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Revision Chapter 6 Answer scheme.

Structure Questions

No Explanation Marks
1(a) Metaphase 1
(b) P1- Chromosomes move to equator plane/metaphase plate, 1
P2- Chromosomes line up /arranged at equator plane / metaphase plate,
P3- Chromosome/centromere attached/ hold on to the spindle fibre 1
Any 2
(c) Centriole 1
(d) P1- Spindle fibres are not formed/ // Structure M/chromosome cannot separate // spindle fibre 1
cannot contract
(e) R, Q, S, P 1
(f) P1- Mitosis menghasilkan sel anak, yang mengandungi bilangan kromosom yang sama dengan 1
Mitosis produces daughter cell which contain same number of chromosomes with the parents.
P2- Kandungan genetik sama dengan induknya,
Same genetic materials with the parents 1
P3- Tidak berlaku pindah silang (antara kromatid bukan beradik),
No crossing over between non sister chromatids 1
P4- Tiada variasi genetik yang berlaku
No genetic variation Any 3

No Explanation Marks
2(a) X = centromere, 1
Y = homologous chromosome 1
(b) Metaphase I 1
(c) P1-kromosom homolog tersusun di satah khatulistiwa / homolous chromosome align//arranged at 1
the equatorial plane,
P2-berlaku pertukaran segmen DNA/ bahan genetik (di titik kiasma) / exchange of genetic 1
materials /DNA at the chiasma,
P3-berlaku pindah silang / crossing over occurs
(d) P1- to ensure the number of chromosome in gamete half the number of parent (haploid) 1
memastikan bilangan kromosom gamet separuh daripada induk/haploid,
P2-to ensure the number of chromosomes in daughter cell same as parent 1
memastikan bilangan kromosom sel anak adalah diploid /sama dengan induk,
P3- to produce variation in organism.
menghasilkan variasi dalam organisma Any 2
3 (a) 6 Chromosomes 1
(b) F1- mitosis produce no variation, while meiosis produce variation, 1
P1- caused by crossing over during Prophase I in meiosis 1

Essay Questions

No Explanation Marks
1(a) Similarities
S1 – Both divisions consist of four major stages (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) 1
S2 – Both are nuclear divisions. 1
S3 – Both involve cytokinesis.
S4 - Both involve the formation of spindle fibres. 1
S5 - The nuclear membrane in both processes disintegrate during prophase. 1
S6 - the nuclear membrane in both processes reform during telophase 1
Any 2
D1- In meiosis I, the number of chromosomes are reduces from diploid (2n) to haploid(n) but in 1
meiosis II, the number of chromosome are maintains haploid(n)
D2- During prophase of meiosis I, the chromosomes are replicated but in meiosis II no replication
of chromosome occurs.
D3 - During prophase of meiosis I, the homologous chromosome synapsis to form tetrads but in 1
meiosis II synapsis does not occur.
D4 - During prophase of meiosis I, chiasma and crossing over takes place but in meiosis II no 1
chiasma and crossing over takes place.
D5 – During metaphase of meiosis I, homologous chromosome(tetrads) aligns at the metaphase 1
plate / equatorial plane but in meiosis II, sister chromatids align at the equatorial plane.
D6 – During anaphase of meiosis I, homologous chromosome separates to opposite poles of the 1
cell but in meiosis II, sister chromatids separate to opposite poles of the cell.
D7- During telophase of meiosis I, one cytokinesis occurs but in meiosis II, two cytokinesis occurs. 1
D8 – During telophase of meiosis I, two non- identical haploid daughter cells forms but in meiosis 1
II, four non- identical haploid daughter cells form.


(During Prophase 1), homologous (During prophase II),homologous
chromosomes Chromosomes DO NOT pair 1
Pair up/synapsis up/synapsis
(During Prophase 1), crossing over /exchange (During Prophase II), crossing over /
of genetic material occurs between exchange of genetic material DOES NOT
homologous chromosomes/ non sister. occur.
During Metaphase I, homologous During metaphase II, sister chromatids line
chromosomes line up at the equator // up at the equator // metaphase plate.
metaphase plate. 1
During Anaphase I, centromeres do not divide During Anaphase I, centromeres divide
At the end of Telophase, I), two haploids (At the end of Telophase II), four haploids
daughter cells are formed daughter cells are formed 1

Any 4

P1-cloning is an asexual reproductive process of producing clones//does not involve gamete. 1
P2-a clone is a group of cells/organism// a population of organism produced from single ancestral 1
P3-a clone is genetically identical.
P4-the technique can be used to produce high quality of organism/orchids/oil palm/cocoa plants 1
Any 2
(c) P1- The technique used is tissue culture. 1
P2- Meristematic tissues/active dividing cell from shoot/root/ small pieces of tissue/explants are 1
taken from the parent plant.
P3- Cultured in sterile medium.
P4- Containing growth hormone, nutrient and suitable temperature. 1
P5- The explant divides mitotically.
P6- To produce undifferentiated cells. 1
P7- Callus develops to become embryo. 1
P8 - Later into plantlets 1
Any 6
(d) P1-the exposure damage the DNA of the cells 1
P2-a cell divides through mitosis repeatedly 1
P3-produces cancerous cell. 1
P4-due to severe disruption to the mechanism that controls the cell cycle.
P5-cancerous cells divide freely/uncontrollably heeding the cell cycle control. 1
P6- (these cells) compete with surrounding normal cells to obtain nutrient/energy (for growth) 1
P7-invade /destroy neighbouring cells. 1
P8-(they can spread to other organ and) initiate cancers there 1
Any 6


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