Mock Interview Reflection

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Mock Interview Reflection

1. When preparing for my mock interview I made sure I arrived with a proper
appearance and dressed in the right attire. I made sure I had everything that I
might need and practiced my communication and presented myself with a
proper attitude. Preparation before the interview was a key factor for me

2. When being interviewed I did feel some nerves because of the situation I
was in. I brushed myself off because it was normal to feel a little nervous for
an interview. I remained calm and professional the rest of the interview
because I felt confident in my preparation I did beforehand.

3. I believe that my responses were adequate for the interview. I never really
felt that I was getting sidetracked or anything because of the preparation I
did beforehand. Some questions I felt that I could have gave a more detailed
response, because they were questions that were not expected.

4. A question that I believe I answered well was “what motivates you.” The
reason for that is because I described how I was motivated by what the
future held for me and having a job that supported me, meant that I would
also be supportive of them. This could have been taken as a sign of loyalty
which is something that employers look for.

5. I don’t think I would have answered any questions differently, but I do

believe I could have answered some questions just with a little more
confidence, and reassurance

6. Some things my teacher marked as strengths were my solid answers and

how calm and clear I answered questions. She also wrote down how I asked
important questions relating to the job title.
7. One particular thing she marked as needing improvement was my research
and understanding. Meaning, being more informed with the desired position
and being more specific with my questions and answers. I plan to improve
this by just doing more research, so I am well informed with the position,
and I present myself as someone with more interest towards the position.

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