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Evidence: The happiness advantage

Shawn Achor considers that happiness is the key to success and states that if you can find a
way to get your brain positive; your success rate will increase. Taking into account
Achor’s statement, share an anecdote where you describe a story that shaped your
personal view about success and happiness. Use the anecdote template from the study
material. Also, make sure you use the past perfect, at least eight adjectives from the
introductory material, and the time expressions you have practiced in this learning activity.

I will never forget the day I learned to draw. I wanted to be able to draw while in bed, in
the living room, at school, etc. and at any time. If I want to draw, I have to be seated. It is
really comfortable to be able to do it sitting down because you have more concentration.
She had tried many times before, but usually she couldn't do it at times. Anyway, I went
online and looked for drawings that would inspire me. It was hard; sometimes I felt bad
because I couldn't draw when I wanted to. It felt so good; it felt, still feels, like magic. I felt
super satisfied. I had taught myself how to do something extraordinary (for me). So, the
moral of the story is that to be happy and successful, you need to find something that
motivates you to grow as a person; something that makes you feel like you can improve a
little every day.

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