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Read the translations for the following Jordanian proverbs.

If the translation is OK, just tick it. If not:
a- Try to find an equivalent in English.
b- Translate literally if you think the translation will be understood
metaphorically by English native speakers.
c- Otherwise, translate the meaning.
‫أعزب دهر وال أرمل شهر‬ .1
Being single for lifetime is better than being a widow(er) for a month.

‫أكل الرجال عقد فعالها‬ .2

Men who eat well, work well.

‫أكل ومرعى وقلة صنعة‬ .3

Filling tummy and spending money. 

‫بذوب الثلج وببان اللي تحتيه‬ .4

Within time, the truth will appear.
The ice will melt, and what is underneath will appear.

‫االيد اللي ما بتقدر تعضها بوسها‬ .5

Kiss the hand that you can’t bite.

‫اللي بدري بدري واللي ما بدري بيقول كف عدس‬ .6

One half of the world doesn’t know how the other half lives.
‫اللي ما يعوف_ الصقر بيشويه‬ .7
He who doesn’t know the falcon roasts it.

‫طاسة وضايعة‬ .8
A mess is a mess.
It’s a real chaos.

‫على أهلها جنت براقش‬ .9

You reap what you sow.

‫المجالس مدارس‬ .10

Listening to people’s experience gives wisdom.

‫الطول طول نخلة والعقل عقل سخلة‬ .11

He is as tall as a palm tree with a brain like a goat.

‫العين ما تعلى عن الحاجب‬ .12

No one can be as good as you.

‫الخيل من خيالها الفرسان من الفارس‬ .13

The rider determines the outcome of the race.

‫الضرة مرة حتى لو كانت جرة‬ .14

The second wife is still bad even if she is amazing.

‫اللي على راسه بطحة يتحسسها‬ .15

The person with a wound on his head keeps touching it.

‫ال في العير وال في النفير‬ .16

Neither here or there.

‫أعطي الخباز خبزه حتى لو أكل نصه‬ .17

Give the dough to the baker even if he eats half of it.

‫اللي بيته من زجاج ال يرمي بيوت اآلخرين بالحجار‬ .18

He whose house is made of glass should not throw stones at people’s.

‫اضرب الكلب ليتأدب الذيب‬ .19

Hit the dog to discipline the wolf.

‫بوس الكلب على تمه لتاخد حاجتك منه‬ .20

Worship people until you take your need.

‫ان جنوا ربعك عقلك ما نفعك‬ .21

Wisdom does not have place among the crazy.

‫القدر ما بركب اال على ثالث‬ .22

The car is based only on four wheels.
‫كل شي قرضة ودين حتى دموع العين‬ .23
Courtesy is a loan whether its happiness or being sorrow.?????

‫شين وقوي_ عين‬ .24
He is shameless and has bad manners.
‫ اتركه بوقع لحاله‬...‫إبن الحرام ال تكزه‬ .25
Do not take revenge against the bad person… karma will get back at him.

‫إمشي بجنازة وال تمشي بجوازة‬ .26

Walking in a funeral is better than arranging marriages.

‫الباب اللي بيجيك منه ريح سده واستريح‬ .27

If you are always dwelling in trouble change the address.

‫اللي ما بيجي معك روح معاه‬ .28

If you can’t beat them, join them.

‫ال للهدة وال للسدة وال لعازات الزمن‬ .29

He is never a helping hand.

.‫ وأكل الرجال على األنذال صدقة‬،‫أكل الرجال على الرجال دين‬ .30
Venus favors the bold.

‫اللي استحوا ماتوا‬ .31

Dying rather than losing dignity.

‫مسمار جحا‬ .32
He always keeps his foot in the door.

‫بلغ السيل الزبى‬ .33

Enough is enough.

‫خد الحكمة من أفواه المجانين‬ .34

Children and fools tell the truth.

‫تعب رجليك وال تعب لسانك‬ .35

Doing it yourself is better than asking others.

‫ابو نية سار وابو نيتين احتار‬ .36

One good intention works better than many.

‫صفي النية ونام بالبرية‬ .37

Do good and good will come to you.

_‫احترنا يا قرعة من وين نبوسك‬ .38

Too many solutions but no action.

‫رجع بخفي حنين‬ .39

He spent years trying to recover his full dues, but he ended up with nothing.

‫العز للرز والبرغل شنق حاله‬ .40
Wealth makes many friends, but the poor is even separated from his neighbor.

‫المنحوس منحوس حتى لو علقوا برقبته فانوس‬ .41

The unlucky will stay unlucky even if they hang a lantern on his head.

‫دقة بدقة ولو زدت لزاد السقا‬ .42

Do as you would be done.

‫إن ضربت أوجع وإن طعمت أشبع‬ .43

Hit hard and feed well.

‫اربط بكير بتحل بكير‬ .44

Schedule it early and it will end earlier.
‫إذا عشرة قالوا لك راسك مو محله اتفقده‬ .45
If ten people told you that your head is not in its place, then check it.

‫موت يا حمار لما يجيك الحشيش‬ .46

Wait for it until you die.

‫الطبخة ان كثروا عواسينها بتشيط‬ .47

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

_‫إلعب وحدك تصبح راضي‬ .48
He who has travelled alone know what he likes

‫العب مع المقصقص لما يجيك الطيار‬ .49

Once we accept our limits we go beyond them

‫ا لعتب على قدر العشم‬ .50

Blame is measured by love

‫خوف الكلب وال تضربه‬ .51

Fear the dog and don’t hit it

‫الكلب اللي بعوي ما بعض‬ .52

The roaring lion kills no prey
‫لقمة هنية بتكفي مية‬ .53
Quality over quantity.

_‫بيت الضيق يسع مية صديق‬ .54

A small hut will hold a thousand friends.

‫ال تكثر الهف تنهف ترخص لو كنت غالي‬ .55

Speak only when required. Else, you will lose your prestige.

‫اللي بعد العصي مو مثل اللي بوكلها‬ .56

Those who watches the pain aren’t like those who suffer.

‫الهوش عالمتفرجين هين‬ .57
Fighting is not like watching.

‫القيني وال تغديني‬ .58

Respect me, don’t serve me.

.‫كل على زوقك و البس عزوق الناس‬ .59

Eat whatever you want but dress what a people like.
.‫ال يفوته فايت وال طبيخ بايت‬ .60
He is always alert and know everything.
.‫ال تدل الشحاد على باب بيتك‬ .61
Don’t bring the problems to yourself.
.‫فرخ البط عوام‬ .62
Like father like son.
.‫الي ماله اول ماله تالي‬ .63
He who has no past has no future.
.‫الي ببالش كثر منه‬ .64
What is provided for all, take your needs and more.
.‫الي ما بخاف ربنا خاف منه‬ .65
He who doesn’t respect God won’t respect others.
.‫الي مكتوب على الجبين بتشوفه العين‬- .66
Whatever is preordained, the eye will witness.

.‫الما بيجي معك روح معه‬ .67
If they don’t compromise, you compromise.
.‫ما حدا بحكي عن زيته عكر‬ .68
Nobody talks about their flaws.
.‫ماكل الطير يتاكل لحمه‬ .69
Not all birds have edible flesh.
.‫ما الو في القصر اال من امس العصر‬ .70
New to the job but acts as if he were the boss.

.‫حيد عن الراس و اضرب‬ .71

Better to be safe than sorry.
.‫راقب السبع لو اكلك‬- .72
Stay with the strong even if he hits you.
.‫عواس السم بدوقه‬ .73
An evil person tastes his own medicine.
.‫نهار الطحان نهار‬ .74
A man’s day is very eventful.?????

.‫طلبتها المشتهيه و اكلتها المستحيه‬ .75

When you fight for something, someone else takes it.
.‫دق الحديد و هو حامي‬ .76
Strike while the iron is hot.
.‫عقد الحافك مد رجليك‬ .77
Cut your coat according to your clothes.

.‫علمناهم على الشحده سبقونا على البواب‬ .78
Teach them and they become better than you.

.‫الي منهم احسن منهم‬ .79

What you get from a person is sometimes better than the person himself.
.‫بالمال وال بالعيال‬ .80
A material /Financial harm rather than a relative harm.
.‫المخفي اعظم‬ .81
What’s unknown is worse.
.‫المصارين بالبطن يتهاوسن‬ .82
Even siblings fight.
.‫كثر التهلي بجيب الضيف المشم‬ .83
Keep your circle small.
.‫الي بفوتك حصرم بتوكله عنب‬ .84
Whatever will be, will be.
.‫كانك يا ابو زيدما_ تمريت‬ .85
Good deeds are forgotten.
.‫ما بلزك على المر اال االمر منه‬ .86
A bad thing always may drag you to something worse.
_.‫ان غاب القط العب يا فار‬ .87
If the master leaves, the servant play.
.‫دخول الحمام مو مثل طلوعه‬ .88
Getting into something is not like getting out of it.
.‫يا شايف الزول يا خايب الرجا‬ .89
Appearance fools / Don’t judge a book by its cover.

.‫كرمال العين تكرم مرج عيون‬ .90
For you, I am willing to do anything.

.‫الحمار حمار لوبين الخيل سار‬ .91

Your value will always be the same whenever you are.
.‫الي بشرب من بير ما برمي حجر منه‬ .92
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones on others. ???/
.‫الي بلعب مع القط بستحمل مخامشه‬ .93
He who plays with cats, should accept their harsh.
.‫الي بمشي عرجليه نحلق عليه‬ .94
Even angles have their wicked schemes.
.‫مش كل مره بتسلم الجره‬ .95
The pitcher goes often to the well but is broken at last.
.‫من بره رخام و من جوا سخام‬ .96
A fair face may hide a foul heart.

.‫الي عقله براسه بعرف_ خالصه‬ .97

If there is a wil,l there is a way.
.‫الي ماله كبير بقع في البير‬ .98
Your precious things that you lost.
.‫الي بوكل على ضرسه بنفع نفسه‬ .99
If you work hard, you will gain.
.‫الي بتوفره بطلع براسك‬ .100
Your savings soon will be paid twice.


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