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Signs, Wonders & Miracles

Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association (GWEA)


Happy Easter! Easter is our constant reminder that Jesus Christ came to save us. He
died on the Cross of Calvary; He was raised from the dead three days later; He
miraculously walked out of a borrowed tomb (Jn. 19:41); He is God in the Flesh (Jn.
1:14), and still two thousand and twenty-one years later, Jesus lives on!
Jesus, who was raised physically from the dead, startled and frightened His disciples
who mistakenly thought that He was a spirit or a ghost. He explained that "a spirit
(Greek: pneuma) has not flesh and bones as you see that I have" and invited them to
touch Him. He took a piece of broiled fish and ate it (Lk. 24:39-42). It’s one thing for Jesus to talk about
being raised from the dead, but it was another thing for Him to actually do it! He appeared first to Mary
Magdalene (Jn. 2:11:18), then to Cephas (Peter), James, Paul (1 Cor. 15:1-9), and then to all the twelve
disciples. He appeared to more than 500 brethren at one time. Jesus appeared physically from the dead
to call people to follow Him.
Ernest Gordon, who became a Christian in a Japanese prisoner of war camp and later Chaplain at
Princeton University described in his book, "The Fact of Miracle", all the people whom Jesus had visited
in the flesh, and those who had served Him. Peter Marshall, the former Chaplain to the USA Senate, met
Jesus one night on the moors of Scotland and He called him into ministry. I too am reminded each
Easter of that one crucial and amazing night in my life when Jesus visited me in my bedroom. He came
to me and said, "I want you to come and work for me. I want you to become a fisher of men. And if you
will come and work for me, I will supply all your needs according to my riches in glory."
For those who have not met Jesus physically, He wants us all to have the proof of His resurrection and
of ours to come, by baptizing us with the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:5). We will then have the "signs following”
(Mk. 16:17-20) just as the first 120 people in the Upper Room (Acts 2:1-4) did. Paul wrote, "In Him you
also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were
sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire
possession of it, to the praise of his glory" (Eph. 1:13-14).
We all must have our "Personal Day of Pentecost” with the same proof as those received in the upper
room. Peter explained that, "God shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34; 11:15). The only people who cannot
receive the Holy Spirit (with the evidence of speaking in tongues) are those who do not want to. Paul
pointed this out when he referred to unbelievers (Greek: apistoi) and those who were not full-fledged
Christians (Greek: idiotai) who wanted salvation without the authentic Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.
Our greatest Easter Gifts are Salvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. When we receive both, we
become the real deal; authentic, full-fledged believers able to do the "works of Jesus” (Jn. 14:12). If you,
a family member, friend, colleague, neighbor, or someone you met, would like to receive the full
Salvation package, I urge you to come to one of our weekly online zoom meetings. We invite you to
come for a time of “Holy Spirit” fellowship, teaching, worship and prayer. Have a blessed Easter!

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they
will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not
hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mk 16:17-18)

And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons;
they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly
thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Acts.
Thank you for praying for both Gordon and Ruth. God is faithful and Gordon’s health is continually improving.
He has been receiving many calls and is very happy to have so many opportunities each month to minister
to people on the phone. In this past month, Gordon has prayed with people for Salvation, the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit, healing, encouragement and for other needs. Gordon and Ruth are always ready to take your
ministry calls. Not one need is too great, so please don’t hesitate to call us at 519-942-1940. May God richly
bless you in all things (Ps. 115:14).

“THE CARD” (JN. 3:16; LK 23:34)

The old man was walking one bright sunny day, Each and every night he walked to his spot on the
With always a smile he went on his way. street,
His clothes rather raggedy, dirty and torn, Not a word of discontent would he speak.
His coat full of holes and terribly worn. He'd lovingly remember the events of the day,
He had no special skills, not even a home, Trying to keep warm where he laid.
Each day he walked he was always alone. With tear filled eyes he groaned and he wept,
All he had in his pocket was a worn-out card, With the card in his pocket, he closely kept.
One he always carried close to his heart. One day he didn't show for his familiar walk,
As the old man walked, he'd asked only for a pen, "Where is he?" the people wondered, as they
"Jesus loves you," was all he said. talked.
People only laughed and pushed him aside, Then into the crowd a Pastor stepped,
Pulled out the card and he'd just smile. Holding the card, he too wept.
"Get out of here!" the people mocked, "The old man has died!" clutching the card in his
With whispers of contempt as he walked. hand,
Once in a while he'd get thrown a dollar, On it the names of every man woman and child of
"Go get a bath!" the people would holler. this fair land.
He tried to look as best as he could, And in that worn out card, the Pastor read:
To show passersby they'd nothing to fear, he was "Father forgive them for they know not what they
good. do,
Gently smiling he beckoned people to listen, " I love them all, take Me instead."
And if you looked in his eyes, you could see they
glistened. Amen
Where did he come from, no one knew his name? P. Davis
The homeless you see, were all the same.


BOOK: VICTORY OVER THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS is Gordon’s new book which will teach you how
to deal with confidence with the Kingdom of Darkness. Order your copy today: $20.00 ea. or 3 for $50.00.
BOOK: LIKE A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND – Enjoy the Normal Christian Life with Signs, Wonders and
Miracles. $20.00 ea. or 3 for $50.00.
$20.00 ea. or 3 for $50.00
BOOK: SPIRIT-LED DAYS – Daily Devotional Book to help you grow and work with the Holy Spirit.
Regularly: $23.95 ea., Special $8.00 ea.
BOOKLETS: Generational Sin: Gone Forever, Exciting Praise, Clock-Watchers, Inc. - $8.00 ea.
TEACHING CD’s: The Personal Testimony of Gordon Williams; The Baptism of the Holy Spirit; From
Caterpillar to Butterfly - $10.00 ea.
REPORTS: Natural Church Development; Promises, Promises, Promises (Promise Keepers Ministry);
Toronto Airport Ministry (TCM; Acquire the Fire). Donation required for printing and postage.

MUSIC CD'S: Eternally Grateful by Rex and Pat Warr – Donation $10.00.
Jesus surprised His disciples when he cursed a fig tree because it had not fruit and so it withered at once.
He then addressed the question of faith. He explained, "If you have faith and never doubt, you will not only do
what has been done to the fig tree, but even say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will
be done. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith” (Matt. 21:21-22). He spoke a
parable which meant that no matter if your troubles, problems and needs look like impossible mountains, you
can pray and ask and it will be done for you. No matter how big your problems are, if you trust Jesus, He will
remove them and meet all of your needs. But if we don’t ask, then we don’t receive (Matt. 7:7-8).
This is the reason why we invite you to send in your needs: personal, family, friends, acquaintances, business,
church and health needs so we can pray for you. Prayer requests can be received by phone, email, online
through our webpage (, or by posting to our "Facebook Prayer
Group Page" ( And when Jesus has met your needs, please
let us know so we can praise Him along with you and "give thanks with a grateful heart!” We invite you to
send in your praise reports and testimonies in a "Thank You Jesus Report." You can also send your praise
reports online through our webpage ( or by email, postal mail or

"I want to encourage everyone to not give up with praying for someone no matter how bad things seem. I
had something miraculous happen the other night. There was a girl in the city that was homeless and on a
lot of opiates and drugs. She was on everything and really messed up. I started to pray for her and then a
few nights ago she came up to me when I was outside and said, "Do you remember me?" I looked at her and
wow! I couldn't believe it! She looked so well and she said that she detoxed herself from all opiates, and all
drugs. She said she doesn't do needles or anything like that anymore. She told me it was very difficult
because she said she could see demons and it felt like they were coming right out of her when she threw up.
She even got off antidepressant, and everything she said she did on her own! I just want to thank God for
this girl’s deliverance, and that I took the time to be her friend and encourage her, and tell her I was praying
for her. She got delivered from drugs in a big way and she's not even on methadone. Now she is off the street
and got a place to live and is even getting new teeth. Praise the Lord! God is amazing and able to do all
things! (N. GE.)
“My cousin, a young lady who is in her twenties, needed a healing miracle. She was air lifted to Sunny Brook
Hospital where the doctors were fighting for her life. She was in a serious snowmobile accident that had
severely injured her liver. She was on a ventilator and the doctors were not sure if she had a concussion or
brain damage. Not long after posting a prayer on the GWEA facebook prayer group, I learned she’s now
coherent and communicating with my Mom on face book! After such a horrific accident on her snowmobile,
Jesus has answered our prayers! She even received a negative covid test as well! Praise Jesus. Please
continue to pray for full healing and for her and her family to turn her heart to Jesus for Salvation.” (J.B.)
“I want to thank everyone for praying for my cousin Bernice. I just got word that the cancer has not spread
and she’s starting Immunotherapy which she will have every three weeks for a year. Bernice is very grateful
for your prayers and gives Jesus all the praise for looking after her so well.” (RW)
“A family that we know is asking Jesus for healing for their young ten-year-old daughter. She has been
diagnosed with infective endocarditis which has caused 5 aneurysms in her lungs. They have been given
permission to bring her home from the hospital. She is undergoing more tests on her heart and lungs and
doctors are saying they are looking at open heart surgery. I just recently learned that their daughter is
definitely doing very well! She is heavier than she has ever been. She’d been outside skating and sledding
and playing in the snow which is making her stronger every day! Thank you Jesus! She keeps saying that
she is the healed! (Mk. 5:34) Please join us in prayer in believing for her total healing. Amen” (J.B.)
“An elderly man, Bob, who is a member of our fellowship was transported to the hospital one morning by
ambulance because his wife had a difficult time waking him. Later that afternoon after prayer he was sent
home from the hospital because the doctors could not find a reason for his episode that morning. Please
pray for him for they did find that his kidneys are working at 50 percent and pray against the Parkinson’s
disease.” (R.W.)
The ministry that Gordon does as an Evangelist is to create "saints” which are people who have invited Jesus
to be their Saviour and Lord, and who have received Salvation and also the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with
the evidence of the "signs following” (Mk. 16:17-18). These signs are 1. Casting out of demons; 2. Speaking
in a new language (tongues); 3. Protection while doing ministry; 4. Healing ministry with the laying on of
hands. This is what Gordon calls God’s "Introductory Ministry Package” for every believer. He also equips
Christians with "the weapons of our warfare” (2 Cor. 10:3-7) which are the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit” (Rom.
12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:8-10). There are 15 grace gifts which allow every Christian to do ministry that will meet other
people’s needs. One of the major problems found in most churches is that they have very few people who
can do the ministry that is expected to be done by Jesus. People hearing the gospel in church need to confirm
that it is true and exercise these gifts in their worship services. Gordon has a unique ministry in this sense.
That is the reason why we ask you to pray and ask Jesus what you should do to help Gordon continue to
accomplish the ministry set out to him by Jesus. May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly for your faithful
giving to the GWEA ministry.

Many of our members, friends, and family have been through a lot this past month, but God has been there
for us through every situation. We prayed for one member to get a place and do ministry and he got both –
a place with people who need Jesus.
Another member’s home window was broken and this person also attempted to break down his door, but the
member was protected. One young member broke his arm near his elbow but God has healed him up very
well. We remain faithful to ‘reach out to those who need Jesus’ as He instructed, and our ears are open to His
A member claims how God is doing a huge work in his life and how He is changing him. God revealed that He
wants him to be excited, joyful and feel alive with who he is as an individual. When we seek Jesus, He reminds
us of our self worth, our value, our meaning and purpose.
Let us move forward believing that God will continue to do His perfect work in our lives as we come together
to worship and fellowship on zoom each week. God accesses the root of our problems and He tells us that we
are more than conquerors. His Spirit living inside of us is greater than all the trials and tribulation of this world
(1 Jn. 4:4).

Please go to our Ministry Calendar at for our weekly

online GWEA “Holy Spirit” worship meetings, last minute changes/updates, and for access to all Zoom
Links. “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth!” (Isa. 43:19)

Please Note: This is just an excerpt from the GWEA “Signs, Wonders and Miracles” monthly
newsletters. If you would like to receive our full newsletter free of charge, please go to our website
and fill out the form:

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