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Maintaining Protected Status for Grizzlies

Karen Fahrlander

I was excited to learn that grizzly bear

populations have increased since they
became a protected species. This is
exactly what conservation efforts
should be achieving. When Grizzlies
were declared to be a protected
species in 2010, Alberta Environment
Protection deliberated over data and
decided to act in the best interests of
the bears. At that time, the estimated
number was 700-800 Grizzlies living in

What did eleven years of Grizzly

protection gain? In April of 2021 there A young bear looks up in fear at a low-flying helicopter.
were reported to be 856-973 Grizzlies.
Do these numbers mean they are
Grizzly Bears are curious, playful and protective. All these qualities
thriving? I do not think so. Grizzly
prove their sentient nature. For further anecdotal reading, to prove how
Bears have many obstacles to
sentient they are, Charlie Russell has written books about living among
overcome before they can be removed
Grizzlies. Titles include: Grizzly Heart and Talking With Bears. When
from the protection list. Most of these
I observe and photograph Grizzlies, I notice that each one is an
challenges are related to human
individual with a unique personality, very similar to the personalities we
activities. Collisions with vehicles and
see in individual dogs and cats. One bear was quite shy, while another
trains take the lives of Grizzlies.
one was curious in our presence. I am not advocating turning bears into
Human encroachment into Grizzly
pets! They require respect and distance from humans.
habitat is certainly an issue for bears.
That is the reason why Grizzlies have Humans have presented many challenges for grizzly survival. Our
been sighted in areas such as Carstairs, recreational pursuits and industrial activity in prime habitat areas are the
where they have never been seen main reason for species decline. All you have to do is drive through
before. areas such as Waiporous Valley and Elbow Falls area where 10 years
ago, there were thriving, biodiverse habitats. With roads being built into
Programs that offer education and
the foothills for coal mining, these activities are forcing all species to find
awareness about bear behavior have
new homes.
focused on how people can eliminate
attractants in their yards and while out
The time for Alberta to live up to the designation of
camping, proving that coexisting with
Alberta Environment Protection is long overdue.
bears is possible. However, human
awareness is key toward giving the
Nature has provided a natural method for control of Grizzly
bears the space they need to survive.
populations. If a female Grizzly has not acquired enough calories
The other factor that is so important is
throughout the season, she will not be able to have cubs. This biological,
dispelling fear regarding Grizzlies.
scientific fact is enough to control their populations without people
interfering. Lethal removal of predators is not an effective management
strategy. It takes an experienced eye to recognize the difference between
a male and a female bear. If a female is shot in the spring, she leaves
behind her orphaned cubs. How can this be morally acceptable?

There are only 856-973 Grizzlies in Alberta. Crucial habitat protection

for the Grizzly, along with other species such as the caribou need to be
the priority for a recovery plan. How low do they need to go? It is
nothing short of irresponsible to claim there can be a spring hunting
A curious mother Grizzly rubs her nose against a tire. season on Grizzlies. Provisions must be binding and a recovery plan
enforceable. These sentient creatures deserve no less than our respect
and protection.

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