
Senate version. One of the proponents there was late Sen. EXAMPLE: If there are 200 total members of the
Miriam Santiago. They are trying to invalidate that law in Congress.
citing this requirement that a "Revenue bill must originate
exclusively in the House and not necessarily from the ABSOLUTE MAJORITY = should be 101 affirmative
Senate''. They are saying that this version comes from the votes to grant tax exemptions. Even if during the session
Senate, this is not the version coming from the House of ang present lang sad is 101 constituting a quorum.
Representatives. That it should be declared,
unconstitutional. In upholding the law or in validating the RELATIVE MAJORITY = if withdrawal, out of the 200,
law, the Supreme Court said that to insist that revenue 101 are present which they basically constitute a quorum.
statute and not only the bill initiated in the legislative Relative Majority should be at least 51 votes.
process culminating in the enactment of the law must be
substantially be the same as the House bill would be to So, at least 51 votes. That’s what we call relative majority.
deny the Senate's power not only to "concur with Majority of those members present constituting a
amendments" but also to "propose amendments". It quorum. But when we say absolute majority that is

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 43
majority of all members of Congress – not necessarily equality, same na nimo sila papatungon and not take into
those constituting a quorum. consideration their individual situations.

Take note: Tax exemption, amnesties, refunds are D. Progressive System of Taxation
considered in the nature of tax exemptions. Progressivity is not repugnant to uniformity and equity:
1. Uniformity does not require the things which are
Exception to the general rule of taxation. That’s not different be treated in the same manner
why if it is inserted or granted in a particular bill, 2. Differentiation, which is not arbitrary and
supposedly imposing taxes, there has to have approval conforms to the dictates of justice and equity, is
of absolute majority of the congress. Pero kung I allowed. Progressivity is one way of classification.
withdraw na, relative majority is required 3. The State has the inherent right to select subjects
of taxation.
C. Rule of Uniformity and Equity in Taxation Progressivity is not necessarily in conflict with uniformity
and equity because we say progressive, it still means that
we take into consideration the tax payer’s ability to pay.
Uniformity in Taxation – it requires the uniform
application and operation, without discrimination, of the
Kay diba sa progressive, as the tax base increases, the
tax in every place where the subject of the tax is found.
tax rate will increase, and the tax liability will also
It does not, however, require absolute identity or equality
increase. So, ability to pay.
under all circumstances, but subject to reasonable
1. Uniformity does not require the things which are
classification. Uniform in application and operation lang,
not different be treated in the same manner
so long as you are situated at the same circumstances
As we have discussed, so long as there is reasonable
subject to reasonable qualification.
classification then it does not mean that they will
necessarily be treated the same.
Reasonable Qualification – we take into
consideration, whether there is or there are substantial For taxation purposes, this is very apparent on the tax
distinctions. If there is/are substantial distinction then, type that you are made liable of. IF you are an employee
absolute uniformity does not necessarily mean na receiving compensation land, there is a different scheme
applicable. for that, but if you are earning income from your business,
then there is also different tax scheme.
Equity in Taxation – the concept of equity in taxation
requires that the apportionment of the tax burden be
Uniformity in short, should be applied based on
more or less, just in light of the taxpayer’s ability to
your classification and so long as you are similarly
shoulder to tax burden and if warranted, on the basis of
situated under the same condition. • Differentiation,
the benefits received from the government. Its
which is not arbitrary and conforms to the dictates of
cornerstone is the taxpayers ability to pay.
justice and equity is allowed. And progressivity is one
way of classification.
We’ve already distinguished this with equality. If you • The state has the inherent right to select subjects of
recall, this requisite of equity in taxation it is also one taxation.
of the basic principles of a sound taxation – (FAT):
Fiscal Adequacy, Administrative Feasibility, and
(Di ni sha balik atehh, ni chika sha about sa
Theoretical Justice or Equity. We said that between
mandatory ba ni nga limitation)
these three, if ma violate and theoretical justice or
equity, that makes the tax law unconstitutional.
A. REVENUE BILL-must originate exclusively in the
However, if what is violated is merely fiscal
House but the Senate may propose with
adequacy or administrative feasibility, it simply
amendments-law making process. Now, the next
makes the law defective which can be eventually be
question is, this direct constitutional limitation
because if you look at this, it is basically
mandatory. If any case it will not be followed,
We’ve also distinguished equity and equality. Atty went
violation of substantive due process and makes the
on to describe a picture of three ladies watching a concert.
law unconstitutional.
One of the ladies is tall that she can see the whole stage
from the back, the middle one, and then the smallest one
who finds it hard to watch the concert. B. Concurrence of a majority of all the members of
congress for the passage of a law granting tax
Ang mubo, taas kaayo na patunganan, and mubo mubo
di na kaayo taas, tapos and taas, di na nimo papatungon.
You take into consideration their height. Kay kung This is also mandatory. Substantive due process.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 44
C. Rule of uniformity and equity in taxation. 10 back then, your tax liability will still increase man. So
Of course, that’s also mandarory but take note that it's still takes into consideration your ability to pay. So
there are exeptions: -reasonable classification or kung daghan ka ug paliton, aw dako sad ang tax nga
inability to pay. bayaran nimo even if the rate is now fixed. Kay again
class, admin feasibility. Lisod i-implement ang business
D. How about progressive system of taxation? tax na graduated or schedular unless you have cashiers
na maka memorize nganha. So you know, mag range pa
Because to recall, we already distinguished progressive, ka diha, tan-awon pa nimo asa na range ka nasud - ang
proportional, and degressive. Is this a mandatory tax base and the corresponding tax rate. That simply goes
requirement under the constitution that the scheme against the basic principle on admin feasibility.
should be schedular—if the tax base will rise, the tax rate
will also rise, because that is the technical definition of If we look at the technical definition of regressive -
being progressive. The answer is not necessarily. as the tax base increases, the tax rate decreases and vice
versa right?
As settled by the SC in the same case of Tolentino v
Sec. of Finance, still pertaining to the imposition of vat. Kung kana mahitabo, regressive gyud na. No question.
RA 7716 (EVAT) does not violate the constitutional But the argument of the petitioner here is not
mandate that Congress shall evolve a progressive system anchored on the structure or the rate of the tax
of taxation. The constitution does not really prohibit the base of the tax. It's more on the effect of VAT to
imposition of indirect taxes, which like the VAT, are the poor Filipinos. In essence, they are saying, the
regressive. The constitutional provision means simply that effect is regressive. They focused on the effect. According
indirect taxes shall be minimized. The mandate is not to to them, the lesser I have in life, the more material 10%
prescribe, but to evolve, a progressive system of taxation. will be to me. Imagine kung ako naa ko'y Php 100.00 lang,
Resort to indirect taxes should be minimized but not to be and then impose-an pa gyud ko nimo ug VAT nga Php
avoided entirely because it is difficult, if not impossible to 12.00 (12% lang atong gamiton ha). Ang kanang Php
avoid them by imposing such taxes according to the 12.00 dako na nah for me owning only Php 100.00. But if
taxpayer’s ability to pay. I have 1M, 12% of that is immaterial in so far as my
capacity is concerned. You get the point? The lesser you
For the benefit of those who have not yet read this case, have in life - makuhaan lang na ug piso ang kwarta nimo,
again, the issue of this case involves VAT. And aside from dako na nah ug effect sa imoha. So mao to ingon sila
the argument discussed earlier that the revenue bill must regressive ang effect because the lesser I have, the more
originate exclusively from the house. Another argument burdened I will be. The more I have, the burden to me is
raised by the petitioners in this case is a fix rate. At this immaterial. The effect is regressive. But what did the
time, the fix rate is at 10%. So, they are saying that it is Supreme Court say? Ni agree si SC ha that the effect is
violative of the constitutional provision which states that regressive but if we look at the techinical definition of
congress shall evolve a progressive system of taxation. regressive tax, dili gyud. In essence, progressive gihapon
That is the argument. The next argument is that tax is siya. Do you follow, class?
regressive, is not progressive because the less that I have
in life, the more that I have in law. The constitution provision means simply that indirect
taxes shall be minimized. Ingon si SC na well, kung tan-
So, let’s go with their first argument, they said ‘shall’, awon na nimo, even if it's fixed, mosaka man gihapon ang
meaning, it is mandatory. But SC said that it is not tax liability. So really, we don't look at it as technically
a violation because if you look at it, it’s not really regressive. But their effect perhaps that is regressive.
mandatory but it’s more like a directory. Why? Because Pero relative man sad gud na, class.
the express provision of the constitution means a
progressive system of taxation, not prescribe. What do I mean by relative?
Meaning to say, it does not require imposition that it Depende man sad na sa character sa tawo. If you have
should be progressive as a whole. In essence, you take less in life unya katkat ka (pa sosyal ka) - mokaon gyud
into consideration the taxpayer’s ability to pay, that ka adto gyud ka sa Jollibee, mag grocery ka adto gyud ka
whatever he has will increase, his tax liability will also sa Rustan's and then you have very less in life, you will
increase. really feel the 12% VAT. Maka feel ka sa kasakit sa VAT.
Do you follow?
Mao to gi-discuss gyud nako ang distinction ni progressive
ug ni proportional sa inyo so you will understand because But what is good in the VAT though there are
in this case, the Supreme Court said, it's okay ang VAT provisions and there are transactions exempted from
nga fixed rate siya. Because even if fixed rate na, kung VAT. And these transactions exempted from VAT are
mosaka ang tax base, remember that discussion ha - kung usually the essential transactions (purchase of
mosaka ang tax base nimo, even if it's fixed at 12 karon, essential food, medication, education). These are all

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 45
exempted from Value Added Taxation. Do you follow? For educational entities, there is no qualification
So if you look at the entirety of this case, it's like the whether they should be non-stock, non-profit or
SC saying well, if you don’t want to feel the effect of proprietary or etc.. So long as the educational entity
VAT the regressive effect of VAT, you need to make uses the property actually, directly and exclusively for
sure that the transaction you enter into is either subject education purposes, there is exemption from RPT.
to 0% VAT or exempt from VAT. You will learn in Tax
2 that if you purchase agricultural food product in its Note: Only the land, the building and
original state, in a wet or public market, for example, improvements, and the condition is that it must be
that is exempted from VAT. But if you purchase actually, directly and exclusively (ADE) used for
something that is already processed or from a VAT- religious, charitable or educational purposes.
registered restaurant, then that is already VATable.
Example, if you buy dried fish in Taboan Market, then
Although mo ingon mo nga exempt from taxation man
there is no VAT. Meanwhile, if you order dried fish from
lagi so sili diay na all tax types? No, because we have
a restaurant, then that is already subject to the 12%
to interpret this in relation to the objects mentioned
VAT because you are not only purchasing said food but
e.g. lands, buildings and improvements and these refer
you are also purchasing the service.
to real properties.
Even If you go against said VAT, there is still tax
Philippine LUNG Center v Quezon City, GR No
because prior to the imposition of VAT there is already
144104, June 29, 2004
the imposition of the 3% sales tax which is an indirect
tax. Thus, the SC held that resort to indirect taxes
The petitioner Lung Center is a non-stock and non-
should be minimized but not to be avoided entirely
profit entity.
because it is difficult, if not impossible to avoid them
It is the registered owner of a parcel of land. Erected
by imposing such taxes according to the taxpayers
in the middle lot is a hospital known as the Lung Center
ability to pay (Tolentino v. Sec. of Finance).
of the Philippines. A big space at the ground floor is
being leased to private parties, for canteen and small
Question: Is VAT regressive? store spaces, and to medical or professional
Answer: Yes, the effect of VAT is regressive as held practitioners who use the same as their private clinics
in Tolentino v. Sec. of Finance. However, technically, for their patients whom they charge for their
VAT is considered as a progressive tax because your professional services.
tax liability increases as the tax base also increases Almost one-half of the entire area on the left side of
despite the fact that the tax rate remains to be constant the building along Quezon Avenue is vacant and idle,
or fixed. while a big portion on the right side, at the corner, is
being leased for commercial purposes to a private
E.) Exemption of religious, charitable and enterprise known as the Elliptical Orchids and Garden
educational entities, non-profit cemeteries, and Center.
churches from property taxation The petitioner accepts paying and non-paying patients.
It also renders medical services to out-patients, both
Sec.28(3), Art.VI, Constitution paying and non-paying. Aside from its income from
- Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages or paying patients, the petitioner receives annual
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit subsidies from the government.
cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and Both the land and the hospital building of the petitioner
improvements, actually, directly, and exclusively used were assessed for real property taxes in the amount of
for religious, charitable, or educational purposes shall P4,554,860 by the City Assessor of Quezon City.
be exempt from taxation. The petitioner filed a Claim for Exemption from real
property taxes with the City Assessor, predicated on its
Note: claim that it is a charitable institution. The petitioner’s
- Religious, charitable and educational entities, non- request was denied.
profit cemeteries, and churches are exempted from
property tax only. RULING:
Property tax pertains to real property tax (RPT). RPT Partly No. Under PD 1823, the lung center does not
can only be imposed by the LGU, specifically, the enjoy any property tax exemption privileges for its real
provinces and cities. Thus, religious, charitable and properties as well as the building constructed thereon.
educational entities, non-profit cemeteries, and The property tax exemption under Sec. 28(3), Art. VI
churches are not exempted from income tax, donor’s of the Constitution of the property taxes only. This
tax, etc. provision was implanted by Sec.243 (b) of RA
7160.which provides that in order to be entitled to the
exemption, the lung center must be able to prove that:

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 46
it is a charitable institution and; its real properties are market value of Php 28,060,520 and on assessed
actually, directly and exclusively used for charitable value of Php 9,821,180 at the assessment level of 35%
purpose. Accordingly, the portions occupied by the and not 10% which is currently imposed on private
hospital used for its patients are exempt from real respondent herein. Petitioner claimed that the building
property taxes while those leased to private entities are is used as commercial clinic/spaces for renting out to
not exempt from such taxes. physicians and thus classified as commercial. Benevola
When we say exclusively it must be to the exclusion of de Cebu contended that the building is used actually,
others meaning to the exclusion of other purposes. So directly and exclusively part of hospital and should
pasabot kung a portion of this land, this building or have an assessment level of 10%
improvement is not used for educational purpose, then Atty: The issue to this case pertains to the Chonghua
that portion may be subjected to already to property medical arts on whether the Chonghua medical arts is
tax or to real property tax. subject to real property tax or it is considered as a
covered more or less in this exemption being owned
Abra Valley College Inc v Aquino, GR No L by a charitable institution.
39086 June 15, 1988 PLEASE DO READ THESE CASES
FACTS: When it comes to exemption from taxation in practice
Abra Valley Junior College, Inc. is the owner of the lot because you might as that “How does the BIR
and buildings thereon located in Bangued, Abra. A determine this one when the mandate of BIR is to
portion of its lot is used as the permanent residence of raise revenue?” So if you are trying to claim exemption,
the President and Director thereof, Mr. Pedro V. the BIR is a bit strict on that and this applies not only to
Borgonia, and for commercial purposes because the the Constitutional exemption from taxation but also to
ground floor of the college building is being used and inherent exemption of taxation.
rented by a commercial establishment, the Northern
Marketing Corporation. Municipal Treasurer caused to Two things as a rule ang gitan aw ni BIR:
be served upon the college a Notice of Seizure on the 1) Organizational test - how are you registered; are
property of said school for the satisfaction of real you a registered institution, charitable or
property taxes. educational entity ba ka or non-profit cemetery ba
Issue: Whether or not the lot portion of the college ka
occupied by a commercial establishment and residence 2) Operational test - where the issues come in; are
of the director exempt from real estate tax? you operating as a
Ruling: cemetery or church.
Decision affirmed. Reasonable emphasis has always
been made that exemption extends to facilities which Unsa usually ang tan awon ni BIR to verify that you are
are incidental to and reasonably necessary for the operating as what you are being organized for within
accomplishment of the main purposes. Otherwise the purpose of your organization? Usually it’s the
stated, the use of the school building or lot for audited financial statements for the last three years in
commercial purposes is neither contemplated by law, operation of the entity. So meaning to say, kung ikaw
nor by jurisprudence. Thus, while the use of the second non-profit cemetery dapat sa articles nimo pagregister
floor of the main building in the case at bar for mana nimo, it’s like mo promise ka nga mag operate ka
residential purposes of the Director and his family, may as non-profit pero lahi na in actual operation kay for all
find justification under the concept of incidental use, we know, sa audited FS nimo nag issue kag dividends
which is complimentary to the main or primary or nag profit share ka sa trustees nimo or sa board
purpose—educational, the lease of the first floor nimo, that could be interpreted by the BIR nga “you are
thereof to the Northern Marketing Corporation cannot not non profit, you are for profit because after all, you
by any stretch of the imagination be considered aim to generate profit and distribute this profit to
incidental to the purpose of education. private entities.” So mao ng ikuyog na niya ang
operational and organizational as well. (inaudible)
...let’s say memorial parks or charitable institutions. It
is important to not just look at the articles but also to
OF BENEVOLA DE CEBU G.R 152904 June 28,
look at how transactions are disclosed in financial
statements. Because sometimes, the bookkeeper or
accountant might have used a wrong or different
account title.
Benevola de Cebu is a non-stock non-profit
This exemption is Constitutional but there is also a
organization which in 1990, a medical arts building
corresponding statutory exemption from income
was constructed and in 1998 was issued with a
taxation for religious, charitable and non-profit
certification classifying the building as commercial.
City assessor of Cebu assessed the building with a

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 47
cemeteries and churches, including educational the basis of the quantity of produce finished by
institutions. them;
• Constitutional exemption only pertains to property
tax. Notwithstanding the provisions in the preceding
• Statutory exemption also exempts the entities paragraphs, the income of whatever kind and
enumerated in Sec. 30 of the NIRC from income tax. character of the foregoing organizations from any of
their properties, real or personal, or from any of their
NIRC, Chapter IV, Tax on Corporations SEC. 30. activities conducted for profit regardless of the
Exemptions from Tax on Corporations. - The disposition made of such income, shall be subject to
following organizations shall not be taxed under this tax imposed under this Code.
Title in respect to income received by them as such: TAKE NOTE: It is important to emphasize the source or
(A) Labor, agricultural or horticultural organization not basis for exemption because if the grant of exemption is
organized principally for profit; statutory, that is revocable by the congress or legislature
(B) Mutual savings bank not having a capital stock by merely amending the law. On the other hand, if the
represented by shares, and cooperative bank exemption is constitutional, that would be difficult for the
without capital stock organized and operated for legislature to change, much less the BIR, unless the
mutual purposes and without profit; constitution itself is being amended.
(C) A beneficiary society, order or association,
operating for the exclusive benefit of the Continuation
members such as a fraternal organization
operating under the lodge system, or mutual aid F.) Non-stock, non-profit educational institutions
association or a nonstock corporation organized are exempt from taxation.
by employees providing for the payment of life, 1987 Philippine Constitution
sickness, accident, or other benefits exclusively
SEC. 4 (3) All revenues and assets of non stock, non-
to the members of such society, order, or
profit educational institutions used actually, directly, and
association, or nonstock corporation or their
exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt
from taxes and duties. Upon the dissolution or cessation
(D) Cemetery company owned and operated of the corporate existence of such institutions, their
exclusively for the benefit of its members; assets shall be disposed of in the manner provided by
(E) Nonstock corporation or association organized and law.
operated exclusively for religious, charitable,
scientific, athletic, or cultural purposes, or for the Proprietary educational institutions, including
rehabilitation of veterans, no part of its net those cooperatively owned, may likewise be
income or asset shall belong to or inure to the entitled to such exemptions subject to the limitations
benefit of any member, organizer, officer or any provided by law including restrictions on dividends and
specific person; provisions for reinvestment.
(F) Business league chamber of commerce, or board
of trade, not organized for profit and no part of The phrase “All revenues and assets…” covers not only
the net income of which inures to the benefit of property tax but also income tax and even business tax
any private stock-holder, or individual; PROVIDED the institution actually, directly, and
(G) Civic league or organization not organized for exclusively using it for educational purposes.
profit but operated exclusively for the promotion
of social welfare;
TAKE NOTE: An institution can be identified as a non-
(H) A nonstock and nonprofit educational institution;
stock, non-profit educational institution by looking at the
(I) Government educational institution; (J) Farmers' or articles of incorporation.
other mutual typhoon or fire insurance company,
o The purpose of which should be “for education.”
mutual ditch or irrigation company, mutual or
o There must be an endorsement and certification
cooperative telephone company, or like
from either the CHED, DEPED, or even the TESDA.
organization of a purely local character, the
o There must also be no shares of tax.
income of which consists solely of assessments,
o And no declaration of distribution of dividends
dues, and fees collected from members for the
among the stockholders.
sole purpose of meeting its expenses; and
(K) Farmers', fruit growers', or like association
organized and operated as a sales agent for the Sec. 30 (par. 2), NIRC Income derived by
EXEMPT CORPORATIONS from their property,
purpose of marketing the products of its
real or personal, and from activities conducted
members and turning back to them the proceeds
by them for profit regardless of the disposition
of sales, less the necessary selling expenses on
made on such income.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 48
- This provision can’t be applied to non- charitable etc. and propriety mo apply ni ang Par. 2 sa
stock, non-profit education institutions. ilaha kay constitutional exemption nila is only for property
tax man. But not for non-stock and non-profit educational
La Salle and Ateneo they operate canteens, they have a institutions. And that is a very good development, a
bookstore. This canteen and bookstore they earn money, matter of fact, murag 2016 and decision migawas dayun
they earn income. ni sa exam sa 2017. Because for a long period of time
didto pa na finally settled ang issue. Because you know
So ingon si Henares, dili na na educational conducted na what, other non-stock, non-profit educational institutions
man na for profit. So even if mu ingon ka La Salle nga you are doing para lang gyud di ma technical, kay diba magpa
use it for your operation as an educational institution, e- lease or magpa rent man jud na sila noh, kay mas maayo
subject na nako sha to tax. man jud na magpadagan ang private entities.

Si Ateneo nakalusot because Ateneo owns the USC before it has a canteen ran by SVDs, but then again
canteen as well as the bookstore located within charitable medyo naglisod guro, na alakansi, it reverted
their premises. Because nag issue man eventually og to lease agreements. Most of the lease non-stock, non-
RMC si Henares that if the canteen or the bookstore is profit educational institutions they don’t term it as a
being owned by the constitution and located within lease, the amount that they receive from the owners of
their premises then that should not be subject to tax. this food stalls or canteen, they term it as the donation,
Ang problema ani La Salle concessionaire man but the donation is fixed. In essence, that is simulated
ang canteen niya meaning private person ang rent income steam. Ngano gi ingon ana man na nila
nag operate as canteen and then that private person before? Kay lage strict si BIR, na dapat located within
will just pay a percentage or whatsoever to La Salle and and owned by the institution. Which should not have
I think that was also what’s happening in UST. Nagpa been the case. Now, all that these non-profit
rent na sila, Jollibee, etc., in their premises, anyhow La education institutions will do is show nga ang
Salle man ang kani na kaso so gi subject to tax ni proceeds ani ng gipa lease nila was used for
Henares. Because according to Henares, wala man ka educational purpose. So in the case of La Salle, dili
naka meet sa RMC nga ang requirement is dapat within ang entire amount na gidisqualify ni Supreme Court
and owned by you. Dili man ikaw ang owner so taxable only a portion of the proceeds were granted the
ka under Par. 2, Sec. 30. exemption where granted the exemption equivalent
lang sa na prove niya nga gigamit for the construction
What La Salle did? La Salle protested. According to of a Sports Center for the school.
La Salle that’s a violation of constitutional limitation
because here in the constitutional limitation it already CIR v. De La Salle University, November 9, 2016
stated that all revenues of non-stock and nonprofit The last paragraph of Section 30 of the Tax Code
actually directly and exclusively used for educational is:
purposes shall be exempt from taxes. So meaning, dapat (1) without force and effect with respect to non
you do not apply to us BIR Sec. 30, because between stock, non-profit educational institutions,
statutory provision and constitutional provision of course provided, that the non-stock, non- profit
it’s the constitutional provision that should prevail. In educational institutions prove that its assets
constitutional limitation, there is not statement that is we and revenues are used actually, directly and
derive income from property real or personal from exclusively for educational purposes, and
activities conducted for profit regardless of disposition we Atty: How will you prove that? Primarily you have the
will be taxed. More so there is no condition in the audited financial statement.
constitution which states that the bookstore or the (2) the tax-exemption constitutionally-granted to
canteen must be located within our premises and owned non-stock, non-profit educational institutions,
and operated by us nonstock and nonprofit education is not subject to limitations imposed by law.
institution. Ang condition lang is the proceeds, revenues,
and the assets must be actually directly and exclusively Revenues consist of the amounts earned by a person or
use for educational purpose. So dapat eprove lang nimo entity from the conduct of business operations. It may
na gigamit namo ang proceeds for educational purpose. refer to the sale of goods, rendition of services, or the
Ultimately, La Salle won in this case. So the Supreme return of an investment. Revenue is a component of the
Court said, the constitution will prevail. The condition that tax base in income tax, VAT, and local business tax (LBT).
will prevail is the condition lang sad sa constitution. The
Supreme Court said: that Par. 2, Sec. 30 in effect is not Kung mu ingon ka “all revenue is exempted provided ADE
applicable to non-stock and non-profit educational for educational purpose, then exempted nasad ka sa
institutions. income tax, VAT and LBT.
But for other entities exempted from income tax under Assets, on the other hand, are the tangible and
Sec. 30 including religious churches, parsonages and intangible properties owned by a person or entity. It may

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 49
refer to real estate, cash deposit in a bank, investment in curriculum and dapat ang end result, mu graduate ang
the stocks of a corporation, inventory of goods, or any students with diploma from the school.
property from which the person or entity may derive
income or use to generate the same. In Philippine G.) Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax
taxation, the fair market value of real property is a More detailed discussion under Tax 2
component of the tax base in real property tax (RPT). Just remember: although you cannot be imprisoned by
Also, the landed cost of imported goods is a component non-payment of poll tax you can be imprisoned if you
of the tax base in VAT on importation and tariff duties. falsify a community tax certificate

Thus, when a non-stock, non-profit educational institution H. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the SC in
proves that it uses its revenues actually, directly, and tax cases
exclusively for educational purposes, it shall be exempted So, as provided under the Constitution:
from income tax, VAT, and LBT. On the other hand, when “The Supreme Court may review, revise, reverse, modify,
it also shows that it uses its assets in the form of real or affirm on appeal or certiorari as the law of the Rules of
property for educational purposes, it shall be exempted Court may provide all cases involving the legality of any
from RPT. To be clear, proving the actual use of the tax, impost, assessment or toll, or any penalty imposed in
taxable item will result in an exemption, but the specific relation thereto.” (Art. VIII, Sec. 5)
tax from which the entity shall be exempted from shall If you’re questioning, may it be the legality or may it be
depend on whether the item is an item of revenue or the propriety of your tax assessment , the ultimate
asset. appellate body is the Supreme Court. Although, kung ang
hisgotan nato is the correctness of the assessment or the
The tax exemption granted by the Constitution to correctness of exclusively used for religious, charitable,
nonstock, non-profit educational institutions, and educational purposes.
unlike the exemption that may be availed of by
proprietary educational institutions, is not subject For the computation of the BIR, ang immediate appellate
to limitations imposed by law. court is the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA). Then, from CTA
in division you go to CTA en banc, and then ultimately you
Atty: Ngano man class? The exemption for proprietary go to the Supreme Court.
educational institution is merely statutory, naa ra sa Tax
Code. So pwede gyud bawion ni Congress by merely If you question the legality of a tax law, you follow the
amending the Tax Law. usual regular courts and then ultimately you end up
before the Supreme Court. So, everything will be decided
By the Tax Code’s clear terms, a proprietary by the SC, insofar as the justices nga na notice nako who
educational institution is entitled only to the renders good tax decisions kani si Justice Leonen, he
reduced rate of 10% corporate income tax. The renders good analysis. And kani si chairperson, Bernabe,
reduced rate is applicable only if: (1) the if I am not mistaken. So, they render good analysis and
proprietary educational institution is non profit decisions on issues pertaining to taxation.
and (2) its gross income from unrelated trade,
business or activity does not exceed 50% of its INDIRECT CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS
total gross income. 1. Due process of law
Atty: This is merely a provision in the NIRC. So pwede b a. Chamber of real estate and builders’
ani e-change by passing the Create Bill into law? YES. associations’ inc. vs Romulo GR
160756, March 9, 2010
Consistent with Article XIV, Section 4 (3) of the 2. Equal protection of the laws
Constitution, these limitations do not apply to non- a. People vs Cayat GR L-45987
stock, non-profit educational institutions or you b. Ormoc Sugar Company vs Conejos
can be imprisoned and be subject to penalties for GR L-23794, February 17, 1968
non-payment of other types of taxes. c. Tiu vs CA GR 127410, January 20, 1999
3. Non-impairment of the obligation of
CIR v. CA G.R. No. 124043, October 14, 1998 contracts
TN: YMCA is not an educational institution income 4. Non-infringement of religious freedom
derived by YMCA from leasing out a portion of its premises 5. No appropriation for religious purposes
to small shop owners, like restaurant and canteen 6. Non-infringement of the freedom of the
operators, and from parking fees collected from non- press
members are taxable income. 7. Power of the President to veto any
particular item/s in a revenue or tariff bill
SC: for you to qualify as an educational institution, you *chika about direct constitutional limitation/previous
must be authorized by the CHEd, DepEd to offer video*

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 50
INSTANCES OF VIOLATIONS OF DUE PROCESS: Since they are not provided, if there is a violation in any
1. Where the law is in violation of inherent of the inherent limitations, what particular legal provision
limitations or Constitutional provision will you rely on or is deemed
2. If the tax amounts to a confiscation of property violated? That is the due process clause of the
3. If the subject of confiscation is outside the Constitution. That could be used as your legal basis in
jurisdiction of the taxing authority questioning the Constitutionality of that particular tax law,
4. If the law which is applied retroactively imposes which basically violates any of the inherent limitations to
unjust and oppressive taxes the power of tax.
5. If the law is imposed for a purpose other than
public purpose There are two aspects of due process of law: Substantive
due process and procedural due process.
Points to remember:
The validity of statute maybe contested only by Again, violation of any of these whether Substantive or
one who will sustain a direct injury in ProceduralDue Process makes the law null and void.
consequence of its enforcement.
There must be proof of arbitrariness, Substantive due process requires that a tax statute
otherwise apply the presumption of must be within the constitutional authority of Congress to
constitutionality pass and that it be reasonable, fair and just.
Due process requires hearing before adoption
of legislative rules by administrative bodies of Meaning to say that if the tax statute, laws is not for public
interpretative rulings. (Misamis vs. DFA) purpose, the purpose is to benefit a private entity, which
Compliance with strict procedural requirements does not have any public interest at all, or it applies to all
must be followed effectively to avoid a collision objects or subjects beyond the territorial jurisdiction of
course between the states power to tax and the the Philippines, properties beyond the territorial
individual recognized rights (CIR vs. Algue) jurisdiction or it simply, does not take into consideration
The due process clause may correctly be invoked international comity, so, this substantive due process is
only when there is a clear contravention of deemed violated because it is beyond the authority of
inherent or constitutional limitations in the congress already.
exercise of tax power. (Tan vs. del Rosario)
On the other hand, procedural due process simply
Chamber of Real Estate and Builders’ requires notice and hearing or at least the opportunity to
Associations’ Inc. v. Romulo et. al., G.R. No. be heard. “Sir kaning procedural due process, when it
160756, March 9, 2010 comes to tax laws, is this required? The answer is yes,
katong procedure laid down in the constitution and the
“In Sison, Jr. v. Ancheta, et al., we held that the due authority laid down by it, i- follow gihapon to how the law
process clause may properly be invoked to invalidate, will be passed; where the bill will start. But ofc, specific
in appropriate cases, a revenue measure when it man gyud to direct constitutional limitation, but this
amounts to a confiscation of property. But in the same procedural due process, this is more in line in the
case, we also explained that we will not strike down a implementation aspect when the BIR makes an
revenue measure as unconstitutional (for being assessment into a taxpayer. Because when the BIR makes
violative of the due process clause) on the mere an assessment, the BIR audits or examines the taxpayer,
allegation of arbitrariness by the taxpayer. There must it’s not like musulod sa BIR office and then ikaw mangita
be a factual foundation to such an unconstitutional sa mga libro, it's not. There is an entire provision or
taint. This merely adheres to the authoritative doctrine procedure that the BIR must follow. Otherwise, if this
that, where the due process clause is invoked, procedure is not strictly followed then it’s deemed a
considering that it is not a fixed rule but rather violation of procedural due process. And because violation
a broad standard, there is a need for proof of of the procedural due process, it makes the assessment
such persuasive character.” null and void. There are so many cases na napildi si BIR
DUE PROCESS sa assessment niya to a particular taxpayer for the simple
The provision in the Constitution tell us that no person reason that BIR forgot to follow the procedural due
shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process.
process of law. When we discussed limitations, I have
mentioned that the majority of the limitations, if not all, Notice and hearing. Meaning to say kung muask si BIR
are not expressly provided under the Constitution or formally ni taxpayer, there has to have proper notice.
under the law but automatic they exist once the power of Naay gitawag na Preliminary Assessment Notice, naay
taxation is being exercised by the state. gitawag na Issuance of Letter of Authority, naay gitawag
Final Assessment Notice.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 51
We will discuss this in Tax 2. What I'm trying to say, is Meaning, if it iss retroactive, it must be beneficial to the
naay sequencing, naay number of days when these notice taxpayer.
should be sent to the taxpayer, when the taxpayer should
respond to it, such that if it is not followed by the BIR EXAMPLE: Proposed provision in the CREATE bill wherein
being the implementing authority that is considered as it reduces the Corporate Income Tax Rate from 30% to
violation to the procedural due process clause. 25%, effective July 2020. If that proposed provision
comes into play, and mapasar na before April 15, then
Substantive due process is more of the authority. perhaps mo retroact. April 15 bec that’s generally the
deadline of filing these corporate income tax returns.
Procedural due process is naay na authority, gi- exercise
niya but wala nafollow ang required notice and hearing Q. Is that a potential violation of due process?
requirement under the law. That's why muingon sila, "Tax No, bec that does not entail additional tax to the taxpayer.
is complicated'' and somehow agree to that, simply Rather, it’s a reduction of the tax from 30-25%.
because the procedure, the notice and hearing
requirement for taxation purposes is a bit different 5. If the law is imposed for a purpose other than
compared to Civil Procedure (katawa mga guinea public purpose.
pig) or Criminal Procedure, which I know you will be
mastering also. So medyo lahi siya, unlike the regular civil Same with the jurisdiction, this is also part of the inherent
or criminal action, na you go to MTC, to RTC, then limitations. Inherent limitations: MEMORIZE - PINET
eventually appeal to CA. For taxation, you got to the BIR 1. Public purpose
2. Non-delegation of the legislative power to tax
and then appeal to the CTA or the Court of Tax Appeals. *insert here inherent limitations for easy recall,
3. Exemption from taxation of government entities
4. International comity
That alone makes it quiet alone and quite special. please Vianca* 5. Territorial jurisdiction

Instances of violation of due process POINTS TO REMEMBER IN DUE PROCESS

1. The law is in violation of inherent limitations ● If you’re going to question the constitutionality of the
2. If the tax amounts to a confiscation of property provision for being violation of this clause, there
must be proof of arbitrariness; otherwise, we
Confiscation in the sense that taxes are arbitrary, that the apply the presumption of constitutionality.
assessment of the tax did not follow the notice and the
hearing. Kay kung wa ka notice and hearing, confiscation Q. How are we going to prove arbitrariness?
gyud na of the property. Confiscation is more akin to the Go back to what constitutes a violation of due process.
Police Power of the state rather than the power of
taxation. Lahi si power of taxation because prior to EXAMPLES:
garnishment or prior to furnishment, there has to have a If it violates public purpose, then you show proof that it’s
valid assessment, there has to have a specific demand not intended that the fund generated is not for public
against the taxpayer. If the assessment is nullified in the purpose.
first place because it violated the procedural due process
then that is tantamount to the violation of due process. If it is a violation of procedural due process, target what
procedure laid out under the law that was not followed by
3. If the subject of confiscation is outside the the BIR in the implementation aspect.
jurisdiction of the taxing authority
If the law is applied retroactively, then present proof that
If you recall, that is still part of the Inherent Limitations. the tax is unjust and oppressive or it will lead to losses.

4. If the law which is applied retroactively imposes Note: Recap on the MANILA MEMORIAL PARK case,
unjust and oppressive taxes where the SC ultimately resolved what power was
exercised by Congress, whether it’s taxation or police
Power of taxation is prospective in nature. power, because in that case, the petitioner is essentially
arguing that it’s violative of due process and even equal
Q. Pwede ba mag retroactive ang application? protection. Because if that law is implemented, it would
YES! After all, lead to losses daw nila.
Prospective application is just a general rule. The wisdom
of Congress always comes into play. ● Under the due process, remember also that
compliance of strict procedural requirement
Requirement for retroactive application: It should must be followed effectively to avoid a collision
not impose unjust and oppressive taxes. It should be course between the state’s power to tax and
beneficial to the taxpayer. the individual recognized rights (CIR v Algue)

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 52
● The validity of statute may be contested only be proof. Are you similarly situated in the first place?
by one who will sustain a direct injury in That’s the question that you need to first settle and
consequence of its enforcement. answer.

If you have legal standing to question that one. Which is Chamber of Real Estate and Builders’
why if you are going to question it via taxpayer’s suit, you Associations’ Inc. v. Romulo et. al., G.R. No.
have to prove your legal standing. You have to prove if it 160756, March 9, 2010
involves disbursement of public funds, if you are a
taxpayer, if you will be affected by it, etc. This involves several issues; tax credit, tax deduction,
etc. (Just peruse through it so that you will have
● Due process requires hearing before adoption additional idea as early as now. But if you don’t
of legislative rules by administrative bodies of understand yet the concept of tax credit and tax
interpretative rulings (Misamis v. DFA) deduction, don’t bother too much yet.)

What do we mean by “hearing before adoption of … the due process clause may properly be invoked to
legislative rules by administrative bodies”, this simply invalidate, in appropriate cases, a revenue measure
means that if we look at the current situation when we when it amounts to a confiscation of property. But
are going to pass a tax law, it must pass first before the in the same case, we also explained that we will not
ways and means committee; either of the House of strike down a revenue measures as unconstitutional for
Representative or Senate. In short, it must follow the being violative of the due process clause on the mere
protocols. allegation of arbitrariness by taxpayer – tax payer
must present proof. There must be a factual
In terms of rulings, there should at least be hearing there, foundation to such an unconstitutional taint. This
but the hearing there need not be adversarial. When we merely adheres to the authoritative doctrine that
say hearing, it simply means that the taxpayer is given where the due process clause is invoked,
opportunity to raise his position. Mao na nga if you are considering that it is not a fixed rule but rather
going to request for a ruling before the BIR, let’s say for a broad standard, there is need for proof of such
example, kani ruling murag magpatambag ka ba. Naay persuasive character.
gray area sa balaud, and you are not very sure if this
provision applies to this transaction, so you are asking for
advice or ruling with the BIR and we call that a Revenue This case is at the height of BIR’s implementation of
Ruling. You should be able to present your position – you withholding taxes, where the buyer is required to withhold
should be able to provide an argument kung unsa sa tan- the portion of the tax that the seller will pay—the income
aw nino ang sakto na interpretation sa law. Of course, earner. So, let’s say for example, I am the buyer and you
kung tax payer ka, magpa ruling jud ka for exemption or are the seller. It is not a tax type. Rather, it is a manner
exclusion. Di man gyud ka magparuling kung taxable. of collecting the tax. When we say manner of collecting
Basically, you are asking, “oh BIR, is this transaction the tax, the usual manner is of course, me, I earn income
taxable or not?” Then of course, you present your and declare that income to the BIR—I compute my tax
position, you present your legal basis, the factual basis on liability, I pay the tax liability to the BIR under the self-
why you think that transaction is not subject to tax – why assessment process. But then again, it’s more like of
it is exempted or excluded from tax. voluntary, so, it is subject to abuses because for example
I do not want to declare, then I can very well do it. So,
So, not necessarily hearing na mag debate gyud mo didto one way that the BIR saw is withholding. Meaning to say,
because it’s more like or administrative ruling. that if both of us are in contract, you are the seller and I
am the buyer, I will pay you pwede nga ang bayad nako
● The due process clause may correctly be sa imoha is net of the tax. And what I will do is I will
invoked only when there is a clear withhold the tax. That's what we call withholding tax. and
contravention of inherent or constitutional I will remit that to the BIR.
limitations in the exercise of tax power (Tan v.
del Rosario) Meaning to say, let's say for example I am the buyer, and
you are the seller. Let's say for example I am supposed
Again, what is essential is that there must be proof of to pay you Php 100.00 in that transaction. Normal kung
arbitrariness. It is not enough, same with the requirement wala'y withholding ikaw seller mo declare sa Php 100.00
on equity, equality, uniformity, it’s not enough that you compute ka's tax, bayad ka sa BIR.
just present your feelings. So, you cannot just say that
this is violative of due process because the other person But in the concept of withholding, if the contract price is
is acquitted with, let’s say for example, when you are let's say for example in the contract price is Php 100.00.
being examined for potential tax violation—there should But if gi-require na dapat withholdan na nako nga

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 53
transaction, example ang withholding tax is 10%, the buyer will be disallowed by the BIR. Thus, in the example,
concept of withholding here is what we call Creditable if the buyer fails to withhold the 100 pesos expense, then
Withholding Tax (CWT). Meaning to say it's more of like the BIR may disallow the buyer from deducting the 100
advance payment of the tax. Meaning to say if 10%, mag pesos from the gross income of the buyer.
withhold ko sa Php 100.00, ang ibayad nako sa imoha is
Php 90.00 and the Php 10.00 is the withholding tax. Kinsa Q. What is the consequence of disallowing the
ang mo withhold ani? Ako as buyer. And this Php 10.00 deduction of the expense from the gross income?
asa man nako ni i-remit? I-remit ni nako derecho ni BIR. In the example, the gross income of the buyer will
increase by 100 pesos. If the gross income will increase,
Ang madayon ni seller kay Php90.00 lang pero ang there is also increase in tax income payable on the part
contract price nato is Php 100.00.So, inig declare nimo if of the buyer.
ikaw seller, ang i-declare nimo nga income is of course
Php 100.00 kay mao man na ang contract price. Ang i- This is what happened in the case of Chamber of Real
subject to tax if it's 30% let's say for example. So times Estate v. Romulo. In this case, it was the first time that
30. But since gi-withholdan man ko ug Php 10.00, that's real estate sellers were being subjected to withholding
advance payment. And gi-remit na ni buyer to BIR. So i- tax, and they questioned it. One of their arguments is that
credit na nimo nganhi. So pasabot ang payable na lang it is a violation of the due process clause, that is in
nimo ni BIR will only be Php 20.00. Do you follow? (ofc, addition to their argument that it is in violation of the
ang posc no na) equal protection clause. It is in violation to the due
process clause because it is arbitrary -- it will entail
Of course this presupposes ha that net na ni ang Php additional cost on their part. The SC held that the sellers
100.00 of all the expenses etc. That's just the concept did not present any proof of arbitrariness, it’s just a mere
there. But anyhow, let's explain the logic. allegation.

Q. Nganu i-require man ni BIR nga mag If we look at Manila Memorial case, they had also
withholding? raised that it is in violation of equal protection, due
Because that's a good way for BIR to counter check process, it’s confiscatory, etc. What did they present
whether the income earner or the seller declares the there? They presented estimated financial statements.
correct amount of sales or receipts. Kay ang nahitabo, the
seller, the business men, even if they earn Php 100.00, Going back to the case of Chamber of Real Estate v.
inig declaration na, kay wala lagi resibo, wala'y Romulo, the sellers could have presented estimated
withholding, ang i-declare lang Php 50.00. The other Php financial statements, etc., showing the arbitrariness,
50.00 goes away and there's no way for the BIR to verify however, they failed to do so. Hence, the SC held that
it. But if there is withholding, even if wala’y resibo, can that requirement of tax credit is constitutional and not
the BIR verify nganu Php 50.00 ra ang gi-declare nga Php violative of the due process clause.
100.00 man ang sales nga gi-report ni buyer? The answer
is YES. Php 10.00 ang gi-withhold, 10/10% that's equals The sellers even raise the argument that retailers and
to Php 100.00. So nganung Php 50.00 ra man? Sakpan na manufacturers (during that time) were not required to
si seller. Do you get the point? I hope you get that point. withhold. The SC discussed that there is reasonable
(I hope sad, atty haha) classification or substantial distinction between the
players in the real estate industry and the manufacturers
Now, of course, on the part of the buyer, there is a or retailers.
consequence if he cannot withhold, which will be
discussed again when we deepen our study of taxation. The SC has to discuss that there is a reasonable
classification or substantial distinction between the
The buyer cannot claim since the seller’s income is 100, players in the real estate industry and the manufacturers
on the side of the buyer, the 100 is an outflow. An outflow or retailers. [Chamber of Real Estate and Builders’
means expense. This means that if the buyer has income, Association Inc v Romulo, GR no 160756, March 9,
that 100 which is an outflow will be subtracted to the 2010]
income of the buyer. And if the 100 will be subtracted
from the income of the buyer, is it beneficial to the buyer EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS
taxation wise? Yes, because the more expense that the CRITERIA OF EQUAL PROTECTION
buyer will deduct to his gross income, the lower will be 1. When the laws operate uniformly
the net or taxable income. If the taxable income is lower, a. On all persons
then the tax payable by the buyer is also lower. b. Under similar circumstances
2. All persons are treated in the same manner
So, as a consequence, if the buyer fails to withhold that a. The conditions not being different
could be the reason that the expense claimed by the

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 54
b. Both in privileges conferred and liabilities “It is well-settled that the equal-protection guarantee
imposed does not require territorial uniformity of laws. As
c. Favoritism and preference not allowed long as there are actual and material differences
between territories, there is no violation of the
People v. Cayat, G.R. No. L-45987 constitutional clause. And of course, anyone, including
Requirements of Reasonable Classification: (FC si SG) the petitioners, possessing the requisite investment
1. There must be substantial distinctions that capital can always avail of the same benefits by
make a real difference. channeling his or her resources or business operations
2. It must be germane or relevant to the into the fenced-off free port zone.”
purpose of the law.
3. The distinction or classification must apply not EQUAL PROTECTION OF LAWS
only to the present but also to future
situations. All persons, all properties, all businesses should be taxed
4. The distinction must apply to persons, things at the same rate.
and transactions belonging to the same class.
The equal protection of the laws does not necessarily
Chamber of Real Estate and Builders’ mean uniformity in all aspects, this does not necessarily
Associations’ Inc. v. Romulo et. al., G.R. No. mean that everyone should have the same tax rate
160756, March 9, 2010 because we have to take into consideration whether there
“The equal protection clause under the Constitution is substantial distinction between these persons,
means that "no person or class of persons shall be properties or businesses. In short, we consider their
deprived of the same protection of laws which is classification.
enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the same
place and in like circumstances.“ Stated differently, all Substantial distinction - it must be real, material and
persons belonging to the same class shall be taxed not superficial distinction.
alike. It follows that the guaranty of the equal
protection of the laws is not violated by legislation Class legislation is prohibited wherein you are going to
based on a reasonable classification. *** specify this particular tax for this particular class (specific
class) without taking into consideration their ability to
The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable pay.
classifications for purposes of taxation. Inequalities
which result from a singling out of one particular Criteria of Equal Protection
class for taxation, or exemption, infringe no 1) When the laws operate uniformly
constitutional limitation. The real estate industry is, a) On all persons
by itself, a class and can be validly treated differently b) Under similar circumstances
from other business enterprises. ***”
Dapat concurrent ni nga condition on all persons having
Ormoc Sugar Company v. Conejos et. al., G.R. the same circumstances. Meaning to say, dapat cocurret
No. L-23794, February 17, 1968 ni nga condition. Basta we belong to the same class, we
“A perusal of the requisites instantly shows that the have the same circumstances then we should be treated
questioned ordinance does not meet them, for it taxes uniformly.
only centrifugal sugar produced and exported by the
Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. and none other. At the 2) All persons are treated in the same manner
time of the taxing ordinance's enactment, Ormoc Sugar a) The conditions not being different
Company, Inc., it is true, was the only sugar central in b) Both in privileges conferred and liabilities
the city of Ormoc. Still, the classification, to be imposed
reasonable, should be in terms applicable to future c) Favoritism and preference not allowed
conditions as well. The taxing ordinance should not
be singular and exclusive as to exclude any Simply put, you are one class, you are similarly situated
subsequently established sugar central, of the in relation to your final grade. Pareha gyud kag grado and
same class as plaintiff, for the coverage of the tax. As scores, orals and wala mo nag cheat etc. so uniformly,
it is now, even if later a similar company is set up, it you should have the same grade.
cannot be subject to the tax because the ordinance
expressly points only to Ormoc City Sugar Company, However, even if you belong to the same class but in
Inc. as the entity to be levied upon.”
computing the grade you base it lang, not on the class;
Tiu v. CA, G.R. No. 127410 January 20, 1999 otherwise, class legislation. 301 - 1.0; 306 - 3.0 → unfair

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 55
In case of People vs. Cayat, although uniformity must Ormoc Sugar Company v. Conejos, G.R. No. L-
be observed, it is required if you belong to the same 23794. February 17, 1968
class. And in ascertaining whether there is reasonable
classification, these are the criteria laid down in the Facts: Ormoc Municipality (at that time) passed an
case: Ordinance subjecting to tax Ormoc Sugar Company.
1. must rest on substantial distinctions The ordinance specified the name of Ormoc Sugar
2. must be germane or relevant to the purposes Company. Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. said that this is
of the law unfair, violative of the equal protection of the laws.
3. The distinction or classification must apply not
only to the present but also to future situations Defense of Municipality of Ormoc is kamo lng amo e
4. The distinction must apply to persons, things specify sa ordinance because you are the only company
and transactions belonging to the same class. currently operating here producing centrifugal sugar
and exporting the same, gi starring mo namu sa
Note: Memorize FC si SG. - feeling close si security ordinance
SC: Violation of equal protection because singled out
There are different kinds of ‘classes.’ Thus, different Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. by expressly putting its
classes have different tax rates. name in the ordinance that it will be subject to tax,
even if there are no other similar companies or
Example of Classes (these classes have different tax producers, it will not be applicable to future conditions
rates): as well – violation of the reasonable classification. By
- Income taxation for compensation income earner naming Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. in the ordinance,
- Rules on income taxation for business income earner basically the Municipality of Ormoc, elevated it to a
- Income tax rules for individual taxpayers class of its own. It would have been different kung ang
- Income tax rules for corporate taxpayers tax niya g specify lng niya, centrifugal sugar producer
and exporter.
Note: Taxpayers of the same class should be taxed
uniformly, otherwise it will be a violation of the Right to “A perusal of the requisites instantly shows that the
Equal Protection of laws. questioned ordinance does not meet them, for it
taxes only centrifugal sugar produced and
exported by the Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. and
In Chamber of Real Estate, they also raised violation none other. At the time of the taxing ordinance's
of the equal protection clause. SC said that the equal enactment, Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc., it is true, was
protection clause under the Constitution means that the only sugar central in the city of Ormoc. Still, the
"no person or class of shall be of the same protection classification, to be reasonable, should be in terms
of laws which is by other persons in the same place applicable to future conditions as well.
and in the same circumstance.” Stated differently,
all persons belonging to the same class shall be taxed
alike. It follows that the guaranty of equal protection of The taxing ordinance should not be singular and
laws is not violated by legislation based on a reasonable exclusive as to exclude any subsequently
classification. established sugar central, of the same class as
plaintiff, for the coverage of the tax. As it is now, even
If you will be asked what are the requirements for the if later a similar company is set up, it cannot be subject
classification to be reasonable, People vs. Cayat. - FC to the tax because the ordinance expressly points
si SG. only to Ormoc City Sugar Company, Inc. as the
entity to be levied upon.”
Ultimately SC said that the taxing power has the
authority to make reasonable classifications for
purposes of taxation, inequalities which result We also have the case of Tiu vs. CA, wherein the
from singling out of one particular class of petitioner Tiu questioned the establishment of the PEZA
taxation, or exemption, infringe no zone early days pani of EPZA, changed to PEZA.
constitutional limitation.
Petitioners questioned nganong kunong g tangaan ug
incentives ang locators within the secured area.
Even if at that moment, ikaw nalang usa ang nag inusara
kay wala pay other person that could belong to the same Unlike, sa PEZA nato diri, although naay fence ang PEZA
class. nato pero medyo katag ang sa Mactan. But in Subic it’s
really one whole big area. And the petitioners questioned

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 56
ngano sila ra ang naay incentive. Because generally if kana outside sa economic zone, mao na ang customs
magpa register ka, you will enjoy income tax holiday for territory.
a certain period and you will be given a preferential tax
rate of 5% to your gross income in lieu of all taxes among
other incentives. So ingon ang taga gawas, ngano sila sila Tui v. CA, G.R. No. 127410 January 20, 1999
raman, it’s violation of Equal Protection of the Laws kay
nag negosyo man sad mi and the only difference is naa Petitioners questioned nganong kunong g tangaan ug
sila sa sulod unya kami naa sa gawas. incentives ang locators within the secured area.

This is where the SC said, there is reasonable Unlike, sa PEZA nato diri, although naay fence ang
classification between businesses located outside the PEZA nato pero medyo katag ang sa Mactan. But in
secured area and businesses lured to establish their Subic it’s really one whole big area. And the petitioners
industries in the so called secured area. questioned ngano sila ra ang naay incentive. Because
generally if magpa register ka, you will enjoy income
SC said: tax holiday for a certain period and you will be given a
preferential tax rate of 5% to your gross income in lieu
1. Those in the secured area pertains to billion-peso of all taxes among other incentives. So ingon ang taga
investment and thousands of new jobs. Tinoud sad gawas, ngano sila sila raman, it’s violation of Equal
baya. Because IPSA or PEZA even now requires a Protection of the Laws kay nag negosyo man sad mi
minimum investment. Mura kag mag feasibility study. and the only difference is naa sila sa sulod unya kami
Pangotan-on ka unsa ang technology na ebring in naa sa gawas.
nimo, pila ang estimated investment nimo, and if your
investment is way too small you will not be approved This is where the SC said, there is reasonable
for registration purposes and for incentive purposes. classification between businesses located outside the
Naa na silay minimum investment for you to avail of secured area and businesses lured to establish their
income tax holiday or if dili na nimo ma meet, the industries in the so called secured area.
least is adto ka sa 5% in lieu of other taxes. So the
Supreme Court said, kamo sa gawas none of such SC said:
magnitude. There’s no requirement of minimum
amount of investment. In the first the economic 1. Those in the secured area pertains to billion-
impact will be national. Because of course of the value peso investment and thousands of new jobs.
or the amount of the investment. Tinoud sad baya. Because IPSA or PEZA even
2. Those outside the secured area, it’s only local. Even now requires a minimum investment. Mura kag
more important, at this time the business activities mag feasibility study. Pangotan-on ka unsa ang
outside the secured area are not likely to have any technology na ebring in nimo, pila ang estimated
impact in achieving the purpose of the law. Because investment nimo, and if your investment is way
in the case Pres. Ramos passed a law converting the too small you will not be approved for
military base into a free port zone. So naa nay law. registration purposes and for incentive
But iyang gi question is di man kato na balaod, ang purposes. Naa na silay minimum investment for
iyang gi question kay katong incentives given. So, the you to avail of income tax holiday or if dili na
law requiring the military base to be of productive use nimo ma meet, the least is adto ka sa 5% in lieu
for the benefit of the Philippine economy. And you of other taxes. So the Supreme Court said, kamo
know finding ways to lure in investors and foreign sa gawas none of such magnitude. There’s no
investors or industries to relocate on that location on requirement of minimum amount of investment.
the base, that already created a substantial distinction In the first the economic impact will be national.
between those businesses within the secured area Because of course of the value or the amount of
and those businesses outside the secured area. the investment.
2. Those outside the secured area, it’s only local.
So, the Supreme court further went on to state that the Even more important, at this time the business
equal protection guarantee does not require territorial activities outside the secured area are not likely
uniformity of the laws. As long as there are actual and to have any impact in achieving the purpose of
material differences. Because of this issue actually, when the law. Because in the case Pres. Ramos passed
they changed IPSA to PEZA, when they passed the law a law converting the military base into a free
establishing the PEZA, they even specified in the law that port zone. So naa nay law. But iyang gi question
the area designated as an economic zone theoretically is is di man kato na balaod, ang iyang gi question
deemed as foreign territory. Which is why it could have kay katong incentives given. So, the law
different tax sin schemes. Mao na nga lahi ang tax niya requiring the military base to be of productive
compared to those areas outside the economic zone. Ang use for the benefit of the Philippine economy.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 57
And you know finding ways to lure in investors different taxing schemes. Mao na nga lahi ang tax niya
and foreign investors or industries to relocate on compared to those areas outside the economic zone. Ang
that location on the base, that already created a kana outside sa economic zone, mao na ang customs
substantial distinction between those businesses territory.
within the secured area and those businesses Famous case of Judy Ann Santos: Dli ni Civil case,
outside the secured area. more of criminal case. Equal protection pwd mana dba,
power of taxation and police power of the state.
So, the Supreme court further went on to state that the
equal protection guarantee does not require territorial Santos vs. People of the Philippines & BIR G.R.
uniformity of the laws. As long as there are actual and No. 173176, August 26, 2008
material differences. Because of this issue actually,
when they changed IPSA to PEZA, when they passed Facts: G kasuhan si Judy Ann ug tax evasion back then
the law establishing the PEZA, they even specified in because of the fact nga iya g declare nga income is
the law that the area designated as an economic zone only P8M, but it was found out based on reports
theoretically is deemed as foreign territory. Which is submitted by accountants and third parties nga ang
why it could have different tax sin schemes. Mao na income niya is around P14M (SANA ALL YAWA).. Ang g
nga lahi ang tax niya compared to those areas outside declare niya nga income is only income earned from
the economic zone. Ang kana outside sa economic ABS-CBN back then. In reality P14M including other
zone, mao na ang customs territory. indorsements, advertisements, mga rackets ni Juday.
Led to filing of criminal cases for tax evasion.
Those in the secured area pertains to billion-peso
investment and thousands of new jobs. Tinoud sad baya. Arguments ni Juday: Filing of criminal case against her
Because EPZA or PEZA even now requires a minimum is a violation of the equal protection of the laws. Ana si
investment. Mura kag mag feasibility study. Pangotan-on Juday, “nganu man lagi si Regine?”
ka unsa ang technology na ebring in nimo, pila ang
estimated investment nimo, and if your investment is way Kai nakiha man sad si Regine ug tax evasion back then
too small you will not be approved for registration but DOJ level, (Diba ang preparation is BIR, but the BIR
purposes and for incentive purposes. Naa na silay will not prosecute on their own – goes to DOJ – DOJ
minimum investment for you to avail of income tax finds probable cause – filing of the case in the regular
holiday or if dili na nimo ma meet, the least is adto ka sa courts ) ang ka Regine kai na dismiss DOJ level kai dili
5% in lieu of all taxes. So the Supreme Court said, kamo claro kung pila ang tax liab ni Regine. Kai Juday
sa gawas none of such magnitude. There’s no nipadayun, ni abot sa SC kai na establish man pila ang
requirement of minimum amount of investment. amount nga gi declare, therefore na establish ang
In the first the economic impact will be national. Because correct amount sa deficiency tax.
of course of the value or the amount of the investment.
In the second, those outside the secured area, it’s only SC: The equal protection clause exists to prevent
local. Even more important, at this time the business undue favor or privilege. It is intended to eliminate
activities outside the secured area are not likely to have discrimination and oppression based on inequality.
any impact in achieving the purpose of the law. Because Recognizing the existence of real differences among
in the case Pres. Ramos passed a law converting the men, the equal protection clause does not demand
military base into a free port zone. So naa nay law. Nya absolute equality. It merely requires that all
iyang gi question is di man kato na balaod, ang iyang gi persons shall be treated alike, under the
question kay katong incentives given. So, the law circumstances and conditions, both as to the
requiring the military base to be of productive use for the privileges conferred and liabilities enforced.
benefit of the Philippine economy. And you know finding
ways to lure in investors and foreign investors or Petitioner (Judy Anne Santos) was not able to duly
industries to relocate on that location on the base, that establish to the satisfaction of this Court that
already created a substantial distinction between those she and Velasquez were indeed similarly
businesses within the secured area and those businesses situated, i.e. that they committed identical acts for
outside the secured area. which they were charged with the violation of the
So, the Supreme court further went on to state that the same provisions of the NIRC; and that they presented
equal protection guarantee does not require territorial similar arguments and evidence in their defense - yet
uniformity of the laws. As long as there are actual and they were treated differently.
material differences. Because of this issue actually, when
they changed EPZA to PEZA, when they passed the law Ang kay Judy Ann na fixed ang liability, ang kay Regine
establishing the PEZA, they even specified in the law that wala.
the area designated as an economic zone theoretically is *chika minute na*
deemed as foreign territory. Which is why it could have

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 58
If you committed tax evasion, naa man gud range. 1. If the exemption was granted for valuable
Kintahay if ang g declare nimo 1php lang and ang correct consideration and it is granted on the basis of a
income is 10 so there is 9php difference, 90%. Ang contract.
acceptable kay BIR para maka ingun kag mere mistake, a. cannot be revoked
walay intent on your part to evade is if the 2. If the exemption is granted by virtue of a
underdeclaration of your income or overdeclaration of contract, wherein the government enters into a
expenses do not exceed 30%. Beyond 30%, considered contract with a private corporation
substantial already. There is already a presumption of a. cannot be revoked unilaterally by the
your intent to evade payment of tax which is considered government
criminal offense. 3. If the basis of the tax exemption is a franchise
granted by Congress and under the franchise or
In the case of Judy Ann, 8M-14M more than 30%. That’s the tax exemption is given to a particular holder
why na filan siya ug tax evasion case. or person
a. can be unilaterally revoked by the
Even if gbayaran nim ang tax, magpadayon gihapon ang government (Congress)
case. So an advice to clients is as much as possible We are still on the principles of taxation. We are in the
cooperate with the BIR and legally settle the matte bcs middle of discussing the indirect constitutional limitations,
once everything has been finalized, there will always be a just a quick recap in our previous video lecture, we’ve
threat or the BIR can always come up with a criminal case discussed the indirect constitutional limitations and we
against the taxpayer kay most violation man gud in the said that these are indirect in a sense that it applies to
tax code involves criminal punishment especially if the other inherent powers of the state. We’ve discussed the
underdeclaration exceeds 30% or is considered due process clause and the requirements of uniformity
substantial. and equality as required by the Constitution. We now
move to non-impairment of the obligations of the contract
“No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall By its name, when we say non-impairment, it
means to say that a tax law, whenever passed by
be passed.” (ART 3, Sec. 10) Congress or exercised by the government, must
General Rule: The power to tax is pursuant to law, not diminish or impair any obligations that are
therefore, the obligation to pay taxes is imposed by law, being contained in a contract. Take note, contract,
thus the non- impairment clause does not apply. The NOT another law. Definitely, the legislature can amend
parties to the contract cannot exercise the power of another law. When we talk of obligation, there are
taxation. different sources. There are 5 sources of obligation. You
EXCEPTION: (when the non-impairment clause applies have a law, contract, quasi-contract, delicts and quasi-
as limitation to taxation) ?? delicts. What cannot be impaired through the exercise of
the power of taxation is the obligation stemming from a
Review: Sources of Obligation ?? contract. If that obligation of yours comes from a well,
law it
can very well be impaired and diminished upon the
Exceptions: wisdom of the legislature by merely passing an
When the law merely provides for the fulfillment amendatory law. If we’re talking about a contract, which
of the obligation involves two private parties in essence that enter into an
Law merely recognizes or acknowledges the agreement. The power of taxation cannot diminish or
existence of an obligation created by an act impair whatever obligations they've agreed in a contract.
Only when the law establishes the obligation and also You may ask, “Sir, why is the power of taxation coming
provides for its fulfillment – the law is the source of the into play now when we are talking about contracts
obligation. entered into by private parties?” In relation to the power
of taxation, the situation cannot be impaired or
A lawful tax on a new subject or an increased tax on an diminished here pertains to a contract entered into by the
old one, does not interfere with a contract or impairs its government in its private or proprietary capacity. Not
obligation. between two private entities because two private entities
cannot exercise power of taxation between each other. It
The constitutional guarantee of the non- can’t relate to the power of taxation. But, between a
impairment clause can only invoked in the grant of government entity entering into an agreement or contract
tax exemption. with another private entity or supplier, and in that
agreement let's say the government agreed it will assume
RULES the tax liability of that private entity will incur, it is an
obligation pursuant to a contract. It cannot be merely

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 59
amended through the passage of a tax law or an
amendment on the current tax law because that’s a Not covered under limitations (exception to the
separate source of obligation. And usually when we talk general rule):
of this phrase,or this constitutional limitation, this applies
more not on the imposition of tax but more on the grant 1. When the law merely provides for the fulfillment
of tax exemption pursuant to a private agreement entered of the obligation and;
into by the Government in its private capacity. 2. the law merely recognizes or acknowledges the
existence of an obligation created by an act.
“Sir wa ko kasabot, pwede diay na? Yes to some extent
and as we move along our discussion, we will not only be Only when the law establishes the obligation and
discussing tax exemption but also tax assumptions where also provides for its fulfillment - then, the law is
the executive Dept will promise. It’s a case involving the source of obligation. This is not covered under
Mitsubishi, and then the executive dept through the Pres constitutional limitation, because this limitation applies
promised the Engrs coming from Japan that if they will only to the obligation coming from pursuant to a contract.
be going to build a powerplant here in the Phils, part of
the incentives is the lure them to sponsor that project, A lawful tax on a new subject or an increase tax on
the executive dept will assume their tax liability. In that an old one, does not interfere with a contract or
sense, the government enters into a contract and the impairs its obligation. So, pwede i-amend.
government obliges itself to assume the tax liabilities of
this powerplant Engrs. We will eventually tackle that. The constitutional guarantee of the non-impairment
clause can only be invoked in the grant of tax exemption.
If we further tax exemption, grant of tax incentives.
What’s the express provision under the Consti? The consti
provides that “No law impairing the obligation of
contracts shall be passed”
In the early days before Congress passed TRAIN 1, the
Congressmen who was the Chairman of ways and means
When we say impairment, we say diminishing the back then, came over to Cebu. They would have wanted
obligation. So and nahitabo nganhi kay you enter into a to fast track the passage of TRAIN 2 this is way back 2018
contract, agreement and based on that agreement, they want to pass the TRAIN 2 and eventually change it.
you’ve laid down the responsibilities or the obligations of TRAIN 2 na actually ang first and eventually they change
both parties. If you want to diminish your obligation in it to CITIRA then to CREATE. While the Senate is trying
such case, you do not pass a law. Otherwise, traydor ang to decide the fate of TRAIN 1, these Congressmen are
style nimo. Instead, you amend the contract or the already preparing for TRAIN 2. They are asking for
agreement as the case may be. Although mostly when position papers, they are doing roadshows. There were
we talk about contracts or agreement, this usually involve roadshows organized by means and ways committee,
bilateral agreement between the parties. roadshows organized by the Department of Finance and
roadshows by PEZA.
So the General rule in relation to Consti provision, “the
power to tax is pursuant to law, What's the purpose of these roadshows? Is to get
the sentiments of the public.
And when we say the power to tax, we are referring to
the imposition or levy. therefore, the obligation to pay The roadshows I happened to attend, more or less you
taxes is imposed by law. If you notice, the non- already have the copy of the draft bill including the PEZA
impairment clause applies to obligations pursuant to companies or companies registered in PEZA.
contract. So walay labot ang imposition of tax pursuant
to a law. Mao na niingon ko ninyo in so far as power to Back then, the original proposal in TRAIN 2 is to remove
taxation is concerned, this constitutional provision is the tax incentives enjoyed by the PEZA Companies.
applicable to the grant of exemptions or assumptions
pursuant to an agreement entered into by the For PEZA Companies, they enjoy incentives. Currently,
government thus the non-impairment clause does not they can either enjoy income tax holiday or ‘perpetual’
apply. The parties to the contract cannot exercise the preferential tax rate of 5% on their gross income.
power of taxation because again when you impose or
exercise that power, you have to passed a law. There is DOF did not want that. Based on the draft bills, they want
an obligation pursuant to a law. to take that out and subject them to the regular corporate
income tax. Bec. accdg. to the 1st proposition, the
Can it be changed, diminished or amended? Yes, through corporate tax will be reduced to 20%.
the passage of another law. This limitation pertains to
agreed obligations pursuant to contractual agreement.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 60
The PEZA’s problem there, aside from the removal of because it is more of a privilege that you are allowed to
incentives, they need to deal with the LGUs. do that particular business. And, that franchise is granted
by congress and under the tax exemption, is given to a
The current incentives enjoyed by PEZA Co., that particular holder or person, take not that it can be
preferential tax rate of 5% covers already national and unilaterally revoked by the government by merely
local tax. 3% goes to the BIR, 2% for LGU. In revoking the franchise.
short, medjo hands off si LGU. Medjo dili na madisturbo Fernandez (PART 9: 24:00-28:00)
si PEZA Co with whatsoever issues with the LGUs since all
that they need to do is to allocate 2% to it. I-change ni Congress nga - like sa PAGCOR nga case 5%
franchise tax in lieu of all taxes. Pwede ba mo ingon si
BUT IN THE PROPOSAL FOR TRAIN 2, it will be removed. Congress nga - isaka na nato to 10%? The answer is yes,
These PEZA Co. will have to deal back again, like normal it can be done. Because that is a franchise. That is not a
companies, to the LGUs. and some of them have issues contract which involves valuable consideration between
with LGUs. Instead of dealing only with the PEZA director, two contracting parties. I hope I am clear with that.
they have to deal with local politicians which could create
issues insofar as their operations are concerned. NON-INFRINGEMENT OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
Jimmy Swaggart vs Board of Equalization
Fortunately now, that’s not the case under the CREATE. The free exercise of religion clause does not prohibit
It’s more win-win sitch for these PEZA co. But in the early imposing a generally applicable sales and use tax on
days, one of the arguments before the Congress and I the sale of religious materials by a religious
personally think it's the SC who can discuss that, there organization. (payment of license fees for distribution
concern is that if you outrightly change everything thru of bibles)
the passage of an amendatory law, which is TRAIN 2 back
then, might as consider the constitutionality thereof as The sale of religious articles can be the subject of the
early as now. If you don’t hear the sentiments of these VAT
companies, there will be cases that will be filed before the
SC questioning the constitutionality of the proposal. What cannot be taxed is the exercise of religious
worship or activity
One of the things that I’ve raised personally in one forum
attended by presidents etc., was the possible violation of The income of the priest derived from the exercise of
the non-impairment of the obligations of contracts clause. religious activity can be taxed.
…the new conditions and new incentives will just be This simply means that no law shall be made
applied to the new locators or the new registrants. Again, respecting an establishment of a religion or
this limitation applies only to obligations brought about by prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
a contract entered into by the government usually in its
private capacity applicable in the grant of exemptions or
Meaning to say, no tax law (kay tax man ta) should be
passed to benefit a particular religion. Maghimo ka diha
ug special fund for the Catholic religion kay wala na'y
The rule then is, if the exemption was granted for a collecta because of the pandemic, it cannot be done.
valuable consideration, and it is granted on the basis of a
contract—cannot be revoked by the simple passage Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
of a tax law. So, this is what I said in the existing TESA - You subject to tax the exercise of religion (going
(not sure of the spelling) Locators, they were really to mass etc.), it cannot be done.
arguing that you cannot change halfway. Why? Because
we were required to make minimum investments, there The free exercise and enjoyment of religious
were conditions that we had to fulfill and so far, we are profession and worship without discrimination or
fulfilling it. This is why the argument of non-impairment preference shall forever be allowed. No religious
of the obligations of contracts entered. test shall also be required for the exercise of civil
or political rights.
If the exemption is granted, however, by virtue of a
contract, wherein the government enters into a contract So it covers:
with a private corporation—cannot be revoked 1.) Freedom to choose religion
unilaterally by the government. This is what I have 2.) Freedom to exercise one's religion
been meaning when I mentioned a while ago that if it’s a 3.) Prohibition upon the national government
contract entered into by the government, it has to be to establish a national religion
bilateral agreement that you are going to revoke that. So in all these cases, taxes or the power of taxation must
And, if the basis of the tax exemption however, is a not be exercised either to promote or to prohibit or
franchise. Is franchise a contract? They’re quite different

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 61
discourage the exercise of… So mao na diba the usual NO APPROPRIATION FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSE
separation of the church and the state. “No law shall be made respecting an establishment of a
religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free
Later on, we will be talking more on the exemptions of exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and
these religious institutions from taxation. worship without discrimination or preference shall forever
be allowed. No religious test shall be required for the
exercise of civil or political rights.” (Art.3, Sec. 5, of the
Pursuant to non-infringement of religious freedom, the
case of American Bible Society, I think you have
Relative to non-infringement of religious freedom is the
discussed this I think Consti I pa lang, na master na ni
non-appropriation for religious purposes because it
ninyo where the Supreme Court said that the
carries with it the non-establishment of a national
constitutional guaranty of the free exercise and
enjoyment of religious profession and worship
carries with it the right to disseminate religious
information. Any restraints of such right can only Sec. 5, Art. III, Constitution. No law shall be made
be justified like other restraints of freedom of
respecting an establishment of religion, or
expression on the grounds that there is a clear and
prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free
present danger of any substantive evil which the exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and
State has the right to prevent. worship, without discrimination or preference,
shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be
required for the exercise of civil or political rights.
This is an old case. This involves the sale of Bible for the
promotion of religion. And two issues ang involve nganhi: This simply tells us that the government will not
1.) whether in the sale of Bible you can be held liable appropriate a budget for religious purposes.
to pay license fee. Business license man gud in
essence it's more like of paying a local business There was one case involving the visit of Pope John Paul
tax. II in the Philippines where the government appropriated
2.) And the other one is whether you can be made a budget for such event. It was questioned for being a
liable to pay the Mayor's Permit fee. violation of the non-appropriation clause. The SC held that
So kung karon na nato ibutang man gud, kung mag the appropriation for the event is allowed because the
negosyo ka ron, sa LGU, you will have to pay the local Pope is considered as head of the state of Vatican. The
business tax and you will have to pay the Mayor's Permit Pope being the head of the state, the event was
fee. considered as an official state visit which is allowable.

In this case, the Supreme Court said nga dapat it Exceptions to the non-appropriation clause: the religious
should not be subjected to tax. So there should be entity renders public service like if a priest is considered
no local business tax because in essence that as the chaplain in prison camps, etc., then the priest may
infringes the religious freedom to distribute these be given salary or honorarium. But this is just minimal
Bibles basically. But pwede siya pangayo-an ug appropriation. When we talk about prohibited
Mayor's Permit fee for the conduct of that activity appropriation it is the appropriation in support of a
in the locality. specific religion.

But if you can research the old case involving Jimmy FREEDOM OF THE PRESS
Swaggart, a US case, which has something to do with the “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech,
sale of Bibles. If we base this in foreign jurisprudences, of expression or of the press.” (Art. 3, Sec. 4)
they actually look at the venture. Example, if the venture
is proprietary in nature, like asking for contributions from There is curtailment of press freedom and freedom of
your members but you do not use it for humanitarian, thought and expression if a tax is levied in order to
charitable or religious purpose, and there is a net proceed suppress this basic right and impose a prior restraint.
there, usually it is subjected to sales tax -- like you are (Tolentino, vs. secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630).
selling these items in malls, then they subject that to
permit fee as well as sales tax. But if is in pursuant to
The press is not exempt from taxation
exercise of religion wherein the selling price of the article
The sale of magazines or newspapers, maybe the subject
corresponds to its cost, then this is the time where you
of taxation.
can ask for exemption from income taxation. We will have
more discussion on this in Section 30 of the NIRC. What is not allowed is to impose tax on the exercise of an
activity which has a connection with freedom of the press
(license fee)

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 62
Meaning to say, if media na or press, dili pasabot nga is regulation, that is police power. But it’s different kung
isubject na nimo to higher tax rate as compared to other mag rally ka before ka mag rally pabayaron ka ug tax even
media outlet in so far as taxation. Otherwise, that’s if wala kay income that could be violative of this
considered as a violation to this indirect constitutional Constitutional limitation.
Example: ABS, GMA are listed in the Philippines tax The president shall have the power to veto any particular
exchange. The usual tax there when you transfer the item or items in an appropriation, revenue or tariff bill but
change is .6 of 1%, dili pasabot nga kung kani ang shares the veto shall not affect the item or items to which
ni ABS or GMA ang itransfer, isubject nimo into a special he does not object.” (Art. 6, Sec. 27(2) of the
rate of tax which is a higher tax rate, that could be Constitution).
considered as a violation of this indirect constitutional When it comes to tax laws, if we based it on the recent
limitations. passage of the train law, it could be a line-item veto by
the president or it could be a veto on the president on
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance the entire paragraph provision of the law . So, if we
G.R. No. 115455; October 30, 1995 look at the train law, most of the vetoes there being
exercised by the president is more of a line-item veto pero
FACTS: na agyuy isa ka paragraph provision there nga gi-veto sa
PPI contends that by removing the exemption of the president.
press from the VAT while maintaining those granted to
others, the law discriminates against the press. CREBA What is crucial here is to understand the effect of the veto
asserts that R.A. No. 7716 impairs the obligations of power of the president because ang logic ba ngano maka
contracts, and violates the rule that taxes should be veto man ang president? Because the president is the
uniform and equitable and that Congress shall “evolve head of the executive department and the executive
a progressive system of taxation”. department is the branch of the government primarily
CUP argues that legislature was to adopt a definite responsible in the implementation of the law that was
policy of granting tax exemption to cooperatives that passed by Congress. Being a co-equal branch just like
the present Constitution embodies provisions on congress, kung isimplify gyud nato to the lowest level, ang
cooperatives. To subject cooperatives to the VAT logic ni veto power, it’s like Congress asking the President
would, therefore, be to infringe a constitutional policy. to agree or to approve that law and the president will have
to think if makaya ba na niya i-implement
Whether or not RA 7716 is unconstitutional. In the passage of tax laws, the executive and the
legislative coordinate firsthand.
RULING: Executive
No. In withdrawing the exemption, the law merely o Provides the details
subjects the press to the same tax burden to which o Approves or veto the law
other businesses have long ago been subject. The VAT Legislative
is not a license tax. It is imposed purely for revenue o Passes it into law
purposes. o Forwards the final version of the law to
Equality and uniformity of taxation mean that all the Executive
taxable articles or kinds of property of the same class
be taxed at the same rate. It is enough that the statute EXAMPLE: TRAIN Law I
or ordinance applies equally to all persons, firms, and The Department of Finance (DOF) made its version in the
corporations placed in similar situation. House. Discussions, debates, hearings, etc. were held.
BUT, there were last minute insertions. Upon reaching the
There is curtailment of press freedom of thought and President, such insertions prompted the President to veto
expression if a tax is levied in order to suppress this the law. The congress also did not override the President’s
basic right and impose a prior restraint. veto. Hence, the law was not implemented.

The press however is not exempt from taxation. The Looking at the original version of the TRAIN LAW I that
sale of magazine or newspapers, maybe the subject of was passed by the congress, there were several line
taxation. What is not allowed is to impose tax on the items, paragraphs, and provisions that were vetoed by the
exercise of an activity which has a connection with President and were not overridden by the congress. So,
freedom of the press (license fee) upon implementation of the tax law by the DOF through
revenue regulations, only those items which were not
Kung mag rally rally ka, pwede ba ka pakuhaon ug vetoed will be implemented.
permit? YES. Because that is not power of taxation, that

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 63
The veto of the President is somewhat equivalent to
him/her saying “I will not implement this law.” HOWEVER, The first is applicable to real property
the congress can override this veto by a voting of This second concept - the Jural concept. Is more
⅔. applicable to persons.

RULE: If it is a particular or an item veto, it shall not Rules Observed in Fixing Tax Situs
affect the item/s to which he (the president) does not 1. Poll/Capitation/Community tax – residence
object. of the taxpayer
2. Property Tax
SUMMARY: a. Real Property – in the state or country
Indirect Constitutional Limitations: where it is located (lex rei sitae),
1. Due process of law regardless of owner’s residency
2. Equal protection of the laws b. Personal property
3. Non-impairment of the obligation of contracts
4. Non-infringement of religious freedom GR: Doctrine of Mobilia sequuntur personam
5. No appropriation of religious purposes (movables follow the person) XPN: actual or
6. Non-infringement of the freedom of the press business situs (Sec 104, RA 8424)
7. Power of the President to veto any particular Exception: Actual or business situs
item/s in a revenue or tariff bill 1) Franchise exercised in the Philippines;
2) Shares of stock, obligations, bonds
REMINDER: Our discussion focuses only on the power issued by domestic corporations
of taxation despite the fact that these indirect organized and constituted in accordance
constitutional limitations also apply to other inherent with Philippine laws;
power of the State. 3) Shares, obligation, bonds issued by
foreign corporation where 85% of its
SITUS OF TAXATION business is located in the Philippines. It is
PLACE OF TAXATION subject to donor’s tax and estate tax;
Rule: the State where the subject to be taxed has a 4) Shares/right in a partnership business or
situs may rightfully levy and collect the tax industry established in
1. the Philippines;
Situs / Territoriality pertains to either: 5) Shares, obligations, bonds, issued by
1. Geographical location; or foreign corporations which acquired
2. Jural concept or nexus or bond between the business situs, when such have been
taxing authority and taxpayers used in the furtherance of the business
of the foreign corporation.
This is an important topic, because one inherent limitation
of taxation is that it must be exercised within its NB: subject to reciprocity rule
jurisdiction, therefore we have to understand the
Situs/place of taxation because of the different object and 3. Business tax- place of business
subject matter of taxation and the different tax types. 4. Excise tax- Where the act is performed or where
occupation is pursued
Lahi-lahi d-ay ang situs or place of taxation of these tax 5. Sales tax- where the sale is consummated;
types sir? – Yes, because the purpose of these tax types personal property.
differs from one another. So lahi ang object, lahi ang 6. Income tax- consider citizenship [nationality
subject, lahi ang place of taxation, that’s why we need to theory], residence [domicialiary theory] and
understand these concepts. sources [source rule] of income (Sec. 42, R.A.
General rule: the state where the subject to be taxed 7. Transfer tax- residence or citizenship of the
must has a situs may rightfully levy and collect the tax. taxpayer or location of property
8. Franchise tax- state which granted the
Place of Taxation franchise
General Rule: The State where the subject to be taxed 9. Value added tax- ‘Cross Boarder Doctrine’ is
has situs may rightfully levy and collect the tax. followed
10. Tax on interest income - residence of the
Situs /Territoriality pertains to either: borrower who pays the interest irrespective of the
Geographical location; or place where the obligation was contracted.
Jural concept or nexus or bond between the
taxing authority and taxpayers.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 64
*sawadeekhrap, okay ra ako e paste tanan ang discussion the earner or of the person and that person is a Filipino
each number below? O, okay ra way blema basta ikaw* citizen, taxable na sya for income earned within and
without. So pwedi na ba sya ma collectan og income tax
In fixing tax Situs we must first consider the tax type: if nabaligya nato nya or naka earn nato sya of income out
of that transaction and Filipino citizen sya? YES. It can be
When it is a community tax generally it is the residence subjected to tax ni the Ph government.
of the taxpayer. However we can also take into
consideration the principal place of business of the For personal property however, we follow Mobilia
taxpayer or the principal place of employment. (si Sequuntur Personam (movables follow the
employer ang gukoron kung employment) person) meaning to say if that personal property is
located within the Philippines then it has to be
PROPERTY TAXES declared for taxation purposes in the Ph. If it's
When real property – we follow the lex rei sitae, outside, then not necessarily subject to tax here in the
regardless of the owner’s residency Philippines. Examples of personal property: Jewelries,
kung Filipino citizen unya iya ibaligya ang balay valuable paintings, shares of stocks. But for shares of
sa japan taxable na siya for income earned within stocks it’s more of an exception to the General
and out tax kay lahi mn ang property tax ug Rule na Mobilia Sequuntur Personam meaning to
income tax say what matters in determining the situs is the
actual or the business situs. Meaning to say if ang
When Personal Property - we follow Mobilia sequuntur business nag issue sa shares of stocks is domestic or is
personam registered incorporated here in the Philippines, even if the
physical shares of stocks is in the US for you to transfer
those shares tax must be collected here in the Philippines.
Because that’s an exception to the general rule. If
sapatos, bags, or jewelries and these items kay naa sa
gawas then dili ni sila ma subject to any property tax here
in the Philippines. Again, dili income atong gistoryaan diri,
wala na nimo gibaligya and wala ka mi earn as income,
on the property lang mismo.

Exceptions are those personal properties considered to

have actual or business situs here in the Philippines.
Personal property even outside the PH may be subjected to tax here in PH

Pero in practice pwedi ba in principal place of business or Exception: Actual or Business Situs (Sec. 104, RA
principal place of employment? The answer is Yes. 8428) (Memorize this, favorite topic in the bar exams)
Because if employee ka ang gukuron ana ni LGU is si 1. Franchise exercised in the Philippines
employer man. So si employer para automatic na walay a. Ex. Royalties exercised in the Phils.
labad pwedi na nga pakuhaon nalang nya diha nga LGU 2. Shares of stock, obligations, bonds issued by
ang mga employees nya og community tax certificate. domestic corporations organized and
Pabayron sa community tax which is usually based on constituted in accordance with Philippine laws;
their gross receipts, gross income (will be discussed later) 3. Shares of stocks, obligations, bonds issued by the
foreign corporation: 85% of its business is
In property taxes, the situs depends even if it’s a located in the Philippines. It is subject to donor’s
real property or personal property. If it’s a real and estate tax;
property we follow the Lex Rei Sitae Principle 4. Shares or right in a partnership business or
where the state or country where it is located will industry established in the Philippines;
have the authority to impose the tax regardless of a. Same rule under domestic corporations,
the owner’s residency. This is what I’ve been it was registered under Philippine laws.
illustrating in previous discussion. If Filipino citizen owns Hence, we do not look at the nationality
a house, for example in Japan, the one who has the of the partners, nor its shareholders.
authority to collect real property tax or property tax of 5. Shares, obligations, bonds issued by foreign
similar nature will be Japan, not the Philippines. Because corporations used which acquired business situs
ang balay niya naa man sa Japan. But it’s a different story when sanction in the furtherance of the business
if that Filipino citizen sells that house in Japan and in of the foreign corporation.
selling naka earn sya og income. TAKE NOTE: Income
tax is different from property tax. You taxed the property NOTE: Even if owners are not domiciled in the Philippines
tax of your house, if naa sa gawas walay jurisdiction ang they will still be taxed in the Philippine, subject to
Pinas. But if income tax and then you tax the income of Reciprocity Rule (citizen of such country which grants

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 65
exemption to the intangible personal properties Filipinos on interest income class, what is involved here is “utang”
in their country will also be exempted). or debt with interest. I have to separately discuss this
because this came out in one BAR exam and many got it
What is the difference between number 3 and 5? wrong because ang thinking nila is na pareho siya sa
What is meant by PE? -For number 3, it follows that it income tax na i-consider nimo ang citizenship, residence
is doing regular business here in the Philippines. Since or the source but this is a bit special. Why man?
85% of its worldwide revenue (gross sales or revenue), is - Because when it comes to interest income class,
derived here in the Philippines. For number 5, you do not the situs is the residence of the borrower who
look at the amount generated here in the Philippines but pays the interest. It is the residence of the
because they have a branch here in the Philippines, they borrower and not the residence of the creditor,
are deemed to have acquired business situs here. who pays the interest who pays the interest
irrespective of the place where the obligation is
A foreign corporation acquires business situs in the contracted.
country — if it has permanent establishment in the - Common example is: You have a creditor who is
Philippines. Either it maintains an office, a production based in the US and there is a debtor who is
plant, or there is a continuous commercial activity in the based in the Philippines. They entered into a
country. If it acquires business situs, we do not care contract or a loan agreement, let’s say for
anymore about the percentage. example in UK.
ACTUAL/BUSINESS SITUS Q: Mandated ba siya to a certain portion of that
Section 104 of RA 8424 (enumeration under) even if they payment as tax payment to the Philippine
are located outside of the Philippines, can still be subject government?
to tax; or even if the owner are foreigners but they are A: YES.
located in the Philippines, they can still be subject to tax.
Q: You will ask, Sir tua man sa gawas ang creditor,
unsaon man pag collect sa tax on the interest
For a common example of transfer tax is the so-called A: It is through withholding. Meaning to say, ang gi
Donor’s Tax (I don’t know if you’ve heard this) or kung na withhold si debtor located here in the Philippines.
matay ang original owner sa property, we have the so
called Estate Tax. Q: Even if the loan is contracted/executed
So, the situs is the residence or the citizenship of the A: YES. Again, the situs or the place of taxation is the
taxpayer or the location of the property. We will have residence of the borrower.
more discussion on transfer tax under Tax II.
Take note ha, na is residence the same as citizenship?
FRANCHISE TAX, The answer is not even.
The state which granted the franchise. So, if it is the
Philippine government who granted the franchise then the When you talk about residence, the person is residing ka
Philippine government may collect the tax. Take note lang diri sa Philippines. For Philippines to be able to collect tax
ha, na for franchise tax, it could be in primary franchise thereon.
or it could be secondary franchise. If Primary, meaning
the legislature. If Secondary, meaning the province, it is Example:
the LGU kay ig discuss nato sa tax II, you will hear again Let’s change the situation, let’s say for example, you have
about franchise. Like kana telecommunication, you will a creditor. The creditor is a resident here in the
have to ask for franchise from the legislature but for you Philippines, the creditor grants a loan, to a debtor who is
to, di ba ang cable nimo nganha kay i-cross mana nimo a resident in the US. The loan agreement, is executed in
for several municipalities or towns in the province, you the US.
have to get another franchise in the Local Government. Q: Mu matter ba ang place where the loan
agreement is executed?
I’ve mentioned this already, that cross-border doctrine is Q:When the the debtor who pays the creditor who
followed. is a resident in the Philippines, will it be subjected
to withholding tax for the Philippine government?
TAX ON INTEREST INCOME A: NO. The debtor is from the US, the tax on interest
Residence of the borrower who pays the interest income will not apply because the residence of the
irrespective of the place where the obligation was borrower is the situs.
contracted. Take note of this, because when you say tax

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 66
Take note, that interest paid by the debtor to the a) The same subject/object is taxed twice when it
creditor is an income of C. And if C is a Filipino should only be taxed once;
citizen and a Philippine resident, then it can still b) Both taxes are imposed for the same purpose;
be subjected to tax here in the Philippines c) Imposed by the same taxing authority;
because remember that if you are a resident of d) Within the same jurisdiction;
the Philippines, you are taxable for your income e) During the same period; and
earned. This time, walay withholding involved f) Covering the same kind or character of tax
because the debtor is based abroad. He cannot
remit it to the BIR. The one who will declare it as Both taxes must be imposed on the same property or
taxable income is si creditor, who is a Filipino subject matter.
citizen, who is a resident citizen of the * if one is missing, it is indirect duplicate taxation which
Philippines. is valid

Q: If both of them taga US. Si creditor is based in This is the tenth video lecture series for taxation, so, well
US, si debtor is based in US but their loan more or less, this is the last 2 or 3 video series before we
agreement was contracted in the Philippines, diri end this module on general principles of taxation. If
gi execute sa Philippines, gipa notaryo diri because you’ve noticed, I gave this an equal amount of importance
they did it while vacationing here in the with other topics in taxation 1 for the simple fact that this
Philippines. When B pays interest income to C, will lays down the foundation on taxation. Not to mention the
it be subjected to tax or interest income? fact, these topics come out in the bar. Actually, ang igo
A: NO. The residence of the borrower is in the US. nato is duha, this could come out in political law such as
Consti, especially on the constitutional limitations, or it
Q: When C earned that income from the payment could come out in taxation subjects. We have to master
of D, will pay C pay the income interest here in the and know the general principles of the inherent powers of
Philippines? the state.
A: NO. He is considered as an alien in the Philippines
because he is a US citizen and is residing in the US, so We’ve discussed the situs or place of taxation, we said it's
that is considered income earned in the US. Walay habol important to know the situs because it essentially
is Philippines government, even if the place of execution ascertains whether the taxing authority has jurisdiction
is the Philippines. over the person, object or subject matter.

In the next video lecture, we will be discussing Double Another important concept in taxation that you need to
Taxation. be familiar with is about double taxation. I know you’ve
heard this already in Consti 1, but to be more specific,
DOUBLE TAXATION when it comes to double taxation, we are looking at two
Strictly, taxing twice the same object/subject, types of double taxation. It is either direct double
same taxing jurisdiction, same purpose, same tax, same taxation or indirect double taxation. You have to
year (“direct duplicate”) master the distinction between the two.
☞ i. e., say not same year, then it is called (“indirect
duplicate”). In either case, there is not law which prohibits DIRECT DOUBLE TAXATION
the same. There is not even a prohibition by the When we talk about direct double taxation, this
constitution as you say it. means that you are taxing twice the very same
object, subject for the same taxing jurisdiction,
However, in case of direct duplicate, if it amounts to same purpose, same tax, same year. In short,
confiscation of property for being unjust, oppressive, or everything is the same. The tax type, the purpose of the
unfair, then it is unconstitutional not on the ground of tax, the taxing authority, the object as well as the subject
double taxation but for being violative of the due process matter and the period the tax is collected is ALL THE
clause. SAME.

Note: There is no constitutional prohibition against double When it comes to direct double taxation, it’s like paying
taxation. It is not favored but permissible. income tax twice for the same year and same income. It's
a no-brainer that if this happens, that amounts to
Instances of Double Taxation: confiscation of private property and the power of
1) STRICT SENSE (DIRECT DUPLICATE TAXATION) taxation there is exercised prejudicially as a
Occurs when the same subject/object is taxed twice when destructive power. Which is why, when it comes to
it should be taxed once, objectionable, or prohibited once direct double taxation, or “direct duplicate”, this is

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 67
deemed as a violation of the due process clause of 2. Both taxes are imposed from the same purpose
the constitution. (if its tax on income borth ar tax on income or if
the tax is on property, both are taxes for
Kung mi ingun ta “Is there a specific or express prohibition property)
on direct direct double taxation in the constitution?” There 3. Imposed by the same taxing authority( you have
is none in the statute. But automatically, this is deemed a to be careful here because when we say taxing
violation of due process because Congress may not do so. authorities, it could either be the national
Dili pwede e tax ang kaduha ang same object or subject government or the LGU.
matter, but that pertains to direct double taxation or So if the BIR is taxing you twice for income tax
“direct duplicate” taxation. for the same year, then you say that it is the same
taxing authority but it's a different situation if the
The other type of double taxation is the more common taxing authority is the national government and
type of double taxation, which is not prohibited as it is the other taxing authority is the lgu but definitely
situational and happens on a case-to-case basis, this is their taxes are based on your gross receipts or
what we call indirect double taxation or “indirect gross sales, now that’s not anymore direct. It
duplicate.” becomes indirect/ why? Different man ang taxing
authority. Ang isa National pursuant to the NIRC
Before we move on to indirect double taxation, let us and the other one is the LGu pursuant to LGC of
understand the essential requisites of direct double the Phil. diff ang authority nila so most likely in
taxation, and all of this must exist in that particular that sense, diff pud ang purpose ana nga tax nga
situation to say that there is “direct duplicate.” If it is an gi collect. While there is double taxation in a
essay examination, you have to be careful. Why? Not all sense, because the same gross receipts are
of these may be specified in that situation. And you may subjected to tax, but it's indirect.
be asked “Is there double taxation?”
Actually mao na ang concept class na di
If that question is being asked, that’s a tricky question masabtan sa most of the foreign investors
class because you still need to qualify if it's direct double because there are some jurisdictions nga straight
taxation or indirect double taxation. forward ang taxation nila. If they pay income tax,
then that is only one income tax, if you say
Now, if all of this requisites are mentioned or indicated in business tax, then that’s one business tax, unlike
the situation, then you have to say that there is direct in the Phils, we have National tax and we have
double taxation but if any one or two of it is missing then local tax. That’s where problems came in
the most likely answer is there is still double taxation but because most of the foreign investors don't get
it’s indirect double taxation because the next question: the point why they still need to pay local business
tax when they are already paying VAT or OPT
1st: is there double taxation? which is also a business tax to the National
2nd: is it prohibited? government that they still need to be explained
So if your answer in the first question is “there is with just to entice them to invest here because
direct double taxation simply because all these there are many ways man on how to be exempt
requisites are present, then your next answer to with these taxes kay di man sad kinahanglan nga
the question would be it is prohibited. It is bayaran gyud na nimo under all circumstances.
deemed a constitutional violation of the due There are incentives that may be availed of.
process clause. Although there are conditions that need to be
But if your answer in the first question is yes there met. So imposed by the same authority
is double taxation but it is only indirect, then your
answer to the succeeding question is to say no. it 4. Within the same jurisdiction
is not prohibited because indirect double taxation 5. During the same period; and
may happen from time to time and there are 6. Covering the same kind or character of tax
actually mechanisms in order to minimize the
adverse effect of indirect double taxation. So that’s direct double taxation.
When we say again direct double taxation, this occurs
when the same subject/object is taxed twice when it Indirect double taxation again is when any one of these
should be taxed once only; objectionable or prohibited requisites are absent, so if it’s not the same taxing
sense. authority, it becomes indirect double taxation. So naa
gihapoy double taxation. If it’s not during the same
REQUISITES: period, indirect double taxation.
1. The same subject/object is taxed twice when it
should only be taxed once

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 68
Indirect double taxation is allowed if the taxes are of Is this not unfair? Not necessarily because in so far as our
different nature or character imposed by different taxing tax laws are concerned, these taxes already paid abroad
authorities. provided you can present proof of payment may be
claimed as a tax credit or simply put, reduction against
INDIRECT tax liability here in the Philippines.
Allowed it the taxes are of different nature or character,
imposed by different authority. But in computing your total tax liability in the Philippines,
ang earnings abroad will have to be declared here in the
DOMESTIC Philippines. Total nimo, in and outside, mao tu sya ang
Arises when the taxes are imposed by the local or national computan sa total tax liability but that total tax liability of
government yours will be reduced by whatever taxes paid abroad
provided there is proper documentation.
Refers to the imposition of comparable taxes in two or Doctrines of Double Taxation (based on
more states on the same taxpayer in respect of the same jurisprudence and previous Bar exam questions):
subject matter and for identical periods.
1. Direct Double Taxation (DDT) is not allowed
Indirect Double Taxation could be: because it amounts to confiscation of property
1. Domestic or; without due process of law. In short, violation of due
2. International process clause.

DOMESTIC Then for you to confirm that, that is direct double

Arises when the taxes are imposed by the local or national taxation, all these requisites we mentioned earlier must
government. Lahi ang taxing authority be present in that situation, if there is missing then it is
just a case of indirect double taxation or indirect
A situation of indirect international double duplicate.
But if he is a resident citizen, for example Manny 2. You can question the validity of double taxation
Pacquiao. The fight of boxing in the US, he won, he if there is a violation of the Equal protection clause
earned something out of that match. He is subject to tax or equality or uniformity of Taxation.
in the US simply because he earned that in the US. But
Manny Pacquiao is also a resident citizen. If you are a 3. Doubts as to whether double taxation has been
resident citizen and you earn income within or outside the imposed should be resolved in favor of the
country, you may be taxed here in the Philippines. In taxpayer.
Manny Pacquiao, in that income earned in that boxing
match that he won, he is being taxed in the US where he On the issues of double taxation, the Supreme Court will
earned and being taxed in the Philippines following the simply have to determine if the requisites are present. It
nationality and domiciliary theory because he is a resident need not be of the same amount, basta ma meet to ang
Filipino citizen. tanan na requisites then there is a direct double taxation
or direct duplicate.
Is there double taxation? Yes, because what is
subjected to tax is the same price or the same winning. Sample cases declared that there is double
But it is indirect because of different taxing authorities, taxation pero Indirect lang, so wala violation in
the other is the US and the other is Philippines. That is an due process clause:
international double taxation.
INTERNATIONAL A. The taxpayers warehousing business although
Imposition of comparable taxes in two or more states on carried on in relation to the operation of its sugar
the same taxpayer in respect of the same subject matter central is a distinct and separate taxable
and for identical periods. business
B. A license tax may be levied upon a business or
Same in the sense nga both are income taxes, same occupation although the land or property
period kay same winning is subject to tax but only used in connection therewith is subject to
different in taxing authority. property tax
C. Both a license fee and a tax may be imposed
Is this allowed? Yes. on the same business or occupation for selling the
same article and this is not in violation of the rules
against double taxation

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 69
D. When every bottle or container of intoxicating These are the license fees that you need to pay and
beverages is subject to local tax and at the same there's NO DOUBLE TAXATION there because the other
time the business of selling such product is one is not a tax in the first place. Or the least, if it’s
also subject ti liquor license. interpreted as a tax, then INDIRECT DOUBLE TAXATION.
E. A tax imposed on both on the occupation of
fishing and of the fishpond itself D) When every bottle/container of intoxicating
F. A local ordinance imposes a tac on the storage beverages is subject to local tax and at the same
of copra where it appears that the finished time the business of selling such products is also
products manufactured out of the copra are subject to liquor license.
subject to VAT
*see below for transcript cheka of each letter* E) Tax imposed on both on the occupation of
A) The taxpayers warehousing business although fishing and of the fishpond itself.
carried on in relation to the operation of its sugar
central is a distinct and separate taxable business. F) Local ordinance imposes a tax on the storage of
Meaning ang warehousing nimo ma subject to tax, ang copra where it appears that the finished products
sugar central nimo into production pwede sad ma subject manufactured out of the copra are subject to VAT.
to separate tax -- business tax.
Indirect double taxation is not illegal or violative
Q: Is there double taxation? of the Constitution per se. Why? Because there are
A: Yes! Bec same tax -- business tax. means employed to avoid indirect double taxation.
Q: Is it direct?
A: No, indirect bec different object and subject matter -- MEANS EMPLOYED TO AVOID DOUBLE TAXATION
the other one is the warehouse, the other is the sugar 1. Tax deductions
central. 2. Tax credits
3. Provide for exemption
B) A license tax may be levied upon a business or 4. Enter into treaties with other states
occupation although the land or property used in 5. Allowance on the principle of reciprocity
connection therewith is subject to property tax. 5 MEANS EMPLOYED TO AVOID (INDIRECT)
License tax - basically a local business tax (LBT) which
may be levied upon a business or occupation although the 1. You can claim that the taxes you paid are tax
land/property used is subject to property tax. deductions; or
2. tax credit against your income tax payable
If I have a business, a bakery, my sales there can be kung taxable ka for your income earned
subjected to LBT. While the lot or the bakery itself, can worldwide. or
be subject to another tax -- property tax. 3. there can be exempting provisions that you
can avail of. Here, they could apply for a ruling
Q: Is there double taxation? specific to the entity or at least, secure a
A: Yes , bec all these taxes are being collected for that certificate of exemption from the BIR. or
operation. 4. there could be treatises. Applies more to non-
Q: Is it direct? resident foreign corporations. They can avail of
A: No, indirect bec different object and even the purpose exempting provisions for lower tax rates as
-- the other is excise tax or your privilege to earn an provided in existing treaties. All that they need to
income from the bakery; while the other is for your do is apply for TTRA (Tax Treaty Relief
ownership of the real property. Application). or
5. Allowance on the principle of reciprocity for
C) Both a license fee and a tax may be imposed on some other items. Concept is mura ug bawsanay.
the same business/occupation for selling the same If Filipino citizens earning something in foreign
article and this is not in violation of the rules jurisdiction are given a certain privilege of
against double taxation. taxation wise, we also give more/less similar
privilege to citizens of that foreign country giving
Why? License fee is not a tax; it pertains to/for sort of favorable treatment to Filipinos. But then
regulatory purposes. Tax, on the other hand, revenue again, most foreigh jurisdictions want to formalize
raising. that into a treaty. Kay sa treaty there is a
specification there what type of income and
Mao na ug magpa renew ka or magpa register ka sa LGU, exempted, what types of income are subject to
you will be paying LBT and permit fees and other lower rate, etc.
regulatory fees like garbage fees, fire safety fees etc.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 70
FORMS OF ESCAPE FROM TAXATION a. Forward shifting (D>S) - When the burden of the
Basic forms of escape from taxation (caste2 or escate) tax is transferred from a factor of production through the
1. SHIFTING factors of distribution until it finally settles on the ultimate
2. CAPITALIZATION purchaser or consumer.
4. AVOIDANCE This usually happens when the demand is greater than
5. EXEMPTION the supply. What is the consequence if you pass on the
6. EVASION tax? The consequence is the price—the total price
increases. The burden rests to the consumer, but the
SHIFTING seller who is the statutory tax payer to remit the 12% vat
Process by which tax burden is transferred from statutory to the government. (Nag talk sya about Jollibee as
tax payer (impact of taxation) to another (incident of example but inaudible man)
taxation) without violating the law.
b. Backward shifting (S>D) - when the burden of the
impact of taxation – point on which tax is originally tax is transferred from the consumer or purchaser
imposed. through the factors of distribution to the factors of
Incidents of taxation – point on which the tax burden production.
rests or settles down.
Why is this so? Because this backward shifting usually
WAYS OF SHIFTING THE TAX BURDEN happens in the situation where the supplier is greater than
the demand—there is what we call a seller’s market. You
When the burden of the tax is transferred from a factor
have so many competitors and usually the products that
of production through the factors of distribution until it you are selling are high-end, costly. This even applies to
finally settles on the ultimate purchaser or consumer. services, the professional fees that are vatable. If
competition is quite stiff, sometimes the seller has no
choice but bear the burden of paying the VAT.
When the burden of the tax is transferred from the
c. Onward sifting DDS (joke)- when the tax is shifted
consumer or purchaser through the factors of distribution two or more times either forward or backward. (inaudible)
to the factors of production. (S>D)
3) ONWARD SHIFTING Reduction in the price of the taxed object equal to
When the tax is shifted two or more times either forward
capitalized value of future taxes on the property sold.
or backward.
- A special form of backward shifting

When we say shifting, it’s passing the ball from one If you notice kato ni-mention ko ganina nga i-apil na sa
person to another. This is the process by which the tax pricing ang tax (i-inclusive na sa tax). Technically that’s
burden is transferred from statutory taxpayer (impact of what you call also *inaudible*.
taxation) to another (incident of taxation) without
violating the law. This is the very escape from the burden
In short class, inig costing nimo sa produkto nimo. Let's
of taxation for business taxes. VAT, say for example, it say for example - condominium unit. Inig costing nimo
could be passed on to the final consumer. nganha, ang real cost let's say for example is 1M. 12% of
1M is Php 120,000,000. Ang profit unta nimo initially is
For shifting, 2 aspects lang to remember because this was
Php 500,000. So ang original pricing nimo is 1.5M. But if
asked in one bar exam before; you do capitalization, isud na nimo nganha ang tax
1. impact of taxation - point on which tax is
portion nga Php 120,000. Instead nga Php 500,000 ang
originally imposed
ma profit nimo sa 1.5M nimo, ma minusan na siya sa VAT
2. incident of taxation - point on which the tax kay ikaw man ang mo shoulder sa VAT. So, ang ma profit
finally rests or settles down. na lang nimo naa na lang sa Php 380,000.00 under
*inaudible* capitalized value of future taxes on the
Usually when we talk of statutory taxpayer, we refer to
property sold. *inaudible* It's as if ang costing nimo is
the seller and the point where the burden finally settles
1.12M. Gi-apil na nimo sa costing ang VAT portion.
or rests, this is what we call the incidence of taxation and
this is when the final consumer finally bears the burden
of paying the VAT. Although of course normally, karon, stricto na man ang
BIR nganha, kinahanglan na nah nimo ang VAT i-declare
separately. But the percentage tax, diba duha man tong

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 71
VAT and OPT? Kaning VAT karon, lisod nang ilusot. Nganu AVOIDANCE
man? Lisod nang i-capitalize kay you really have to specify The exploitation of the taxpayer of legally permissible
that in the receipt, in the invoice. But for OPT it can still alternative tax rates or methods of assessing taxable
be done. property or income in order to avoid or reduce tax liability.

Generally, the OPT is 3%. Pwede i-capitalize nimo, i-apil A.k.a “Tax Minimization”
nimo sa costs sa property *inaudible* that you are trying e.g. estate planning schemes, donation schemes, capital
to sell. gains schemes

Emphasizing “legally”: avoidance is legal; you just

have to think which of the provisions in the law is most
The manufacturer or producer upon whom the tax has
advantageous to you. This is where simulation comes in
imposed, fearing the loss of his market if he should add
and this is what we will do when we discuss income
the tax to the price, pays the tax and endeavors to recoup
taxation for individual and corporate taxpayers because
himself by improving his process of production, thereby
there are options presented under the law and it is up to
turning out his units at a lower cost.
you to analyze which among the options is most favorable
This is common, more or less pareha2x ra gihapon ni sa
to your client or to you as a taxpayer. In essence, that is
backward. What happens here is the manufacturer or
tax avoidance.
producer upon whom the tax has been imposed, fearing
the loss of his market. Again, kana pa lang nga statement
Common example if you are an individual earning
- fearing the loss of his market - means that the supply is
business income, you have the option to be taxed at a
greater than the demand (S>D). If pasakahon niya ang
graduated rate, 5% to 35% or 8%. But the caveat is that
price, the money producer pays the tax and endeavors to
5%-35% is based (inaudible) multiplied by your net
recoup himself by improving his process thereby turning
income as the tax base (inaudible - video is lag from 36:34
out his units at a lower cost in manufacturing. Because
ang concept man gud sa manufacturing is the more that - 36:49), 8% is exempted from business tax. Anyhow
these are the options. For the deductions, let’s say for
you produce, the lower will be the cost per unit.
example, you can have itemized or optional, naa lang kay
percentage nga kuhaon, which is more advantageous tax
And if the tax is being shouldered by the manufacturer, avoidance, a legally permissible method.
it's as if it will form part of its fixed cost. Kung daghan ka
ug na manufacture, daghan ka'g na produce, na-improve Also known as “tax minimization”.
ang production line nimo, it means dako ka ug halin. So I
think ma divide to among the *inaudible* that you were This is where tax lawyers usually come in.
able to produce. Do you follow? Examples: estate planning schemes, donation schemes,
capital gains schemes
In short, kung manglaag mo sa barkada, of course maayo
kung gamay mo unya naa'y manglibri. But if KKB, better Example situations:
mas daghan mo. Because kung mas daghan mo, mas Which is better, to contribute my properties to the
daghan mo mag bahin sa gasto. So mao ra sad na ang corporation or I will sell it to the corporation? The tax
concept of transformation. The tax being deemed as a schemes in one situation are different from the other.
fixed cost and absorbed or not shifted forward by the
manufacturer or producer. Adto niya bawi-on sa Which is better for you, one person corporation or sole
production line niya or item niya. So that's one way of proprietorship business? If you choose sole
escaping from taxation na dili ka ma alkansi sa baligya proprietorship, you will have sole business income while
nimo. if you choose one person corporation, you will be subject
to corporate income tax. One has 5% tax while the other
And the most common form of escape from taxation --- has 5%-35%. If your income is already 20 million, which
kaning Capitalization ug Transformation, class, actually -- is better?
- forms of backward shifting lang ni siya. This goes back
to the costing methods *inaudible* and that is Therefore, you just have to analyze which tax scheme is
encumbersome on our end to determine whether that is better for you depending on your situation.
capitalization or transformation. Kana that's more of a
concern of the accountants (cost accountants). In EVASION V. AVOIDANCE
practice, what you will meet and what you should at least Avoidance is legally permissible as mentioned,
master is the last three -- avoidance, exemption and this could be availment of incentives provided by
evasion. the government.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 72
What if you use a tax haven? So let’s have a quick Transfer pricing because if you have a related company in
understanding of how tax haven works. a tax haven, kato iya gi-explain ganiha (video) there is a
fit subsidiary here in the Philippines who will use that, it
*Watch a video on PEZA has to be fully documented in that transfer policy in order to resolve that loophole. Avoidance na before but now,
there could be consequences.
That’s one way of legally avoiding tax: Avail of the
incentives provided by the investments I’ve also dealt with an individual located in Portugal
promotions agencies (IPAs) but most of which is because the tax scheme in Portugal is favorable to
the PEZA which is responsible in inviting foreign retirees, so he is situated there, but he is doing business
investors. in Poland and in the Philippines. And then the income of
these countries go to Portugal. Mga ingon ana na situation
In 2019, problems started coming in because of the train bitaw. So, if you're somebody who really looks at different
law and also because of some sort of inconsistency of the taxing jurisdictions you will see which of these
government when it comes to fiscal policy. jurisdictions are considered tax havens either zero taxes
or very minimal taxes. And you can take advantage of it,
if you want to operate a multi-national company. And I
Aside from PEZA, another investment promotions
tell you, there are some companies in the Philippines na
agency also grants tax incentives is the board of
wala kaayo nag improve for the simple path that our tax
investments or the BOI, ang mga cooperatives, mga
laws are quite stiff as compared to other jurisdictions tax
micro insurance industries, etc., so each of these could
laws. Another thing that I want you to remember in tax
have incentives.
haven. Tax rates, lower tax rates other than property
If you are a business person, you want to legally avoid
ownership, that should be taken into consideration. *lag*
taxes then perhaps you take a look at the types of
That’s unless of course being held illegal in the
businesses that these IPA’s handle wherein you can avail
Philippines. Pero dili man kabuot ang Philippines, if ang
of the incentives. Naa pa ning DOT, tourism industry
head office or parent company is based in British Virgin
which could be registered under the BOI.
Islands unya mubayad og dividend ang nag operate dira
sa Pilipinas.
Talking about tax havens, although PH is not a tax haven
- you will see this in your practice, may it be tax or
corporate practice - that there are some local companies
It is the grant of immunity to particular perons or
nga naay investors coming from British Virgin Islands, the
corporations or to persons or corporations of a particular
US Virgin Islands, kini na mga gagamay na countries.
class from a tax which persons and corporations generally
Even Singapore is considered a tax haven because they
within the same state or taxing district are obliged to pay.
have favorable tax rates for investors located in their
It is an immunity or privilege; it is freedom from a
country. Vietnam slowly or has even surpassed the
financial charge or burden to which others are subjected.
Philippines when it comes to preferred countries by
foreign investors because the Philippines’ foreign policy is
Exemption is allowed only if there is a clear provision
restrictive for the protection of our citizens. Unlike in
there for.
Vietnam, for example, when an investor establishes a
factory, not only do they give tax incentives to these
Exemption is defined as the grant of immunity to
investors but they also give the investor the land.
particular persons or corporations or to persons or
corporations of a particular class from a tax which
(YouTube Video 46:50-52-40) persons and corporations generally within the
same state or taxing district are obliged to pay. It
is an immunity or privilege. Meaning to say privilege,
it’s not a matter of right. Pwedi ba bawion sa government?
On Tax Haven
So many people are doing that, even the Filipinos. Why
Exemption is however allowed only if there is a
do I want you to understand the concept of tax haven? clear provision there for. Which is why it’s say very
basic rule when it comes to availment of exemption to
Because although it’s not publicize, ultimately this is the
follow the so called Double Nexus Rule when it comes
very reason why we want our corporate tax rates to be
to availment of exemption. From the word double,
lower down to 20% *inaudible* we are not competitive
meaning if you are a taxpayer claiming for an exemption
even with our nearest ASEAN nation. No foreign investor
you have to prove first that there is a clear
wants to invest here. Because of the concept of tax haven,
provision granting the exemption to you and you
naa natay strict *inaudible*This requires our BIR to
have to prove that you fall under that exemption.
correspond to an equal body to exchange information
By presenting proof of how you are being organized and
because of the use of these tax havens.
how you are being operated.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 73
ELEMENTS OF TAX EVASION 1) Failure to declare for taxation purposes true and
Tax evasion connotes the integration of three (3) factors: actual income derived from business for two (2)
1) The end to be achieved, i.e. payment of less than consecutive years; or
that known by the taxpayer to be legally due, or 2) Substantial underdeclaration of income tax
paying no tax when it is shown that tax is due returns of the taxpayer for four (4) consecutive
2) An accompanying state of mind which is years coupled with unintentional overstatement
described as being “evil”, “in bad faith”, “willful”, of deductions
or “deliberate” and not “accidental”
3) A course of action (or failure of action) which is Manifestations or the Indicia of Fraud in Tax
unlawful Evasion:
Usually being applied by the BIR in assessing whether the
Lastly, we have EVASION. Of all the six what is taxpayer is guilty of evasion or simply mistake or
considered illegal. Tax evasion is the use by the negligence
taxpayer of illegal or fraudulent means to defeat a. Failure to declare for taxation purposes true and
or lessen the payment of tax. This is punishable by actual income derived from business for two
law. In the US this is called “tax dodging”. (On tax haven, consecutive years; or
the movie recommended to watch is “The Laundromat”) b. Substantial under-declaration of income tax
When we talk of evasion there is an intent to evade returns of the taxpayer for four (4) consecutive
payment of tax. When we talk of intent that’s basically, years coupled with intentional overstatement of
dili na nimo ma declare. There has to have many deductions.
manifestations. That before the BIR will recommend the i. Example: Does substantial under-
filing of the tax evasion case. declaration means more than 50%? The
answer is NO. If ang under-declaration
Evasion (Tax Dodging) exceeds 30% like in the case of Judy Ann
Tax evasion is the use by the taxpayer of illegal or Santos (declared 8M out of 14M income),
fraudulent means to defeat or lessen the payment of a that is usually interpreted by the BIR as
tax. It is punishable by law, and subject to criminal and substantial under-declaration.
civil liabilities.
ELEMENTS OF TAX EVASION Since fraud is a state of mind, it need not be proved by
Tax evasion connotes the integration of three factors:
direct evidence but may be proved from the
a. The end to be achieved.
circumstances of the case.
Example: the payment of less than that known by the
taxpayer to be legally due, or in paying no tax when such
is due. “Failure of the taxpayer to declare for taxation purposes
Kabalo sya pila ang liability and then intentionally his true and actual income derived from his business for
niignon sya “kini lang akong bayaran natu or two (2) consecutive years is an indication of his fraudulent
worse, dili ta mubayad.” intent to cheat the government of its due taxes.”
b. An accompanying state of mind described as Still, there has to be proof of fraud! Mao to ang case ni
being “evil,” “in bad faith,” “willful” or “deliberate Regine Velasquez, DOJ level, na dismiss kay wala man
and not accidental.” determination, even the under-declaration is substantial
Mao ni sya ang medyo lisod. Why? Because you or not, kay wala man kahibalo or wala nacompute pila ang
cannot read the mind unless you have the tax liability.
superpowers to read the mind of the taxpayer. Republic v. Gonzales [13 SCRA 633]
Dire musud ang :manifestations” that the BIR will The Supreme Court affirmed the assessment of a
need to look at. When we talk of manifestations, deficiency tax against Gonzales, a private
BIR will look at the figure vs. pila ang assessment concessionaire engaged in the manufacture of furniture
na gi-declare ni taxpayer. In practice however, it inside the Clark Air Base, for under declaration of his
is not deliberateness ngano gi-file-an of tax income. SC held that the failure of the taxpayer to
evasion si tax papeyer, sometimes it’s mere declare for taxation purposes his true and actual
negligence, for the reason that he tax papers do income derived from his business for two (2)
not know how to compute the correct tax. consecutive years is an indication of his
c. A course of action (or failure of action) which is fraudulent intent to cheat the government of its
unlawful. due taxes.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 74
Sir makit-an dei na? YES because if you do business you the mechanisms to transfer the burden of taxation. We’ve
register with the BIR, in your Certificate of Registration discussed it could be shifting, shifting could either
(COR) onsa ang monthly, quarterly and yearly filings forward, backward or onward. When we talk about
nimo. So if you don't file any of those, that will be tagged backward shifting, it could be in the specific form of
as open cases so far as BIR is concerned and you will have capitalization or specific form of transformation. We’ve
to explain. But even if you do not start the business or also discussed the distinction between tax avoidance and
have no income, if you are required to file an income tax tax evasion. We’ve only introduced a bit on tax
return, you file! Because filing and paying tax are 2 exemption, as mentioned we will discuss that into detail
different things. in this video discussion.

SUMMARY ON TAX EVASION vs TAX AVOIDANCE Again, of the six modes or mechanisms to ease the
TAX EVASION TAX AVOIDANCE burden of taxation, tax evasion is the prohibited
mode because it connotes intent not to pay the tax
Connotes fraud Legal means used by which is a required obligation under the law.
through the use of the taxpayer to reduce
pretenses and taxes So, this time around, we put special focus on tax
forbidden devices to exemption because you will learn later on that other than
the provisions in the tax code which subject a person or
lessen or defeat taxes activity to tax, there are also what we call exempting
Scheme used outside Tax saving device provisions. These exempting provisions enumerate
of those lawful means within the means transactions which are not covered in that
sanctioned by law particular provision. We have to understand the nature
or rationale of tax exemption. When we talk of tax
exemption, this is actually pursuant to a theory that the
EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION grant of tax exemption will benefit the body of the people
It is an immunity or privilege; it is freedom from a financial based on the idea of lessening the burden of individual
charge or burden to which others are subjected, owners and property.
Nature of tax exemption Again, the inherent power to tax comes with it the
A. Personal privilege inherent power to grant tax exemption. So if it is the
B. Generally revocable; Exemption legislature who has the power to impose or levy tax, it
C. Waiver on the part of the government follows that it is also the legislature who can grant tax
D. Not necessarily discriminatory exemption through the passage of tax laws.
Nature of the power to grant tax exemption: As what we’ve discussed, it usually requires an absolute
Exemption is allowed only if there is a clear provision majority vote of the members of Congress. In relation to
there for. that, since municipal corporations or LGU’s do not have
the inherent power to tax, it does not also have the
Exemptions are not presumed, but when public property inherent power to grant tax exemption. However, if the
is involved, exemption is the rule and taxation is the power to impose a particular tax is granted, then they can
exemption. also grant exemption pertaining only to that particular tax
unless forbidden by the Constitution or by the law.
CONSTRUCTION & INTERPRETATION OF TAX This becomes more apparent when we discussed local
LAWS taxes. If the LGu is empowered to collect local business
tax say for example, the LGU through the Sangguniang
This is the last video lecture series for the general may passed also ordinance specifying who are exempted
principles of taxation. Just take note, right after this video therefrom or specifying nga isuspend usa ang collection
lecture series, I’ve also uploaded preliminary notes on esp when there is national calamities.
income taxation in the next module. Right after viewing
this, you may already proceed to reading assignments for But st ill the power to grant exemption pertains lang to
the module on overview of income taxation. We will be the tax delegated with in a very limited capacity.
having a quick overview discussion on the definition of net
income and what is meant on schedular rates before we So what are the grounds for exempting tax
focus on income taxation on individuals and income exemptions?
taxation on corporate taxpayers. 1. may be based on contract or agreement (so mao
to atong discussion on non-impairment of
To continue with our discussion, so far we’ve discussed
the indirect constitutional limitations, we’ve also discussed obligation in contracts clause especially the

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 75
government enters into a contract in a private an issuance granting tax exemptions if they will return the
capacity with valuable consideration.) in this case ill-gotten wealth.
the public which is represented by the The Supreme Court held that tha PCGG being a mere
commission under the Executive Department does not
government is supposed to receive a full
have the power to grant tax exemption. We have to refer
equivalent therefore i.e charter of a corporation. to the direct Constitutional limitation on the power of
(in that charter of corporation, there is a taxation. PCGG has absolutely no power to grant tax
corresponding provision that will have to be exemptions, even under the cover of its authority
remitted or invested. _) to compromise ill-gotten wealth cases. The grant
2. Ofc tax exemptions are based on the ground of of tax exemptions is the exclusive prerogative of
public policy i.e to encourage new the Congress. Neither can Congress itself grant tax
exemptions in the case at bar because it will
industries or foster charitable institutions.
violate the equal protection clause of the
This is very apparent on our need for foreign Constitution.
investments say for example is granting
incentives and part of this incentives are grants In short, what makes Marcoses different from other public
of tax exemptions or if the government wants to officials who may be guilty of graft and corruption, who
encourage a particular industry nga dili makaya may have ill-gotten wealth cases. Ultimately, the attempt
to grant tax exemptions in this case was struck down by
ug finance ni government entirely like an
the Supreme Court.
educational institution or school, or proliferation
of hospitals, for medical needs of the people, so Continuation (exemption from taxation)
one way of encouraging so that private person or
entities will engage in this type of business is to As to basis:
grant certain exemptions or certain incentives. Constitutional: Immunities from taxation which
3. It may also be based on ground of reciprocity or originate from constitution
Statutory: Those which emanate from legislation.
to lessen the rigors of international double or
multiple taxation. Which is why foreign countries In the De Lasalle case, the constitutional
usually enters into treaties’ with the Phils so if exemption is far superior than the statutory
they have resident citizens nila ngadto, mu earn exemption. If there is a similar provision in the statute
ug income dire sa Pilipinas, which could not be a but a mere reiteration of an already given exemption in
regular income (one time income lang or the Constitution, then it is not intended to expand or add
isolated), there could be cases where it is additional conditions if its not provided under the
Constitution, unless the constitution itself has been
exempted from income taxation for the simple
path that there is a treaty to it pursuant to the
reciprocity of that and it is vice versa. But if the tax exemption is provided in statute or law, in
As what we have discussed before pursuant to the grant can be very well amended, very well be expanded or
of tax exemption, it is necessary that there has to be pure taken off or withdrawn by Congress by the passage of
provision thereof and it is necessary that the tax payer amendatory law.
wanting to avail of the exemption must prove that it
qualifies to such. That’s what we call to Double Nexus Contractual: i.e. government bonds and debentures.
Chavez vs PCGG As to form.:
PCGG has absolutely no power to grant tax exemptions, Express: Expressly granted by organic or statute law
even under the cover of its authority to compromise ill- Implied: When particular persons, properties or excises
gotten wealth cases. The grant of tax exemptions is the are deemed exempt as they fall outside the scope of the
exclusive prerogative of the congress. taxing provision itself. Kaning implied exemption is
common to the delegated powers to collect tax by the
Neither can congress itself grant tax exemptions in the LGU, kay diba na enumerate naman didto kinsa or unsa
case at bar because it will violate the equal protection subject to tax by the LGU. So it follows that those entities
clause of the constitution. not specified in the Local Government Code, need not to
In one old case involving Chavez vs PCGG, during tax by the LGU unless there is the so-called fallback
this time, the PCGG was authorized to enter into a provision.
compromise Agreement with the Marcoses’ in
order to recover the ill gotten wealth, PCGG issued

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 76
And they under a similar character of the previously Because public property this is own by the government so
enumerated entities, persons or activities being subject to mao nang dili ka kinahanglan mag interpret strictly, why?
tax. Because one of the inherent limitations to the power of
taxation is the exemption of the government from
Being an implied exemption, not much on national taxation. All we need to do is to determine whether the
taxation. For national taxation, insofar as BIR Ruling is owner of the property legal as well as the beneficial owner
concerned in the grant of tax exemption, the BIR really thereof there is government agency or government
looks at an express provision of the statute or of the instrumentality.
Constitution before granting exemption, whether it be 4. In cases of exemptions granted to religious,
from income taxation or business taxation. charitable and educational institutions or their
As to extent: Ngano man? Because their exception is provided under
Total: Connotes absolutely immunity the constitution
Partial: One where a collection of a part of the tax is 5. Exemptions in favor of the government, its
dispensed with. political subdivisions or instrumentalities;
Inherent limitations
As to Object: 6. If there is express mention or if the taxpayer falls
Personal: Granted directly in favor of certain persons within the purview by clear legislative intent.
Impersonal: granted directly in favor of a certain class Again, to continue these are the exceptions to application
of property of strictissimi Juris in interpreting vague provisions
Examples: this may arise through pardon by the granting tax exemptions
government, reciprocity between states, contractual
agreement or mere generosity. CONSTRUCTION OF TAX EXEMPTION STATUES
In the construction of tax statutes, exemptions are not
EXAMPLE: pardon by the govt or amnesty. Amnesty is of favored and are construed stictissimi juris against
the same nature with exemption but technically, they are the taxpayer.
Here, gi name gyod ka sa law it is stated that you’re Taxation is the rule; Exemption is the exception.
subject lang. Like in your charter, like PEZA Agreement, if
you qualify for income tax holiday, you will receive a If provision is clear, then construct based on what is
certification from PEZA that you’re exempted from provided by the letter. If vague, construed strictly against
payment of taxes for 4yrs or 6 yrs, as the case may be. the taxpayer because exemptions are not favored.
Same thing also with BOI (Board of Investments)
registration. If you register, there is also a direct grant of He who claims exemption must be able to justify his claim
exemption after much evaluation by the Investment or right thereto by a grant express in terms “too plain
Promotions Agency. to be mistaken and too categorical to be
misinterpreted”. If not expressly mentioned in the law,
Impersonal: granted directly in favor of a certain class it must be at least within its purview by clear legislative
of property. intent.
So long as you belong to that class, you can ask for a
certificate of exemption. Point is, exceptions to application of Strictissimi Juris in
EXAMPLE: Non-stock, non-profit educational institution. interpreting vague provisions granting tax exemptions
That’s impersonal becof the nature or the class. So, if USC
wants to be exempted, it will essentially prove that it’s Restrictions on Revocation of Tax Exemption
organized as non-stock, non-profit educational institution
and none of its income goes to the benefit of private 1. Not violative of the non-impairment clause – if
persons/entities. grant is with material considerations.

EXEMPTIONS TO APPLICATION OF STRICTISSIMI 2. Adherence to form -– if exemption is granted by

JURIS constitution.
1. When the statue granting exemption provides for
liberal interpretation thereof; 3. Where the tax exemption grant is in the form of
Especially the grant of power since the power of taxation a special law and not by a general law even if the
is to raise revenue. terms of the general act are broad enough to
2. Special taxes relating to special cases and include the intent to repeal or alter the special law,
affecting only special classes of persons; then the special law will prevail.
3. If exemptions refer to public property;

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 77
TAX EXEMPTION AND TAX AMNESTY, tendency is that taxpayers will not just comply while
DISTINGUISHED. waiting for the amnesty. Mo ingon na dayon "Aw, mag
They are of the same nature in the sense that there is no amnesty bitaw. Okay ra ni. Di lang sah ta mobayad karon
tax collection that will happen. But technically, they are nga year nya avail na lang ta's amnesty later on." That's
different because in exemption, you did not commit any what the government would not want to happen. That's
violation yet precisely because that particular transaction what the DOF would not want to happen. Mao na as much
is exempted. Amnesty, on the other hand presupposes as possible, amnesties are not given on a regular
that you already had a violation in any of the provisions basis. It is given if there is really an apparent need
of the tax code. to give that amnesty. Do you follow? Like kung kulang
na gyud ang budget sa government.
Tax amnesty, technically, is a general pardon or By the way, when we talk of amnesty also, who usually
intentional overlooking by the state of its authority to grants the amnesty?
impose penalties on persons otherwise guilty of evasion
or violation of a revenue or tax law. If the exemption is
Of course class it's the legislator. The legislature can pass
more of public policy to minimize the burden of taxation,
a law.
the purpose of tax amnesty is to ramp up (?) the collection
or to at least raise the collection of the government
because in tax amnesty, what usually happens there is Pero pwede ba sad si DOF or si BIR?
there is what we call am amnesty rate or there is an The answer is yes. And that's what we call Administrative
amount that the tax payer who wants to avail of the Amnesty. Although that's an informal term. Ang term ana
amnesty must pay without need of any audit, ni BIR is Voluntary Assessment and Payment. I don't
examination, or assessment coming from the BIR. know if you've heard that. Siguro ang mga CPAs nato
nganhi you've heard that one.
Partakes of an absolute forgiveness or waiver of the
government of its right to collect. The government passed a VAT and it's even extended late
last year (2020) - Voluntary Assessment and Payment
It is granted particularly to tax evaders who wish to relent Program applying to potential tax violations in 2018. It's
and are willing to reform, thus giving them chance to do in the nature of pardon (administrative pardon). In a
so and thereby become a part of the new society with a sense that the BIR will not anymore audit you for year
clean slate. And usually this tax amnesty is being done 2018 if you are able to successfully avail and pay the
also if new tax rules or tax rates are bring passed by minimum settlement rate under the voluntary assessment
congress or implemented by the government for them not and payment program.
to be confused in applying or conducting an assessment
or audit using the old rate or conducting an assessment So again, the VAT, it's more of like administrative
using the new rate—that would be too confusing. amnesty. So in that sense, same purpose: with tax
payers availing of the VAT and paying the
Example to tax amnesty: minimum rates there (availment rate), it would
add additional source of revenue with the BIR. If
Amnesty on delinquency or estate tax amnesty that was you've been hearing the news, BIR was very happy
passed by Congress when TRAIN law was passed. Why because for year 2020, despite the pandemic, they were
did they see the need for that? Because rate for estate able to exceed their target (115%). And they were saying
tax for example was reduced to 6%, previous years, 2017 this is the highest so far from the late 2000 as compared.
prior—schedular. So it would be useless if they will make What could have triggered that? To think diba last year
it prospective, the application of 6%. Lain man sad if i- pandemic, wala'y income. What do you think is the reason
retroact nila ang 6%. So there was a separate law that why they were able to reach the target? Because they
was passed and that is known as the estate tax amnesty. instituted effectively the Voluntary Assessment and
Same, amnesty on delinquencies but it doesn't mean to Payment Program.
say nga wala'y bayaran or wala'y minimum amount nga i-
remit si taxpayer to the government. Still, there is a rate So, there were many taxpayers. What happened last year
(an applicable rate), there is a minimum amount that the was that the BIR issued so many tax assessments or
government will have to collect from the taxpayer. In a conducted audits, not full audits, but conducted through
way, mura na siya ug mo pump ug additional revenue to their relief system generated audits for potential violations
the government. That’s the good side if the government by taxpayers for the year 2018. So prior to the release of
passes an amnesty. The bad side is mag anad si tax payer the Voluntary Assessment and Payment Program, it is
and that's what legislators have to take into consideration almost everyday that BIR released Letter of Authority
actually. Because if the government grants amnesty say (LOA) for year 2018, and the others are assessment for
for example every two years or every three years,

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 78
the year 2018. In the third quarter of 2020, the Voluntary So when we say remission of condonation, meaning you
Assessment and Payment Program was released for 2018. still have a payable...
When we say remission or condonation, meaning naa
So if a taxpayer receives assessment of 20 million for gihapon kay payable. Naa kay payable pero gi condone sa
potential tax violation for 2018, the taxpayer needs to government, gi forgive sa government.
simulate or avoidance, where you can save more. Despite
the initial 20 million assessment, this 20 million may still Restrictions on Revocation of Tax Exemption
be legally argued. But the taxpayer does not want to go
to the hassle of analyzing each and every transactions. If 1. Not violative of the non-impairment clause – if
the taxpayer has the money, per VAT computation based grant is with material considerations.
on the minimum amount, the taxpayer will just pay 10
million, then the taxpayer will just settle for the 10 million 2. Adherence to form -– if exemption is granted by
legally and that is over the table, no under the table. So constitution.
that’s what happened. Some, they just even received LOA
and by the mere fact that they received LOA, it is like the 3. Where the tax exemption grant is in the form of
BIR saying that they will examine you for this year. So a special law and not by a general law even if the
you as taxpayer will always recall the things you did not terms of the general act are broad enough to
follow for the year 2018. The taxpayer will have a hard include the intent to repeal or alter the special law,
time. So here we have the Voluntary Assessment and then the special law will prevail.
Payment Program promising that if a taxpayer settles
without fraud, just simple negligence or mistake, the BIR Ang exception, wa pakay violation, wa pa kay payable dili
will issue a tax certificate and they will no longer audit the itax kana nga transaction or dili ka itax sa subentity. Ang
taxpayer. So the BIR increased the collection. And that is amnesty, ang tendency, naa nakay potential violation
in the nature of amnesty basically. But, it is not pero gi hatagan ka ug pardon gipasaylo ka. This is given
necessarily tax that was pardoned in VAT. It is more on to a particular class, this is not given specifically to a tax
the BIR promising that the taxpayer will not be subject to payer.
an audit because if a taxpayer is audited, there will be a
fine tax. Juan Luna Subd. V. Sarmiento, 91 Phil 370
The word “remit” means to desist or refrain from
Republic vs IAC exacting, inflicting or enforcing something as well as to
A general pardon or international overlooking by the restore what has already been taken. The remission of
State of its authority to impose penalties on perons taxes due and payable to the exclusion of taxes already
otherwise guilty of evasion or violation of a revenue or collected does not constitute unfair discrimination.
tax law. Such a set of taxes is a class by itself and the law would
Partakes of an absolute forgiveness or waiver of the be open to attack as class legislation only if all
government of its right to collect. taxpayers belonging to one class were not treated
It is granted particularly to tax evaders who wish to alike.
relent and are willing to reform, thus giving them a [Surigao Consolidated Mining v. Commissioner
chance to do so and thereby become a part of the new of Internal Revenue, 9 SCRA 728]
society with a clean slate. The condonation of a tax liability is equivalent to and is
in the nature of a tax exemption. Thus, it should be
TAX REMISSION or TAX CONDONATION sustained only when expressly provided in the law.
The word “remit” means to desist or refrain from exacting,
inflicting or enforcing something as well as to restore what Juan Luna Subdivision, Inc. v Sarmiento GR No.
has already been taken. The remission of taxes due and L-3538, May 28, 1952
payable to the exclusion of taxes already collected does FACTS:
not constitute unfair discrimination. Such a set of taxes is Plaintiff issued to the City Treasurer of Manila checks
a class by itself and the law would be open to attack as amounting for P2,210.52 drawn upon the Philippine
class legislation only if all taxpayers belonging to one class Trust Company.
were not treated alike. (Juan Luna Subd. v. Sarmiento) This check was to be applied to plaintiff’s land tax, the
exact amount of which was yet undetermined. The City
The condonation of a tax liability is equivalent to and is in after liberation from Japanese to refund the plaintiff’s
the nature of a tax exemption. Thus, it should be deposit or apply it to such future taxes as might be
sustained only when expressly provided in the law. found due. Plaintiff, however, claims that the whole
(Surigao Consolidated Mining v. Commissioner of Internal amount of the check contending that taxes during
Revenue). period have been remitted by Commonwealth Act No.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 79
Does CA 703 cover taxes paid before its enactment as of the amount of P18,107.87. On October 19, 1946,
the plaintiff maintains and the courts below held, or another statement of adjustment was filed reducing the
does it refer, as the City Treasurer believes, only to claim for refund to P17,158.01. Finally, on
taxes which were still unpaid?
RULING: March 15, 1947, a third statement of adjustment was
The law is clear that it applies to “taxes and penalties submitted further reducing the claim for refund to the
due and payable”, i.e. taxes owed and owing. The amount of P17,051.14.
remission of taxes due and payable to the exclusion of the Collector of Internal Revenue denied the request
taxes already collected does not constitute unfair for the refund of the said P17,051.14 on the ground
discrimination. The taxpayers who paid their taxes that the money already paid as ad valorem tax was
before liberation and those who had not were not on legally due to the Government.
the same footing on the need of material relief.
Taxpayers who had been in arrears in their obligation Petitioner argues that since the law condones the taxes
would have to satisfy their liability with genuine due from taxpayers who failed to pay their taxes, it
currency, while the taxes paid during the occupation would be unfair to deny this benefit to those taxpayers
had been satisfied in Japanese War Notes, many of who had been prompt in paying theirs.
them at a time when those notes were well-nigh Under the second item, petitioner seeks to recover the
worthless. To refund those taxes with restored amount of P15,609.73 representing the ad valorem tax
currency would unduly enrich many of the payers at a paid on minerals extracted from its mines but alleged
greater expense to the people at large. to have been looted during the enemy occupation

Surigao Consolidated Mining v Commissioner of Issues:

Internal Revenue Whether or not Surigao Consolidated, petitioner herein,
Facts: is entitled to the refund of ad valorem tax in the total
before the outbreak of World War II, the Surigao amount of P17,051.14
Consolidated Mining Company... a domestic
corporation which then had its principal office in the Ruling:
city of Iloilo, was operating its mining" concessions in The argument merits careful consideration. At first it
Mainit, Surigao. would seem to be sound and logical. But the
Due to the interruption of communications at the aforequoted section clearly refers to the condonation
outbreak of the war, the principal office of Surigao of unpaid taxes only.
Consolidated lost contact with its mines and never Going over the record, We find no reason to disturb the
received the production reports for the fourth quarter above findings of the Court of Tax Appeals, there being
of 1941. In order to avoid incurring any tax penalty, no showing that they are not substantiated by the
said company, on January 19, 1942 deposited a check evidence. With this observation, it would be useless
in the amount of P27,000.00 payable to and "indorsed ceremony to delve into the issue of whether ad...
in favor of the City Treasurer (of Iloilo) in payment of valorem should be or should not be paid on minerals
the ad valorem taxes (approximate adjustment to be extracted from the mines but not removed therefrom.
made when... circumstances allow it) for the fourth
quarter of 1941." In this case, petitioner failed to show that the amount
of taxes sought to be refunded have been erroneously
After the termination of the war, Commonwealth Act, collected.
No. 722 was enacted, which provided for the filing of
returns for minerals removed during the last quarter of Principles:
1941 up to December 31, 1945 and the payment of ad The condonation of a tax liability is equivalent and is in
valorem tax on said minerals to February 28, 1946. the nature of a tax exemption. Being so, it should be
sustained only when expressed in explicit terms, and it
Availing of the provisions of the aforementioned Act, cannot be extended beyond the plain meaning of those
the Surigao Consolidated, on December 28, 1945, filed terms. It is the universal rule that he who claims an
its ad valorem tax returns for the fourth quarter of exemption from his share of the common burden of
1941, declaring as its tax liability the amount of taxation must justify his claim by showing that the
P43.486.54. Applying the... amount of P27,0O0.0O Legislature intended to exempt him by words too plain
previously deposited with the City Treasurer of Iloilo, to be... mistaken.
the returns indicated an unpaid balance of P16.486.54
as the "tax subject to revision." It is a settled doctrine that in a suit for the recovery of
the payment of taxes or any portion thereof as having
In the accompanying letter, a request was made, this been illegally or erroneously collected, the burden is
time not only for the reduction of tax, but for the refund upon the taxpayer to establish the facts which show

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 80
the illegality of the tax or that the... determination
Tax Condonation or remission, this is more taxpayers [G.R. No. 175772. June 5, 2017.]
specific which is why there is still application here but the (This case coined the term “Tax Assumption”.)
one who can condone or remit the tax is the Overview of the case:
Commissioner of the Internal Revenue or the CIR. Usually The President entered into an executive agreement
the condonation or remission, this is a last resort or with the Prime Minister of Japan wherein Japan
remedy of the taxpayer if all else fail and you ask the help promised to send Japanese engineers to the Philippines
of the CIR to condone this amount perhaps because you in order to construct a power plant. Pursuant to that
cannot afford to pay it and for whatsoever reason. agreement to encourage Japan to construct the power
plant in the Philippines, the executive department
Ang kuyog sa condonation of taxes is compromise. Ang promised that it will assume whatever tax liability the
kalahian sad nila is kung moingon ta compromise, naay power plant engineers will incur for the services that
minimum compromise trait. Ang utang nimo one million they render here in the Philippines.
(1M), mo compromise ka, ang bayaran lang nimo 40% or
10% kay nagkalisod ka. Ang condonation on the other However, the document evidencing such is just a mere
hand, this is usually applied to surcharges as well as executive agreement NOT a law. Eventually, Mitsubishi
penalties nga I-condone ni BIR, I-condone ni regional was the one paying for the tax liabilities of the
director. Japanese engineers. Upon noticing the executive
TAX AMNESTY vs TAX EXEMPTION agreement, Mitsubishi filed for a refund which was
Is an immunity from all Is an immunity from the
criminal and civil civil liability only. BIR’s reason is that this is a case of tax exemption
obligations arising from because payment of tax is not required from the
non-payment of taxes. income earned within the Philippines by the Japanese
engineers. And because this is an exemption, this can
It is a general pardon only be granted by congress, even if there is an
given to all taxpayers to executive agreement, there has to be a concurrence by
cover a particular taxing at least ⅔ vote of the members of congress. The
period or transaction. provision is invalid for it is in want of ratification of
congress. Thus, Mitsubishi cannot ask for a refund
The amnesty referred to here is the tax amnesty issued pursuant to the agreement.
by the tax imposing authority which is legislature. Do not
complicate this with VAP because VAP or Voluntary Mitsubishi appealed to the CTA. And eventually, the
Assessment and Payment it’s just of the same nature as case reached the Supreme Court.
an administrative amnesty. It has nothing to do with
criminal or civil obligations, it’s more of the conduct of RULING: Yes, such agreement is in the nature of a tax
audit or examination. exemption BUT it is not strictly a grant of exemption.
Thus, the japanese engineers are still liable for taxes
WHAT IS TAX ASSUMPTION? for the services they have rendered in the Philippines
The case of Mitsubishi corp – manila branch vs BUT it will be assumed by a particular department or
CIR, GR 175772, June 5, 2017 agency.
In reply, please be informed that the aforequoted
On tax exemption, why civil liability lang? Pwede man gud provisions of Notes-NAIA and Notes-Calaca are not grants
na mabaylo ninyo, ang hinumdoman ninyo sa exemption, of direct tax exemption privilege to Japanese firms,
wala pa kay violation to speak of. So wala pay criminal Mitsubishi in this case, and Japanese nationals operating as
penalty supposedly mao na nga immunity ra siya from suppliers, contractors or consultants involved in either of
civil liability. If you are immune from civil liability, it the two projects because the said provisions state that it is
follows nga wala sad kay criminal obligation. the Government of the Republic of the Philippines that is
obligated to pay whatever fiscal levies or taxes they may
Amnesty presupposes na you already have a violation. If be liable to. Thus, there is no tax exemption to speak of
you have violated a provision of a tax code, automatic because the said taxes shall be assumed by the Philippine
that would be considered as a criminal offense. Government; hence, the said provision is not violative of the
Constitutional prohibition against the grants of tax
TAKE NOTE: If you violated any provision of the tax exemption without the concurrence of the majority of the
code, that is automatically considered a criminal offense. members of Congress.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 81
● these are the allowable deduction outlaws that
Tax Assumption - a particular division,
department, or agency of the can be used as a reduction to your gross income
national government in order to your taxable or net income which will
promised to shoulder the be multiplied to tax rate.
applicable taxes to a
particular governmental Nature of Internal Revenue Law
project What’s the nature of internal revenue law?
I. ● Not political in Nature
Tax Exemption - usually granted by congress ○ Internal revenue laws are not political in
pursuant to its power to levy
nature. They are deemed to be laws of
or impose tax
Tax Amnesty the occupied territory and not of the
occupying enemy. Thus, our tax laws
Tax Deduction continued in force during the Japanese

TAX ASSUMPTION “It is well known that out internal revenue laws are not
TAX EXEMTPION political in nature and, as such, continued in force
TAX AMNESTY during the period of enemy occupation and in effect were
TAX DEDUCTION actually enforced by the occupation government. Income
tax returns that were filed during that period and income
TAX ASSUMPTION tax payments made were considered valid and legal.
● particular division, department, agency, Such tax are deemed to be the laws of the occupied
international government promised to shoulder territory and not of the occupying enemy.” (Hilado v.
the applicable taxes to a particular governmental Collector, 100 Phil. 288)
● Civil not penal in nature
○ Tax laws are civil and not penal in nature,
The other three is granted by congress in its power to levy
and impose tax (2/3 votes). although there are penalties provided for
their violation.
The Supreme Court held in the case of Mitsubishi Corp. The purpose of tax laws in imposing penalties for
Manila Branch v. Commission of Internal Revenue, G.R. delinquencies is to compel the timely payment of taxes or
No. 175772, June 5, 2017, This is not a technical case of to punish evasion or neglect of duty in respect thereof.
tax exemption, rather as expressly provided in the
agreement it is a tax assumption- meaning to say the Republic v. Oasan, 99 Phil 934: The war profits tax is not
Japanese engineers will be made liable for the subject to the Prohibition on ex post facto laws as the
taxes and services rendered here in the agency, it is latter applied only to criminal or penal matters. Tax laws
the agency who will pay for it. Computan gihapon sila are civil in nature.
pero dili sila ang pabayron out of that agreement and that
is a case of tax assumption, and since its tax When the Japanese went out of the country gibalikan siya
assumption there is tax collected, the government sa collector, gipaninglan siya. The collector will say Mickey
just promised to pay for it, then there is no more Mouse money (the term they use during the Japanese
need for ratification or approval of congress. It not occupation because deemed worthless). So collector said,
need be pursuant to a law, what is required in the invalid man to, Mickey Mouse money man to ang gibayad,
constitution is grant of exemption not tax assumption. naa kay payment pero kay under Japanese occupation
man ta. The petitioner on the other hand saying ni
Difference: continue man ang tax laws nato, etc. That’s when the
Tax assumption Supreme Court in this case discussed that our internal
● there is still tax liability but the other contracting revenue law is not political in nature.
party obliges itself to pay for and settle that tax *continuation*
payable by the income earner NATURE, CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION OF
Exemption exclusion
● immunity from taxation (idk asa ang no. I haha)
II. Civil not penal in nature
Tax laws are civil and not penal in nature, although there
● pardoning both civil as well as criminal liability
are penalties provided for their violation.
presuming you already have a violation.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 82
The purpose of tax laws in imposing penalties for But that is different when it comes to exemption.
occupying enemy. delinquencies is to compel the timely
payment of taxes or to punish evasion or neglect of duty 4. Provisions granting tax exemptions
in respect Thus, our tax laws continued in force during Such provisions are construed strictly against the taxpayer
the Japanese thereof. claiming tax exemption.
5. Where language is plain – rule on strict
Republic vs Oasan, 99 phil 934: The war profits tax is construction against the government does not
not subject to the prohibition on ex post facto laws as the apply.
latter applies only to criminal or penal matters. Tax laws 6. Public Purpose is always presumed.
are civil in nature. 7. Provisions of the tax act are not to be
extended by implication.
It is also not penal in nature but it is civil nature. 8. Tax laws are special laws and prevail over
Although there are corresponding criminal general laws.
penalties provided for every violation. The purpose Again ang gi discuss nato ganiha, if there is an
of tax law imposing penalties is for delinquencies to ambiguity in laws granting an exemption it will
compel the timely payment of the taxes. But it’s not a have to be construed strictly against the taxpayer
primary purpose. Unlike sa penal when you commit a and liberally in favor of the government.
violation, automatic penalty. For taxation again, the
primary purpose is not to regulate, but to raise the Where the language is plain the rule on strict
revenue. Therefore, not being penal in nature or construction against the government does not
criminal in nature it’s not covered under the apply.
prohibition of ex post facto laws under the
constitution as it only applies to criminal or penal Public Purpose is always presumed. Mao na if you
matters, not tax laws which are civil in nature. are a taxpayer questioning the purpose of the exercise of
the power of taxation you have to present proof that it is
How do we construe tax law especially when there is not for public purpose.
Provisions of the tax act are not to be extended by
1. Tax laws are generally prospective in
operation Tax laws are special laws and prevail over general
2. Rule when legislative intent is clear laws. For example although it is civil in nature but this is
Tax statutes are to receive a reasonable construction with a special law for the exercise of the power of taxation so
a view to carrying out their purpose and intent. it prevails over the Civil Code on matters of taxation
3. Rule when there is doubt
In every case of doubt, in tax statutes imposing payment APPLICATION OF TAX LAWS
of tax, it shall be construed strictly against the General rule: Tax laws are prospective in operation
government and Liberally in favor of the taxpayer. Taxes, because the nature and amount of the tax could not be
being burdens, are not to be presumed beyond what the foreseen and understood by the taxpayer at the time the
statute expressly and clearly declares. transactions which the law seeks to tax was completed.
Of course as a rule we construe it to the letters, if clear
siya. And we construe that prospectively unless there is EXCEPTION: While it is not favored, a statute may
an express provision in the law that it will retroact. By the nevertheless operate retroactively provided it is
way, talking about create bill, PhilStar article just came expressly declared or is clearly the legislative intent.
out today, Feb. 1, it stated that the bicameral committee But a tax law should not be given retroactive application
is already finalized and is already ready for signing. So when it would be harsh and oppressive.
mao na nga medyo okay rasad nga na delay ta so that
hopefully before the end of our modular schedule that EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: A tax law should not
create bill becomes a law so I can update my presentation be given retroactive application when it would be so harsh
and my presentation will be based on the law itself. Again, and oppressive, for in such case, the constitutional
when the intent is clear, construe based on its purpose limitation of due process would be violated.
and intent. When there is doubt however, tax
statutes imposing payment of tax shall be MANDATORY & DIRECTORY PROVISIONS OF TAX
construed strictly against the government and LAWS
liberally in favor of the taxpayer. Because taxes
being a burden are not presumed beyond what the Directory Provisions are those designed merely for the
statute expressly and clearly provides. information or direction of office or to secure methodical
and systematic modes of proceedings.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 83
Effectivity date for enforcement of the new issuance shall
Mandatory Provisions are those intended for the take place 30 days from the date the issuance has been
security of the citizens or which are designed to ensure sent to the above-enumerated organizations.
equality of taxation or certainty as to the nature and
amount of each person’s tax. Who promulgates the implementing rulings again?
It is the secretary of finance it is not the commissioner of
The omission to follow mandatory provisions renders the revenue.
invalid the act or proceeding to which it relates while the
omission to follow directory provisions does not involve The power of the commissioner internal revenue is to
such consequence. [Roxas vs Rafferty, 37 Phil 958] make rulings or opinions of the provisions of internal
revenue rules. I think I mention this with you the exercise.
Roxas v. Rafferty, 37 Phil 958. Usually it is the DOF who will oversee the fiscal situation
The omission to follow mandatory provisions renders of the country.
invalid the act or proceeding to which it relates while
the omission to follow directory provisions does not DOF=>SUPERVISES=>BIR
involve such consequence. Headed by the commissioner of internal revenue, so if
You will know if the provision is directory or mandatory naay manguhit sa legislators nato you know its time to
based on the issuances of the BIR. If it is mandatory, the pass a new tax law or to amend an existing tax law. It’s
BIR usually includes it in a revenue regulation that it will the DOF who knows best. BIR siya ang naga field work,
issue to implement that tax law. Directory provisions may siya ang naa sa field nangulecta, mu report rana siya ni
be disregarded in a revenue regulation, it may be issued DOF.
pursuant to circulars but nevertheless, it does not involve
any consequence. Who is in the best position then to issue the
implementing rules and regulation?
AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF FINANCE TO It is the DOF okay which is why revenue regulations and
PROMULGATE RULES AND REGULATIONS tawag ana diba IRR man na usually sa other special laws.
The Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Ang tawag sa tax revenue regulation or RR. Don’t be
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, shall promulgate confuse naa sad laen RR revenue ruling. Ang kani ruling
needful rules and regulations for the effective mao ni ang gi issue ni CIR. Revenue regulations mao ni
enforcement of the provisions of the NIRC. ang signan ni secretary of finance ang the power of the
commissioner there is just recommendatory.
This is without prejudice to the power of the Recommending power lang si commissioner of internal
Commissioner of Internal Revenue to make rulings or revenue. We have more discussion on this in tax 2 when
opinions in connection with the implementation of the we will discuss the administrative rules when it comes to
provisions of internal revenue laws, including rulings on the exercise of the power of taxation.
the classification of articles for sales tax and similar
purposes. So the rules and regulations so the purpose is of
Purpose of rules and regulations To enforce and execute the law
1. To properly enforce and execute the laws To clarify and explain the law
2. To clarify and explain the law To carry into effect general provisions of the law by
3. To carry into effect the law’s general provisions providing details of administration and procedure.
by providing details of administration and
procedure. Ahm, again, same as other implementing rules and
Requisites for validity and effectivity of It must be reasonable
regulations Within the authority
1. Must be reasonable Not contrary to the law ang constitution
2. Within the authority conferred Ofcourse there has to have publication thereof.
3. They must not be contrary to law and constitution
4. They must be published in the official Gazette or The usual rule:
a newspaper of general circulation. it must not expand,
it must not add new condition
The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall issue a press release it must not existing thereto.
covering the highlights and features of the tax issuance in
any newspaper of general circulation. So mao na nga very imporrtant ang secretary of finance
to have a good coordination with the commissioner of
internal revenue. Because kung ang commission of

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 84
internal revenue class mu act as secretary of finance. Although dated January 26, gi release kani nga RMC
Tendency of the commissioner of internal revenue kai January 28 sa gabie, you can just imagine many of our
diba dili man siya ka issue ug revenue regulation. Ang colligues nag cram and some of our clients nag cram na
tendency kung medyu hinay ang secretary of finance ang then pagkabuntag gi extend ra diay so murag kanang
nimu ug medyu ug medyu active mangulikta ang nag cram naka ug tuon tapos ready na unta kaayu ka
commissioner nimu. Magsige ni siya issue ug circular unya gi extend unya gi suspend. Ing ana ang feeling bitaw
which is tantamount to a revenue regulation which could nga dika kasabot. Kung malipay baka or maguol ka. So
tend to expand the coverage of the tax law and that is that’s the latest. So I think naay karun na.
So this is ang example of BIR ruling or BIR opinion class
What happen during the time of commissioner, so I’m not ahm.
saying ha nga dili active ang secretary of finance at that
time. But during the time of Commissioner Henares, she ADMINISTRATIVE RULINGS
was very aggressive in raising the revenue. There were
several circulars issued by commissioner Henares which BIR RULINGS
is good to be fare which makes sense. However, not Power of the Secretary of Finance to Revoke the Rulings
within the ambit of revenue regulation and not within the of his predecessor.
ambit of tax laws mao to nga gi invalidate. Okay, mao na
nga nanggawas ang De la Salle case, nanggawas ang mga The Secretary of Finance as well as the CIR may revoke,
fresh metro case, we should gave credit to that to repeal or abrogate the acts or previous rulings of his
commissioner Henares. Finally it settles down the big predecessors in office because the construction of the
questions before nga that will became a source of statue by those administering it is not binding in their
corruption. I tell you. For the simple reason that the BIR successors if, thereafter, such successors are satisfied
and the BOF failed to issue appropriate regulation. But that a different construction of the law should be given.
now, medyu nindut ang mga jurisprudences pertaining to
that. Okay. BIR rulings:
Administrative rulings, known as BIR rulings, are less
general interpretation of tax laws being issued from time
to time by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. They
are usually rendered on request of taxpayers to clarify
certain provisions of a tax law. These rulings may be
revoked by the Secretary of Finance if the latter finds
them not in accordance with the law.

It is issued by the BIR, by the commissioner. These rulings

however, may be revoked by the Secretary of Finance, if
the latter do not find them in accordance with the law.
The BIR ruling does not involve assessments or
Of course you have the revenue regulation which is
computations of tax liability, these usually involve gray
issued by the Secretary of Finance, you also have revenue
areas in tax laws and you are asking the BIR’s opinion
memorandum orders, revenue memorandum circulars
whether mu agree siya sa position nimo as taxpayer which
kani are RMCs. Of course you have the revenue ruling
is of course, exemption for lower tax rate. Mao man gyud
or sometimes term as BIR ruling kani sila issued by the
na ang purpose nimo for asking for a ruling. If the decision
CIR. The revenue regulation is issued by the Secretary
or the BIR there is quite adversary to you, meaning di siya
of finance.
mu agree sa imoha, that’s when you go to the Secretary
of Finance. Because the Secretary of Finance being the
Revenue Regulations 34-2020 which basically sets the
supervisor of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, has
threshold and the coverage of the requirement to file BIR
the power to revoke the rulings of his predecessor or even
forms 1709 and transfer documentation.
revoke the rulings of the Commissioner of Internal
We have this RMC signed by the commissioner well this
pertains to the excess tax. This is the latest I think. And
So, that is an example, sa BIR website ni nako mis of gi
we have this RMC 17-2021 pertaining to the extension of
kuha. This is an sample of a BIR ruling.
filing BIR form 1604C and 1604F nga daghan ang na high
blood kai imagine ang deadline kai January 31. So ang
uban mu advance na ug himo January 29, 2021 palang
that’s Friday.

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 85
Commissioner v. Court of Appeals, 240 SCRA
The authority of the Minister of Finance, in conjunction
with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to
promulgate rules and regulations for the effective
enforcement of internal revenue rules cannot be
converted. Neither can it be disputed that such rules
and regulations, as well as administrative opinions and
rulings, ordinarily should deserve weight and respect
by the courts. Much more fundamental than either of
the above, however, is that all issuances must not
override, but must remain consistent with the
law they seek to apply and implement.
Administrative rules and regulations are intended to
carry out, neither to supplant nor to modify, the law.
Q: If you go to the regular courts, is it binding?
A: Not necessarily because these are considered
There is a reference number, medyo dugay dugay ni issue administrative agencies. Mao bitaw na naay appellate
ug ruling si BIR kay based on current practice, centralized court. However, even if it is not binding, it is given much
tanan sa head office, sa law and legislative division. There respect because these administrative rules and
was a time that the Regional Directors were empowered regulations are intended to carry out neither to supplant
to issue rulings. However, it became chaotic and nor to modify the law.
problematic, and even a source of corruption. There were
some regional directors who issued rulings contradicting Lahi na sad na issue kung gi apil na nimo and you’re
the rulings of the Commissioner. So, during that time of questioning the expanded coverage of the regulation
Henares nag lagot siya, wa na ang rulings sa regional, gi which is not provided under the law, as well as the
national na tanan, centralized na pero dugay sad kaayo regulation. That’s another story but nevertheless it is not
ma release. So we have cases na 2015 pa na until now binding to the CTA, it is not binding to the SC and to the
pending, or 2012 until now na pending. other regular courts, it is just given weight and respect.

Now, this is an example of a DOF opinion. Which is ADMINISTRATIVE RULINGS AND OPINION
pursuant for a request for a review of BIR ruling. ITAD La Suerte vs CA, 134 SCRA 29
stands for International Tax Affairs Division, that pertains When an administrative agency renders an opinion by
to rulings, pertaining to treatises or international means of a circular or memorandum, it merely
issuances on grants or exemptions or grants of lower interprets existing law and no publication is therefore
rates. necessary for its validity. Construction by an executive
branch of the government of a particular law, although
not binding upon courts, must be given weight as the
construction came from the branch of the government
which is called upon to implement the law.
So, when it comes to these tax laws, since the
construction or the interpretation came from a branch of
the government which is primarily tasked to implement.
When it comes to these tax laws, interpretation and
application, what’s the rule?
- The rule is, it is not retroactive.

Then of course, Administrative Interpretation and the

Courts. This is the interpretation of the BIR, as well as the
interpretation of the DOF, pursuant to these rulings.



TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 86
Appeals). So, take note that under the modified appeal
procedure, the decision of a division of the CTA may be
appealed to the CTA en banc. Then, the decision of the
CTA en banc may in turn be directly appealed to the
Supreme Court only on questions of law because usually
the SC on “questions of fact” will rely on the findings of
the CTA.

So, ang usual path nganha sa appeal nimo is, kung

assessment ang gi hisgotan nato, which means
computations of tax liability, you don’t agree to the
assessment. So, admin ka una, administration with the
BIR, if pildi ka you go to CTA in division, if pildi you go to
CTA en banc, if pildi you go to the SC.

Non-retroactivity of repeal of regulations or Q: How about ruling?

rulings, and its exceptions A: Again, request for rulings does not involve an issue on
Revocation, modification of revenue of any rules and assessments but rather it involves a specific interpretation
regulations promulgated by the Sec. of Finance or CIR of a provision in a tax law that is deemed applicable to
shall not have retroactive effect if it will be prejudicial to you as a taxpayer. So, if the ruling issued by the BIR is
the taxpayer, except: adverse to you, your recourse is not to go to the CTA but
1) where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits to the overseer or the supervisor of the BIR which is the
material facts from his return or in any document Secretary Department of Finance and if still adverse to
required of him by the BIR; you, that’s when you go to the regular courts in
2) where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR questioning the validity of propriety of their
are materially different from the facts on which the interpretations.
ruling is based;
3) where the tax payer acted in bad faith SOURCES OF TAX LAWS
1. Constitution
Meaning, PROSPECTIVE ni siya. Especially if it is 2. Legislation / Statutes - includes PDs, Eos, tax
prejudicial to the taxpayer pero in exceptional cases and ordinances
take note this came also in the BAR. 3. Administrative IRR, ruling or opinions
TAXPAYER DELIBERATELY MISSTATES OR OMITS In legislations/statues we currently have RA 424 amended
MATERIAL FACTS THE RETURN (and of course, kani na by RA 9337 and then RA 10907(*if I am not mistaken) as
return mao ni siya gi consider ni BIR in issuing the ruling) amended by the TRAIN law and eventually ma amend na
OR WHEN THE FACTS SUBSEQUENTLY GATHERED BY sad na by the passage of the create bill into law. Again,
THE BIR ARE MATERIALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE FACTS it’s national revenue code, codified na na and since
ON WHICH THE RULING IS BASED OR WHERE THERE IS composed basically of previous legislations or previous
BAD FAITH.” statutes. Mao na nga di maayo na magbasa lang ka sa
TRAIN law or magbasa lang ka RA 9337 because definitely
In short, ang purpose nimo of asking the ruling is para you will miss certain provisions thereof. Mao na kato gyud
gisahon sa kaugalingong mantika mao na ang term, si codified version ang basahon nato as reference.
BIR, kung masakpan ka, aw pwede i-cancel to ang
favorable ruling and i-apply retroactive ang consequence On top of the Tax Code, we have of course the Revenue
which is to subject you to efficiency tax assessment, Rulings , the Revenue Regulations as guide on how the
interest, penalties and charges. BIR and the DOC implement the provisions of the law and
interpret the provision of the law.
Under the modified appeal procedure, the decision of a We have the judicial decisions, primarily we refer to the
division of the CTA may be appealed to the CTA en banc. SC decisions but from time to time, I will be mentioning
The decision of the CTA en banc may in turn be directly CTA decisions also, just to give you a flavor on how the
appealed to the SC only on a question of law. CTA appreciates a particular issue involving tax
assessments. Of course we have tax treaties or
The ultimate decider is of course the SC but prior to going agreements. So I think that’s the end of our General
to the SC, when we talk about assessment or tax Principles of Taxation.
computation, you have to go first to the CTA (Court of Tax

TAXATION 1 / ATTY. KMA | Alonzo, Evangelista, Garcia, Gregorio, Nacua, Panerio, Taucan, Villa 87

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