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Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 5, pp. 113-124, 1988 0891-5849/88 $3.00 + .

Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. © 1988 Pergamon Press plc

Review Article


Radiation Research Laboratory, Department of Radiology, 14 Medical Laboratories, The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA 52242

Abstract--The role of active oxygen species in diabetes is discussed in this review. Type I diabetes is caused by
destruction of the pancreatic beta cells responsible for producing insulin. In humans, the diabetogenic process
appears to be caused by immune destruction of the beta cells; part of this process is apparently mediated by white
cell production of active oxygen species. Diabetes can be produced in animals by the drugs alloxan and strepto-
zotocin; the mechanism of action of these two drugs is different, but both result in the production of active oxygen
species. Scavengers of oxygen radicals are effective in preventing diabetes in these animal models. Not only are
oxygen radicals involved in the cause of diabetes, they also appear to play a role in some of the complications
seen in long-term treatment of diabetes. Changes in antioxidants in the diabetic state and their consequences are
Keywords--Diabetes, Alloxan, Streptozotocin, Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N ("adult onset"). The prevalence in the U.S. of type I

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is 1.3 per
Diabetes is a general term referring to disorders char-
thousand, and 35 per thousand for type II, non-insulin
acterized by excessive urine excretion. When used by
dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).I
itself, this term refers to diabetes mellitus. Diabetes
While insulin and other medical treatments can con-
mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high
trol many aspects of diabetes, numerous complications
blood glucose. The major symptoms are thirst, hunger,
are common. Peripheral vascular disease is a major
emaciation, and weakness, eventually resulting in coma.
factor in diabetic complications. Other health problems
These symptoms can be treated with insulin in certain
seen in diabetics are renal failure, coronary heart dis-
types of diabetes. Two general types of diabetes mel-
ease, blindness, infections, and atherosclerosis. Be-
litus are recognized: type I and type II. Type I patients
cause diabetics often live a long time after onset of
are totally dependent on exogenous insulin, while type
disease, the cost of care for these patients is enormous.
II patients can be treated with dietary changes, exercise
Clearly, much research is needed to prevent diabetes
and oral medication. There is not a clear separation
and to treat the ill effects of the diabetic state.
between type I and type II diabetes. In general, type
Recently, oxygen free radicals have been implicated
I diabetics tend to be young and lean ("juvenile-on-
set"), while type II diabetics tend to be older and obese in this disease. It is the purpose of this paper to review
the role of active oxygen species in diabetes.

Larry W. Oberley received his undergraduate education in physics

at Northwestern University. He received the M.S. and Ph. S. degrees II. R O L E O F F R E E R A D I C A L S IN T H E C A U S E
in physics from the University of Iowa. His Ph.D. dissertation was
on the Mossbauer effect of biological compounds. This research OF DIABETES
sparked his interest in biology and biochemistry which has been his
focus since. In 1975, Dr. Oberley joined the Radiation Research A. Immune response, virus, or environmental agent?
Laboratory at the University of Iowa where he has remained. In
1985, he was appointed Professor of Radiology. Dr. Oberley's main The cause of diabetes is still unknown. With type I
research interest is the role of oxygen free radicals and antioxidant diabetes, it has been demonstrated that destruction of
enzymes in cancer; in recent years, this research has gravitated to- the pancreatic beta cells (which are found in the islets
ward the molecular biology of the antioxidant enzymes in tumor
cells. Dr. Oberley has edited three volumes entitled Superoxide Dis- of Langerhans) causes the disease by destroying the
mutase for CRC Press. cells that produce insulin. Type I diabetes has been


mainly associated with some type of destructive im- and glutathione reductase (GRy 5 have been reported
mune response: a large fraction of type I diabetics have to be present in reasonable amounts in islets of beta
antibodies against their own beta cells. Several other cells. However, as will be discussed later, the total
factors also implicate autoimmune disease in the de- antioxidant enzyme activity of the beta cell may be
velopment of type I diabetes, including lymphocyte low. Moreover, the antioxidant enzyme status of the
infiltration of islets in patients with recent disease on- islet cells may be more susceptible to certain forms of
set, correlation of certain human leukocyte antigens stress. Asayama et al.~6 have investigated the effect of
and incidence of diabetes, increased K-cell rosette for- vitamin E deficiency, selenium deficiency, and com-
mation and antibody- or complement-mediated cyto- bined deficiency on rat islet function and free radical
toxicity, and increased numbers of activated T lym- scavenging systems. SOD levels in liver, heart, and
phocytes. 2 In one study, cell-mediated cytotoxicity to skeletal muscles were within 20% of control levels in
islet cells was identified in 11 of 14 patients with type all the deficient groups. However, the MnSOD levels
I diabetes, while antibody-mediated cytotoxicity was in islets were significantly lower in the vitamin E,
seen in half the patients. 2'~ selenium, and combined deficiency animals than in the
Autoimmune disease has also been implicated in controls. Combined deficiency appeared to have an
diabetogenesis in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, 4 additive effect. In contrast, Cu-ZnSOD levels were
db/db mice, 5 and BB-Wistar rats.6 Subdiabetogenic doses higher in the deficient groups than the controls. GPX
of streptozotocin (STZ) also gave rise to diabetes via activity was markedly decreased in selenium-deficient
a T-cell-mediated immune response, v'8 Moreover, NOD animals in all tissues studied. Catalase activity did not
mice destroyed transplants of treated allogeneic islet change significantly with deficiency. Islets had the lowest
tissue by a recurrence of the immune disease process GPX and CuZnSOD levels among tissues studied. These
that destroyed the original islet tissue. This was pre- changes in antioxidant enzyme status were reflected in
vented by treatment of the animals with combined des- decreased islet cell function. Insulin secretory reserve
ferrioxamine and nicotinamide (a DNA repair inhibi- was decreased in each of the three deficient groups.
tor). 9 Transplanted animals became normoglycemic and The decrease was reflected as glucose intolerance only
remained so for the duration of the treatment. in the group with combined deficiency.
There are indications for other factors besides the
immune response in the cause of type I diabetes. Viral
B. Alloxan
infection and environmental agents have also been im-
plicated. 2 One possibility to tie the three agents to- Alloxan (2,4,5,6-tetraoxohexahydropyrimidine) is
gether is that injury due to viruses or toxins kill some an unstable and reactive chemical substance that exists
islet cells, resulting in the expression of antigens that in several tautomeric forms. Alloxan is readily reduced
cause an immune response to the remaining islet cells, to dialuric acid, which is the toxic form of the com-
The cause of type II diabetes is even more of a pound. 17The drug is now widely used for the induction
mystery. Type II diabetes is associated with obesity, of type I diabetes in a variety of animals. ~v,18It should
is seen in older patients, and appears to be more of a be emphasized at this point that there is no evidence
heterogenous disease than type I diabetes. Insulin is linking this drug to diabetes in humans.
usually produced by type II diabetics, but their cells
may not respond to the hormone.
1. Free radical production. The alloxan-dialuric acid
couple caused oxygen consumption and produced hy-
1. Free radical attack on beta cells. Type I diabetes drogen peroxide when a reducing agent was present. ~9
can be produced in animals by the action of chemicals The production of H202 was attributed to the quinone
or by an immune attack on the pancreatic beta cells. structure of alloxan. ~8 The autooxidation of dialuric
In both instances, oxygen free radicals are produced acid yielded H202, O2, O27 , and "OH. 2° Hydroxyl rad-
and appear to play a role in the beta cell killing. The ical production detected by ethylene formation was
pancreatic beta cell appears to be susceptible for a inhibited by SOD, CAT, and the hydroxyl radical scav-
number of reasons, as will be discussed later. A major engers benzoate and ethanol, suggesting the Haber-
finding is that the pancreatic beta cell appears to be Weiss reaction as the source of hydroxyl radicals. 18
low in protective substances. However, all of the major Alloxan-mediated production of free radicals has
antioxidant enzymes are present in pancreatic beta cells been investigated by measuring luminol lumines-
in reasonable amounts. Thus, in animals copper and cence. 2~ Reduced glutathione (GSH) and iron sulfate
zinc containing superoxide dismutase (Cu-ZnSOD), ~°-13 were needed for maximum luminescence. The metal
manganese containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD),~3 chelators diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (DETA-
catalase (CAT), ~2 glutathione peroxidase (GPX), 13~4 PAC), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and
Free radicals and diabetes 115

desferrioxamine, the sugars 3-0-methyl-D-glucose, L- blue uptake by cells. SOD or CAT, but not hydroxyl
and D-glucose, D-fructose, and D-mannose, and NAD, radical scavengers, protected against the increase in
NADH, NADP, and NADPH all prevented lumines- cell injury. Moreover, both L- and D-glucose pro-
cence. 2~ From these results, it was suggested that al- tected. The authors hypothesized that extracellular free
loxan acts via a thiol group (due to the need for GSH), radicals generated by alloxan or xanthine oxidase caused
that hydroxyl radical was needed for the production of toxicity by damaging the cell membrane. This hypoth-
luminescence (since metal chelators blocked the ef- esis of the cell membrane as the site of alloxan action
fects), that NAD(P) and NAD(P)H can scavenge 02 ~, is hard to reconcile with the fact that alloxan causes
H202, and .OH, and hexoses can scavenge free radicals. 21 DNA strand breaks. 29,3°Moreover, SOD and CAT which
are thought not to enter cells, protected isolated rat
islet cells from the DNA strand breaks caused by al-
2. Free radical production in in vitro cells. Many stud- loxan. 29,3° Further work is needed to elucidate how
ies support a role for oxygen free radicals as mediators these DNA strand breaks are produced.
in the toxic effect of alloxan to cells in vitro. DETA- Sugars have also been shown to protect against al-
PAC protected isolated mouse islet cells from alloxan- loxan-induced cytotoxicity to in vitro cells. Isolated
induced inhibition of rubidium accumulation. 22 Cop- rat hepatocytes were sensitive to alloxan as measured
per(II), a known catalyst of the Haber-Weiss reaction, by GSH depletion and potassium, lactate dehydrogen-
caused a similar inhibition of rubidium accumulation ase, or glutamate-pyruvate transaminase leakage. 3~ The
as alloxan, and was additive to the effect of alloxan, sugars D-glucose (but not L-glucose), D-galactose, D-
suggesting a similar mechanism for each compound. fructose, 2-deoxyglucose, and D-mannitol protected
Isolated rat pancreatic islets were protected against the these hepatocytes from damage caused by alloxan, 3~
cytotoxic effects of alloxan and dihydroxyfumarate by Mannoheptulose also protected, although it failed to
the hydroxyl radical scavenger dimethylurea.Z3 Isolated protect isolated islet cells, and blocked the protective
mouse islet cells were protected against the toxic ef- effect of glucose on isolated islet cells. 32
fects of alloxan on rubidium uptake and trypan blue Three theories have been proposed to explain the
exclusion by the hydroxyl radical scavengers mannitol, protective action of sugars against alloxan toxicity.
dimethylsulfoxide, and butanol, while the singlet ox- One theory is that sugars might act as free radical
ygen scavenger histidine had no effect. 24 Addition of scavengers, as both D-mannito124 and D-glucose 33have
CAT, SOD, or DETAPAC protected rat islet cells in been shown to scavenge free radicals. Two other the-
vitro from the toxic actions of alloxan, as measured ories have been proposed to explain the protective ac-
by glucose-induced insulin release, 2~ while SOD and tion of sugars against alloxan beta toxicity. 34 One hy-
CAT protected mouse islet cells in vitro from the toxic pothesis is that alloxan interacts with the membrane
effect of alloxan using rubidium uptake and trypan blue glucose receptor site or the site of glucose-stimulated
exclusion as indicators of cytotoxicity. 24 These data insulin release. Sugars would block because they would
were interpreted to suggest that islet cells are vulner- prevent alloxan binding. A third hypothesis is that sug-
able to the effect of alloxan due to a metabolic spe- ars augment the generation rate of reducing equivalents
cialization that facilitates reduction of the drug. 2~ (especially NADPH) and thus allows the recycling of
Chemiluminescence in the presence of luminol and GSH via GR. This latter hypothesis has been cham-
alloxan has also been measured in isolated pancreatic pioned forcefully by Malaisse. 34 Malaisse observed that
islet cells. 26 Alloxan-induced chemiluminescence ap- the protective action of D-glucose and 2-ketoisoca-
peared very rapidly and lasted more than five minutes. proate against the alloxan-induced inhibition of glu-
On the other hand, streptozotocin failed to produce cose-stimulated insulin release was impaired when the
chemiluminescence. SOD and/or CAT markedly sup- exposure to alloxan was performed in a medium con-
pressed alloxan-induced chemiluminescence. Islets taining NH4C1 or menadione. The effects of the latter
produced substantially more chemiluminescence than two agents were attributed mainly to a lowering of islet
either red cells or hepatocytes, 27 suggesting that islet content of NADH or NADPH. Malaisse argued that it
cells produced more free radicals in the presence of is unlikely that the protective effect of glucose was due
alloxan. to a decreased uptake of alloxan, since D-glucose has
The site in the cell where alloxan produces free been reported to have no effect on [2-t4C] alloxan up-
radicals is still unknown. Many have suggested it is take. 34 Rather, the protective action of the sugars de-
the cell membrane. For instance, Grankvist and pends on their capacity to be metabolized via glycol-
Marklund zs have shown that damage caused by xan- ysis. Different hexoses show different capacities to
thine oxidase-hypoxanthine to isolated pancreatic beta protect and this capacity seems to correlate well with
cells is similar to that caused by alloxan. Thus, xan- the capacity of the compounds to undergo glycolysis
thine oxidase/hypoxanthine caused increased trypan and hexose oxidation, thus forming NADH and NADPH.

3. Free radical production in in vivo cells. Numerous oxygen species or low protection against those oxygen
studies in vivo implicate oxygen-derived free radicals species produced. The second and third hypothesis are
in the diabetogenic action of alloxan. Heikkila et al. obviously related since the production of dialuric acid
found that the hydroxyl radical scavengers methanol, is asociated with active oxygen species production;
ethanol, n-propanol, n-butanol, and thiourea protected however, the two hypotheses should be considered sep-
against alloxan-induced diabetes in mice. 35 The pro- arate since there may not be a constant stoichiometry
tective action of these agents correlated with their hy- between the two processes.
droxyl radical scavenging ability. The diabetogenic ac- The first possibility seems unlikely since in vivo
tion of alloxan in mice was also blocked by pretreatment liver took up alloxan as rapidly and extensively as islet
with the hydroxyl radical scavengers monomethylurea, cells, yet did not suffer alloxan-induced toxicity. 22 There
monoethylurea, and diethylurea, 36 dimethylsulfox- is at present no good evidence for the second possi-
ide, 37 dimethylurea, 38 and amygdalin, 39'4° as well as the b i l i t y - t h a t islet cells produce more dialuric acid from
free radical scavenger butylated hydroxyanisole. 4~ Vi- alloxan. There is strong evidence for the third possi-
tamin E supplementation also protected rats from the b i l i t y - - a high level of active oxygen species in the
diabetogenic action of alloxan. 42 beta cells after alloxan exposure. Thus, upon compar-
Injection of polyethylene glycol-SOD into mice 12 ing five different tissues (islet, muscle, exocrine pan-
hours before alloxan blocked the diabetogenic action creas, kidney, and liver), Malaisse et al. 14 observed a
of the drug. 43 Moreover, exogenous Cu-ZnSOD pro- tight correlation between the activity of GPX and the
tected rat pancreatic beta cells against morphological minimal concentration of tert-butyl hydroperoxide re-
damage by alloxan as determined by ultrastructural quired to alter glucose oxidation, the lowest values for
examination and immunostaining for insulin. 44 In this both variables being found in the pancreatic islets and
study, alpha and delta cells appeared unaffected by the highest values in liver. A comparable, although not
administration of alloxan and Cu-ZnSOD or either identical, hierarchy in the activity of GPX in various
agent alone. Autoradiography after injection of tissues was reported by Grankvist et al. ~3These authors
~25I-CuZnSOD into normal rats showed no evidence also measured Cu-ZnSOD, MnSOD, and CAT activity
that the enzyme enters viable islet cells, suggesting in these tissues. When the tissues were ranked from
an extracellular site of protection against alloxan. highest to lowest with regard to the activity of the
Certain metal chelators have also been shown to enzymes, the average rank values, which were used as
block alloxan-induced diabetes. DETAPAC adminis- crude indices of the enzymatic protection against active
tered prior to alloxan blocked the formation of diabetes oxygen species, followed an order close to that of Ma-
in mice, apparently by removing metals necessary to laisse et al., t4 namely, 1.5 for liver, 2.3 for kidney,
catalyze the Haber-Weiss reaction. 45 The metal che- 4.0 for exocrine pancreas, 5.5 for islets, and 8.0 for
lator EDTA, which does not prevent chelated metal muscle.
from producing hydroxyl radicals, afforded no protec- Malaisse 34 has concluded that both the capacity to
tion. 45 In a similar study, it was found that DETAPAC take up alloxan and the sensitivity to active oxygen
inhibited while desferrioxamine stimulated the hyper- species must be taken into account when examining
glycemic response of mice to alloxan. 46 The anticancer susceptibility to alloxan. Malaisse feels that: (a) muscle
agent ICRF-187 has also been shown to protect against could be protected against alloxan, despite high sen-
alloxan induced diabetes in mice .47.48This drug is struc- sitivity to peroxides, because of slow or poor penetra-
turally similar to EDTA and is thought to bind metals, tion into muscle cells; (b) liver could be resistant to
but has no free radical scavenging ability itself. 48 alloxan, despite rapid accumulation, because of its re-
Thus, O2 ~, H202, and .OH are all produced in the sistance to peroxide; and (c) islet beta cells could be
presence of metals. This data taken together suggests highly vulnerable to alloxan because of its rapid uptake
that alloxan causes diabetes in vivo by producing an and its sensitivity to active oxygen species.
iron-catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction in the pancreatic In conclusion, the reason why the beta cells of
13 cells. the pancreas are most vulnerable remains unknown.
Uptake, metabolism, and antioxidant status may all be
4. Basis of selected toxicity of alloxan. Why is alloxan involved; the role of active oxygen species appears to
selectively toxic to the pancreatic beta cells compared have the most conclusive evidence in its favor.
to other cells in the body? A number of hypotheses
have been presented. One possibility is selective up-
C. Streptozotocin
take of alloxan by the beta cells. Another is an un-
usually high efficiency for reducing alloxan to dialuric Streptozotocin (STZ), the common name for 2-deoxy-
acid. A third possibility is a high production of active 2-(3-methyl-3-nitrosoureido)-D-glucopyranose, is an
Free radicals and diabetes ll7

antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces achromogenes. demonstrated that synthesis of NAD was not impaired,
This agent has antibacterial and antitumor properties, but that degradation of NAD was increased after STZ
as well as being carcinogenic and diabetogenic. Strep- exposure .61
tozotocin is structurally closely related to 1,3-bis(2- A second mechanism that could cause NAD deple-
chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea (BCNU), a nitrogen mus- tion involves DNA damage. The alkylating action of
tard derivative commonly used in cancer therapy. It STZ can cause DNA cross linkage and strand scis-
has been assumed in the past that STZ is cytotoxic sion, 29'30'62which was not blocked by SOD or CAT. In
because it acts as an alkylating agent. 49'5°'5~ However, contrast, alloxan induced DNA strand breakage was
there is growing evidence for involvement of active blocked by these enzymes. 3° Regardless of cause, this
oxygen species in the diabetogenic action of STZ. DNA damage activates the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)
synthetase, which is involved in DNA repair and re-
1. Metabolism and specificity. The glucose moiety of quires NAD. 29 Activation of this enzyme may be re-
STZ confers specificity for beta cell killing. Without sponsible for depletion of NAD in STZ-treated islets.29
the glucose moiety, little beta cell killing occurs. For Picolinamide and nicotinamide, two inhibitors of this
instance, there was a four fold greater uptake of STZ nuclear enzyme, blocked the depression of NAD levels
into is lets when compared to methylnitrosourea ;52nearly in STZ-treated tissues. 62 The depression of cytosolic
3.5-fold more methylnitrosourea than STZ was needed NAD has been shown to lead to an inhibition of proin-
to produce diabetes.52 In vivo uptake studies of labeled sulin synthesis, but allowed for repair of DNA damage,
STZ showed that it accumulated in the pancreas. 53'54 while inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase inhib-
When STZ was labeled at the 1'- or 2'-position, 70 ited DNA repair, but allowed proinsulin synthesis to
and 80%, respectively, of the labe| appeared in the continue. 62
urine after 6 hours, while only 40% of the label at the These studies led Uchigata et al. 3° to propose a
3' methyl position appeared in the urine after 6 hours. mechanism of inhibition of proinsulin synthesis by al-
STZ was rapidly cleared from the blood, mostly by the loxan and streptozotocin. Both agents were hypothe-
kidney, with some hepatic uptake. Further studies in- sized to cause DNA strand breaks, alloxan by active
dicated that the only labeled compound found in the oxygen species (since breakage is inhibited by SOD
urine after 3'-methyl labeled STZ was administered and CAT), and STZ by an alkylating species. The DNA
was the unmetabolized STZ. 54 It was proposed that breaks were then proposed to cause an increase in
STZ is metabolized by scission between the 2'-carbon poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase, an enzyme requiring
and the methyl nitrogen, with the N-nitrosoureido moiety NAD. NAD will then be depleted and since this co-
being retained in the cell and causing damage. 54'55 factor is needed for proinsulin synthesis, an inhibition
will occur. It was hypothesized that poly(ADP-ribose)
2. Toxic-action of streptozotocin--nonfree radical synthetase inhibitors prevented the inhibition of proin-
mechanisms. It has been proposed that STZ is toxic to sulin synthesis by preventing NAD depletion. Later
cells because it causes depression of NAD and NADP work by Okamoto and Yamamoto has shown that
levels in cells. Islet NAD levels were depressed to 12% poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase inhibitors did not keep
of normal by STZ administration.52.56 The cause of this DNA strand breaks from occurring, but these inhibitors
depletion may be from several origins. The N-nitro- prevented diabetes .63 Therefore, beta-cells may survive
soureido moiety of STZ is believed to break down into with the residual DNA damage within their genome.
the methyl carbonium ion 49 or methyl radical, 3° which About one year after the combined administration to
can alkylate and cross-link DNA and inhibit incorpo- rats of alloxan or STZ with poly(ADP-ribose) synthe-
ration of precursors into D N A . 49'5° The methyl car- tase inhibitors, diabetes still had not developed but islet
bonium ion has been found to methylate nicotinamide beta-cell tumors were frequently f o u n d . 63 This suggests
moieties and caused the appearance of methylated de- that insulin-dependent diabetes and beta cell tumors
rivatives in the urine. ~7'58 Nicotinamide is a precursor are closely related; the tumor cell arises when the DNA
for both NAD and NADP in cells and thus this may cannot be repaired, whereas diabetes arises when the
be one mechanism for their depletion. Administration DNA can be repaired.
of nicotinamide was shown to prevent the diabetogenic
action of alloxan, possibly by elevating the levels of 3. Active oxygen species and streptozotocin action.
NAD precursors in the c e l l ; 59'6° nicotinamide did not There is evidence that active oxygen species are in-
effect the anti-leukemic affect of STZ. 6° Studies of volved in the diabetogenic action of STZ. There was
STZ-induced NAD depletion using 5-methylnicotin- a 21% decrease in GSH in human erythrocytes exposed
amide, a nicotinamide analogue that inhibits NAD deg- to STZ in vitro and a 74% increase in oxidized glu-
radation, but is not a precursor for NAD synthesis, tathione (GSSG) levels.64 The GSH levels of rat islets

incubated with STZ in vitro also decreased 33% and al. found that rats with alloxan or STZ-induced dia-
GSSG levels increased 95%. 64 Nicotinamide admin- betes of two months duration had decreased total SOD
istration prevented the decrease in GSH levels in hu- activity in liver, kidney, spleen, heart, testis, pancreas,
man erythrocytes exposed to S T Z . 65 This suggested skeletal muscle and erythrocytes. 76'77Total SOD activ-
that nicotinamide is used to synthesize NADPH, which ity was not changed in brain or lung. 77 Crouch et al.
is then used to maintain GSH levels probably via the found that rats with STZ-induced diabetes of 5 days
GR recycling system. duration had decreased Cu-ZnSOD activity in eryth-
A variety of free radical scavengers protected ani- rocytes and retina. 78 This study found no change in
mals from the diabetogenic effects of STZ, including SOD activity in lung, liver, brain, aorta, kidney, whole
S O D , 66'67 SOD linked to polyethylene glycol, 68 the SOD- eye, and lens of rats with STZ-induced diabetes, and
mimetic compound copper(II)(3,5-diisopropylsalicy- that insulin treatment for 3 days failed to restore SOD
late), 69 the hydroxyl radical scavenger dimethyl- activity in retina or erythrocytes. 78
u r e a , 7°.7j and vitamin E. 42 Vitamin E or selenium-de- A third group of investigators found Cu-ZnSOD ac-
ficient rats were sensitive to doses of STZ that were tivity was depressed in renal cortex and large and small
normally subdiabetogenic. 42 Moreover, administration bowel mucosa of rats with STZ-induced diabetes of 9
of acetyl-homocysteine-thiolactone caused a 200% in- or 10 days duration. 79 Loven et al. found that MnSOD
crease in the Cu-ZnSOD activity of rat pancreatic islets activity was unchanged in intestinal mucosa, but was
and protected against STZ-induced beta cell damage, v2 increased in the renal cortex of diabetic animals. 79 These
All of the results are not consistent, however. Ex- investigators found that treatment of diabetic animals
ogenous SOD did not protect against STZ-induced DNA for 5 or 6 days with insulin restored intestine and renal
strand breaks or inhibition of proinsulin synthesis in cortex Cu-ZnSOD activity and renal cortex MnSOD
isolated rat cells, which led to the proposal that the activity to the levels found in normal tissues. 79 These
diabetogenic action of STZ was mediated through methyl effects of diabetes and of insulin treatment were found
radicals, not active oxygen species. 3° Another study both in diabetic animals fed ad libitum and in pair-fed
reported a single injection of Cu-ZnSOD failed to pro- animals. 79 The amount of food ingested in these ex-
tect from the diabetogenic action of multiple injections periments is a worry because diabetic animals eat less
of STZ; 73'74 however, this group subsequently dem- and because starvation has been shown to affect SOD,
onstrated protection with CuZnSOD using a modified CAT, and GPX in tissues of rats. s° Cu-ZnSOD activity
procedure. 74 It has also been shown that 1,10-phen- was found to be decreased in renal cortex and jejunum
anthroline, a metal chelator that inhibits hydroxyl rad- of STZ-induced diabetic rats fed ad libitum. Sl Both oral
ical formation, reduced the diabetogenic effects of al- glutathione and intramuscular insulin elevated the Cu-
loxan in rats but not S T Z . 75 ZnSOD activity, st Renal cortex exhibited elevated
Thus, while evidence demonstrating a role for active MnSOD activity, which was normalized by insulin or
oxygen species in STZ-induced diabetes is present, it glutathione. Cu-ZnSOD activity was also decreased in
is difficult to find a unified picture. The best guess at kidney, erythrocytes, and liver of pair-fed rats with
present is that STZ interferes with GSH metabolism, STZ-induced diabetes of 9 to 10 days duration. ~2 In-
leading to an increase in H202 and its reaction products. sulin treatment restored activity in liver, but not eryth-
rocytes, s2 Oral glutathione treatment restored the SOD
activity of renal cortex and liver, but not erythrocytes
of rats with STZ-induced diabetes but did not lower
the blood glucose levels. 82 The reason why oral GSH
Even though diabetes can be treated and thus life has this effect is still unknown. It is not clear whether
preserved in the short run, many diabetics suffer severe oral GSH can be absorbed from the stomach and enter
complications during long term therapy. The reason cells intact. One possibility is that GSH is broken down
for these complications are still unknown. One possible into its constituents, which can then enter the cell and
hypothesis is that the diabetic state leads to increases serve as building blocks for further GSH synthesis.
in active oxygen species production. Indeed, changes More studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism
in SOD and CAT activity, GSH metabolism, vitamin of action of oral glutathione.
E levels and increases in lipid peroxides have been Two other studies have examined SOD activity in
observed. This data is summarized below. STZ-induced diabetic rats. Nishida et al. s3 found that
SOD activity was decreased in retinas of these rats;
however, no changes were found in the cornea, lens,
A. Superoxide dismutase blood, liver, or kidney. Electrophoretic studies showed
SOD activity has been measured in tissues of ani- no qualitative alteration of the Cu-ZnSOD protein in
mals with chemically-induced diabetes. Matkovics et the diabetic rat retina. Lammi-Keefe et al. studied SOD
Free radicals and diabetes 119

activity of various tissues of rats 80 days after STZ duction were determined in 30 patients with well-con-
injection.84 SOD activity was not altered in the skeletal trolled insulin-dependent diabetes (type I) and in 50
muscle or erythrocytes of diabetic rats but was some- patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type II).
what decreased in the heart. Data was also obtained on 20 elderly patients without
The basis for the various discrepancies of these re- glucose intolerance. The phagocytosis of viable staph-
ports is not clear. The loss of SOD activity may be a ylococci was the same in all groups. However, the
function of the duration of diabetes; these studies range bactericidal capacity in all diabetic patients was sig-
in time from 5 days to nearly 3 months after onset of nificantly reduced. The 02 ~ production in patients with
diabetes. The severity of diabetes also varies in these type I diabetes was similar to control values, whereas
studies and may well affect the SOD activities. 0 2 ; production in patients with type II diabetes as well
A number of studies have also been done on the as in elderly patients was significantly reduced and
levels of SOD in human diabetics. There was no change correlated with bactericidal capacity impairment. A last
in erythrocyte Cu-ZnSOD activity, or lymphocyte Cu- study used chemiluminesce and 02 ~ production in PMNs
Zn or MnSOD activity in patients with type I diabetes as a measure of oxidative metabolism. 92 Using phorbol
maintained on insulin for at least two years. 85 In con- myristate acetate or oponsonized zymosan as a stim-
trast, subjects with type II diabetes maintained on oral ulus, leukocytes from diabetic patients had a markedly
hypoglycemic agents had a 97% decrease in erythro- depressed chemiluminesce and 02 ~ response com-
cyte Cu-ZnSOD activity. 76 It has recently been found pared to controls. Insulin or glucose had no significant
that human erythrocytes contain glucosylated and non- effect on control cell response. It has been demon-
glucosylated Cu-ZnSODs.86 The percentage of the glu- strated that glucose itself has no effect on PMN func-
cosylated form, which had a lower enzymatic activity, tion. 93 Thus, the elevation of glucose seen in diabetes
was significantly increased in the erythrocytes of pa- cannot be responsible for the impaired white cell func-
tients with diabetes as compared to normal erythro- tion.
cytes. 86 Incubation of Cu-ZnSOD with D-glucose in In any case, it is tempting to hypothesize that the
vitro led to glucosylation, suggesting this was what impaired respiratory burst seen in PMNs from diabetic
occurred in vivo. Thus, a mechanism for the inacti- patients is at least partly to blame for the increased
vation of Cu-ZnSOD seen in vivo during diabetes was morbidity and mortality due to infection seen in dia-
suggested. Other studies observed that erythrocyte Cu- betic patients. This subject matter deserves much fu-
ZnSOD was diminished in diabetic children when com- ture study.
pared to controls. 87 Kaji et al. observed no changes in
erythrocyte SOD activity in 60 women with type II
B. Catalase and peroxidase
diabetes when compared to 71 healthy control women.88
Marklund has measured the newly discovered S O D - - CAT activity of rats with alloxan- or STZ-induced
extracellular SOD or E C - S O D - - i n plasma from chil- diabetes was increased in liver, kidney, testis, and
den with type I diabetes. 89The specimens were obtained erythrocyte hemolysate, but decreased in spleen. 76 He-
from 8 patients with disease of recent onset and from patic CAT activity of female rats with STZ-induced
15 patients with disease of longer duration. There was diabetes was not significantly depressed at 30 or 60
no significant difference in EC-SOD between the pa- days after induction of diabetes, but was decreased at
tients and controls. 90 days. 94 CAT activity was decreased in all muscles
The substrate for SOD, the superoxide radical examined in diabetic rats 80 days after STZ-adminis-
(O2~), has been measured in the white cells of diabetics tration.84 The authors suggested the response was due
in a number of studies. Nath et al. found 02: was to the rats eating less, as starvation caused similar
significantly elevated in polymorphonuclear leuko- changes in CAT activity. 8°
cytes (PMNs) from diabetic patients as compared to In humans, there was no change in the CAT activity
normal subjects. 9° This elevation was attributed to the of erythrocytes of subjects with type I diabetes, 76,88 or
reduction in the activities of the cytoplasmic and mi- in erythrocytes of subjects with type II diabetes on
tochondrial superoxide dismutases, the effect being more insulin maintenance. 85 However, Wataa et al. have re-
pronounced in the cytoplasmic fraction. The content ported an elevation in CAT activity in erythrocytes of
of copper decreased considerably in the diabetic PMN, diabetic children. 87
the decrease in the zinc content was less significant The guaiacol peroxidase activity of several organs
and the manganese levels were unchanged. PMNs ob- of animals with alloxan- or STZ-induced diabetes has
tained from insulin treated diabetic patients showed also been measured. 76 Peroxidase activity was in-
considerable elevation of SOD levels. Wiernusz et al. creased in liver, spleen, pancreas and skeletal muscle,
have measured PMN function of patients with diabe- decreased in erythrocyte, hemolysate, heart muscle,
tes. 91 Phagocytosis, bactericidal capacity and O2 ~ pro- and testis and unchanged in kidney, lung, and brain.

C. Glutathione levels Likewise, there appear to be no consistent changes

in GR activity. GR levels were reported to be increased
There was a transient decrease in serum glutathione
20% in erythrocytes from patients with either form of
levels in rats after administration of alloxan, but serum
diabetes treated with insulin or tolbutamide. 502Another
glutathione levels were normal after the diabetic state
group reported a decreased GR activity in type I dia-
had been induced. 95 Hepatic glutathione levels de-
betics, which could be restored by adding riboflavin
creased but small bowel jejunal mucosal glutathione
to the diet.l°3 Children with type I diabetes do have a
content did not change in male rats with STZ-induced
greater incidence of riboflavin deficiency which could
diabetes of 10 days duration. 82 This effect was not due
lead to GR reduction as this cofactor is needed for GR
to starvation as the animals were pair-fed. Starvation
activity.J°3 There was no significant difference in the
does reduce GSH in liver. 8° Insulin, but not oral glu-
activity of erythrocyte or hepatic GR activity in ge-
tathione, restored hepatic glutathione concentrations to
netically diabetic KK mice when compared to Swiss
normal levels in STZ-induced diabetic rats. 82 Female
albino mice on riboflavin-supplemented diets. ~04When
rats with STZ-induced diabetes had a 27% decrease in
riboflavin deficiency was induced, similar decreases
both hepatic GSH and GSSG levels. 96 Depletion of
in GR activity occurred in both tissues of normal and
glutathione by administration of acetaminophen caused
diabetic animals. 104 This suggests that normal and di-
a more rapid drop and subsequent restoration of glu-
abetic mice are equally sensitive to the effects of ri-
tathione in female rats with STZ-induced diabetes than
boflavin deficiency on GR activity. It thus appears that
in controls, suggesting the glutathione pool is turned
GR activity is decreased in diabetes only in riboflavin
over more rapidly in diabetic animals. 96 In contrast to
deficiency, a condition which might be more prevalent
these findings, a 20% increase in hepatic glutathione
in diabetes.
content of male rats with STZ-induced diabetes, and
an increased resistance to acetaminophen-induced
damage in diabetic animals was reported. 97 The dis- E. Vitamin E
crepancies in these studies may be related to sex or Platelet vitamin E levels were depressed 66% in rats
strain differences. with STZ-induced diabetes, an effect which was re-
Changes in glutathione have been noted in humans versed by dietary supplentation with vitamin E. 105 Other
also. Total glutathione content in normal human eryth- studies found no change in serum vitamin E in rats
rocytes decreased with the age of the cells and a similar with STZ-induced diabetes of 1 or 2 weeks.duration,
decrease occurred with cells from type II diabetics, but a 26% decrease in rats with STZ-induced diabetes
whether untreated or treated with oral hypoglycemic of 20 weeks duration.l°6 Hepatic vitamin E was also
agents. 98 However, when cells of each age group were decreased 92% in rats with STZ-induced diabetes of
compared, erythrocytes from nontreated diabetic pa- 20 weeks duration.l°6
tients had 30% less glutathione than did normal sub- Plasma from patients with type II diabetes had a
jects. 98 Erythrocytes from the treated patients had 20% 25% increase in total tocopherol, 31% increase in a -
less gluathione when compared to normal controls. 98 tocopherol, and no change in ~/-tocopherol.l°7 Platelet
Others have also noted reduced glutathione levels in total tocopherol was increased 28%, and ot-tocopherol
erythrocytes of patients with type II diabetes.99 Serum 36%, while ~/-tocopherol was unchanged.l°7 A second
glutathione levels in subjects with type II diabetes were report found a 10% increase in a-tocopherol in type lI
also lowered.'°° Moreover, reduced glutathione levels diabetes.~°6 These reports suggested that the demand
in PMNs of diabetic patients were significantly de- for the antioxidant vitamin E is increased in diabetes,
creased. 101 and that dietary vitamin E can be sufficient to meet
this demand.

D. Glutathione peroxidase and reductase F. Lipid peroxides

In one study, GPX activity was increased in eryth- Patients with type II diabetes and angiopathy had
rocytes from type II diabetics, 76 but decreased in an- 9 1% more thiobarbituric (TBA) reactive material than
other study, 99 and showed no changes in another. 88 controls, while patients without angiopathy had no in-
GPX activity in subjects with type I diabetes main- crease.lOS This observation led to the suggestion that
tained on insulin was not significantly changed. 85 GPX the increased TBA-reactive material originated from
but not GR was found to be reduced in human PMNs,. 101 the intima of the blood vessel and might be related to
Plasma GPX levels were elevated in type II diabetes. 88 the development of atherosclerosis.108
Thus, there appears to be no consistent changes in Serum TBA-reactive material was increased 61% in
GPX. adult subjects with poorly controlled type I or II dia-
Free radicals and diabetes 121

betes, but u n c h a n g e d in patients with well-controlled 2. Charles, M. A.; Suzuki, M.; Waldeck, N.; Dodson, L. E.;
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3. Pozilli, P.; Zuccarini, O.; Iavicoli, M.; Sensi, M.; Spencer,
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K. M.; Bevereley, J. L.; Kyner, J. L.; Cudworth, A. G. Mon-
lipoprotein fraction, which showed a 57% increase in oclonal antibodies defined abnormalities of T-lymphocytes in
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8. Paik, S.-G.; Fleischer, N.; Shin, S.-I. Insulin dependent di-
with S T Z - i n d u c e d diabetes.~°5 Rats with S T Z - i n d u c e d abetes mellitus induced by subdiabetogenic doses of strepto-
diabetes of 1 week duration had a 31% increase in zotocin: obligatory role of cell mediated autoimmuneprocess.
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Rats with untreated STZ- or alloxan-induced diabetes
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of unspecified duration have 333% more malondialde- Langerhans. N. Engl. J. Med. 304:1547-1548; 1981.
hyde (MDA) in liver and 98% more M D A in brain, 11. Crouch, R.; Redmond, T.; Gandy, S.; Coles, W.; Buse, M.;
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IV. CONCLUSIONS 12. Crouch, R. K.; Gandy, S. E.; Kimsey, G.; Galbraith, G. M.
P.; Buse, M. B. The inhibition of islet superoxide dismutase
The role of active oxygen species in the develop- by diabetogenic drugs. Diabetes 30:235-241; 1981.
ment of diabetes seems secure. More work needs to be 13. Grankvist, K.; Marklund, S. L.; T~iljedal,I.-B. CuZn-super-
done to correlate what happens in the h u m a n disease oxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glu-
tathione peroxidase in pancreatic islets and other tissues in the
compared to the animal models. In particular, how mouse. Biochem. J. 199:393-398; 1981.
closely does alloxan- or S T Z - i n d u c e d diabetes corre- 14. Malaisse, W. J.; Malaisse-Lagae, E; Senar, A.; Pipeleers, D.
spond to the i m m u n e condition seen in h u m a n s ? G. Determinants of the selective toxicity of alloxan to the
pancreatic 13 cell. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79:927-930;
The role of active oxygen species in the diabetic 1982.
state is more unclear. In the future, the effect of an- 15. Anjaneyulu, K.; Anjaneyulu, R.; Sener, A.; Malaisse, W. J.
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