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Market Segmentation
Ways of
segmentation Market segmentation –
• Product type the study of which industry
• Price that the company intend to
• Customer
compete & determine the
different potential target
market within the industry

Market segmentation Market targeting Market positioning

• A process of grouping • Determining which market • Establishing the company’s
customer which similar segments will become the position in the minds of
enough that the same company’s specific target customers which will
product or service will appeal differentiate its product or
all of them service from competitors
The market can be segmented
in a number of ways

Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral Geodemographic
segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation
Market Segmentation_Cont’

Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral

segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation
• segmentation divides the • divides the market into • divides buyers into different • divides buyers into groups
market into different groups based on variables groups based on social class, based on their knowledge,
geographical units such as such as age, gender, family lifestyle, or personality traits attitudes, uses, or responses
nations, regions, states, size, family life cycle, to a product
counties, or cities income, occupation, • Occasions
education, religion, race, • Benefits sought
generation, and nationality
• User status
• Usage rate
• Loyalty status
Market Segmentation_cont’

Multiple Segmentation segmentation is an
Bases is used to identify example of multivariable
smaller, better-defined segmentation that divides
target groups groups into consumer
lifestyle patterns
Differentiation and Positioning

Product position is the way the product is defined by consumers on important

attributes—the place the product occupies in consumers’ minds relative to
competing products
• Perceptions
• Impressions
• Feelings
Marketing mix

Marketing Mix Product Price

is the set of tools

(four Ps) the firm The
uses to mix

implement its
marketing Promotion Place
Marketing mix_Cont’
• Marketers identify a
consumers need and the
provide the product or
service to fill that need.
• Product strategy:
• What goods or service to
• Package design
• Brand names
Product • Trademarks
• Warranties
• Product life cycle
• Positioning
• New product development
Marketing mix_Cont’
• Make sure that price is
competitive with that of
similar products or, if
higher, that the consumers
perceive they’re getting
more value for their money
• Price strategy – deals with
the methods of setting
Price profitable and justifiable
• Methods to set the price:
• Cost-based price
• Value-based price
Marketing mix_Cont’

• Encompasses the various ways

marketers get the word out
about a product.
• Promotional strategy –
blending together the various
elements of promotion to
communicate most
effectively with the target
Promotion • Activities used by business to
promote their product:
• Advertising
• Public relation
• Other promotion related e.g:
viral marketing

any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. It will making people aware of a product in
hopes of persuading them to purchase it.

Public Relation
building the good relationship with the company’s various stakeholder by getting favorable publicity, developing a good corporate image, and managing
unfavorable image, rumors, and events. It is the one of the most cost-saving modes to increase the awareness of the product a company sell.

Other promotion-related activities

activities that help a company promote and sell its product such as free samples, free trails, event sponsorships and viral marketing.
Goals of Advertising

To communicate
To create a
To increase and disseminate
customer a product’s
between a
awareness of the comparative
product and a
product. features and
certain lifestyle.
Marketing mix_Cont’
• Where the product is
placed geographically
• Distribution strategy –
planning that ensures
that consumers find
their products in the
proper quantities in the
right times and places.
Place/distribution • Decision for
• Selling direct
• Selling through
Selling direct vs selling through intermediaries
Selling direct vs selling through
Direct selling: Selling through intermediaries:

• Selling products directly to the end • The firms sell its product to
users intermediaries (wholesaler) who will
• Advantages: company can control and then place the product in the product in
monitor the movement of their product retail outlets to be sold.
from their place to the end user without • Advantage: company does not have to
relying on the third parties. own much of its distribution channel.
• Disadvantage of selling direct to the
end users is that the firm’s working • Disadvantage of this approach is that a
capital will be tied up in fixed assets company loses some control of its
because it must own or rent retail product in that there is no guarantee
outlets or must form a sales force to sell that the retailers it sells through will
its products. talk up and push its products as much
as the manufacturer would if it had its
own stores.

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